Drive-by-Wire For Vehicles: Systems Ground
Drive-by-Wire For Vehicles: Systems Ground
Drive-by-Wire For Vehicles: Systems Ground
Abstract - A significant innovation effort in present ground on the ability of the crew. The opposite occurs for the
vehicles' technology is represented by7 the replacement of the motorcars since in most cases the owner drives them. This
traditional mechanical-hydraulic s)ystems with all-electric makes him conscious about guidance and mainteniance of
systems, termed by -ivire systems, for the transmission and
execution of the driving commands. According to the the vehicle and requires his involvement in the new way of
experience in the aerospace environment, such replacement is "driving by wires". The distinct scenario hlas determined on
expected to give appreciable benefits, even though it poses one hand a slower introduction of by7-wire systems in the
several problems. This paper prosides an over-view of the key car env-ironment and, on the other hand. their usage mainly
components of by -wire systems, i.e. the electric actuators and for carrying out tasks non related to the driv ing conmmands.
the communication networ-ks, especially for steering and In the last vears. howTever, by-wire commalnds are gradually
braking operations. migrating from the racing cars to the special-model ones
Inde.x Terms - Bv -wire systems, automotiv e applications,
and. furthermore. have been perceived as a natural
electric actuators, communication networks. milestone closely preceding the transition towards hybrid
and electric velhicles [1]. Consequently. all the car
I. INTRODIUCTION manufacturers have turned their interest on the by-wire
systems and have launched important research programs
Electric solutions for the translniission and execution of that have already- led to the conception of futuristic cars
driving coniniands are already employed in moany implementing the full bv-wire idea.
transportation means. An examiiple is represented by. the fly - In this paper the main features of the key components. i.e.
by-wire systems. nowadays imiiplemented on board of large the electric actuators and thle communication networks. of
airplanes. Although here hy draulic actuators commanded the by-wire technologp intended for the car enviromrent
by electric v-alves often deliver the power for executing the w'ill be presented. focusing on the steernng and braking
conmmands. the application of fly -by-wire systems is operations. A detailed description of the two ty-pes of
evidenice of a trend towards the all-electric airplane. By- components may be found in [2] and [3]. respectivelv.
wire systems are also employed in the naval environnent
and on board of trains and metros. Their application ias II. SYSTEM STRUCT-URE
been promiipted by the significant benefits deriv-ing from the
replacement of the traditional miiechanical-hyardraulic Bv-wire systems have been conceived to replace the
svstems with electric sy-stems: higher efficiencyi, lower traditional means for the fulfilment of the commands
maintenance requiremelnts. better dvnamic response and directly concerning with the velhicle driving. i.e.. throttle,
accuracy', much hiigher overall design flexibility? far easier gear-change. steering and braking. In particular. a
integration with control and monitoring systems. communication network substitutes for the transmission
unprecedented levels of drive assistance functions, and so linkages and the electric actuators for the mechanical ones.
on. It has been also demonstrated that the adoption of
The critical commands for a by-wire systems are steering
suitable design critena with adequate levels of fault and braking and around them is focused the paper.
tolerance and redundancy. can give the electric systems Fig. 1 shows an example of structure of by-wiire system that
reliable perfonnance and fail-safe capabilities even better includes four brake-actuator units and a steer actuator unit.
