Patanjali Project
Patanjali Project
Patanjali Project
Research Scholar, Department of Commerce
Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak
Research Scholar, Department of Commerce
Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak
In India Ayurveda or Ayurvedic products are the traditional holistic medical system. After centuries of
experiments, studies, and meditations natural scientists and early psychic developed this system.
Basically Word Ayurveda has been formed by "ayus" means life and "Veda" means knowledge. So we can
say that Ayurveda is about to know more about life. History of Ayurveda can be discovered way back to
the growth of the civilization. The segment of Indian consumer can be isolated broadly into urban and
rural markets. And also the consumer of Indian markets can tempted many marketers from across the
world. As per the view of global corporations India will one of the key markets from where future
development is likely to appear. Increasing population and disposable income will be main reasons of
development of consumer’s market. The aim of the present study is to know the factors affecting consumer
behavior and also to know about the satisfaction level of consumers regarding patanjali products. Many
products like food, consumer packaged goods and healthcare are patanjali ayurveda home grown.
According to IIFL Institutional Equities report patanjali is expected to create revenues of Rs.20,000
crore by fiscal year 2020. So the present study is conducted in the Rohtak district of Haryana.
Keywords: Consumers, Factors, Satisfaction Level.
A well known yoga guru Baba Ramdev started an association Patanjali Ayurved in 2007. The main aim of
the company is to bring awareness among Indian people towards swadeshi products. Also the profits earn
by the company will be either plough back or profits will be used for social welfare. The firm, to increase
its sales, also provides its products at discount. Patanjali is also said that it will be very beneficial for
consumer to shift in their preferences towards herbal and ayurvedic products which are deemed to be
healthy and also closure to nature. It has also placed itself as a swadeshi brand, which has a request
among a class of consumers.
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Foundation of patanjali brand and ayurved patanjali:
Firstly Baba Ramdev started 1divya Yog Mandir in 1995 under the guidance of Swami Shankardev ji
with the help of Acharya Balkrishna and Acharya Karamveer. The main focus of this mission was to keep
Yoga and Ayurved prior in world wide. To make it more popularize small camps and shivirs were started
to teach a huge number of people about yoga. Now it has become a multinational enterprise with its many
branches located in many countries like US, UK Nepal etc. By providing many resources like raw
material, human resources and technical knowhow, these institutions have also provided a lot of success
to this enterprise.
As per the report of the Edelweiss “The Company is working on plugging the gaps in the supply chain
and distribution with plans afoot to implement ERP (for better inventory management) and consolidate its
online presence. Strong innovation and new products pipeline, pricing discounts to the peers (15‐30%),
ayurvedic and natural propositions with low A&P spends (leveraging Baba Ramdev’s brand pull) lend
Patanjali’s products an edge over competition. However, distribution remains a key monitorable.”
Products manufactured by Patanjali Ayurved:
Personal care, food and FMCG are the main category of products which are produces by the patanjali
ayurved. . It has also manufactured around 300 types of medicines for curing many diseases like from
common cold to acute paralysis. According to patanjali all products manufactured by it are prepare from
natural ingredients. The total sales of patanjali in FY15, , food and cosmetics contributed INR8bn each,
while healthcare products comprised the balance. The company has adequate capacity to achieve its
revenue target of INR50‐60bn in FY16. Patanjali
Review of literature:
Rani, S., and Shukla, C.(2012 Conducted a study to know the trends of patanjali products. For the
purpose of above study they collected a sample of 90 consumers in pantnagar. On the basis of above
study they concluded that within a very short period of time patanjali products captured a number of
consumers. Also they found that from 2008 to 2012 there is a huge increment in number of products
which is from 26 to 120. They also suggested about limitation of patanjali products that delivery system
should be improved by Patanjali Company. Ali, M.I., and Yadav, M.(2015) carried a study to know
about consumer perception towards herbal products. The objectives of the above study were to know the
reasons of using various herbal products. For the purpose of above study researcher collected data from
60 consumers using herbal products in three cities of Bhopal. On the basis of their study they found that
due to hazards created by chemical products people shift it to natural products. Also they concluded that
all consumers had a positive attitude towards herbal products and there was no side effect faced by these
people. Khanna, R.(2015) carried a study on consumer perception regarding Patanjali products. The
objectives of the above study were to know about the perception, satisfaction level and attributes of
consumer with regard to patanjali products. The data was collected by the researcher from 100
respondents in Punjab. They found that consumer were highly satisfied with patanjali products due to
reasonable prices and due to curing ability. Shinde, D.T., and Gharat, S.J.(2017) examined a study on
product positioning of patanjali products. The purpose of above study was to find the various prospects of
patanjali products and also factors influencing these products. They concluded that patanjali has captured
a huge market share within a very short time period but shortage of these products is the major problem
faced by consumers these days.
