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Enhanced Integral-Backstepping Control for Synchronous Reluctance Machines

in Traction Applications

Article · October 2023

DOI: 10.59287/ijanser.1601

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1 author:

Ghadbane Houssam Eddine

Université 8 mai 1945 - Guelma


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Uluslararası İleri Doğa International Journal of Advanced
Bilimleri ve Mühendislik Natural Sciences and Engineering
Araştırmaları Dergisi Researches
Sayı 7, S. 54-59, 8, 2023 Volume 7, pp. 54-59, 8, 2023
© Telif hakkı IJANSER’e aittir Copyright © 2023 IJANSER
Araştırma Makalesi https://as-proceeding.com/index.php/ijanser
Research Article
ISSN: 2980-0811

Enhanced Integral-Backstepping Control for Synchronous Reluctance

Machines in Traction Applications
Houssam Eddine Ghadbane1*
Electrotechnical and Automatic Engineering Department / Electrical Engineering Laboratory of Guelma (LGEG), University
of Guelma, Algeria
( ghadbane.houssameddine@univ-guelma.dz )

(Received: 25 September 2023, Accepted: 01 October 2023)

ATIF/REFERENCE: Ghadbane, H. E. (2023). Enhanced Integral-Backstepping Control for Synchronous Reluctance

Machines in Traction Applications. International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches, 7(8),

Abstract – Electric vehicles (EVs) have gained immense popularity as a sustainable mode of
transportation, and the choice of the electric machine greatly influences their performance and efficiency.
This abstract discusses the application of Integral-Backstepping Control (IBC) to enhance the control of
Electric Vehicles equipped with Synchronous Reluctance Machines (SynRM). SynRM presents itself as a
promising alternative to traditional permanent magnet synchronous machines due to its simpler
construction, cost-effectiveness, and robustness. The proposed Backstepping Control approach employs a
systematic Lyapunov-based design to guarantee stability and performance improvements. It takes into
account various EV operating conditions, including regenerative braking, acceleration, and deceleration.
The controller aims to provide precise control of the SynRM to optimize energy usage and improve
overall driving experience. Simulations result demonstrate the effectiveness of Backstepping Control for
SynRM-based EVs. The controller achieves enhanced tracking performance, improved torque response,
and increased energy efficiency compared to traditional control methods. Furthermore, it exhibits
robustness to parameter variations and disturbances commonly encountered in real-world driving

Keywords – Electric Vehicle; Synchronous Reluctance Machine; Backstepping Control; Nonlinear Control; Traction Chain.

I. INTRODUCTION Synchronous Reluctance Machine (SynRM)

technology has gained significant attention in the
Electric vehicles are becoming increasingly electric vehicle (EV) industry due to its efficiency,
prevalent as a sustainable and environmentally reliability, and potential for improved
friendly mode of transportation[1]–[3]. One of the performance[6]–[8]. Backstepping control is a
critical components in an electric vehicle's sophisticated control technique that has been
propulsion system is the electric motor. Among the applied to enhance the operational characteristics
various motor types available, the Synchronous of SynRM-based electric vehicles[9][10]. In this
Reluctance Machine (SynRM) has emerged as a introduction, we will provide an overview of the
promising candidate. SynRM offers several key components, advantages, and challenges
advantages, such as high efficiency, robustness, associated with the integration of Backstepping
and the absence of permanent magnets, making it control in SynRM-based electric vehicles.
an attractive choice for EV manufacturers[4], [5].

International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches

Control strategies play a pivotal role in the - Section 2 will provide an in-depth review of
overall performance of electric vehicles. SynRM technology, including its operating
Backstepping control is an advanced control principles and advantages.
technique that focuses on tracking and stabilizing a - Section 3 will introduce the Backstepping
system by designing controllers recursively. This control technique, explaining its theoretical
approach is particularly suitable for SynRM-based foundations and relevance to SynRM-based
electric vehicles due to the complexity of motor electric vehicles.
control and the desire for high-performance - Section 4 will detail the design and
operation[11]. Backstepping control can effectively implementation of the Backstepping control system
address challenges like torque ripple minimization, for SynRM electric vehicles, including control
fast transient responses, and improved efficiency algorithms
[12]. - Section 5 will present simulations results and
performance evaluations to validate the
In this paper, we delve into the integration of effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Backstepping control in SynRM-based electric - Finally, Section 6 will conclude the paper with
vehicles. Our primary objectives are to: a summary of key findings, implications, and
future research directions.
- Enhance the dynamic performance and
efficiency of SynRM-based electric vehicle
- Mitigate issues like torque ripple and instability The traction chain of the electric vehicle shown
commonly associated with SynRM technology. in (Fig. 1) consists of an energy storage system,
- Provide a comprehensive overview of the two bidirectional DC-DC converters, and
Backstepping control strategy and its synchronous reluctance motor drive.
implementation in the context of electric vehicles.

