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A Generalized Thermodynamics For Power-Law Statistics: Article in Press

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Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154


A generalized thermodynamics for power-law statistics

Massimo Marino
Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Milano, via Saldini 50, I-20133 Milano, Italy
Received 5 August 2006; received in revised form 12 July 2007
Available online 7 August 2007


We show that there exists a natural way to define a condition of generalized thermal equilibrium between systems
governed by Tsallis thermostatistics, under the hypotheses that (i) the coupling between the systems is weak, (ii) the
structure functions of the systems have a power-law dependence on the energy. It is found that the q values of two such
systems at equilibrium must satisfy a relationship involving the respective numbers of degrees of freedom. The physical
properties of a Tsallis distribution can be conveniently characterized by a new parameter Z which can vary between 0 and
þ1, these limits corresponding, respectively, to the two opposite situations of a microcanonical distribution and of a
distribution with a predominant power-tail at high energies. We prove that the statistical expression of the thermodynamic
functions is univocally determined by the requirements that (a) systems at thermal equilibrium have the same temperature,
(b) the definitions of temperature and entropy are consistent with the second law of thermodynamics. We find that, for
systems satisfying the hypotheses (i) and (ii) specified above, the thermodynamic entropy is given by Rényi entropy.
r 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 05.70.a; 05.20.y; 05.90.+m

Keywords: Statistical thermodynamics; Generalized thermostatistics; Rényi entropy

1. Introduction

In recent years a considerable amount of theoretical research activity [1–6] has been stimulated by the
conjecture that a certain class of dynamical systems might be governed by a peculiar thermal statistics, in
which the usual Boltzmann–Gibbs exponential distribution is replaced by a type of power-law distribution
originally proposed by Tsallis [7]. Such a conjecture seems to be supported by phenomenological and
computational evidence coming from various domains of physics and other disciplines.
It has been proposed in various ways to define a generalized entropy function, according to formulae
involving a parameter q directly related to the characteristic exponent of the power-law distribution (whence
the frequently used name of ‘‘q-distributions’’). It appears then natural to extend to these systems also the
concept of temperature, in such a way that the validity of the second law of thermodynamics is preserved.
However, some difficulties have to be faced in order to define the condition of thermal equilibrium and to

Tel.: +39 02 50316131; fax: +39 02 50316090.

E-mail address: Massimo.Marino@unimi.it

0378-4371/$ - see front matter r 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
136 M. Marino / Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154

consistently generalize for these systems the zeroth law of thermodynamics. The simplest possibility is
apparently that of treating systems at thermal equilibrium as statistically independent of one another [8].
However, it has already been recognized that the assumption of such an independence has no fundamental
justification. Furthermore, the probability distribution for a composed system obtained by multiplication of
two power-law distributions does not belong in general to the same category. This problem is not present in
the Boltzmann–Gibbs case thanks to the identity ebE 1 ebE 2 ¼ ebðE 1 þE 2 Þ , which represents a peculiar property
of the exponential function. As a way out of this difficulty, a generalization of the zeroth law in the spirit of
superstatistics [9] has recently been proposed [10].
A different approach to the thermodynamics of systems with power-law statistics has been developed
following the observation that a distribution of this type can also be formally derived using standard
arguments of equilibrium thermodynamics. In fact, in the same way as the usual Boltzmann–
Gibbs distribution is derived for a system in thermal contact with an infinite heat bath, a power-law
distribution is obtained when the heat bath is instead characterized by a finite number of degrees of freedom
and a power-law density-of-states function [11–13]. In such a situation, it becomes natural to define
the physical temperature by making use of the equipartition theorem [14]. It has been shown that, when the
inverse of this temperature is used as the integrating factor of the exchanged heat, in accordance with the
second law of thermodynamics, the definition of the entropy has to be modified with respect to the original
Tsallis formula [15,16]. It has however to be noted that the presence of a finite heat bath can only be assumed
when the power-law distributions present a finite energy cut-off, which is not the case for all the possible
ranges of the parameter q.
The distinction between ‘‘observed system’’ on the one side, and ‘‘heat bath’’ on the other, which has been
followed in Refs. [11–13,15,16] in analogy with familiar considerations of standard thermodynamics,
appears somewhat fictitious when both systems are supposed to be finite. In the present paper we shall
then abandon the concept of heat bath altogether, and we shall only use that of mutual thermal (meta)
equilibrium, in a form which can in principle be applied to systems obeying any (a priori arbitrary) generalized
type of thermal statistics. If we consider a system composed of parts in mutual thermal contact, it is obvious
that when the system is in a stationary state, its parts are in thermal metaequilibrium with one another (of
course, the parts in question may be either of homogeneous or of heterogeneous physical nature). We shall
investigate, with the widest possible generality, the logical consequences of this simple fact in connection with
the laws of thermodynamics. In particular, in order to determine the correct definition for the absolute
temperature, we shall naturally impose the condition that, in accordance with the zeroth law, systems at
equilibrium must have the same temperature. We shall see that such an approach applies equally well to Tsallis
distributions having a finite energy cutoff, and to those showing instead a power tail extending to infinitely
large energies.
From a mathematical point of view, in order to apply in a consistent way the concept of thermal equilibrium
to states described by Tsallis statistics, we have first of all to establish under which conditions the probability
distribution for a composed system, and the marginal distributions which are derived from it, can all have
simultaneously a power-law dependence on the energy. We will show that a sufficient condition is that also the
densities-of-states of all the subsystems considered are given by power functions of the energy. Of course we
know that this is indeed the case for ideal gases, and represents a good approximation for a quite large class of
systems. For these systems we can then interpret Tsallis statistics as a general description of metaequilibrium
states, which is consistent with the zeroth law of thermodynamics. With respect to standard statistical
mechanics [17,18], which is only based on the Boltzmann–Gibbs distribution, the new theory contains a set of
additional parameters, the q values of the systems considered. It will be shown that these parameters, in order
for thermal equilibrium to establish, must be in a certain relationship with the respective numbers of degrees of
The first and second laws of thermodynamics maintain their validity for systems governed by
power-law distributions. An important point, which will emerge from our analysis, is that these
laws, when considered in combination with the zeroth one, univocally determine the expression of both
the temperature and entropy functions. It will turn out that, for systems to which our starting hypo
theses can be applied, the correct expression for the entropy coincides with that originally proposed by
Rényi [19,20].
M. Marino / Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154 137

The consideration of power-law densities of states will also allow us to clarify some aspects of
power-law distributions, which have often been overlooked in the past literature. It will be shown that the
distributions with a finite energy cutoff have properties intermediate between the microcanonical and the
canonical ensembles (which are exactly obtained in the two limiting cases q ¼ 0 and 1, respectively), whereas
those with an infinite power tail represent a basically new physical situation. The consideration of the
parameter q alone can be misleading. In the case of large systems, q is in fact always necessarily close to 1, but
we will show that this by no means implies that the character of the distribution is necessarily close to
Boltzmann–Gibbs. We propose the introduction of a new parameter Z, expressed as a function of both q and
the number of degrees of freedom, which provides an estimate of the actual deviations from the canonical
Sections 2–4 deal with some basic facts about statistical thermodynamics, power-law distributions and
power-law densities of states, respectively. Although some of the results we shall obtain in these sections are
not completely new, we shall present them with an emphasis on those aspects which are at the basis of our
particular approach to generalized thermodynamics. This will lead us in Section 5 to our new classification of
power-law distributions by means of the parameter Z, and in Section 6 to the main results about the statistical
expression of thermodynamic temperature and entropy.

