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Types (Manner, Place, Time, Frequency, Degree), Comparative and
Superlative Forms
Lesson time

By the end of this lesson, you will:

1. Understand what adverbs are and their role in a sentence.

2. Identify different types of adverbs.

3. Use adverbs effectively in writing and speaking.

1. What is an Adverb‫? ظرف‬

An adverb is a word that modifies (describes or provides more information about) a verb ‫الفعل‬, an
adjective, or another adverb. Adverbs often answer the questions:

• How?

• When?

• Where?

• To what extent?‫الى أي مدى‬


• She sings beautifully. (How does she sing?)

• He will arrive soon. (When will he arrive?)

• The cat is hiding underneath. (Where is the cat?)

• She is extremely tired. (To what extent is she tired?)

2. Types of Adverbs

Adverbs can be classified into several types based on the information they provide:

a. Adverbs of Manner‫( ظروف الحال‬How?)

Describe how an action happens.

‫وصف كيفية حدوث الفعل‬

Examples: quickly, happily, loudly, gracefully.

• He ran quickly to catch the bus.

b. Adverbs of Time (When?)

Tell us when something happens.

Examples: today, yesterday, now, soon.

• We will meet tomorrow.

c. Adverbs of Place (Where?)

Indicate where something happens.

Examples: here, there, nearby, everywhere.

• She looked everywhere for her keys.

d. Adverbs of Degree (To what extent?)‫ظروف الدرجة‬

Show the intensity or degree of an action or adjective.

Examples: very, too, quite, almost, really .

• The movie was very exciting.

e. Adverbs of Frequency (How often?)‫ظروف التردد‬

Describe how often an action occurs.

Examples: always, often, sometimes, rarely, never.

• He always brushes his teeth before bed.

3. Adverbs vs. Adjectives

An adjective describes a noun, while an adverb modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb.
‫ أو ظرفًا آخر‬،‫ أو الصفة‬،‫يعدل الفعل‬.


• Adjective: The girl is quiet. (Describes the noun "girl.")

• Adverb: She speaks quietly. (Describes the verb "speaks.")

4. Forming Adverbs

Many adverbs are formed by adding -ly to adjectives:

• quick → quickly

• happy → happily


Some adverbs do not follow this rule, e.g., fast, well, hard.
5. Placement of Adverbs

Adverbs can appear in different positions in a sentence:

• Beginning: Quickly, she finished her homework.

• Middle: She quickly finished her homework.

• End: She finished her homework quickly.

6. Common Mistakes with Adverbs

• Using adjectives instead of adverbs:

She runs slow.
She runs slowly.

Overusing adverbs:
Too many adverbs can make writing clunky. Use them when necessary

• Pronouns
- Types (Personal, Possessive, Reflexive, Relative, Demonstrative, Indefinite)

Lesson time

The provided list refers to types of pronouns in English. Below is an explanation of each

1. Personal Pronouns
• Definition: Represent specific people or things.

• Examples:

o Subject: I, you, he, she, it, we, they o

Object: me, you, him, her, it, us, them
• Usage: She went to the park. / I saw him yesterday.

2. Possessive Pronouns
• Definition: Indicate ownership or possession.

• Examples: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs

• Usage: The book is mine. / That car is theirs.

3. Reflexive Pronouns
• Definition: Refer back to the subject of the sentence.

• Examples: myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves,


• Usage: He hurt himself. / They prepared the meal themselves.

4. Relative Pronouns
• Definition: Introduce a relative clause and relate it to a noun or pronoun.

• Examples: who, whom, whose, which, that

• Usage: The girl who won the race is my friend. / This is the house that Jack built.

5. Demonstrative Pronouns
• Definition: Point to specific things.

• Examples: this, that, these, those

• Usage: This is my pen. / Those are the shoes I like. 6. Indefinite Pronouns
• Definition: Refer to non-specific people or things.

• Examples: someone, anyone, everyone, no one, something, anything, everything,

nothing, few, many, all, some

Usage: Someone left their bag. / Few of the answers were correct.

