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Application of Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle For Quality and Productivity Improvement - A Review

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com Volume 5 Issue I, January 2017

IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
Application Of Plan-Do-Check-Act Cycle For
Quality And Productivity Improvement - A Review
Pratik M Patel1, Vivek A Deshpande2
Research Scholar, 2Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering, G. H. Patel College of Engineering & Technology ,Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India.
Abstract: The PDCA Cycle is a systematic series of steps for gaining valuable learning and knowledge for the continual
improvement of a product or process. PDCA is an iterative four-step quality improvement and productivity improvement process
typically used for the better of the business strategy. PDCA is a successive cycle which starts off small to test potential effects on
processes, but then gradually leads to larger and more targeted change. Though the method is applicable to process, business
and organization as generally utilized by the industry, but this is an attempt to try and adopt the same at an individual level to
bring productivity improvement in individuals which will trigger an improvement in process and quality for the organization at a
bigger level. How this method would help an individual to become more accountable which will ultimately enable a group, a
product line and an organization to be able to make a difference in improving the overall quality. The method tries to bring in
changes to the traditional ways how an individual does an activity and with few improvements, the overall productivity can be
increased that will ultimately benefit the organization.
Keywords: PDCA, Quality improvement, productivity improvement
The cycle starts with the Plan step. This involves identifying a goal or purpose or a problem, formulating a theory, defining success
metrics and putting a plan into action. These activities are included in the Do step, in which the components of the plan are
implemented, such as making a product. Second, comes the check (Study) step, where outcome are monitored to check the validity
of the plan for progress and success, or problems and areas for improvement. The Act step closes the cycle, integrating the learning
generated by the entire process, which can be used to achieve the goal, change methods or even reformulate a theory altogether.
These all four steps are repeated over and over as part of a never-ending cycle of continual improvement.

Plan What is needed

Do It
Check That it works
Act To correct any problems or
improve performance

Figure 110
The PDSA cycle (or PDCA) is also known as the Deming Cycle or shewhart cycle, the Deming wheel of continuous improvement
spiral. The implementation of the PDCA cycle has been found more effective than others techniques and any small scale industry,
school, a hospital can implement PDCA methodology.Execution of the PDCA cycle means continuously looking for better effects
on improvement. The PDCA cycle ensures two types of corrective action – temporary and permanent. The temporary action is
aimed at practically tackling and fixing the problem. The permanent corrective action, consists of investigation and eliminating the
root causes and thus targets the sustainability of the improved process. [1]
Company is manufacturer of different types of products name plates, fascia label, speaker grills, extruded heat sinks, decals,
signage, stickers, forged diamond cut logos, etc. They are facing rejection problem at different stages of processes.The reason
behind the waste is problems in processes like stamping, brushing, baking, combining screen, offset printing, powder coating,
buffing, over printing/painting, scratches, dent marks, in process rejection etc.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved
www.ijraset.com Volume 5 Issue I, January 2017
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
Table 1
Sr. Title Author Journal/conference My Learning
1 An Examination Of The Eirin Lodgaard, Knut International Conference On PDCA will be most suitable
Application Of Plan-do- Einar Aasland Engineering Design, Iced11-15 when there are no time
Check- Act Cycle In Product - 18 August 2011 constraints and enough
Development resources to spend on the
problem. Without
Systematically integration of
the PDCA method
improvement is expected to be
2 Productivity Improvement in Mamta Patel, Dr. Raj International Journal for Implementing the TQM with
Milk Industry through PDCA Kumar Research in Technological help of PDCA approach. All
Approach- A Case Study Studies| Vol. 2, Issue 6, May the causes discussed by the
2015 members and categorized those
all in three categories and gave
the solutions with the help of
3 Productivity Upswing SLOVIĆ, Dragoslav; Journal of Textile & Apparel / Processes can be improved
Through Two-Phase STOJANOVIĆ2, Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon. Apr- with changes in workplace
Continuous Process Dragana; Jun2015, Vol. 25 Issue 2 layout, material handling
Improvement Model: The TOMAŠEVIĆ, Ivan system, workplace
Case Of Apparel arrangement and
Manufacturer Standardization of operations.
4 Reducing Rejection Rate in Shyam H. International Journal Of Reduction in rejection and
Small Scale Machining Unit Bambharoliya, Engineering Development And Rework is indirectly improving
Using 7 Quality Control Hemant R. Thakkar Research, Volume 3, Issue 4, productivity and quality with
Tools - A Review December 2015 the help of 7QC Tools.
5 Improvement of Productivity Chiragkumar S. International Journal of 7QC used to Improve the
by application of Basic seven Chauhan, Sanjay C. Advance Research in production of manufacturing
Quality control Tools in Shah, Shrikant P. Engineering, Science & by reducing the percentage of
manufacturing industry Bhatagalikar Technology. 2014 Rejection & Rework.
6 A Review on Practical Upender, Mr. Lalit International Journal of Rework can be minimized by
Application of Quality Tools Kumar Enhanced Research in Science, the effective implementation of
Technology & Engineering, quality tools resulting in less
Vol. 5 Issue 6, June-2016 labor cost and more profit.
7 Implementation of Quality Kapil Deo Prasad, International Journal of identify appropriate causes of
Improvement Tools in Dr. Sanjay Kumar Applied Engineering Research high rejection & wastage, and
Brassware Manufacturing Jha, Dr. Ritesh ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, to eliminate or minimize these
Unit to Improve Quality & Kumar Singh Number 5 (2016) causes to improve quality and
Enhance Productivity hence productivity
8 Application of Quality Pratik J. Patel, Sanjay International Journal of 7QC tools applied on
Control Tools in Taper Shank C. Shah, Sanjay Engineering Research and Company data and analyzed
Drills Manufacturing Makwana Applications, Vol. 4, Issue 2 this data and find the Root-
Industry: A Case Study causes.

