Akash Market Survey Report
Akash Market Survey Report
Akash Market Survey Report
Submitted To:
SESSION: 2010-2013
Department of Management
Submitted By:
Akash Kumar
B.B.A. V Semester
Roll No.
This is to certify that Mr. Akash kumar is pursuing three year full time
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Course from Teerthanker
Mahaveer University, Moradabad as regular student, in session (2010-2013).
He/she has made sincere efforts in the completion of the project work.
I Akash Kumar hereby declare that the research work presented in this project report
entitled Customer Satisfaction towards Adidas. for the fulfillment of the award of
Moradabad. The project embodies the result of original work and studies carried out by
me and the contents of the project do not form the basis for the award of any other
Akash Kumar
BBA 5th Sem
I would like to thanks Chancellor Sir, Shri Suresh Jain, Group Vice
Chairman Mr. Manish Jain, Additional Director Dr. Vipin Jain for their
able guidance. I also extend my gratitude towards the H.O.D. Dr. M.P.
helped me immensely in bringing out this project in the present form. And
lastly the entire faculty member and Mr. Sanjeev Singh (Librarian) & the
industrial culture.
Akash kumar
positive & concrete results along with theoretical concept the exposure of real life situation
existing in corporate is very much needed. To fulfill this need the management course has a
provision for the practical market survey. I thank my institute to provide us such opportunity
having market survey in our course so that students can have real feeling of a researcher.
In the coming pages an attempt has been made to present a comprehensive market survey
Customer satisfaction is an abstract concept and the actual manifestation of the state of
satisfaction will vary from person to person and product/service to product/service. The state
correlate with satisfaction behaviors such as return and recommend rate. The level of
satisfaction can also vary depending on other factors the customer, such as other products
Adidas was formed by German sports apparel by the founder Adi Dassler during the 1920s.
For over 80 years, Adidas has been part of the world of sports on every level, delivering state
This project is based on the survey, which was done in the Moradabad city. The main aim of
the survey to find out customer satisfaction towards Adidas. We have covered almost all the
aspects, which are related to the customer satisfaction and Adidas. The company profile and
product range is given in the beginning of the report the data have been collected by help of
questionnaire with sample size of 100, which is given in the report. The collected data have
1. Introduction
2. Company Profile
4. Literature Review
5. Research Methodology
7. Findings/ Conclusion
9. References/ Biblography
Customer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and services supplied
is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business
Customer satisfaction is an abstract concept and the actual manifestation of the state of
satisfaction will vary from person to person and product/service to product/service. The state
correlate with satisfaction behaviors such as return and recommend rate. The level of
satisfaction can also vary depending on other factors the customer, such as other products
Work done by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (Leonard L) between 1985 and 1988
delivered SERVQUAL which provides the basis for the measurement of customer
satisfaction with a service by using the gap between the customer's expectation of
performance and their perceived experience of performance. This provides the researcher
with a satisfaction "gap" which is semi-quantitative in nature. Cronin and Taylor extended the
Berry as two different measures (perception and expectation) into a single measurement of
The usual measures of customer satisfaction involve a survey with a set of statements using a
Likert Technique or scale. The customer is asked to evaluate each statement in terms of their
consumers are less complex than some of these surveys tend to portend. They are basically in
two simple states; satisfied or not satisfied. On or off, just like a switch. A business can
measure its customer satisfaction index by relating the aggregates of satisfied customers
Measuring customer satisfaction is a relatively new concept to many companies that have
been focused exclusively on income statements and balance sheets. Companies now
recognize that the new global economy has changed things forever. Increased competition,
crowded markets with little product differentiation and years of continual sales growth
followed by two decades of flattened sales curves have indicated to today's sharp competitors
Competitors that are prospering in the new global economy recognize that measuring
customer satisfaction is key. Only by doing so can they hold on to the customers they have
and understand how to better attract new customers. The competitors who will be successful
recognize that customer satisfaction is a critical strategic weapon that can bring increased
need to understand how to quantify measure and track customer satisfaction. Without a clear
and accurate sense of what needs to be measured and how to collect, analyze and use the data
as a strategic weapon to drive the business, no firm can be effective in this new business
climate. Plans constructed using customer satisfaction research results can be designed to
target customers and processes that are most able to extend profits.
Too many companies rely on outdated and unreliable measures of customer satisfaction.