• Adjectives
Types, Comparative and Superlative Forms, Order of Adjectives

Lesson time
Types of Adjectives

1. Descriptive Adjectives: Describe qualities (‫(صفا ت‬or states of nouns (e.g., "happy," "blue,"

2. Quantitative Adjectives: Indicate quantity ‫(كمية‬e.g., "some," "few," "many").

3. Demonstrative Adjectives: Point out specific nouns (e.g., "this," "that," "these," "those").

4. Possessive Adjectives: Show ownership‫( ملكية‬e.g., "my," "your," "their").

5. Interrogative Adjectives: Used in questions (e.g., "which," "what," "whose").

6. Distributive Adjectives: Refer to individual items in a group ‫اشا ر إلى العناص ر الفردية في‬
‫( المجموعة‬e.g., "each," "every").

7. Proper Adjectives: Derived from proper nouns, often capitalized (e.g., "French,"

8. Compound Adjectives: Formed by combining two or more words, often with a hyphen
(e.g., "well-known," "high-tech").

Comparative and Superlative Forms of Adjectives Adjectives are

modified to compare two or more nouns.

1. One-Syllable Adjectives:
o Add -er for the comparative and -est for the superlative.

▪ Example: tall → taller → tallest.

2. Two-Syllable Adjectives:

o Ending in -y: Replace -y with -ier (comparative) and -iest (superlative).

▪ Example: happy → happier → happiest.

o Others: Use more (comparative) and most (superlative).

▪ Example: careful → more careful → most careful.

3. Three or More Syllables:

o Use more (comparative) and most (superlative).

▪ Example: beautiful → more beautiful → most beautiful.

4. Irregular Adjectives:

o Change forms entirely.

▪ Example: good → better → best, bad → worse → worst.

Order of Adjectives

When multiple adjectives modify a noun, they typically follow this order:

1. Determiner: Articles, demonstratives, possessives (e.g., a, the, my).

2. Opinion: Personal judgments‫( األحكا م الشخصي ة‬e.g., beautiful, delicious).

3. Size: Physical dimensions (e.g., small, large).

4. Age: Chronological descriptors (e.g., old, young).

5. Shape: Physical form (e.g., round, square).

6. Color: Visual hue (e.g., red, blue).

7. Origin: Geographic or cultural source (e.g., French, Indian).

8. Material: Composition (e.g., wooden, silk).

9. Purpose: Function or use, often a noun used as an adjective (e.g., sleeping in sleeping

Example: A beautiful large old round red Italian wooden dining table.


• Use commas between adjectives only if they belong to the same category (e.g., opinion
adjectives like beautiful, inspiring).
• Follow this order for clarity and natural expression in English.

• Conjunctions
Coordinating, Subordinating, Correlative
Lesson time
By the end of this lesson, students will:
1. Understand what a conjunction is and its function in a sentence.
2. Identify and use different types of conjunctions.
3. Apply conjunctions correctly in their writing.

1. What is a Conjunction?
A conjunction is a word that connects words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence.
Conjunctions help to join ideas together to make sentences clearer and more concise.
Examples of conjunctions:
• and
• but
• or
• so
• because

2. Types of Conjunctions
a. Coordinating Conjunctions
Coordinating conjunctions connect words, phrases, or independent clauses that are of
equal importance. There are 7 main coordinating conjunctions, which can be
remembered using the acronym FANBOYS:
• F - for
• A - and
• N - nor
• B - but
• O - or
• Y - yet
• S - so
1. F - for (‫ من أجل‬/ ‫)ألن‬
• Explanation: Indicates reason or purpose.
• Example: I stayed home, for it was raining.
• Translation: ‫ ألن السماء كانت تمطر‬،‫بقيت في المنزل‬.
2. A - and (‫)و‬
• Explanation: Connects two related ideas or items.
• Example: I bought apples and oranges.
• Translation: ‫اشتريت التفاح والبرتقال‬.
3. N - nor (‫)وال‬
• Explanation: Indicates a negative choice or alternative.
• Example: He doesn’t like tea, nor does he like coffee.
• Translation: ‫ وال يحب القهوة‬،‫هو ال يحب الشاي‬.
4. B - but (‫)لكن‬
• Explanation: Shows contrast or exception.
• Example: I wanted to go, but I was too tired.
• Translation: ‫ لكنني كنت متعبًا جدًا‬،‫أردت الذهاب‬.
5. O - or (‫)أو‬
• Explanation: Offers a choice between alternatives.
• Example: Would you like tea or coffee?
• Translation: ‫هل تفضل الشاي أم القهوة؟‬

