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Application Manual

PowerCommand 3.3 Parallelling

Original Instructions 06-2018 Enter document number (Issue
Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Scope ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Application Manuals .......................................................................................................... 1
1.3 Safety ................................................................................................................................ 2

2. PARALLELING APPLICATIONS .............................................................................................. 3

3. PARALLELING FUNCTIONS ................................................................................................... 7

3.1 Synchronizer...................................................................................................................... 7
3.1.1 Description.............................................................................................................. 7
3.1.2 Synchronizer enable logic ...................................................................................... 7
3.1.3 Synchronizer Methods............................................................................................ 7
3.1.4 Setup ...................................................................................................................... 8
3.1.5 Fault Codes ............................................................................................................ 9
3.1.6 Field Test................................................................................................................ 9
3.2 Sync Check ..................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.1 Setup .................................................................................................................... 10
3.2.2 Fault Codes .......................................................................................................... 11
3.2.3 Field Test.............................................................................................................. 11
3.3 Dead Bus Arbitration ....................................................................................................... 12
3.3.1 Description............................................................................................................ 12
3.3.2 Basic Functionality................................................................................................ 12
3.3.3 Backup.................................................................................................................. 12
3.3.4 Loss of Bus Sensing............................................................................................. 12
3.3.5 Single generator set applications ......................................................................... 13
3.3.6 Setup .................................................................................................................... 13
3.3.7 Fault Codes .......................................................................................................... 14
3.4 Breaker Control ............................................................................................................... 14
3.4.1 Description............................................................................................................ 14
3.4.2 Breaker Position Sensing and Diagnostics .......................................................... 15
3.4.3 Setup .................................................................................................................... 16
3.4.4 Fault Codes .......................................................................................................... 17
3.4.5 Field Test.............................................................................................................. 18

4. PARALLELING ALGORITHMS .............................................................................................. 19

4.1 Load Sharing ................................................................................................................... 21
4.1.1 Description............................................................................................................ 21
4.1.2 Isochronous Load Sharing.................................................................................... 21
4.1.3 Setup .................................................................................................................... 22
4.2 Load Governing ............................................................................................................... 23
4.2.1 Description............................................................................................................ 23
4.2.2 Setup .................................................................................................................... 24
4.2.3 Derate ................................................................................................................... 26
4.3 Droop Paralleling Control ................................................................................................ 27
4.3.1 Setup .................................................................................................................... 29

5. POWER TRANSFER CONTROL (PTC)................................................................................. 33

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Table of Contents 06-2018

5.1 Description....................................................................................................................... 33
5.2 Transition Types .............................................................................................................. 34
5.3 PTC Timers ..................................................................................................................... 35
5.3.1 Programmed Transition Time Delay (TDPT) ....................................................... 35
5.3.2 Normal to Emergency Transfer Time Delay (TDNE) ........................................... 35
5.3.3 Emergency to Normal Retransfer Time Delay (TDEN) ....................................... 35
5.3.4 Maximum Parallel Time (TDMP) .......................................................................... 35
5.4 PTC Functions................................................................................................................. 36
5.4.1 PTC Mode selection ............................................................................................. 36
5.4.2 Test with Load ...................................................................................................... 36
5.4.3 Extended Parallel Enable ..................................................................................... 36
5.4.4 Commit to Transfer............................................................................................... 36
5.4.5 Utility Breaker Open Point .................................................................................... 37
5.4.6 Fail to Disconnect Enable..................................................................................... 37
5.4.7 Fail to Sync Open Transition Retransfer .............................................................. 37
5.4.8 Source Availability ................................................................................................ 37
5.4.9 Exercise ................................................................................................................ 40

6. LOAD DEMAND STOP/START.............................................................................................. 43

6.1 Masterless Load Demand ............................................................................................... 43
6.1.1 Load Demand Type .............................................................................................. 44
6.1.2 Threshold Method................................................................................................. 45
6.1.3 Spare Capacity Request....................................................................................... 47
6.1.4 System Remote Start ........................................................................................... 48
6.1.5 MLD Time Delays ................................................................................................. 48
6.1.6 Redundancy for Maintenance ............................................................................. 49
6.1.7 Fault Codes .......................................................................................................... 49

7. PARALLELING WITH 3RD PARTY CONTROLS................................................................... 51

7.1 Biasing............................................................................................................................. 51
7.1.1 Bias Range Setup................................................................................................. 52
7.1.2 Bias Inputs............................................................................................................ 52
7.1.3 Bias Outputs ......................................................................................................... 58
7.2 Control Start/Stop and alarm interconnections................................................................ 60
7.3 Other paralleling methods ............................................................................................... 61


A.0 Commissioning................................................................................................................ 64
A.1 Load Share Verification................................................................................................... 65
A.2 Transient operation validation......................................................................................... 65
A.3 Ramping Validation ......................................................................................................... 66
A.4 Troubleshooting, if validation has issues: ....................................................................... 66

APPENDIX B. PI TUNING........................................................................................................... 67

APPENDIX C. 3RD PARTY PARALLELING EXAMPLES .......................................................... 69

C.0 Example 1 – Paralleling with Cat EMCP2.2 ................................................................... 70
C.1 Example 2 – Paralleling with a Cat EMCP4.4 ................................................................ 70

Copyright © 2018 Cummins Inc. ii Enter document number (Issue 1)

1 Introduction
1.1 Scope
This document is intended as an application guide for paralleling generator sets withPowerCommand
controls. The intended audience is Cummins field application engineers and consulting engineers
designing systems using Cummins PowerCommand controls. PowerCommand controls have
paralleling capability and perform many functions that would often be managed by a system master
control. This guide describes how these functions operate and are configured. Common field
troubleshooting methods are also addressed.

1.2 Application Manuals

Every standby generator set installation will require power transfer equipment and either transfer
switches or paralleling switchgear. The proper system for the job and its proper application are crucial
to reliable and safe operation. The following Cummins Inc. application manuals address related
aspects of standby and emergency power systems. Because these manuals cover aspects requiring
decisions that must be taken into consideration early in the design process, they should be reviewed
along with this manual.
T-011: Transfer Switch Application Manual. Many applications utilize multiple power sources to
enhance electric power system reliability. These often include both utility (mains) service and
generator set service to critical loads. T-011 covers the various types of power transfer systems
available and considerations for their use and application. Careful consideration of the power
switching system at the start of a project will enable a designer to offer the most economically viable
and most reliable service to the facility user.
T-016: Paralleling Application Manual. Paralleling equipment makes two or more generator sets
perform as one large set. This can be economically advantageous, especially when the total load is
greater than 1000 kW. The decision whether to parallel sets must be made in the early stages of
design, especially if space and the need for future expansion are critical factors. The information in T-
016 assists in making this decision. Additionally, T-016 provides general information on paralleling
functions and summarizes how the PowerCommand controls implement protective functions, and also
includes reference for commonly used terms, acronyms, and codes and standards.
T030: Liquid Cooled Generator Set Application Manual. Generator sets may operate as prime power
sources or provide emergency power in the event of utility power failure. They may also be used to
reduce the cost of electricity where the local utility rate structure and policy make that a viable option.
Because of their important role, generator sets must be specified and applied in such a way as to
provide reliable electrical power of the quality and capacity required. T-030 provides guidance to
system and facility designers in the selection of appropriate equipment for a specific facility, and the
design of the facility, so that these common system needs are fulfilled.
T-034: Networking Application Manual. Communication networks have long been used to make
equipment and processes operate more reliably and efficiently. As power generation systems migrate
from centralized to distributed generation and control, the communications infrastructure will need to
become more comprehensive and standardized so that equipment from multiple suppliers will be able
to communicate with each other seamlessly. The purpose of T-034 is to educate engineers, system
integrators, distributors, and interested users in the fundamentals of networks, as they apply and are
used in on-site power generation systems.
T-037: PowerCommand Control Application Manual – ANSI Protective Functions: This manual helps
enable the use of American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Generator Protection Functions
included in the Cummins PowerCommand controls. This manual explains how each of these functions
are configured and implemented in PowerCommand controls and describes commissioning test

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1. Introduction 06-2018

1.3 Safety
Safety should be a primary concern of the facility design engineer. Safety involves two aspects: safe
operation of the generator set itself (and its accessories) and reliable operation of the system. Reliable
operation of the system is related to safety because equipment affecting life and health is often
dependent on the generator set, such as hospital life-support systems, emergency egress lighting,
building ventilators, elevators, fire pumps, security and communications.
Refer to any relevant codes and standards for information on applicable electrical and fire codes
around the world. Standards, and the codes that reference them, are periodically updated, requiring
continual review. Compliance with all applicable codes is the responsibility of the facility design
engineer. For example, some areas may require a certificate-of-need, zoning permit, building permit or
other site-specific certificate. Be sure to check with all local governmental authorities early in the
planning process.

While the information in this and related manuals is intended to be accurate and useful, there
is no substitute for the judgment of a skilled, experienced facility design professional. Each
end user must determine whether the selected generator set and emergency/standby system
is proper for the application.

Copyright © 2018 Cummins Inc. 2 Enter document number (Issue 1)

2 Paralleling Applications
The PowerCommand 3.3 control can operate in six different native paralleling application modes.
PowerCommand 3.3 control is also capable of paralleling with generator sets that use third party
controls. These applications will be discussed in the Third Party Paralleling/Bias section of this
The Generator Set Application Types are as follows:
• Standalone – no paralleling or circuit breaker control functions. This also is used when a third
party paralleling control is managing the paralleling functions.
• Synchronizer only – Generator set is able to synchronize to a bus but has no load control
functions and does not control its paralleling breaker. This is often used with open or hard closed
transition transfer switches.
• Isolated Bus – Generator set is able to parallel with other generator sets but is not able to
parallel with a utility.
• Power Transfer Control – Full transfer pair control, supporting open, hard closed and soft loading
transition types. Used in single generator set/single utility applications. Generator is able to
parallel with a utility but is not able to parallel with other generator sets. Generator senses utility
voltage on the line side of the utility main breaker and synchronizes across the utility main
breaker. Includes extended paralleling functionality.
• Utility Single – Subset of Power Transfer Control except the utility breaker is not controlled. This
mode is used for consistency with legacy controls.
• Utility Multiple – Generator is able to parallel with utility and with other generator sets. Generator
senses bus voltage on the load side of the utility breaker. The generator operates in load share
mode if the utility breaker is open and load govern mode if the utility breaker is closed. Typically
used in conjunction with a master controller.
Table 1 lists paralleling functions available by type. Figure 1 displays simple one line diagrams for
these application types. Figure 2 displays the InPower selection of these application types.


Section Function Stand Sync Isolated Utility Utility Power

Alone Only Bus Single Multiple Transfe
Only r
Synhronizer Sync across Gen CB x x x x x
Sync across Util CB x x x
Dead Bus Dead Bus Arbitration and Close x x
CB Control Gen CB Close/Open Control x x x x
and Diag
Gen CB Shunt Trip x x
Gen CB Position x x x x x
Util CB Close/Open Control and x
Util CB Position Diagnostic x x x
Load Sharing Isochronous and Droop x x
Load Governing Isochronous and Droop x x x

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2. Paralleling Applications 06-2018

Section Function Stand Sync Isolated Utility Utility Power

Alone Only Bus Single Multiple Transfe
Only r
Power Transfer Complete Power Transfer x
Control Operation and Diagnostics
Load Demand Load Demand Stop x x
Masterless Load Demand x*
3rd Party External Bias Output (for x x x x x
Intergration paralleling 3rd party genset)
External Bias Input (for 3rd party x
paralleling control)
ILSI Support x x
Derate Passive Derate x x x x x x
Active Derate (Load Govern x x x

*Requires special part number circuit board


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2. Paralleling Applications 06-2018

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3 Paralleling Functions
3.1 Synchronizer
3.1.1 Description
The synchronizer performs control loop functions which attempt to match genset voltage, frequency
and phase to that of the bus. These control loops accomplish this by offsetting the reference for the
speed governor and the voltage regulator.
There are a number of conditions which turn the synchronizer on and off.

3.1.2 Synchronizer enable logic

The synchronizer may be enabled when the generator set is running and in a ready to load state, the
bus voltage and frequency are within range and the synchronizer isn’t disabled due to the control
being in a manual mode or a fault on the system. The synchronizer is also disabled when the control
is configured to accept input from an external synchronizer or when the droop function is enabled by a
configurable input.
The synchronizer enable logic is a function of the paralleling application.
• In sync only mode the synchronizer is enabled any time the sync enable command is active.
(Note that the sync enable command can be set by operator input only, via either discrete input,
Modbus input or PCCNet input).
• In isolated bus or utility multiple mode the synchronizer is enabled whenever the generator set is
at rated speed and the generator set breaker is open.
• In utility single mode the synchronizer is enabled
◦ automatically when the generator set is at rated speed, the generator set breaker is open
and the utility breaker is closed (loads are connected to the utility)
◦ Manually with user input (via discrete input, Modbus input or PCCNet input) when the
generator breaker is closed and the utility breaker is open (loads are on the genset) and
the sync enable command is active.
• In Power Transfer Control Mode the synchronizer is enabled
◦ Automatically when the PTC logic is about to initiate a closed transition transfer or re-
◦ Manually with user input (via discrete input, Modbus input or PCCNet input) when the PTC
function is in a manual operating mode and the sync enable command is active.
The synchronizer is disabled and locked out under certain abnormal conditions.
• Circuit breaker fail to close while in PTC mode
• Generator set fails to sync to the bus and the fail to sync lockout trim is enabled. Consider
enabling the lockout function to prevent the generator from trying to sync with load or to an
unstable source.

3.1.3 Synchronizer Methods

The synchronizer can be configured for either a phase match or a slip frequency mode.
• In phase match the control drives the generator set frequency to match the utility frequency and
drives the phase angle of the generator waveform to match the utility waveform phase angle.

