Renr2268 01 PDF
Renr2268 01 PDF
Renr2268 01 PDF
October 2001
Systems Operation
Testing and Adjusting
G3516B Engine
CEY1-Up (Engine)
7EZ1-Up (Engine)
Systems Operation Section Note: The front end of the engine is opposite the
flywheel end of the engine. The left and the right
side of the engine are determined from the flywheel
end. The number 1 cylinder is the front cylinder on
Engine Design the right side. The number 2 cylinder is the front
cylinder on the left side.
Engine Design
SMCS Code: 1000
Illustration 1
Cylinder and valve location
(A) Inlet valve
(B) Exhaust valve
Firing order
Valve lash
Illustration 2
Schematic of the electronic control system
The Engine Control Module (ECM) controls most of For information on start/stop sequencing, refer to
the functions of the engine. The ECM supports the Systems Operation, “Electronic Control Module
following primary functions: (ECM)”.
Illustration 3
Schematic of the governing system
Actual engine speed is detected via a signal from The engine speed is selected by the position
the speed/timing sensor. The ECM compares the of the idle/rated switch and by the status of the
desired engine speed to the actual engine speed. oil pressure. If the idle/rated switch is in the idle
The ECM maintains the desired engine speed by position, the ECM will always select the low idle
controlling the actuator for the throttle. The actuator speed. If the oil pressure is less than the setpoint
is located at the flange of the air inlet manifold. for the low oil pressure warning, the ECM will always
select low idle speed. If the oil pressure is greater
The actuator is electrically controlled and than the setpoint for the low oil pressure warning
hydraulically actuated. A high pressure pump and the idle/rated switch is in the rated position, the
provides hydraulic pressure with oil from a system ECM will select the rated speed.
that is separate from the engine oil. The high
pressure oil supply is monitored by a pressure
switch that generates an event code if the pressure
Integrated Temperature Sensing
drops below an acceptable level. The throttle Module (ITSM)
position is controlled in open loop mode: there is no
feedback from the throttle position.
• Viewing diagnostic codes and event codes that The module is an environmentally sealed unit that
are generated by the ECM is mounted in a terminal box on the engine. The
ECM monitors various inputs from sensors in order
• Programming the electronic control system to activate relays, solenoids, etc at the appropriate
parameters levels.
• Flash programming of software for the ECM The ECM contains the logic and the outputs for
control of engine prelubrication, starting, and
• Calibrating the oxygen sensor and the engine shutdown. The customer programmable logic
speed/timing sensor responds to signals from the following components:
engine control switch, emergency stop switch,
For detailed information on ET, refer to User’s remote start switch, data link, and other inputs.
Manual, NEHS0679, “Caterpillar Electronic
Technician”. To control the engine at the appropriate times, the
ECM provides +Battery voltage to the relays for
the prelube pump, the starting motor, and the gas
Customer Communication Module shutoff valve.
When the programmable logic determines that
The CCM provides a two-way communication link the prelubrication function is necessary, the ECM
between the control system and a host computer supplies +Battery voltage to the relay for the prelube
that uses an RS232 data link. pump. The system may also be programmed to
perform a postlube cycle during engine shutdown in
order to ensure that the turbocharger has adequate
lubrication during shutdown.
Note: Factory level security passwords are required Note: The actual ignition timing at a given instance
for clearing certain logged events and for changing may vary from the desired timing value. This
certain programmable parameters. Because of the variance is due to variations in the engine speed
passwords, only authorized personnel can make or the detonation.
changes to some of the programmable items in the
ECM. When the correct passwords are entered, the The range for programming the desired timing is 0
changes are programmed into the ECM. to 40 degrees before the top center (TC) position.
“Engine Accel. Rate” To change this parameter, use the “Graph” feature
on the “Governor Gain” screen. The graph provides
This parameter controls the rate for engine response the best method for observing the effects of the
to a change in the desired engine speed. For adjustment on engine stability. If changing this gain
example, the engine can be programmed to causes no effect, check the “Grid Status” in order
accelerate at a rate of 50 rpm per second when the to make sure that the status is “OFF”.
“Idle/Rated” switch is turned to the “Rated” position.
“Governor Integral Gain”
“Desired Speed Input Configuration”
This parameter determines the throttle response of
The ECM reads the desired engine speed from a the governor to the error of engine speed that is
throttle position sensor. The parameter “Desired accumulated over time. This parameter is based
Speed Input Configuration” will determine the type on an integral multiplier. This parameter changes
of signal from the throttle position sensor. The output the reaction of the governor when the “Grid Status”
signal from the throttle position sensor can be either parameter is “OFF”. If this gain is adjusted and the
0 to 5 VDC or 4 to 20 mA. “Grid Status” is “ON”, the stability is not affected.
Note: Do not select “PWM” for the desired speed To change this parameter, use the “Graph” feature
input. ET will not accept the value. The ECM is on the “Governor Gain” screen. The graph provides
not configured to accept a pulse width modulated the best method for observing the effects of the
signal for input of the desired engine speed. adjustment on engine stability. If changing this gain
causes no effect, check the “Grid Status” in order
“Governor Type Setting” to make sure that the status is “OFF”.
The “Governor Type Setting” parameter can be set “Governor Derivative Gain”
to “Droop Operation” or to “Isochronous Mode”.
This setting is dependent upon the application of This parameter changes the governor’s response to
the engine. the rate of change in the engine speed fluctuation.
“Crank Terminate Speed” 1. The fuel and the ignition are OFF. The engine will
crank for 10 seconds in order to purge gas from
The ECM disengages the starting motor when the the engine via the exhaust system.
engine speed exceeds the programmed “Crank
Terminate Speed”. The default value of 250 rpm 2. The fuel and the ignition are enabled. The
should be sufficient for all applications. engine will continue to crank for a maximum of
30 seconds.
“Engine Purge Cycle Time”
3. If the engine does not start, the ignition, the fuel,
The “Engine Purge Cycle Time” is the duration of and the starting motor are disabled for a 30
time for the engine to crank without fuel before second “Rest Cycle”.
the crank cycle. The “Engine Purge Cycle Time”
allows any unburned fuel to exit through the exhaust With this example, a complete cycle is 70 seconds:
before you fire the engine. a purge cycle of 10 seconds, a cycle crank of
30 seconds, and a rest cycle of 30 seconds.
The “Overcrank Time” of 280 seconds allows a
maximum of four crank cycles.