They watch sales volume. They listen to sales reps describing their customers' states of mind.
They track and count the frequency of complaints. And they watch aging accounts receivable
reports, recognizing that unhappy customers pay as late as possible--if at all. While these
approaches are not completely without value, they are no substitute for a valid, well-designed
It's no surprise to find that market leaders differ from the rest of the industry in that they're
designed to hear the voice of the customer and achieve customer satisfaction. In these
Marketing and sales employees are primarily responsible for designing (with customer
Corporate evaluations include not only their own customer satisfaction ratings but also
their needs.
Customer satisfaction is incorporated into the strategic focus of the company via the
mission statement.
It must be credible enough that employee performance and compensation can be attached
Because the concept of customer satisfaction is new to many companies, it's important to be
Customer satisfaction is the state of mind that customers have about a company when their
expectations have been met or exceeded over the lifetime of the product or service. The
achievement of customer satisfaction leads to company loyalty and product repurchase. There
bottom-line results.
"Satisfaction" itself can refer to a number of different facts of the relationship with a
Each industry could add to this list according to the nature of the business and the specific
relationship with the customer. Customer satisfaction measurement variables will differ
opportunities for product and service innovation and serve as the basis for performance
appraisal and reward systems. It can also serve as the basis for a customer satisfaction
Customer Satisfaction
surveying program that can ensure that quality Measurement Facts
improvement efforts are properly focused on issues A 5-percent increase in loyalty can
increase profits by 25%-85%.
that are most important to the customer. A very satisfied customer is nearly
six times more likely to be loyal and
to repurchase and/or recommend
your product than is a customer
who is just satisfied.
Only 4 percent of dissatisfied
customers will complain.
Objectives of a customer satisfaction surveying program The average customer with a
problem eventually tells nine other
In addition to a clear statement defining customer Satisfied customers tell five other
people about their good treatment.
satisfaction, any successful surveying program
will lead to improved performance. The most basic objectives that should be met by any
Determining how well your company and its competitors are satisfying these expectations
and requirements
Establishing priorities and standards to judge how well you've met these goals
Before an appropriate customer satisfaction surveying program can be designed, the
How will this information allow us to take action inside the organization?
How should we use this information to keep our customers and find new ones?
Careful consideration must be given to what the organization hopes to accomplish, how the
results will be disseminated to various parts of the organization and how the information will
be used. There is no point asking customers about a particular service or product if it won't or
its customers in terms of time and resources. There is no point in engaging in this work unless
it has been thoughtfully designed so that only relevant and important information is gathered.
This information must allow the organization to take direct action. Nothing is more
frustrating than having information that indicates a problem exists but fails to isolate the
specific cause. Having the purchasing department of a manufacturing firm rate the sales and
service it received on its last order on a scale of 1 (terrible) to 7 (magnificent) would yield
The lesson is twofold. First, general questions are often not that helpful in customer
satisfaction measurement, at least not without many other more specific questions attached.
Second, the design of an excellent customer satisfaction surveying program is more difficult
than it might first appear. It requires more than just writing a few questions, designing a
questionnaire, calling or mailing some customers, and then tallying the results.
Understanding differing customer attitudes
The most basic objective of a customer satisfaction surveying program is to generate valid
and consistent customer feedback (i.e., to receive the voice of the customer, which can then
be used to initiate strategies that will retain customers and thus protect the most valuable
As it's determined what needs to be measured and how the data relate to loyalty and
repurchase, it becomes important to examine the mind-set of customers the instant they are
Surveying these decisions leads to measures of customer loyalty. In general, the customer's
pre-purchase mind-set will fall into one of three categories--rejection (will avoid purchasing
if at all possible), acceptance (satisfied, but will shop for a better deal), and/or preference
This highly subjective system that customers themselves apply to their decisions is based
The customers' own experiences--each time they experience a product or service, deciding
whether that experience is great, neutral or terrible. These are known as "moments of truth."
