Quality Improvement Meth
Quality Improvement Meth
Quality Improvement Meth
of Achievements in Materials November
and Manufacturing Engineering 2010
Purpose: of this paper is to introduce the reader to the characteristics of PDCA tool and Six Sigma (DMAIC,
DFSS) techniques and EFQM Excellence Model (RADAR matrix), which are possible to use for the continuous
quality improvement of products, processes and services in organizations.
Design/methodology/approach: We compared the main characteristics of the presented methodologies aiming
to show the main prerequisites, differences, strengths and limits in their application.
Findings: Depending on the purpose every organization will have to find a proper way and a combination of
methodologies in its implementation process. The PDCA cycle is a well known fundamental concept of continuous-
improvement processes, RADAR matrix provides a structured approach assessing the organizational performance,
DMAIC is a systematic, and fact based approach providing framework of results-oriented project management,
DFSS is a systematic approach to new products or processes design focusing on prevent activities.
Research limitations/implications: This paper provides general information and observations on four
presented methodologies. Further research could be done towards more detailed study of characteristics and
positive effects of these methodologies.
Practical implications: The paper presents condensed presentation of main characteristics, strengths and
limitations of presented methodologies. Our findings could be used as solid information for management
decisions about the introduction of various quality programmes.
Originality/value: We compared four methodologies and showed their main characteristics and differences.
We showed that some methodologies are more simple and therefore easily to understand and introduce (e.g.
PDCA cycle). On the contrary Six Sigma and EFQM Excellence model are more complex and demanding
methodologies and therefore need more time and resources for their proper implementation.
Keywords: Quality continuous improvement; PDCA Cycle; EFQM Excellence Model; RADAR Matrix; Six Sigma
476 Research paper © Copyright by International OCSCO World Press. All rights reserved. 2010
Industrial management and organisation
1. Introduction
1. Introduction appropriate team and applied correctly to the appropriate process.
The successful implementation of approaches, tools and
techniques depends on their understanding, knowledge and proper
Different organizations use different methodologies,
application in organizational processes.
approaches and tools for implementing a quality management and
programmes for continuous quality improvement. The programme
is likely to have a different name or label, such as TQM (Total
Quality Management), Six Sigma, BPR (Business Process Re- 2. The PDCA
2. The PDCA cyclecycle
engineering), Operational Excellence or Business Excellence.
Regardless of the methodology, approach, tool or the name of the 2.1. Definition
2.1. Definition
continuous improvement programmes, each organization will
certainly need to use a proper selection and combination of
In a central process, the actual results of an action are
different approaches, tools and techniques in its implementation
compared with a target or a set point. The difference between the
process. Most of these tools, approaches and techniques are used
two is then mentioned and corrective measures are adopted if the
worldwide and simple to understand and can be used by a large
disparity becomes large. The repeated and continuous nature of
number of people of the company, e.g. PDCA cycle or Deming's
continuous improvement follows this usual definition of control
circle. However, some techniques in this area are more complex
and is represented by the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle [1].
and demanding, e.g. Six Sigma, Lean Sigma, Design for Six
This is also referred to as the Deming circle, named after W.
Sigma or EFQM excellence model. Specialists for specific
E. Deming. Another variation of PDCA is PDSA (Plan, Do,
problem-solving applications and implementation use these
Study, Act) [2].
advanced techniques and methodologies. It is very important that
tools, approaches and techniques should be selected for the
Act Plan
x Managing Nonconformity x The Quality Concept and Objectives
x Improvement x Statutory Considerations
x ISO 9001 Certification x Product Liability and Product Safety
x Cultural and Organizational Aspects x Training for Quality
x Total Quality Management x The Control of Design
x Environmental Management Systems
x Management System Integration
Check Do
x An Introduction to Statistics x Procurement
x Control Charts x Just-in-Time Supplies
x Inspection x Process Capability
x Functional Testing x Product Reliability
x Inspection and Measurement Equipment x Materials Handling
x Metrology x Servicing
x Quality Audits and Reviews x Service Quality
x Quality- and Safety-related Cost x Documentations and Records
x Benchmarking x Controlling Changes
x Standards, Standardization, Conformity and
x Compatibility
2.2. Application
2.2. Application While Deming's PDCA cycle has been extensively used in the
development and deployment of quality policies, DMAIC (Six
The application of the PDCA cycle has been found more Sigma) and DMADV (DFSS) have added the rigour of project
effective than adopting “the right first time” approach. Using of life-cycle (PLC) to the implementation and close-out of Six
the PDCA cycle means continuously looking for better methods Sigma projects, RADAR (EFQM Excellence model) has been
of improvement. The PDCA cycle is effective in both doing a job used for assessment of organizational performance. Figure 5
and managing a programme. The PDCA cycle enables two types shows the relationship between PDCA cycle, DMAIC, DMADV,
of corrective action – temporary and permanent. and typical project-life cycle and RADAR matrix [1,2].
