Side-Lobe Reduction For Radio Frequency Interference Suppression Via Clipping of Strong Scatterers
Side-Lobe Reduction For Radio Frequency Interference Suppression Via Clipping of Strong Scatterers
Side-Lobe Reduction For Radio Frequency Interference Suppression Via Clipping of Strong Scatterers
8, AUGUST 2016
Abstract—In this letter, we present a normalized least mean radar returns and removes the larger RFI spikes by spectrum
square filter with clipping of strong scatterers to suppress radio notching [3], [4]. Although the LRF method works well in
frequency interference (RFI) in low-frequency synthetic aperture real-time applications, it cannot suppress the time-variant inter-
radar (SAR) systems. In this filter, the impulse responses of bright
scatterers are clipped after range compression to improve the ference and may raise symmetric side-lobes in the range dimen-
performance of narrow-band RFI estimation for adaptive line sion with the increase of RFI density or intensity [8]. Recently,
enhancer. Then, the estimated RFI is subtracted from the orig- compressive sensing that leverages the approximate sparsity of
inal echo for SAR imaging; thus, the range side-lobes of bright a SAR image has been successfully used to overcome the loss
scatterers are reduced successfully. This method is particularly of spectral subbands because of interference, but meanwhile,
applicable to situations where there are bright scatterers in the
image scene. The performance for RFI suppression is investigated the computational complexity needs to be reduced [9].
by using the simulated data and the raw data as well. Adaptive filtering that uses an adaptive line enhancer (ALE)
to estimate the narrow-band RFI is a class of computationally
Index Terms—Adaptive line enhancer (ALE), normalized least
mean square (NLMS), radio frequency interference (RFI), side- efficient approaches with the ability to reject the time-variant
lobe reduction, synthetic aperture radar (SAR). RFI. In addition, ALE based on the normalized least mean
square (NLMS) algorithm is one of the most popular methods
I. I NTRODUCTION used in RFI suppression [10]–[12]. Unfortunately, although it
owns the capability to track the time-variant characteristics of
Manuscript received October 25, 2015; revised February 26, 2016, May 15, II. NLMS A DAPTIVE F ILTERING W ITH C LIPPING
2016, and May 19, 2016; accepted May 20, 2016. Date of publication June 21,
2016; date of current version July 20, 2016. This work was supported by the A. Analysis of the Radar Echo of UWB SAR
National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61302146.
The authors are with the College of Electronic Science and Engineering, Suppose that a radar echo sequence d(n) of UWB SAR can
National University of Defense Technology, Changsha 410073, China, and also
with Collaborative Innovation Center of Information Sensing and Understand- be expressed as
ing, Xi’an 710077, China (e-mail:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LGRS.2016.2574908 d(n) = rfi(n) + s(n) + v(n), n = 0, 1, . . . , N − 1 (1)
1545-598X © 2016 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.
where s(n), rfi(n), and v(n) denote the fast time sequences of
the wide-band echo, the RFI, and the white Gaussian noise,
respectively, and N denotes the range sample size. The RFI
is independent of the wide-band echo and the white Gaussian
noise. Because the frequency spectrum of most narrow-band
RFIs is distributed in peak state in VHF/UHF band, we approxi-
mate it as the sum of multiple complex sinusoids [12]. However,
according to the analysis of raw data, the intrapulse modulation
time of RFI is around 5–10 μs [3], which is often shorter than
the duration of a fast time echo sequence. Therefore, the RFI is
slow time varying.
To suppress the narrow-band RFI, a class of filtering-based
methods uses an ALE to have a fast estimation of the interfer- Fig. 1. Block diagram of the adaptive filter with clipping of strong scatterers.
ence sequence and then subtracts it from d(n). Based on iter-
ative estimation, ALE tracks the time-variant characteristics of
RFI adaptively. However, compared with the other techniques, sequence, are independent and identically distributed non-
adaptive filtering always leads to asymmetric side-lobes in the Gaussian processes with unknown amplitude and phase. How-
range dimension [3], [10]. The reason lies in the assumption that ever, detection of spikes can be experimentally simplified based
the wide-band target echoes are equal to the wide-band noise, on the Neyman–Pearson criterion [13]. Therefore, the clipping
which simplifies the structure of ALE but influences the SNR of threshold in terms of pFA is
RFI estimation. Therefore, the performance of RFI estimation
may be degraded as long as there are strong reflected signals Tc = σn − ln pFA . (2)
from the image scene. From this aspect, the performance of
ALE can be improved by minimizing the energy of s(n) in the That is to say, given a false alarm probability pFA , the threshold
input sequence d(n). is set to be proportional to the standard deviation σn of the
A chirp-least-squares algorithm with target extraction has range-compressed sequence.
been developed to improve the signal quality of RFI estimation The clipping approach substitutes sequence c (n) for c(n) as
[1]. Its main idea is to remove the stronger targets before RFI follows:
estimation and then estimate RFI using parametric methods.