The experiences of other customers--each time they hear something about a company,
Its a well known fact that no business can exist without customers. In the business of
Website design, its important to work closely with your customers to make sure the site or
system you create for them is as close to their requirements as you can manage. Because its
critical that you form a close working relationship with your client, customer service is of
vital importance. What follows are a selection of tips that will make your clients feel valued,
This is the most daunting and downright scary part of interacting with a customer. If youre
not used to this sort of thing it can be a pretty nerve-wracking experience. Rest assured,
though, it does get easier over time. Its important to meet your customers face to face at least
My experience has shown that a client finds it easier to relate to and work with someone
theyve actually met in person, rather than a voice on the phone or someone typing into an
email or messenger program. When you do meet them, be calm, confident and above all, take
time to ask them what they need. I believe that if a potential client spends over half the
This goes without saying really. We all know how annoying it is to wait days for a response
to an email or phone call. It might not always be practical to deal with all customers queries
within the space of a few hours, but at least email or call them back and let them know
youve received their message and youll contact them about it as soon as possible. Even if
youre not able to solve a problem right away, let the customer know youre working on it.
A good example of this is my Web host. Theyve had some trouble with server hardware
which has caused a fair bit of downtime lately. At every step along the way I was emailed
and told exactly what was going on, why things were going wrong, and how long it would be
before they were working again. They also apologized repeatedly, which was nice. Now if
they server had just gone down with no explanation I think Id have been pretty annoyed and
may have moved my business elsewhere. But because they took time to keep me informed, it
didnt seem so bad, and I at least knew they were doing something about the problems. That
A fellow Site Pointer once told me that you can hear a smile through the phone. This is very
true. Its very important to be friendly, courteous and to make your clients feel like youre
their friend and youre there to help them out. There will be times when you want to beat
your clients over the head repeatedly with a blunt object it happens to all of us. Its vital
that you keep a clear head, respond to your clients wishes as best you can, and at all times
This may not be too important when youre just starting out, but a clearly defined customer
service policy is going to save you a lot of time and effort in the long run. If a customer has a
problem, what should they do? If the first option doesnt work, then what? Should they
contact different people for billing and technical enquiries? If theyre not satisfied with any
knowing who to turn to. Making sure they know exactly what to do at each stage of their
enquiry should be of utmost importance. So make sure your customer service policy is
Have you ever received a Happy Birthday email or card from a company you were a client
of? Have you ever had a personalized sign-up confirmation email for a service that you could
tell was typed from scratch? These little niceties can be time consuming and arent always
Even if its as small as sending a Happy Holidays email to all your customers, its something.
It shows you care; it shows there are real people on the other end of that screen or telephone;
and most importantly, it makes the customer feel welcomed, wanted and valued.
6. Anticipate Your Clients Needs & Go Out Of Your Way to Help Them Out
Sometimes this is easier said than done! However, achieving this supreme level of
understanding with your clients will do wonders for your working relationship.
Take this as an example: youre working on the front-end for your clients exciting new
ecommerce endeavor. You have all the images, originals and files backed up on your desktop
computer and the site is going really well. During a meeting with your client he/she happens
magic, a couple of weeks later a CD-ROM arrives on their doorstep complete with high
resolution versions of all the images youve used on the site. A note accompanies it which
Hi, you mentioned a hard-copy brochure you were working on and I wanted to provide you
with large-scale copies of the graphics Ive used on the site. Hopefully youll be able to make
Your client is heartily impressed, and remarks to his colleagues and friends how very helpful
and considerate his Web designers are. Meanwhile, in your office, you lay back in your chair
drinking your 7th cup of coffee that morning, safe in the knowledge this happy customer will
Its possible this is the most important point in this article. The simple message: when you
promise something, deliver. The most common example here is project delivery dates.
Adidas Inc. is a marketer of sports apparel and athletic shoes. The German manufacturer,
through its marketing strategy which rests on a favorable brand image, has evolved into a
large multinational enterprise. In keeping with the brand image is its association with the
distinctive logo and its advertising slogan, "Impossible is Nothing." In order to maintain and
sustain this image, the company makes huge investments in advertising and brand
promotion. At the critical time of global economic crisis, Adidas will react to the consumers
pessimistic attitude and stressful emotion during this period. It may become a good chance
for Adidas because it can take advantage of its previous advertising way of Impossible is
Nothing campaign by sponsoring sports stars to express the corporate philosophy of grit,
determination, passion and humor, giving people more courage and psychological comfort in
face of economic crisis. But besides that, we also focus more about family function
especially in Asian countries which emphasize a lot on family, which can provide caring
emotional communication. Therefore, from both strong-willed hero worship and water-like
fork environment, customers can easily link Adidas image with not only strength, but also
warmth. The preferred media we choose are TV, specific magazines, outdoor and internet.
