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Violation of the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics in Systems with Negative

Specific Heat

Article  in  Physical Review Letters · March 2008

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.100.120601 · Source: PubMed

26 427

3 authors, including:

Abelardo Ramirez-Hernandez Hernán Larralde

University of Texas at San Antonio Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


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Violation of the Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics in Systems with
Negative Specific Heat

A. Ramı́rez-Hernández1,2, H. Larralde2, and F. Leyvraz2

Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos,
C.P. 62210. Cuernavaca, Morelos, México. and
Instituto de Ciencias Fı́sicas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
C.P. 62251. Apartado Postal 48-3, Cuernavaca, Morelos, México.
arXiv:0802.1748v2 [cond-mat.stat-mech] 26 Apr 2008

We show that systems with negative specific heat can violate the zeroth law of thermodynamics.
By both numerical simulations and by using exact expressions for free energy and microcanonical
entropy it is shown that if two systems with the same intensive parameters but with negative
specific heat are thermally coupled, they undergo a process in which the total entropy increases
irreversibly. The final equilibrium is such that two phases appear, that is, the subsystems have
different magnetizations and internal energies at temperatures which are equal in both systems, but
that can be different from the initial temperature.

The zeroth law of thermodynamics is among the most then it is not possible to refer to general statements con-
fundamental assumptions concerning macroscopic sys- cerning the equivalence of ensembles and negative specific
tems in equilibrium. In its textbook form, it concerns heats can be, and indeed have been, observed. Such sys-
three systems A, B and C at equilibrium, that is, such tems include among others gravitational systems (long-
that their macroscopic variables are time-independent: range interactions) and atomic clusters (small systems),
if A and B are in thermal equilibrium with each other, see [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]. Analytically,
that is, if no heat flow arises when they are brought into mean-field models, involving interactions of all particles
thermal contact, and if further system B is similarly in with all, are well-known to display negative specific heats
thermal equilibrium with system C, then the zeroth law [9, 15] in the microcanonical ensemble for parameters
states that system A will also be in equilibrium with sys- which, in the canonical ensemble, would correspond to
tem C. By bringing two systems in thermal contact, one the vicinity of a tricritical point [16].
means allowing a weak coupling through which energy Since systems with negative specific heat are thermo-
can be exchanged between the systems. From the above dynamically unstable when they are thermally coupled
statement of the zeroth law follows the existence of an to the surrounding medium [17], anomalous behaviour is
intensive variable, the temperature, which serves to pre- surely to be expected when such systems interact. How-
dict the behaviour of two initially isolated systems at ever, it is not apparent that this will cause violations of
equilibrium when they are brought into thermal contact. the zeroth law. The reason is precisely that the zeroth
It states that the equality of the temperature parameter law always involves coupling between systems. Heat ex-
is a necessary and sufficient condition that no irreversible change is thus always allowed whenever the zeroth law is
heat exchange will occur. tested, and one might hence think that this always leads
to a canonical-like case, in which the restriction on fixed
It is of considerable interest to fully understand the
energy is lifted and negative specific heats cannot occur.
possible limitations of such a basic law. In the following,
We shall show that this is not the case.
we shall show that systems with negative specific heat
can indeed violate the zeroth law. This is more than In order to test the zeroth law for small systems in the
just an academic concern: systems with negative specific microcanonical ensemble, one also faces yet another issue:
heat do exist in Nature. Although it is readily shown that for such systems it is often not straightforward how to
systems well described by the canonical ensemble, such define the temperature posited by the zeroth law. Under
as those which are weakly coupled to an environment these circumstances, how, then, shall we know whether
at fixed temperature, cannot have negative specific heat, two systems really have the same temperature or not?
others may. In particular, if a system is entirely isolated, A simple way around the last question is straightfor-
that is, if it is in the microcanonical ensemble, the specific ward: it suffices to take two identical systems, that is,
heat may well become negative [1]. To this end, how- two systems having the same Hamiltonian with the same
ever, it is obviously necessary that the microcanonical energy, volume and number of particles, and then to cou-
ensemble lead to significantly different predictions from ple them weakly. Under these conditions, whatever the
the canonical one. This cannot happen for large systems temperature is in each system, it certainly will be the
with short-range interactions. However, if either the in- same for both; yet irreversible changes may occur in the
teractions are long-range or, perhaps more realistically, if composite system even under such circumstances.
the system is small with respect to the interaction range, To be specific, let us focus on the following Hamilto-

nian describing a system of N classical XY-rotors with 0.256

phases θi , defined by
p2 i J X
H = + (1 − cos (θi − θj ))
2 2N i,j=1 0.252

−K cos(θi+1 − θi ), (1)

