Syllabus - CPR 9017
Syllabus - CPR 9017
Syllabus - CPR 9017
Semester : Second
‘C’ is the most widely used computer language, which is being taught as a core
subject. C is general-purpose structural language that is powerful, efficient and compact,
which combines features of high-level language and low-level language. It is closer to Man
and Machine both. Due to this inherent flexibility and tolerance it is suitable for different
development environments .Due to these powerful features C has not lost its importance
and popularity in recently developed and advanced software industry C can also be used
for system level programming, C is still considered as first priority programming language.
This subject covers from the basic concept of C to pointers in C. This subject will act
as “programming concept developer” for students. It will also act as “Backbone” for subjects
like OOPS, VB, Windows Programming, JAVA, OOMD, etc.
The students will be able to
• Describe the concepts of constants, variables, data types and operators.
• Develop programs using input and output operations.
• Write programs using different looping and branching statements.
• Write programs based on arrays and strings handling functions.
• Write programs using user-defined functions, structures and union.
• Write programs using C pointers.
Learning Structure:
Debugging, Execution of
Procedures Coding, compilation, Program.
Logical error
syntax error removal. removal
Character set, Operators, Input and Output expressions.
Contents : Theory
Total 64 80
Skills to be developed:
Intellectual skills:
• Use of programming language constructs in program implementation.
• apply different logics to solve given problem.
• write program using different implementations for the same problem
• Identify different types of errors as syntax semantic, fatal, linker & logical
• Debugging of programs
• Understanding different steps to develop program such as
Motor skills:
• Proper handling of Computer System.
List of Practical:
Write a C program
Any One from 1 to 3
1) To display hexadecimal, decimal, octal format of the entered numbers.
2) To display entered number with leading zeros and trailing zeros.
3) To display entered numbers with right justification and left justification.
4) To demonstrate all possible formatting specifiers.
Any one from 5 and 6
5) To find greatest/ smallest of 3 numbers.
6) To display pass class, second-class, distinction according to the marks
Any one from 7 and 8
7) To find even or odd numbers.
8) To display spellings of number 1-10 on entry.
Any one from 9 and 10
9) To display menu 1. Addition 2. Subtraction 3. Multiplication 4. Division and
execute it using switch case.
10) To demonstrate continue and BREAK statements.
Any one from 11 to 13
11) To display our College name twenty times on screen.
12) To display all even numbers from 1-100.
13) To perform addition of 1-100 numbers.
Any one from 14 and 15
14) To find smallest / largest number from array elements.
15) To sort array elements in ascending / descending order.
Any one from 16 to 18
16) To enter elements for 3X3 matrix and display them.
17) To calculate addition / subtraction of 2 dimensional matrix.
18) To calculate multiplication of 2 dimensional matrix.
19) To demonstrate output of standard library functions
Strlen(), strcpy(), strcat(),strcmp().
Any one from 20 and 21
20) To calculate area of circle using function.
21) To calculate factorial of any given number using recursion.
22) To demonstrate call by reference, call by value
23) To maintain and manipulate student data using structure.
24) To perform 4 arithmetic functions on pointers.
Learning Recourses:
1. Books
Sr. No. Name of Book Author Edition Publication
1 Programming in ’C’ E Balgurusamy 3rd Tata Mc-Graw Hill
2 Let us ‘C’ Yashwant Kanetkar 3rd BPB
3 Herbert Schildt 4th Tata Mc-Graw Hill
reference: C
4 Working with C Yashwant Kanetkar BPG
C Programming Pearson
5 Ritchie/Kerningaham 4th
language Education
6 Programming in C Byron Gottfried Schaum’s outlines
2. Websites:
• Objective questions:
Demo lectures with power point presentations using LCD projector should be arranged
to develop programming concepts of students.