Response of Ferrocement Confinement On Behavior of Square RC Short Column
Response of Ferrocement Confinement On Behavior of Square RC Short Column
Response of Ferrocement Confinement On Behavior of Square RC Short Column
Abstract: In recent years, the repair and strengthening RC member by external bonding such as ferrocement jacketing is
increasing. It has been reported that conventional ferrocement jacketing in form of single layer wire mesh (SL) cannot
provide lateral confinement effectively in restrengthening the square RC columns due to stress concentration at the corners.
So the present study is focused on improvising ferrocement jacketing technique. Two techniques for square columns viz. (i)
Providing single layer wire mesh after rounding off the column corners (RSL); (ii) Providing single layer wire mesh along
with two extra layers mesh at each corner (SLTL) are considered. The experimental and analytical investigations for
concentric loading are carried out on 8 scaled down non-jacketed (NJ) and ferrocement jacketed column specimens. Three
specimens i.e. NJ, SL, RSL shows same axial deflection for a given load whereas SLTL specimen shows reduction in the axial
deflection by about 10 % and the increment in ultimate load carried by SL, RSL and SLTL over NJ specimen is 12.90%,
26.73% and 75.12% respectively. Thus, jacketing technique used in SLTL specimen can be good alternative in case of
retrofitting of structural components rather jacketing after rounding off the column corners.
Keywords: Concentric loading, Deflection, Ferrocement confinement, RC square column, Wire mesh.
Reinforced concrete (RC) is used extensively as a material for construction of structures in everywhere
in the world. The structures constructed using reinforced concrete material often suffer severe damages
due to overloading on structure, structure leads to fire, structure prone to natural calamities (like cyclone,
earthquake, flood, tsunami, etc.) and various environmental effects (like corrosion, acid rain, vegetation
growth on structure), changes in building utilization, etc., before reaching out their purposeful design
life. These damages may lead to failure of structural elements (like columns, beams, slabs, etc.) to meet
the expected functional requirements in its designed service life. In the earthquake or seismic design of
structures, ductility and strength are key factors that influence safety of structures. Ductility of the whole
building/structure totally depends upon individual ductility of each member (like beams, columns, or
Failure or collapse of the structural elements like column which is most important, may lead to severe
collapse of a structural frame of building as it is the only structural element which transfers total vertical
loads of the various elements of building to the earth. This structural member could lose its strength,
stiffness, and ability to sustain the structural loads due to damages occurred in its designed service
life[2]. Repairing and retrofitting of RCC structures has become common in the civil construction
industry. One of the insufficiencies in RCC columns is the deficiencies of lateral confinement. Lateral
confinement by means of lateral reinforcement or continuous spiral in RCC column increased the
performance of axial as well as lateral loads. It is very necessary to provide lateral confinement to the
columns to avoid large deflection under load or failure under slenderness[3]. Sometimes additional more
confinement is necessary in the case of re-strengthening of existing substandard columns. The energy
absorption capacity, ductility, and strength of existing RCC columns can be increased by constructing
supplementary external confinement around the columns. There are numbers of retrofitting confinement
materials which are used for confining concrete columns such as RC, steel or FRP, ferrocement, etc. For
this study, ferrocement is used to strengthened RC columns[4].
Ferrocement consists of wire meshes and cement mortar. Applications of ferrocement in construction
are very vast due its low self-weight, lack of skilled workers, no need of framework around the structural
components etc. It was developed by P.L.Nervi, an Italian architect in 1940. Ferrocement has been used
as a strengthening and repairing material, especially for speedy repairs and strengthening measures for
civil engineering structures worldwide. Reinforced concrete (RC) columns can be easily, effectively and
conveniently strengthened using ferrocement jacket. Quality of ferrocement works is decided on site
because the components are manufactured on machinery set up and execution time at work site is less.
Cost of maintenance is low. This material has come into widespread use only in construction in the last
two decades.