2. Preliminaries

2.1. Temperature and thermal equilibrium

Let us consider a system S composed of two weakly coupled subsystems S1 and S2 . We shortly denote
with z1 the set of 2n1 canonical variables q1;1 ; . . . ; q1;n1 ; p1;1 ; . . . ; p1;n1 of the phase space G1 of the subsystem S1 ,
and with H 1 ðz1 Þ the corresponding Hamiltonian function. If the same notation is used for the subsystem S2 ,
the fact that the coupling between the two is weak and allows us to express with good approximation the
Hamiltonian H of the complete system S as H ’ H 1 ðz1 Þ þ H 2 ðz2 Þ.
We define the function O1 ðE 1 Þ as the volume of the region of space G1 corresponding to energies of the
subsystem S1 lower than E 1 . Introducing the step function y such that yðxÞ ¼ 1 for xX0, yðxÞ ¼ 0 for xo0,
we can write
O1 ðE 1 Þ ¼ dz1 yðE 1  H 1 ðz1 ÞÞ, (1)

where dz1 stands for a 2n1 -dimensional volume element of G1 . The derivative o1 ðE 1 Þ of the above function can
then be identified with the ‘‘density of states’’ of S1 :
o1 ðE 1 Þ ¼ O01 ðE 1 Þ ¼ dz1 dðE 1  H 1 ðz1 ÞÞ.

After defining in the same way the functions O2 and o2 for the subsystem S2 , we obtain [17,18] for the
corresponding functions of the complete system S:
OðEÞ ¼ dz1 dz2 yðE  H 1 ðz1 Þ  H 2 ðz2 ÞÞ
¼ dE 1 o1 ðE 1 ÞO2 ðE  E 1 Þ
¼ dE 2 O1 ðE  E 2 Þo2 ðE 2 Þ. ð2Þ

With each macroscopic state of the system is associated a probability density function r on the
space G. As a consequence of Liouville’s theorem [18], a stationary probability density can only be a
function of constants of motion of the system. It is usual in statistical mechanics to assume that r is
actually only a function of the energy. We will then write rðz1 ; z2 Þ ¼ FðH 1 ðz1 Þ þ H 2 ðz2 ÞÞ, where F is a
function of a single real variable, on which no particular hypothesis
R is made for the moment. The marginal
distribution r1 for the subsystem S1 , defined as r1 ðz1 Þ ¼ G2 dz2 rðz1 ; z2 Þ, can then be expressed as
138 M. Marino / Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154

r1 ðz1 Þ ¼ F1 ðH 1 ðz1 ÞÞ, where

F1 ðE 1 Þ ¼ dz2 FðE 1 þ H 2 ðz2 ÞÞ
Z 2
¼ dE 2 o2 ðE 2 ÞFðE 1 þ E 2 Þ. ð3aÞ

We have similarly r2 ðz2 Þ ¼ F2 ðH 2 ðz2 ÞÞ, with

F2 ðE 2 Þ ¼ dE 1 o1 ðE 1 ÞFðE 1 þ E 2 Þ. (3b)

Since oðEÞFðEÞ represents the probability density function for the energy, defining the functional Y as the
average of the function OðEÞ=oðEÞ we have
Y ¼ dEFðEÞOðEÞ (4)

and similarly for Y1 and Y2 . Making use of Eqs. (2) and (3) we find
dEFðEÞOðEÞ ¼ dE 1 F1 ðE 1 ÞO1 ðE 1 Þ
¼ dE 2 F2 ðE 2 ÞO2 ðE 2 Þ,

or equivalently [17]

Y ¼ Y1 ¼ Y2 . (5)

For the case of a system S described by a microcanonical ensemble, the quantity Y was given the
name of ‘‘empirical temperature’’ in Ref. [21], on the grounds of the equipartition theorem. For our
present purposes, the main point is that Eq. (5) has here been proved in a completely general way,
independently of any assumptions about the specific form of the probability density or of the density-of-states
functions. As we explained in the Introduction, we assume that the parts of an isolated system in a stationary
state are in thermal (meta)equilibrium with each other. We can then affirm that the functional Y assumes the
same value for any two systems for which this equilibrium condition is fulfilled. Such a result is not sufficient
to conclude at this point that Y represents the correct generalized definition of thermodynamical temperature,
since the second law has not yet been taken into consideration. Besides, there could exist in principle other
quantities independent of Y which, at least for a certain class of systems, enjoy a property of the same form as
that expressed by Eq. (5). If we denote the set of such hypothetical quantities with r, we can provisionally
conclude that a generalized formula for the inverse temperature b in statistical mechanics, in order to be
consistent with the zeroth law of thermodynamics, has to be expressible as an appropriate function of Y and r
of the form

b ¼ f r ðYÞ. (6)

2.2. Temperature and thermodynamics

If the Hamiltonian H depends, besides on z, also on some external parameters aj (such as for instance the
volume, or the linear dimensions of the system’s container), then under the infinitesimal variations daj of these
parameters the system performs on the surrounding environment the average work
dW rev ¼  dzr dH (7)
M. Marino / Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154 139

with dH ¼ j ðqH=qaj Þ daj . From the first law of thermodynamics we get
dQrev ¼ dU þ dW rev
Z  Z
¼d dzrH  dzr dH

¼ dzdrH. ð8Þ

The above equation provides the expression in the language of statistical mechanics for the quantity of heat
dQrev which is exchanged by the system in an infinitesimal reversible transformation.
According to the so-called Clausius theorem, which is based on the second law of thermodynamics, dQrev
admits an integrating factor which can be identified with the inverse of the absolute temperature. It can be
easily shown that a sufficient condition for the validity of an equivalent theorem in statistical thermodynamics
is the existence of a real function F, with a concavity of definite sign, such that the probability distribution r
can be obtained as a stationary point of the functional
S¼ dzF ðrÞ (9)

under the constraints

dzr ¼ 1 (10a)

dzrH ¼ U. (10b)

