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Marble and Granite Finishes

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Final inspection of stone tiling works

1. Jointing
1.1Tile size should be consistent
 within ± 1% (or)
 up to 3mm (or)
 according to specifications (whichever is stricter).
1. Jointing (cont.)
1.2 Joints are aligned and consistent with
skirting and wall tiles.
1. Jointing (cont.)
1.3 Consistent skirting thickness.
1. Jointing (cont.)
1.4 Consistent and neat pointing.
2. Finishing
2.1 Mortar stains or paint drips should not be
2. Finishing (cont.)
2.2 Consistent colour tone.
3. Evenness
3.1 Surface are even (not more than 3mm over
1.2m) and levelled to proper falls in wet
3. Evenness (cont.)
3.2 Lippage between 2 tiles should not be
more than 1mm.
4. Cracks & Damages
4.1 From a distance of 1.5m, no visible chips,
cracks and other damages.
4. Cracks & Damages (cont.)
4.1 (cont.) other damages.
5. Hollowness
5.1 No hollow sound when tapped with a hard
Preventing damages and rework.
Protection Works

 Protection should
provided immediately
after completion.

 How?
 Mopping away all dust,
dirt and grit.
 Covering with corrugate
sheets / polyethylene
sheet / cardboard /
wooden board (heavy
Protection Works (cont.)

Site control :
 No traffic is permitted for 4 days after completion

of tile flooring
Protection Works (cont.)

 The 4th day – 10th day, only light foot traffic is

 Caution ! When using sawdust, may cause
Protection Works (cont.)
 Stone walls :
Prohibited impact vibration and hammering on
adjacent / or backside of wall.
Immediately after completion, as long as the
proper curing time of materials requires.

 Proper co-ordination among construction

Prescheduled exact time-windows for contractors
to access site.
Prevent work conflicts
Understand the complaints and Prevent them.
Common Complaints from Owners

 Jointing
Common Complains Possible Causes Recommendations

1.1 Out of alignment a) Inconsistent  Select suitable stone.

dimensions of stone  Use skilled workers.
b) Poor workmanship i.e.
tiles not properly
aligned during
Common Complaints from Owners

 Finishing
Common Complains Possible Causes Recommendations

2.1 Efflorescence a) Salts within stone and  Avoid excessive

/ or bedding material. wetting.

b) Moisture getting into  Use proper

adhesive from under waterproofing.
the floor or through
tile joints.
Common Complaints from Owners

 Finishing
Common Complains Possible Causes Recommendations

2.2 Inconsistent tonality a) Choice of materials  Select suitable

with excessive colour stone.
 Carry out pre-lay.
b) Lack of pre-laying to
ensure colour  Use proper
variation is waterproofing.

c) Prolonged dampness
due to water ingress.
Common Complaints from Owners

 Finishing
Common Complains Possible Causes Recommendations

2.3 Pinholes a) Use of porous marble  Patching marble in

without proper care. factory.

b) Inherent  Inherent.
characteristics in
Common Complaints from Owners

 Finishing
Common Possible Causes Recommendations
2.4 Splotches a) Spillage and left-over of food  Avoid spillage / quick
or dull areas in and cosmetic products. cleaning.
surfaces. b) Cleaning solution such as  Use suitable cleaning
acidic and strong alkaline solution.
 Use suitable grout.
c) Alkalinity of cement based
grouts.  Avoid excessive wetting.

d) Efflorescence.  Minimize exposure to

e) Inherent characteristics in
stone.  Inherent.
Common Complaints from Owners

 Evenness
Common Complains Possible Causes Recommendations

3.1 Uneven surface or a) Warped stone tiles.  Proper dimensional

lippage stability.
b) Varied stone tile
thickness.  Correct tile
c) Uneven substrate or
cement / sand screed.  Proper surface
d) Incorrect bedding
thickness.  Use proper tools.
Common Complaints from Owners

