(ﻡ.ﻡ.ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻮﻥ ﺍﻹﺳﺘﺸــﺎﺭﻳﻮﻥ ﺇﻳﻬﺎﻑ )ﺵ
Date: 20th of June 2019
1. EHAF’s letter ref. OMN-AQAR-002/RIMAL II/AQAR/TS-OFR/ML/16/003, dated
2. EHAF’s Offer ref. OMN-AQAR-002/RIMALII/AQAR/TS-OFR/AG/19/004 dated 3rd
of February 2019
3. EHAF’s Offer ref. OMN-AQAR-002/RIMALII/AQAR/TS-OFR/AG/19/005 dated 16th
of May 2019
Dear Sir,
With reference to the above mentioned project and subject, we would like to thank you for
collaborating with EHAF on this project & Following our meeting with the chairman on 19th June
where it was mutually agreed to have the supervision team in part basis,
Attached to this letter you shall find EHAF Discounted Revised proposal reflecting services shall be
provided to the client.
We hope that you shall find our proposition satisfactory and looking forward to have everlasting
collaboration with your esteemed firm.
While we can meet if you need to have any clarifications.
Mostafa Anwar
Managing Director
Abu Dhabi
Al Assalah Towers at Al Ghubra Doha
P.O. Box 28 P.C 105, Muscat, Oman Jeddah
Al Riyadh
Tel: (+968) 24 21 85 18 Al Khobar
Fax: (+968) 24 21 85 22 Cairo Khartoum
(ﻡ.ﻡ.ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻮﻥ ﺍﻹﺳﺘﺸــﺎﺭﻳﻮﻥ ﺇﻳﻬﺎﻑ )ﺵ
1. Project Understanding:
It’s our understanding that the Client, AQAR LLC, is seeking a qualified consultant to provide
construction supervision consultancy services for the new mixed-use development located on plot
281/Phase 3- Bawsher with total plot area 5.590 square meters, approximate footprint of 4,390
square meters and total built-up area 30,000 square meters excluding basements.
The project shall be divided over 3 basements, ground and 6 floors in addition to a penthouse
with the following areas;
The consultant shall provide construction supervision services for a period of 24 Months. The
construction supervision team shall be as follows;
2. Commercial Proposal
Abu Dhabi
Al Assalah Towers at Al Ghubra Doha
P.O. Box 28 P.C 105, Muscat, Oman Jeddah
Al Riyadh
Tel: (+968) 24 21 85 18 Al Khobar
Fax: (+968) 24 21 85 22 Cairo Khartoum
(ﻡ.ﻡ.ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﺪﺳﻮﻥ ﺍﻹﺳﺘﺸــﺎﺭﻳﻮﻥ ﺇﻳﻬﺎﻑ )ﺵ
Should the construction period exceed the expected duration (24 months), the Consultant
shall be compensated for the number of personnel on site based on the above monthly fee
which can be paid by the contractor through the client.
Changes to the staffing requirement will be submitted to the Client for approval and shall
entail extra fees.
The construction supervision fees does not include;
Communication for the site staff that shall be provided by the Contractor.
Supervision within the Defects Liability Period and any other services beyond
construction completion, as well as all services associated with any legal proceedings
and translation services
Related project general costs such as printing, international telephone charges, staff
transportation for business purposes outside the Project site, any payments to any
relevant authorities and other similar costs, all of which shall be reimbursed at cost by
the Client.
The cost of any required on-site tests and surveys, permits and/or other documents
required for the execution of the works.
The Client shall provide fully furnished and suitably equipped and maintained site offices
free of charge for the Consultant personnel, which shall include air-condition, desks, chairs,
telephones, filing cabinets, computers, Software, office supplies and stationery, as well as
photocopying, internet and fax facilities together with all relevant consumable to operate the
provided facilities.
All services to be performed within Muscat, Oman. Any requirement for traveling outside
Muscat, Oman shall be pre-approved and reimbursed by the Client.
Working hours, Vacation and sick leave taken by staff shall be in accordance with the
applicable labor law in force and shall not be deducted from the Consultant fee.
All fees shall be net to the Consultant, and no deductions such as bank charges, withholding
tax, service tax, VAT shall be allowed.
Client’s Approval,
On Behalf of: Alkhonji Real Estate
Abu Dhabi
Al Assalah Towers at Al Ghubra Doha
P.O. Box 28 P.C 105, Muscat, Oman Jeddah
Al Riyadh
Tel: (+968) 24 21 85 18 Al Khobar
Fax: (+968) 24 21 85 22 Cairo Khartoum