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3. Paralleling Functions 06-2018

• When the slip frequency method is used the control does not try to drive the generator set
waveform to be in sync with the utility but drives the frequency to be offset from the utility
frequency by some “slip” frequency, typically on the order of 0.1 Hz so that the utility and
generator set will periodically be in sync with each other. (With a slip frequency of 0.1 Hz the
phase difference will complete one cycle every 10 seconds.)
When the slip frequency method is used the control calculates the optimum time to close the breaker
based on the breaker closing time and the rate of change of phase angle to close at a phase
difference of 0 degrees. Note that a higher slip frequency results in faster synchronizing but can result
in high current spikes at the instant of closing a breaker. If done repeatedly this can lead to damage to
the alternator. This tradeoff of fast synchronizing vs minimizing stress on the alternator needs to be
considered. In a standby application where speed of synchronizing is of paramount importance and
there will be few synchronizing events over the life of the generator set it is permissible to have a
higher slip frequency. In applications where the generators will synchronize and close to a live bus
often over its life it is important to minimize slip frequency (typically to values of less than 0.1 Hz) in
order to minimize stress on the alternator. Consult the generator set manufacturer for more insight into

3.1.4 Setup
The InPower service tool can be used to set up the speed control method to be either phase match or
slip as discussed above. The control can also be set up so that an external synchronizer can manage
this function using the speed bias input. Similarly the synchronizer voltage control method can be
configured in InPower for either a voltage match function or to allow an external device to manage the
voltage matching using the voltage bias input. Figure 3 shows the InPower screen for setting the
synchronizer speed and voltage control methods as well as the slip frequency settings.

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06-2018 3. Paralleling Functions


3.1.5 Fault Codes

1456 – Bus voltage/frequency are out of range – Frequency and voltage need to be between 60 and
110% of nominal values to enable the synchronizer.
1457 – Fail to synch – fault becomes active if the genset does not sync to the bus within a time that
can be set in InPower as shown in Figure 3 on page 9.
1458 – Phase sequence mismatch between genset and bus.

3.1.6 Field Test

The synchronizer function can be tested to view the stability of the synchronizer function. Using
InPower set the Genset Application Type to “Synchronizer Only”. Configure and Activate the Sync
Enable input. Using InPower monitor the parameters “Phase Match Error”, “Frequency Match Error”
and “Voltage Match Error” to view performance of the synchronizer. See Figure 4. Upon completion
change Genset Application Type back to the preferred application.

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3. Paralleling Functions 06-2018


Note that it is important to verify that sensing leads are matched correctly to power conductors before
closing a paralleling breaker. During commissioning or if power conductors or sensing leads are
changed in any way It is always recommended to verify the power leads are truly synchronized
independent of the control sync check function before closing a breaker.

3.2 Sync Check

The permissive sync check function decides when conditions are within a window (i.e. “synchronized”)
to allow breaker closure onto a live bus.
The PowerCommand sync check function monitors the three phase generator set and bus line-to-line
voltages, frequencies, phase rotations and L1-L1 voltage phase relationship to determine when the
two sources can be paralleled. This function is used by the control to manage breaker control
functions and can also be mapped to a configurable output for external breaker control. The sync
check function operates independently of the synchronizer so it is still active if an external device is
driving the genset into synchronization.

3.2.1 Setup
Figure 5 displays the InPower setting for the sync check function. Note that there is a setting for a
predictive sync check however that function is currently not enabled.

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The sync check output is activated when voltage, frequency and phase angle are within pre-set limits
(said to be within the permissive window) and either the phase angle difference is decreasing
(meaning the two waveforms are coming into sync rather than going out of sync) or the phase angle
difference is less than 10 degrees. Figure 5 displays the settings for permissive voltage, phase and
frequency window and the required time in the window.

3.2.2 Fault Codes

1456 – Bus voltage/frequency are out of range – Frequency and voltage need to be between 60 and
110% of nominal values to enable the synchronizer.
1457 – Fail to synch – fault becomes active if the genset does not sync to the bus within a time that
can be set in InPower as shown in Figure 3 on page 9.
1458 – Phase sequence mismatch between genset and bus.

3.2.3 Field Test

Due to the sampling latency in InPower it is not recommended to use InPower to confirm accuracy of
the sync check function. The most reliable method to verify this function is to use an oscilloscope to
compare waveforms of the two sources and the sync check output.

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3. Paralleling Functions 06-2018

3.3 Dead Bus Arbitration

3.3.1 Description
The First Start Arbitration Function is used to make sure that multiple generator sets don’t
simultaneously close to a dead bus. All of the generator controls in a system are connected to a
dedicated network for the arbitration function. All generator sets communicate with each other and one
generator will “win” the arbitration and will inhibit all the others from closing to the bus. Any generator
sets that are not to be included in the dead bus arbitration (meaning it has been decided that they will
not be first to close to a dead bus) should have their arbitration network port grounded. If it has been
decided that a paralleling generator set is always going to close to the dead bus first that generator
should have its input tied to B+ through a pullup resistor.
As a backup to this function each generator set should have a backup time delay programmed (which
should be different for each generator set in the system) so that the generator sets will still be able to
close to the bus even if the arbitration system fails. The system includes a loss of bus sensing
diagnostic so that the generator sets don’t misinterpret a loss of bus voltage sensing circuit as a dead

3.3.2 Basic Functionality

As each generator set comes up to speed it transmits a signal on to the first start arbitration network
to request permission to close to a dead bus. If no other genset is simultaneously requesting
permission then this generator set has won the arbitration. It sends an inhibit to other generator sets
and closes to the bus. The other generator sets, seeing that some other set has control of closing to
the dead bus, wait for the bus to become live and then they synchronize to that bus.
When a genset speed reaches a “first start arbitration speed threshold” and senses that the paralleling
bus is dead it initiates the arbitration algorithm. This threshold is a trim that can be set in InPower (see
Figure 6 on page 13). As a default this is set to 90% of rated speed. It can be adjusted down to 50%
of rated speed for applications which require the bus to be live very quickly after a utility failure. (For
example in the United States NFPA 110 require that Emergency Loads are powered within 10
seconds of a utility failure.) Lowering the threshold can reduce the dead bus closing time on larger
generator sets by as much as 1.2 seconds. It does create a slight risk that a genset will win arbitration
and then fail to come up to speed which would result in a longer first start time. If a fast start up is not
a requirement it is recommended to leave this threshold at its default value of 90%.

3.3.3 Backup
In case the arbitration network is compromised, each genset has a First Start Backup time
programmed to enable generator sets to close to the bus if the First Start Arbitration process fails. If
the First Start Backup Timer expires and the bus is still not live the genset will close to the bus. The
First Start Backup Timer can be set with InPower within a range of 3 to 120 seconds (see Figure 6 on
page 13). To prevent the possibility of multiple generator sets simultaneously closing to the dead bus
it is required that each generator set have a different first start backup time programmed. The normal
process typically takes less than 1.5 seconds so a backup time of 5 seconds for the first generator set
will be sufficient, with a difference of 5 seconds between each subsequent generator set’s backup

3.3.4 Loss of Bus Sensing

The control has a Loss of Bus Voltage Sensing diagnostic to prevent closing to a live bus which the
control “thinks” is dead due to a sensing failure. This function operates after the arbitration process is
complete and the control is about to close to the dead bus. The control uses the load share lines for
Note that this diagnostic only works when using analog load share lines for load sharing between
PowerCommand controlled generator sets. It does not work correctly using droop load sharing or
when using the ILSI module for paralleling or using the bias inputs. Under those conditions this
function should be disabled as shown in Figure 6.

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3.3.5 Single generator set applications

In applications where a dead bus closure is only to be performed by single generator set (not
connected to load share lines from any other set) it is necessary to connect a 10K ohm resistor
between the first start output and the Fused B+ output. Without this connection the arbitration network
will not work and the genset will then delay closing to the bus based on the First Start Backup Time
setting. Figure 7 is taken from the PowerCommand control wiring diagram illustrating this resistor.


3.3.6 Setup
First Start Arbitration Threshold and First Start Backup time can be configured in InPower. The Loss of
Voltage Sensing function can be enabled or disabled using InPower. Figure 7 on page 13 displays
these settings.
First Start Arbitration Threshold can be set from 50% to 90% of engine speed, with a default of 90%.
Setting the Arbitration Threshold to a lower value causes arbitration to start earlier which reduces the
time it takes for the first genset to close to the bus. This does create a slight risk that a genset will win
arbitration and then fail to come up to speed which would result in a longer first start time. Note that no
generator set will close to the bus before the engine speed is 90% of nominal regardless of what the
arbitration threshold is.

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3. Paralleling Functions 06-2018

First Start Backup time is used to enable generator sets to close to the bus if the First Start Arbitration
process fails. If the First Start Backup Timer expires and the bus is still not live the genset will close to
the bus. The First Start Backup Timer can be set with InPower within a range of 3 to 120 seconds.
Each generator set should have a different time programmed to prevent the possibility of multiple
generator sets simultaneously closing to the bus.
The Loss of Voltage Sense function can be enabled or disabled in InPower. It is enabled by default. It
should be disabled when the analog load sharing lines are not used, such as when load sharing is
done by droop or through an ILSI of through the bias inputs from a 3rd party control.

3.3.7 Fault Codes

1475 – First Start Backup Fail – Event becomes active if first start backup time expires.
3457 – Loss of Bus Sensing Voltage – Active if no voltage is sensed but load share lines indicate a
breaker is closed.

3.4 Breaker Control

3.4.1 Description
The circuit breaker control and monitor function manages closing the generator set breaker, opening
the generator set breaker and sensing/determining both generator set and utility breaker positions. In
PTC applications the utility breaker is also controlled.
In a paralleling application, the genset circuit breaker is requested to be closed either when there is a
valid dead bus or when the control has synchronized to a live bus and has met the permissive close
(sync check) conditions.
The generator set breaker is controlled with two separate relays – one for closing and one for opening.
The control logic for non-PTC applications is arranged such that the genset breaker is always either
being told to close or always being told to open except for a short delay between telling it to open and
telling it to close. (The purpose of this delay, known as the open to close delay, is to implement an
anti-pump function which prevents open and close commands from being active at the same time. For
example if the control issues the breaker a close command and the breaker immediately trips due to
either an overcurrent or the shunt trip coil being energized, the open to close delay prevents the
breaker from immediately trying to re-close.) The InPower setting for the open to close delay is
displayed in Figure 9.
The logic is set up so that opening takes priority over any close. There are only two functions which
can close the breaker -- either dead bus close or the permissive close (sync check).
In non-paralleling applications, the breaker open output can be optionally connected to a breaker trip
coil which is energized only on a fault shutdown. The reason that this output is used instead of the
breaker open output is that the breaker open output has a normally closed contact which is held open
when powered, which would cause undesired breaker tripping when the control is asleep or
unpowered. Figure 8 displays the InPower setting to enable the shunt trip.
Under normal operations the following conditions cause the breaker to open
• After ramping loads off when shutting down the generator set in load govern mode. The breaker
is opened when the target kW is equal to 0, not the actual measured kW.
• After ramping loads off when shutting down the generator set due to a load demand stop
command. The breaker is opened when the target kW is equal to 0, not the actual measured
• Immediately after remote start is removed when in load share mode
• Immediately after breaker open command when in manual mode
• Immediately when the circuit breaker inhibit event becomes active while in auto mode
Under abnormal paralleling operation the following conditions cause the breaker to open
• After a fail to close lockout event the breaker is commanded to be open

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• The genset goes to idle mode

• There is any active shutdown or shutdown/cooldown event
• The control is switched to stop on the HMI
• The control loses power
• Utility circuit breaker fail to disconnect event is active and fail to disconnect trim is enabled (PTC
In addition to the conditions that cause a breaker to open the following conditions inhibit the breaker
from closing in PTC applications
• Circuit breaker on other source contact warning is active. Prevents possible out of phase closure
• Circuit breaker recharge timer is active
• Utility circuit breaker position fault is active (Utility single verify contact is not closed)
• Open or closed transition software interlock is active
PTC applications add utility breaker control and additional diagnostics. For PTC applications the
breaker close and breaker open commands are only maintained until the breaker is sensed to be in
the desired position. The exception to this is the gen breaker open command which can be
continuously maintained depending on the abnormal conditions described above. This differs from
NON-PTC applications where breaker commands are always continuously maintained.
In PTC applications the generator set and utility breaker control logic is dependent on the power
transfer sequence of operations, which will be discussed in the PTC section.

3.4.2 Breaker Position Sensing and Diagnostics

PowerCommand Controls permit the use of either dual ('a' and 'b') or single ('a') contact breaker
position sensing. Dual contact is preferred for higher system reliability. (The ‘a’ contacts are the same
state as the main contacts. The ‘b’ contact is in the inverted state.)
Breaker position is determined from the breaker contact inputs. If only a single 'a' contact is used, then
the breaker position is whatever the 'a' contact input indicates. If a dual 'a' and 'b' contact is used
(preferred), then the breaker is considered as closed if either contact indicates that the breaker is
closed even if the contacts disagree. The breaker is considered open only when both contacts indicate
that the breaker is open. Figure 8 on page 17 displays the InPower setting for selecting single or dual
breaker contacts.
When the contacts don’t agree the breaker position is not known and assumed to be closed. This
gives the safest operating result and the greatest likelihood of keeping the loads powered. (Assuming
that the breaker is closed prevents closing another source, and also allows the normal PTC logic to try
to open the failed breaker while attempting a transfer to another source.)
A warning is generated if the dual contacts do not agree as to the breaker's position. In PTC
applications, this will also be treated as a source failure.
In single contact configuration, a contact failure will be declared if there is current flowing but the
position status indicates the breaker is open. Figure 8 on page 17 displays the InPower setting for the
minimum level current for considering the breaker to be open.
In Utility Single and PTC applications the “Single Verify” input needs to be grounded to allow dead bus
closing. If this is not done a “Utility Circuit Breaker Position Contact” will result. This is done because
bus voltage is sensed on the line side of the utility breaker so the only way to determine that the bus
truly is dead is by the position of the utility breaker. This acts as an additional verification of the
breaker position contacts.
To support breaker rack-out to the disconnected state and avoid undesired system operation, only the
‘a’ contact will be used when the control switch or PTC is in the manual mode. This is to prevent
nuisance tripping due to a contact failure when racking out a breaker. There are three conditions that
cause the contact configuration to switch to ‘a’ contact only: 1.) Control switch on the HMI is in the
manual position; 2.) Control switch on the HMI is in the off position; 3.) In PTC mode the PTC mode
switch is active putting the PTC transfer pair into manual mode.

