Minor Project Report
Minor Project Report
Minor Project Report
Submitted by Guided by
Rimpa Jana Mr. Anudeep Arora
This is to certify that Rimpa J, a student of Post Graduate Degree in Master of Business Economics,
Goswami Ganesh Dutta Sanatan Dharma College Chandigarh, has worked in M/s Sood, Sood &
Associates, Chartered Accountants, as a trainee for a period of 6 weeks, i.e. from 01.06.2012 to
During the course of her training she has completed a project report titled “financial Analysis of
Nestle India limited”. During this period we found her keen interest on acquiring insight into
organizational system and procedures besides being enthusiastic in applying the concepts and
Chartered Accountants
Vikas Gupta, F.C.A.
(M.No. 096996)
A Minor Training project is a synthesis of knowledge and experience of experts in their related
fields. However, no project is possible without the guidelines and help that are extended by the
experts to the student with the sole benevolent purpose of intellectual development.
“THANK YOU”!!!! These two words are very less to be measured when it comes to extend my
gratitude towards all those who have made my internship tenure truly a learning and memorable
experience. I would like to extend my gratitude to my company guide Mr. Gurmeet Singh, without
whose guidance and help this project would not have been possible.
Also I am thankful to my faculty guide Mr. Anudeep Arora of my college for her continues guidance
and invaluable encouragement.
Lastly I would like to thanks all those officers in Association who have taken out time from their
busy schedule to provide with all the information I needed.
I, Rimpa Jana hereby declare that the work which is being presented in dissertation entitled
“FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF NESTLE INDIA LIMITED” in partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Business
Administration, submitted in Kamal Institute of Higher Education and Advance Technology is an
authentic record of my work.
I have not submitted this declaration to any other university for the award of any other degree.
Decision making is a fundamental part of research process. Decisions regarding that what you want
to do, how you want to do, what tools and techniques must be used for the successful completion
of the project. In fact it is the researcher’s efficiency as a decision maker that makes the project
fruitful for those who concern to the area of study. The project presents the financial analysis of
the Nestle India Limited. I am presenting this hard carved effort in black and white. If anywhere
something is found not in tandem to the theme then you are welcome with your valuable
My research project “Financial analysis of Nestle India Limited” study conducted under the
guidance of Mrs. Sumeet Kaur.
I believe that my project report will have been very helpful to the practical knowledge in the field of
financial analysis of any organization.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER- 1 ................................................................................................................................................... 7
Company Profile ....................................................................................................................................... 7
CHAPTER- 2 ................................................................................................................................................. 16
Introduction of Financial Analysis........................................................................................................... 16
CHAPTER- 3 ................................................................................................................................................. 39
Research Methodology........................................................................................................................... 39
CHAPTER 4 .................................................................................................................................................. 42
SWOT Analysis of the Company ............................................................................................................. 42
CHAPTER-5 .................................................................................................................................................. 45
Data Analysis and Interpretation............................................................................................................ 45
CHAPTER-6 .................................................................................................................................................. 65
Findings ................................................................................................................................................... 65
CHAPTER-7 .................................................................................................................................................. 66
Suggestions and Recommendations....................................................................................................... 66
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................. 68
Bibliography ................................................................................................................................................ 69
Company Profile
Sood & Sood Associates is a partnership firm established in 1984 with three partners. All the three
partners are in the profession of Chartered Accountant. The firm has conducted various types of
audits for various Public Sector Banks, Multi National Companies, Financial Institution, Government
offices and Corporate offices.
Concurrent Audits
Statutory Audits
Foreign Exchange Management Act
Internal Audits ( Ranbaxy, Nestle, Cadbury)
It also provides consultancy, financial advisory services, and Tax advisory services to various entities
including individuals, high net worth individuals (professionals), corporate, societies and foreign
The firm represents its client with government regulatory authorities like Reserve Bank of India,
Income Tax officials, Sales and Service Tax officials.