From the review of literature, it is evident that among all jacketing techniques used to restrengthened
square RC columns, square jacketing is the most time saving and a low cost solution. But the problem
with square jacketing is that it only provides confinement pressure at the corners, thus only a portion of
the cross section gets effective confinement. Various experimental studies indicated that a smaller corner
radius can significantly reduce the ultimate strength of the ferrocement jacketing due to the stress
concentration around the column corner area. The stress concentration factor increases when the corner
radius decreases.On another hand by providing rounded column corners with single layer ferrocement
jacketing is not such effective because it required time &extra man work to shape the corners in proper
radius. To overcome the drawbacks of conventional square new jacketing technique is introduced in this
paper. In this paper finite element analysis is used to analyze behavior of RC columns as FEA is much
faster than the experimental method and is cost effective. It was focused to study RC Column Confined
with different type of jacketing technique by both experimental and Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
Material tested are concrete, 8 mm steel bar and woven GI (Galvanized Iron) wire mesh of 12 mm
square opening. The results are used as input values for the finite element model (FEM). Concrete and
matrix both contain cement, sand, aggregates and water. The details of the components are given below:
(i) Cement: The cement used was ordinary portland cement (OPC), which was stored under dry
conditions, so that the cement used in the experiments was fresh and free of lumps and other
foreign matter.
(ii) Fine aggregates: Normal-weight natural river sand was used in the matrix.
(iii) Coarse aggregates: The coarse aggregate used was uncrushed gravel with a maximum particle
size of 10 mm.
(iv) Water: Clean and fresh potable tap water was used throughout, being free of organic matter and
acidic material.
2.1. Compressive test of concrete:
For the compressive test of concrete specimens 3 cubes are tested. The cubes are kept at center position
of the testing machine. A constant rate of 1 kN/sec loading is applied and the load is recorded. The
compressive strength of 3 cubes is shown in Table 1.
The experimental work included casting, curing and testing the specimens. In general, the experiments
are based on the IS: 10262-2009[9].Experimental work is carried out on non-jacketed, conventional
ferrocement jacketed and improved ferrocement jacketed square RC short column specimens to see the
effect of improved ferrocement jacketing over the non-jacketed and conventional ferrocement jacketed
specimens. Entire study is done under increasing step loading. Eight column specimens (length, L = 600
mm, breadth, b = 100 mm with L: b = 6:1) with normal tie are tested under concentric mode of loading.
Two specimens are tested without any jacketing under concentric mode of loading. Three types of
ferrocement jacketing are taken into consideration in this study. These are: (i) Square jacketing with
single layer wire mesh (conventional square ferrocement jacketing); (ii) Square jacketing with single
layer wire mesh and rounded column corners; and (iii) Square jacketing with single layer wire mesh and
two extra layers mesh at each corner. Corner radius in type RSL is considered as approximately 12 mm.
The specimens nomination is shown in Table 3.
1 NJ Non-jacketed
4 SLTL Single layer wire mesh and two extra layers mesh at each corner of column
Fig.2 Details of column: (a) Cross-section A–A (b) Cross-section B–B (c) Cross-section C–C (d) Longitudinal section of non-
jacketed column & jacketed column.
The results obtained from both the experimental and finite element studies of tested both non-jacketed
(NJ) and ferrocement jacketed (SL, RSL & SLTL) column specimens.The average ultimate load capacity
of column specimens and the average axial deflection observed are shown in these tables. During the test
of all column specimens for various jacketing techniques, it is seen that all column specimens are broken
at ultimate loads which vary within 12 % to 75 %. The gradually increasing values of all tested
specimens for each type of jacketing technique are shown in Table 7 & 8.