Systems Operation Section
After the cooldown period has elapsed, the ECM Engine Sensors
shuts off the gas shutoff valve. The ignition continues
until the engine speed drops below 40 rpm. If the SMCS Code: 1559; 1912; 1917
engine rpm does not drop at least 100 rpm within
the programmed drop time, the ECM terminates the Sensors provide information to the engine control
ignition and the ECM issues an emergency stop. module. The information enables the module to
control the engine as efficiently as possible over a
wide range of operating conditions. The information
“Engine Pre-Lube Time Out Period” is used for monitoring engine operation.
The ECM can energize a prelube pump prior to The sensors also enable the activation of alarms,
cranking the engine. The ECM uses a switch input to
derates, and shutoffs in response to abnormal
monitor the engine for acceptable oil pressure. After
the prelube is completed, the prelube switch closes.
If the ECM does not detect closure of the prelube
switch within the programmable “Engine Pre-Lube
Time Out Period”, the ECM monitors the engine oil
pressure sensor. If the oil pressure is insufficient, an
event code is activated and the starting sequence
is terminated. The range for the “Engine Pre-Lube
Time Out Period” is 30 to 300 seconds.
Override Parameters
“Oxygen Sensor Override”
This parameter enables the oxygen sensor and the
oxygen buffer to be energized when the engine is
not running. The override facilitates troubleshooting
of the sensor’s electrical circuit.
Illustration 6
(1) Pressure switch for the engine coolant (2) Detonation sensor (4) Inlet air temperature sensor
pump (inlet) (3) Hydrax actuator’s pressure switch (5) Engine coolant temperature sensor
Illustration 7
(6) Pressure sensor for filtered oil (10) Inlet manifold air pressure sensor
(7) Pressure sensor for unfiltered oil (11) Engine oil temperature sensor
(8) Engine coolant pressure sensor (outlet) (12) Buffer for the oxygen sensor
(9) Oxygen sensor (13) Speed/timing sensor
Detonation sensors (2) – The detonation sensors Engine coolant pressure sensor (8) – A pressure
monitor the engine for mechanical engine vibrations. switch is located at the outlet for the engine jacket
Each sensor monitors two cylinders. The sensor water. If the outlet pressure is too low, the engine
produces a voltage signal that is proportional to the control module will activate a shutdown.
engine detonation. This information is processed
by the engine control module in order to determine Oxygen sensor (9) and oxygen buffer (12) – The
detonation levels. To eliminate detonation, the oxygen sensor and the oxygen buffer generate a
engine control module retards the timing of the signal that is proportional to the percent of oxygen
cylinder, if necessary. If excessive detonation in the exhaust manifold. The engine control module
continues, the engine control module will shut down uses the signal to adjust for variation of fuel energy
the engine. To observe the value of the output of the content. The signal is also used for adjusting
sensors, use ET to view the “Cylinder #X Detonation the air/fuel ratio in order to achieve the level of
Level”. The “X” is the number for the particular emissions that is desired. To observe the output
cylinder. value of the sensor, use ET to view the “Actual
Oxygen” parameter.
Hydrax actuator’s pressure switch (3) – The Hydrax
actuator has a pressure switch for the oil supply. Inlet manifold air pressure sensor (10) – The sensor
Insufficient oil pressure will activate an engine for inlet manifold air pressure is connected to the
shutdown. To observe the status of the switch, use air inlet manifold. The sensor monitors the absolute
ET to view the “Hydrax Pressure Switch Status”. manifold air pressure. This is the atmospheric
pressure plus the gauge pressure. The information
Inlet air temperature sensor (4) – A sensor for is used by the engine control module to determine
monitoring the air inlet temperature is located in the engine load. To observe the output value of
the elbow before the number one cylinder head. the sensor, use ET to view the “Inlet Manifold Air
Excessive inlet air temperature can activate an Pressure (abs)” parameter.
alarm, a derating, or a shutdown during high load
or low load operation. The trip points for activation Engine oil temperature sensor (11) – An oil
can be programmed with ET. To observe the value temperature sensor measures the engine oil
of the output of the sensor, use ET to view the “Inlet temperature. A high oil temperature will activate
Air Temperature” parameter. an alarm or a shutdown. The trip points can
be programmed with ET. The electronic control
Engine coolant temperature sensor (5) – The module compares the oil temperature to the coolant
temperature sensor is located in the water temperature. An engine oil temperature that is
temperature regulator housing. To monitor the significantly high in comparison to a lower coolant
coolant temperature, the element must be in contact temperature will activate an alarm or a shutdown.
with the coolant. If overheating occurs due to low To observe the output value of the sensor, use ET to
coolant level or no coolant, the sensor will not view the “Engine Oil Temperature” parameter.
function properly. A high coolant temperature will
activate an alarm, a derating, or a shutdown. A low Speed/timing sensor (13) – The engine speed/timing
coolant temperature will only activate an alarm. The sensor is located on the rear end of the left
trip points for the activation can be programmed camshaft. The engine speed/timing sensor provides
with ET. The engine can be restarted after a accurate information to the engine control module
shutdown due to high engine coolant temperature. about the position of the crankshaft and the engine
However, another shutdown will occur after one rpm. The engine control module uses the position of
minute if the temperature remains high. To observe the crankshaft in order to determine ignition timing.
the value of the output of the sensor, use ET to view If an overspeed occurs, the engine control module
the “Engine Coolant Temperature” parameter. shuts down the engine. The speed for the trip point
of the shutdown can be programmed with ET. To
Oil pressure sensors (6) and (7) – The engine oil observe the engine speed in rpm, use ET to view
pressure is measured before the oil filters and the “Engine Speed” parameter.
after the oil filters. An alarm or a shutdown can be
activated by any of the following occurrences: low Thermocouples
filtered oil pressure, low oil filter differential pressure,
and high oil filter differential pressure. The trip point
Thermocouples provide information to the
for the activation of an alarm or a shutdown for oil Integrated Temperature Sensing Module (ITSM).
filter differential pressure can be programmed with
The information is used to monitor engine operation.
ET. To observe the value of the output of the sensor,
The thermocouples also enable alarms and shutoffs
use ET to view the “Engine Oil Pressure” or the to be activated.
“Unfiltered Engine Oil Pressure” parameter.
