• write their own programs using standard language conventions irrespective of the
underlying compilation environment
• discuss the mechanism of code reusability by creating their own libraries of functions
• complete use pointers with functions and implementation of basic data structures
• relate the theoretical knowledge and insights gained to formulate working code
• validate the logic building and code formulation by designing code capable of passing various test cases
Unit I
Basics and introduction to C : Program development in C, structured programming
using algorithm and flow chart, The C character set, Identifiers and keywords, Data
types, Constants and variables, Expressions, Arithmetic operators, Unary, Relational,
Logical, Assignment and conditional operators, Bitwise operators
Unit II Control structures and Input/Output functions : If, If else, Switch case
statements, While, For, Do-while loops, Break and continue statements, Goto,
Return, Type conversion and type modifiers, Designing structured programs in C,
Formatted and unformatted Input/Output functions like printf(), Scanf(), Puts(),
Gets() etc,
Unit VI Derived types including structures and unions, SOLID for better
software development : Declaration of a structure, Definition and initialization
of structures, Accessing structures, Structures and pointers, Nested structures,
Declaration of a union, Definition and initialization of unions, Principles of
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