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“Fail To Close” and “Fail to Open” faults are provided if the breakers fail to respond to these
commands. PTC Applications also provide a Fail To Disconnect fault which will indicate that neither
source will open when commanded to do so. This fault could be mapped to a configurable output
which could be used to cause external action.
There are also configurable inputs available to indicate that a breaker has tripped. Breakers will also
often have a racked out contact. There is not a defined input on the control for this but a customer
configurable input may be used.
An additional diagnostic “Genset and Bus Voltages Out of Calibration” is activated when the sensed
alternator and bus voltages don’t agree within a value defined by the “Gen to Bus Voltage Cal Check”
trim and the breaker(s) are closed. This applies to whichever bus the generator closes to, whether it is
a utility or a generator paralleling bus. Fail to Close

A Fail To Close fault is provided if the breaker is told to close, but does not indicate it has closed
within a time delay. As a default the Gen CB Fail to Close event is configured as a Warning fault.
Under this condition the control will continue trying to close the breaker. If the bus is live, it will
continue synchronizing as well. If the bus is dead, it will clear the dead bus close latch and wait for
another first start permission to attempt another close.
The fail to close time delay is set as a default to 0.26 seconds. It shouldn’t be necessary to lengthen
this time as a breaker that takes longer than this to close should not be used in a paralleling
application as the risk of out of phase closure is increased.
A shorter time delay can reduce the risk of out of phase closure but can create the possibility for
nuisance faults. It is not recommended to change this setting without engineering analysis. Fail to Open

A fail to open event becomes active if the breaker is told to open and does not open within the Genset
or Utility CB Fail to Open time delay. This fault is annunciated and can be mapped to a configurable
output but it does not shut the generator set down.
Fail to close and fail to open time delay settings are displayed in Figure 8. Fail to Disconnect

The fail to disconnect fault is an optional fault that can be enabled for the PTC option. It is used to
prevent sources from being unintentionally paralleled due to a breaker failing to open. If the fail to
disconnect fault is enabled and the control commands one of the breakers to open and it fails to open
within the time set in that breaker’s fail to open setting, the control will attempt to open the other
breaker. If that breaker also fails to open the Fail to Disconnect fault will be active. This fault could be
mapped to a configurable output which could be used to cause external action. The Fail to Disconnect
enable setting is displayed in Figure 23 on page 34 in the PTC section.

3.4.3 Setup
Figure 8 and Figure 9 display InPower settings for breaker control and diagnostic functions. Note that
the functionality is described above.

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The genset circuit breaker open to close delay, used for the circuit breaker anti-pumping function can
be set up in InPower as shown is Figure 9. The setting for the utility breaker can be found in the PTC
section of InPower.


3.4.4 Fault Codes

1121 – Fail to Disconnect

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1219 – Utility Breaker Tripped

1328 – Genset Breaker Tripped
1452 – Genset Breaker Fail to Close
1453 – Genset Breaker Fail to Open
1454 – Genset Breaker Position Contact
1455 – Utility Breaker Position Contact
2396 – Utility Breaker Fail to Close
2397 – Utility Breaker Fail to Open

3.4.5 Field Test

Breaker diagnostic functionality can be tested using a controlled, safe environment by removing
position sensing contact wires and demonstrating that the control exhibits the appropriate fault codes.

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4 Paralleling Algorithms
In order to understand paralleling control functions it is helpful to review a couple of basic concepts
about generators and generator set controls. This paragraph refers to basic single generator set
1. The engine is the source of real power (watts) and the governor controls the torque output of the
engine. When the governor increases fuel to the engine, torque is increased. When fuel is
decreased torque is decreased. Speed and real power output are functions of engine torque.
2. The alternator is the source of reactive power (VARs) and the voltage regulator controls the
magnetic flux through the alternator. When the regulator increases field excitation the magnetic
flux is increased, which increases the voltage. When excitation is decreased flux is decreased.
Voltage and reactive power are functions of flux.
Figure 10 shows a simple block diagram of a generator set control.


The control consists of two, independent closed control loops: the governor, controlling fuel to the
engine and the voltage regulator controlling excitation of the alternator. In a standalone (non-
paralleled) application the generator set will carry the connected load and the governor and regulator
will maintain nominal frequency and voltage, respectively. In a paralleling application the generator set
control will send offset signals to the governor and voltage regulator to make the necessary
adjustments for paralleling functions, synchronizing, load sharing, load governing and droop. The
offset is also known as a speed or voltage bias.
The voltage and governor control algorithms use a version of PID (Proportional, Integral, Derivative)
control loops. A deep discussion of PID control theory is outside of the scope of this document
however a high level review of integral action will be helpful in understanding how the governor and
voltage regulator control speed and voltage during standalone operation and real and reactive power
in parallel operation.
The basic function of the governor is to adjust engine fueling to maintain engine speed but what the
fuel actually controls is engine torque. It takes a certain amount of torque to maintain 1800 RPM at no
load. It takes more torque to maintain 1800 RPM when the engine is loaded. (As an analogy, it takes
more torque to drive a car 60 mph up a hill than it does to drive 60 mph on a flat road.)

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In a PID control a reference is generated based on a desired set point and compared with the
measured value. The difference between the two is the error. The error will be a positive number if the
setpoint is higher than the measured value. It will be a negative number if the setpoint is lower than
the measured value. The error, after being scaled by proportional, integral and derivative functions,
determines the output of the control loop. The control continuously makes adjustments to bring the
error to zero, meaning that the measured value is equal to the setpoint.
For example an engine with a setpoint of 1800 RPM that is operating at 1790 RPM will have an error
of 10 RPM. If that same engine were operating at 1820 RPM it would have an error of -20 RPM.
In a PID control the integral is the sum of error terms over the time the control has been running.
When an engine first starts the error will be a positive number as the speed is low so the integral
increases. As the speed overshoots the setpoint, the error becomes negative so the integral will
decrease. As the engine settles to 1800 RPM the error becomes zero. At steady state the proportional
and derivative terms also become zero. The control output is determined only by the integral term.
The integral will be at the value corresponding to the output torque necessary to maintain 1800 RPM
at whatever load is on the engine.
As loads cycle on and off of the generator set the speed will fluctuate creating positive and negative
error terms. The error terms will add to or subtract from the integral so that the torque will be sufficient
to carry the connected load and maintain a speed of 1800 RPM.
When a generator set is paralleled to another source (either another generator set or a utility
transformer) the governor is not able to control speed because the rotor is magnetically coupled
(locked) to the other source. By controlling fuel however, the governor is able to control the torque of
the engine which directly controls the real power (kW) output of the paralleled generator set.
The “offset” shown in the block diagram (Figure 10) is used as an additional input to the governor
control loop to adjust the real power output of the engine to the desired kW value. The offset adjusts
the error term adding to or subtracting from the governor’s integral updating engine torque to produce
the desired kW output.
The governor setpoint is the rated value plus the offset. This rated value keeps the engine running at
or close to nominal frequency while the offset is used for maintaining torque to produce the correct
real power output.
The voltage regulator control loop is analogous to the governor control loop. The basic function of the
regulator is to adjust excitation current to maintain genset output voltage, but what the excitation
actually controls is magnetic flux. It takes a certain amount of flux to maintain 480 Volts at no load. It
takes more flux to maintain nominal voltage when the alternator is loaded. When paralleled to another
source the voltage regulator is not able to control voltage, however by controlling excitation current the
control is able to control the magnetic flux through the alternator. At constant voltage reactive power
output (VARs) is a function of flux, so in a paralleling application the voltage regulator, by controlling
the magnetic flux, controls the reactive power output of the alternator.
See appendix 2 for a discussion of PI tuning techniques.
As a reminder, the four basic paralleling algorithms are:
• Synchronizing – Adjusting the frequency, phase angle and voltage of the generator set’s output
waveform to match the waveform of another source (either another generator set or a utility
transformer) prior to closing the generator set breaker to parallel to another source.
• Load Sharing – generator sets paralleled (paralleling breaker is closed to the bus) with each
other in an isolated bus configuration (no utility) carrying equal parts of the load (kW and kVAR)
as a percentage of the generator set ratings while maintaining rated frequency and voltage on
the generator sets.
• Load Governing – Controlling how much load (kW and kVAR) the generator set carries when
paralleled with a utility transformer
• Droop – Varying frequency and voltage offset in a negative slope (ie increasing kW results in
decreasing speed offset) as a function of real and reactive power carried by a generator set
(respectively). The droop function can be used in standalone, isolated bus or utility paralleling

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The offset is determined by what paralleling mode the generator set is in. Figure 11illustrates how the
generator set control chooses a frequency offset based on the speed control mode. Note that in this
case the term “isochronous” refers to running standalone at a constant speed, in which case the offset
is 0. The control uses similar logic in selecting the voltage control offset.


Figure 12 shows a simple block diagram for how the offset is calculated for load sharing and load
governing. A setpoint is generated based on the desired kW or kVAR level. The control scales that
setpoint and ramps where appropriate for smooth transition, and calculates a kW or kVAR reference.
The reference is compared to the actual kW and kVAR to generate the offset which will be used by
the governor and AVR functions.


4.1 Load Sharing

4.1.1 Description
Load sharing can be done using either an isochronous (meaning constant voltage or speed) method
or a droop method. Figure 13 on page 23shows the InPower selection of either Constant or Droop
control. kW and kVAR load sharing are independent of each other. It is permissible to have
isochronous kW sharing and droop kVAR sharing, for example, however it is required that there is an
independent control for each function. Droop control is discussed in a later section.
Note that InPower refers to these functions as speed and voltage control functions. That is because
adjustments are made to the governor and voltage regulator to control real and reactive power.

4.1.2 Isochronous Load Sharing

The load sharing function is used in isolated bus paralleling applications to control how much of the
kW and kVAR load each generator set carries. The system is designed so that each generator set
carries the same percent load as a percentage of its rating. For example, if a 2 MW genset is
paralleled with a 1 MW genset the 2 MW genset will carry 2/3 of the load and the 1 MW genset will
carry 1/3 of the load. Each generator set will carry the same amount of load on a per unit (percentage)
of standby rating basis.

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Load share is activated when the generator set paralleling breaker is closed and the utility breaker is
open. Note that when the control is configured as “isolated bus only” there is no utility breaker and
load share will be activated whenever the paralleling breaker is closed.
The load share function includes a ramp only when in isochronous load sharing, the generator set is in
automatic mode and the generator starts or stops based on the load demand function. When the
generator starts or stops manually there is no ramp in the load share function. Load demand starts
and stops will be discussed in a later function.
If the generator set is overloaded (frequency has deviated by more than 1 Hz) or reversed powered
the ramp is aborted and the control will share load at steady state.

4.1.3 Setup
There are several parameters that affect the load share function as displayed in Figure 13.
• Load Share kW Gain and Load Share kVAR Gain. These are the gains of the load share control
loop. In most applications it is appropriate to leave these gains at the default value of 1.0
however these gains may be reduced if there is instability in how the generator sets are sharing
• Load Share kW Balance and Load Share kVAR Balance. These trims are used to adjust the
balance of load between generator sets. If for some reason it is desirable for one generator to
carry more than its share of the load or if the generator sets are not sharing load equally these
parameters can shift the balance of load between generator sets. The default setting is 0.
Increasing the value will cause the generator set to increase its share of the load. Decreasing
the value (making it negative) will cause the generator to decrease its share of the load.
• Load Share Ramp Load Time and Load Share Ramp Unload Time. This is the time will take for
a generator set to ramp load on or off when it connects to or disconnects from a generator
paralleling bus. This is used when a generator is started or shut down due to the Load Demand
function. The ramp is defined as the time will take for a generator set to ramp from 0% to 100%
or from 100% to 0% of its rated load. If it is only ramping up to 50% of its rated load the ramp
will take half the time. (For example if the trim is set to 30 seconds and the load the generator is
taking on is 50% of its rating the ramp will take 15 seconds.)
• Load Share Ramp kW Unload Level. When a generator set is unloading to shut down this is the
level at which the control will consider the generator set as unloaded and will open the breaker
during a ramp down.
While running in load share it is not permissible to modify the voltage and frequency adjust

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Refer to Appendix A for commissioning recommendations

4.2 Load Governing

4.2.1 Description
The load govern function is used when paralleling with the utility. Unlike paralleling with generator
sets, the control does not attempt to share load with the utility. The control simply outputs real and
reactive power based on a setpoint. kW and kVAR setpoints are generated and the governor and
regulator are adjusted so that the generator output matches the setpoints. The setpoints can come
from either an external analog input or an internal source which could actually be a Modbus command
or an HMI or InPower setting.
There are three modes of kW load governing
• Genset kW – This is often called base load. In this mode the control regulates genset kW output
to a fixed setpoint value.
• Genset kW with Utility Constraint - This is the same as “Genset kW”, but with the added ability to
limit the utility kW level to a fixed value. This is often used to prevent the utility kW import level
from dropping below some threshold should the load level drop, and to prevent the generator set
from backfeeding the utility. This is only applicable when the paralleling application is either
utility single or Power Transfer Control.

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• Utility kW - This is often called “peak shave”. In this mode the control adjusts genset kW output
in order to maintain a fixed setpoint kW level on the utility. This is only applicable when the
paralleling application is either utility single or Power Transfer Control.
There are four modes of kVAR load governing.
• Genset kVAR - In this mode, the control regulates generator set kVAR output to a fixed setpoint
value. Genset kVAR can be set to a negative value, which represents operating with a leading
PF or absorbing VARs when using an internal setting (HMI, InPower or Modbus). When using an
analog input to set kVARs only settings from 0 to 100% (corresponding to lagging PF) are
• Utility kVAR - In this mode, the control adjusts generator set kVAR output in order to maintain a
fixed setpoint kVAR level on the utility. This is only applicable when the paralleling application is
either utility single or Power Transfer Control. For utility kVARs only lagging PF operation is
• Genset Power Factor - In this mode, the control adjusts generator set kVAR output to maintain a
fixed generator set power factor. Genset PF can be set to a negative value, which represents
operating with a leading PF or absorbing VARs, when using an internal setting (HMI, InPower or
Modbus). When using an analog input to set PF only settings from 0 to 1.0 (corresponding to
lagging PF) are allowed.
• Utility Power Factor - In this mode, the control adjusts generator set kVAR output to maintain a
fixed utility power factor. This is only applicable when the paralleling application is either utility
single or Power Transfer Control. For utility PF control, only lagging operation is allowed.
Consult the factory if operation at leading Power Factor is desired.
All load govern modes will maintain the generator set output within the generator set standby rating.
Maximum kW output will be 100% of kW standby rating unless limited by a maximum kW limit trim.
Maximum kW limits may be further restricted by derates. See the derate section for further discussion.

