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A Case Study Report

Submitted to the Faculty of
Cavite State University-Silang Campus
Silang, Cavite

In partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree
Bachelor of Science in Business Management
Major in Human Resource Development Management


December 2019

Shekinah Faith R. Garcia was born in Quezon City on November 25, 1998. She is

the only child of Joseph S. Garcia and Lolit T. Rodriguez. She took her elementary

education at Parklane Elementary School from grades 1 & 2 and transferred to

another school. She finished her primary education at Dasmariñas Elementary School

in 2010.

She had her Secondary Education at First Uniting Christian School from 1 st

year to 2nd year high school and decided to transfer to Langkaan II National High

School and graduated in the Year 2015. She also participated as a sunday school

teacher in a vacation bible school.

In the year 2015, she enrolled at Cavite State University-Silang Campus and

took up Bachelor of Science in Business Management major in Human Resource

Development Management. She became a part of "Silang Prima Chorale" when she

was in second year. She also took a Theology course from 2017 to 2018 in

Dasmariñas, Cavite. She believes in the Truth that God has His grand purpose and all

must strive in preparation to that purpose according to His will.

She had his On-the-Job Training at STEELMAX INC in Silang Cavite in

which she was assigned in the HR Department,

She obtain her degree in January 2020.


The researcher would like to express her gratitude to the people who extended

help for the completion of this.

Ms. Aileen Cervantes, case study adviser for her support, guidance and

assistance during the immersion and help in preparation for this study;

Ms.Wendy Sadang, technical critic for her patience to read and analyze the

study and give feedback for the improvement of her research paper;

Ms. Ma. Christina D. Bayla, research coordinator for approving all

documentary requirements of the researcher;

Ms. Haziel T. Alvarez, chairperson of the department of management for

approval and signing of requirements needed;

Dr. Ammie P. Ferrer, campus administrator for signing all documentary

requirements in this study;

Mr. John Levic Homo, HR specialist of John McArthur Realty Development

Corporation for his guidance, support and learnings provided to the researcher;

Ms. Eunice S. Flores, admin specialist for her guidance and advice which

helped the researcher to be productive in the workplace;

Ms. Arriane Anchales, finance supervisor for her guidance and provision that

helped the researcher to have a better analysis for the best of this study;

John McArthur Development Corporation, for allowing the researcher to

conduct her case study and gave her the chance to explore the new world in the HR

Families and friends who willingly helped her out with the competence in

making this case study successful and giving the researcher the strength and courage

for the best of this study;

Almighty God, for love and divine nature, to explore His creation and for

giving her an opportunity to do this case study and to have a better knowledge at John

McArthur Development Corporation to write this case study.



GARCIA, SHEKINAH FAITH R. A Case Study of John McArthur Realty

Development at Silang, Cavite. Case study. Bachelor of Science in Business
Management major in Human Resource Development Management. Cavite State
University Silang-Campus, Silang, Cavite. December 2019. Adviser: Ms. Aileen

The general objective of the study aimed to analyze the human resource

process of JMRDC. Specifically the study aimed to: (1) identify the recruitment and

selection and retention process of the company; (2) determine the existing problem

faced by the company and provide feasible solution; (3) analyze the SWOT of the

firm; and (4) determine the future plans of the company. The study was conducted at

John McArthur Realty Development Corporation located at KM 42 San Vicente 2,

Silang, Cavite near Silang Specialist Medical Center from September to November


The researcher used qualitative descriptive method in gathering data, most of

the information gathered were from observation and other information’s were

provided by the management. Strength, weaknesses, opportunity and threats analysis

was used to identify the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

The researcher observed that the company has a problem on some employees

which are by passing the higher authority. Insubordination of the employees because

some employees are not following the policy, regarding this problem researcher

suggested to set a policy regarding this problem.

