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of the Philippines

Department of Health

MAY 0.8 2019

No. 2019 - 008¢

: Institutionalization of Equal Opportunity Principle (EOP) at
the Department of Health (DOH) and Offices its

No less than the 1987 Philippine Constitution under Section 26, Article II
guarantees equal opportunities for public service. Consistent with this constitutional
policy, the Department has seen it
fit to institutionalize the Equal Opportunity Principle
(EOP) in the four (4) core areas of Human Resource Management Systems in the
(Recruitment, Selection, and Placement; Performance Management; Rewards and
Recognition; and Learning and Development) in
all its offices and attached agencies.
This will help eliminate all forms of discriminatory practices in the HRM processes and
systems and create a working environment that is driven by meritocracy, respect for
human rights, and promotion of employee morale and agency productivity.

The Department recognizes that in the filling up of positions, it is important that

it is able to efficiently recruit and select the most qualified candidates to perform the
duties and responsibilities of the position. It
is also aware that the same advantage will
result if in all its human resource actions, the Department treats its employees fairly,
equally and without discrimination, and makes opportunities available to everyone,
regardless of personal circumstances and only in consideration of performance, merit
and fitness.

Mindful of these considerations, the Department commits to

strictly observe the
as embodied in this Order in
all aspects of its management functions.


1. Ensure that all officials and employees in the Department and its offices
consistently adopt the EOP in the performance of their respective functions.

2. Link the institutionalization of EOP with organizational effectiveness,

individual productivity, and harmonious working relationship.


This Order shall apply to officials and employees in all levels of positions in
the Department which shall include its offices, namely: Central Office, Regional

Building 1, San Lazaro Compound, Rizal Avenue, Sta. Cruz, 1003 Manila e Trunk Line 651-7800 local 1113, 1108, 1135
mal °

Direct Line: 711-9502; 711-9503Fax: 743-1829 @ URL: http://www.doh.gov.ph; e-mail: ftduque@doh.gov.ph

Offices/Centers for Health Development, Bureau of Quarantine, Food and Drug
Administration, DOH Hospitals/Sanitaria, and Treatment and Rehabilitation Centers.

This shall also apply to attached agencies of the Department.


1. Equal Opportunity Principle refers to the policy where all qualified applicants

are given the opportunity to enter and remain in the government service based only
on considerations of merit and fitness, without regard to political or religious
affiliations, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, civil status, age, disability,
or ethnicity.

. Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (HRMPSB) refers to -—

the body primarily responsible for systematic assessment of competencies and

qualifications of candidates for appointment to career positions in the Department in
accordance with the CSC approved DOH Merit Selection Plan (MSP).

. Discrimination — involves a situation where a qualified applicant is not included in

the selection line-up by the Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board
(HRMPSB) on account of political or religious affiliations, sex, sexual orientation
and gender identity, civil status, age, disability, or ethnicity.

. Persons with Disability — refer to persons suffering from restriction or different

handicaps, as a result of mental, physical or sensory impairment, to perform an
activity in the manner or within the range considered normal for a human being.

. Human Resource Action — refers to any action denoting the movement or progress
of officials and employees in the civil service which shall include appointment,
promotion, transfer, reappointment, reinstatement, reemployment, reclassification,
detail, designation, reassignment, secondment, demotion, and separation from the

. Merit and Fitness System — refers to process of hiring, promoting, rewarding and
retaining government employees based solely on their ability to perform the duties
and responsibilities of a given position and their observance of the required ethics in
public service.


A. 1987 Philippine Constitution

1. Article IT (on State Policies)

1.1 The State values the dignity of every human person and guarantees
full respect for human rights (Section 11).
1.2 The State recognizes the role of women in nation —building and shall
ensure the fundamental equality before the law of women and men
(Section 14).

1.3. The State shall guarantee equal opportunities for public service
(Section 26).

Article [X-B (on the Civil Service Commission)

2.1 Appointments in the civil service shall be made only according to

merit and fitness to be determined, as far as practicable, and except as
to positions which are policy-determining, primarily confidential, or
highly technical, by competitive examination (Section 2 [2]).

Article XIII on Social Justice and Human Rights

3.1 Congress shall give highest priority to the enactment of measures that
promote and enhance the right of all people to human dignity, reduce
social, economic, and political inequalities, and remove cultural
inequities by equitably diffusing wealth and political power for the
common good (Section 1).

3.2 The State shall afford full protection to labor, local and overseas,
organized and unorganized, and promote full employment and
equality of employment opportunities for all (Section 3).

B. Book V of Executive Order No. 292 (The Revised Administrative Code of

1987) on the Civil Service Commission

1. The State shall insure and promote the constitutional mandate that appointments
in the Civil Service shall be made only according to merit and fitness; that the
Civil Service Commission, as the central personnel agency of the Government
shall establish a career service, adopt measures to promote morale, efficiency,
integrity, responsiveness, and courtesy in the civil service, strengthen the merit
and rewards system, integrate all human resources development programs for
all levels and ranks, and institutionalize a management climate conducive to
public accountability (Section 1, Chapter 1).