ρc(n) |c(n)| > Tc
However, it relies on a priori knowledge of the RFI environ- c (n) = (3)
ment to reduce the computational load caused by parametric c(n) others
The aforementioned idea can also be introduced into adaptive where 0 ≤ ρ and ρ 1. For a strong scatterer that exceeds the
filtering in a simplified manner. Here, we propose to clip the threshold, the phase is preserved, but the intensity is reduced
strong scatterers before RFI estimation. The proposed method after clipping. After the largest scatterers are clipped, c (n) is
makes use of the feasibility that the strong scatterers can be range decompressed by multiplying a filter with the same phase
identified from the background after pulse compression even of the transmit signal [14], thus reconstructing a sequence d (n)
without RFI suppression. It improves the performance of ALE for RFI estimation. Given that the group/phase delay introduced
by partially removing the wide-band signals in the radar echo. by the compression filter can be completely compensated by the
For example, in a linear frequency modulated (LFM) radar, the decompression filter, the RFI is not affected by clipping.
wide-band signal sequence s(n) of the reflected targets can It is noticed that RFI extraction is processed based on the
be match filtered by a reference sequence with the conjugate sequence d (n), which contains a higher SNR, so that the bias
phase of transmitted signal to attain range compression. After of RFI estimation can be reduced. Therefore, the mean-squared
range compression, the energy of s(n) is compressed in the error introduced by the clipping operation can be suboptimally
time domain, whereas the energy of the narrow-band RFI is minimized compared to the conventional adaptive filters.
still dispersed. The impulse responses of the strong scatterers After range decompression, the sequence d (n) is used to es-
may form spikes in the range compression domain. Therefore, timate the RFI sequence. As can be seen in Fig. 1, the sequence
by clipping the spikes, we can improve the SNR of the sequence d (n) is delayed for Δ samples to generate a reference sequence
d (n), which is the modified input sequence in the structure of x(n). Here, Δ must be kept as small as possible to obtain
the proposed filter, as illustrated in Fig. 1. better estimates of the narrow-band interference sequence; at
the same time, it should be sufficiently large so that the wide-
band noise and the residual signal sequence are uncorrelated.
B. Structure of Adaptive Filter With Clipping Xn (k), the reference signal vector of the adaptive filter, is
The structure of the proposed filter is illustrated in Fig. 1, defined as follows:
where the clipping is carried out in the time domain after
Xn (k) = [x(n) x(n−1), . . . , x(n−M +1)]T 0 ≤ k ≤ M −1
range compression. During the clipping operation, a detec-
tor is employed to identify the largest scatterers. The real (4)
and imaginary parts of c(n), which is the range-compressed where k is the order.
μe∗ (n)x(n)
Wn+1 (k) = Wn (k) + 0≤k ≤M −1 (5)
a + x(n)2
where a denotes a small positive constant to avoid overflow of Fig. 2. PSD of the simulated radar echo, the RFI, the estimated RFI, and the
echo output by adaptive filters. (a) PSD of the original RFI (black), the RFI
the division operation, μ denotes the step-size parameter, and estimated by NLMS (blue), and the RFI estimated by NLMSC (red). (b) PSD
the superscript ∗ represents the conjugate transpose. Finally, the of the simulated radar echo (black), the echo output by NLMS (blue), and the
ALE output sequence y(n) is subtracted from the original input echo output by NLMSC (red).
sequence d(n), thus generating an estimate sequence e(n) for
the wide-band signal and noise sequence, as illustrated in Fig. 1. A. Effects of the Wide-Band Signals on the Narrow-Band
Let ΓM be the correlation matrix of the input sequence RFI Estimation
x(n), and then, the excess mean-squared error produced by the At first, the influence of the wide-band signal on the sinu-
NLMS algorithm can be primarily determined by the largest soidal interference estimation is investigated and presented. To
eigenvalue of ΓM even as the convergence rate is limited by simulate a dense narrow-band RFI environment, the RFI signal
the smallest eigenvalue of ΓM . The convergence rate and the is approximated as the sum of 16 complex sinusoidal compo-
stability of the LMS filter have been investigated, and the results nents. In simulation, a point target is located at the center of the
indicate that the performance of the LMS filter is governed by image scene. The power spectral density (PSD) of the original
the choice of the step size μ [15]. In practice, to obtain fast RFI and the estimated RFIs is shown in Fig. 2(a). The signal-
convergence and stable minimum mean-square error, a choice to-interference ratio (SIR) of the radar echo is set to −10 dB,
of μ < 1/γxx(0) is usually made, where γxx (0) is the power and its PSD is the black envelope illustrated in Fig. 2(b).