6. Y - yet (‫ ومع ذلك‬/ ‫)لكن‬

• Explanation: Shows contrast, similar to "but."
• Example: He is young, yet he is very responsible.
• Translation: ‫ ومع ذلك فهو مسؤول جدًا‬،‫هو صغير في السن‬.

b. Subordinating Conjunctions
Subordinating conjunctions connect an independent clause (a complete thought) to a
dependent clause (an incomplete thought). They show the relationship between the two
• because: ‫ألن‬
• although: ‫على الرغم من‬
• since: ‫ ألن‬/ ‫( منذ‬depends on context)
• if: ‫إذا‬
• when: ‫عندما‬
• unless: ‫إال إذا‬
• while: ‫بينما‬

Here are examples for each word with their translations into Arabic:
1. because: ‫ألن‬
• Example: I stayed home because it was raining.
Translation: ‫بقيت في المنزل ألن السماء كانت تمطر‬.

2. although: ‫على الرغم من‬

• Example: Although he was tired, he finished his homework.
Translation: ‫ أنهى واجبه المنزلي‬،‫على الرغم من أنه كان متعبًا‬.

3. since: ‫ ألن‬/ ‫( منذ‬depends on context)

• Example 1 (meaning "because"): Since it’s late, we should go home.
Translation: ‫ يجب أن نعود إلى المنزل‬،‫ألن الوقت متأخر‬.
• Example 2 (meaning "from a point in time"): I have lived here since 2010.
Translation: 2010 ‫أعيش هنا منذ عام‬.

4. if: ‫إذا‬
• Example: If you study hard, you will pass the exam.
Translation: ‫ ستنجح في االمتحان‬،‫إذا درست جيدًا‬.

5. when: ‫عندما‬
• Example: Call me when you arrive.
Translation: ‫اتصل بي عندما تصل‬.

6. unless: ‫إال إذا‬

• Example: You won’t succeed unless you work hard.
Translation: ‫لن تنجح إال إذا عملت بجد‬.

7. while: ‫بينما‬
• Example: She was reading a book while he was watching TV.
Translation: ‫كانت تقرأ كتابًا بينما كان يشاهد التلفاز‬.

c. Correlative Conjunctions
Correlative conjunctions work in pairs to connect words or phrases.
• either…or: ‫ أو‬...‫إما‬
• neither…nor: ‫ وال‬...‫ال‬
• both…and: ‫ و‬...‫كال‬
• not only…but also: ‫ بل أيضًا‬...‫ليس فقط‬
• whether…or: ‫ أو‬...‫سواء‬

1. either…or (‫ أو‬...‫)إما‬
• Example: You can either stay home or go to the park.
Translation: ‫يمكنك إما البقاء في المنزل أو الذهاب إلى الحديقة‬.

2. neither…nor (‫ وال‬...‫)ال‬
• Example: She likes neither tea nor coffee.
Translation: ‫هي ال تحب الشاي وال القهوة‬.
3. both…and (‫ و‬...‫)كال‬
• Example: He is both smart and hardworking.
Translation: ‫هو ذكي ومجتهد في نفس الوقت‬.

4. not only…but also (‫ بل أيضًا‬...‫)ليس فقط‬

• Example: He is not only a good singer but also a talented dancer.
Translation: ‫صا موهوبًا‬
ً ‫هو ليس فقط مغنيًا جيدًا بل أيضًا راق‬.

5. whether…or (‫ أو‬...‫)سواء‬
• Example: I don’t know whether he will come or not.
Translation: ‫ال أعرف سواء كان سيأتي أم ال‬.