Eq. (10a) simply imposes the correct normalization for the probability density, while Eq. (10b) fixes the value
~ such a constrained extreme
U for the mean energy of the system. Introducing the Lagrange multipliers a~ and b,
can be located as the zero of a functional derivative in the following way:
 Z Z 
0¼ S~  a~ dzr  b~ dzrH
drðzÞ G G
¼ F 0 ðrðzÞÞ  a~  bHðzÞ. ð11Þ
The hypothesis we have made on the concavity of F guarantees that F 0 is a monotone function, and therefore
admits an inverse function which we call G. From the last equation it then follows that we can write rðzÞ ¼
FðHðzÞÞ with
FðEÞ ¼ Gð~a þ bEÞ. (12)
Eq. (11) implies that
 Z Z 
~ ~
d S  a~ dzr  b dzrH ¼ 0

for any arbitrary variations drðzÞ at fixed aj . It follows

Z  Z
dS~ ¼ a~ d dzr þ b~ dzdrH ¼ bdQ~
rev , (13)
where for the last step we have used Eq. (8) and the fact that dð G dzrÞ ¼ 0 on account of Eq. (10a). The
above equation shows that the state function b,~ defined as the Lagrange multiplier which solves the system of
Eqs. (10)–(11), is an integrating factor for dQrev .
Such an integrating factor is in principle not unique. Let us define
S ¼ kgðSÞ, (14)
140 M. Marino / Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154

where k is the Boltzmann constant and g any monotone function. We then have, denoting with g0 the
derivative of g,
~ dS~ ¼ kbdQ ,
dS ¼ kg0 ðSÞ (15)

~ 0 ðSÞ.
b ¼ bg ~ (16)
Eq. (15) shows that also the new state function b, defined by Eq. (16), is an integrating factor for dQrev . The
analytical expressions of the functions f and g appearing, respectively, in Eqs. (6) and (14) are up to this point
undetermined: they are related to each other by the condition that they must provide the same value for b.

2.3. The Boltzmann– Gibbs distribution

If we put in Eq. (9) F ðrÞ ¼ r logðhn rÞ, where h is a constant with the dimensions of an action and 2n is the
dimension of the phase space G, we obtain from Eq. (12) FðEÞ ¼ Z1 ebE , where the partition function
n 1þ~a
Z¼he provides the required normalization factor for the probability density. From Eq. (4) we obtain [17]
1 þ1 ~
Y¼ dEebE OðEÞ
Z E min
Z þ1
1 ~ 1
¼ dEoðEÞebE ¼ , ð17Þ
Z b E min b~
where, integrating by parts, we have used the fact that OðE min Þ ¼ 0. Hence, according to the considerations of
the previous subsection we can simply put f r ðYÞ ¼ 1=Y in Eq. (6) and gðSÞ ~ ¼ S~ in Eq. (16), obtaining

b~ ¼ 1=Y ¼ b. (18)
Furthermore, for an ideal gas composed of a large number N of molecules, it is found that b ¼ PV =N, where
P is the pressure and V the volume occupied by the gas. Therefore, on the basis of the laws of thermodynamics
and of the state equation of perfect gases, one can rightfully associate with the Boltzmann–Gibbs distribution
FðEÞ ¼ Z 1 ebE (19)
the absolute temperature T ¼ 1=kb and the entropy
SBG ¼ k dzr logðhn rÞ. (20)

It has been assumed until now that the system can be correctly described by classical mechanics. However, if
we identify h with the Planck constant, according to Heisenberg uncertainty principle we can associate with
each element of G of volume hn a quantum state with occupancy probability P ¼ hn r. On the basis of this
correspondence we can rewrite the Boltzmann–Gibbs entropy (20) in the form
SBG ¼ k Pi log Pi , (21)

the sum being extended to a complete set of quantum states of the system.

3. Power-law distribution functions

3.1. Definition

Let us fix the arbitrary additive constant of the Hamiltonian function in such a way that its minimum value
is zero. We refer as ‘‘power-law distributions’’ to stationary probability density functions rðzÞ ¼ FðHðzÞÞ for
which the function F, defined on the interval ½0; þ1Þ, takes one of the two alternative forms
FðEÞ ¼ D1 ðE  E 0 Þp for 0pEo þ 1 (22a)
M. Marino / Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154 141

with E 0 o0, or
D1 ðE 0  EÞp for 0pEoE 0 ;
FðEÞ ¼ (22b)
0 for EXE 0 :

In the above equations p is a real parameter, and D a normalization coefficient such that
Z þ1
dEoðEÞFðEÞ ¼ 1. (23)

In Eq. (22b) the usual Tsallis cut-off prescription [7,22] has been adopted. It has become customary in the
literature to equivalently express these distributions by means of the q-exponential function [2], but this would
not here be helpful in view of the formal manipulations we shall need to perform.
The requirement that the integral on the left-hand side of the last equation be finite imposes limitations on
the possible values of p. In the case of Eq. (22a), if we assume that the behavior of the density-of-states
function in the limit of high energies is expressible as

oðEÞ / E s1 for E ! þ1, (24)

with s40, then a necessary condition is p4s. Furthermore, if the first law of thermodynamics has to hold, it
must be possible to define the average energy of the system as
Z þ1
U¼ dEoðEÞFðEÞE. (25)

Therefore, in order for U to be finite, in the case of Eq. (22a) it is actually necessary that p4s þ 1. In the case
instead of Eq. (22b), the requirement that both the integrals in Eqs. (23) and (25) be convergent in a left
neighborhood of E 0 is equivalent to the condition po1.
In the rest of the present paper we shall often write the power-law distributions in the general form

FðEÞ ¼ D1 jE  E 0 jp , (26)

where it is understood that E can only take values such that E  E 0 40 (resp. E  E 0 o0) whenever p41
(resp. po1). The qualitative behavior of the function F in the four cases p41, 0opo1, 1opo0 and po  1
is displayed for the sake of clarity in Fig. 1. When Eq. (24) holds, for the reasons we have explained p can
never lie within the interval ½1; 1 þ s.

p = −2
1.5 p =−0.5
Φ (arbitrary units)

p = 0.5


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4

Fig. 1. Qualitative behavior of the function F for different values of p.