Adidas was formed by German sports apparel by the founder Adi Dassler during the 1920s.
For over 80 years, Adidas has been part of the world of sports on every level, delivering
state-of-the-art sports footwear, apparel and accessories. Today, Adidas is a global leader not
only in the shoe industry, but also in the sporting goods industry. Shoes from the Adidas are
available in virtually every country of the world. Oddball is proud to carry quality large size
Adidas, (www.oddballshoe.com).
Recently Adidas and the NBA joined forces and made The Brotherhood. The
Brotherhood consists of Tracy Mc G Rady of The Houston Rockets, Dwyane Wade of The
Billups of the Detroit Pistons and Gilbert Arenas of the Washington Wizards. When it came
down to it Adidas and the NBA came up with the slogan called Basketball is a
The main focus of The Brotherhood was Adidas to sponsor the NBA. The way these six
players were selected was by their athletic ability which is why they are also known as all
stars. Then these six players decided to form a series that would help kids to discover their
A strong advertising and public Relation events makes Adidas as a worldwide recognized
The company Adidas was founded in the early 1920s as Gebruder Dassler
founded Adidas and his brother Rudolph founded Puma. The three-stripe logo
The strength of Adidas was its product innovation. Adi Dassler registered more
than seven hundred patents. Adidas began selling its shoes in the United States
after 1968 and in few years the company dominated the American market. The
Activities: manufacture and distribution of textiles, shoes and appliances for sport and related
products. Adidas has 107 subsidiaries in 20 countries, and exports to 160 countries.
Activities of the company and its subsidiaries are directed from Adidas-Salomon AG's
climbing equipment, Clich - Skateboard equipment, footwear and apparel, Taylor Made-
Adidas Golf - Golf equipment, golf apparel, golf shoes and finally, Maxfli - Golf balls, irons
and accessories.
In 1990, Adidas was holding on to just a two to three percent share of the U.S. market.
Between 1988 and 1992 Adidas total sales dropped from nearly $2 billion to $1.7 billion. In
the same period, Nikes sales went from $1.2 billion to more than $3.4 billion. From being
the U.S. market leader in the late 1970s, Adidass market share dropped to 3 percent in 1992.
Adidas also have had problems with the upstream value activities in their value chain.
Traditionally, the company have their own factories and wholly owned subsidiaries. What
happened in the '70s and forward, during the Adidas recession, was that Adidas was unable to
ship products when it was needed, and they had a long supply chain - it took 18 months to get
apparel manufacturer and part of the Adidas Group, which consists of Reebok sportswear
company, Taylor Made-Adidas golf company, and Rockport. Besides sports footwear, the
company also produces other products such as bags, shirts, and other sports and clothing
related goods. The company is the largest sportswear manufacturer in Europe and the second
biggest sportswear manufacturer in the world, to its US rival Nike. The company's clothing
and shoe designs typically feature three parallel bars, and the same motif is incorporated into
Adidas's current official logo. The company revenue for 2008 was listed at 10.799 billion
and the 2007 figure was listed at 10.299 billion, or about US$15.6 billion. The situation
Adidas earn from EU 877 million in worldwide sales to EU 9.2 billion in the ten years
between 1988 and 1998. The market demand from teenagers who should be Adidas and
most important target market increased very fast and Adidas started to expand its targeting
market to younger consumers because of its severe competition with Nike and Reebok.
Therefore, since the late 1980s, Adidas has worked to transform itself from a brand of
sneakers to a product integral to the sports culture. During this stage, the Adidas brand has
giants, in the company of Coca-Cola, Gillette and Proctor & Gamble. Consumers are willing
to pay more for brands that they judge to be superior in quality, style and reliability. A
strong brand allows its owner to expand market share, command higher prices and generate
more revenue than its competitors. With its Impossible is Nothing campaign and strong
product, Nike was able to increase its share of the domestic sport-shoe business from 18
percent to 43 percent.
Adidas has two lager competitors Nike and Rebook. Besides that it would have several small
A SWOT analysis comprise of strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threats. This four trends
Sponsors football teams with maximum fan following in India and USA.
Our survey shows Nike behind Reebok & Adidas in market share in India.
Positive and increasing market trends can increase through the effective advertising.
Adidas larger competitor Nike has a grater market share and having a big budget in
marketing activity.