4.2.2 Setup
Figure 14 and Figure 15 show the InPower setup screens for the load governing function. Figure 14
shows the selection of load governing or droop for utility paralleling speed and voltage control, the
load govern kW and kVAR setpoint sources and load govern methods. The kW and kVAR setpoints
can also be set on this screen.

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Figure 15 shows power factor setpoints, maximum values for load govern settings and utility
constraint values. See previous section for discussion on load governing modes.
The control also allows for separate delayed and continuous maximum kW rating. This allows an
operator to run the generator set at a higher kW output for the first two minutes after closing the
paralleling circuit breaker. This function may be useful for generator sets that are used for emergency
standby and peak shaving operation. For example an operator can set the Load Govern kW Maximum
trim to 100% and the Load Govern kW Maximum Delayed trim to 80%. This will allow the generator
set to run at the full standby rating during a soft transfer from the utility for 2 minutes. When paralleled
with the utility in a peak shaving application power output can be limited to the generator sets prime
rating. As a default both of these trims are set to 80% so there is no difference between the delayed
and continuous maximum threshold.
The operator may also set a lower limit for the load govern kW reference to help protect against the
generator set being backfed.
Ramp load and unload times for both kW and kVAr can also be set in Figure 15. Ramp load time
defines the time for the target kW or kVAR to go from 0 to their maximum allowed setting. Ramp
unload time defines the time for the target kW or kVAR to go from their maximum allowed setting to 0.
For example, if the genset is running at 50% kW when the control begins to ramp load off the kW
target will reach 0 in 50% of the Ramp Unload time.
Note that the maximum allowed setting for kVAR is 60% of the generator set standby kVA rating.
When shutting a generator set down the control will open the breaker when the target kW reaches 0.

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Figure 15 also displays the adjustment for proportional and integral gains for both load govern kW
and kVAR. Generally speaking these gains should be left at their default values. If there is instability in
load governing, that is if the kW or kVAR that the generator is putting out is oscillating, reducing the
proportional gain is something to try. Reducing the gain too much however, will result in a system that
is very slow to respond to changes in setpoint. Reducing the integral gain can also reduce oscillations
as well. Too high of an integral gain can result in overshooting a setpoint however too low of an
integral gain can result in a system that takes a long time to settle in to its setpoint. Refer to appendix
2 for a discussion of PI tuning.


4.2.3 Derate
Several of the PowerCommand Controls events and faults may be configured as a derate rather than
a warning or a shutdown. Each derate event will have some percentage by which to derate the
generator set while that event is active. For example, a derate of 20% would cause the generator set
to operate as if the standby kW rating were 80% of its original value.
When a derate becomes active while the generator set is operating in load govern mode, the derated
kW effectively becomes the new maximum standby rating. If the kW set point exceeds the derated
maximum kW rating the output will be limited to the derated maximum kW.
When a derate becomes active while the generator set is not operating in load govern mode then the
load dump function becomes active when the actual kW exceeds the derated maximum kW rating.
Derate applies only to kW. There is no derate for kVAR.

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4.3 Droop Paralleling Control

Droop is a passive means of sharing load between generator sets in isolated bus applications or base
loading generator sets in grid paralleled applications. Generator set kW is controlled by speed droop
and kVAR is controlled by voltage droop. In the case of speed droop, as kW load increases, the speed
set point (i.e. fueling) is reduced, forcing other generator sets to pick up more kW, thus the total
system finds an equilibrium point. In the case of voltage droop, as sourced kVAR increases (ie
generator sees more lagging kVAR), voltage (i.e. excitation) is reduced, forcing other generator sets to
pick up more sourced kVAR thus resulting in a balance.
Droop paralleling is a common technology across the industry and therefore is a simple means of
sharing load between generator set controls from different manufacturers.
Figure 16 shows an example of a droop characteristic. Although the droop characteristic could be
applied to either a real or reactive power paralleling control, in this example we will discuss a real
power (kW) control. In this case the horizontal axis refers to kW and the vertical axis refers to
frequency set point. Notice we have defined two vertical axes: We have the frequency set point, 57 –
63 Hz in this example and also we have the offset, -3 to + 3 Hz. The set point consists of the sum of
the nominal frequency (60 Hz for example) plus the offset.


When operating in droop mode, the generator set control will always try to operate on that droop line.
If the load (in isolated bus) or frequency (in load govern) increases the control will reduce the offset
signal to the governor which will result in the generator set operating at a lower frequency set point on
the droop line. Conversely, if the load or frequency decreases the control will increase the frequency
set point in order to return operation on the droop line.
Droop can be used on an isolated bus for passive sharing among generator sets. It has the advantage
that generator sets may share load with each other without communication as long as they have
identical droop characteristics. Because the rotors of paralleled generator sets are magnetically
coupled together they will always operate at the same frequency. If the generator set controls have
the same droop characteristic set up they will also carry the same amount of load per unit. If the droop
characteristics are not identical, the generator sets will share load at different levels.
For example, in an isolated bus application (meaning islanded, not grid-connected) the generator sets
are able to control frequency. Figure 17 represents how the controls will respond to an increase in
load. As load on the system increases the generator set will be momentarily operating above the
droop line. The control will decrease the offset to bring the operating point back to the droop line.

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Also, if there is some disturbance causing one generator set to carry more of the load than the other
paralleled generator sets, that generator set that is taking on too much load will reduce its offset which
will cause it to reduce its kW output. The generator sets that are carrying less load will increase their
offset which will cause them to increase their kW output. This results in the generator sets returning to
the equilibrium operating point.
Droop can also be used in parallel with a utility source in which case it acts like a base load function,
but will additionally help support a utility source with a frequency that sags due to system overloads.
When paralleled with a utility, the genset is not able to control the utility frequency or voltage. In this
type of application, kW output is primarily set by the utility frequency based on where it falls on the
speed droop characteristic.
As with an isolated bus application, the generator set control will attempt to operate on the droop line
and will output power based on the frequency. Figure 18 illustrates how a generator set control will
respond to a decrease in frequency in a load govern application.

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All generator sets in a system may be operated in droop, but this leads to a frequency and voltage
which changes with load. It is recommended to set up the droop characteristic so that the most
common expected load coincides with nominal frequency and voltage.
Another alternative is to operate one of the sets as a “lead” unit in the isochronous mode. The other
sets operating in droop will be forced to go to the isochronous speed and thus they will be effectively
base-loaded. The lead unit then takes up all the changes in load that occur while maintaining a fixed
frequency bus.

4.3.1 Setup
Droop speed and voltage control can be initiated by either an InPower setting or by a configurable
input. Figure 19 shows the InPower settings for the droop function. Notice that there are separate
settings for Utility Parallel speed and voltage control methods, as well as Isolated Bus speed and
voltage control methods. The configurable input takes precedence over the InPower setting, no matter
what paralleling mode the generator set is in. For example if a configurable input is configured for
voltage droop and that input is activated the generator set control will go into droop voltage control
mode even if constant voltage mode was selected in InPower.

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The speed and voltage droop percentage represents the slope of the droop line as displayed in
Figure 16 on page 27 and is the percentage offset by which the frequency or voltage will vary from
no load to full load. For example a speed droop of 5% means that for a 60 Hz system the frequency
will vary by 3 Hz (5%) from no load to full load. Frequency Adjust and Voltage Adjust settings
effectively move the speed and voltage droop lines up and down. There is a slight difference between
how PowerCommand controls define the speed droop line and the voltage droop line.
Figure 20 represents a frequency droop line with the Frequency Adjust setting set to 0. ‘A’ represents
the slope of the line. If A is set at 5% then an isolated generator set will run at 63 Hz if unloaded and
60 Hz at rated load.
In a utility paralleled application the utility, running at nominal frequency, will drive the generator set to
output 100% of rated kW. At a utility frequency corresponding to nominal + A% the generator set will
put out 0 kW. For example, if nominal frequency is 60 Hz and the droop slope ‘A’ is set to 5%
(corresponding to 3 Hz), the generator set will put out 0 kW at a utility frequency of 63 Hz.


In a utility paralleled application, if it is desired to have the generator set put out 50% of its rated kW,
rather than 100%, at nominal frequency then it is necessary to move the droop line down. This is done
by setting the Frequency Adjust setting to a negative number. In this example, with the slope at 5%
we would need the frequency adjust to be moved down to half of that value, corresponding to -1.5 Hz,
to have the generator set output half of its rated kW at nominal frequency. Figure 21 illustrates this.

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Voltage droop settings are a bit different as the control will allow the generator set to absorb VARs.
Figure 22 shows the voltage droop characteristic with the voltage adjust set to 0. The slope ‘A’
represents the voltage change corresponding to a change in kVAR from 0 to rated kVAR. Note that
rated kVAR is defined as 60% of the generators sets rated standby kVA. For example for a genset
rated at 1000 kVA, 0.8 PF, rated kVAR is 600 kVAR, or 60% kVAR per standby kVA.


Note that in a utility paralleled application if there is no voltage offset and the utility voltage is at
nominal, the generator set runs at 1.0 PF. Often it is desired to run with some lagging VARs to prevent
the generator set from operating at leading PF. To do this the Voltage Adjust parameter should be set
at a positive value, effectively raising the droop line so that the generator set is outputting some VARs
at nominal voltage.
Unlike the frequency droop function the voltage droop function allows the generator set to absorb
VARs (run at leading PF). Note that this creates a risk that the generator set will shut down on a
Reverse kVAR fault if paralleled with a utility that has a voltage higher than nominal.
Common settings for speed and voltage droop are 4% - 5%. In isolated bus applications (where
generator sets control voltage and frequency but output is fixed by the connected load) higher
percentages can result in instability because a slight change in load results in a dramatic change in
frequency and voltage. Lower percentages can result in generator sets not changing their load sharing
as fast as they should.

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4. Paralleling Algorithms 06-2018

In a utility paralleled application (where generator sets control output but not frequency or voltage)
lower percentages can result in instability because a slight change in frequency or voltage can result
is a dramatic change in output. In this case higher percentages can result in generator sets not
changing their kW and kVAR output as fast as they should, which is the inverse of the isolated bus

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5 Power Transfer Control (PTC)
5.1 Description
The Power Transfer Control (PTC) function allows the genset controller to control both the genset
breaker and a utility breaker in a transfer pair arrangement in a single genset / single utility application.
The PTC function is basically a transfer switch control built in to the generator set control. The PTC
attempts to keep the loads connected to a live source, with the Normal source (utility) being preferred
and the emergency source (generator set) as the backup.
Similar to a transfer switch, PTC includes test and exercise functions. The test function allows the
operator to run the generator set either with or without load while the utility is available. The exercise
function initiates a test based on a programmed schedule.
PTC includes an Extended Parallel feature, allowing the generator set to run in parallel with the utility
indefinitely. If the generator set has a shutdown fault during a test or an extended parallel session the
operation will be overridden and the PTC will connect loads to a live source based on the failure.
Configurable inputs can be set up for transfer and re-transfer inhibit functions allowing an operator to
prevent transferring loads between sources.
PTC functions are discussed in this section. Figure 23 displays the PTC settings

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5.2 Transition Types

Transfers and retransfers between the two live sources can be configured as open transition
(momentary blackout), hard closed transition (<100msec overlap), and soft closed transition (load is
ramped). This architecture is selected based on the Transition Type trim. (The term “Transfer” refers
to switching the load from the utility to the generator set. The term “Retransfer” refers to switching the
load from the generator set to the utility).
With open transition transfer, there is a period of time set by the programmed transition time delay
(TDPT) in which neither source is connected to the load. When open transition transfer is selected the
synchronizer is disabled so there is no in phase open transition transfer with PTC, as there is with
transfer switches.
With a hard closed transition transfer the sources are paralleled momentarily with no intentional delay
between closing one source and opening the other source.

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With a soft load transfer, the control ramps load between the generator set and the utility based on the
Load Govern kW Ramp Load Time and Load Govern kW Ramp Unload Time. When the control
determines that the source that is to be disconnected has been unloaded it opens that breaker. When
disconnecting from the generator set the control will determine that the generator set has been
unloaded based on the kW unload ramp time. (Note that the breaker actually opens when the kW
target reaches 0. Refer to the load govern section for discussion of ramping loads from the gen to the
utility.) When disconnecting from the utility breaker the control will consider the utility unloaded based
on the Utility Unloaded Level set in InPower, shown in Figure 23 on page 34.

5.3 PTC Timers

There are four timers associated with the PTC Function: Figure 23 on page 34 displays the Inpower
settings for these timers. Except as indicated these timers are only functional when the PTC function
is in automatic mode.

5.3.1 Programmed Transition Time Delay (TDPT)

This timer is used for transferring inductive loads between two live sources. When an inductive load
(like a motor) is disconnected from a source it has energy stored in its windings. The motor will be a
regenerative source which should not be connected to another source until that energy has time to
decay. Not allowing energy to decay can result in nuisance tripping of a breaker and premature
switchgear fatigue. The programmed transition time delay allows time for that energy to decay.
NEMA’s MG-1 STANDARD FOR MOTORS AND GENERATORS recommends a delay of 1.5 motor
open circuit time constants. For most motors 2 seconds is more than enough time for that energy to
decay. This time delay is used for both transfer and retransfer operations. TDPT is operable in both
manual and automatic mode.

5.3.2 Normal to Emergency Transfer Time Delay (TDNE)

This timer is used to delay starting the generator set after a utility failure to prevent nuisance starting
of the generator set in the event of a momentary disturbance in utility voltage.

5.3.3 Emergency to Normal Retransfer Time Delay (TDEN)

This timer is used to delay transfer from the generator to the utility. The purpose is to prevent
retransfer until the utility voltage has remained stable for a pre-defined period of time.

5.3.4 Maximum Parallel Time (TDMP)

The purpose of this time delay is to prevent paralleling with the utility during a closed transition when
extended paralleling is not desired. This is used if the control fails to open either breaker during a
transfer, leaving the sources paralleled. If this timer expires during a hard or soft closed transition
transfer the control opens the generator breaker. An alarm is activated which can be mapped to a
configurable output which can be used to disconnect the sources by opening a separate breaker. This
function is not enabled during an Extended Paralleling event.