Nature of Job includes:
Practicing in company law matters
Direct and Indirect Tax
Foreign Exchange Management Act
In the firm, the employees directly report to the partners of the firm. From the training perspective
the objective of the firm is to provide an insight into the working culture of financial institutions, to
strengthen their mental and logical ability of the trainee and guide them to work in a professional
The main focus of the firm is to provide quality services to its clients and they never compromise on
their professional fronts under any circumstances.
Nestle India Limited (Nestle India) is a subsidiary to Nestlé S.A. a global food products company
based in Switzerland. Nestle India principally is engaged in the manufacturing, marketing, exporting
and sales of food & beverage products which include milk products, nutrition products, beverages,
chocolates and confectionery. It markets its products under international brand names which
include Nescafe, Milo, Nestea Maggi, and Milky bar, Kit Kat, Milkmaid, Nestlé Milk, Nestlé Slim Milk
and Nestlé Fresh.
The report provides a comprehensive insight into the company, including business structure and
operations, executive biographies and key competitors. The hallmark of the report is the detailed
financial ratios of the company.
The report contains critical company information ' business structure and operations, major
products and services
The report provides detailed financial ratios for the past five years as well as interim ratios
for the last four quarters.
Financial ratios include profitability, margins and returns, liquidity and leverage, financial
position and efficiency ratios.
India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world. While we are moving towards a
services-led economy but still agriculture contributes 17 per cent of the total GDP and employs 60
per cent of the population. India is one of the key food producers in the world.
The Indian food industry is estimated to be worth over INR 8, 80,000 crores. The industry employs
1.6 million workers directly.
Nestle India Limited, a subsidiary of Nestle S.A. of Switzerland, was incorporated in 1959. Nestle
S.A. of Switzerland holds around 62 per cent stake in the company. It is a leading branded
processed food companies with a large market share.
The company first unit at Moga stated in 1961 for manufacturing milk products
The Company entered the chocolate business introducing Nestle Premium chocolate in 1990.
Company's products are sold under brand names such as Milkmaid, Everyday, Cereal, Nescafe,
Maggi, Éclairs, etc. It launched the world famous Kitkat chocolates in 1995.
In 2001, it launched Nestle Pure Life bottled water. To capture the market in coastal areas, the
company launched Maggi cubes in prawn flavor to cater to consumers' tastes. In the area of
chocolate and confectionery, Nestle Munch, a crisp wafer biscuit with chocolayer, was rolled out
nationally. In the milk and cereal category, Everyday Dairy Whitener showed satisfactory growth
while Nestle Growing up Milk, launched in 1999, was launched nationally.
The company ventured into beverage section by launching new blend of coffee powder, vanilla and
mocha. The company also made its foray into the iced tea segment. Nestle Pure Life bottled water
was launched in early 2001.
Nestle Bar- One was re-launched after renovating it to make it smoother, creamier and better
meets consumer need.
Nestle India has been continuously paying dividends to its shareholders for the last 20 years and
has a marvelous track record of average dividend payout ratio which has been over 70 per cent.
The company broad product portfolio includes Milk Products & Nutrition, Beverages, Prepared
Dishes & Cooking Aids and Chocolates & Confectionary.
Under the beverages segment, the company mainly sells instant coffee. It is the largest coffee
company in India, commanding market share of more than 11 per cent. Besides, it sells a melted
chocolate drink, Nestle Milo. The beverages division contributes around 17 percent to the
company's revenues. Beverages contribute a major portion in the total export market. The
company exports instant coffee to various countries such as Russia and Japan. Besides, it also
exports some of its other products.
The total contribution by the export stands at 13 per cent of the company total revenue, which is
mainly through export of coffee to Russia. Nestle India Limited is one of the top players in the
processed food & beverages industry and the largest producer of instant coffee in India. Under
Chocolates & Confectionary, Kitkat and Polo is a successful international as well as Indian brand.
And under Milk Products & nutrition, Cereal is a market leader.