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved
www.ijraset.com Volume 5 Issue I, January 2017
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
9 Investigation And Analysis Prof B.R. Jadhav, International Journal of We can Find the root cause of
Of Cold Shut Casting Defect Santosh J Jadhav Advanced Engineering one of the major defect (Cold
And Defect Reduction By Research and Studies, E- shut) in an automobile casting
Using 7 Quality Control ISSN2249–8974 produced in a medium scale
Tools foundry with the help of 7QC
10 Reduction of rejected Mayank Jha, R.K European Journal of Applied To control the rejection of
components in an automobile Tyagi, Gaurav Gupta Engineering and Scientific automotive part assembly in
assembly line using quality Research, 2013 order to increase the
tools productivity with reducing the

PDCA is a methodology. Rejection and Rework can be reduced with the help of lean tools. Using PDCA methodology because it is
a model for continuous improvement process. It consists of a logical sequence of four repetitive steps for continuous improvement
and learning: PLAN, DO,STUDY (CHECK) and ACT. so we can use it until we get the best quality of the product. With the help of
PDCA methodology reducing rejection problems we will be improve the quality of the product as well as productivity.
A. Plan
This phase incorporates the definition of the problem. A thorough analysis of the current state issues is conducted in order to
identify the root causes. Appropriate solutions are then formulated and evaluated to identify the most profitable solutions available.
Identify the problem quality improvement opportunities:
Usually, a team will find that there are several problems, or quality improvement opportunities arise when programs or processes are
investigated. A prioritization matrix will help in determining which one to select. Once the quality improvement opportunity has
been decided, articulate a problem statement. Revisit and, as appropriate, revise the problem statement as you move through the
planning process.
Describe the process Surrounding the problem to understand the process and identify areas for improvements. Flow charts and value
stream mapping are two examples of methods to accomplish this. Collect data for the current process
Baseline data that describe the current state are critical to further understanding the process and establishing a foundation for
measuring improvements. The data may address, for example, time, people, movements, space, cost, a number of steps, adverse
events, and customer satisfaction. Many tools are available to collect and interpret data on the process, such as Pareto charts,
histograms, run charts, scatter plots and control charts. The data collected must be aligned with the measures listed in the aim
statement. Identify all possible causes
Identify all possible causes of the problem and determine the root cause. While a number of causes will emerge when examining the
quality improvement opportunity, it is critical to delve in and carefully identify the underlying, or root, the cause of the problem, in
order to ensure that an improvement or intervention with the greatest chance of success is selected. Brainstorming is a useful way to
identify possible causes and a cause and effect/fishbone diagram and the 5 Whys are useful for determining the actual root cause.
1) Identify probable improvements: To address the root cause, and agree on which one to test. Once the improvement has been
determined, carefully consider any unintended outcomes that may emerge as a result of the implementing improvement. This
step provides an opportunity to divert the improvement and/or develop countermeasures as needed to address any potential
unintended consequences. Revisiting the aim statement and revising the measurable improvement objectives are important steps
at this point.
2) Develop an improvement theory: An improvement theory is a declaration that articulates the effect that you expect the
improvement to have on the problem. Writing an improvement theory crystallizes what you expect to achieve as a result of your
intervention, and documents the connection between the improvement you plan to check and the measurable improvement

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved
www.ijraset.com Volume 5 Issue I, January 2017
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
3) Develop an action plan: Indicating what needs to be done, who is responsible, and when it should be completed. The details of
this plan should include all aspects of the method to test the improvements – what data will be collected, how frequently data
are collected, who collects the data, how they are documented, the timeline, and how results will be analyzed.