 Evenness (cont.)
Common Complains Possible Causes Recommendations

3.1 Uneven surface or d) Lack of consideration  Enough time to be

lippage for curing of bedding allowed for curing.
 Ensure stones are
e) Insufficient levelling of even and level using
each individual tile. sprit level.

f) Insufficient tapping of  Ensure stones are

the tiles into position. uniformly tapped into
g) Premature loading
onto freshly  Proper protection.
completed stone.
Common Complaints from Owners

 Cracks and Damages

Common Complains Possible Causes Recommendations

4.1 Cracks a) Inadequate expansion  Allow movement

or control joints. joints.

b) Tiles laid over crack.  Need special

c) Cutting and poor
handling.  Use proper tools.

d) Direct impact.  Proper protection.

e) Damage by other  Proper protection.

trade after laying if
Common Complaints from Owners

 Cracks and Damages (cont.)

Common Complains Possible Causes Recommendations

4.1 Cracks (cont.) f) Inherent  Inherent.

characteristics of
stones such as natural
veins for e.g.

g) Excessive external  No butt joint.

vibration.  Allow movement
Common Complaints from Owners

 Cracks and Damages (cont.)

Common Complains Possible Causes Recommendations

4.2 Chipping / jagged a) Direct impact.  Proper protection.

b) Damage by other  Proper protection.
trade after laying if

c) Poor cutting and  Use proper tools.


d) Butt joint / not  No butt joint.

sufficient movement  Allow movement joint.
Common Complaints from Owners

 Cracks and Damages (cont.)

Common Complains Possible Causes Recommendations

4.3 Adhesion failure a) Inadequate provision  Allow movement

of expansion or joints.
control joints.

b) Inadequate stone and  Use suitable

bedding material. materials.

c) Concrete or cement /  Allow sufficient curing.

sand screed not
properly cured and
drying shrinkage
cracks occur after
stone installation.
Common Complaints from Owners

 Cracks and Damages (cont.)

Common Complains Possible Causes Recommendations
4.3 Adhesion failure d) Substrate not properly  Proper surface
(cont.) cleaned and prepared. preparation.

e) Contamination of the  Clean back of tiles

back of stone tiles by before installation.
dust and dirt deposited.

f) Incompatible resin used

to secure the nylon  Check compatibility
reinforcement. of resin used.

g) Incompatible sealer
used.  Check compatibility
of sealer used.
Common Complaints from Owners

 Cracks and Damages (cont.)

Common Complains Possible Causes Recommendations

4.3 Adhesion failure g) Incorrect installation of  Installed stone

(cont.) stone tiles e.g. according to
insufficient tapping of recommended
tiles into position or tiles installation methods.
were applied onto the
adhesive layer after the
“open time” had lapsed.

h) Inadequate provision of  Allow adequate

mechanical key in tiles. mechanical key or use
appropriate adhesive.
Common Complaints from Owners

 Hollowness
Common Complains Possible Causes Recommendations

5.1 “Hollow” sound a) Stone set on a  Acoustical effect

concrete slab over a rather than bonding
large open area. problems.

b) Air entrapped or void  Stone to be properly

in either the setting laid.
bed or slab, causing
one part of the floor to
sound differently than
 Select suitable stone.
c) There may be voids
within stone.
Common Complaints from Owners

 Hollowness (cont.)
Common Complains Possible Causes Recommendations

5.1 “Hollow” sound d) Separation or  Acoustical effect

(cont.) waterproofing rather than bonding
membranes installed problems.
between a slab and
the bedding material.

e) Elevation of
subsurface is  Stone to be properly
irregular, causing one laid.
part of the floor to
sound differently than
Common Complaints from Owners

 Hollowness (cont.)
Common Complains Possible Causes Recommendations

5.1 “Hollow” sound f) The back surface of  Stone to be solidly

(cont.) the stone unit may be bedded.
irregular rather than
flat, causing one part
of the floor to sound
differently than

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