Systems Operation Section
Illustration 8
(14) Thermocouple for the temperature of (15) Thermocouple for the temperature of (16) Thermocouples for the temperature of
the cylinder exhaust port the exhaust inlet to the turbocharger the turbocharger exhaust outlet
• The temperature is lower than the limit that is Detonation sensors monitor the engine for
programmed. excessive detonation. The G3516B Engine has
eight detonation sensors. Each sensor monitors two
• The temperature of a cylinder deviates adjacent cylinders. The sensors generate data on
significantly from the average temperature for all vibration that is processed by the ECM in order to
of the cylinders. determine detonation levels. If detonation reaches
an unacceptable level, the ECM retards the ignition
timing of the affected cylinder or cylinders. If
retarding the timing does not limit detonation to an
Ignition System acceptable level, the ECM shuts down the engine.
The engine is equipped with an electronic ignition Ignition Transformers and Spark
system. The system provides dependable firing
and low maintenance. The system provides precise
control of the spark and the ignition timing for each
cylinder. Note: Ignition transformers from Electronic Ignition
Systems (EIS) are not interchangeable with the
transformers in this engine.
The ECM provides variable ignition timing that is
sensitive to detonation.
Illustration 10
(1) Valve cover
(2) Transformer
(3) Camshaft cover
(4) Ignition harness
Illustration 12
Conventional spark plug with an adjustable electrode gap
The default settings for the parameters are “Low Oil Filter Differential Pressure”
programmed at the factory. To accommodate unique
applications and sites, the parameters may be The trip point for this parameter is set at the factory.
reprogrammed with ET. The screens of ET provide The trip point cannot be changed. The parameter
guidance for the changing of trip points. cannot be turned off. The parameter is always ON.
If the engine oil filter differential pressure reaches
Note: Some of the parameters are protected by to the trip point, the ECM will generate a warning
factory passwords. Other parameters can be or a shutdown.
changed with customer passwords.
“High Fuel Temperature”
Refer to Troubleshooting, RENR2270 for
programming instructions and for instructions on If the engine oil temperature reaches the trip point,
troubleshooting events. the ECM will generate a warning.
Refer to Operation And Maintenance Manual,
“Engine Features And Controls” for additional
“Low Fuel Pressure”
information on the default settings.
If the fuel pressure reaches the trip point, the ECM
will generate a warning.
Monitoring Parameters
“High Jacket Water to the Engine Oil
“Low System Voltage” Temperature Differential”
The trip point for this parameter is set at the factory. If the differential temperature of the jacket water and
The trip point cannot be changed. If the system the engine oil reaches the trip point, the ECM will
voltage reaches the trip point, the ECM will generate generate a warning or a shutdown.
a warning or a shutdown.
“Low Gas Fuel Differential Pressure”
“High Engine Coolant Temperature”
If the fuel differential pressure reaches the trip point,
If the engine coolant temperature reaches the the ECM will generate a warning.
trip point, the ECM will generate a warning or a
“High Gas Fuel Differential Pressure”
“Low Engine Coolant Temperature” If the fuel differential pressure reaches the trip point,
the ECM will generate a warning.
If the engine coolant temperature reaches the trip
point, the ECM will generate a warning.
“High System Voltage”
“Engine Overspeed” The trip point for this parameter is set at the factory.
The trip point cannot be changed. If the system
If the engine speed reaches the trip point, the ECM voltage reaches the trip point, the ECM will generate
will activate an engine shutdown. A typical trip point a warning or a shutdown.
is 118 percent of the engine’s rated speed.
Trip Points of the Engine Load for High
“High Engine Oil Temperature”
Inlet Air Temperature
If the engine oil temperature reaches the trip point,
the ECM will generate a warning or a shutdown. This feature provides a trip point between high
engine load and low engine load. The trip point
is used for events that involve high inlet air
“High Oil Filter Differential Pressure” temperature. The trip point for the events is based
on the engine load. The possible responses are a
The trip point for this parameter is set at the factory. warning or a shutdown.
The trip point cannot be changed. The parameter
cannot be turned off. The parameter is always ON. If the load is greater than the trip point, the trip point
If the engine oil filter differential pressure reaches for the “High Inlet Air Temperature at High Engine
the trip point, the ECM will generate a warning or Load” event is used for the logging of the high inlet
a shutdown. air temperature.
Systems Operation Section
If the load is less than the trip point, the trip point
for the “High Inlet Air Temperature at Low Engine
Load” event is used for the logging of the high inlet
air temperature.
Fuel System
Illustration 13
Schematic of the control system for air and fuel
The ECM provides control of the air/fuel mixture for 1. The ECM determines the desired flow rates
performance and efficiency at low emission levels. for the air and the fuel. The flow rates are
The system consists of an electronic fuel metering determined by these factors:
valve, an oxygen sensor, output drivers in the ECM,
and maps in the ECM. The control compensates for • Desired engine speed
changes in the BTU of the fuel in order to maintain
desired emission levels. • Actual engine speed
The following steps describe the basic operation: • Calculated engine load
Systems Operation Section
2. The maps of the data for the desired flow of air The aftercooler (3) is located on the top rear of the
and fuel are sent in the form of a PWM signal to engine. The aftercooler (3) has a two-stage core
the fuel metering valve. assembly. Coolant from the jacket water inlet flows
through coolant inlet tube (5). Coolant circulates
3. The fuel flows through the fuel metering valve through the first stage of the aftercooler core.
to the mixer in order to be mixed with air. The coolant then exits the aftercooler through the
The air/fuel mixture is compressed by the coolant outlet tube (2).
turbocharger compressor. The air/fuel mixture
flows through the aftercooler. Inlet air from the compressor side of the
turbocharger (1) flows into the aftercooler housing.
4. The ECM sends a throttle command to the The aftercooler core lowers the temperature of the
hydrax actuator in order to achieve the desired air. The cooler air is directed into the air plenum.
engine speed. The hydrax actuator delivers the The cooler air is directed through the inlet ports of
air/fuel mixture to the cylinders for combustion. the cylinder heads.
5. The ECM monitors the amount of oxygen in the Lowering the temperature of the inlet air will
exhaust gas via the oxygen sensor and oxygen increase the density of the air per volume. The
buffer. The ECM adjusts the signal for the flow of increased inlet air density will result in more efficient
air and fuel in order to achieve the desired level combustion and lower fuel consumption.
of exhaust oxygen.
This process is repeated continuously during engine
operation. Exhaust Manifold
SMCS Code: 1059
Air Inlet and Exhaust Dry exhaust manifolds are used on the engine. The
System dry exhaust manifolds provide maximum heat to the
turbine. Soft wrap is used on the exhaust manifolds
in order to protect the wiring and other components
i01248786 from the heat.
Aftercooler NOTICE
The soft wrap must remain on the exhaust manifolds
SMCS Code: 1063 at all times. The soft wrap prevents the wiring from
burning. The soft wrap also prevents the oil lines and
the water lines from heating up.