than the traditional svstems. Each actuator unit located next to the engaged mechanical
In the above-mentioned environments, the acceptance of parts (e.g.. wheels or brake callipers). is composed of an
by-wire systems was facilitated bv the relativ7ely limited electric actuator fed by a static converter. A central unit
incidence of their cost with respect to the prize of the using strategies that account for the driving commands, the
vehicles. The situation is different for the production-model vehicle current state and the environmental conditions
cars because of their much lower prizes and of the highly governs the actuator units. Steenng and brake commands
cost-sensitive market. Moreover, airplanes, ships and trains are transduced and then entered into the respective units
are complex vehicles operated and maintained by (e.g. brake-pedal and steer-wvheel units). Commliunication
professional personnel while the passengers are not networks link the various units. Differently from the data
concerned with the technical arrmngement of the vehicles transmission supporting to non-critical car functions, the
and. as for the journey safety and the means efficiency, relv communication tasks bringing the driving commands are
Such solution miight permit to achieve much wa.ider rotation action, as a backup in case of sudden complete failure of
ranges. notablv reducing the turning radius and penritting the electric system. Such solution miglht improve the safetP
manioeuvres presenitly impossible. e.g.. on-site turning or lev-el and the acceptabiliti of brake-by-wire systems.
exen lateral parking. In a steer-by-wiire svstemn the most altlhough increasing the overall complexity. Any way. a
conventional choice for the inlput device consists in a purely mechlanical subsystem should be probably kept for
steering wheel connected to a suitable angular position stationaryv braking. to avoid using activJe devices consuming
sensor, whose output is sent to the central managemenit unit energ-y to perfonn such non-dissipative task. Such
as a reference signal. The steering wheel might be also subsvstem might be then designed to act also as emergency
connected to a torsion spring to achie-ve a safe self- backup of the b- -wire system, permitting an overall
aligrunent behav iour towards the mean straight-driv!e optimised design. A second significant aspect concerns the
position and to let the user feel a reaction torque increasing actuation svstem: in fact. the priniars forces required for
with as turning radius decreases. Such simple inexpensive friction braking are venr hiigh. although they have to be
solution is well suited for vehicles operated at mid-lowN developed along vern short strokes.
speed on even pa'vements. i.e., not requiring promiipt Therefore. it might be difficult to design linear electnrc
reactions from the pilot. In this case. the same basic motors able to provide such forces while complying the low-
principle may be easily- applied to different types of input cost, weight and volume targets typical of automotive
devices. e.g.. a cloche or joy-stick. For more demanding applications (e.g. [7]).
applications, it is generally assumed that the pilot miiav stay Simple miiechanical leverages could be then used to reduce
better in control when lhe feels through the steering wheel the force required. For such solutions, the most proniising
an effort correlated to the steering torque actuall applied to tv.pologies are longitudinal motion miiono-phase reluctance
the wlheels. In this case, the most suited input dev-ice maclhines. Nhicih can leverage on the slhort length of the
remains probably the steering wlheel, since it could be strokes and may ev en use bulk iron parts wivith hiigh
sinplh coupled to a rotarTimotor suitably driven by the induction lev-els. In fact, the short stroke. joined w ith
cenitral managemenit unit to prov-ide the desired feedback. usually- slow di namics. should detenrine acceptablv low
For such application, wxhen a multi-turn capability is parasitic currenits. AnwN a . permanent magnets ma) be
required the best suited typologv of drive wvould be also suitably, introduced in the design to further improve
probably constituted bv an inverter feeding pennanent ov,erall performances. A different solution mav consist in
magnets synchronous machiine, able to mininiiize weight employring a rotan-to-linear adapter. such as a ball-screw7
and volume. Moreover, the potential presence of 2 angular dev7ice, to convert a low torque into an appropriatel high
sensors, for acquiring the reference position and for the force. Such devices inav then permit using inexpensive
driv\e control, nmight be exploited to provide the required small-size rotary motors, although the overall dynamic
redundancv. On the other liand. wN-hen small mximum performances could be reduced according to the
turning angles were required. short-stroke rotary actuators force/torque ratio used, and a more coniplex static
might constitute a less expensi'Ve alternativ e. conv-erter may be required to drive the motor. Moreover.