142 M. Marino / Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154

3.2. q-Distributions and thermodynamics

It is easy to see that a power-law distribution can be obtained via a maximization procedure like that
illustrated in Section 2.2. In fact, if in Eq. (9) we take F ðrÞ ¼ hnðq1Þ rq , where q is a real number, then Eq. (12)
~ þ bE
n a
FðEÞ ¼ h , (27)
which coincides with Eq. (26) when putting
p¼ , ð28Þ
E 0 ¼ ~a=b, ð29Þ
~ 1=ð1qÞ .
D ¼ hn jb=qj ð30Þ
Looking at Eq. (27) one also sees that F will be of the form (22a) when b=q40, and we have shown that in
such a case the existence of a finite mean energy requires p41 as a necessary condition. Vice versa, F will be of
the form (22b) when b=qo0, and in that case we must then have po1.
We can rewrite Eq. (9) in the form
S~ q ¼ hn dzðhn rÞq (31)

which in terms of the discrete probabilities of the quantum states becomes

X q
S~ q ¼ Pi . (32)

According to Eq. (14) the entropy will be of the general form

Sq ¼ kgq ðS~ q Þ, (33)
where gq is an appropriate monotone function which may contain q as a parameter. Tsallis originally derived
his power-law distribution from the function [7]
1  S~ q
STq ¼ k . (34)
On the other hand, the expression
log S~ q
q ¼ k (35)
had already been considered by Rényi in the context of information theory [19]. Other variants have also
occasionally received some attention in the literature: we may here mention Tsallis normalized entropy [23]
1  S~ q
q ¼k (36)
ðq  1ÞS~ q
and Tsallis ‘‘escort’’ entropy [24]
1  ðS~ q Þ1=q
SEq ¼ kq . (37)
Note that Pqi Pi þ ðq  1ÞPi log Pi for q ! 1, whence S~ q 1 þ ðq  1Þ i Pi log Pi . It is then easy to see that all
the four functions given in Eqs. (34)–(37) tend to the Boltzmann–Gibbs entropy (21) for q ! 1.
From the considerations made in Section 2.2 it is clear that all these functions (and other possible ones)
deserve equally well the name of entropy as far as the second law of thermodynamics is concerned, since for
each of them one can define a state function b such that Eq. (15) is satisfied. The criterium for the correct
M. Marino / Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154 143

choice is provided in fact by the zeroth law. In the following of the present paper, after a closer analysis of the
condition of thermal equilibrium between power-law distributions, we shall aim at determining the analytic
form of gq for which b can be expressed in the form (6), with Y given by Eq. (4).

3.3. A generalized partition function

When a system is described by a power-law distribution of the form (26), some of the quantities previously
introduced can be conveniently expressed with the aid of the auxiliary function
zðE 0 Þ ¼ dEoðEÞjE  E 0 j1p
¼ j1  pj dEOðEÞjE  E 0 jp ð38Þ

which, in the same way as an analogous one introduced in Ref. [15], plays the role of a generalized partition
function for this class of systems. According to the considerations made in Section 3.1, when p41 the function
z is defined for E 0 o0 and the integration domain I in Eq. (38) is the interval ½0; þ1Þ, whereas when po1 we
have E 0 40 and I ¼ ½0; E 0 Þ.
From Eq. (23) we get
z0 ðE 0 Þ
DðE 0 Þ ¼ dEoðEÞjE  E 0 jp ¼ . (39)
I j1  pj
We can then express the function Y defined by Eq. (4) as
Y¼ dEOðEÞjE  E 0 jp
DðE 0 Þ I
zðE 0 Þ d
¼ ¼ log zðE 0 Þ . ð40Þ
j1  pjDðE 0 Þ dE 0
We can also evaluate the mean energy U using the relation
jU  E 0 j ¼ dEoðEÞFðEÞjE  E 0 j
¼ dEoðEÞjE  E 0 j1p
DðE 0 Þ I
zðE 0 Þ
¼ ¼ j1  pjY. ð41Þ
DðE 0 Þ
Since it is obviously U4E 0 (resp. UoE 0 ) for p41 (resp. po1), Eq. (41) is equivalent to
U ¼ E 0 þ ðp  1ÞY. (42)
From Eq. (31) we finally obtain
S~ q ¼ dEoðEÞjE  E 0 jpq
½DðE 0 Þq I
whence, using Eqs. (28), (30) and (41),
S~ q ¼ hn=p ½DðE 0 Þ1=p1 zðE 0 Þ
b~  zðE Þ b~
¼  ¼ Y. ð43Þ
q DðE 0 Þ 1  q

The expressions obtained in this subsection will be useful in the following of the paper, when we will have at
our disposal an explicit expression for the function z.
144 M. Marino / Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154

4. Power-law density-of-states functions

Let us suppose that the functions O of the two weakly interacting systems S1 and S2 , already considered in
Section 2.1, are given, respectively, by O1 ðE 1 Þ ¼ B1 E s11 and O2 ðE 2 Þ ¼ B2 E s22 , with s1 40, s2 40. According to
Eq. (2) the function O for the system S, composed of S1 and S2 , is then given by
OðEÞ ¼ B1 B2 s1 dE 1 E s11 1 ðE  E 1 Þs2
Z 1
¼ B1 B2 s1 E s1 þs2
dxxs1 1 ð1  xÞs2 .

Since the integral in the last expression has the value Gðs1 ÞGðs2 þ 1Þ=Gðs1 þ s2 þ 1Þ [14,25], we obtain
OðEÞ ¼ BE s (44)
s ¼ s1 þ s2 (45)
Gðs1 þ 1ÞGðs2 þ 1Þ
B ¼ B1 B2 .
Gðs1 þ s2 þ 1Þ
Note that the last equation can also be put in the expressive form
log½BGðs þ 1Þ ¼ log½B1 Gðs1 þ 1Þ þ log½B2 Gðs2 þ 1Þ. (46)
From Eq. (44) it also follows that oðEÞ ¼ BsE s1 .
Let us further assume that the system S is described by a power-law probability distribution of the form
(26). The function z defined by Eq. (38) can be explicitly calculated as
zðE 0 Þ ¼ Bs dEE s1 jE  E 0 j1p ¼ AjE 0 jspþ1 , (47)

where [25] for po1

Z 1
Gðs þ 1ÞGð2  pÞ
A ¼ Bs dxxs1 ð1  xÞ1p ¼ B , (48a)
0 Gðs  p þ 2Þ
whereas for p4s þ 1 (recall that values of p between 1 and 1 þ s are forbidden)
Z þ1
xs1 Gðs þ 1ÞGðp  s  1Þ
A ¼ Bs dx p1
¼B . (48b)
0 ðx þ 1Þ Gðp  1Þ
By using Eq. (39) we then obtain
DðE 0 Þ ¼ A jE 0 jsp . (49)
We can also calculate the marginal distribution for the subsystem S1 using Eq. (3a). This gives
B2 s2
F1 ðE 1 Þ ¼ dE 2 E 2s2 1 jE 1 þ E 2  E 0 jp ,
D I1
where I 1 ¼ ½0; þ1Þ for p41 and I 1 ¼ ½0; E 0  E 1 Þ for po1. It is then immediate to see that
F1 ðE 1 Þ ¼ D1
1 jE 1  E 0 j
, (50a)
where p1 ¼ p  s2 , while the coefficient D1 can be expressed as a function of E 0 , B1 , s1 , and p1 according to the
same formulae (49) and (48) which give the dependence of D on E 0 , B, s, and p. In the same way, from Eq. (3b)
M. Marino / Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154 145