The newly born several brands like CAT, GAP has increase their advertising budget
in recent years.
Nike centred their brand equity model on the platforms, the endorsement focus strategy,
creating a dominant media presence, development of Flagship stores, Nike Town and sub-
branding. The Adidas strategies were based on, endorsement focus strategy, advertising,
sponsorship programs focusing on major global events, sports associations, and teams, and
To create brand awareness both companies have been using endorsement strategies in their
brand-building programs. What differs is that Adidas focuses on sponsorship of teams and
events e.g. national teams and big sport events like the Olympic Games and different World
Championship events. This will help them to create awareness with help from different types
of media. In contrast Nike has their focus on individuals like M. Jordan and T. Woods and
About the second strategy, advertising. Nikes advertising strategy was to create dominant
presence in media. Nike created media presence in several trend setting United States cities.
TV ads linking Nike to a city were used, but real drivers were huge oversized billboards and
murals on buildings that blanketed cities with messages featuring key Nike-sponsored
athletes, not products. Adidas took up the competition with Nike through raising their
advertising budget to a level that made it possible to compete with Nike on the same
conditions and the same strength as Nike did to capture the consumer interest. Adidas did not
just spend more money; they made an impact with brilliant executions. They made TV and
technology and big success stories with personalities like Emil Zatopek, Mohammad Ali.
Adidas tried to spread meanings like We know then- we know now and There is nothing
between you and success, so exceed your own expectations and limitations and Earn it.
The success was obvious and after hard work and striving toward a top position in the
Nikes third strategy was to develop, flag ship stores, Nike Town shops in bigger citys, first
national, and then abroad. Nike was the first company to establish flagship stores and it
turned out to be a sensation. Adidas choice was to experiment with sport events, with which
they made great success. Examples of that is the Adidas Street ball Challenge a local three-
person team basketball tournament, this event started out as a trail in Berlin in the beginning
In the mid 1990s it had become a huge sport event with about 500.000 participants all over
the bigger cities in Europe. In the finals in Germany it attracted 3200 players and 40.000
The Nike customer associated the Nike brand with words like sports, attitudes and life style.
Reasons for that is one can relate to or identify one self to Nikes marketing campaigns like
Just do it and the companies front athletes like Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods. For
Adidas one image study of consumers found the brand very trendy, modern and cool. The
All marketing actions that both companies are implementing will hopefully result in loyal
customers. Adidas introduced a sub brand in 1990 to serve the high-end products for all
categories of shoes and apparel. The Equipment sub brand would represent the best,
whatever the product was. The low-end products, for the normal consumer still have a high
technology and level of innovation because of their inheritance of the older innovations and
technology from the Equipment line. This strategy made the Adidas brand take on a different
meaning; it still meant participation, emotion and performance. This was a success strategy
for Adidas so successful that Nike copied their idea and introduced their own line, the Alpha
Nike advanced from $1 billion dollars in 1986 to $ 9.9 billion in 2002, Adidas advanced from
$1.7 billion in 1992 to $4.8 billion in 1998. According to sales figures for the both
companies, it seems that both Nike and Adidas companies have succeeded to create a brand
loyal customer who perceives the Nike and Adidas products as top quality.
The media that was used of The Brother Hood will be television, magazines and Internet.
The core advertising factors of Adidas are as follows. Besides that a huge amount of data
The media vehicles that were used for television will be ABC
games and ESPN 2 basketball games and ESPNs Sports Center. The media vehicles that
were going to be used for magazines were Sports Illustrated and ESPN Magazine. The media
vehicles that are use for Internet were ESPN website (www.espn.go.com), NBA website
When it came to the advertising unit for television Adidas only runs: 30 seconds ads since
most of these ads are played during NBA games. The ads in magazines are full page. When it
came to the Internet ads are a top banner. For example, on page five you will see the ad
Since The Brotherhood is made up of The NBA the seasonality will be during the fourth
quarter. The reason for this is that the basketball season begins in October which is in the
fourth quarter. The time of day in which The Brotherhood would be run on television is
during the evening while the NBA is holding their regular games. When it comes to the
When it came to any product the audience is very important. You need to know who are
going to be interested in the product. When it came down to this The Brotherhood is mostly
for boys ages 8-20 and for older males. For example, on page four you will see TMAC jersey
The reason that this media was selected was because television, magazines and Internet were
the best way in which Adidas were able to show there customers their products. As you see
below the picture on the third page that says Adidas NBA Shop, in order for Adidas to
promote the The Brotherhood they had to come up with a slogan in which they called it
NBA is a Brotherhood. Besides Adidas have several technique in media selection which
billboards, magazines, newspapers, town criers, sides of buses, banners attached to or sides of
bins, taxicab doors, roof mounts and passenger screens, musical stage shows, subway
platforms and trains, elastic bands on disposable diapers, stickers on apples in supermarkets,
shopping cart handles (grabertising), the opening section of streaming audio and video,
posters, and the backs of event tickets and supermarket receipts. Any place an "identified"
research methodology measures shifts in target market perceptions about the brand and
product or service. These shifts in perception are plotted against the consumers levels of
generally to provide a measure of the combined effect of the media weight or spending level,
the effectiveness of the media buy or targeting, and the quality of the advertising executions
or creative.