ball-screw dev-ices require a frequent maintenance and
B. Brake-bv-ivire actutators make the braking sy stem more complex and less reliable.
In classical vehicles, the braking function is perfonned in Alternatively, indirec't electro-hyldraulic stnictures could be
dissipatiVe way bv pressing friction pads on miietallic disks considered to act the brakes: such solutions miglht penrmit to
or drums through lhydraulic pistons, Nhich are directly use the same valves and pistons manufactured for present
activated from the pilot tllrough the brake pedal. Usually. systems. but requires to keep the hy draulic pressurized
for safeti reasons. the hvdraulic circuit features some circuit. increasing so the complexit\ and mainitenance
redundanc while a partial sero-braking function is requiremenits while lowering the overall reliabilitNi.
provided from the engine in inidirect mechanical way to For what concerns the pilot interface. the most conventional
reduce the physical effort required to the pilot. In the last input device for the braking conuniand consists in a pedal,
few decades, active safet' si stems have been introduced to wliich ma)T be contrasted by a simple linear spring. The
improve the braking effectiveness, such as ABS. and the position of the pedal, sensed by a suitable linear sensor, is
vehicle stability, such as EBD. in emergency conditions. transmitted to the central maniagement unit to deternine tPe
Basically, such svstems include an electronic miianagement braking request. When necessar\'. in the final part of its
unit plus. per each wheel, a speed sensor and a fast electric stroke the pedal could also directly activate the mechanical
valve able to adjust the braking torque. During emergency backup braking system for emergency situations.
braking, the control unit dnrves the valves to keep each Alternatively, different input devices might be considered,
wheel close to the blockage-slipping condition yet avoiding ranging from hand leverages joining the braking and
this situation, maximizing so the braking effect. A dynamic tProttle commands to integrated cloche-like devices
stabilization action can be also achieved by applying more managing also the steering command. Nevertheless, such
sophisticated strategies. solutions would be clearly less suitable to implement a
For brake-by-wire systems (e.g. Fig.3). a first important mechanical emergency braking linkage. In any case, the
aspect concerns the possible presence of a mechanical presence of a suitable spring may provide a sufficient
structure permitting the pilot to directly perform a braking feedback sensation for the pilot: in fact, probably a true
Channel A
feedback proportional to the actual braking action wvould other other
Node A slots Node A slots NoeAA
provide a modest benefit, not justiA ing the correlated cost. slots
ml,m2,m3 t-l,mB,mB8
_. ml,m2,m4 _ to.
Channel B t
Three communication networks meet the requirements of
the bv-wire applications. They are designated with the of
TDMA Round
TDMA Round TDMA Round
names of Time-Triggered Protocol (TTP) [8]. FlexRay [9] Cluster Cycle
and Time-Triggered CAN (TTCAN) [10]. The first
network has been developed by the University of Vienna Fig.4. TTP cluster cycle.
for the data exchange in real-time distributed systems [11],
the second one bv a pool of car companies on-purpose for Each rowN refers to one time slot of the cluster cycle and is
by;-wire applicatiolns whilst the latter one is an evolution of drawn up at the network set-up with parameters relevalnt to
the CAN networks [12]. All the three networks utilize the the data frame that has to be transniittted. A MEDL row-
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) method to make contains the starting transmission time of the data frame.
the network behavior deterministic. In contrast to the more the storing address of the messages in the dual-port RAM
popular event-triggered method, the access to the bus with that interfaces the device controller of a node with the
TDMA is marked bv the passing of time or, as it is conununication controller, anid some data frame attributes.
coinmon1N said. is time-triggered. TDMA implementation A node accesses the bus whenever the global time equals
needs that all the nodes of the network slhare the same time the starting transmission time stored in the current MEDL
reference, wlhich becomes the global time of the network. row and the pertinent data frame is set as an output for that
and know at even-1 time instant the node having the right of node. Moreover, by comparing the arrival time of the
accessing tie bus. Each node. mnoreoxver, has the right of received frames with the scheduled tinmes stored in MEDL.