one finds
F2 ðE 2 Þ ¼ D1
2 jE 2  E 0 j
with p2 ¼ p  s1 . When po1 it is also obvious that F1 ðEÞ ¼ F2 ðEÞ ¼ 0 for E4E 0 .
Eqs. (50) show the remarkable fact that, when the densities of states of the systems under consideration
exhibit a power-law dependence on the energy, power-law probability distribution functions are compatible
with the condition of thermal equilibrium which was described in Section 2.1. We have in fact that the two
weakly interacting systems S1 and S2 , and the composed system S, are all simultaneously described by
stationary power-law distributions of the form (26). We note also that all these distributions have in common
the same value of E 0 , whilst the relation among p1 , p2 , and p can be written as
r ¼ r1 ¼ r2 , (51)
where we have introduced the new parameter
r ¼ p  s. (52)
This means that E 0 and r are intensive quantities which, like Y, assume the same value for two systems at
mutual equilibrium, independently of the respective size and physical nature. From Eqs. (40) and (47) we
Y¼ , (53)
which implies that only two of these three quantities are actually independent. It follows that we can
identify r with the quantity that was introduced as a parameter of the function f r in Eq. (6). On the other hand,
Eqs. (45) and (46) show that the quantities s and log½BGðs þ 1Þ are extensive, since their values for the
complete system S are the sum of the corresponding values for the two subsystems S1 and S2 . The same
conclusions can obviously be extended to an arbitrary number of subsystems.
For the reasons that we have illustrated, systems possessing both a power-law density-of-states and a power-
law probability distribution function (at least within an acceptable approximation) are likely to be the most
significant ones with respect to their thermodynamic properties. In the following sections we shall refer to
them shortly as ‘‘power-law systems’’.

5. A classification of power-law systems

Let us consider a power-law system characterized by Eqs. (44) and (26). Then from Eqs. (42) and (53) we
obtain for the mean energy
U¼ E 0 ¼ sY. (54)
In order to make a comparison with the Boltzmann–Gibbs distribution, let us rewrite the function F in the
FðEÞ ¼ D1 jE 0 jp exp½p logð1  E=E 0 Þ. (55)
For E5jE 0 j we have logð1  E=E 0 Þ ¼ E=E 0 þ OðE =E 20 Þ,
and the term quadratic in the energy gives a
negligible contribution to the exponential function in Eq. (55) whenever
jpj 51. (56)
E 20
It is now clear that, in order to evaluate the overall behavior of the statistical ensemble under consideration,
only energies of the same order of magnitude as U need be considered, since the probability that the system
may take energy values much higher than U is in general vanishingly small. If we put E ¼ xU ¼
E 0 xs=ðs  p þ 1Þ, where x is a dimensionless variable, we see that the inequality E5jE 0 j will be satisfied for all
x up to order unity provided that jp  s  1jbs, whereas the condition (56) becomes equivalent to
ðp  s  1Þ2 =jpjbs2 . It is then easy to see that these two conditions will both hold only when jpjbs2 . Recalling
146 M. Marino / Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154

Eq. (28), this is equivalent to

1 1
jq  1j ¼ 5 . (57)
jpj s2

In this limit we can rewrite Eq. (55) as

FðEÞ ’ D1 jE 0 jp expðpE=E 0 Þ (58)

which corresponds to a canonical distribution with parameter b ¼ p=E 0 . We thus find again the well-known
result that a q-distribution tends to the Boltzmann–Gibbs distribution in the limit q ! 1. In addition, the
above analysis gives the size of the neighborhood of 1 in which the parameter q has to fall in order for the two
distributions to be practically equivalent over the relevant range of energies. This size is of order 1=s2 , and thus
decreases as the inverse square of the dimension of the system (recall for instance that, for an ideal
monoatomic gas consisting of N particles, one has s ¼ 3N=2).
We already know from Section 3.1 that for 0opo1 one has FðEÞ ¼ 0 for E4E 0 and
lim FðEÞ ¼ þ1.

Recalling Eqs. (48a) and (49) we can write for EoE 0

Gðs  p þ 1Þ
FðEÞ ¼ E ps ðE 0  EÞp
BGðs þ 1ÞGð1  pÞ 0
FðEÞ !0 for p ! 1 . (59)
BsE s1
0 ðE 0  EÞ
Therefore FðEÞ vanishes in the limit p ! 1 for any EaE 0 , and the probability density on the phase space
becomes fully concentrated on the surface of equation HðzÞ ¼ E 0 . This means that the power-law distribution
tends to the microcanonical ensemble in the limit p ! 1 , which in turn corresponds to q ! 0 . If we consider
again a system S with a subsystem S1 , and we suppose that S has a microcanonical distribution, so that
p ’ 1, then using Eq. (51) we have p1 ¼ p  s þ s1 o1, since s4s1 . This is in agreement with the observation,
already made some years ago [11], that a power-law distribution with finite energy cutoff may arise as the
marginal of a microcanonical distribution for a finite system.
The region s þ 1opos2 is the one in which power-law distributions display features which are most
remarkably different from other known ensembles. Here the tail of the distribution at high energies becomes
relevant, and represents a significant departure from the exponential decrease of the canonical ensemble. The
consequences of this phenomenon become extreme in the limit p ! ðs þ 1Þþ , which corresponds to
q ! ½s=ðs þ 1Þþ . Note that for macroscopic systems, having very large s, this limit value for q still looks
extremely close to 1, i.e., to the value which characterizes the Boltzmann–Gibbs distribution. Therefore q does
not appear to be the right parameter to distinguish among the different possible behaviors of a power-law
system. To this purpose it is instead useful to introduce the parameter
p1 s
Z¼ ¼1þ . (60)
ps1 r1
Recalling that p can vary in the set ð1; 1Þ [ ðs þ 1; þ1Þ, we see that Z takes values in the full interval
ð0; þ1Þ. The canonical ensemble, for which q ¼ 1, p ¼ 1, corresponds to Z ¼ 1; the microcanonical limit
q ! 0 , p ! 1 corresponds to Z ! 0þ , and the ‘‘long power-tail’’ limit p ! ðs þ 1Þþ , q ! ½s=ðs þ 1Þþ
corresponds to Z ! þ1. For 0oZo1 the power-law distribution is in some sense intermediate between the
microcanonical and the canonical ensembles. According to the previous discussion, the behavior of the system
becomes essentially canonical for jZ  1j51=s. A scheme of the behavior of the parameters p, q and Z is
reported in Table 1.
M. Marino / Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154 147

Table 1
Values of the parameters p, q and Z for the different possible types of power-law systems

Microcanonical Canonical Long power-tail

p 1 & 0 & 1; þ1 & sþ1

q 0 & 1; þ1 & 1 & s=ðs þ 1Þ
Z 0 % 1=ðs þ 1Þ % 1 % þ1

Symbols % and & indicate increase or decrease, respectively.