Types (Time, Place, Direction, etc.)
Lesson time
1. Prepositions of Time
Indicate when something happens.
• Common Prepositions:
1. At (‫)في‬:
o Meaning: Refers to a specific point in time.
o ‫المعنى‬: ‫تشير إلى وقت محدد‬.
o Example: We will meet at 3 PM.
o ‫مثال‬: ‫سنلتقي في الساعة الثالثة مسا ًء‬.
o Example: She wakes up at sunrise.
o ‫مثال‬: ‫تستيقظ عند شروق الشمس‬.
2. On (‫)في‬:
o Meaning: Refers to a specific day or date.
o ‫المعنى‬: ‫تشير إلى يوم أو تاريخ محدد‬.
o Example: The event is on Monday.
o ‫مثال‬: ‫الحدث سيكون في يوم االثنين‬.
o Example: We celebrate on January 1st.
o ‫مثال‬: ‫نحتفل في األول من يناير‬.
3. In (‫)في‬:
o Meaning: Refers to a longer period of time (months, years, parts of the
o ‫المعنى‬: )‫ أو أجزاء من اليوم‬،‫ سنوات‬،‫تشير إلى فترة زمنية أطول (شهور‬.
o Example: We travel in December.
o ‫مثال‬: ‫نسافر في ديسمبر‬.
o Example: He was born in 2025.
o ‫مثال‬: 2025 ‫ولد في عام‬.
o Example: I study in the morning.
o ‫مثال‬: ‫أدرس في الصباح‬.

4. By (‫)بحلول‬:
o Meaning: Refers to a deadline or a specific time before which something
o ‫المعنى‬: ‫تشير إلى الموعد النهائي أو وقت محدد يجب أن يحدث قبله شيء ما‬.
o Example: Finish your homework by 5 PM.
o ‫مثال‬: ‫انتهي من واجبك بحلول الساعة الخامسة مسا ًء‬.
o Example: We will leave by next week.
o ‫مثال‬: ‫سنغادر بحلول األسبوع القادم‬.
5. Since (‫)منذ‬:
o Meaning: Refers to the starting point of an action that continues until
o ‫المعنى‬: ‫تشير إلى بداية حدث يستمر حتى اآلن‬.
o Example: She has lived here since 2010.
o ‫مثال‬: 2010 ‫تعيش هنا منذ عام‬.
6. For (‫)لمدة‬:
o Meaning: Refers to the duration of time something happens.
o ‫المعنى‬: ‫تشير إلى مدة زمنية يستمر خاللها شيء ما‬.
o Example: I’ve known him for 5 years.
o ‫مثال‬: ‫أعرفه لمدة خمس سنوات‬.

2. Prepositions of Place
Describe the position of something.
• Common Prepositions:
1. At (‫ في‬/ ‫)عند‬: Refers to a specific point or location.
o Example: She is at the corner.
▪ ‫هي عند الزاوية‬.
o Example: The bus stopped at the bus stop.
▪ ‫توقفت الحافلة في محطة الحافالت‬.
2. In (‫)داخل‬: Refers to being inside an area or space.
o Example: He is in the room.
▪ ‫هو داخل الغرفة‬.
o Example: They live in the city.
▪ ‫يعيشون في المدينة‬.
3. On (‫)على‬: Refers to being on a surface.
o Example: The book is on the table.
▪ ‫الكتاب على الطاولة‬.
o Example: There is a picture on the wall.
▪ ‫توجد صورة على الحائط‬.
4. Over (‫)فوق‬: Refers to something higher than another, often covering or spanning
o Example: The plane flew over the bridge.
▪ ‫حلقت الطائرة فوق الجسر‬.
5. Under (‫)تحت‬: Refers to something lower than another.
o Example: The shoes are under the bed.
▪ ‫األحذية تحت السرير‬.
6. Between (‫)بين‬: Refers to being in the middle of two things.
o Example: The shop is between two houses.
▪ ‫المحل بين منزلين‬.