1. Statement of the problem: Consumer is the king of the market and consumers effect market with
their activities because consumer has ability to coordinate their choice of spending or saving in the
purchase decision. Attitude of consumer can affect the purchasing decision of them also. So it is very
much required for any marketer to access the consumer’s requirements so the present study will
contribute in this regard and focuses to know the consumer behavior, awareness and satisfaction level
regarding the Patanjali cosmetic product of Rohtak district.
5. Reliability Analysis
Reliability analysis is important and widely used in measuring the accuracy of a study. Reliability
tests, like Cronbach’s alpha, are most commonly used to see if questionnaires with multiple Likert
scale questions are reliable. In general, a score of more than 0.7 is considered acceptable.
14 25
Gender No of respondents
Male 43
Female 57
Total 100
43 Male
57 Female
Occupation No of respondents
Student 30
Service 25
Self employeed 25
Any other 20
30 Service
25 Self
25 employeed
Any other
Less than 5000
Above 15000
1.1 Gender and level of satisfaction: due to many reasons of society there is always a difference
between males and females, known as gender disparity. This can also be a reason of difference in the
satisfaction level.
Table1.1: Chi-square Test
Pearson chi- square D.F P value
.949 2 0.105
1.3 Marital status and satisfaction level: Marriage brings important change in one’s life. The
responsibility of men and women become more in their personal life, due to which their
satisfaction level can also affected.
Conclusion: from the above results we can say that satisfaction level is independent from the
demographic variables. There is no impact of independent variables on satisfaction level.
From the above table we can see the consumer preference regarding various factors for patanjali
products. As the table itself shows that 63% of respondents prefer due to swadeshi products and 55%
of respondents said that they use patanjali products due to reasonable price factor. After that the better
quality is the third factor which make impact on consumer preference which is followed by
advertisement, Baba Ramdev, healthy and better ingredients factor.
The above research reveals that there is no association between independent variables and satisfaction
level of the consumers. Satisfaction level is independent from all demographic variables such as
marital status, income, gender, occupation and age. Also the above study shows that most of the
people use the patanjali products due to swadeshi factor and also due to reasonable price of it. But
limitation of patanjali product is of its availability because they are not easily available in the market.
Due to this people have to suffer a lot of problems.
Rani, S., & Shukla, C. (2012). Trend of patanjali products: an ayurvedic magic wand for healthy
living. Paripex - Indian journal of research, 1(9), 93-94.
Ali, M. I., & Yadav, M. (2015). A study of consumer perception of herbal products in Bhopal.
International Journal Of Management Studies , 2(1), 69-80.
Khanna, R. (2015). Customer perception towards brand: a study on ‘Patanjali’. Global journal of
management and business research: e marketing , 15(9), 41-45.
Shinde, D. T., & Gharat, S. J. (2017). “product positioning of Patanjali Ayurved ltd.” . Pune research
discovery, 1(3), 1-6.
Suresh K.(2006). Green Marketing-, ICFAI University Press, ISBN: 81-314-0380-7 3.
Gopal R.K & Singh Brijesh (2016). Demystifying the brand Patanjali - a case on growth strategies of
Patanjali Ayurved ltd. PES Business Review Volume 11, Issue 1.
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