Adidas use several advertising media to promote their product in the marketplace. Different
advertising media use in the in the market like commercial advertisement, Print media
Covert advertising is when a product or brand is embedded in entertainment and media. For
logo. Another example of advertising in film is in I, Robot, where main character played by
Will Smith mentions his Converse shoes several times, calling them "classics," because the
film is set far in the future. I, Robot and Spaceballs also showcase futuristic cars with the
Audi and Mercedes-Benz logos clearly displayed on the front of the vehicles. Adidas also
format, as is reflected by the high prices TV networks charge for commercial airtime during
popular TV events. The majorities of television commercials feature a song or jingle that
listeners soon relate to the product. Virtual advertisements may be inserted into regular
blank backdrops or used to replace local billboards that are not relevant to the remote
There are two types of infomercials, described as long form and short form. Long form
impulse purchase, so that the consumer sees the presentation and then immediately buys the
product through the advertised toll-free telephone number or website. Infomercials describe,
display, and often demonstrate products and their features, and commonly have testimonials
from consumers and industry professionals. Adidas arrange several infomercials in the sports
based program.
This type of advertising focuses upon using celebrity power, fame, money,
Adidas use David Bekham as their brand ambassador and many more celebrities in every
The positive impact on the market of the Adidas Originals communication approach makes
Adidas Originals continue their successful new creative marketing tonality. The Fall/Winter
2005 campaign is, as the one from Spring/Summer 2005, photographed by Karl Lagerfeld
To Celebrate Originality, and in a playful opposing manner to last season, Adidas has
switched from the black and white SS05 executions, highlighted only by the iconic blue
Trefoil, to bright and energetic colours in FW05 ads; an engaging creative idea supervised by
Adidas Global Creative Director Michael Michalsky and Visionaires Stephen Gan. The
The frame of the ads shows humour and translates the freshness of the High Energy High
Style concept. The result is a new advertising campaign that clearly communicates Adidas
Originals street relevancy. Adidas Originals contemporary street wear collections are
publications such as Kult, Pulp and Black book as well as magazines such as Arena Home
All Adidas Originals marketing communication efforts will evolve around three pillars in
Research design: Research design is simply the framework or plan for a study, Used
guide in collecting and analyzing data. For the study: for conducting that research I
Descriptive research design: Descriptive research is also called Statistical Research. The
main goal of this type of research is to describe the data and characteristics about what is
being studied. The idea behind this type of research is to study frequencies, averages, and
other statistical calculations. Although this research is highly accurate, it does not gather the
causes behind a situation. Descriptive research is mainly done when a researcher wants to
gain a better understanding of a topic. That is, analysis of the past as opposed to the future.
Descriptive research is the exploration of the existing certain phenomena. The details of the
facts wont be known. The existing phenomenas facts are not known to the persons.
Sampling design:
I. Population:
Extent: Moradabad
II. Sampling unit:
1. Probability sampling:
Non probability sampling is non-random and subjective i.e. each member does
not have a known non zero chance of being included. Types of non probability sampling:
For the study: In this report non probability convenience sampling is used to conduct a
Data collection method:
Primary data:
The primary data are those which are collected afresh and for the first time,
and thus happened to be original in character. There are several methods of collecting
For the study: Schedule method is used for collecting the data while conducting the
The secondary data are those which have already been collected by someone and
which have already been passed through the statistical process. Secondary data may
either be published data or un published data. Usually published data are available in :
(iii) Books, magazines, and newspapers. The sources of unpublished are many;
Options Percentage
Yes 100%
No 0%
5%5% 0%
90% Reebok
Options Percentage
Comfort 35%
Use in sport 35%
Durability 25%
Any other 10%
Most of the people wear sports shoes for the purpose of comport and while use in sports.