3. Prepositions of Direction/Movement
Indicate motion or the direction of movement.
• Common Prepositions:

Prepositions of Direction/Movement
‫الحركة‬/‫حروف الجر الدالة على االتجاه‬
1. To (‫)إلى‬:
o Meaning: Toward a destination.
o ‫المعنى‬: ‫تشير إلى االتجاه نحو مكان معين‬.
o Example: He went to the park.
o ‫مثال‬: ‫ذهب إلى الحديقة‬.
2. Into (‫)إلى الداخل‬:
o Meaning: Movement inside something.
o ‫المعنى‬: ‫تشير إلى الحركة إلى داخل مكان أو شيء‬.
o Example: She walked into the building.
o ‫مثال‬: ‫دخلت إلى داخل المبنى‬.
3. Onto (‫)إلى فوق‬:
o Meaning: Movement onto a surface.
o ‫المعنى‬: ‫تشير إلى الحركة إلى سطح شيء‬.
o Example: He climbed onto the stage.
o ‫مثال‬: ‫صعد إلى فوق المنصة‬.
4. Toward (‫)نحو‬:
o Meaning: In the direction of something.
o ‫المعنى‬: ‫تشير إلى االتجاه نحو هدف أو جهة‬.
o Example: They walked toward the city.
o ‫مثال‬: ‫ساروا نحو المدينة‬.
5. Out of (‫)خارج‬:
o Meaning: Moving from inside to outside.
o ‫المعنى‬: ‫تشير إلى الحركة من داخل شيء إلى خارجه‬.
o Example: He ran out of the box.
o ‫مثال‬: ‫ركض خارج الصندوق‬.

4. Prepositions of Manner/Agent
Explain the way something happens or the agent responsible.
• Common Prepositions:
1. By (‫ عن طريق‬/ ‫)بواسطة‬: Refers to a means, method, or agent.
o Example: They traveled by train.
▪ Arabic: ‫سافروا عن طريق القطار‬.
o Example: The book was written by the author.
▪ Arabic: ‫ ُكتِب الكتاب بواسطة المؤلف‬.
2. With (‫ باستخدام‬/ ‫)بـ‬: Refers to an instrument, tool, or manner of doing something.
o Example: She wrote with a pen.
▪ Arabic: ‫كتبت باستخدام قلم‬.
o Example: He handled the situation with care.
▪ Arabic: ‫تعامل مع الموقف بحذر‬.

5. Prepositions of Comparison/Concession
Show contrast or similarity.
• Common Prepositions:
1. Like (‫)مثل‬: Indicates similarity.
o Example: He acts like a hero.
▪ Arabic: ‫يتصرف مثل البطل‬.
o Example: The cake tastes like chocolate.
▪ Arabic: ‫الكعكة طعمها مثل الشوكوالتة‬.
2. Unlike (‫)على عكس‬: Indicates difference or contrast.
o Example: Unlike his brother, he enjoys sports.
▪ Arabic: ‫ هو يستمتع بالرياضة‬،‫على عكس أخيه‬.
o Example: Unlike the others, she stayed home.
▪ Arabic: ‫ بقيت في المنزل‬،‫على عكس اآلخرين‬.
3. As (‫)كـ‬: Refers to a function, role, or manner of doing something.
o Example: She works as a teacher.
▪ Arabic: ‫تعمل كـ معلمة‬.
o Example: He did it as requested.
▪ Arabic: ‫فعلها كما طلب‬.

Understanding Definite and Indefinite Articles in English

Articles are small but essential words in English that help define nouns. They are classified into
two types: definite articles and indefinite articles.

1. The Definite Article: "The"

The definite article "the" is used when referring to a specific noun that is already known to both
the speaker and the listener. It can be used with both singular and plural nouns.


• The sun rises in the east. (There is only one sun, making it specific.)

• I saw the dog you were talking about. (A specific dog that was mentioned earlier.)

• She bought the apples from the market. (Referring to specific apples.)

When to Use "The" in Arabic ("‫)"أل‬

In Arabic, the definite article "‫( "أل‬al-) is used in the following cases:

1. When referring to something unique

Used for celestial bodies, positions, or well-known objects:

o The moon → ‫القمر‬

o The sun → ‫الشمس‬

o The president → ‫الرئيس‬

o The earth → ‫األرض‬

2. When the noun is clear from the context

If both the speaker and the listener understand what is being discussed:

o Close the door. → ‫أغلق الباب‬.

o Give me the book. → ‫أعطني الكتاب‬.

3. When mentioning something for the second time

The first mention is usually indefinite, but the second mention is definite:

o I saw a cat. The cat was sleeping.

