Engine Assembly & Testing Process Quality Improvement Using DMAIC Approach (Six-Sigma) - Case Study
Engine Assembly & Testing Process Quality Improvement Using DMAIC Approach (Six-Sigma) - Case Study
Engine Assembly & Testing Process Quality Improvement Using DMAIC Approach (Six-Sigma) - Case Study
Engine Assembly & Testing Process Quality Improvement Using DMAIC Approach (Six-Sigma) - Case Study
S. Suresh, A. L. Moe and A. B. Abu [3] presented Six defects data, analysis of the defects data using FMEA
Sigma is one of the best emerging approaches for quality methodology, determining the causes and taking corrective
assurance and management in automobile parts actions to eliminate the defects. Process flow chart and
manufacturing. In this research, Quality Management tools manufacturing lead time are determined and lean tools such
such as COPQ analysis, Data Analysis, Pareto charts, Cause as one-piece flow and job instruction are implemented. There
and Effect diagrams, Process Capability Study, Failure Mode were total 29 problems found out of cable harness rejection
Effects Analysis (FMEA), Design of Experiments (DOE), using FMEA and again their RPN values are improve.
Visual and Control Charts etc. are used in defining the
problems in order to find the root causes for the problem and M Naga Phani Sastry, M. Devaki Devi and E. Siva
carrying out experiments in order to suggest improvements, Reddy [9] implemented Six- sigma methodology on process
through which the company could bring in Quality and improvement and variation reduction with the application of
Stability in their process. Using the six sigma method, the DMAIC. It shows the application of Six Sigma in Amara
rejection percentage is reduced by 13.2% from the existing Raja Batteries manufacturing to reduce the production
38.1% of rejection. defects like paste rejection. It is a practical work done at
Amara Raja Batteries, Tirupati where initially the percentage
Dr. Rajendra Takale and Swapnil Dere [4] presented of paste rejection was nearly 3.09%, which drastically
DMAIC deals with strategies of continuous improvement & reduced to about 2.26%within two months by applying the
defect reduction to achieve a quality standard of not more six-sigma. Proposals have been made at the firm to install the
than 3.4 defects per million (DPM).Manufacturing of five sensors like paste sensor, jam detecting, door sensors to
different types of fuses namely HN-000, HN-0, HN-1, HN-2, reduce the scrap further.
and HN-3. Company had found that rejection of fuses of all
types was more than 7 %. Implementation of Six Sigma Virender verma, Amit Sharma, Deepak juneja [10]
methodologies at one of the suppliers of company to improve studied Utilization of six sigma (DMAIC) approach for
the process of manufacturing HN Fuse link. the additional Reducing Casting Defects. DMAIC approach is a business
benefits achieved by post implementation of Six sigma strategy used to improve business profitability and efficiency
methodology like minimizing lead time, defects, rejections of all operation to meet customer needs and expectations.
to name a few. Overall improvement in quality and raised the The emphasis was laid down towards reduction in the defect
sigma level from 4.34 to 4.56. (Blow holes, Misrun, Slag inclusion, Rough surface)
occurred in the sand castings by controlling the parameters
Siddhant Aphale, Kiran Kakade [5] studied reduction with DMAIC technique. The results achieved shows that the
in Rework of an Engine Step Bore Depth Variation using rejection due to sand casting defects has been reduced from
DMAIC and Six Sigma approach. As the quantum of rework 6.98% to 3.10 % which saved the cost of Rs.2.35 lac appx.
was too high and machine could not be stopped for complete
experimentation the FTA analysis was selected and it proved III. PROBLEM STATEMENT
to be efficient. After successful implementation it was In all processes the smallest variation in quality of raw
observed that the engine bore rework was reduced from 18 % material, production conditions, operator behavior and other
per month to 2.2 % per month. factors can result in a cumulative variation (defects) in the
quality of the finished product. DMAIC approach aims to
E. V. Gijo, Johny Scaria and Jiju Antony [6] eliminate these variations and to establish practices resulting
presented application of Six Sigma methodology to Reduce in a consistently high quality product. Present study was
Defects of a Grinding Process. The DMAIC done at Greaves cotton, Aurangabad on application of
(Define–Measure–Analyze–Improve–Control) approach has DMAIC methodology. High rejection rate of automobile
been followed here to solve the underlying problem of engine after testing was found due to engine quality defects.