transmitting a data frame witlhin a fixed time. These all the network nodes adjust their local clocks so that the
regulations avoid the occurrence of collisions between the coherence of the global time is miiaintained. MEDL can
messages and ease the identification of a malfunctioning store data relevant to more cluster cycles. This enables TITP
node engaging the bus at a wvrong time instalnt or failing in to modif the transmission task, termed communication
transmitting its data frames. Since most of the applications mode. by changing the cluster cycle in use. The change
need a communication task running in a periodic wav, all must come into force simultaneously for all the nodes and
the three networks handles the node activity accordingl3-. is accomplished by setting some bits in the header of the
In TTP and Flex.Rav the safety requiremelnt is achieved by data frame.
means of mechanisms of error recognition and fault TTP has two types of data frames: Normal frames (N-
recoven whilst the fault-tolerance requirement is inet bv fralnes) and Initializatioln frames (I-frames). The N-fra.ines
the duplication the physical channel and the built-in contain the messages whiilst the I-fraimies are utilized to
miianagement of the transmission over the twZo channels. synchronize the netw ork operation and to malnage
TTCAN, instead, lhas a much simpler structure that does not transniission errors and faultv lnodes. Their format is similar
prov.ide for duplication of the plhvsical channel and leaves to the N-frames. with the exception that the data field
the fault niianagemiient to the application softwvare. The three conitains the state of the commnunication controller (C-state).
networks are illustrated below. instead of the messages.
The C-state is formed by the global time, the index of the
A. Timne-Triggered Protocol current MEDL entry and the memberslhip vector. The latter
TT? protocol divides the time into elementary intervals one is a string of bits, each of them belonging to a specific
called time slots. During a time slot, only one node is node. The value of the bits indicates wlhether the
entitled to access to tie bus and transmits only one data corresponding node has sent a correct message (state 1) or
frame. The time slots are gatlhered into a group. termed not (state 0) in the previous round. Whenever a node
TDMA round, and their succession within the round detects that its bit in the received membership vector is 0,
establishes the sequence of the nodes in accessing the bus. suspends the transmission and starts the procedure of
The nodes are ordered in the set-up stage of the network reconnection to the network. By help of the memberslhip
and the same order is usuallh maintained in assigning the vector, errors and faults are detected. When a network
time slots within a round. The rounds may differ in the operates correctly, all the nodes agree on the content of the
number of time slots and in the data frames sent by the membership vector sent by transmitting node. A prompt
nodes. The rounds. in turn, are grouped into a so-called check of the network operation could be obtained bv
cluster cycle that is repeated periodically. Fig.4 exemphfies encapsulating the membership vector in the N-frames, but
a cluster cycle and details three rounds with the first slot at the expenses of an extension of the transmission times.
assigned to node A. TTP overcomes the problem by appending the membership
Everv TTP node is endowed with its own MiEssage vector to the data field of the N-frames onlyr for calculating
Descriptor List (MEDL), which is a memoryT segment their CRC: the receiving node, in turn, appends its own
organized in the form of arrav. membership vector to the received data frame and
calculates the relevant CRC. If the local CRC coincides
with the received one. the message is believTed to be arrived Since each data frame lhas its own idenitifier, collisions
undamaged and the membership vector of the two nodes to during the dynamic segment are avoided and priority in the
be equal; othenvise, eitlher a transmission error occurred or data frame transmiiission is ruled bv the order of the
the membership vectors were different: in both the cases identifier. Static and dynamic segments utilize in distinct
the data framne is discarded. mamner the two tralnsiission channels. During the static
TTP protocol has been tinplemiiented on several physical segments the sanme data frames are transniitted on both the
layers with transceivers meeting CAN. RS485 anid Ethernet clhannels wlhile dunrng the dvnamic segmiienits the two
standards and using both copper cable and glass fiber as a channels are used disjointedly so that differenit data frames
transmission medium. The maximum transmission speed can be transmitted at the samiie time. The reason is that the
with CAN transceivers is of 1 Mbitls: with asynchronous dy-namic segments are tv picallh used to deliver non-critical
and synchronous commununications of 5Mbit/s and 25Mbit/s. data frames.
respectiv\ely. A specific physical layer is near to be Each node of the network is infonned at the set-up stage of
released aimed at achiexing higher transiriission speed and the time slots assigned to its data frames wliilst it learns the
comiipatibilitxT with automotive 42 Volt power supply. association bet-een time slots and data frames of the otier
nodes step b+ step. by monitoring the traffic on the bus.