SMCS Code: 1052
Illustration 15
Turbocharger (typical example)
(1) Compressor wheel
(2) Bearing
(3) Oil inlet
(4) Bearing
(5) Turbine wheel
(6) Exhaust outlet
(7) Air inlet
(8) Coolant passages
(9) Oil outlet g00812962
Illustration 16
(10) Exhaust inlet
Typical example (top view)
(1) Tube from the aftercooler
The exhaust gases go into the exhaust inlet (10) (2) Exhaust bypass valve
of the turbine housing. The gases push the blades (3) Breather
of turbine wheel (5). The turbine wheel and the
compressor wheel turn at speeds up to 90,000 rpm.
The bearing housing in the turbocharger is also Valve (8) is activated directly by a pressure
cooled by the jacket water coolant. Coolant from differential.
the coolant inlet line enters the side of the center
section. The coolant travels through the coolant Atmospheric pressure is exerted through opening
passages (8) in the bearing housing. The coolant (11) for breather (3) on one side of diaphragm (5).
then leaves the turbocharger at the other side of Force from spring (6) is on the same side of the
the center section. diaphragm. The force of the spring is adjusted with
adjusting screw (7).
Systems Operation Section
Lubrication System
Lubrication System
SMCS Code: 1300
Illustration 19
Lubrication system schematic (typical example)
(1) Main engine oil gallery (6) Engine oil supply for the turbochargers (12) Bypass valve
(2) Engine oil gallery for the left camshaft (7) Sequence valve (13) Relief valve
(3) Engine oil gallery for the right camshaft (8) Sequence valve (14) Engine oil pump
(4) Engine oil gallery for the piston cooling (9) Adapter (15) Elbow
jets (10) Bypass valve (16) Suction bell
(5) Piston cooling jet (11) Engine oil cooler (17) Engine oil filter housing
Systems Operation Section
Engine oil pump (14) has three gears that are driven Clean engine oil from the engine oil filters goes
by the front gear train. The engine oil pump pulls through adapter (9) into the block. Part of the
engine oil from the pan through suction bell (16) engine oil goes to left camshaft oil gallery (2). The
and elbow (15). The suction bell has a screen in remainder of the engine oil goes to main engine
order to strain the engine oil. oil gallery (1).
Relief valve (13) controls the pressure of the engine Engine oil galleries (2) and (3) supply engine oil
oil from the engine oil pump. If the engine oil through drilled passages to the camshaft bearings.
pressure from the pump becomes excessive, the The engine oil circulates around each camshaft
relief valve opens and some of the engine oil returns journal. The engine oil then flows through the
to the engine oil pan. This prevents high pressure cylinder head and the rocker arm housing to the
engine oil from damaging the O-ring seals for the rocker arm shaft. Some of the engine oil lubricates
engine oil cooler and the engine oil filter. the valve stems. The remainder of the engine oil
drains from the cylinder head in order to lubricate
Engine oil cooler (11) reduces the temperature of the push rods, the valve lifters, the camshaft, and
the engine oil. The engine oil cooler has bypass the camshaft bearings.
valve (12) that is designed to open at a differential
pressure of 180 ± 20 kPa (26 ± 3 psi). Engine oil from main engine oil gallery (1) is
supplied to the main bearings through drilled
passages. Drilled holes in the crankshaft supply
engine oil from the main bearings to the connecting
rod bearings. Engine oil from the rear of the main
engine oil gallery goes to the rear of right camshaft
oil gallery (3).
Illustration 22
Lines for engine oil
(6) Supply line
(18) Drain line
Cooling System
Cooling System
SMCS Code: 1350
Jacket Water
Illustration 23
(1) Electric water pump (4) Cylinder block (7) Bypass line
(2) Inlet line to engine (5) Inlet line to front of cylinder block
(3) Adapter (6) Return line
Systems Operation Section
Illustration 24
(8) Coolant line from the customer supplied (11) Coolant line to the customer supplied
heat exchanger or radiator heat exchanger or radiator
(9) Outlet to electric water pump for the (12) Water/air separator
engine (13) Water temperature regulator housing
(10) Heat exchanger (14) Water manifold
Systems Operation Section
Illustration 25
(15) Engine oil cooler (18) Vent lines (21) Aftercooler
(16) Inlet line to rear of cylinder block (19) Coolant supply line for the wastegate (22) Jacket water line from the aftercooler
(17) Turbocharger (20) Wastegate (23) Jacket water line to the aftercooler
Illustration 26
(17) Turbocharger
(24) Coolant supply to the turbocharger
(25) Coolant return from the turbocharger
Systems Operation Section
Coolant is sent through inlet line (5) to the front of The cooling system is equipped with a heat
cylinder block (4). The coolant is then sent through exchanger for an application that has the CHP
a main distribution gallery to each cylinder water (Combined Heat and Power). Heat exchanger (10)
jacket. The main distribution gallery is located is located at the front of the engine. Water from the
above the main bearing oil gallery. The main bearing customer supplied pump enters the heat exchanger
oil gallery and the water gallery are in the center of through inlet connection (8). Heat is extracted
cylinder block (4). Part of the coolant travels to the from the coolant. The water exits through outlet
back of the cylinder block to an adapter. Coolant connection (11). The water that is customer supplied
flow from the adapter housing is divided. Part of flows in the opposite direction of the coolant flow.
the coolant flows to coolant supply line (19) and
to wastegate (20). The other part of the coolant The water temperature regulator is an important
flow travels through coolant supply lines (24) to part of the cooling system. The water temperature
the housings for the bearings of turbochargers regulator divides the coolant flow between the heat
(17). Vent lines (18) for the turbocharger and the exchanger and the internal bypass of the water
wastegate purge the air out of the cooling system. pump. This division is made in order to maintain
All of the coolant flow is then directed into water the correct temperature.
manifolds (14).
Most of the coolant will take the path of least
The coolant that is sent to engine oil cooler (15) resistance through the bypass when there is no
flows through the engine oil cooler and through the mechanical control. This path will cause the engine
inlet line to the rear of the cylinder block (16) at the to overheat in hot weather. The small amount of
right rear cylinder. The coolant flows to both sides coolant that flows through the radiator is too much
of cylinder block (4) through the rear distribution even in cold weather. The engine will not get to
gallery. The distribution manifolds are connected to normal operating temperatures.
the water jacket of all of the cylinders.