The remainder of this paper is structured as


EV traction chain

isc rsc Lsc idc iLoad

ic V S Sb Sc
SC bank

VSC bus
Sa Sb Sc

ibatt rbatt Lbat SynRM

Li-ion battery


EV Dynamic Modele

ECE-R15 Driving Cycle

Control Signals Measurement


EMS_Based DF

Fig. 1 Block diagram of the proposed EV

International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches

A. Synchronous Reluctance Motor Model Speed isd

are the quadrature axis and direct axis terminal
Regulation L
The electromechanical model of the synchronous currents, respectively. The q and Ld are the
reluctance motor in the rotor reference (d-q) frame quadrature and direct axis magnetizing
is given as follows: inductances, respectively.  is the mechanical
speed, and s is the stator resistance, and p is
  1 0
isd  
pL  L  the pair poles. TL , f and J are the torque load,
    Rs q   d 
   i  i  viscous friction coefficient, and inertia moment of
  1
 isq      the rotor, respectively.
d     Rs pLd  0 Lq  vsd 
 i  i 
 
dt    Lq
sd     vsq 
   3 p( L  L )i i f  0 0
   d q sd sq
   TL   
   2J J    SynRM Drive Backstepping control Design
  
 p   0 0  The Backstepping control of SynRM, depicted in
(1) (Fig. 2), consists of three control loops; one
external speed control loop and two internal
vsq current control loops for isd and sq .
where and vsd are the quadrature and direct
axis terminal voltages, respectively. The sq and



vsref isq
vsqref  isqref

 sd

 isdref

Fig. 2 Diagram of SynRM Backstepping control

International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches

A. SPEED REGULATION vsq  Lq  isqref  kq eq  k 2e2   Rs i sq  pm Ld isd

The speed tracking error is:  

C. direct current
isd regulation
e1     ref    k  ref    dt (2) The error in direct current tracking is:
e3  isdref  isd  kd   isdref  isd  dt

We consider the following Lyapunov candidate: The augmented Lyapunov function is given by
the expression :
1 1 1
1 V  e1 , e2 , e3   e12  e22  e32 (10)
V  e1   e12 (3) 2 2 2
To ensure the stability of the system, it is
To ensure the stability of the system, it is necessary for V  e1 , e2 , e3  to be negative.
necessary for V  e1  to be negative.
V  e1 , e2 , e3   e1e1  e2e2  e3e3  0 (11)
V  e1   e1e1  0 (4)

The control laws expressing the reference voltage

The reference of the quadrature current is given by: vector component is given by (17) :

 J ( ref  k e  k1e1 )  f   TL  vsd  Ld  isdref  kd ed  k3e3   Rs i sd  pm Lq isq

isqref 
3 p  Ld  Lq  isdref 
 
B. quadrature current regulation
In o ensure the reliability of our results, we
The error in quadrature current tracking is: employed the MATLAB-Simulink environment, a
widely accepted platform for modeling and
e2  isqref  isq  kq   isqref  isq  dt (6) simulating complex control systems. Additionally,
the ECE-R15 driving cycle, which is a
The augmented Lyapunov function is given by standardized driving profile, was chosen as the
the expression : basis for our simulations. This choice allows for a
realistic representation of real-world driving
1 1
V  e1 , e2   e12  e22 (7) conditions.
2 2 The primary objective of these simulations was to
evaluate how well the proposed control scheme
To ensure the stability of the system, it is performs under various driving conditions and
scenarios. This encompassed assessing its ability to
necessary for V  e1 , e2  to be negative.
maintain vehicle performance, such as speed and
V  e1 , e2   e1e1  e2e2  0 (8)

The control laws expressing the reference voltage

vector components is given by (17)

International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches

Fig. 3 linear speed of the vehicle

Fig. 5 EV Forces
Fig. 4 Load torque (TL) and SynRM torque(Te)

The speed response presented in (Fig. 3) shows
that there is a good follow-up despite the change in
the road profile, which confirms the efficiency of
the Backstepping-Integral controller. From the
torque curve illustrated in (Fig. 4), it can be seen
that the motor develops maximum torque so that
the vehicle speed reaches its reference path. The
vehicle attains the steady state, and the motor
produces less torque just enough to compensate for
the total load torque. when crossing the positive
slope, the motor develops a large torque to
maintain its reference speed. when crossing the
negative slope, the same task is done but with
Fig. 5 direct and quadrature currents; negative torque.

International Journal of Advanced Natural Sciences and Engineering Researches

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