of the input sequence [10]. However, such a step size may get a Although the traditional ALE has an ability to extract the
very slow convergence rate in a dense RFI environment because narrow-band RFI, the performance is impaired by the wide-
γxx (0) may be much larger than the largest eigenvalue λmax . band signal energy. As is evident in Fig. 2(a), in comparison
Hence, μ < 2/λmax is a more reasonable choice for adaptive with the RFI estimates of the NLMS filter, the envelope of the
filtering in practical RFI suppression. RFI estimates of the NLMSC filter is more identical with that
of the original RFI. In Fig. 2(b), the PSD of the output signal of
the NLMS filter is deeply notched; on the contrary, the PSD of
III. S IMULATION AND E VALUATION the output signal of the NLMSC filter has a much smoother
envelope, which indicates a smaller energy loss. Therefore,
In this section, some simulation results are presented to
the simulation results indicate that the clipping operation can
demonstrate and evaluate the proposed method. The simulated
reduce the energy loss of the wide-band signal effectively.
data and the raw data of a UWB SAR system are used in the
experiments. Three methods, including the LRF, the NLMS
B. Simulation of RFI Suppression Using Synthetic Data
filter, and the NLMS filter with clipping (NLMSC), are used
to process the data. The radar transmits LFM signals, and the In the following, the synthetic echo data are used to investi-
data are simulated according to the system parameters given in gate the performance of the NLMSC method.
Table I. The NLMS filters are employed with the order M = 100 The RFI data were recorded with a sampling rate of 300 MHz
and the delay Δ = 1. The step size μ is selected according to by an 8-b digitizer in a UWB SAR deployed on a small aircraft
λmax of the correlation matrix ΓM . The false alarm probability “Y-12” using the listen-only strip-mode. The LFM signal of a
pFA to determine the threshold is set to 10−9 . point target is added to the resampled raw RFI data to generate
Fig. 4. Comparison of the impulse responses in the range dimension after RFI
suppression via three methods. (SIR = −15 dB).
the synthetic data, and the SIR is set to −15 dB. Fig. 3 illustrates
the spectrum of an RFI sequence. As can be seen, most of the
RFIs are narrow-band interferences, and the RFIs are densely
dispersed in the radar spectrum. The simulated radar echoes
are generated along a linear aperture with 6100 samples based
on the parameters given in Table I. The nonlinear chirp-scaling
algorithm is used to attain the SAR images. Fig. 5. Comparison of images in SAR RFI suppression via three methods.
(a) Scatterer 1 obtained via LRF. (b) Scatterer 2 obtained via LRF. (c) Scatterer 1
Fig. 4 shows the impulse responses in the range dimension obtained via the NLMS filter. (d) Scatterer 2 obtained via the NLMS filter.
generated by the LRF, NLMS, and NLMSC filters after image (e) Scatterer 1 obtained via the NLMSC filter. (f) Scatterer 2 obtained via the
formation. Notably, the largest side-lobe in the range dimension NLMSC filter.
for the NLMS filtering is raised to about −5.2 dB with respect
to the main lobe, whereas that for the NLMSC method is only method shows an improvement in RFI suppression over the
about −15.6 dB. In addition, the largest side-lobe in the range other two methods.
dimension generated by the LRF method is about −10.7 dB
with respect to the main lobe. The simulation results validate
C. Application of RFI Suppression to SAR Data
the ability of side-lobe reduction of the proposed method.
To assess the quality of each SAR image, several image Finally, the performance of the proposed method is also eval-
characteristics are measured, including the peak side-lobe ratio uated using the raw UWB SAR data. The data were collected by
(PSLR) in the range and azimuth directions, the 2-D integrated the SAR system mentioned in Section II. The flight experiments
side-lobe ratio (2D-ISLR), and the image SIR (ISIR). The quan- were conducted in Guizhou Province in China in 2009. In the
titative results are shown in Table II. Initially, all of the mea- image scene, there are two dihedral-corner scatterers formed by
sured results obtained by the NLMSC and the LRF algorithms man-made structures, of which one is a wall of a building and
are better than those obtained by the NLMS algorithm. More- the other is a ditch near a road. The RFIs are suppressed using
over, the 2D-ISLR obtained by the NLMSC method is about the LRF, NLMS, and NLMSC methods, respectively. Fig. 5(a)
−10.06 dB, which is much better than the −6.93 dB obtained and (b) illustrates the images of the two scatterers obtained
by the LRF method because of the raised side-lobes in far range via the LRF method. Although the image background is clear,
cells. Moreover, the ISIR obtained by the LRF is 26.54 dB, the symmetric side-lobes of the two scatterers are visible. The
whereas that obtained by the NLMSC method is 29.66 dB. images filtered via the NLMS method are illustrated in Fig. 5(c)
To sum up, according to the simulation results, the NLMSC and (d), where there are large side-lobes at the left side of the
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