Note: There is no mechanical control of the cooling
The coolant flows upward through the water jacket system if the water temperature regulator is not
and around the cylinder liners from the bottom to the installed in the system.
top. The water jacket is smaller near the top of the
cylinder liners. The temperature is hotter at the top Refer to the Operation and Maintenance Manual for
of the cylinders. This smaller area is referred to as a the required fluid capacity for the cooling system.
shelf. This shelf causes the coolant to flow faster for
cooling of the cylinder liners. The coolant from the
top of the liners flows into the cylinder head. The
Separate Circuit Aftercooler (SCAC)
coolant flows around the hottest parts of the cylinder
head. Coolant then flows to the top of the cylinder
head. The coolant flows outward through an elbow.
An elbow is located at each cylinder head. The
coolant flow is directed through water manifolds
(14) to the water temperature regulator housing (13)
after the coolant cools the engine components.
Basic Engine
Illustration 30
(8) Exhaust valves
(9) Inlet valves
(10) Gasket
(11) Water seals
SMCS Code: 1210
Control valve (2) has a solenoid that is operated Uncontrolled electrical circuit paths can result in
electrically from the control switch at the operator’s damage to main bearings, to crankshaft bearing
panel. When the switch is turned to the “MANUAL journal surfaces, and to aluminum components.
START” position, control valve (2) opens in order to Uncontrolled electrical circuit paths can also cause
allow air from the secondary tank through air line electrical activity that may degrade the engine
connection (4) to piston (11) behind the drive shaft. electronics and communications.
This air pressure behind piston (11) puts piston
spring (12) in compression. The spring moves the Ensure that all grounds are secure and free of
drive shaft and drive pinion (9) in order to engage corrosion.
with the flywheel ring gear.
The engine alternator must be grounded to the
After drive pinion (9) is engaged with the ring gear, negative “-” battery terminal with a wire that is
a port is now opened in order to allow the air to adequate to carry the full charging current of the
go through an air line to relay valve (5). This air alternator.
pressure activates relay valve (5). Relay valve (5)
now opens the main supply line from the main For the starting motor, do not attach the battery
reservoir. This allows the large volume of air to pass negative terminal to the engine block.
through air inlet (6) in air starting motor (1). The
air applies pressure against vanes (7) and the air NOTICE
pressure begins to turn rotor (8). The air pressure This engine is equipped with a 24 volt starting system.
exhausts through the outlet at the bottom of air Use only equal voltage for boost starting. The use of
starting motor (1). This air turns rotor (8) which turns a welder or higher voltage will damage the electrical
drive pinion (9) and the engine flywheel through a system.
set of reduction gears (10).
When the engine starts to run, the flywheel will Ground the engine block with a ground strap that
begin to turn faster than drive pinion (9). The design is furnished by the customer. Connect this ground
of the drive shaft for the pinion allows the drive strap to the ground plane.
pinion gear to move away from the flywheel. The
drive pinion gear will disengage from the flywheel. Use a separate ground strap to ground the negative
This prevents damage to air starting motor (1), drive “-” battery terminal for the control system to the
pinion (9) or the flywheel gear. ground plane.
When the engine control senses the crank terminate Disconnect the power when you are working on the
speed, control valve (2) has closed. When the engine’s electronics.
control valve (2) is closed the solenoid has been
deactivated. The air pressure and flow to the piston If rubber couplings are used to connect the steel
is now stopped. Piston spring (12) retracts piston piping of the cooling system and the radiator,
(11), the drive shaft and drive pinion (9). The the piping and the radiator can be electrically
movement of piston (11) now closes the air passage isolated. Ensure that the piping and the radiator are
that activated relay valve (5). Relay valve (5) closes continuously grounded to the engine. Use ground
and relay valve (5) stops the main flow of the air to straps that bypass the rubber couplings.
starting motor rotor (8).
Rotor assembly (7) has many magnetic poles. Air Starting Solenoid
space is between the opposite poles.
SMCS Code: 1467
Starting Motor
SMCS Code: 1451
Illustration 36
Typical solenoid schematic
Illustration 38
Schematic of engine speed sensor
(1) Magnetic lines of force
(2) Wire coils
(3) Gap
(4) Pole piece
(5) Flywheel ring gear
Circuit Breaker
SMCS Code: 1420
Find and correct the problem that causes the circuit
breaker to open. This will help prevent damage to the
circuit components from too much current.
Testing and Adjusting Section
Detonation Sensor
SMCS Code: 1559
For proper operation, the condition and installation Do not install the sensor between the teeth of the
of the sensor must be correct. If the condition or speed-timing wheel. Damage to the sensor would re-
the installation of the sensor is suspect, use the sult. Before installing the sensor, ensure that a tooth
following procedure. of the wheel is visible in the mounting hole for the sen-
Ignition Transformer
SMCS Code: 1561
1. Turn the engine control switch to the OFF/RESET 6. Inspect O-ring seal (6) inside the extension for
position. Switch the circuit breaker for the engine damage.
7. Remove O-ring seal (6). Inspect terminal (4)
2. Remove the valve cover of the suspect cylinder. inside the extension for looseness, corrosion,
and/or damage. Insert an extra spark plug into
the transformer and check for spring pressure
NOTICE of terminal (4).
Pulling on the wiring harness may break the wires. Do
not pull on the wiring harness.
The extension can be scratched and damaged with a
3. Disconnect the ignition harness from the wire brush. Do not use a wire brush on the extension.
transformer. Remove the transformer from the
engine. 8. Clean any deposits from the inside of the
extension. Use a 6V-7093 Brush with isopropyl
Testing and Adjusting Section
Illustration 46
Conventional spark plug with an adjustable electrode gap
Camshaft Timing
SMCS Code: 1210
Timing Check
Table 5
Tools Needed Quantity
9S-9082 Engine Turning Tool 1
Illustration 48
Timing bolt installation (typical example)
(2) Timing bolt
(4) 9S-9082 Engine Turning Tool
Timing Adjustment
Table 6
Tools Needed Quantity
9S-9082 Engine Turning Tool 1
1P-0820 Hydraulic Puller 1
8B-7548 Push-Puller Tool Group 1
8B-7559 Adapter 2
5H-1504 Hard Washer 3
9U-6600 Hand Hydraulic Pump 1
Illustration 50 Note: Before any timing adjustments are made, the
Installation of timing pins (typical example) timing must be checked first. Make sure that any
(2) Timing pin adjustments are necessary. Refer to “Timing Check”
(3) RH Camshaft for this procedure.