Let us write down the relation between the parameters Z and Z1 of two systems S and S1 at equilibrium
with each other. Since r  1 ¼ s=ðZ  1Þ, from Eq. (51) we obtain
s1 Z1
Z1 ¼ 1 þ ¼ 1 þ s1 . (61)
r1  1 s
If we now consider a large power-law system S composed of many weakly interacting microscopical particles,
it is interesting to take as S1 the subsystem constituted by a single particle, for which the parameter s1 is
typically of order unity (for an ideal monoatomic gas one has for instance s ¼ 3N=2, s1 ¼ 32). According to the
previous analysis, the one-particle distribution will be appreciably different from Boltzmann–Gibbs when
jZ1  1jX1=s1 ¼ Oð1Þ, which on account of Eq. (61) is equivalent to jZ  1js1 =sXOð1Þ. For sbs1 this can
clearly occur only when ZXs, which corresponds to a system S far in the long power-tail regime.

6. Thermodynamic functions of power-law systems

6.1. Temperature and entropy

Let us now consider the crucial problem of determining the thermodynamic temperature and entropy of a
power-law system. According to Eqs. (6) and (16) we must have
~ 0 ðS~ q Þ.
b ¼ f r ðYÞ ¼ bg (62)

Taking into account Eq. (43), the above equation can be rewritten in the form
Yf r ðYÞ ¼ ð1  qÞS~ q g0q ðS~ q Þ. (63)
When we introduced the function gq ðS~ q Þ in Eq. (33), we made the assumption that it may contain the only
parameter q (see the last part of Appendix A for some related considerations). We then observe that the two
variables r and Y, that appear on the left-hand side of Eq. (63), are independent of the two variables q and S~ q
that appear on the right-hand side. It can in fact be easily checked (see Appendix A) that all these four
quantities can be expressed as independent functions of the four free parameters p, E 0 , s, and B that
characterize the system according to Eqs. (26) and (44). It is then obvious that the two members of Eq. (63)
can be identically equal to each other only if they are both equal to a common constant value c. If we first
consider the second member, we can thus write
g0q ðS~ q Þ ¼ . (64)
ð1  qÞS~ q
Integrating this equation and recalling Eq. (33), we obtain that the entropy S q of the power-law system is
given by
log S~ q
Sq ¼ kgq ðS~ q Þ ¼ ck þ IðqÞ, (65)
where IðqÞ is an a priori arbitrary function of q. The requirement that the Boltzmann–Gibbs ex-
pression (21) has to be recovered in the limit q ! 1 imposes the conditions c ¼ 1 and Ið1Þ ¼ 0. If we
further require that, in accordance with the third law of thermodynamics, the entropy vanishes at zero
temperature for all systems with a nondegenerate ground state, we must set IðqÞ ¼ 0 for any q. In this way
148 M. Marino / Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154

we finally obtain
log S~ q
Sq ¼ k (66)
which coincides with the expression of Rényi entropy SR
q given by Eq. (35).
Setting also the left-hand side of Eq. (63) equal to 1 provides the expression for the inverse absolute
1 1
 b ¼ f r ðYÞ ¼ . (67)
kT Y
We therefore find that the relation kT ¼ Y, which had already been proved for the Boltzmann–Gibbs
statistics, is valid for all power-law systems. From Eqs. (53) and (54) we also find for the mean energy U of the
system the value
U ¼ ¼ skT. (68)
As in standard thermodynamics, the energy is thus directly proportional to the absolute temperature T, and
the specific heat at constant volume is given by
CV  ¼ sk. (69)
As a verification of the results obtained in this section, we examine in Appendix B the con-
sequences of adopting, instead of Eq. (35), the three different entropies mentioned at the end of
Section 3.2.

6.2. Properties of Rényi entropy

On account of the results of the previous subsection, from now on we shall directly write S R
q in place of S q .
From Eqs. (43), (30), (49) and (53) we obtain
k1 S R
q ¼ n log h þ log A þ ðp  1Þ log þ s logðjp  s  1jkTÞ. (70)
Having in mind that the number of degrees of freedom n and the value of the external quantities such as the
volume are directly related to the parameters s and B of the density of states (44), and recalling Eq. (28), we
want here to analyze the behavior of the entropy considered as a function of the independent variables q, s, B,
and T.
Let us first of all compare Eq. (70) with the corresponding expression for the Boltzmann–Gibbs
entropy. By substituting for r ¼ FðEÞ the expression (19) into Eq. (20), and observing that, on account
of Eq. (44),
Z Z þ1
Z¼ dze bH
¼ dEsBE s1 ebE
G 0
¼ bs BGðs þ 1Þ,
one obtains
k1 S BG ðs; B; TÞ ¼ n log h þ log½BGðs þ 1Þ þ s log kT þ s. (71)
We can write in general
q ðs; B; TÞ ¼ S BG ðs; B; TÞ þ DS q ðsÞ, (72)
where, using for A the expressions (48), we have
Gð1  pÞ
k1 DSq ðsÞ ¼ log þ p logð1  pÞ þ ðs  pÞ logðs þ 1  pÞ  s (73a)
Gðs þ 1  pÞ
M. Marino / Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154 149

for po1, and

Gðp  sÞ
k1 DSq ðsÞ ¼ log þ p logðp  1Þ  ðp  sÞ logðp  s  1Þ  s (73b)
for p4s þ 1. By calculating the limit of the expression (73a) for p ! 1 and the limit of (73b) for p ! þ1
one can easily check that limq!1 DS q ðsÞ ¼ 0. We can therefore conclude that, as expected,
lim S R
q ðs; B; TÞ ¼ S BG ðs; B; TÞ.