Table 7. Experimental results for ultimate load and axial deflection of tested specimens
Load(kN) Deflection(mm) Load(kN) Deflection(mm) Load(kN) Deflection(mm) Load(kN) Deflection(mm)
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 0.35 20 0.27 20 0.3 20 0.2
40 0.56 40 0.51 40 0.58 40 0.39
60 0.81 60 0.77 60 0.75 60 0.67
80 1.1 80 0.98 80 1.12 80 0.88
100 1.33 100 1.3 100 1.38 100 1.05
120 1.62 120 1.55 120 1.62 120 1.46
140 1.97 140 1.88 140 1.96 140 1.79
160 2.2 160 2.15 160 2.35 160 1.97
180 2.63 180 2.65 180 2.78 180 2.33
200 2.95 200 3.1 200 3.15 200 2.67
210 3.2 220 3.43 220 3.47 220 3.12
217 3.3 230 3.87 240 3.88 240 3.46
- - 240 4.06 260 4.16 260 3.69
- - 245 4.2 270 4.43 280 3.91
- - - - 275 4.6 300 4.23
- - - - - - 320 4.67
- - - - - - 340 4.83
- - - - - - 360 5.13
- - - - - - 370 5.36
- - - - - - 380 5.5
Table 8. FEA (Analytical) results for ultimate load and axial deflection of tested specimens
Load(kN) Deflection(mm) Load(kN) Deflection(mm) Load(kN) Deflection(mm) Load(kN) Deflection(mm)
Actual x 5.5 Actual x 5.5 Actual x 5.5 Actual x 5.5
0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0.00
8 0.10 16 0.16 25 0.14 33 0.18
16 0.20 42 0.49 50 0.41 67 0.47
42 0.52 67 0.66 75 0.60 83 0.74
65 0.81 87 0.85 100 0.88 110 0.96
87 1.08 108 1.06 125 1.05 133 1.16
108 1.34 133 1.30 150 1.32 150 1.47
133 1.65 150 1.47 175 1.60 175 1.72
150 1.86 175 1.72 195 1.76 200 1.90
167 2.07 195 1.91 217 2.09 220 2.18
183 2.27 217 2.13 240 2.31 242 2.41
200 2.48 245 2.40 257 2.59 267 2.66
217 2.69 267 2.62 283 2.92 290 2.92
233 2.89 292 2.86 305 3.19 315 3.15
250 3.10 317 3.11 325 3.30 333 3.25
269 3.30 330 3.24 340 3.41 359 3.40
- - 338 3.31 361 3.58 378 3.74
- - - - - - 395 3.96
- - - - - - 402 4.07
300 400
150 200
SLTL Ansys
100 RSL Exp 100 RSL Ansys
SL Ansys
50 SL Exp
NJ Ansys
NJ Exp 0
0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00
0 2 4 6
Axial Deflection(mm) Axial Deflection(mm)
Fig.4 Load vs axial deflection (Experimental results) Fig.5load vs axial deflection (Analytical results)
300 400
100 150
50 NJ Ansys
NJ Exp 50 SL Ansys
0 SL Exp
0.00 1.00 2.00 3.00 4.00 0
0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00
Axial Deflection(mm) Axial Deflection(mm)
Fig.6 Comparison for load deflection curve between Fig.7 Comparison for load deflection curve between
experimental results and FEA results for control non jacketed experimental results and FEA results for single layer GI wire
RC column mesh jacketed RC column
400 450
200 200
150 150
100 100
RSL Ansys SLTL Ansys
50 50
0 0
0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00
0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00
Axial Deflection(mm) Axial Deflection(mm)
Fig.8 Comparison for load deflection curve between Fig.9 Comparison for load deflection curve between
experimental results and FEA results for single layer GI wire experimental results and FEA results for triple layer GI wire
mesh jacketed RC column with rounded corners mesh jacketed RC column
Based on the results obtained from both experimental and finite element studies of non-jacketed and
various types of ferrocement jacketed RC column specimens, the following conclusions could be made:
1. Confinement with the ferrocement encasement improves the ultimate load carrying capacity and
increases the axial deflection of square RC column.
2. The increment in ultimate load carried by SL, RSL and SLTL specimens over non-jacketed specimen
for experimental study are found to be 12.90%, 26.73% and 75.12% respectively.
3. The increment in ultimate load carried by SL, RSL and SLTL specimens over non-jacketed specimen
for finite element study are found to be 25.65%, 34.20% and 49.44% respectively.
4. All improved square ferrocement jacketing schemes introduced in this study are effective to
overcome the drawbacks of conventional square ferrocement jacketing of square RC column and
could be used effectively for re-strengthening of square RC column subjected to concentric loadings
after taking proper care in jacketing schemes.
5. Type SLTL jacketing showed highest load carrying capacity over all other improved types of
jacketing as well as non-jacketed specimens under the concentric mode of loading.
Based on the study carried it can be seen that ferrocement jacketing technique can be good alternative for
GFRP, CFRP, etc. in case of retrofitting of structural components.
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