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5.4 PTC Functions

5.4.1 PTC Mode selection
The transfer pair can be operated in both an auto mode and a manual mode based on the generator
set operating mode (auto or manual) and a configurable input. Any time the generator set is in manual
mode PTC will be in manual mode. When the generator is in auto mode the PTC mode is determined
by a configurable input using the PTC Mode Switch function. If there is no configured input for PTC
Mode Switch the PTC function will follow the generator set mode, so that PTC Mode is manual when
the generator set is in manual, and PTC mode is auto when the genset is in auto. When PTC mode is
manual the generator set and utility breakers are controlled through the HMI unless the generator set
is shut down in which case the generator set breaker is opened. Note that a soft key input is used for
the utility breaker.
While in manual mode the sync check function is still active to prevent closing breakers out of phase.
The following PTC functions are enabled while the PTC mode is set to auto mode. Refer to the
breaker control section for details on how breakers are controlled.

5.4.2 Test with Load

Like a transfer switch, the PTC function has a test function, which can be used to test the generator
set. The test can be run either with or without load. If “Test with Load” is enabled the control will
transfer the loads to the generator set after the generator set reaches ready to load status. If “Test
with Load” is not enabled, the generator set will simply run unloaded. Note that the test with load
function can also be activated by the exerciser. This will be discussed in the Exercise section.
When a remote start is activated with the utility source available and connected, and the Run/Off/Auto
switch is in Auto the PTC function will go into Test Mode. If “Test with Load” has been enabled loads
will be transferred to the generator set until the remote start input has been removed at which time
loads will be re-transferred back to the utility and the generator set will be shut off. If “Test with Load”
is not enabled the generator set runs unloaded until test is ended by removal of the remote start
signal. The test function will use which ever transition type has been set for normal operation.Figure
23 on page 34shows the InPower setting to enable a Test with Load.

5.4.3 Extended Parallel Enable

When in extended parallel mode the generator set can run in parallel with the utility indefinitely, in
either base load or peak shave mode. Refer to the Load Govern section of this guide for information
on utility paralleling methods. An extended parallel session can be initiated either by a configurable
input, a Modbus command or the scheduler. When operating in extended parallel mode all transition
will be soft load. Figure 23 on page 34 shows the setting in InPower to enable extended paralleling.

5.4.4 Commit to Transfer

The Commit to Transfer function allows the operator to require that the control complete transfer of
loads to the generator source even if the utility returns before the transfer has completed. The purpose
is to prevent retransferring to an unstable utility.
There are three options to determine when the system is “committed” to transferring loads to the
generator set:
• No commit – The system will always re-transfer to the utility when it becomes available
• Utility Disconnect – Once the utility breaker is opened the system is committed to transferring
loads to the generator set.
• Genset Start – Once the generator set has started the system is committed to transferring loads
to the generator set.
Once the loads have been transferred to the generator set they will remain there for the time set by
the “Commit to Transfer Timeout” before the re-transfer sequence will be allowed to begin.
Figure 23 on page 34 displays the InPower commit to transfer settings

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5.4.5 Utility Breaker Open Point

The operator has an option on when the utility breaker should open after a utility failure. The operator
may choose to open the breaker immediately on a utility failure or after the generator set has become
available and the relevant time delays associated with power transfer control have expired. The utility
breaker open point is typically coordinated with the commit to transfer setting.
Figure 23 on page 34 displays the InPower utility breaker open point settings.

5.4.6 Fail to Disconnect Enable

The purpose of the fail to disconnect function is to prevent the generator and utility from being
inadvertently connected due to a breaker failure. For example, if the sources had been paralleled and
the control attempts to open the utility breaker and that breaker fails to open the control would then
attempt to open the generator set breaker so that the sources will not be paralleled. This function is
enabled by default.
As a default this is a warning. It should not be configured as a shutdown as this would allow the utility
to backfeed the shut down generator set. Typically this fault should be mapped to a configurable
output to shunt trip a utility source breaker to disconnect the sources.
Figure 23 on page 34 displays the Failure to Disconnect Enable setting.

5.4.7 Fail to Sync Open Transition Retransfer

The operator may configure the control so that when the generator set is connected to the loads and a
hard or soft closed transition transfer is selected and the generator fails to synchronize with the utility
for a retransfer for a pre-set period of time the control will initiate an open transition retransfer. Figure
23 on page 34 displays the InPower setting to enable this function.

5.4.8 Source Availability

The control uses several sensors to determine source availability. They are over and under voltage,
over and under frequency, breaker tripped, breaker position fault, breaker fail to close, loss of phase
and phase rotation. Figure 24 and Figure 25 display the InPower screens for setting up generator
and utility sensors, respectively. Except for undervoltage and underfrequency, each of the sensors can
be enabled or disabled in InPower.

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FIGURE 25. UTILITY SENSORS Sensors Voltage and Frequency Sensors
The PowerCommand control has voltage and frequency sensors on both the generator set and the
utility. The PTC sensors are used to determine whether or not a source is acceptable. Source
acceptability is used to drive whether or not to start generator sets, whether or not to switch the loads
to a different source, and whether or not two sources can be paralleled. The sensors have some
hysteresis built in so that source doesn’t oscillate between available and unavailable. Figure 26 shows
the Pickup and Dropout Thresholds for the Undervoltage Sensor. When the voltage is above the
Pickup Voltage the source is considered available. If the voltage falls below the dropout voltage the
source is considered unavailable and won’t be considered available again until the voltage rises above
the pickup voltage. Pickup and dropout percentages can be set in InPower as shown in Figure 24 on
page 38 and Figure 25 on page 39

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When a three phase source is powering motor loads and one of the three phases is lost (for example
if a fuse opens) the motor will often regenerate the voltage on the lost phase to a high enough level
that it is not detectable as a faulted phase. The faulted phase is phase shifted however and the control
senses the angle between the phases. If the angle between any two phases is less than 90 degrees
or more than 150 degrees (rather than 120 degrees which would be the normal condition) the loss of
phase sensor picks up and the source is considered unavailable. Phase Rotation Sensors

A system phase rotation is defined in InPower. If either source has the opposite phase rotation which
has been defined that source is considered unavailable. This is set for both sources on the utility
sensor InPower screen, Figure 25 on page 39.

5.4.9 Exercise
The exercise function is basically a timed test. An exercise can be initiated either by a configurable
input, a Modbus command or the scheduler. If initiated by a configurable input or Modbus command
the exercise time is set in InPower and the function uses the same “Test with Load” setting as the
Test function to determine whether or not a transfer of loads to the generator set should be included in
the exercise. Both the generator set and the PTC function must be in Auto mode for the Exercise
function to operate.
The scheduler allows an operator to select up to 12 repeating exercise programs, each of which can
be configured for “With Load”, “Without Load” or “Extended Parallel”. For each program the operator
can select the day of the week, the time to start, the duration of the exercise and whether or not the
exercise will be with or without load. The operator can also select the repeating frequency,(ie repeat
every week, every two weeks and so on up to every 5 weeks). The operator can also choose to have
the exercise repeat once a month on a specific day of the week, for example the operator can choose
the 2nd Wednesday of the month for an exercise program.
The scheduler uses the Real Time Clock. When setting up a schedule make sure the Real Time Clock
is correct and enabled. There is a diagnostic (fault code 1689) that indicates that power to the control
has been lost and the Real Time Clock must be re-set.
The operator is also able to configure exceptions to the scheduler. For example if one of the
programmed exercises falls on a holiday so it is not desired to have an exercise on that date the
operator can enter that date into the exception table and that will disable the exercise for that date.

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If the exercise is interrupted it will not continue its run. For example if the utility fails while running on
the generator set the exercise will end and normal operation will resume so that PowerCommand will
re-transfer loads to the utility as soon as it becomes available. If the utility is not available at the time
of a scheduled exercise the exercise will be cancelled, even if the utility becomes available during
what would have been the exercise period.
Figure 27 displays the InPower scheduler. Methods to confirm that the exercise occurred include
monitoring engine run hours and number of starts.


1689 – Fault code 1689 indicates that power to the control has been lost and the Real Time Clock
must be re-set. This often happens during servicing when batteries have been removed.

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6 Load Demand Stop/Start
Load Demand, or capacity management, refers to temporarily shutting down a paralleled genset when
there is excess generating capacity online. With PowerCommand generator sets the load demand
function may be managed either externally by a system master controller or by the generator set
controllers with no master, a function known as Masterless Load Demand (MLD). With MLD the
system master functions are integrated into the individual generator set controls and the controls
communicate with each other over a dedicated communications link and decide autonomously when
they should start and stop.
The basic Load Demand Stop/Start functionality is the same regardless of whether the starts and
stops are commanded by an external master control or generated internally by the MLD function. The
Load Demand Stop/Start function works in Load Share and Load Govern modes, however the
Masterless Load Demand function only works in Load Share mode.
The Load Demand Stop signal can come from either a separate master device (ie MCM 3320) as a
separate hardwired signal or via Modbus. Load Demand Stop is used to temporarily shut down the
generator set because it is not needed due to excess generating capacity. It is only valid when the
generator set is in Auto mode, there is a remote start signal and the control is in the load sharing or
load govern state. When a load demand stop occurs, load is ramped down toward an unload level.
When the level is reached, the generator set opens its breaker, initiates the cooldown sequence then
shuts down. When the load demand signal goes inactive, requesting that the generator set start up
again, the generator set starts, synchronizes, closes to the bus and the load ramps from near zero
toward the current commanded load, after which it will track the needs of the bus and share with other
generator sets if in load share mode, or operate at the power setpoint if in load govern mode. If in the
case of load sharing mode, the bus appears to be overloaded (low bus frequency), the ramp up will be
skipped and the generator set will immediately track the bus demand.
The ramp function is disabled when in droop mode.
Figure 13 on page 23 (located in the load sharing section) displays the settings for the Load Share
Ramp Load and Unload times. The same settings are used for both kW and kVAR ramps. Figure 13
on page 23 also displays a “Load Share Ramp kW Unload Level”. This parameter is used during an
unloading of the generator set to determine when the generator set is unloaded and the breaker
should be opened. Note that this is based on kW only. There is no similar signal for kVAR. Refer to
the Load Sharing section for more information on the kW and kVAR ramps.
The load demand stop function can also be used to ramp load on to the generator set rather than take
load in one step when adding a generator set to a bus. This can be implemented by activating the
load demand stop input for at least one second while the generator set does not have a remote start
input. With the generator set in auto mode, apply a remote start input and after one second remove
the load demand stop input.
The load demand stop function can be initiated by a configurable hardware input, a Modbus
command, or if the Masterless Load Demand function is being used, through the system bus.

6.1 Masterless Load Demand

PowerCommand controls are able to execute the load demand function with no master control when
operating on an isolated bus (not utility paralleled) with up to 16 generator sets in the system when
operating in automatic mode. The controls communicate over a dedicated network, known as the S-
CAN network, to determine power levels at which to start and stop generator sets and to establish the
order of starting and stopping. (Note that there is a different control board that includes the S-CAN
network hardware. Not all PowerCommand control models have this capability.) The basic MLD
sequence of operations is as follows:
1. On a utility failure all generator sets start based on an externally supplied start command. Where
System Remote Start is enabled, the start command only needs to be communicated to one
generator set, which will communicate to all of the other generator sets over the S-CAN network.

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6. Load Demand Stop/Start 06-2018

2. After all of the generator sets have started and paralleled and an initial time delay has expired
the system calculates how much load is being supplied by the generator sets. If there is
excessive capacity on line, the system will shut generator sets down so that running capacity is
better matched to the load.
3. The system will continue to monitor capacity and load, starting and stopping generator sets as
configured. The kW thresholds at which generators are started and stopped and the order in
which generators are stopped and started depend on the MLD settings described below.
The Load Demand System settings, which will apply to all generator sets in the system, are displayed
on the right side of Figure 28. Individual generator set settings are displayed on the left side. The
general process for setting up the MLD systems is to first set the individual settings for each generator
set. After that is complete, the system settings can be written to one generator set, then by pressing
the “Synchronize System Settings” button at the bottom right of the screen, the system setting are
communicated to all of the generator sets on the S-CAN network.


6.1.1 Load Demand Type

Load Demand type defines how the order in which generator sets are started and stopped is set. This
is known as the generator set priority. The priority 1 generator set will be the first to start and last to
stop during a load demand operation. The priority 2 generator set will be the second to start and the
second to last to stop, etc.
There are two load demand types: Fixed Priority and Run Hour Equalization. With fixed priority the
operator determines the priority of the generator sets. With Run Hour Equalization the MLD system
determines priority based on the generator sets’ Run Hours, with hysteresis set by the “Run Hour
Differential” setting (described below). The generator set with the fewest run hours becomes priority 1.
The generator set with the second fewest run hours becomes prority 2.

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When running in run hour equalization type the generator set priorities may change as the run hours
of a running generator set may surpass the run hours of a generator set that has shut down. When the
run hours of the running generator set surpasses the run hours of a stopped generator set by the “Run
Hour Differential” setting (shown on the right side of Figure 28) the MLD system will switch the priority
of the two generator sets. The stopped generator set will be started and run in parallel with the
running generator sets and the running generator set which has now been assigned a lower priority
will be load demand stopped.
The operator has the option to base the run hour equalization on a value that is different from engine
run time. That number can be entered in the “LD Genset Run Hour” setting shown on Figure 28.
Examples of why an operator may want to use a different run hour setting are a control board has
been replaced and doesn’t match actual generator run hours, or an operator may want to temporarily
change the priority of a generator set.
Figure 29 shows the InPower screen for the Load Demand Fixed Priority. The operator enters the
information for the fixed priority sequence on the left side of the screen. On the right side of the screen
InPower displays the priority sequence of the system. If the Load Demand Type is Fixed Priority then
the right side of the screen will match the left side. If Run Hour Equalization is used, the right side of
the screen will display the priorty setting assigned by the MLD system based on current run hours.
As with other MLD system settings, the priorty setting should synchronized after the individual
generator set settings have been written. Synchronization includes both writing and saving to other
generator sets. The priority setting only need to be written to one generator set and the will be
commmunicated to all of the other generator sets via the S-CAN network. MLD parameters may be
synchronized while generator sets are stopped or running.


6.1.2 Threshold Method

The Load Demand Start and Stop Thresholds determine the kW levels at which generator sets will
start or stop. The load demand threshold method sets whether the load demand start and stop conrol
is based on a relative (%kW) or an absolute (kW) threshold. Thresholds are based on real power (kW)
only, not kVA or kVAR.

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When the relative method is selected the start and stop thresholds are based on the ratio of load to
capacity. The start threshold is set to the maximum ratio of load to online capacity. The stop threshold
is set to the minimum ratio of load to online capacity.
As an example, consider a system of 5 1 MW generator sets. In this example the Start Threshold is
set to 80% and the Stop Threshold is set to 60%. Figure 30 shows a histogram of loads and online
generator capacity during a sequence following a utility failure.