Another interesting case to consider is the limit q ! 0 , or p ! 1 , which according to our discussion of
Section 5 corresponds to a microcanonical distribution. Taking into account Eq. (68) we obtain from Eqs. (71)
and (73a)
lim S R
q ðs; B; TÞ ¼ kðn log h þ log B þ s log UÞ
¼ k log ð74Þ
which is indeed a well-known expression for the entropy in the microcanonical ensemble [17,21].
Since the expression (71) is manifestly extensive, in order to investigate the thermodynamic limit it is only
necessary to study the behavior of DS q for s ! þ1. If we treat q (and therefore also p) as a constant, recalling
that p can never lie in the interval ½1; s þ 1 we see that such a limit can only be taken when po1. Therefore,
applying Stirling’s formula to the expression (73a) we obtain
DS q ðsÞ  k log s for s ! þ1. (75)
From a physical point of view it might seem more appropriate to consider a thermodynamic limit in which
the intensive quantity r is kept constant instead of q. We have in this case p ¼ s þ r ! þ1, which implies
p4s þ 1. Then from Eq. (73b) we obtain
DS q ðsÞ  k log s for s ! þ1 (76)
with r ¼ constant, q ¼ 1  1=ðs þ rÞ ! 1 .
Let us finally consider the thermodynamic limit in which we keep constant the parameter Z introduced in
Section 5. We have in this case to substitute p ¼ Zs=ðZ  1Þ þ 1 into Eq. (73a) when 0oZo1, or into Eq. (73b)
when Z41, and then to take the limit for s ! þ1. We obtain in this way
2 k log Z for 0oZo1;
lim DSq ðsÞ ¼ 1 (77)
s!þ1  2 k log Z for ZX1

with Z ¼ constant, q ¼ s=ðs þ 1  Z1 Þ ! 1.

We see that in the limits considered DS q either increases logarithmically with the size of the system, as in
Eqs. (75)–(76), or tends to a constant value as in Eq. (77). It follows that in all cases the extensive part S BG
prevails in Eq. (72), and the entropy S R
q ðs; B; TÞ essentially reduces to S BG ðs; B; TÞ as s ! þ1. We note also
that q does not appear in the expression (68) of the mean energy. These results can be seen as a generalization
of the well-known theorem about the equivalence of the different ensembles in the thermodynamic limit. We
have shown in fact that this equivalence does not only hold between the canonical and the microcanonical
ensembles, but also among the power-law distributions corresponding to all possible values of Z. This fact is all
the more remarkable if one recalls that, as we have illustrated in detail in Section 5, the microscopical
distribution function can instead be significantly different from Boltzmann–Gibbs also for very large systems.
We would like finally to mention that the additivity of Rényi entropy for mutually independent systems was
already well known. Our analysis has shown on the other hand that it is also additive for large power-law
systems which, instead of being independent, are at mutual thermal equilibrium in the sense that we have
specified in Section 2.1. One can observe nevertheless that the Rényi entropy (72) includes, at variance with the
Boltzmann–Gibbs one, a nonextensive contribution DS q which may be nonnegligible for systems of small size.
150 M. Marino / Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154

6.3. The ideal gas

Let us consider as a significant example the case of an ideal monoatomic gas composed of N particles of
mass m in a volume V. We have
n ¼ 3N,
s¼ ,
ð2pmÞ3N=2 V N
B¼ ,
Gð3N=2 þ 1ÞN!
where the factor N! in the denominator of the last expression accounts for the indistinguishability of the
atoms. From Eqs. (68) and (71) we then obtain for large N,
U ¼ 32NkT, ð78Þ
R 3 2pmkT V 5
Sq ¼ Nk log þ log þ þ Oðlog NÞ. ð79Þ
2 h2 N 2
We find in this way two formulae which are already familiar from standard statistical thermodynamics. It is
then easy to see that ideal gases governed by power-law distributions obey the same state equation of
Boltzmann–Gibbs ideal gases. Consider in fact an infinitesimal isothermal transformation, for which dT ¼ 0.
Then from Eq. (78) we get dU ¼ 0, and the infinitesimal work dW ¼ P dV performed by the system, where P
is the pressure of the gas, can be obtained according to the first and second laws of thermodynamics as
P dV ¼ dQ ¼ T dS R
q ¼ NkT , (80)
where the last equality follows from Eq. (79). Comparing the first and last members of the above equation we
finally get
PV ¼ NkT. (81)
In particular, one can conclude that also for power-law systems the ideal gas temperature defined according to
Eq. (81) is the same as the thermodynamic temperature based on the second law.

7. Conclusion

We have developed a new generalized thermodynamics for systems governed by Tsallis distributions, in a
way which also allows for a rigorous statistical interpretation of the zeroth law. Our approach thus provides a
new point of view on an issue which has been the object of sharp debate in recent literature [26]. The main
outcome of our analysis is that the thermodynamic entropy associated with these distributions is expressible as
a function of the probabilities according to the formula first introduced by Rényi.
Our results have been obtained under a minimum set of simple and apparently plausible hypotheses.
Probably the main new ingredient, with respect to former investigations, is the observation that Tsallis
statistics is capable of describing stationary states, in which power-law systems combine together in such a way
to give rise to a larger composed power-law system. The consideration of such a circumstance allows one to
extend to a deeper level the analogy with the standard thermodynamics of weakly interacting systems [17,18],
which has already proved to be an illuminating guideline for the analysis of Tsallis thermostatistics [11–16].
Of course power-law distributions can in principle apply also to systems for which the hypotheses of weak
coupling or of power-law density of states are in general not satisfied. An important case of this type is likely
to be represented by systems of particles with long-range interactions, which are indeed considered among the
most interesting candidates for the applicability of nonextensive thermodynamics. In such cases the
conclusions of our analysis may not necessarily hold, and it is possible that other theoretical investigations are
to be carried out on the basis of a completely different approach. In particular, other descriptions might
become appropriate, in which no reference at all is made to the usual formalism of equilibrium
M. Marino / Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154 151

thermodynamics. For instance, a justification for Tsallis entropy has recently been proposed on the basis of
purely dynamical assumptions about the behavior of a system far from equilibrium [27]. It has also been
pointed out that deviations from the exact Tsallis distribution law can be present in real situations [9]. It is
reasonable to expect that such deviations may be related to the specific form of the density-of-states function,
so that a generalization of Tsallis statistics might be required in order to treat the cases in which the density of
states significantly departs from a power law.


The author wishes to thank A. Carati, L. Galgani and A. Ponno for interesting discussions.