→ ‫ القطة كانت نائمة‬.‫رأيت قطة‬.

4. With superlative adjectives

Superlative adjectives in Arabic always take the definite article "‫"أل‬:

o The best → ‫األفضل‬

o The tallest → ‫األطول‬

o The most beautiful → ‫األجمل‬

2. The Indefinite Articles: "A" and "An"

The indefinite articles "a" and "an" are used when referring to a non-specific or general noun.
They are used only with singular countable nouns.

• "A" is used before words that begin with a consonant sound.

o Example: a car, a book, a university (“university” starts with a “yoo” sound,

which is a consonant sound).

• "An" is used before words that begin with a vowel sound (a, e, i, o, u).

o Example: an apple, an hour, an elephant (“hour” starts with a silent "h", making
"o" the first sound, which is a vowel sound).


• I saw a bird in the tree. (Any bird, not a specific one.)

• She bought an orange from the store. (One orange, not a specific one.)

• He is a doctor. (Refers to his profession in general.)

When to Use "A" or "An" in Arabic

1. When mentioning something for the first time

o I saw a bird. → ‫رأيت طائرا‬.

o I found a book. → ‫وجدت كتابا‬.

2. When referring to a random or unspecified object/person

o I need a pen. → ‫أحتاج إلى قلم‬.

o She bought a new bag. → ‫اشترت حقيبة جديدة‬.

3. With professions

o He is a doctor. → ‫هو طبيب‬.

o She is an engineer. → ‫هي مهندسة‬.

4. When describing something as one of many

o There is a chair in the room. → ‫هناك كرسي في الغرفة‬.

o There is a cup on the table. → ‫يوجد كوب على الطاولة‬.

Sentence Structure: Simple Sentences

A simple sentence is the most basic type of sentence in English. It consists of just one
independent clause, which means it can stand alone and express a complete thought.

The basic structure of a simple sentence is:

Subject + Verb + (Object/Complement)

)‫المكمل‬/‫ (المفعول به‬+ ‫ الفعل‬+ ‫الفاعل‬
• Subject (S): The person, thing, or idea that the sentence is about.

• Verb (V): The action or state of being.

• Object/Complement (O): The object receives the action of the verb or provides
additional information about the subject.

Examples of Simple Sentences

1. Subject + Verb:

o She runs.

▪ Subject: She

▪ Verb: runs

2. Subject + Verb + Object:

o He eats an apple.

▪ Subject: He

▪ Verb: eats

▪ Object: an apple

3. Subject + Verb + Complement (describes the subject): ‫ المكمل (الذي يصف‬+ ‫ الفعل‬+ ‫الفاعل‬
o They are happy.

▪ Subject: They

▪ Verb: are

▪ Complement: happy

4. Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object:

‫ المفعول به المباشر‬+ ‫ المفعول به غير المباشر‬+ ‫ الفعل‬+ ‫الفاعل‬

o I gave her the book.

• Subject: I (the person performing the action)

• Verb: gave (the action being performed)

• Indirect Object: her (the person receiving the benefit of the action, "to whom" the book
is given)

• Direct Object: the book (the thing being given, "what" is being given)

Key Points to Remember

• A simple sentence can have just a subject and a verb, but it often includes an object or

• The subject and verb must agree in number (singular/plural). For example:

o He eats (singular subject + singular verb).

o They eat (plural subject + plural verb).

• The object can be a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase that follows the verb, completing the
meaning of the action

Lesson: Subject-Verb Agreement

Subject-verb agreement refers to the grammatical rule that the subject and verb in a sentence
must agree in number and person. This means that if the subject is singular, the verb must also
be singular, and if the subject is plural, the verb must be plural as well.

1. Singular Subjects with Singular Verbs

When the subject is singular, the verb must be in its singular form.

• The dog runs fast.

(‫)الكلب يركض بسرعة‬

• In this case, "dog" is singular, and "runs" is the singular form of the verb.

• The cat sleeps all day.

(‫)القط ينام طوال اليوم‬

• My sister likes chocolate.

(‫)أختي تحب الشوكوالتة‬

2. Plural Subjects with Plural Verbs

When the subject is plural, the verb must be in its plural form.