4. When the timing bolt is installed in the flywheel After the timing check procedure is completed, the
and the No. 1 piston is on the compression timing bolt will be engaged in the flywheel with No.
stroke, remove the timing pins (2) from the 1 piston at the top center (TC) position.
storage positions.
g00662269 g00662446
Illustration 52 Illustration 54
Left rear Remove camshaft drive gears.
(3) Cover (A) 1P-0820 Hydraulic Puller
(4) Speed/Timing sensor (12) 4W-4586 Plate
2. Remove the camshaft gear cover (3) on the rear 5. Use tooling (A) to remove the camshaft drive
of the engine. If the left rear camshaft gear must gears (5) and (8) from the camshafts.
be removed, then back out the speed/timing
sensor (4). 6. Install the three 5H-1504 Hard Washers behind
the plate (12). This plate holds the camshaft
drive gear on the camshaft. Install the plate (12)
and the bolt (11) on the camshaft.
Do not apply more than 41,340 kPa (6,000 psi) of pres-
sure to 1P-0820 Hydraulic Puller. 8B-7559 Adapters
are rated at 5 ton each and 1P-0820 Hydraulic Puller
is rated at 17 ton at 68,900 kPa (10,000 psi). If too
much pressure is applied, the gear may be damaged.
Illustration 55
Camshaft timing
(13) Timing pin.
Testing and Adjusting Section
8. Remove the timing pins (13) from the storage 13. Remove the timing bolt from the flywheel
position which is located under the rear camshaft housing.
covers on each side of the engine.
14. Install the 5M-6213 Pipe Plug in the flywheel
9. Turn the camshafts until the timing pins (13) can housing timing hole. Remove the engine turning
be installed through timing holes and into the pinion, and install the cover and the gasket.
grooves (slots) in the camshaft.
15. Correctly engage the rocker arms with the
10. Use the following procedure to install the push rods. Tighten the bolts to a torque of
camshaft gears (5) and (8): 120 ± 20 N·m (89 ± 15 lb ft) in order to hold all
of the rocker shafts in position.
a. For correct timing, the timing bolt must be
installed in the flywheel and all gear clearance 16. Make adjustments to the valve lash. Refer to
(backlash) must be removed. Turn the Testing And Adjusting, “Valve Lash Setting” for
camshaft drive gears in the same direction as the correct procedure.
crankshaft rotation and hold in this position.
Note: Make sure that the gear tapers and the shaft
tapers are clean, dry and free of dirt, rust and
The efficiency of the engine and the engine power Use the differential pressure gauge of the 1U-5470
are reduced if there is restriction in the air inlet Engine Pressure Group in order to measure the
and/or the exhaust system. exhaust back pressure.
High inlet manifold air temperature will reduce the The temperatures can be verified with the 4C-6090
power output of the engine. If the temperature is Temperature Selector Group, the 6V-9130
greater than the trip point, the ECM will generate a Temperature Adapter, and the 6V-7070 Digital
warning or a shutdown. Multimeter. Refer to Operating Manual, NEHS0537
for the complete operating instructions for the
Use ET to monitor the inlet manifold air temperature. 4C-6090 Temperature Selector Group.
The temperature can be verified with the 4C-6500
Digital Thermometer.
Illustration 58
Measuring Exhaust (1) Plug
Temperature (2) Locknut
(3) Adjusting screw
• Excessive deposits
• Guttering of valves
• A broken valve
• A piston ring that sticks
• A broken piston ring
• Worn piston rings
• Worn cylinder liners
Illustration 59
Measure the cylinder pressure of an engine after
approximately 250 hours of operation. Record the (Y) Cylinder pressure in kPa
(X) Compression ratio
data. Continue to periodically measure the cylinder (1) Normal range for cylinder pressure
pressure. Comparing the recorded data to the new
data provides information about the condition of
the engine.
Testing and Adjusting Section
Note: You can use the 147-5482 Valve Lash Gauge 8. Remove the timing bolt from the flywheel
Group to measure the valve lash. You will also need housing. Rotate the crankshaft for 360 degrees.
the 147-2056 Dial Indicator or the 147-5537 Dial Install the timing bolt in the flywheel housing.
9. With the No. 1 piston in the top center of the
1. Ensure that the No. 1 piston is at the top center opposite stroke, perform Steps 2 through 7 for
(TC) position. Refer to Testing And Adjusting, the remaining cylinders.
“Finding the Top Center Position for the No. 1
Piston”. 10. Remove the timing bolt from the flywheel
2. Work on the appropriate cylinders that are listed
in Testing and Adjusting, “Crankshaft Positions
for Valve Lash Setting”.
Engine Rotation
The SAE standard engine crankshaft rotation is
counterclockwise when the crankshaft is viewed
from the flywheel end.
Illustration 62
(1) Valve bridge
(2) Rocker arm
(3) Adjusting screw
(4) Locknut
Table 12
Standard Rotation (Counterclockwise)
Cylinders To Check/Adjust
Correct Stroke For No.
Engine 1 Piston At Top Center Inlet Valves Exhaust Valves
Compression 1-2-5-7-8-12-13-14 1-2-3-4-5-6-8-9
Exhaust 3-4-6-9-10-11-15-16 7-10-11-12-13-14-15-16
(1) Put the No. 1 Piston at the top center (TC) position and identify the correct stroke. Make reference to Testing And Adjusting, “Finding Top
Center Position For The No 1 Piston”. Find the top center (TC) position for a particular stroke and make the adjustment for the correct
cylinders. Remove the timing bolt. Turn the flywheel by 360 degrees in the direction of normal engine rotation. This will put the No.
1 piston at the top center (TC) position on the other stroke. Install the timing bolt in the flywheel and complete the adjustments for the
cylinders that remain.
Testing and Adjusting Section
When some components of the engine show • Leaks between worn valve guides and valve
bearing wear in a short time, the cause can be a stems
restriction in a passage for engine oil.
• Worn components or damaged components
An indicator for the engine oil pressure may show (pistons, piston rings, or dirty return holes for the
that there is enough engine oil pressure, but a engine oil)
component is worn due to a lack of lubrication. In
such a case, look at the passage for the engine oil • Incorrect installation of the compression ring
supply to the component. A restriction in an engine and/or the intermediate ring
oil supply passage will not allow enough lubrication
to reach a component. This will result in early wear. • Leaks past the seal rings in the impeller end of
the turbocharger shaft
SMCS Code: 1304-081 The ET service tool can also be used to measure
the oil pressure in the system.