Nestle is acknowledged for its understanding of consumer needs. The business of ‘prepared dishes
and cooking aids’ grew rapidly as it focused on delighting the consumers and developing the
products that enhance accessibility to nutrition. The business encompasses the MAGGI which is the
pioneer of ‘TASTE BHI HEALTH BHI’ concept. MAGGI philosophy is that everyday meal should be a
Nestle provided inputs to the Nestle Group R&D for the development of an innovative product
MAGGI Bhuna Masala.
Company is the leader in the instant coffee with NESCAFE. Though 2009 was a challenging
year for the coffee business in India primarily due to adverse climatic and whether conditions that
were experienced, the ‘Coffee and Beverages’ business further straightened its position as a leader
in instant coffees. While NESCAFE Cappuccino had a successful start, popularly priced products
supported growth in the south and limited edition NESCAFE SUNRISE Rich Mountain blend received
very good feedback and despite the challenging environment NESCAFE performed satisfactorily,
achieving volume and market share growth in India.
During the year based on relevant consumer’s insights, NESTLE KITKAT was relaunched
with an improved taste delivery making it more chocolaty and crispy. And to further improve
penetration NESTLE KITKAT was launched in a new unique single finger format at the price point 0f
Further innovation in NESTLE MUNCH saw the launch of the GURU pack at the higher
price point of Rs 10/-and this coupled with the reintroduction of NESTLE CHOTU MUNCH at the
price point of Rs2/- contributed to the brand performance.
In recent years NESTLE MILKYBAR with its strong communication supported with
successful innovations has continued to lead the growth in white confectionary segment.
During the year, your company also became the leader in the Éclairs category with
In the mint segment NESTLE POLO continued to grow market share. In 2009 the
company continued efforts to increase the availability and visibility of the range of the
confectionary products.
Financial statement refers to such statement which contains financial information about an
enterprise. Their report profitability and the financial position of the business at the end of the
Accounting period. The term financial statement includes at least two statements which the
accountant prepares at the end of accounting period. The two statements are:
The Balance Sheet
They provide some extremely useful information to the extent that balance Sheet mirrors the
financial position on a particular date in terms structure of assets, liabilities and owner equity, and
so on and the Profit and Loss account shows the result of operations during a certain period of time
in terms of revenues obtained and the cost incurred during the year. Thus the financial statement
provides a summarized view of financial position and operations of a firm.
The first task of financial analysis is to select the information relevant to the decision under
consideration to total information contained in the financial statement. The second step is to
arrange the information in a way to highlight significant relationship. The final step is interpretation
and drawing of the interface and conclusions. Financial Statement is the process of selection,
relation and evaluation.
The following procedure is adopted for the analysis and interpretation of financial Statements:-
The analyst should know the plans and policies of the managements that he may be able to
find out whether these plans are properly executed or not.
The extent of analysis should determine so that the sphere of work may be decided. If the
aim is find out, Earning capacity of the enterprise then analysis of income statement will be
undertaken. On the other hand, if financial position is to be studied then balance sheet
analysis will be necessary.
The financial data be given in statement should be recognized and rearranged. It will involve
grouping the similar data under some heads. Breaking down of individual components of the
statement according to nature. A relationship is established among financial statements with
the help of tools and techniques of analysis such as ratios, trends, common size, and fund
flow, etc.
The information is interpreted in a simple and understandable way. The significance and
utility of financial data is explained which help in decision making.
The conclusion drawn from the interpretation is presented to the management in the form
of the report.
Various tools are used to evaluate the significance of financial statement data. Three commonly
used tools are these
Ratio Analysis
Fund Flow Analysis
Cash Flow Analysis
Ratio analysis isn’t just comparing different numbers from the balance sheet, income statement,
and cash flow statement. It means comparing the number against previous year of other
companies, the industry, or even the economy in general. Ratios look at the relationship between
individual values and relate them to how a company has performed in the past, and its
performance in the future.
A ratio is a simple arithmetical expression of the relationship of one number to another. It may be
defined as the indicated quotient of two mathematical expressions. In simple language ratio is one
number expressed in terms of another and can be worked out by dividing one number into
For example, Current assets of the firm are 5, 00,000 and Current liabilities are 2, 50,000 then the
ratio of current assets to current liabilities will work out to be 2 such type of ratio are called simple
or pure ratios.