It was concluded that consistency between position expectations and

recruitment, selection and retention increase the reliability and validity of selection

It is imperative to make a discussion regarding performance improvement

feedbacks by working as a team, as to the extent of communication of organizational

body as far as it concerns regarding the employees. The researcher also analyzed the

strengths of the firm which are skilled worker, convenient and strategic location,

accommodating staff. The weaknesses of the firm are lack of facilities, employee

heavy workloads and under employed. The opportunities of the firm are available of

online facilities, continuous development of Silang area and joint venture. The threats

of the firm are competition in the market, consumer changes preferences and rule and

regulation. The problem within the organization was the insubordination of the

employees some of the employees that are tenured deviate the rules and regulation of

the company and bypass the higher authority apparently there are other employee by

pass the proper communication process. The recommendations of the researcher for

the firm are conduct a board meeting once a week, provide training, seminars and set

a clear policy and enforce recruitment strategy, make a good work/life balance, plan

team building activities and provide more facilities to customers and employees.

DATA........................................................................................................................... iii



TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………. vii

LIST OF viii
FIGURES…………………………………………………………………................. 1
LIST OF APPENDICES……………………………………………………………...


Significance of the study ………………………...……………...…………... 3

Objective of the study……………………………………………….………...... 3

Time and Place of the study…………………...………………………….…..... 4

Scope and Limitation of the study…………..………………..……………….... 4

Definition of Terms………………………...…………………………………. 5


Collection of Data………………………..………………………….…………. 6

Methods of Analysis……………………...………………………………….… 6

Timetable Activities…………………………………………………………… 7


Historical Background…………………………………………………………. 8

Organization and management....................................................................... 11

Duties and responsibilities.............................................................................. 14

Human Resource…………………………………………………………... 15
Problems of the Company............................................................................. 23
Future Plans of the Company........................................................................ 24
ANALYSIS OF THE FIRM.................................................................................. 26
Strengths......................................................................................................... 26
Opportunities................................................................................................. 27
Threats............................................................................................................ 28
Summary.......................................................................................................... 29
Conclusion....................................................................................................... 30
Location of the Company and Layout………...…………...…………………

Recommendation............................................................................................ 13






Figure Page

1 The location Map of the Company................................................... 11

2 The organizational chart of the Company........................................ 13


Appendix Page
1 Recommendation letter.................................................................. 34
2 Memorandum of agreement........................................................... 36
3 Certificate of completion................................................................ 37
4 Evaluation form.............................................................................. 40

5 Curriculum vitae…………………………………………………. 42
6 Daily time record............................................................................ 44
7 Photo documentation....................................................................... 46



Shekinah Faith R. Garcia

A case study submitted to the faculty of the Department of Management, Cavite State
University – Silang Campus, Silang, Cavite in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree Bachelor of Science in Business Management major in Human
Resource Development Management with No._______ Prepared under the
supervision of Ms. Aileen Cervantes.

John MacArthur Realty Development Corporation is a real estate company

that operates in the province of Cavite currently holds office in Km 42 San Vicente II

bypass road Silang, Cavite. There are specialist in owning, developing, acquiring,

managing, selling and renting/leasing disposing farm lots. Part of their goal as a real

estate agency is to grow to become one of the top 5 largest real estate companies in

the province of Cavite, and to own and manage properties across Region 4-A.

JMRDC is committed when it comes to maintaining a diverse portfolio of highly

quality farm lots. JMRDC also focus on providing a dynamic, proactive and vibrant

working environment for all our employees, such as discounted purchased properties

for employees, and mouthwatering bonus (commission) for every deal that comes

through any of the staff.

Real estate development or property development is a business process,

encompassing activities that range from the renovation and release of existing

buildings to the purchase of raw land and the sale of developed land or parcels to

others. Real estate developers are the people and companies who coordinate all of

these activities, converting ideas from paper to real property (Kocanova and Ketners,

2013). 2

One of the most essential development in the field of human resource

management in recent times is the growing importance given to human resource

recruitment and selection. In fact, employees are the greatest asset of any

organization. For an organization to be on the pedestal, it rely on the competence and

professional attitude of the employees. Recruitment is the process of finding and

attracting suitably generating a pool of qualified people to apply for job vacancies in

the organization. So it is imperative that right person for the right job is working in a

company, perhaps recruitment and selection process becomes most integral, if done in

an organized way it leads to selection of right candidates.