1. After a utility failure, all five 1MW generator sets start, so online capacity is 5 MW.
2. The system calculates that there is 100 kW of load. The stop threshold is set to 60%. This
means that the system will shut down generator sets as long as doing so will not cause the ratio
of load to online capacity to be above 60%. In this example the system will shut down four of the
generator sets, leaving an online capacity of 1000 kW. The load is less than 60% of the online
capacity (600 kW in this case), which causes the system to leave only one generator set running.
At this point the Next Start Threshold is 800 kW, 80% of online capacity. If the load increases
above 800 kW a second generator set will start.
3. The load increases to 900 kW. That exceeds the Start Threshold of 80% of online capacity, so a
second generator set starts. Now the online capacity is 2000 kW. If the load exceeds 80% of
capacity (1600 kW) an additional generator set will start. The kW level at which one of the
generators will shut down is 60% of what the capacity will be after the generator set shuts down.
If one generator shuts down the online capacity will be 1000 kW so a generator will shut down if
the load drops below 600 kW (60% of online capacity).
4. The load is now 2100 kW. Four generator sets are online so online capacity is 4000 kW. The
load to capacity ratio is 53%. Although this is below the 60% Stop Threshold a generator set
doesn’t shut down because the stop threshold is calculated based on what the online capacity
will be after a generator set shuts down. If a generator set shuts down the online capacity will be
3000 kW. The Stop Threshold is 60% of that or 1800 kW. When the load drops to 1800 kW, the
generator set shuts down.
The other method for determining the Start and Stop Thresholds is the Absolute Method. When the
absolute method is used the thresholds are based on surplus capacity, also known as spinning
reserve. The Load Demand Start Threshold is the minimum surplus capacity before starting the next
generator set. The Load Demand Stop Threshold is the maximum surplus capacity before shutting
down a generator set.
As an example, consider a system of 5 1 MW generator sets. In this example the Start Threshold is
set to 1500 kW and the Stop Threshold is set to 1800 kW. This means that when possible the MLD
system will maintain a surplus capacity in the range of 1500 kW – 1800 kW. Figure 31 shows a
histogram of loads and online generator capacity during a sequence following a utility failure.

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1. After a utility failure, all five 1MW generator sets start, so online capacity is 5 MW.
2. The system calculates that there is 100 kW of load. The stop threshold is set to 1800 kW. This
means that the system will shut down generator sets as long as doing so will not cause the
surplus capacity to drop below 1800 kW. In this example the system will shut down three of the
generator sets, leaving an online capacity of 2000 kW. The surplus capacity is 1900 kW (2000
kW capacity – 100 kW load) which causes the system to leave two generator sets running
because shutting another generator set down would cause the surplus capacity to be less than
1800 kW. At this point the Next Start Threshold is 500 kW of load, which would result in 1500 kW
of surplus capacity. If the load increases above 500 kW a third generator set will start.
3. The load increases to 600 kW. That causes the surplus capacity to drop to 1400 kW, which is
below the Start Threshold of 1500 kW, so a third generator set starts. Now the online capacity is
3000 kW and the surplus capacity is 2400 kW. If the load exceeds 1500 kW this will cause the
surplus capacity to drop below 1500 kW and an additional generator set will start. If the load
drops below 200 kW a generator set will shut down as this will leave the system with a surplus
capacity in excess of 1800 kW after that next lower priority generator set has shut down.
4. The load is now 2400 kW. All five generator sets are online so online capacity is 5000 kW and
the surplus capacity is 2600. Although this is above the Stop Threshold of 1800 kW a generator
set doesn’t shut down because the stop threshold is calculated based on what the capacity will
be after a generator set shuts down. If a generator set shuts down the online capacity will be
1400 kW. When the load drops below 2200 kW, the generator set shuts down.

6.1.3 Spare Capacity Request

The Spare Capacity Request function allows the system to bring additional capacity on line in
anticipation of a large increase in load. Each generator set can be configured to accept a Spare
Capacity Request signal on one of its configurable inputs. The spare capacity value can be entered in
InPower as shown in Figure 28 on page 44. When the Spare Capacity Request is active the MLD
function decreases the thresholds for starting and stopping the next generator set by the Spare
Capacity Value. For example, if the Spare Capacity Value were 1000 kW in the system represented
by Figure 31 on page 47 and the Spare Capacity Request became active at point #3 the Next Start
Threshold would be decreased to 500 kW. This would cause the next generator set to start as the
load is 600 kW.
Note that the spare capacity input can be physically located on any of the generator set controls that
are active on the S-CAN network. The next generator to start will be based on the priority setting
regardless of which generator set receives the spare capacity input.
A configurable output on the control can be configured as a “Load Demand Spare Capacity Available”
output which goes active when the spare capacity is added. This output can be used to signal a
building management system that there is sufficient capacity available to add the load. Any generator
set that is active on the S-CAN network can use this output.
After the load has been brought on line the Spare Capacity Request should be de-activated so an
additional generator set doesn’t start. The Load Demand Start Delay should be set long enough so
that after the requested capacity has come on line, load can be added and the request removed
before an additional generator set starts.

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The basic sequence of operations for a Spare Capacity Request event is as follows:
1. Spare Capacity Request input is activated.
2. Start and Stop thresholds are adjusted as described above
3. Load Demand Start Delay initiates
4. After load demand start delay expires, next priority generator set(s) starts, synchronizes and
closes to the paralleling bus.
5. Spare Capacity available output becomes active
6. Load Demand Start delay for next priority generator set(s) starts
7. Operator or system adds load
8. After load is added, operator or system de-activates spare capacity request before load demand
start delay expires. (If load demand start delay expires before spare capacity request is removed,
an additional spare capacity request will be added.)
If the capacity requested exceeds the kW rating of a single generator set, two (or more if required)
generator sets will start simultaneously after load demand start delay expires, as described above.

6.1.4 System Remote Start

When the system remote start is enabled (see Figure 28) a single remote start input at any of the
generator sets will be recognized as a remote start input for all of the generator sets. This minimizes
the need to wire a remote start signal to all of the generator sets. This depends on a functioning S-
CAN network. There is a network integrity diagnostic that will be discussed in the fault code section
below. Generator sets can also be started individually with remote start inputs if the system remote
start is not used.

6.1.5 MLD Time Delays

There are four configurable time delays associated with MLD. There is also a non-configurable time
delay called the Stagger timer. This is set to 5 seconds and is used to prevent multiple generators
from shutting down at the same time. All of the time delays for each generator set are synchronized as
part of the synchronize system settings described above in the introductory MLD section. Initial Delay

This is the time after generator sets have started before generator set are allowed to shut down due to
the load demand function. It should be set long enough for all of the generator sets to come on line
and close to the bus and for all of the loads to come on line after a utility failure, using the standard
sequence of operation. Load Demand Start Delay

The Load Demand Start Delay (trim) allows for a configurable delay before a generator set will start in
response to a load increase. Typically this is used to reduce unnecessary generator set starts due to
brief load “spikes”. Time delay should be set based on expected generator set recovery and settling
time after accepting or rejecting load steps, such as transients due to inrush current when starting
large motor loads. Time delay should allow the generator set sufficient time to recover after a
transient, but should not be significantly longer than recovery and settling time as this may result in the
generator bus becoming overloaded and overheating. The default setting is 10 seconds, which is
reasonable for most applications.
If load is being applied in steps large enough so that the system may not maintain sufficient capacity
with the time delayed starts, then the spare capacity request should be used to make sure that
sufficient capacity is available before large or rapid loads are applied.
If the Spare Capacity Request function is going to be used, the Load Demand Start Delay should be
set long enough so that the load can be brought on line and the request can be removed before an
additional generator set (beyond the one requested) is brought on line.

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06-2018 6. Load Demand Stop/Start Load Demand Stop Delay

The Load Demand Stop Delay (trim) allows for a configurable delay before a generator set will stop in
response to a load decrease. Typically this is used to maintain capacity until the load has stabilized at
the lower level. The time delay should be set so that either a breaker will clear the fault or AmpSentry
will shut down the generator set before the Load Demand Stop is activated. The default setting for this
time delay is 5 minutes. Load Demand Genset Fail Delay

Sets the time delay that the system waits for a generator set to come online before declaring that it
has failed. The default setting for this time delay is 60 seconds.

6.1.6 Redundancy for Maintenance

Care must be taken to make sure that the architecture of your MLD network will support taking a
generator set off line for maintenance. For example, if a system level discrete input is used for spare
capacity request that input will not be available if the generator set that hosts that input is taken off line
for maintenance. A redundant system input should be configured on another generator set which will
not be taken off line. The same is true for system outputs.

6.1.7 Fault Codes

4872 - System network communication failed – Communications unintentionally lost to all generator
sets. This is intended to help identify a generator set that has come disconnected from the rest of the
4873 - Genset failed to come on line – If any genset fails to come online, the Genset Failed to Come
Online Condition will go active. The fault will not cause any unique control action. It is only intended to
alert the operator to a problem with one or more of the generator sets. The condition does not need to
be inactive to reset the fault.
4874 - Load demand software version incompatibility - This diagnostic is intended to indicate a version
incompatibility between two or more generator sets on the network. An update cal on the older
versions or removal of the incompatible generator set is required.
4875 - Genset ineligible for load demand - Conditions exist that make the generator set incapable of
operating in Load Demand, such as the control is not in auto or there is an active fault. Generator sets
in this state will not be included in available capacity calculations and if running, will not respond to a
network load demand stop command. Other generator sets in the MLD system are not affected. By
default this event does not generate an alarm, however it could be configured to do so.
4876 - Genset lost on System Network – Communication has been unintentionally lost to one or more
generator sets on the network but the network is still active – meaning at least one other generator set
is still communicating. Note that this is different than fault code 4872. Fault code 4872 becomes active
if communication is lost to all other generator sets. Fault code 4876 becomes active if communication
is lost to one or more generator sets but there is still communication to at least one other generator
4877 - System Settings Not Synchronized - This diagnostic indicates there is a discrepancy between
system settings on the network. A Synchronize System Settings operation from a generator set with
the desired settings is needed to clear the fault.
4878 - Check System Network Installation - This diagnostic is intended to alert the operator of a
problem on the System Network Installation. There are two basic detections that will trigger this fault.
1) Too many nodes have the on-board 120 ohm CAN termination resistor enabled. Too few cannot be
detected since there is the option to add external terminators. 2) The CAN module has entered a
warning state due to errors detected on the bus.
4879 - Load Demand Setup Error - This diagnostic is intended to alert the operator that an improper
setup condition exists with regard to Load Demand Settings.

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6. Load Demand Stop/Start 06-2018

Proper setup of load demand requires:

1. For %kW thresholds, the difference between the start and stop threshold shall be at least 5% to
avoid excessive nuisance starting and stopping. Recommended and default difference is 20%,
but some applications may want to trim it tighter.
2. For kW threshold method, the only requirement is that the stop threshold is larger than start.
If all of these setup conditions are not met, the Load Demand Setup Error Condition will go active.
Load demand will still be able to run, but it may not operate as expected.
4881 – System Generator Set ID Conflict - This diagnostic is intended to indicate the presence of a
System Address Conflict, meaning that at least one node ID is duplicated. Adjusting the Genset ID
(trim) to an unused source address is required to clear the fault.
4882 – Generator Set Bus Overload - All gensets on the network shares the status of its individual
Load Dump Command. If any Load Dump Command is active, the Genset Bus Overload Condition is
set to active.
6778 – Nominal Voltage Mismatch – MLD – for rental generator sets only, generator sets do not all
have the same nominal voltage via their selector switch.
6818 – Nominal Frequency Mismatch – MLD – for rental generator sets only, generator sets do not all
have the same nominal frequency via their selector switch.

Copyright © 2018 Cummins Inc. 50 Enter document number (Issue 1)

7 Paralleling with 3rd Party Controls
When generator sets from two different manufacturers are integrated in a paralleling system, a system
design engineer must determine how all paralleling functions are implemented. The system engineer
needs to address numerous issues and this manual serves only as a guide, rather than a complete
instruction set. Engineers should work with manufacturers’ application engineers in these systems.
Several integration issues need to be addressed when paralleling generator sets that use different
controls, including load sharing, synchronizing, dead bus arbitration and breaker control.
Generator sets need to share both real and reactive power load as equal percentages of their rating. A
system designer needs to determine whether the load sharing method is isochronous or droop. With
isochronous load sharing, voltage and frequency are held constant for all load levels. It is the most
common method for load sharing and is typically preferred and expected. It requires some form of
communication between controls which makes it a challenge when paralleling generator sets with
different control suppliers.
With a droop paralleling system, voltage and frequency vary with load but controls are not required to
communicate with each other. In applications that can tolerate variations in frequency and voltage,
droop is a simple and inexpensive load sharing method. Keep in mind that different load sharing
methods may be used for real and reactive power and there are many systems operating with
isochronous real power load sharing and droop reactive power load sharing.
Breaker control and dead bus arbitration are two functions that need to be managed from a system
level. The system must be designed so that only one generator set is allowed to close to a dead bus.
Typically, because most arbitration schemes are proprietary, this involves enabling the dead bus close
function only on generator sets with one of the control models and disabling the function on other
generator sets.
Discrete communication signals such as start and stop and alarm annunciation will have to be
managed as well so building management systems can operate and monitor status of all of the
generator sets in the system.
In the this section we will discuss voltage and speed biasing of one control by another as a straight
forward method of load sharing between generator sets with dissimilar controls. PowerCommand 3.3
controls have bias inputs and outputs that can be used for this purpose. In this section we will discuss
how the bias signals can be used for paralleling with 3rd party controls, and we will briefly discuss
some of the other methods for paralleling with 3rd party controls.
The following functions need to be addressed
1. Synchronization and load control – Using speed and voltage bias or other methods.
2. Start/stop/shutdown integration. The generator control and the paralleling module need to have their
start and stop signals coordinated so there is one start/stop command for the entire system. If either
control initiates a fault shutdown the system needs to shut down and the fault must be annunciated.
3. Networking integration to get the "whole system" view. The building management system must
communicate with both the generator set and paralleling controls.
4. Diagnostic coordination. There must be diagnostics to cover all needed protections, and if there are
duplicate diagnostics in both controls they must be coordinated.
5. Fault reset - There should be one system fault reset from the user's perspective. The fault reset
must work with both control systems.
6. Performance – The paralleling system must synchronize and share load and/or load govern with the
expected performance requirements. This includes both range and stability needs.

