Analysis The Utility & Comparative Study of Reduction Techniques of Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) in OFDM System & Its Performance Analysis
Analysis The Utility & Comparative Study of Reduction Techniques of Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) in OFDM System & Its Performance Analysis
Analysis The Utility & Comparative Study of Reduction Techniques of Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) in OFDM System & Its Performance Analysis
& T= OFDM signal duration is subcarrier Let C = C0, C1……CN-1 be the frequency domain
vector .After performing the Tone Reservation the data
vector changes to x + c & results in a new modulated
OFDM signal.
Among the modified data blocks, the one with the
lowest PAPR is selected for transmission. The amount
of PAPR reduction for transmission for SLM depends Where C=IFFT(c). The main aim of Tone Reservation
on the number of phase sequence v & the design of is to make a vector with low PAPR for this we have
phase sequence. to find a proper time domain signal c. A convex
Optimization Problem must be solved to find the value
of c.
Tone Injection (TI) uses an additive correction to
optimize C [23]. The basic idea to increase the
constellation size thus the same data points corresponds
to multiple possible constellation points [24]. One
option has been to replicate the original shaded
constellation into several alternative ones. Therefore C
has been a translation vector such that C= .
It should be noted that Tone Injection doesn’t require
any extra side information but only receiver needs to
know that how to map the redundant constellation on
the original one. To obtain a good performance in
PAPR reduction & low complexity for the same
modification have been proposed in Tone Injection (TI).
The Tone Injection (TI) technique is more problematic
Figure 8. Block Diagram of SLM Technique than the Tone Reservation (TR) technique Since the
injected signal occupies the frequency band as the
In SLM technique we needs v IFFT operation * require information Bearing signal.
bits for side information is [log2v]for each data block. In the Tone injection (TI) technique alternative
To reduce the computational complexity & number of constellation points have an increased energy & the
the bits for side information transmission [22], some implementation complexity increase for the
extension has been proposed in SLM technique. computation the optimal translation vector.
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