Recruitment can be defined as a process of searching for applicants and

obtaining applicants for a specific job so as the right person can be placed in right

position to fill the gap in the organization (Elly, and Ramdani, 2018). Recruitment and

selection as part of effective Human Resource Management is an important function

that makes it possible to acquire the number and types of human capital necessary to

ensure the continued operation of the organization.

Employees are the most valued and most precious assets of an organization. It

is the individual performance of employees that will converge to form the overall

performance of the organization. While recruiting the employees, organizations have

to devise a strategy to carefully recruit the most suitable employees because they

create the competitive advantage for the organizations (Adeyemi, Dumade and

Fadare, 2015)

Organizational engagement is powerful driver of employee engagement and

thus driver for improving employee retention. Organizational procedures and policies

play important role in determining engagement. In addition, inter-organizational

attributes such as trust in senior-management and procedural justice has been

determined to be significant predictors of organizational engagement (Subhash and

Lata, 2017)

Significance of the Study

` The result of this study is significant as an avenue to disseminate information

and additional knowledge to the company, employees, researcher and future


To the Company. This study is important to the company to improve the

process towards recruitment, selection and retention to increase job performance and

efficiency of the company.

Employees. This study is essential to the employee and staffs for them to have

additional information about the subject of this study.

Researcher. The result of this study may also benefit the researcher to have

information and she can use this as reference and gain more idea in this study.

Future Researchers. This study will also serve as additional information for

their reference.

Objective of the Study

The general objective of the study aimed to analyze the human resource

process of John McArthur Realty Development Corporation (JMRDC).

Specifically it aimed to:

1. Identify the recruitment, selection and retention process of the firm;

2. Determine the existing problem being faced by the company and provide

feasible solution;

3. Analyze the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the company

4. Determine the future plans of the company.

Time and Place of the Study

The study was conducted at John McArthur Realty Development Corporation

which is located at KM. 42 San Vicente II, Emilio Aguinaldo Highway, Silang Cavite

from September to November 2019. The researcher was required to render 320 hours

of immersion for the completion of this case study and was assigned in the

administrative and human resource department.

Scope and Limitation of the study

The data gathered were solely based from the responses from the interview of

particular participants of this study, observation and documentary analytics as primary

sources of data where the study was held during the mentioned year and did not deal

on the performance of the company in the whole aspects of human resource

management. Hence, it only emphasis is the recruitment, selection and retention


Definition of Terms

Employee Retention. Refers to ability of an organization to retain its employees.

Evaluation. An assessment and review of a worker's job performance.

Final Interview. Candidates who have reached this part of hiring process are already

qualified for the job.

Manpower. The total of number of person who are employed in organization for a

particular assignment or work.

Recruitment. A process of attracting prospective employees and stimulating them for

applying job in an organization.

Selection. A process of interviewing and evaluating the candidates for a specific job

and selecting an individual for employment based on certain criteria such as

qualifications, skills and experience. The process of choosing from a group of

applicants those individuals best suited for a particular position most managers

recognize that employee selection is one of their most difficult, and most important,

business decisions. This process involves making a judgment not about the applicant,

but about the fit between the applicant and the job by considering knowledge, skills

and abilities and other characteristics required to perform the job.

Short Listing. Identify those candidates who best meet the selection criteria for the

post; Those who are most likely to be capable of carrying out the duties of the job.


The researcher used primary data which information are from interview,

observation, and secondary data which came from different journal and articles from
website and books from library to support and validate informative results of the


Collection of Data

Primary data are data that are collected for the specific research problem using

the procedure that fits to problems best. The researcher gathered data through

observation, formal and informal interview with employees of the company.

Sources of secondary data are from government publications, websites, books,

journal articles, internal records. The researcher use books, other materials like

company profile, articles and journals from the internet.

