Smart Antenna:Weight Calculation and Side-Lobe Reduction by Unequal Spacing Technique
Smart Antenna:Weight Calculation and Side-Lobe Reduction by Unequal Spacing Technique
Smart Antenna:Weight Calculation and Side-Lobe Reduction by Unequal Spacing Technique
150 30
The results for weight calculation, the radiation pattern 0.4
and their performance in term of the Half Power 0.2
Beam-width (HPBW) and First side-lobe (FSL) for
equal and unequal spacing are presented. Table 1 and 2 180 0
3. Unequal Spacing Array Element Analysis of elements for equal spacing
0 equal spacing
equal spacing unequal spacing
unequal-design a design 2
-5 unequal-design b
-30 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
Angle of Users,degrees
Angle of Users,degrees
Figure 7: Radiation pattern of 8 elements for equal Figure 9: Radiation pattern of 8 elements for equal
and unequal asymmetrical arrangement and unequal spacing at 00
Table 4 shows the comparison made between the [4] C.A. Balanis, “Antenna theory analysis and
equal spacing array element and unequal spacing for design”, John Wiley and Sons, 1997. pp. 251
both design 1 and design 2. It can be seen clearly that [5] Iclia Villordo-Jemenez, Ignacio E. Zaldivar-
although unequal spacing array required longer size, Huerta, G.M Galvan-Tejada, “An Overview of
the FSL for both designs are improved and the beam- SDMA in Communications Systems”, Circuit and
width reduced slightly. System, MWSCAS06’, 49th IEEE Conference,
Midwest Symposium, 6-9 August 2006, pp.168-
Table 4: Comparison between equal and unequal 171.
spacing element [6] R.F.Harrington, “Side-lobe Reduction by Non-
uniform Element Spacing”, IRE Transaction. On
Equal Unequal spacing
Antenna and Propagation, Vol. Ap-9, pp. 187,
spacing Design 1 Design 2 March, 1961.
Beam-width 170 150 160 [7] Cheng-Cheh Yu, “Side-lobe reduction of
-9.0693dB -7.7073dB asymmetric linear array, Electronic Letter, Vol 33,
FSL -6.399dB
(41.73%) (20.45%)
No 9, 24th April 1997.
4.7 λ 4.1 λ
Array length 3.5 λ
(34.28%) (17.14%)
4.0 Conclusion
[1] Roy,R.H, “An overview of smart antenna
Technology: The next wave in Wireless
Communication”, Vol 3, Mac 1998, pp. 339-345
[2] Godara,L.C., “ Smart Antenna”, CRS Press, 2004.
[3] Godara,L.C., “Application of Antenna Arrays to
mobile Communications, Part II: Beam-forming
and Direction of Arrival Considerations”
Proceeding of the IEEE, vol 85, No 8, August
1997, pp. 1195-1245.