Table 13
ET Service Tool 1
Illustration 64
Oil gallery plug (typical example)
(6) Oil gallery plug
Oil pressure to the camshaft and main bearings Piston Cooling Jets
should be checked on each side of the cylinder
block at the oil gallery plug (6). With the engine at When the engine is operating, piston cooling jets
operating temperature, the minimum oil pressure direct oil toward the bottom of the piston in order to
at full load rpm should be approximately 280 kPa cool the piston. This also provides lubrication for the
(40 psi). Minimum oil pressure at low idle rpm piston pin. If a jet is broken, plugged, or installed
should be approximately 140 kPa (20 psi). incorrectly, a seizure of the piston will occur quickly.
Illustration 65
(1) Dust cap (2) Pressure fitting (3) Relief valve
g00684383 g00684377
Illustration 66 Illustration 67
1. Remove the dust cap (1) from the fitting (2). 3. Loosen the locknut (5) at the end of the relief
valve (3).
2. Use the pressure gauge and the proper coupler
in order to connect the pressure gauge to the 4. Start the engine.
pressure fitting (2). Refer to table 14 for the
correct coupler. 5. Use an allen wrench in order to set the pressure
to 1380 ± 70 kPa (200.2 ± 10.2 psi).
The boiling point is affected by three factors: If a problem with the cooling system is suspected,
pressure, altitude, and concentration of glycol in the perform a visual inspection before you perform any
coolant. The boiling point of a liquid is increased by tests on the system.
pressure. The boiling point of a liquid is decreased
by a higher altitude. Illustration 68 shows the effects i01263861
of pressure and altitude on the boiling point of water.
Visual Inspection
SMCS Code: 1350-535
Making contact with a running engine can cause The 8T-2700 Blowby/Air Flow Indicator is used to
burns from hot parts and can cause injury from check the air flow through the radiator core. Refer
rotating parts. to the testing procedure in Special Instruction,
When working on an engine that is running, avoid
contact with hot parts and rotating parts.
Illustration 71
9U-7400 Multitach
Testing and Adjusting Section
Illustration 73
1U-7297 Coolant/Battery Tester or 1U-7298 Coolant/Battery
Illustration 72
9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump Check the coolant frequently in cold weather
for the proper protection against freezing. Use
The 9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump is used to test either the 1U-7297 Coolant/Battery Tester (Degree
pressure caps. The 9S-8140 Pressurizing Pump Fahrenheit) or the 1U-7298 Coolant/Battery Tester
is used to pressure check the cooling system for (Degree Celsius) in order to ensure adequate freeze
leaks. protection. The testers are identical except for the
temperature scale. The testers give immediate,
accurate readings. The testers can be used
for antifreeze/coolants that contain ethylene or
propylene glycol. Instructions are provided with the
Steam or hot coolant can cause severe burns. testers.
Do not loosen the filler cap or the pressure cap on
a hot engine. Making the Correct Antifreeze
Allow the engine to cool before removing the filler
cap or the pressure cap. Adding pure antifreeze as a makeup solution for
the cooling system top-off is an unacceptable
practice. Adding pure antifreeze increases the
i01597927 concentration of antifreeze in the cooling system.
This increases the concentration of the dissolved
Testing the Cooling System solids and the undissolved chemical inhibitors in
the cooling system. Add the antifreeze and water
SMCS Code: 1350-081 mixture in the same concentration as your cooling
system. Table 17 lists protection from freezing and
Testing for Freeze Protection the corresponding concentrations of antifreeze and
water. For more information, refer to Operation and
Table 16 Maintenance Manual, “Coolant Specifications”.
Tools Needed Qty
1U-7297 Coolant/Battery Tester (1) 1
1U-7298 Coolant/Battery Tester (1) 1
(1) Either tester may be used.
Testing and Adjusting Section
Illustration 74
8T-5296 Coolant Conditioner Test Kit
1. After the engine cools, carefully loosen the filler 1. Make sure that the cooling system is filled to the
cap in order to release the pressure from the proper level.
cooling system. Remove the filler cap.
If a stream of bubbles rise from the hose, air Testing the Water Temperature
and/or exhaust gas in the coolant is indicated.
Testing The Radiator And Cooling Table 21
5. After ten minutes, remove the water temperature
Illustration 78 regulator. Immediately measure the opening in
Typical example the water temperature regulator.
(1) Water manifold assembly
(2) Plugs If the opening agrees with the distance that is
specified in the engine’s Specifications manual,
1. Remove one plug (2) from water manifold the water temperature regulator is operating
assembly (1). Install a probe for the thermometer properly.
into the opening.
If the distance is less than the distance specified
Note: A temperature indicator of known accuracy in the engine’s Specifications manual, obtain a
can also be used for this test. new water temperature regulator.
2. Start the engine. Run the engine until the Refer to Specifications, “Water Temperature
temperature reaches the desired range Regulator”.
according to the test thermometer.
Personal injury can result from escaping fluid un- The 9U-7400 Multitach Tool Group is used to
der pressure. check the fan speed. For instructions, see the
Operating Manual, NEHS0605 that is supplied with
If a pressure indication is shown on the indicator, the multitach.
push the release valve in order to relieve pressure
before removing any hose from the radiator.
Testing and Adjusting Section
Illustration 79
Test location
(1) Plug
Illustration 80
1P-3537 Dial Bore Gauge Group
Piston Rings
The 4C-4519 Piston Ring Groove Gauge is
available for checking the top piston ring groove
with straight sides. Refer to Guideline For Reusable
Parts, SEBF8049, “Pistons”.
Note: When the cylinder liner projection is correct, 4. Take the measurements at all four points. Find
put a temporary mark on the cylinder liner and the difference between the lower measurements
the spacer plate. Be sure to identify the particular and the higher measurements. This value is the
cylinder liner with the corresponding cylinder. When runout. The maximum permissible face runout
the seals and the filler band are installed, install the (axial eccentricity) of the flywheel must not
cylinder liner in the marked position. exceed 0.15 mm (0.006 inch).
Testing and Adjusting Section
Illustration 84
Flywheel clutch pilot bearing bore
Illustration 85
Checking face runout of the flywheel housing
Testing and Adjusting Section
If you use any other method except the method that 1. Fasten a dial indicator to the flywheel so the anvil
is given here, always remember that the bearing of the dial indicator will contact the bore of the
clearance must be removed in order to receive the flywheel housing.
correct measurements.