The temporary action is aimed at results by practically
3. Conclusions
tackling and fixing the problem. The permanent corrective action,
on the other hand, consists of investigation and eliminating the
3. EFQM model
root causes and thus targets the sustainability of the improved 3.1. Definition
process. 3.1. Definition
The aspects of the PDCA cycle were applied to internal
quality-assurance procedures: EFQM Excellence Model is a non-prescriptive framework
x What are we trying to accomplish? that recognizes that sustained excellence can be achieved by using
x How will we know that a change is an improvement? different approaches [7-9]. Excellence Model is based on the idea
x What changes can we make to improve? that customer satisfaction, employee and positive impact on
Figure 1 shows the PDCA cycle in detail [3,4]. In the Do society together contribute to excellent business results [10].
stage or implementation stage it is possible to involve a mini- Organizations through the cyclical process of self-assessment
PDCA cycle (Fig. 2) until the issues of implementation are obtain a powerful tool to further enhance of continuous learning,
resolved [5]. improvement and innovative thinking. Philosophy of Excellence
model is that the organization achieves exceptional key results of
performance with integration of employees and process
improvement [11]. EFQM Excellence Model in its 15 years of
existence proved its credibility in relation to the purposes for
which it was founded: to recognize excellence (this is the highest
organizational level of quality). In general the model effects like
"standard" for identification of organizational quality and enables
comparisons between different organizations [12]. The EFQM
Excellence Model is a practical, non-prescriptive framework that
enables organisations to:
x Assess where they are on the path to excellence; helping them
to understand their key strengths and potential gaps in relation
Fig. 2. Advanced PDCA cycle [5] to their stated vision and mission.
x Provide a common vocabulary and way of thinking about the
The PDCA cycle is more than just a tool; it is a concept of organisation that facilitates the effective communication of
continuous improvement processes (Fig. 3) embedded in the ideas, both within and outside the organisation.
organization’s culture. The most important aspect of PDCA lies in x Integrate existing and planned initiatives, removing duplication
the “act” stage after the completion of a project when the cycle and identifying gaps.
starts again for the further improvement. x Provide a basic structure for the organisation’s management
system [9].
The PDCA cycle is also possible to use within the Kaizen Fig. 4. SDCA – PDCA cycles for quality improvement in the
concept, Figure 4. In this case we are talking about the SDCA - Kaizen concept
PDCA cycle [6].
Quality Improvement Methodologies – PDCA Cycle, RADAR Matrix, DMAIC and DFSS 479
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Volume 43 Issue 1 November 2010
With the support of RADAR logic it is possible to make a monitoring system on your approaches you are not able to utilize
robust assessment of the degree of excellence of any organisation RADAR in your organization. Therefore, appropriate systematic
[9]. The criteria for a particular phase of RADAR are defined and monitoring and assessing system is the basis for implementation
organization (or its part) is reviewed through all four phases to of continuous improvements in the organization.
assess organizational performance in a systematic way, Figure 7 [9,14].
We can find synergy of the RADAR matrix with the Deming
cycle. Every approach, which is being introduced into an 5. DMAIC
organisation, can be checked against the PDCA cycle, as follows:
1. In the Plan phase – check that the approaches used are sound, 5.1. Definition
focused on the all stakeholders the needs and integrated with 5.1 Definition
other appropriate approaches.