where J > 0 is the global ferromagnetic coupling and

K is the nearest neighbors coupling; it can be negative 0.246

or positive. The rotors are placed on a one-dimensional

lattice with periodic boundary conditions. When K = 0, 0.52 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.56 0.57
Eq. (1) is the classic Hamiltonian Mean Field model in-
troduced in [18], which has a second order phase tran-
sition at the critical temperature Tc = J/2 [18] in the FIG. 1: Caloric curves (T vs ε) in the canonical (black) and
canonical ensemble (though the microcanonical and the microcanonical (red) ensemble for the model (1) obtained from the
exact expressions (3) and (5), K = −0.178.
canonical ensembles are equivalent when K = 0). This
phase transition is characterized by the behavior of the
magnetization order parameter m, respect to β and has therefore the usual concavity prop-
v erty. The same does not hold, however, for sµ (ε) as is
u N !2 N
1ut X X seen in figure 1.
m= cos θi + sin θi . (2)
N When we now couple both systems, the full system is
i=1 i=1
still isolated and the total energy E = E1 + E2 + Eint is
For K < 0 it was shown [15] that this system shows in- constant. As we consider weak couplings, the interaction
equivalence of ensembles for an interval of values of K. energy can be neglected, so the total energy is the sum
Specifically, there exists a region in which this system of the individual energies of each subsystem. Under this
shows negative specific heat in the microcanonical en- condition the total entropy per particle can be written as
The canonical equilibrium properties are determined 1
s(ε1 , ε2 ) = [sµ (ε1 ) + sµ (ε2 )] , (6)
by the free energy per particle f (β) [15] (J = 1), 2
 with sµ given by (5) and the restriction ε2 = 2ε−ε1 . Here
1 2π
− βf (β) = max ln + ln λ(βm, βK) εγ is the energy density of subsystem γ and ε is the energy
m 2 β
 density of the full system, which is constant. The correct
β(1 + m2 ) description of the full system is thus given by the mi-
− , (3)
2 crocanonical entropy, although the energy conservation
constraint was removed for each individual subsystems.
where λ(z, α) is the largest eigenvalue of the transfer ma-
By the second law of thermodynamics, the equilibrium
trix given by the following operator
state (ε∗1 , ε∗2 , m∗1 , m∗2 ) will be such that the total entropy
′ 1 ′ will be maximum. So, the total entropy per particle is
(T ϕ)(θ) = dθ exp z(cos θ + cos θ )
2 given by

i ′
+ α cos(θ − θ ) ϕ(θ ). (4) 1
s(ε) = max [sµ (ε1 ) + sµ (2ε − ε1 )] = max s(ε, ε1 ). (7)
ε1 2 ε1
In the microcanonical ensemble the thermodynamic pro-
perties are given by the entropy per particle sµ that is From this optimization problem we obtain the following
obtained from (3) by using the mean-field formalism in- condition for the maximun entropy: Tµ1 (ε∗1 ) = Tµ2 (2ε −
troduced in Ref. [16], ε∗1 ), where ε∗1 is the energy that maximizes the total en-
 tropy and Tµγ (εγ ) is the temperature of the subsystem
1 2π γ defined as the inverse derivative of the entropy with
sµ (ε) = max min βε + ln + ln λ(βm, βK)
m β 2 β respect to the energy at constant N, V .
 By using (5) and (7) we can predict the equilibrium
β(1 + m2 )
− , (5) values of magnetization, energy density and temperature
of each subsystem. In figure 2 we show s(ε, ε1 ) vs ε1 ,
where ε is the energy per particle. The canonical entropy microcanonical and canonical. For the microcanonical
sc is found from (3) by a Legendre transformation with case there are two maxima. Because both subsystems