Method of analysis

In this study, the qualitative descriptive research method was used to

determine the case of JMRDC in Silang, Cavite. Descriptive research may be defined

as a purposive process of gathering, analyzing, classifying about prevailing

conditions, practices, processes, and trends and then making adequate and accurate

interpretation about the data (Calderon and Gonzales, 2012). This method was suited

for the researcher to gather empirical information about the current existing condition

of the present study. Hence, this method was used to describe the recruitment,

selection and retention process of the firm, The researcher use qualitative research

method to analyze data gathered from JMRDC regarding human resource process.

SWOT analysis was also used to evaluate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities

and threats of the company.

Time Table of Activities

Table 1. Schedule of activities (Gantt Chart)

Septemb Novembe December

August October
Activities er r

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1. Finding company for case


2. Accomplish and passing

the recommendation

3. Immersion

4. Preparation of the case

study and Revision

5. Final defense& revisions

Table 1 shows the activities of the researcher from August to December, 2019.

During the last week of August, the researcher had her orientation that was held at

CVSU-Silang. The first to fourth week of September the researcher is looking for a

company, she also submitted recommendation letter and accomplished forms, she

started her immersion in the company from September to November. The researcher

had her final defense, on the third week of December.

Historical Background
In August 26, 2011 John McArthur Enterprises business formed by Mr.

Magnaye established John McArthur Enterprises, which ventured heavy equipment

rental, ice distribution and junkshop. To support John McArthur Enterprises, Mr.

Magnaye reached a conclusion to establish hardware under the name of their


In February 2, 2017 Ms. Marlinda Magnaye as the President/CEO sold raw

and subdivided lots, she then established another business that is real estate entitled to

her daughter Ms. Jona Micah Magnaye. The first project of McArthur Realty is in

Baguio Heights located at Buho Silang, Cavite receded by Kaytitinga Farm Lot

located at Kaytitinga Alfonso Cavite under Nature’s Trend Realty, which is formerly

entitled to Mrs. Magnaye .As of today, the company has six real estate project in

different places in Cavite.

Their goal is to change people’s lives and create a perfect sustainable system

for everyone which is known today as John McArthur Realty Development

Corporation. Today, the vision has been adapted by its leaders and is continuously

providing a profitable investment, materials and services.



To be the world’s best needs and services provider.


To build and deliver distinctive value propositions for all stakeholders,

supported by the knowledge of our professional team, our recognized best practices

and our use of innovative methods and technologies.

To ensure the on-going trust and loyalty of our clients by providing them with

uncommonly great customer service and value in the sales and support of needs and


Core Values

Simplicity - We keep business simple, easy to understand and focused on the key


Respect - We encourages different backgrounds and styles of working and welcome


Integrity - Honesty is our key factor.

Transparency - We share information, highlighting problems as well as success.

Collaboration - We works together, sharing ideas in an open, constructive style.

Performance - We focus on the delivery of business results before personal success.



Figure 3. Logo of John McArthur

Development Corporation

John McArthur Realty Development Corporation came from the idea of, Ms.

Marlinda Magnaye the CEO of the company it is created in two letters which is “JM”.

The true meaning of this logo: The (color green) on the left side portray a person who

kneeling down and praying to God, while the (yellow) on the right side represents

God uplift person who pray to Him and the anchor at the bottom symbolizes when

you pray to God he will lift you up and he will never let you fall.

Location Map

The Jhon McArthur Realty Development Corporation is located at Km. 42

Brgy. San Vicente along Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo Highway in Silang Cavite.

Figure 2. Location map where Jhon McArthur Development Corp. is located at San
Vicente II Silang Cavite

Business Layout /Floor Layout

The company’s accommodation starts with the administrative specialist corner

on the right the HR Specialist Area with the Consultant’s Office next to it. After the

administrative specialist corner is the conference room and on the left side you will

see the accounting area. Lastly behind the accounting area you will see the secretary


Figure 1. Office layout of John McArthur Development Corporation.

Organization and Management

The organization of JMRDC is headed by the owner’s chairman together with

President/Ceo while the secretary and consultant at the right side. Subsequently

leaded by Finance/Accounting, Marketing Manager, Admin Specialist, and HR

Specialist. The marketing secretary is under marketing manager.