Ratios are worked out to analyze the following aspects of business organization
A) Solvency
Long term
Short term
B) Stability
C) Profitability
D) Operational efficiency
E) Structural Analysis
F) Effective utilization of resources
G) Leverage or external financing
Since a ratio is a mathematical relationship between two or more variables, accounting figures,
such relationship can be expressed in different ways as follows:-
A) As a pure ratio
For example the equity share capital of a company is Rs. 20, 00,000 & the preference share capital is
Rs. 5,00,000 the ratio of equity share capital to preference share capital 20,00,000:5,00,000=4:1
B) As a rate of times
In the above case the equity share capital may also be described as 4 times that of
preference share capital. Similarly, the cash sales of a firm are Rs. 12, 00,000 & credit sales
are Rs. 30, 00,000. So the ratio of credit sales to cash sales can be described as
2.5[30, 00,000/12, 00,000] = 2.5 times are the credit sales.
C) As a percentage
In such case, one item may be expressed as a percentage of some other items. For example, net sale of
the firm are Rs.50, 00,000 & the amount of the gross profit is Rs. 10,00,000 then the gross profit may
be described as 20% of sales [10, 00,000/50, 00,000]
The ratio can be compared in three different ways
c) Combined analysis
If the cross section & time analysis, both are combined together to study the behavior &
pattern of ratio, then meaningful & comprehensive evaluation of the performance of firm
can definitely be made. A trend of ratio of a firm compared with the trend of ratio of the
standard firm can give good results, for example, the ratio of operating expenses to net sales
for firm may be higher than the industry however, over the years it has been declining for
the firm, whereas the industry average has not shown any significant changes.
The combined analysis shows that the ratio of the firm is above the industry average, but it
is decreasing over the years & approaching the industry average.
The following are the fore step involved in the ratio analysis
Selection of the relevant data depending upon
the objectives of the analysis
The interpretation of the ratios is an important factor. The limitations of ratio analysis should also
be kept in mind while implementing them. The impact of factors such as price level changes,
change in accounting policies, etc. should also be kept in mind when attempting to interpret ratios.
Single Absolute Ratio: Generally speaking one cannot draw any meaningful conclusion when
a single ratio is considered in isolation. But single ratios may be studied in relation to certain
rules of thumb which are based upon well proven convention as for example 2:1 is
considered to be a good ratio for current assets to current liabilities.
Group of Ratios: Ratios may be interpreted by calculating a group of related ratios. A single
ratios supported by another related additional ratios become more understandable and
meaningful. For example, the ratio is current assets to current liabilities to draw more
dependable conclusion.
Historical Comparison: One of the easiest and most popular ways of evaluating the
performance of the firm is to compare its present ratios with the past ratios called
comparison overtime. When financial ratios are compared over a period of time, it gives an
indication of the directions of the change and reflects whether the firm’s performance and
financial position has improved, deteriorated or remained constant over a period of time.
Projected ratio: Ratios can also be calculated for further standard based upon the projected
or Performa financial statements. These future ratios may be taken as standard for
comparison and the ratios calculated on actual financial statements can be compared with
the standard ratios to find out variances, if any. Such variances help in interpreting and
taking corrective action for improvement in future.
Inter-firm comparison: Ratios of one firm can also be compared with the ratios of some
other selected firms in the same industry at the same point of time. This kind of comparison
helps in evaluating relative financial position and performance of the firm.
The ratio analysis is one of the most important tools of financial analysis. It is used as a device to
analyse and interpret the financial health of the enterprise.
2. Helps in financial forecasting and planning: Ratio analysis is of much help in the financial
forecasting and planning. Planning is looking ahead and the ratios calculated for a
number of years work as a guide for the future. Meaningful conclusions can be drawn for
future from these ratios. Thus, ratio analysis helps in forecasting and planning.
3. Helps in communicating: The financial strength and weakness of the firm are
communicated in the more easy and understandable manner by the use of ratios.
