A Detailed Lesson Plan in English I. Objectives
A Detailed Lesson Plan in English I. Objectives
A Detailed Lesson Plan in English I. Objectives
Now, I need two representatives from each (The students will go to the board and arrange
group, to come to the board and arrange the the words.)
jumbled words to form a sentence based on
the pictures.
1. If I have superpowers, I want to fly
like superman.
Very good! What else? Comma is used to separate the first part of the
D. Discussion:
As you noticed, they all started with if. If-clause or conditional clause
Correct! What do you call these statements If clause or conditional clause is used to show
when it shows a condition? or express possible results, probability and
What do the boy imagining? In picture no.1, the boy is imagining that he
has a superpower.
Very good!
None Sir.
Any questions?
E. Application: Drill
A. Guess Me
Direction: Identify the use of If-clause in the
sentence whether it is factual or imaginative. Factual
1. If you cross the international dateline,
the time changes. Imaginative
2. If I were a millionaire, I would buy a
castle. Imaginative
3. If I had a lot of money, would travel
the world. Factual
4. The world will be a better place, if we
love each other. Imaginative
5. If I were you, I would not do that.
None Sir!
Very good! Any questions about the
discussed lesson?
IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Read and analyze the statements. Identify if it is factual or imaginative. Write F for
factual and I for imaginative. Write your answers before the number.
_____1. If he comes, I’ll tell you. F
_____2. If I had a billion pesos, I will buy I
you a car.
_____3. If you are my sister, I will treat you I
to Baguio.
_____4. If you review your lessons, you will F
get a high grade.
_____5. If all motorists are careful, driving F
will become more relaxing.
_____6. If I am interested on it, I am willing F
to learn.
_____7. If I were him, I will choose the blue I
_____8. If I am rich, I will conduct a feeding I
_____9. If it rains, we will get wet. F
_____10. If I am a superhero, I want to be I
Harley Quinn.
V. Assignment: (1/4 sheet of paper) Construct three imaginative if clauses and three factual
Prepared by: Jeff L. Lacasandile