My Company Law Note
My Company Law Note
My Company Law Note
1.1 Introduction
1.6 Summary
1.7 Keywords
After reading this lesson, you should be able to:
Industrial has revolution led to the emergence of large scale business
organizations. These organization require big investments and the risk involved
is very high. Limited resources and unlimited liability of partners are two
important limitations of partnerships of partnerships in undertaking big
business. Joint Stock Company form of business organization has become
extremely popular as it provides a solution to overcome the limitations of
partnership business. The Multinational companies like Coca-Cola and, General
Motors have their investors and customers spread throughout the world. The
giant Indian Companies may include the names like Reliance, Talco Bajaj Auto,
Infosys Technologies, Hindustan Lever Ltd., Ranbaxy Laboratories Ltd., and
Larsen and Tubro etc.
Company Partnership
2. Legal Statute Legal entity distinctfrom members, Firm and partnersare not separate;
liability of partners.
Implied authority.