0 2e+06 4e+06 6e+06 8e+06



4.8196 m 0.2

0.54 0.55 0.56 0.57 0.15


0 2e+06 4e+06 6e+06 8e+06
FIG. 2: Total entropy per particle, s(ε, ε1 ), for the coupled sub-
systems canonical (black) and microcanonical (red), the dotted line
indicates the value of energy density before coupling, for identical
subsystems with negative specific heat. The values of the parame- FIG. 3: Temporal evolution of energy density (top) and magneti-
ters are K1 = K2 = −0.178, ε = 0.55597. zation (bottom) of subsystem 1 (black) and subsystem 2 (red), us-
ing the coupling Hint . The curves were obtained by averaging over
a sliding time window. The values of parameters are K1 = K2 =
−0.178, N1 = N2 = 5000, η = 0.1, Nint = 10, ε01 = ε02 = 0.55597.
are identical, in principle which subsystem evolves to the
higher energy is random. The total entropy before the
coupling is now a minimum, that is, an unstable state. without appreciable error evaluate the temperature us-
That this can occur was already noted in [5]. Therefore, ing the expression for the kinetic temperature, which is
the state of maximum entropy is now obtained when the given in this case as twice the mean kinetic energy per
subsystems have different values of magnetization and particle, since the finite N microcanonical corrections are
energy density, i.e. when two phases appear (a similar negligible. This identification was verified by comparing
phenomenon was observed in [19]). The total entropy with the momentum distribution, which we found to be
is therefore increased irreversibly if two subsystems with Maxwellian. The measurement of the temperature in the
the same intensive parameters with negative specific heat simulation is therefore straightforward in this case.
are thermally coupled. Note that the final temperatures Here we report the effect of the following choice for the
of both subsystems are identical, but in general differ coupling Hamiltonian
from the initial temperature [20]. This difference is often
too small to be detected numerically but its existence is N
X int
rigorously established by the analytical results. p
Hint =η p1i p2i , (8)
To confirm our results we have performed numerical i=1
simulations of the complete system using a fourth-order
symplectic algorithm with a time step 0.1 [21]. We run where pγi is the momentum of the i−th particle of subsys-
the simulations for a time interval τeq to let both sub- tem γ. The advantage of this apparently peculiar choice
systes reach equilibrium without interaction (i.e. η = 0). is that this coupling does not exert a direct influence on
Once they have equilibrated, we increase the coupling lin- the magnetizations of the two subsystems.
early during a time interval τa , after which the coupling In Figure 3 we show the behaviour of the internal en-
is maintained constant, η > 0. ergy and the magnetization of both subsystems. Clearly,
We choose parameters in the region in which the un- they do not remain at their initial equilibrium values;
coupled subsystems exhibit negative specific heat, and rather, due to finite size effects, the systems jump be-
both subsystems have the same values of all their pa- tween the two degenerate equilibrium states of the cou-
rameters initially: energy per particle (ε1 = ε2 ), mag- pled system [22]: thus either subsystem one is in a mag-
netizations (m1 = m2 ) as well as particle numbers netized state and subsystem two in an m = 0 state, or
(N1 = N2 ). From these equalities it follows that the viceversa. The oscillation does indeed roughly take place
derived variables, temperatures (T ) and specific heats between the two equilibrium values of the magnetization,
(c) are identical as well. The value of these ther- which for the parameter values used here can be com-
modynamic variables are defined through the micro- puted, along the lines described above, to be Tµ1 = Tµ2 =
canonical entropy: T (ε) = (dsµ (ε)/dε)−1 and c(ε) = 0.25, ε∗1 = 0.56594, ε∗2 = 0.546, m∗1 = 0, m∗2 = 0.32. There
−(d2 sµ (ε)/dε2 )−1 (dsµ (ε)/dε)2 . The value of the magne- is a problem, however, with the fact that neither subsys-
tization is such that the entropy for ε fixed is maximum, tem ever comes reasonably close to being truly paramag-
therefore m = m(ε) as well. Note further that for Hamil- netic (m = 0)[23]. As it turns out, this is also a finite-size
tonians with a quadratic kinetic energy, as (1), we may effect. As is readily seen, the mean-field Ising model at

criticality satisfies the two weakly coupled subsystems have widely different
values of the magnetization and of the internal energy, we
hm2 i = const. · N −1/2 (9) have unambiguously observed a instance of a violation of
the zeroth law of thermodynamics.
which states that the typical magnetization fluctuations
at, or in the vicinity of, a second order phase transition
are of order N −1/4 . A study of the N -dependence of the
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on the thermometer was already discussed in [3, 5, 6]; [20] A. Ramı́rez–Hernández, H. Larralde and F. Leyvraz, to
explicit simulations of this situation will be presented in be published
[20], where we use an ideal gas as the thermometer). [21] I. McLachlan, and P. Atela, Nonlinearity 5 541 (1992).
[22] We have performed simulations with different values of
Summarizing, we have shown how coupling two sys-
N for our systems and found that the jumps between the
tems with negative specific heat leads to an irreversible two degenerate equilibrium states indeed become less fre-
change in the intensive variables of the subsystems. In quent as N grows. For a careful study of the N depen-
the simulations, the entire system does not settle down to dence of fluctuations inducing transitions between differ-
a well- defined state. Rather, it displays slow oscillations ent entropy maxima in gravitational systems see J. Katz
between two degenerate states of thermodynamic equi- and I. Okamoto, Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 317 163 (2000)
librium due to the finite size of the systems. It should [23] Negative specific heat may arise in systems that are of
mean-field type as defined in [16], near the tricritical
further be noted that neither of these states corresponds
point. For this kind of systems we can write a Landau-
to the canonical equilibrium state. like free energy density and we can approximate it by
Since both subsystems began at equilibrium with the φ = a2 m2 + a4 m4 + a6 m6 . If the system is near the
same intensive parameters, the validity of the zeroth law tricritical point (a2 ≈ 0, a4 ≈ 0) then m ∼ N −α with
implies that the coupling should not produce any no- α = 1/6, but if the system is near a critical point, a2 ≈ 0
ticeable effect. Since, as we have seen both through an and a4 is non zero, then α = 1/4. In either case, for very
analytical approach and by explicit numerical work, the large N the normal α = 1/2 behaviour is recovered.
system in fact relaxes to an inhomogeneous state in which

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