5. Helps in control: Ratios analysis even helps in making effective control of the business.
C. Utility to creditors
The creditors or the suppliers extend short term credit to the concern. They are interested
to know whether financial position of the concern warrants their payments at the specified
time or not. The concern pays short term creditors out of its current assets. If current assets
are quite sufficient to meet current liabilities then the creditors will not hesitate in extending
credit facility.
D. Utility to employees
The employees are also interested in the financial position of the firm especially profitability.
Their wage increases and the amount of fringe benefits are related to the volume of profits
earned by the concern. The employees make use of information available in financial
E. Utility to government-
Government is interested to know the overall strength of the industry. Various financial
statements published by industrial units are used to calculate ratios for determining short
term, long term and overall financial position of the concerns. Profitability index can also be
prepared with the help of ratios.
The ratio analysis is one of the most powerful tools of financial management. Though ratios are
simple to calculate and easy to understand, but there are number of limitations:
Limited use of a Single ratio: A single ratio, usually, does not convey much of a sense. To
make a better interpretation a number of ratios have to be calculated which is likely to
confuse the analyst then help him in making any meaningful conclusion.
Lack of Adequate Standards: There are no well adopted standards for all ratios which can be
accepted as norms. It renders interpretation of ratios is difficult.
Limitation of Accounting: Like financial statements, ratios also suffer from the inherent
weakness of accounting records such as their historical nature. Ratios of the past are not
necessarily true indicator of the future.
Personal Bias: Ratios are only means of financial analysis and not an end in itself. Ratios
have to be interpreted and different people interpret the same ratio in different ways.
Incomparable: Not only industries differ in their nature but also the firms of a similar
business widely differ in their size and accounting procedures, etc. it makes comparison of
ratios difficult and misleading.
Price Level Change: While making ratio analysis, no consideration is made to the change in
price levels and this makes the interpretation of ratios invalid.
Ratios no substitute: Ratio analysis is merely a tool of financial statement. Hence, ratios
become useless if separated from the statements from which they are compounded.
Section 210 0f the companies act requires preparation of balance sheet at the end of each trading
Authorized…shares of Distinguishing as far as
Rs…. Each possible Between expenditure
Issued: (Distinguishing
between the various a. Goodwill
classes of capital and
stating particulars
satisfied below, b. Land
d. leaseholds
Subscribed :
between the various e. railway sidings
classes of capital and
stating the particulars
specified below, in f. plant and machinery
respect of each
Class)…..shares of
Rs…..each….. Rs. Called g. Furniture and fittings.
( of the above shares…..
shares are allotted as h. Development of
fully paid up pursuant to property
a contract without
(Of the above
shares…..shares are
allotted as fully paid up j. Livestock, and
by the way of bonus
k. Vehicles, etc
(2.)By others
In every case where the
original cost cannot be
Add : Forfeited shares : ascertained, without
unreasonable expenses or
delay, the valuation Shown by
(Amount originally paid the books is to be given.
up any capital profit or
reissue of
forfeited shares should For the purpose of paragraph,
be Transferred to capital
such valuation will be the net
amount at which an asset
stood in the company’s books
Notes : at the commencement of this
Act after deduction of the
amount previously provided
or written off for depreciation
1. Terms of or diminution in value, and
redemption and where any such asset is sold,
conversion (if any) the amount of sale proceeds
of any redeemable
preference capital Shall be shown as deduction.
are to be stated
together with the
earliest date of Where the sum have been
redemption or written off on a reduction of
Conversion. capital or a revaluation of
assets, every balance sheet,
subsequent to the reduction
2. Particulars of any or revaluation shall show a
option on reduced figures with the date
unissued Share of reduction in place of the
Capital are to be Original cost.
specified. Each balance sheet for the
first five years subsequent to
the date of reduction shall
3. Particulars of show also the Amount of the
different classes of reduction made.
preference share
are to be given.