Figure 4. Organizational hierarchy structure of the John McArthur Realty

Development Corporation.

Duties and Responsibilities

Chairman. Providing leadership to the board, taking responsibility for the

board's composition and development, ensuring proper information for the board,

planning and conducting board meetings effectively, getting all directors involved in

the board's work.

CEO. The primary responsibilities include making major corporate decisions,

managing the overall operations and resources of a company, acting as the main point

of communication between the board of directors (the board) and corporate operations

and being the public face of the company.

Marketing Manager. He/She is responsible in developing the marketing

strategy for the company in line with company objectives. Coordinating marketing

campaigns with sales activities, overseeing the company's marketing budget.

Marketing secretary. Responsible for compiling and distributing financial

and statistical information such as budget spreadsheets, analyzing questionnaires,

writing reports, company brochures and similar documents, organizing and hosting

presentations and customer visits, assisting with promotional activities.

Finance/Accounting. Provides financial information to management by

researching and analyzing accounting data and preparing reports.

Administrative Specialists. Performs a wide range of administrative and

personal assistant duties including conducting research, preparing statistical reports

and spreadsheets, preparing correspondence, reports and presentations, handling

information requests, planning conferences and meetings.


HR Specialist. Human resources specialists prepares and updates employment

records related to hiring, transferring, and promoting. Explaining human resources

policies, procedures, laws, and standards to new and existing employees. Ensuring

new hire paperwork is completed and processed.

Human Resource

Human Resource Management is a strategic approach to managing

employment relations which emphasizes that leveraging people’s capabilities is

critical to achieving competitive advantage, this being achieved through a distinctive

set of integrated employment policies, programmers and practices. According to

(Hariandja, 2008). Human resource is one very important factor in a company in

addition to other factors such as capital. Therefore, HR must be properly managed to

improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the organization.

One of the main mission of the Human Resource senior executive is making

sure that people are the main assets. The Human Resource is one of the important in

the organization by developing policies and procedure to the company where they can

utilize the flow of the company top to bottom. Organization must understand each

employee more deeply that can lead a good results. Good relation between employer

and employees must lead a better success (Bogatova, 2017). The quality of the human

resource has heavily depends on the effectiveness of recruitment and selection

process. Recruitment is the process of generating a pool of competent individuals to

apply for employment within an organization. 16

According to James et al. (2019) governing bodies follow broadly similar

recruitment and selection processes, which have a number of problematic aspects: the

unique nature of the context; the complexity of the processes; ensuring adequate
recruitment; the processes are demanding, resource intensive, a considerable

responsibility and difficult to organize especially when there are internal candidates;

the skills required are specialized; engaging external expertise can be beneficial, but

not without challenges; and the chair's involvement is typically substantial.

Recruitment and Selection

Employers can make use of the technique of job recruitment and selection

process that recognize the skills required to carry out various jobs. This set of

information can be used to design training and career development programs for the

employees. Identifying manpower services is a set of skills that enables employers to

train and evolve employees for promotional activities and provides an understanding

of job posting. For the selection process underscores examination, initial interview,

testing evaluation, final interview, background investigation, and job offer.

This also applicable for promotion, transferring requirements and recognizing

career opportunities Henry and Temtime, (2015) reiterated that the recruitment is an

entry point of manpower into an organization and the path an organization must

follow in order to make sure that the organization have attracted the right individuals

for recruitment and selection protocols so that the overall strategic goals are achieved.

Recruitment and Selection process

Approval and justification for requirement of manpower services.

Estimating the quantity of people required upon approval and justification for the

requirement of people needed.

Job Posting. Information that the company is in need of applicant like posting

on website for hiring promotion, posting in facebook an adversary that they need a

specific applicant, included in the job posting the qualifications of the potential


Selection Process

Examination. Applicants were given an Intelligence Quotient (IQ) test type of

examination like abstract and logic in a multiple choice type of test.