B. FlexRav Network svnchronization, required for the time-triggered
FlexRay protocol utilizes, in addition to the time-triggered bus access during tde static segments. is accomplished by
bus access method. the event-triggered one. sharing the means of synclhonization frames sent by- dedicated nodes
communication banidwidtlh between the two tvpes of according to a fault-proof procedure.
transmissions. The time is divided inito coimunication In FlexiRaj- the only type of error handled by a node is the
cvcles that. in tumr are made up of two segments. tenled failed sx'nchronlization of the local time witlh the global
static and dvynamic. The static segment supports the time- time. As soon as an error occurs, a counter is updated and
triggered transmission and is divided into time slots long the result is compared w4ith twvo thresholds. When the lower
enough to include one datca frame. Witlin a segment. a threslhold is exceeded, the node suspends tde tralnsmission
node sends a data frame evenr time the slot counter matches but continues to receive the data frames and attempts to
the identifier assigned to the frame. A static segment is svnchronize with the global time: in case of success, the
exemplified in Fig.5. wlhere DF stands for data framiie anid error counter is zeroed alnd the node resumes the nonnal
ID for identifier. operation. In the opposite case, when the upper threshold is
reached, the node removes itself from the network and can
slot counter channel A be rebooted onlr, by- user application.
static slot I staltic slot st
9atic slot mX FlexRav protocol is independent of the plhsical layer, the
only constraint being the transmission frequencyr of 10
channel A' DF ID 1 DF ID 2 1 DL ID m
Mbit/s. A specific line driver is under development: in the
channel B DF ID 1 FDFID D Dm2 t meantime, the RS485 standard is used. Anotier feature of
the physical laver is the usage of a reliable process of bit
slot counter channel B acquisition tdat copes wN-ith the possible corruption of the
static segment cycle
signial due to the electromzagnetic noise.
transmission frequenev (1 Mbit/s) of CAN are maintainiced. transmiission speed of the driver commands nor a
The basic cycles hlavle anl equal number of time slots k but sopliisticated fault management.
max differ in the nuwmber and type of data frames and in'the
number and allocation of the timiie slots w ith event-trigg(ered V. CONCLUSIONS
transnmissions. More basic cycles can be linked together and
repeated in a cyclic waxy. forming the so-called svsstem Withliin a few 'ears. ground veliicles will be extensively
matrix shown in Fig.7? wlhere RM stands for refercence equipped w-ith bi-x-wire syTstems in place of the mechanical
message and AW for arbitration window. and hvdraulic apparatuses for the transmission and
execution of the driving conmmands. The combined use of
Basic Cycle O electric actuators, fail-safe conumunication networks and
powerful control units will yield a number of benefits:
4DF with RMIDF AlDF B AW |DF C'DF B IDr DD among them the increase of the perfonnance and the energx
Basic Cycle 1 efficienciy of the vehicles. the intelligent maniagement of the
driving commands and the improvement in the passive and
- --
active safeb of the drivrer (and the passengers). Such an
ex'olution will represent an important milestone in the
Basic Cycle n automotive historx and will complement the expected trend
r -----
I toxvard the hvbrid or the purely electric veliicles. This paper
DF with RM
C IAW presented an overview of the main features of the electric
actuators and the comnimunication netxxorks for b7-xx'ire
Fig.7. TTCAN system niatrix. svstems. mainds' referring to steering and braking functions.
The association of the time slots to tde nodes and the VI. REFERENCES
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