. The terms and conditions of employment of all government employees,

including those in government-owned or controlled corporations with original
charters shall be fixed by law (Section 3, Chapter 1).

Cc. Republic Act No. 6713 (Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public
Officials and Employees)

Section 4. Norms of Conduct ofPublic Officials and Employees. - (A) Every public
official and employee shall observe the following as standards of personal conduct
in the discharge and execution of official duties:


(c) Justness and sincerity. - Public officials and employees shall remain true to
the people at all times. They must act with justness and sincerity and shall not
discriminate against anyone, especially the poor and the underprivileged. They
shall at all times respect the rights of others, and shall refrain from doing acts
contrary to law, good morals, good customs, public policy, public order, public
safety and public interest.

D. Other Laws and CSC Issuances

1. It shall be the policy of the Government to promote efficiency in the
allocation of personnel in the civil service, as well as transparency and equal
opportunities in the recruitment and hiring of new personnel. (Section 1 of
Republic Act No. 7041 [Publication Law])

Selection of employees for appointment in the government service shall be

open to all qualified men and women according
the principle of merit and

There shall be equal employment opportunity for men and women atall
levels of positions in the agency, provided they meet the minimum
requirements of the position to be filled.

There shall be no discrimination in the selection of employees on account of

gender, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity, or political affiliation.
(Items I and 2 of CSC MC No. 3, s. 2001).

Government employees shall not be discriminated against in respect of their

employment by reason of their membership in employees' organizations or
participation in the normal activities of their organization. Their employment
shall not be subject to the condition that they shall not join or shall relinquish
their membership in the employees’ organizations. (Section 5 of Executive
Order No. 180 dated June 1, 1987 on the Guidelines for the Exercise of the
Right to Organize of Government Employees).


1. Human resource actions in the Department shall be based on merit and fitness
except for primarily confidential positions declared as such by law or by the Civil
Service Commission (CSC). They cannot be influenced by political or other
2. The Department shall make opportunities available to everyone fairly, equally, and
without discrimination, regardless of personal circumstances and only on account
of performance, merit and fitness.


A. On Recruitment, Selection and Placement

“Opportunity for government employment shall be open to all

qualified citizens and positive efforts shall be exerted to attract the
best qualified to enter the service. Employees shall be selected on the
basis of fitness to perform the duties and assume the responsibilities
of the positions”. (Section 21, Chapter 5, Book V of Executive Order
No. 292).

The Department shall strictly adhere to the principles of merit, fitness and
equality. There shall be no discrimination in the selection of officials and employees
on account of age, sex, sexual orientation and gender identity, civil status, disability,
ethnicity, social status, income, political or religious affiliations, and other similar
factors/ personal circumstances which run counter to meritocracy, suitability for the
job, and equal employment opportunities. Qualifications and competence to perform
the duties and responsibilities of the position shall be the criteria for recruitment,
selection and placement.

1. Publication and Posting of vacancies:

1.1 The Department shall not print or publish or cause to be printed or

published in any mode/form of publication, any notice of advertisement
relating to employment which is suggestive of preferences, limitations,
specifications, and discrimination or decline any employment application
because of individual’s age, situation, gender, disability, ethnicity and
social status.

1.2 Publication and posting of vacancies should reflect the Department’s

adherence to the EOP.

2. Initial assessment:

2.1 During the preparation of list of applicants, the Human Resource

Management Officer (HRMO) shall take into account if there are
applicants who are differently-abled and/or those with special needs. This
is intended to ensure that from the start of the process, the appropriate
assistance that can be extended to them are already identified, accessible
and fully available.
2.2 The Department shall not discriminate in any way and its
assessment shall
only be based on whether the applicant meets the qualification standard
for the given position with due regard to the EOP.

3. Examinations:

In the conduct of examinations, the following measures shall be adopted as

assistance to the concerned examinee/s:

3.1 For applicants with vision impairment

a.Assign a qualified reader and credible encoder

b. The test questions and answers should be recorded
c. Whenever necessary, set a separate schedule
d. Continue with the adoption of the improvised Braille system for the
conduct of Massage Therapist Licensure exam; and ensure the
presence of enough proctors that will guide examinees during the

3.2 For applicants with hearing impairment

a. Provide a written exam or encoded questionnaire and a laptop when


3.3 For applicants with physical disability

a. Make provisions (e.g ramp/railing) for handicapped applicants; or

date of exam
where there is an elevator, ensure that the same functional on the

b. In case the elevator is not functional, accommodate concerned

examinees in a more accessible room
c. Assign a qualified reader and credible encoder
d. The test questions and answers should be recorded

4. During the Panel Interview:

4.1 Questions related to selection criteria, performance, and previous work

experience may be raised. Those that will demonstrate or exhibit the
candidate’s competencies required for the position applied for, as well as
his/her potentials, are encouraged. Questions pertaining to age, disability,
social status, income class, paternity, and political affiliation or other
similar factors/personal circumstances should not be included in any
questionnaire instruments.