Initial Interview. Inside the initial interview the human resource validate the

resume of applicant by asking them a specific questions like what is her/his past job


Testing Evaluation. The applicants undergo certain evaluations like checking

the applicant base on the qualification standards required by giving them actual

testing and example of situation.

Final Interview. Among the applicants those who are part of the shortlist

process proceed to final interview. The final interview in JMRDC is the

interviewer/the boss or the manager of the company.

Background Investigation. Checking the applicant’s background includes,

reference with his or her past employer, criminal records and legal documents

includes barangay clearance.


Job offer. Job offer to the potential employees gives orientation of the

company and their remuneration, benefits, start date, rate of pay and a few terms

related to the company policies.

Highlighting the significance of various recruitment practices results in the

selection of the right person in the right job, which enhances a healthier working

environment in organizations, in rendering high quality services to the human

resource management.

Recruitment and Selection Process

Approval and
justification for the
Requirement of
Manpower Services

Job posting

Selection process Interview

Testing and
Short Listing Evaluation

Final Interview

Background Investigation Job offer

Figure 5. Recruitment and selection process of JMRDC.



Employee retention refers to the ability of an organization to retain its

employees, employee retention may consider as relating to the efforts by which

employers attempt to retain the employees in their workplace. Essential employee

retention includes benefits, career growth, promotions, good management and

camaraderie of the employees.

Long-term health and success of any organization depends upon the retention

of key employees. To a great extent customer satisfaction, organizational performance

in terms of increased sales, satisfied colleagues and reporting staff, effective

succession planning, is dependent upon the ability to retain the best employees in any

organization. Encouraging employees to remain in the organization for a long period

of time can be termed as employee retention.

Retention in the Management

Benefits for their Employees. They are offering benefits to their employees

includes medicare. A health insurance program for SSS members, cash advance,


vement leave, holiday pay, maternity leave and others benefits. It is necessary because

it shows them that they invested not only their physical effort and health, but their

future employee benefits can help to attract and retain skilled and professional


Promotion. Promotion helps to retain employees by promoting them on the

higher position and give them higher salary. According to JMRDC they promote their

employees by providing them a professional training and seminar for two days.

Giving Right Salary. Providing right salary to the employees make them

retain in the company which gives them a stronger sense of satisfaction. That is one of

the key factor to motivate their employees towards work.

Factors of Employees Retention

Good Attitude of the Employees. Good attitude is really important as an

employee inside and outside which creates a harmonious environment towards their

workplace. A positive attitude helps them cope better under stressful situations at

work. Attitudes help to develop the prevailing workplace environment that determines

employee morale, productivity.

Good Management. According to employee of JMRDC good management

system makes them retain in the organization, this is one of the reasons why they are

motivated to go to work every day. Good management helps to create employees who

are both engaged and makes them more productive. It creates a positive energy and

the employees feel motivated. Company manual was given to each employee before

the start of their work so they will be all familiar with the company operation and


Good benefits. Offering their employees benefits increased loyalty in the

company, and ability to focus at work. It also increase productivity in job that go

beyond the legal requirements. To be more effective some benefits that given to their

employees are Incentive Leave -employees that rendered one year in service may

avail five (5) day incentive leave with pay and must be within the calendar year.

Maternity Leave is to all female pregnant employees entitled to a maternity leave

benefit of sixty (60) days in case of normal delivery or miscarriage, or seventy-eight

(78) days, in case of caesarian section delivery, with one hundred percent pay (100%)
of their daily salary. Paternity Leave is a legal right given to the father to leave or get

away from his work for a whole week or consecutive week to take good care of his

new baby. This leave must be approved first by your manager or supervisor so that

they can find someone else to be your replacement for a while to take good care of

your unfinished task. Holiday Pay is any form of paid time off, such as a government

declared a holiday. Due to the nature of resort, employee may require to work during

holidays and gives an one hundred percent (100%) to their basic salary of every

regular holiday and additional thirty percent (30%) during special holidays.

Good Relationship with Co-employees. Co-worker relationship, workplace

relationship and interaction have an impact on employee satisfaction and retention.


Problems of the company

Based on the immersion of the researcher, she observed different problems of

the company.