2. In the Do phase – check that the approaches are implemented DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyse, Improve, and
systematically in all relevant areas throughout the Control) refers to a data-driven life-cycle approach to Six Sigma
organisation to the full extent. Check that the appropriate projects for improving process; it is an essential part of a
tools exist to measure the effectiveness and the planned company's Six Sigma programme. DMAIC is an acronym for five
benefits of the implemented approaches. interconnected phases: define measure, analyse, improve and
3. In the Check and Act phases – check that the efficiency of the control. The simplified definitions of each phase (Fig. 8) are [1]:
approaches and their deployment are regularly measured; that x Define by identifying, prioritizing and selecting the right
there are enough learning activities; that benchmarking is project,
performed, e.g. in sector / best in class. Check that the x Measure key process characteristic, the scope of parameters
improvement of approaches is based on learning activity and and their performances,
performance measurements [15]. x Analyse by identifying key causes and process determinants,
As a summary of the application of the RADAR matrix x Improve by changing the process and optimizing
methodology, if you cannot measure your process, you cannot performance,
define its level of performance and you cannot improve it. That x Control by sustaining the gain.
means if you cannot establish the systematic integrated
Quality Improvement Methodologies – PDCA Cycle, RADAR Matrix, DMAIC and DFSS 481
Journal of Achievements in Materials and Manufacturing Engineering Volume 43 Issue 1 November 2010
6.2 Application
6.2. Application statistically through Monte Carlo simulations and the sequential
design of experiment (DoE).
The primary application of DFSS as a technique is in the Defects and time-to-failure are not the main metrics of DFSS.
design and development stage of a product, process or service. DFSS uses continuous variables that are leading indicators of
Designing new products or processes using DFSS approach does impending defects and failures to measure and optimize critical
not replace current engineering methods, nor does it relieve an functional responses against assignable causes of variation in the
organization of the need to peruse excellence in engineering and production, delivery and use environment. We need to prevent the
product development. It adds another dimension to product problems – not wait until they occur and then react to them. The
development. It helps in the process on inventing, developing, reason to using DFSS is ultimately financial. It generates
optimizing and transferring new technology into product design shareholders value based on delivering customer value in the
program. It also enables sub-sequent conceptual development, marketplace. DFSS helps fulfil voice of the business by fulfilling
design, optimization and verification of new products prior to voice of the customer.
launch into their respective market [20, 21]. DFSS methodology Most frequently reported methodologies for putting DFSS
delivers qualitative and quantitative results by managing critical into practice are DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design
parameters against the clear set of product requirements based on and Verify) and IDOV (Identify, Design, Optimise and Validate).
Voice of customer (VOC). DMADV is often described as the next stage of DMAIC (Six
Design for Six Sigma fits within the context of the key Sigma) and thus may lead to a generic approach [1]. In order to
business process, namely the product development process; emphasize the distinctive characteristic of DFSS we have adapted
encompasses many tools and best practices that can be selectively IDOV to show the basic steps of the process, Figure 9 [2].
deployed during the phases of a product development process. The proponents of DFSS believe that within the new few
Specifically, DFSS integrates three major tactical elements to help years, as experience grows, DFSS will be used in design houses
attain the ubiquitous business goals of low cost, high quality and with the same familiarity as ISO standards (ISO 9001, ISO 14001,
rapid cycle-time from product development [19]. ISO/TS 16949, and ISO OHSAS 18001).
x A clear and flexible product development process. DFSS is a longer-term, resource-hungry process and it is
expensive. Therefore, it should be deployed with care and on
x A balanced portfolio of development and design tools and
just a few vital projects, and specifically targeted towards the
best practices.
development of new products. Do not start a DFSS project
x Disciplined use of project management methods.
without the customer, sales involvement, top-management
DFSS avoids counting failures and places the engineering
commitment and a team, preferably one with Six Sigma
team's focus on measuring real functions. The resulting
training. DFSS is a powerful technique and its power should not
fundamental model can be exercised, analyzed and verified
be abused.
Fig. 9. The relationship between DMADV (DFSS) and classical DMAIC (Six Sigma) - a new approach IDOV also is added [2]
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