4.2 A separate schedule may also be provided.

4.3 Specifically, for applicants with hearing impairment, questions shall be in
writing and concerned applicants shall be given ample time towrite their


“The agency Performance Evaluation System shall provide sanctions

against raters who use itto give undue advantage or disadvantage to
people they rate” (Section 3[e], Rule IX on Performance Evaluation
of the Omnibus Civil Service Rules and Regulations Performance
Evaluation of the Implementing Rules and Regulations).

Performance targeting, evaluation and review shall be based only on actual,

verifiable accomplishments and not on such factors or circumstances as employees’
age, gender, civil status, disability, religion, ethnicity, social status, income,
paternity, and political affiliation which contravene theprinciples of merit, fitness
for the job, and equal employment opportunity.

The Department shall endeavor to be more sensitive and responsive to

the needs,
situations, and circumstances of their employees. In pursuit of the EOP, appropriate
consideration and support shall be given to the differently-abled and/or those with
special needs. Such consideration may include, but not limited to the following as
long as it will not unduly affect or hinder office operations: |

1. Provide breastfeeding room for lactating mothers; a child-minding center for

employees with children up to four (4) years old; and a prayer room for non-
catholic employees.

. Refrain setting of targets that will separate solo parents from their children for
a long time.

For pregnant and other physically challenged employees, limit the setting of
difficult targets that may endanger their situation. |

. For employees who are recuperating from sickness, temporary assignments

that will alleviate their condition may be given.

. For employees belonging to the Indigenous Peoples, restrain from assigning

targets or activities that are contrary to their cultural beliefs and practices.

. Adjust work schedules for religious practices; shall not segregate employees
based on religious practices such as placing persons of particular religion in a
non-customer position because of dress or grooming habits.


“The grant of awards shall be governed by the merit and fitness

principle. (Section 3, Rule V of the Implementing Rules and
Regulations of Republic Act No. 6713 [The Code of Conduct and
Ethical Standards for Public Officials and Employees]y”

The Department shall endeavor to motivate and inspire its officials and
employees to uphold the highest standards of performance and ethics in public
service by giving due recognition to deserving officials and employees who have
shown exemplary public service. It shall ensure at all times that in the grant of
awards and incentives, the EOP is strictly observed without discrimination on
account of political or religious affiliations, sex, sexual orientation and gender
identity, civil status, age, disability, or ethnicity.

Whenever feasible, on-the-spot recognition may be resorted to. Posting of the

name/s of the nominee/s and awardee/s, as well as announcement and recognition
of awardees during flag raising ceremonies have inspiring effect, hence, the same
is encouraged.

The awards may either be monetary or non-monetary.


“ Every official and employee of the government

resource to be valued, developed and utilized in the
is an asset or
delivery of basic
services to the public. Hence, the development and retention of a
highly competent and professional workforce in the public service
shall be the main concern of every department or agency”. (Section 1,
Rule VIII of the Omnibus Civil Service Rules and Regulations).

The Department is committed to the maximum development and utilization of

the employees’ abilities, skills, and potentials. Towards this end, shall undertake
the following:

1. Establish and maintain a systematic plan of action for learning and

development of employees at
all levels in accordance with CSC standards.

2. Make available learning and development opportunities for career and

personal growth on the basis of performance and accomplishments, not on
personal considerations.
3. Keep track that every employee, regardless of personal circumstances, shall
have undergone at least one (1) planned learning and development
intervention during the year.

4. Conduct periodic review of existing service providers and learning and

development materials to meet the demands of technological advancement.

5. Develop a culture of productivity at the Department by continuously
providing appropriate learning and development interventions.

6. Provide coaching and mentoring activities or other learning and

development interventions whenever deemed necessary for employee’s
improvement in work performance and behavior.

7. Monitor the working environment and take appropriate and immediate

action on issues involving EOP.



1.1 On Recruitment, Selection and Placement

a. Conduct initial evaluation of candidates based only on their qualifications as

shown from their submitted documents and not on any other consideration.

b. Ensure that the publication and posting of the vacancies conform with the EOP.

1.2 On Performance Management

Monitor performance issues in every office so that the same are properly and
timely addressed to avoid serious unmanageable consequences.

1.3 On Rewards and Recognition

Ensures that employees who have exhibited exemplary performance duly

supported by verifiable documents are given recognition regardless of personal

1.4 On Learning and Development

Identify and provide necessary interventions based on the assessment of

developmental needs, and without discrimination.

2. Officials and Employees of the Department

2.1 They shall uphold the highest standards of ethics and discharge their duties with
the highest degree of excellence.

2.2 In the exercise of their rights and in the performance of their duties, they shall
give everyone his/her due, and observe honesty and good faith.

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3. Accredited Employees Organization

Shall serve as partner of a management in: a) its pursuit of development goals;

b) its efforts of strengthening the workplace identity; and c) its mission of
delivering to the public quality and responsive health service.

4. Head of Office

Shall be responsible for ensuring the presence of a working environment that is

conducive to organizational effectiveness, individual productivity, and harmonious
working relationship.


All Orders and other issuances which are not consistent with this Order are hereby


This Order shall take effect immediately until revoked.



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