Insubordination of the employees. Intend that other employees are not

following the company policy. There are several employees that are tenured in the

company who tried to deviate the rules and regulation of the company, it seems they

were regular employee and knew the labor law. Sometimes they ignore the

memorandum from the human resource department especially on the issue of

absenteeism without informing in advance the higher authority. Most probably, the

task assigned from these particular employee were carried to the newly hired


Bypass the Higher Authority. Another issue is bypassing the higher

authority wherein the concerned employee have had directly go to the boss or the

owner rather than consulting to the human resource management administration first.

This problem is basically exist because of personal interest of both parties who intend

for a certain vacant position wherein the employee who has close relationship with

higher authority may bypass the proper selection process. There are some instances

that an unintentional mistake regarding the processing of salary of an employee,

instead by doing right communication and consulting the right person in the human

resource department.

Planning is a means of perspective in managing the company, deciding in

advance on what, how, and when something is to be achieve or done according to the

goals of the company. One of the ultimate function of human resource management is

making future plans. In the process of management, many managers created a good

plan scheme, but fail to put every contents of the plan into sound credible action (Noe,

2015). It involves analysis of external and internal environment, selecting short term

and long term goals. It focuses on the vision, mission, goals, and objectives towards

sustainable development.

As part of Business Corporation and steward for providing jobs in the

community, the focus on highlighting the adherence of its purpose. According to

some employees of the Realty, the following were the possible short term and long-

term plan of the John McArthur Realty Development Corporation. Although, Chinese

investment in U.S. real estate is a recent development with considerable growth

Potential (Kerry, 2015).

Long-term Plans

Business expansion. They have plans to expand their business from realty

land property to subdivisions and houses with amenities to gain more profits, and to

grow to become one of the top 5 largest real estate companies in the province of

Cavite and to own and manage properties across Region IV-A.

Short-Term Plans

Renovation of facilities. Renovation of facilities for comfortable and

convenient workplace for the employees. Changes of office design, space, color,

fixtures, and furnitures need to match existing finishes and style. It will involve

additional space to outdated office interiors, requiring not just building the new space,

but upgrading the older space to match the fit and finish in the renovation. New

additions or changes can be achieved with minimal or great impact to the ongoing




SWOT Analysis is a powerful tool for assessing an organization’s capabilities

and deficiencies. It enables organization to develop strategies to be competitive in

recruitment and selection. There is always a need to evaluate whether maximize on

the strengths to overcome the internal weakness; capitalize on the opportunities to

eliminate the internal weakness, maximize on your strengths to eliminate the external

threats; and take advantage of the available opportunities to eliminate the external

threats. SWOT analysis is a tool in evaluating the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities

and threats to the recruitment and selection process.


Skilled worker. Most of the employees are competent in task assigned to

them. Training is provided in a given schedule with a credible trainer in an

appropriate and spacious venue in cooperation and partnership with business coach.

Convenient and Strategic Location. Accessible location for the costumers

that makes them convenient because it is easy to see and the location of the company

is in the main highway and accessible to major town facilities like market,

municipality, town center and mall. It is also near the Silang Specialist Medical

Center (SSMC) it will be an advantage in case of emergency.

Accommodating Staff. The staffs are cheerfully willing to serve with smile to

assist the regular need of the clients, guest and fellow staff. They were treated as like

a member of the family and organization.



Lack of Facilities. Most of the employee’s lack of facilities in their workplace

proper stock room for documents and locker for the space of bags and excessive


Employee Heavy Workloads. Some employees have multiple tasks due to

lack of man power.

Under employed. Some workers in John McArthur Realty Development

Corporation are graduate of other courses but are still capable to the task given by the

company; so the company recommend them for a special trainings to meet specific

job requirements.


Availability of Online Facilities. Many consumers search the internet to

investigate products and services before they buy. Creating a website for your real

estate business will show prospective clients what they have to offer.

Continuous Development of Silang Area. Has a great potential and suitable

area to build a business where the province of Silang is still developing at the

moment. It is possible to become a city in the future.