Similarly, where sums have
been added by writing up the
These particulars are to assets, every balance sheet
be given Along with subsequent to such writing up
share capital. shall show the increased
figure with the date of
In the case of subsidiary increase in place of the
companies, the number original Cost. Each balance
of shares held by holding sheet for the first five years
company as well as by subsequent to the date of the
the ultimate holding writing up shall also show the
company and its amount of increase Made.
subsidiaries shall be
separately stated in
respect of Subscribed
share capital.
The auditor is not INVESTMENTS :
required to certify the
correctness of such
share- holdings as
certified by the Showing nature of
Management. investment s and mode of
valuation, for example, cost or
market value, and
distinguishing between-
(Aggregate amount of
company’s quoted
Less : Debit balance in investments and also the
profit and loss account (if market value thereof
shall be shown)
(the debit balance in (Aggregate amount of
profit and loss account company’s unquoted
shall be shown as a investments shall also be
deduction from the shown)
uncommitted reserves, if
(6.)Proposed addition
to reserves (2) Stores and spare parts.
a. Debts outstanding
(2) Loans and advances
from Banks.
b. a period exceeding
six Months.
(3) Loans and advances
from Subsidiaries.
c. Other debts.
(4) Other loans and
Less Provision.
In regard to sundry debtors
The nature of security to particulars to be given
be Specified in each case. separately of-
Where loans have been
guaranteed by managers
and/or directors, a
mention thereof shall
also be made and also (a) Debts considered good
the aggregate amount of and in respect of which
such loans under each the Company is fully
head. secured.
Newspapers, fire
insurance, theatres, (a.) Advances and loans to
clubs, banking, subsidiaries
companies, etc.
b) Advances and loans to
partnership firms in
which the company
5. Unclaimed and any of its
dividends. Subsidiaries are a
(11) Balances with
customs, port trust,
8. Provision for etc. (where payable on
taxation demand)
9. Proposed
[The instructions regarding
sundry debtors apply to
“Loans and Advances” also.
10. For contingencies. The amounts due from other
companies under the same
management within the
11. For provident fund meaning of sub-section (1B) of
section 370 should also be
given with the names of the
Scheme. companies;
the maximum amount due
12. For insurance. from every one of these at any
time during the year must be
13. Other provisions.
A foot-note to the
balance sheet
may be added to show
Subscription of shares or
(4) Arrears of fixed Debentures.
Research Methodology
Research is defined as a systematic, gathering recording and analysis of data about problem
relating to any particular field.
The following sections determine the strength, reliability and accuracy of project:
Research Design
Research Design pertains to the great research approach or strategy adopted for particular project.
A research project has to be conducted significantly making sure that the data is collector
accurately and economically. The study used a descriptive research design for the purpose of
getting insight over the issue. It is to provide an accurate picture of some aspects of market
Collection of data
Oraganisation of data
Presentation of data
Analysis of data
Interpretation of data
Secondary Data has been gathered through the internet and published data.
Internal audit report of the company
Annual report of the company
Journals and magazines
The time period provide for the project was not sufficient enough to gather data for a big
High quality and safe food products at affordable prices, endorsed by the NESTLE Seal of
Distribution structure that allows wide reach and coverage in the target markets.
Complex supply chain configuration.
The distribution cost is high as compared to the competition in the local market.
Price of raw material and fuels.
Food inflation.
Potential for expansion in smaller towns and other geographies.
Leverage Nestle Technology to develop more products that provide Nutrition, health and
wellness at affordable price.
They have an opportunity to expand or capture the market by adding its product line.
2011 2010
Interest 14 16
Key Ratio
Earnings per Share (Rs.) 67.94 55.39
Dividend per Share (Rs.) 48.50 42.50
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Net Income
Net Income
2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Final dividend of Rs 12.50 per equity share of the face value of Rs.10/- year 2011,
amounting to Rs. 1,205 Million.
This is in addition to the two Interim Dividends for 2011, aggregating to Rs. 36.00 per
equity share, paid in May 2011 and 2011 (amounting to Rs. 3,471 Million).