7.1 Biasing
PowerCommand controls have analog inputs and outputs that can be configured as bias signals. The
3.X controls have both inputs and outputs on the base board. 1.X and 2.X controls have only bias
inputs on the Aux101.

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7. Paralleling with 3rd Party Controls 06-2018

In general, a paralleling module drives a bias output into a generator set control bias input to offset the
governor and voltage regulator setpoints so that the paralleling module can manage paralleling
functions. Bias signals are often used when paralleling generator sets from different manufacturers or
when the paralleling system controller is provided by a different company than the generator set
The PowerCommand bias inputs can be used to allow a 3rd party controller to control the generator set
paralleling functions. The PowerCommand 3.3 bias outputs can be used to control the paralleling
functions of a 3rd party generator set.
In applications that include several Cummins generator sets with one 3rd party generator set, a
PowerCommand 3.3 control can be used as a paralleling module with that 3rd party generator set to
enable paralleling of that generator set with the Cummins generator sets. Conversely, in an application
with several 3rd party generator sets and one Cummins generator set, a 3rd party paralleling control can
use the bias inputs on a 3.3 control to enable paralleling between the Cummins generator set and the
3rd party generator sets.
When PowerCommand controls with 3rd party equipment, the PowerCommand 3.3 control acts as
either the paralleling module or the generator set control for both the governor and the AVR. It is not
permissible for the PowerCommand control to act as the paralleling module for the governor and the
generator set control for the AVR, for example. “Hybrid” controls, in which one control acts as the
paralleling module for the governor and the generator set control for the AVR, are not allowed. The
PowerCommand 3.3 control needs to operate as either the paralleling module or generator set control
for both the governor and the AVR.
Bias range setup:
The range of the bias signal should be wide enough to cover the limits of the synchronizer, load share
and/or load govern functions. Limiting the range of the bias signal limits the effect that the bias signal
can have on the governor and/or AVR. Setting the limits too narrow may limit performance of load
govern and load share functions to perform over a full range of operating points and inhibit the
synchronizer from reaching full expected range. Conversely, setting the bias range too wide can make
a system unstable as it will be overly responsive to analog input noise or other minor deviations in the
bias signal, and analog closed loop gain would be unnecessarily high.
Failure of a module should be considered when setting bias signals. Generally the system should be
designed so that failure of a module should result in a bias signal of 0.

7.1.1 Bias Range Setup

The range of the bias signal should be wide enough to cover the limits of the synchronizer, load share
and/or load govern functions. Limiting the range of the bias signal limits the effect that the bias signal
can have on the governor and/or AVR. Setting the limits too narrow may limit performance of load
govern and load share functions to perform over a full range of operating points and inhibit the
synchronizer from reaching full expected range. Conversely, setting the bias range too wide can make
a system unstable as it will be overly responsive to analog input noise or other minor deviations in the
bias signal, and analog closed loop gain would be unnecessarily high.
Failure of a module should be considered when setting bias signals. Generally the system should be
designed so that failure of a module should result in a bias signal of 0.

7.1.2 Bias Inputs

Bias inputs are commonly used to allow a 3rd party paralleling controller to control the generator set
paralleling functions, while the PowerCommand control is controlling the basic generator set functions.
Figure 33 shows a system in which a 3rd party control system is biasing the speed and voltage inputs
of a 3.3 control. Note that the bias inputs are not the same as the load share lines, although the 3rd
party control is using these bias signals to control the load share function.

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In Figure 32 the PowerCommand 3.3 control is configured as a “standalone” (ie non-paralleling)
generator set. The 3.3 control manages all of the basic generator set functions while the 3rd party
paralleling module controls synchronizing and load sharing functions and controls the circuit breakers.
Bias inputs can be used on a paralleling generator set to synchronize when a 3rd party synchronizer is
used, but in general when a 3rd party system is controlling the load share function the 3.3 control
needs to be configured as a standalone generator set. If the 3.3 is configured as a paralleling
generator set and a 3rd party paralleling module is used, both controls will try to control the load
sharing function and will “fight” with each other, resulting in instability.
Bias inputs on 1.X and 2.x controls should be used for synchronizing only and should not be used for
load sharing. The reason for this is that for these controls the bias signals are connected over a
proprietary PCCNet network, which may arbitrate for several seconds during which communications
are lost. Synchronizers can tolerate a temporary loss of communication, however load sharing
systems can’t. Configuration
Use InPower to configure the “Genset Application Type” as “Standalone” as shown in Figure 33.

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7. Paralleling with 3rd Party Controls 06-2018


Configure analog inputs as speed and voltage bias input as shown in Figure 34.

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06-2018 7. Paralleling with 3rd Party Controls

Select “Speed Bias Input Scaling Table” as shown in Figure 35. The Voltage Bias Input Scaling Table
is also shown on Figure 35.

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7. Paralleling with 3rd Party Controls 06-2018

The scaling table allows the operator to map the analog input voltage to a percent adjustment of the
frequency or voltage setting. Figure 36 is an example of a voltage bias scaling table.


From this table we can see that a 5 volt bias signal corresponds to a 3% offset in the voltage setpoint.
The speed bias input is set up in a similar manner.
Although bias inputs are typically used to control a generator set’s kW or kVAR output they are
actually acting on the frequency or voltage setpoint as part of a closed loop control. When the
paralleling breakers are closed and generator sets are paralleled, the bias signal should not
correspond to the desired frequency or voltage. They should correspond to the kW or kVAR output
with respect to the desired output. For example, if the generator set is generating the desired level of
kW, the speed bias should be 0. When it is desired to increase the kW output of the generator set, the
bias signal should be a positive number. When it is desired to reduce the kW output, the bias signal
should be a negative number.

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06-2018 7. Paralleling with 3rd Party Controls

For example, a speed bias of +5% would increase the frequency setpoint by 5% (to 63 Hz for a 60 Hz
system). The governor will increase fuel in an attempt to raise the frequency. When a generator is
paralleled to another source its ability to unilaterally change frequency is limited, so the increase in
fuel will result in an increase in power output. As the power output gets closer to the desired output
the bias signal should decrease, and eventually settle at 0. Similarly, a negative bias signal should be
used when it is desired to decrease the power output. A negative bias signal will lower the frequency
setpoint resulting in a decreased power output. As the power output gets closer to the desired level,
the bias signal should increase and eventually settle at 0. Bias Signal Clamping

In most cases, the voltage to bias map is linear but it doesn’t necessarily have to be. In some cases it
may be necessary to clamp the maximum bias signal to prevent too large of an offset to be sent to the
governor or voltage regulator. Figure 37 is an example of a speed bias scaling table in which a clamp
has been implemented. Figure 38 is a graphical representation of the same scaling table.



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7. Paralleling with 3rd Party Controls 06-2018

The clamping function as illustrated in Figure 38 is one means to allow the bias signal to be very
responsive for smaller bias signals to but have a limited response to larger signals to prevent the
system from going unstable. The clamp can help dampen the response of the generator set if it is
receiving signals from an unstable paralleling module.
The voltage bias signals are inherently clamped at +10% and -40% even if the scaling table indicates
that they will go beyond those values.

7.1.3 Bias Outputs

Figure 39 shows a PowerCommand control using bias outputs to allow it to act as a paralleling
module for a 3rd party generator set.


The 3rd party control handles the basic generator function and the 3.3 control acts as the paralleling
supervisory control. We refer to this as putting the PowerCommand control “on top of” the 3rd party
control. This has an advantage over replacing the 3rd party control with the 3.3 because the 3rd party
control has already been developed to operate this generator set with the AVR and governor functions
tuned appropriately.
The 3rd party control handles engine governing and alternator excitation but the setpoints are being
adjusted by the PCC3.3 via speed and voltage bias inputs. The 3rd party control takes care of the fault
handling and needs to be setup as a standalone generator set (doing basic genset functions). The
standard analog load share lines attached between the PowerCommand controls will handle the load
sharing and first start signals. The 3.3 control will also be sensing the line and bus voltage and the line
current and the paralleling breaker position. The 3.3 will handle all the paralleling functions and adjusts
the governor and voltage regulator using the bias lines.
A key is the AVR and Governor need to be able to accept the bias input. Also the biasing voltage
levels will need to be configured to match the 3rd party controls bias input requirements. With
PowerCommand controls this is configured using the InPower Service tool. Bias Output Settings

Figure 40 illustrates how the bias outputs are defined.

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06-2018 7. Paralleling with 3rd Party Controls


The diagonal line in Figure 40 represents the bias line, with engineering units (in 1/100 of a percent)
on the horizontal axis and analog bias voltage (in dc volts) on the vertical axis. The bias line is defined
by two points, a low setpoint and a high setpoint. The bias settings are best defined by an example.
Consider a system in which a bias voltage of +/-3V was intended to result in a speed setpoint
adjustment of +/-2.5%. You would set the following parameters:
• Speed Bias Engineering In Low Setpoint = -250 (corresponds to -2.5% speed setpoint
• Speed Bias Engineering In High Setpoint = +250 (corresponds to +2.5% speed setpoint
• Speed Bias Analog Out Low Setpoint = -3.00 (corresponds to -3.00 Vdc)
• Speed Bias Analog Out High Setpoint = +3.00 (corresponds to +3.00 Vdc)
Calibration of analog outputs can be done by adjusting the scaling tables as required.
Figure 41 displays the InPower settings for these parameters


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7. Paralleling with 3rd Party Controls 06-2018

When using the 3.3 control as a paralleling module to bias a 3rd party generator control there are four
additional settings that need to be set in InPower:
• ECM Can Enable must be set to “Disabled”
• AVR Enable must be set to “Disabled”
• Starter Owner must be set to “ECS”
• External Bias Commands Enable must be set to “Enabled”
When using bias I/O for paralleling validating system performance becomes more critical and more
complicated as there is an additional potential source of instability. Unlike load sharing and load
governing consisting of standard products, a system of dissimilar products has not been validated.
Some key steps must be considered:
1. If there is any instability set the bias range to the minimum possible value
2. Confirm that V/Hz characteristics for all generator sets are identical
3. Adjust governor and/or AVR gains as necessary for stability and performance. It is not unusual to
have to reduce gains to ensure stability
Refer to the commissioning and troubleshooting section (Appendix 1) for more information. A full
system validation is required in these systems.
PowerCommand voltage and speed bias outputs are disabled and isolated until the control is
operational, so that the system doesn’t drive the generator set to an unknown state at power up.

7.2 Control Start/Stop and alarm interconnections

When putting the PowerCommand 3.3 paralleling control “on top of” a 3rd party generator set control
the manual start of the 3rd party control should be disabled. The generator should only be started by a
signal from the paralleling control (the 3.3). The generator can start automatically in the event of a
utility failure or manually by an operator initiating the start function from the paralleling control. The key
point is that the start command always comes from the paralleling control. A remote start input from a
building management system should go to the supervisory control, otherwise the breaker control and
paralleling functionality may be compromised. Figure 42 displays an example of the start/stop
interconnection between a 3.3 and a Cat EMCP 2.2.


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06-2018 7. Paralleling with 3rd Party Controls

The 3rd party generator control is still managing all of the generator protection functions and will shut
the generator set down under fault conditions. A common alarm or shutdown output from the 3rd party
generator control should be wired to a configurable customer input to the paralleling control so that the
paralleling control can raise the alarm to the building management system and be coordinated to
operate the breaker as appropriate. An operator will have to reset the fault at the 3rd party generator
control to re-start the generator set.
There should be one system fault reset from the user's perspective. The fault reset must work with
both control systems. To ensure proper "system" shutdowns, the generator set control needs to tell
the paralleling control to shut down. The paralleling control also needs to tell the generator set control
to shut down if the paralleling control detects a shutdown condition. When doing this, the generator
control needs to coordinate a shutdown command to the paralleling control and the paralleling control
needs to send a common shutdown to the generator control.
This adds complexity to performing a system reset. The system reset needs to tell the generator
control and the paralleling control to reset, and it needs to interrupt the "common shutdown"
communications between the two controls.

7.3 Other paralleling methods

The bias functions discussed previously are our preferred method for load sharing between dissimilar
controls. There are other methods that have worked. These will be briefly discussed here.
Analog load share lines between competitive controls are not typically compatible with one another.
The topology and burden resistors are different. Some 3rd party control manufacturers have
successfully connected directly with PowerCommand load share lines but those are really point
solutions and every situation needs to be looked at individually. In particular, transient performance
will vary with different generator set models, so that settings that worked with one generator set may
not work well with a different model.
Load sharing interface modules are available for certain generator set controls. Cummins has a device
called the ILSI which makes PowerCommand real power load share lines compatible with Woodward
or Barber-Colman load share lines. This doesn’t work for kVAR however so the droop method must be
used for kVAR load sharing. There are some other 3rd party gateways between PowerCommand and
other controls. These have not been validated by Cummins so Cummins does not confirm that they
will work.
Another method is Droop paralleling where the voltage and frequency are dependent on the amount of
load being taken by the generator set. With droop load sharing, the controls do not need to
communicate to one another and there is no need to run load share communication lines between
generator sets. This is a simple and inexpensive means of sharing load between dissimilar generator
sets but sensitive loads may have issues with frequency and voltage varying with load.
In some cases a hybrid load sharing method is used in which one generator set is set up to run with a
constant power output and a second generator set is configured to pick up fluctuations in load. The
generator set that is intended to pick up fluctuation in load acts as a utility and is configured to run in
isochronous mode. This generator is often known as the “swing generator”. The second generator set
is configured to run either in base load or in droop. The generator set which is configured to run
isochronous should come on line first and establish the bus. The second generator set synchronizes
to the bus and then either runs in base load mode in which it puts out power based on a load govern
setting, or it runs in droop mode with a droop characteristic set so that it puts out the intended level of
power at the nominal voltage and frequency.
For the base load/swing generator configuration the system must be monitored to make sure that the
base loaded generator set is adjusted if the system load changes dramatically, so that the base
loaded generator set doesn’t backfeed the swing generator if the load drops, or the swing generator
set doesn’t become overloaded if the system load increases dramatically. If the swing generator goes
to negative power, the base load generator will continue to push power until the swing generator goes
to reverse power shutdown. If the swing generator set shuts down, the base loaded generator set will
go to either + or - 10% frequency and voltage relative to nominal settings, based on the base load
setpoint vs load. If the load is higher than set point frequency and voltage will drop. If the load is lower
than the setpoint, frequency or voltage will rise.