Joint Venture. Because this company has a continues progress, another

opportunity is to have joint venture with other realty company for collaboration and


Threats 28

Competition in the Market. Since there are a lot of real estate company in

Silang, Cavite competition in the market will rise. The customers will have a lot of

choices that will lead to the rivalry of customers.

Consumer Changes Preferences. Some clients change their decision on

choosing a property or farm lot.

Laws and Regulations. Salary rate increase - once the law changes the

company tends to adjust new regulation which is mandated by government. It could

be costly for the company to implement the new policies in their organization.



John McArthur Realty Development Corporation is a subsidiary company of

Banana Spa Island and Yessumac trading. The business expands from enterprises to

corporation, the researcher conducted case study at John McArthur Realty

Development Corporation from September until November 2019. The study aimed to

analyze the recruitment and selection, retention at John McArthur Realty

Development Corporation, identify existing problems of firm and provide feasible

solutions; identify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of

the company; determine the existing problem of the company, provide possible

solution; and determine the company future plan. Data she gathered through

interviews and actual observations with the manager, supervisor and employees of the

company. For the future plan they want to expand their business from land property to

subdivisions and houses. The researcher found out that the JMRDC facing problems

such as insubordination of the employees and bypass the higher authority. The

researcher analyze the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) of

the company. The strength of company are skilled worker, convenient and strategic
location, accommodating staff. In regards to the weaknesses of the company they are

lack of facilities, employee heavy workload, underemployed. This are the internal

lacking within the organization. This are the opportunity for JMRDC availability of

online facilities, continuous development of Silang area, joint venture. Lastly, the

threats are competition in the market, consumer changes preferences, laws and




Consistency between position expectations and recruitment, selection and

retention increase the reliability and validity of selection decisions. Thus, it is

important to consider how the position demands, expectations, and responsibilities of

an employee to be hired in the company. This can help the organization to discuss

appropriate recruitment and selection processes before launching and to provide an

opportunity to discuss strategic business plan for among committee to share their

perspective and concerns on the recruitment and selection processes.

It is imperative to make a discussion regarding performance improvement

feedbacks by working as a team, as to the extent of communication of organizational

body as far as it concerns regarding the employees. Hence job evaluation is an

organized assessment recording the responsibilities, duties, skills, accountabilities,

work environment and ability requirements of a specific job. By doing so, it helps to

create a sense of ownership.

Some employees’ job description is mismatch in accordance with their college

degree or course. Recruitment and selection of employees to a greater extent

determines the performance of an institution and it is of great importance if

institutions want to achieve their goals. Furthermore, in order to enhance effectiveness

and efficiency of their employees, it is essential that they are given clear directions

towards their work, so that the employees know what is expected out of them.

Moreover, job descriptions also lay foundation for key performance indicators (KPIs).
KPIs are essential for measuring performance of the employees, so if an organization

does not have job description for their employees, how will it measure performance.

This further raises questions on promotions in a company



Conduct a board meeting once a week. This can help the organization to

discuss their performance improvement feedback, strategic business plans and

announcements to employees. This provide an opportunity for people to share

problems and concerns, to work and provide solution at the same time.

Provide training and seminars. For career growth and personal growth

through educations, challenging assignments and more responsibility.

Set a clear policy towards progressive discipline. Set a clear policy through

a development of a clear rules and consequences, the employee must be discipline to

follow the policy including verbal warning or written warning.

Enforce recruitment strategy. This is for the solution for under employed

make a enforce recruitment strategy through recruiting employees or interns aligning

the company’s needs of human resources.

Make a good work/ Life Balance. This is for the solution to heavy workload,

As employers and employees, they all share the common aspect of learning to balance

good work with a good life and healthy lifestyle like having zumba and exercise once

a week for healthy life style of employees.

Plan team building activities. While there are different positions in the

workforce, it is important to gather the different areas in your business under one

umbrella. Plan a social gatherings or games for the employees to help build


Provide more facilities to customers and employees. The organization need

to add more rooms and tables to the company to give both customer and employee

comfortable environment

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