The total payout for 2011 would be Rs. 5,470 Million (including the corporate
dividend tax). Further dividends will continue to be based on the need of the
company to deploy internal accruals for business expansion and an appropriate debt
equity ratio.
Dividend Rates
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Earning per share
Earning per share
2008 2009 2010 2011
Exports 3,286,050 3,383,907
51,671,743 43,581,302
42,075,616 35,545,034
Impairment loss/gain on fixed 103,168 3,084
2,619,730 2,387,446
Special - 723,118
Corporate Dividend Tax 794,713 696,398
2011 2010
Shareholders’ funds
6,132,622 5,102,307
Applications of funds
Fixed assets
9,758,321 8,621,611
14,223,846 11,847,828
Net Current Assets(liabilities) 5,658,254 3,868,296 CURREN
Book value 6,132,622 5,102,307
ratio may
as the relationship between current assets and current liabilities. This ratio also known as working
capital ratio is a measure of general liquidity and is most widely used to make the analysis of a
short-term financial position or liquidity of a firm. It is calculated by dividing the total of current
assets by total of the current liabilities.
Current Assets
Current Ratio =
Current liabilities
8 Work- in-progress
9 Prepaid Expenses
A relatively high current ratio is an indication that the firm is liquid and has the ability to pay its
current obligations in time as and when they become due. On the other hand, a relatively low
current ratio represents that the liquidity position of the firm is not good and the firm shall not be
able to pay its current liabilities in time without facing difficulties. An increase in the current ratio
represents the improvement in the liquidity position of a firm while a decrease in the current ratio
indicates that there has been deterioration in the liquidity position of the firm.
The current ratio for the company in the year 2010 was 0.67 and for the year 2011 was 0.60. So the
current ratio for the firm has decreased by 0.07 which indicates that the company’s liquidity
position is decreasing. The main reason for this is the rise in the current liabilities of the company
from 11,847,828 in 2010 to 14,223,846 in 2011.There may not be sufficient funds to pay liabilities.
Quick Ratio, also known as Acid Test or liquidity ratio, is the most precise test of liquidity than the
current ratio. The term ‘liquidity’ refers to the ability of the firm to pay its short term obligations as
and when they become due. The two determinant of current ratio, as a measure of liquidity, are
current assets and current liabilities.
Quick assets
Quick ratio =
Current liabilities
Usually, a high acid test ratio is an indication that a company is liquid and has the ability to meet its
current or liquid liabilities in time and on the other hand a low quick ratio represents that the
company’s liquidity position is not good.
Hence the quick ratio of the company in 2011 was .251 and 2010 was .306 shows that the quick
ratio of the company has decreased by .55 because the company has purchased assets by the bank
balance as the company has not taken any loan during the year so the quick ratio of the company
Employee cost
Salaries, wages, bonus, 3,982,657 2,853,949
pension, gratuity etc.
4,323,828 3,145,808
434,978 371,733
16,465,167 13,563,778
Opening Stock
2,712,564 2,401,420 INVENTO
Less: Excise Duty 94,996 129,300 ER OR
Net Opening stock(A) 2,617,568 2,272,120 ER RATIO
firm has
Less: closing stock to
Work- in - progress 462,666 385,378
Finished Goods 2,312,885 2,327,186 certain
level of
2,775,551 2,712,564 invento
ry of
Less: Excise duty 71,438 94,996 finished
so as to
be able
Net closing Stock(B) 2,704,113 2,617,568 to meet
Movement in the opening -86,545 -345,448
and closing stock(A-B) ments
of the
s. But
level of inventory should neither be too high nor too low.
Inventory turnover ratio will indicate whether the inventory has been efficiently used or not. The
purpose is to see whether only the required minimum funds have been locked up in the inventory.
Inventory turnover ratio indicates the number of times the stock has been turned over during the
period and evaluates the efficiency with which a firm is able to manage its inventory.