Appendix A. On the independent parameters of a power-law system

The deduction of Eq. (64) from Eq. (63) is based on the mutual independence of the four variables r, Y, q
and S~ q . In order to elucidate this point, let us start from the four main free parameters which can be put at the
basis of the description of a power-law system. These are s, B, p and E 0 . The first two of them appear in the
expression (44) which gives the primitive function of the density of states, and are therefore directly related to
the form of the Hamiltonian function. Their physical meaning is illustrated by the example of the ideal gas
which is treated in Section 6.3. In particular, 2s expresses the number of degrees of freedom contributing to the
Hamiltonian, and is therefore related to the size (number of particles) of the system, while B contains the
dependence on the external parameters which, like the volume V, are varied when the system exchanges
mechanical work with the surrounding environment. On the other hand, p and E 0 are the two free parameters
in the power-law probability distribution (26), D being a normalization constant. According to Eqs. (28) and
(54), p is simply a function of q, while E 0 fixes the mean energy, and thus the temperature of the distribution.
For the case of the ideal gas, for instance, the mutual independence of s, B, E 0 and p amounts to the mutual
independence of N, V, T and q.
Assuming for simplicity the relation n ¼ 2s as for the ideal gas (the particular relation between these two
parameters is inessential with respect to the present considerations), we can express q, r, Y and S~ q as functions
of the independent quantities s, B, E 0 and p, according to the relations
q¼1 , ðA:1Þ
r ¼ p  s, ðA:2Þ
Y¼ , ðA:3Þ
~ 1p jE 0 js 1=p
Sq ¼ BGðs; pÞGðs þ 1Þ 2s . ðA:4Þ
sþ1p h
Eqs. (A.1)–(A.3) are identical, respectively, to Eqs. (28), (52) and (53). Eq. (A.4), in which we have introduced
the function
Gð1  pÞ=Gðs  p þ 1Þ for po1;
Gðs; pÞ 
Gðp  sÞ=GðpÞ for p4s þ 1;

is derived from Eqs. (43) and (47)–(49).

It easy to see that the four functions defined by Eqs. (A.1)–(A.4) are mutually independent. They can in fact
be explicitly inverted, so as to express s, p, E 0 and B as functions of q, r, Y and S~ q . We obtain
s¼  r, ðA:5Þ
p¼ , ðA:6Þ
152 M. Marino / Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154

E 0 ¼ ð1  rÞY, ðA:7Þ
Kðq; rÞ ðq  1Þð1  rÞ ~ 1=ð1qÞ h2
B¼ Sq , ðA:8Þ
Gð1=ð1  qÞ  r þ 1Þ q Yj1  rj
Gð1  rÞ=Gðq=ðq  1ÞÞ for q 2 ð1; 0Þ [ ð1; þ1Þ;
Kðq; rÞ 
Gð1=ð1  qÞÞ=GðrÞ for s=ðs þ 1Þoqo1:

The argument we have used after Eq. (63), in order to justify the introduction of the constant c, is
also based on the assumption that the function gq ðS~ q Þ does not contain any parameter other than q.
Note that all the functions appearing on the right-hand sides of Eqs. (34)–(37) do agree with this general
assumption, which is dictated by obvious reasons of simplicity and economy. We expect in fact that
such a fundamental physical quantity as the entropy should have the simplest analytical expression
which is compatible with the laws of thermodynamics, without the inclusion of unnecessary parameters.
The argument about the constancy of c is also at the basis of the remarkable equality, which we have
found in Section 6.1, between the ‘‘empirical temperature’’ Y and the thermodynamic temperature kT.
It is however interesting to examine the consequences of restraining from the above assumption,
and considering in Eq. (33) a function gq;r ðS~ q Þ which may also depends on the parameter r. This
would imply the replacement of the constant c on the right-hand side of Eq. (65) with a function cðrÞ,
which would then remain as a multiplicative coefficient also in the final expressions of the entropy and of the
inverse temperature:

log S~ q Y
Sq ¼ kcðrÞ ; T¼ .
1q kcðrÞ
Taking into account Eqs. (A.2) and (A.6), one should then be forced to require that limr!1 cðrÞ ¼ 1, in
order for the Boltzmann–Gibbs entropy and temperature to be recovered in the limit q ! 1. Furthermore,
we have shown in Section 5 that a power-law distribution tends to the microcanonical ensemble for q ! 0. If
one then requires that the correct microcanonical entropy (74) and the empirical temperature kT ¼ Y ¼ U=s
[21] be obtained for any s40 in the limit q ! 0, it would also be necessary to impose cðrÞ ¼ 1 for all r such
that 1oro1. These can be considered as additional arguments in favor of the natural choice of taking
c ¼ 1 for all r.

Appendix B. Comparison among alternative entropies

In Section 6.1 we have proved that the condition of compatibility with the zeroth law of thermo-
dynamics univocally determines the expression of the entropy for a power-law system. As a verification of this
result, it is interesting to check directly how this condition of compatibility is violated by the three particular
functions which have been mentioned at the end of Section 3.2 as well-known possible alternatives to Rényi
It follows from the first and second laws of thermodynamics that the inverse of the thermodynamic
temperature b must be related to the entropy S by the equation
kb ¼ , (B.1)
where the partial derivative of the entropy is evaluated at constant external parameters (i.e., those parameters,
such as the volume of the system, whose variation is related to the production of mechanical work). When the
entropy has the form (33) we have then

qS~ q
b ¼ g0q ðS~ q Þ . (B.2)
M. Marino / Physica A 386 (2007) 135–154 153

From Eqs. (43), (47), (49) and (54) we obtain

"  p1  s #1=p
p  1 jp  s  1j
S~ q ¼ h A
U . (B.3)
ps1 s
According to Eq. (48), the quantity A depends on the external parameters (through B) but not on the internal
energy U. We therefore obtain
qS~ q sS~ q S~ q
¼ ¼ . (B.4)
qU pU pY
Substituting for g0q in Eq. (B.2) the derivatives of the expressions which appear on the right-hand sides of
Eqs. (34)–(37), we then find for the function b in the four respective cases
S~ q
bT ¼ , ðB:5Þ
bR ¼ , ðB:6Þ
bN ¼ , ðB:7Þ
Sq Y
bE ¼ 1=q . ðB:8Þ
S~ Yq

We thus see that only bR , derived from Rényi entropy, is equal to the inverse of the parameter Y which was
introduced in Section 2.1 on the basis of the zeroth law of thermodynamics. On the contrary, bT , bN and bS ,
which are, respectively, associated with the entropies (34), (36) and (37), depend also on S~ q , which in general
takes different values for systems at thermal equilibrium with each other. It is therefore confirmed, by the
analysis of these examples, that only Rényi entropy leads to an expression for the thermodynamical
temperature which is compatible with the zeroth law.
This result obviously does not exclude that Tsallis or other entropies can nevertheless be conveniently
employed whenever some of the starting hypotheses of the present work (such as weak coupling or power-law
density of states) are manifestly violated by the system under investigation. In such circumstances a proper
modification of the standard laws of thermodynamics will also be necessary, as it has already been recognized
in the literature.


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