Illustration 88
Illustration 89
Checking bore runout of the flywheel housing
7. Turn the flywheel counterclockwise in order to The damper is mounted to the crankshaft on the
put the dial indicator at position (D). Write the front of the engine. Damage to the failure or failure
measurement in the chart. of the damper will increase vibrations. The increase
in vibrations will result in damage to the crankshaft
8. Add the lines together in each column. and to other engine components. A deteriorating
damper will cause more gear train noise at variable
9. Subtract the smaller number from the larger points in the speed range.
number in column B and column D. Place this
number on line III. The result is the horizontal A damper that is hot may be the result of
eccentricity (out of round). Line III in column C is excessive friction. This could be due to excessive
the vertical eccentricity. torsional vibration or misalignment. Use an infrared
thermometer to monitor the temperature of the
damper during operation. If the temperature reaches
100 C (212 F), consult your Caterpillar dealer.
Illustration 90
g00286046 • The paint on the damper is discolored from heat.
Graph for total eccentricity
• The engine has had a failure because of a broken
(1) Total vertical eccentricity crankshaft.
(2) Total horizontal eccentricity
(3) Acceptable value
(4) Unacceptable value • Analysis of the engine oil has revealed that the
front main bearing is badly worn.
10. On the graph for total eccentricity, find the point
of intersection of the lines for vertical eccentricity • There is a large amount of gear train wear that is
and horizontal eccentricity. not caused by a lack of engine oil.
11. The bore is in alignment, if the point of For instructions on repairing the damper, refer to
intersection is in the range that is marked Guide for Reusable Parts, SEBF8152, “Procedures
“Acceptable”. If the point of intersection is in to Rebuild Vibration Dampers 3600 Family of
the range that is marked “Not acceptable”, the Engines”. The tools and instructions in the guide for
flywheel housing must be changed. reusable parts are appropriate for G3500 Engines.
This starting system uses an electric solenoid b. A “ZERO” reading shows that the problem is
to position an air valve in order to activate the in the control switch or the problem is in the
air starting motor. If the starting motor does not wires for the control switch.
function, do the procedure that follows:
3. Fasten the multimeter lead to the start switch at
1. Check the indicator reading for the air pressure. the terminal for the wire from the battery. Fasten
the other lead to a good ground.
2. If the reading is not acceptable then use a
remote source to charge the system. a. A “ZERO” reading indicates a broken circuit
from the battery. With this condition, check
3. If the reading is acceptable then open the the circuit breaker and wiring.
main tank drain valve for a moment. Verify the
pressure that is shown on the pressure indicator. b. The problem is in the control switch if either a
Listen for the sound of the high pressure from voltage reading is found at the control switch
the discharge. or if a voltage reading is found in the wires
from the control switch to the control valve.
Electrical Side Of The Air System Air Side Of The Air System
1. Move the start control switch in order to activate
the starting solenoids. Listen for the sound of the
engagement of the air starter motor pinion with
the flywheel gear.
Illustration 92
Air starting system (typical example)
(1) Control valve
(2) Connector
(3) Connection
(4) Air hose
(5) Relay valve
g00286936 a. Full air pressure comes from the end of the air
Illustration 91 hose (4) when the control switch is activated.
Control valve (typical example) The relay valve (5) is worn or the air starting
(1) Control valve motor is damaged.
(2) Connector
Testing and Adjusting Section
Illustration 94
8T-0900 Ammeter
The charging unit will be damaged if the connections
between the battery and the charging unit are broken
while in operation. Damage occurs because the load
from the battery is lost and because there is an in-
crease in charging voltage. High voltage will damage
the charging unit, the regulator, and other electrical
A Engine Design ......................................................... 4
Engine Monitoring System .................................... 18
Aftercooler ............................................................. 22 Monitoring Parameters....................................... 19
Air Inlet and Exhaust System .......................... 22, 49 Engine Sensors ..................................................... 13
Air/Electric Starting System............................. 34, 73 Thermocouples .................................................. 15
Alternator............................................................... 35 Engine Speed Sensor............................................ 38
Engine Speed/Timing Sensor................................ 40
Excessive Bearing Wear - Inspect......................... 55
B Excessive Engine Oil Consumption - Inspect ........ 55
Engine Oil Leaks into the Combustion Area of the
Basic Engine.................................................... 32, 68 Cylinders .......................................................... 55
Battery ................................................................... 76 Engine Oil Leaks on the Outside of the Engine.. 55
Exhaust Bypass Valve ..................................... 23, 50
Exhaust Manifold ................................................... 22
Camshaft ............................................................... 34 F
Camshaft Timing ................................................... 45
Timing Adjustment ............................................. 46 Finding the Top Center Position for the No. 1
Timing Check ..................................................... 45 Piston................................................................... 44
Circuit Breaker....................................................... 38 Flywheel - Inspect.................................................. 69
Compression ......................................................... 51 Bore Runout (Radial Eccentricity) Of The
Coolant Temperature Sensor - Test....................... 67 Flywheel ........................................................... 70
Cooling System ............................................... 27, 60 Face Runout (Axial Eccentricity) Of The
Jacket Water ...................................................... 28 Flywheel ........................................................... 69
Separate Circuit Aftercooler (SCAC) ................. 31 Flywheel Housing - Inspect ................................... 70
Crankshaft ............................................................. 34 Bore Runout (Radial Eccentricity) Of The Flywheel
Crankshaft Position for Valve Lash Setting............ 53 Housing ............................................................ 71
Engine Rotation ................................................. 53 Face Runout (Axial Eccentricity) Of The Flywheel
Cylinder Block........................................................ 68 Housing ............................................................ 70
Connecting Rod Bearings.................................. 68 Fuel System..................................................... 21, 44
Main Bearings .................................................... 68 Fuel System Operation.......................................... 21
Piston Rings....................................................... 68
Cylinder Block, Liners and Heads ......................... 32
Cylinder Liner Projection ....................................... 68 G
Starting Motor........................................................ 37
Starting Motor Protection ................................... 37
Starting Solenoid ................................................... 36
Systems Operation Section ..................................... 4
Table of Contents..................................................... 3
Test Tools for the Cooling System ......................... 61
Test Tools for the Electrical System....................... 75
Testing and Adjusting Section ............................... 39
Testing the Cooling System ................................... 62
Making the Correct Antifreeze Mixtures............. 62
Testing for Air and/or Exhaust Gas in the
Coolant............................................................. 64
Testing for Freeze Protection ............................. 62
Testing the Filler Cap ......................................... 63
Testing the Radiator ........................................... 66
Testing The Radiator And Cooling System For
Leaks................................................................ 65
Testing the Supplemental Coolant Additive and the
Glycol ............................................................... 63
Testing the Water Temperature Gauge .............. 65
Testing the Water Temperature Regulator ......... 66
Turbocharger ......................................................... 22