• The dogs run fast.

(‫)الكالب تركض بسرعة‬

Here, "dogs" is plural, and "run" is the plural form of the verb.

Here are three more examples of plural subjects with plural verbs:

• The children play in the park every afternoon.

(‫)األطفال يلعبون في الحديقة كل بعد الظهر‬

• The cars are parked outside the house.

(‫)السيارات مركونة خارج المنزل‬

• The students are studying for their exams.

(‫)الطالب يدرسون المتحاناتهم‬

3. Compound Subjects
When two or more subjects are joined by "and," they take a plural verb.

• Sarah and John are going to the market.

(‫)سارة وجون ذاهبان إلى السوق‬

Since "Sarah and John" is a plural subject, the verb "are" is plural.

Here are examples of compound subjects with plural verbs:

• Tom and Jerry are friends.

(‫)توم وجيري أصدقاء‬

• The dog and the cat are playing together.

(ً ‫)الكلب والقط يلعبان معا‬

• Mary and John went to the market.

(‫)ماري وجون ذهبا إلى السوق‬

4. Subjects Joined by "Or" or "Nor"

When two subjects are connected by "or" or "nor," the verb agrees with the subject closest to it.

• Either John or Sarah is going to the party.

(‫)إما جون أو سارة ستذهب إلى الحفلة‬

Here, since "Sarah" is closest to the verb, the verb "is" agrees with the singular subject.

Here are examples of subjects joined by "or" or "nor" with the correct verb agreement:

• Either Sarah or Emily is going to pick up the package.

(‫)إما سارة أو إميلي ستأخذ الطرد‬

• Neither the teacher nor the students are ready for the test.
(‫)ال المعلم وال الطالب مستعدون لالختبار‬

• Either the cat or the dog is responsible for the mess.

(‫)إما القط أو الكلب مسؤول عن الفوضى‬

• Neither my mother nor my father knows about the surprise.

(‫)ال والدتي وال والدي يعرفان عن المفاجأة‬

• Either Jack or his friends are coming to the event.

(‫)إما جاك أو أصدقاؤه سيأتون إلى الحدث‬

5. Indefinite Pronouns

Some indefinite pronouns (e.g., anyone, each, somebody) are always singular, and they take
singular verbs.

• Everyone is invited to the wedding.

(‫)الجميع مدعو إلى الزفاف‬
Even though "everyone" refers to more than one person, it is treated as a singular subject.

Here are two more examples of sentences using indefinite pronouns with singular verbs:

1. Everyone is excited about the trip.

(‫)الجميع متحمس للرحلة‬

2. Nobody knows the answer to the question.

(‫)ال أحد يعرف اإلجابة على السؤال‬

6. Collective Nouns

A collective noun refers to a group of individuals or things but is treated as singular when acting
as a unit.

• The team is practicing for the match.

(‫)الفريق يتدرب للمباراة‬

"Team" is a collective noun, so the singular verb "is" is used.

Examples of Collective Nouns:

1. Team

2. Family

3. Class

4. Audience

5. Group

6. Committee

7. Crowd

8. Army

Examples with sentences:

1. The team is playing well.

(‫)الفريق يلعب جيدًا‬
Explanation: "Team" is a collective noun, and since the team is acting as a single unit,
the verb "is" is used in its singular form.

2. The family is going on vacation next week.

(‫)العائلة ستذهب في عطلة األسبوع المقبل‬
Explanation: "Family" is treated as a singular subject, so the verb "is" is used.

3. The class is studying for the exam.

(‫)الفصل يدرس لالمتحان‬
Explanation: "Class" is singular in this context, referring to the group of students as a

4. The audience was applauding at the end of the show.

(‫)الجمهور كان يصفق في نهاية العرض‬
Explanation: "Audience" refers to the group of people as one unit, so the singular verb
"was" is used.

7. Exceptions and Irregularities

There are a few exceptions to subject-verb agreement, especially with certain nouns or phrases.

• The number of students is increasing.

(‫)عدد الطالب في تزايد‬

Even though "students" is plural, "number" is singular, so the verb "is" is used.

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