B. Do
Once the current situation is fully understood and a plan for improvement has been established, the “Do” phase is where that plan is
implemented for the first time. Don’t think of this phase as a simply a “test run” or a trial. With the comprehensive learning that has
taken place in the “Plan” phase, the “Do” phase can truly be an implementation of what the team believes is a substantial
improvement over the current situation; with the opportunity to learn even more, make adjustments, and then implement even
greater improvements in the “Check” and “Act” phases. The decided solutions are implemented one by one. At this phase, the
people implementing the solutions will have to support the concerned people to make sure that the solutions are fully understood
and followed.
Implement the improvement. Collect and document the data..
Document problems, unexpected observations, lessons learned and knowledge gained.

C. Check/Study
Significant learning can take place in this phase by observing the newly implemented processes. By partnering with associates to
understand what worked well, what new learning has taken place, and what adjustments need to be made, an improved plan beyond
what could have previously been imagined can be developed to include new learning and further elevate the process. This enables
the “Check” phase to be an opportunity to develop comprehensive plans to elevate the process to new heights, rather than simply
fixing what went wrong in the “Do” phase.
The achieved state after the implementation of the improvements is then analyzed in order to verify the solutions. If the results are
negative, the improvement work will have to start over again at the planning phase. If not, the tested solutions will continue to the
act phase. Compare the new data to the baseline data to determine whether an improvement was achieved, and whether the measures
in the aim statement were met. Pareto charts, histograms, run charts, scatter plots, control charts and radar charts are all tools that
can assist with this analysis.
Reflect on the analysis, and consider any additional information that emerged as well. Compare the results of your test against the
measurable objective.
Document lessons learned, knowledge gained, and any surprising results that emerged.

D. Act
Once the improvement cycle has reached this step, the solutions are prepared for final implementation by standardization and
possibly spread to other parts within the organization. To maintain the continuous improvement work, the key to success is to repeat
the cycle in infinity to reach an even higher level.
Options include:
Adopt:Standardize the improvement if the measurable objective in the aim statement has been met. This involves establishing a
mechanism for those performing the new process to measure and monitor benchmarks on a regular basis to ensure that
improvements are maintained. Run charts or control charts are two examples of tools to monitor performance.
The team may decide to repeat the test, gather different data, revise the intervention, or otherwise adjust the test methodology. This
might occur, for example, if sufficient data weren’t gathered, circumstances have changed (e.g., staffing, resources, policy,
environment, etc.), or if the test results fell somewhat short of the measurable improvement goal. In this case, adapt the action plan
as needed and repeat the “Do” phase.
Abandon:If the changes made to the process did not result in an improvement, consider lessons learned from the initial test, and
return to the “Plan” phase as shown in figure 6. At this point, the team might revisit potential solutions that were not initially
selected, or delve back into a root cause analysis to see if additional underlying causes can be uncovered, or even reconsider the aim
statement to see if it’s realistic. Whatever the starting point, the team will then need to engage in the Plan cycle to develop a new
action plan, and move through the remaining phases.
PDCA offers a data-based framework based on the scientific method. This simple yet powerful format drives continuous and

©IJRASET: All Rights are Reserved
www.ijraset.com Volume 5 Issue I, January 2017
IC Value: 13.98 ISSN: 2321-9653
International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering
Technology (IJRASET)
ongoing efforts to achieve measurable improvements in the efficiency, effectiveness, performance, accountability, outcomes, and
other indicators of quality in services or processes which achieve equity and improve the productivity.[9]
The Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle provides a simple but effective approach for problem solving and managing change,
ensuring that ideas are appropriately tested before committing to full implementation. It can be used in all sorts of environments
from new product development through to marketing, or in any organization. It begins with a Planning phase in which the problem
is clearly identified and understood. Potential solutions are then generated and tested on a small scale in the "Do" phase, and the
outcome of this testing is evaluated during the Check phase. "Do" and "Check" phases can be iterated as many times as is necessary
before the full, polished solution is implemented in the "Act" phase.

The PDCA cycle (Deming's circle) is more than just a quality tool. The PDCA cycle is a fundamental concept of continuous-
improvement processes embedded in the organization’s culture. It is simple to understand and should be used by a large number of
people in the company. The most important aspect of PDCA lies in the “act” stage after the completion of a project when the cycle
starts again for the further improvement. These findings provide useful information for practitioners seeking ways to improve their
organizational performance by suggesting a starting point for deploying lean and/or quality improvement methods. Furthermore, the
methods identified as not successfully implemented or not perceived as effective suggest areas that employee training and/or
academic programs might focus to increase the use of these techniques. In addition, by examining survey results by the type of
operation, this work provides others working in similar environments with suggestions about what tools might work well for them;
yet, further research is needed to develop a better understanding of how additional techniques can be applied effectively to various
types of operations. Finally, the common themes that emerged from the investigation regarding the challenges/reasons for failure
associated with continuous improvement techniques provide support

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