Opening stock + Closing Stock
Average inventory at cost=
Inventory turnover ratio measures the velocity of conversion of stock into sales. Usually, a high
inventory turnover indicates efficient management of inventory because more frequently stocks
are sold; the lesser amount of money is required to finance the inventory. A low inventory turnover
ratio indicates an inefficient management of inventory. A low inventory turnover implies over-
investment in inventories, dull business, poor quality of goods, stock accumulation, accumulation
of obsolete and slow moving goods and low profit are compared to total investments.
Inventory conversion Period =
The Inventory conversion period has shifted from 66 days in 2010 and 59 days in 2011 which shows
that the company is efficiently managing their stock and its inventory turnover has also increased
which shows that there is rise in sale.
Net profit ratio establishes a relationship between net profit (after tax) and sales, and indicates the
efficiency of the management in the manufacturing, selling, administrative and other activities of
the firm. This ratio is the overall measure of firm’s profitability and is calculated as:
Net profit
Net Profit Ratio = X 100
The two basic elements of the ratio are net profit and sales. The net profits are obtained after
deducting income-tax and, generally, non-operating income and expenses are excluded from the
net profit for calculating this ratio. Thus, incomes such as interest on investment outside the
business, profit on sale of fixed assets, etc. are excluded
Years 2011 2010
There is no much difference in the net profit ratio of year 2010 and year 2011 as the net profit and
the sale has increased in the same proportion so there is not much difference in the net profit ratio
of the company.
Outsiders funds
Debt-Equity Ratio =
Shareholders’ funds
The two basic components of the ratio are outsiders’ funds i.e., external equities and shareholders’
funds, i.e. internal equities.
The debt equity ratio is calculated to measure the extent to which debt financing has been used in
the business. The ratio indicates the proportionate claims of owners and the outsiders against the
firm’s assets.
Generally speaking, a low ratio is considered as favorable from the long- term creditors’ point of
view because a high proportion of owners fund provides a larger margin of safety for them. A high
debt equity ratio which indicates that the claims of outsider are greater than those of owners, may
not be considered by the creditors because it gives a lesser margin of safety for them at the time of
liquidation of the firm.
Final dividend of Rs 12.50 per equity share of the face value of Rs.10/- year 2011, amounting
to Rs. 1,205 Million.
The current ratio for the company in the year 2010 was 0.67 and for the year 2011 was 0.60.
So the current ratio for the firm has decreased by 0.07 which indicates that the company’s
liquidity position is decreasing.
The quick ratio of the company in 2011 was .251 and 2010 was .306 shows that the quick
ratio of the company has decreased by .55 because the company has purchased assets by
the bank balance as the company has not taken any loan during the year so the quick ratio
of the company decreased.
The Inventory conversion period has shifted from 66 days in 2010 and 59 days in 2011 which
shows that the company is efficiently managing their stock and its inventory turnover has
also increased which shows that there is rise in sale.
There is no much difference in the net profit ratio of year 2010 and year 2011 as the net
profit and the sale has increased in the same proportion so there is not much difference in
the net profit ratio of the company.
The Indian food industry is estimated to be worth over INR 8, 80,000 crores.
Suggestions and Recommendations
Suggestions and Recommendations:
NESTLE good food, good life captures the very essence of Nestle and the promises they commit to
themselves every day, everywhere as the leading nutrition, health and wellness company.
The company’s overall is at a very good position. The company achieves sufficient profit in past two
years. The company maintains low liquidity to achieve the high profitability. The company
distributes dividend every year to its shareholders.
The company grew significantly during these years. There were many new products and services
that were launched during this time. The company enjoys monopoly in various products, i.e.
significant is the name of Maggi noodles in this section. Increased demand of products helps the
company remain strong. The changing lifestyle and concepts of Indians have contributing much to
the growth of the company.
Annual Report of Nestle India Limited.
Internal Audit report of Nestle India Limited.
Rustagi R.P.-Financial Management (Galgotia, 2000, 2nd revised ed.)
Jain S.P. , Narang K.L.-Accounting and financial analysis (Kalyani,
2008 edition.)
Gupta Shashi K, Sharma R.K.-Financial Management
Shukla M.C. , Grewal T.S.-Advanced Accounts