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Appendix A. Commissioning and

Table of Contents
Figure 43. Load Share kW and kVAR Balance .................................................................................... 65

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Appendix A. Commissioning and Troubleshooting Recommendations 06-2018

A.0 Commissioning
Before attempting to close the paralleling breaker to another source:
1. Verify all parameter settings
• Confirm that reverse kW and reverse kVAR are within the capabilities of the
generator set. Reverse kW should be less than the Regenerative power rating
of the engine. Reverse kVAR should be within the limits shown on the
alternator capability curve. Consult the factory to obtain the alternator
capability curve.
• Confirm that V/Hz settings are identical for all paralleled generator sets.
• Consult the factory if it is intended to parallel generator sets with a continuous
leading power factor load or if paralleling with a 3rd party control system.
• Follow the paralleling setup screens in InPower.
2. Before attempting to parallel generator sets, it is important to confirm that the
generator sets individually run stable under load. All generator sets have to run at
the same frequency and voltage, since the load share control is "proportional" only
in Isochronous mode.
• To make all the generator sets have the same frequency and voltage, the
Genset Application Type must first be set to "Standalone" mode for each
generator set being paralleled.
3. While running on a dead bus (no other source is available and load is disconnected)
confirm that generator set circuit breaker operation and feedback works properly.
4. If the application involves utility paralleling confirm that the utility circuit breaker
feedback works properly. If the application involves operation of the utility breaker
(PTC operation) confirm utility circuit breaker operation with no utility source present
and no load connected. This involves making manual connections to the TB5
terminal on the PowerCommand circuit board to confirm that the breaker control is
wired correctly and the breaker functions. As an alternative, if the breaker can be
racked out into test mode the PowerCommand control can directly control the
breaker without opening or closing on to utility voltage.
5. For each generator set confirm load share line voltages are correct while running in
isolated bus mode but not paralleled to another genset. Load share line voltages
should measure ~0.25V at no load and ~2.5V at full load. Note that this assumes
that the MCM3320 Master Synchronizer is not driving the load share lines. Confirm
that polarity is correct on each generator set. Load share line polarity should match
for each generator set, and the MCM3320 (if applicable).
6. Calibrate PowerCommand AC measurements.
7. Confirm that the dead bus close arbitration does not have an open circuit. This can
be done with a resistance check across the entire circuit.
8. With the generator circuit breaker closed to a dead bus, confirm that generator set
voltage phase A matches bus voltage phase A and the phase difference between
generator set phase A and bus phase A is 0 degrees. Confirm for phase B and C as
9. When one generator set is closed to the paralleling bus confirm that each of the
other generator sets sees that the paralleling bus is live and measures voltage
10. Confirm that the each generator set has a different master first start backup time
programmed. One simple method for doing this is to assign each generator set a
number and set up a backup time in seconds equal to 10 times that number (ie
genset 1 would have a backup time of 10 seconds, genset 2 would have a backup
time of 20 seconds, etc.)

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06-2018 Appendix A. Commissioning and Troubleshooting Recommendations

11. Note that it is important to verify that sensing leads are matched correctly to power
conductors before closing a paralleling breaker. During commissioning or if power
conductors or sensing leads are changed in any way It is always recommended to
verify the power leads are truly synchronized independent of the control sync check
function before closing a breaker. Prevent breaker closure by either running the
system in manual mode or by activating the breaker inhibit input when in auto mode.
12. Verify synchronizer performance as discussed in the synchronizer section of this
13. All setup assumes no leading PF operation. If leading PF operation is needed,
consult the factory.

A.1 Load Share Verification

1. Verify load share stability at no load. Parallel the generator sets at no load. Monitor
kW and kVAR using InPower. If one generator set is driving kW or kVAR into the
other generator set adjust the Load Share Balance trim. Note that there is no
integral term to remove offset error automatically. Therefore any errors need to be
removed manually by adjusting the Load Balance trim. Increasing the load balance
trim on one genset causes that genset to increase its share of the load. See Figure
2. Verify load share stability at a nominal load, similar to the method described in step
kW, kVAR, frequency and voltage should all be monitored for stability. Typically if
there is frequency instability the kW will be unstable as well. Similarly, voltage
instability is led by kVAR sharing instability.


A.2 Transient operation validation

If non-identical generator sets are being paralleled load acceptance and load rejection
should be tested. Particularly on load rejection there is a good chance that one generator
set will temporarily backfeed the other. Confirm that the generator set that is being
backfed does not trip on reverse kW. This may involve tuning the “faster” generator set
so its transient response is similar to the “slower” genset.
Confirm that V/Hz characteristics are identical. If V/Hz characteristics do not match this
will result in VARs being fed from the generator set with the “milder” V/Hz characteristic
to the generator set with the more aggressive V/Hz characteristic on load acceptance.

Enter document number (Issue 1) 65 Copyright © 2018 Cummins Inc.

Appendix A. Commissioning and Troubleshooting Recommendations 06-2018

A.3 Ramping Validation

If the Load Demand Stop function is used verify the ramping function to the site’s nominal

A.4 Troubleshooting, if validation has issues:

Sometimes kW or kVAR instability shows up at a specific load. If so, try reducing all of
the generator sets’ load share gains for either kW or kVAR. If this has no effect, you
might have to reduce the "Governor gain adjust" or the "AVR Gain Adjust". It is not
unusual to reduce the Governor/AVR gain adjust value to 80% of its original value.
Note that the Governor/AVR Gain adjust affects all operating modes of the
governor/AVR. Verify the following functions if gain adjusts are modified.
1. Steady state performance of single generator set.
2. Transient performance of single generator set.
3. Synchronizer performance.
4. Load share performance (if applicable)
5. Load govern performance (if applicable)
Note that instability in frequency and voltage in paralleled generators sets is typically
caused by instability in kW and kVAR sharing, respectively. Focusing in stabilizing kW
and kVAR sharing will typically resolve frequency and voltage stability issues.
If troubleshooting needs to be escalated the following information should be gathered
1. Operating mode (synchronizing, load share, load govern)
2. Description of issue
3. Capture file.
4. List of troubleshooting steps previously taken.
5. Log file showing key internal parameters demonstrating failure
a. For a synchronizing issue, log phase angle, frequency, and voltage error
b. For a load sharing issue, log frequency, kW and speed bias if the frequency or
kW is unstable. Log voltage, kVAR and voltage reference if the voltage or
kVAR is unstable.
c. For load governing, log the load govern kW and kVAR targets, speed bias and
voltage bias.

Copyright © 2018 Cummins Inc. 66 Enter document number (Issue 1)

Appendix B. PI Tuning

Table of Contents

Enter document number (Issue 1) 67 Copyright © 2018 Cummins Inc.

Appendix B. PI Tuning 06-2018

The Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control algorithm is commonly used for all

kinds of process controls. A PID control attempts to match a measured value to a
setpoint by controlling a process output. For example in a voltage regulator the measured
value is the voltage and the process output is excitation. The regulator adjusts excitation
so that the voltage matches the setpoint. In an engine governor the measured value is
speed and the process output is the fuel rate
The difference between the setpoint and the measured value is known as the error. The
error will be a positive number if the setpoint is higher than the measured value. It will be
a negative number if the setpoint is lower than the measure value. The error, after being
scaled by proportional, integral and derivative functions, determines the output of the
control loop. The control continuously makes adjustments to bring the error to zero,
meaning that the measured value is equal to the setpoint.
The proportional gain is the overall gain of the system. Increasing this gain makes the
overall response faster. Increasing it too much can cause instability.
The integral term represents the sum of the error terms over the entire time the control
has been running. Increasing the integral gain will help the control zero in on the setpoint.
Too high of an integral gain can result in an overshoot after a transient. Too low of an
integral gain can result in a system that takes a long time to settle in at its setpoint.
The derivative gain affects how fast the system responds to a change in the error term.
Derivative action "slows down" a very fast responding system. Increasing the derivative
inherently slows down the initial quick error term response during large change events
like a transient. Decreasing the derivative gain allows the system to respond faster.
When PowerCommand controls are used with full authority engines (ie ECM controlled)
the operator has access only to the overall governor system gain (Governor Gain Adjust).
Other gains are embedded in the ECM and are not available for adjustment through
InPower. With hydro-mechanical engines the operator has access to proportional, integral
and derivative gains.
There are several gains associated with paralleling functions as well. The synchronizer
has proportional and integral gains for frequency and voltage match. The synchronizer
has only a proportional gain for the phase match function. The kW and kVAR load share
functions have only a proportional gain. The kW and kVAR load govern functions have
proportional and integral gains.
For PowerCommand controls it is recommended to start with all gains at default values. If
performance is not acceptable with default gains, attempt to improve performance by
adjusting the proportional gain only. If the response to transients is too slow increase the
proportional gain. If the system is unstable decrease the proportional gain.
The integral gain can also be used to improve performance for some functions.
Increasing the integral gain helps the system to lock in on a setpoint. If the system’s initial
response to a transient is good but it takes a long time for the system to settle in on the
setpoint, increasing the integral gain can help this. If the integral is tuned to act faster
than the natural response of the system (ie integral gain is too high) overshoot will occur.
If the integral gain is increased it is common that the proportional gain will have to be
decreased, and vice-versa. Change one gain at a time and observe performance
changes. Gain tuning is typically an iterative process, as various combinations are tried to
find the right balance between transient response and stability.
For PowerCommand systems it is recommended to start with default gains. If default
gains result in a system that is not close to acceptable performance a common method is
to operate with proportional gain only (integral gain = 0). Find the maximum proportional
gain that can be used without creating an unstable system. Cut the proportional gain in
half and increase integral gain until transient performance is acceptable. For more
information on PID tuning there are many sources available on the internet.

Copyright © 2018 Cummins Inc. 68 Enter document number (Issue 1)

Appendix C. 3rd Party Paralleling

Table of Contents

Enter document number (Issue 1) 69 Copyright © 2018 Cummins Inc.

Appendix C. 3rd Party Paralleling Examples 06-2018

C.0 Example 1 – Paralleling with Cat EMCP2.2

The first example is a hospital campus with 5 generator sets. There were two Cummins
generator set, one Detroit Diesel set and two Cat sets. The two Cummins sets and the
Detroit set already paralleled with each other. The customer wanted to make all 5
generator sets parallel.
The controls on the Cummins generator sets at this site were of an older vintage which
did not have the biasing function. In order to parallel with the Detroit set an ILSI module
had been installed for kW load sharing between the Cummins and Detroit generator sets.
Because the ILSI only handles real power the droop method was used for kVAR sharing.
The Cat generator sets have a 5/6 pitch alternator winding so measures had to be taken
to prevent having the Cat neutrals grounded at the same time that the neutrals on the
Cummins and Detroit set were grounded. Neutral contactors were installed so that the
only time the Cat generator sets neutral was grounded was when only the Cat generator
sets were closed to the paralleling bus. When the Cat gensets were running in parallel
with the Cummins and/or Detroit sets the Cat neutral contactor was open but the gensets
were still effectively grounded because their phase windings are connected to the phase
windings of the other, grounded generator sets.
The Cat generator sets did not have paralleling controls so in order to make them parallel
we added PowerCommand 3.3 controls “on top of” the Cat controls as supervisory
controls. The existing generator sets on the site were using isochronous load sharing for
real power and droop for reactive power.
For kW load sharing we used the 3.3 bias outputs to adjust the generator set speed
control. In order to do this we had to remove the existing speed control on the Cat
generator set and replace it with a Woodward controller which we could bias. The bias
outputs on the 3.3 control were configured to match the bias inputs on the Woodward
controller based on recommended settings of that speed controller. The bias voltage was
set to a range of +/- 3% which correspond to a fuel adjustment of +/- 2.5%.
After getting the kW sharing working between the two Cat gensets an ILSI module was
installed and calibrated to share kW with the older generator sets
Because the existing generator sets that were originally set up to use droop kVAR
sharing the two Cat generator sets were also configured for droop kVAR sharing. The Cat
AVR did have VAR/PF control capability for VAR sharing but we didn’t use that function
because we wanted to control load sharing with the 3.3 controls. The Cat AVR has bias
inputs which were used to control kVAR from the 3.3. The 3.3 was configured to run with
droop kVAR sharing mode and it adjusted the AVR bias input to control the kVAR output
to match the droop characteristic.

C.1 Example 2 – Paralleling with a Cat EMCP4.4

A second example also deals with a Cat genset but with a significant difference in the Cat
control. With the previous example it was relatively simple to operate the Cat control as a
single genset control and bias the governor and regulator to manage load sharing. With
the EMCP 4.4 control we were not able to bias the governor directly nor completely
operate the control in standalone mode.
In this system there were 3 Cat generator sets. The customer added Cummins
switchgear and Digital Master Control (DMC) to make the system sync with the utility. As
in the previous example the solution was to add 3.3 controls on top of the Cat controls.
With this Cat generator set however, the Engine Control Module controls the speed and
accepts inputs only from the generator set control via CAN. The Cat control does accept
a speed bias over a configurable customer input and then adjusts the governor
We were able to bias the AVR directly as we in the previous example. Unlike the previous
example we did not use the droop function with the AVR. We biased the AVR so we
could match grid voltage while synchronizing.

Copyright © 2018 Cummins Inc. 70 Enter document number (Issue 1)

06-2018 Appendix C. 3rd Party Paralleling Examples

A final challenge was that the EMCP4.4 control was designed to control its own generator
set mounted paralleling breaker and we were not able to disable that feature. The 3.3
was designed to control a generator paralleling breaker in the switchgear. The typical
sequence of operations is that when the generator set senses the speed and voltage
have reached nominal levels it is ready to load and begins dead bus arbitration and
closes its paralleling breaker when it senses a dead paralleling bus, or starts
synchronizing if it senses that the bus is live. The difficulty here is that we had two
controls trying to control two breakers to execute the same function. The solution was to
move the 3.3 voltage sensing to the load side of the Cat generator set mounted
paralleling breaker and allow the Cat control to close its breaker as soon as it was ready
to load (assuming the bus is dead). The 3.3 control then will sense the generator set as
ready to load only after the generator set mounted breaker closed. At this point, the 3.3
controlled the paralleling breaker in the switchgear as it would in any typical paralleling

Enter document number (Issue 1) 71 Copyright © 2018 Cummins Inc.

Appendix C. 3rd Party Paralleling Examples 06-2018

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