Yes 75%
No 25%
Few people consider weight is not an important factor while purchasing sports shoes.
5. Do you consider price as an important feature while buying Adidas sports shoes?
Options Percentage
Yes 65%
No 35%
Prices Percentage
1000-1500 20%
2000-2500 25%
2500-3500 35%
More than 3500 25%
Options Percentage
Yes 70%
No 30%
Few people think that the price range of the Adidas shoes is not according to them.
8. If the price of Adidas increases, will you purchase again?
Options Percentage
Same Brand 25%
Cheaper 55%
Other Brand 20%
Options Percentage
Quality 40%
Advertisement 25%
Design 25%
Variety 10%
40% Quality
10. Are you satisfied with the quality of Adidas sports shoes?
Options Percentage
Yes 90%
No 10%
Few people are not happy with the quality of the Adidas shoes.
11. Are you satisfied with the varieties of Adidas sports shoes?
Options Percentage
Yes 55%
No 45%
Options Percentage
Yes 45%
No 55%
The above chart shows that 45% of people think that advertising plays an important role
while purchasing a brand shoe but 55% of people disagree with point.
13. Is there any impact of celebrities on your purchase of Adidas sports shoes?
Options Percentage
Yes 35%
No 65%
Options Percentage
E-Shopping 15%
Free Gift 25%
Discount 60%
25% E-Shopping
Free Gift
Most of the people wear sports shoes for the purpose of comport and while use in
Few people consider weight is not an important factor while purchasing sports shoes.
Few people think that the price range of the Adidas shoes is not according to them.
Few people are not happy with the quality of the Adidas shoes.
Adidas needs to improve its varieties.
The above chart shows that 45% of people think that advertising plays an important
role while purchasing a brand shoe but 55% of people disagree with point.
Studying the customer satisfaction survey, analyzing the respondents answers, opinion survey
and data analysis it came to conclusion that Adidas has a very good brand image in the mind
of customers. Customer is very satisfied with the quality of products and its products are
easily available in market this is also find that Adidas has very good variety of shoes and
Most of the showrooms do not have the full range of Product. So the company should
The customer should be well known about the scheme and promotional strategy
The sales person of the company visit regularly to the dealer show room to check out
Mostly customers are not able to know about the sale offer by the company so
companies should contact all the customers by feeding data in the data book in the
1. The findings of the study are subjected to bias and prejudice of the respondents.
4. The findings of the study are solely based on the information provided by the
5. The accuracy of findings is limited by the accuracy of statistical tools used for
6. Findings of the research may change due to area, demography, age condition of
economy etc.
Kothari C.R., Research Methodology- Methods and techniques, new age international
publishers, 2007, 2nd edition, pp. 26, 95, 111.
Zeithaml, V.A. and Bitner, M.J. (1996), Services Marketing, international edition,
McGraw Hill, New York, NY and London.
Malhotra, Naresh K., Marketing Research, An Applied Orientation, Fourth Edition,
Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005, Part II, pp. 71-340.
Chisnall, P.M. (1985). Marketing: A Behavioural Analysis. 2nd edn. McGraw-Hill.
Dear respondent,
satisfaction towards Adidas. Kindly spare few minutes to fill up this questionnaire. Any
Contact No.
Options Percentage
Options Percentage
Use in sport
Any other
Options Percentage
5. Do you consider price as an important feature while buying Adidas sports shoes?
Options Percentage
6. If yes, what is highest price range that you are willing to keep as budget when buying
sports shoes?
Prices Percentage
More than 3500
Options Percentage
Options Percentage
Same Brand
Other Brand
9. What things you kept in mind while purchasing Adidas sports shoes?
Options Percentage
10. Are you satisfied with the quality of Adidas sports shoes?
Options Percentage
11. Are you satisfied with the varieties of Adidas sports shoes?
Options Percentage
11. Does the advertising play a significant role while buying Adidas shoes?
Options Percentage
13. Is there any impact of celebrities on your purchase of Adidas sports shoes?
Options Percentage
Options Percentage
Free Gift
Options Percentage
Thank You