reducing process variation and improving the process yield. The thesis describes different problems in quality
The application of the Six Sigma methodology resulted in perspective in assembly & testing process and identifies the
reduction of defects in the fine grinding process from 16.6 to reason for these problems are carelessness of employees
1.19%. during manufacturing, tool & Equipment adequacy & also an
Dr. R.L. Shrivastava, Khwaja Izhar Ahmad and engine parts quality. Training of employees and preventive
Tushar N. Desai [7] studied engine Assembly Process action against any failures in the department is necessary for
Quality Improvement using Six Sigma. Manufacturing any organization. DMAIC tool is used to identify, measure,
performances tend to produce defects due to various reasons analysis the problems, in assembly, testing department where
which can be improved by identifying and eliminating them the chances of defects of engine is more.
using six-sigma. The study reports process quality
improvement through reduction in defects, from 7243 PPM IV. OBJECTIVE OF STUDY
to 687 PPM. Cost of poor quality (COPQ) has been The present work deals with elimination of engine
significantly reduced from $ 30, 000to $ 9, 000 per annum, a defects in an assembly & testing department. DMAIC
reduction of 333%. approach is justified when root cause of defect is not
traceable. In the present work, an attempt has made to reduce
S.M.Balaji Paramesh [8] has implemented six sigma engine defects in an assembly and testing process with the
methodologies at cable harness manufacturing industry. The application DMAIC approach.
cable harness manufacturing industry has been growing in a The objectives for DMAIC approach implementation at
fast pace during the recent years in India. Cable harnesses are Greaves cotton, Aurangabad are as follows:--
used to link together all the electrical components scattered 1. To identify the root factors causing engine defects.
throughout any electrical equipment. It includes collection of
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-6, June 2015
2. To improve the quality by reducing the engine defects. D. Project Plan
3. To reduce PPM level of the process. (Sigma level). Project plan, as under, was established after taking into
4. To achieve Cost saving by reducing rejections i.e. consideration various constraints.
reduce rework of engine. (COPQ)
1. DEFINE- Set project goals and objectives The various INPUT required for the engine
2. MEASURE - Measure the defects where they occur. manufacturing process and the SUPPLIERS for the same are as
3. ANALYZE - Evaluate data/information for trends, per Table-1
pattern and root causes, The Customer (CUSTOMER) was engine PDI and
4. IMPROVE - Develop, implement and evaluate solution Dispatch process their Requirement (OUT PUT) was defect
targeted at identified root causes free engine assembly & testing process, which can be
5. CONTROL - Make sure that almost the problems have achieved only after they get a defect free engine. They were
cleared, and method is improving.
expecting a stable Process (PROCESS) for the same.
1. DEFINE PHASE: Table-1 SIPOC Diagram
These phases determine the objective and scope of the
study & also identify the project opportunity and to verify or
validate that it represents legitimate breakthrough potential.
Information about the present processes is collected,
determination of customers and deliverables to customers are
also determined.
The rejection of the engine was a serious concern as
evidenced by the customer complaints and an urgent need
was felt to fix this problem. Time frame for the team was
three months for accomplishing the set objectives.
A. Opportunity Statement
During Engine dispatch at Engine testing process
Quality Defects were reported. Total PPM For Engine Quality
was 16217 PPM.
Process maps provide a detailed picture of the process or
B. Goal Statement system of interest. Process mapping is the preferred
Problems after engine testing process due to Engine technique in a DMAIC methodology because it can be used
Quality issue to be reduced from 17162 PPM to 714 PPM. to draw a process at various levels of details.
Engines are assembled using manually with conveyor.
C. Project Scope There are four types of engines assembling i.e. automotive,
A brief idea about the project scope is shown below. The
marine, base engine & pump sets. Automotive engine are
outline was drawn to understand the boundaries of the project.
diesel or petrol engine having more demand in market
compare with another three types of engine. Mixed– model
line is producing more than one model. They are made
simultaneously on the same line. Every station is equipped to
perform various tasks needed to produce any model that
moves through it. There are 35 stages for engine assembly in
that 21 assembly stages run on conveyor i.e. online engine
assembly & 14 stages are manually operated i.e. engine go to
next stage using operator’s hands. There are nearly 260
engine are assembled in general shift if one operate is given
to one assembly stage.
Engine Assembly & Testing Process Quality Improvement Using DMAIC Approach (Six-Sigma) - Case Study
Testing is quality control activity. Purpose of testing is Rejection Data Was Collected On Sample Basis. Total
generally concerned with the functional specification of final sample was checked daily approximately 290. Table also
product rather than with the individual part go into the gives detail about type of quality defects occur in diesel
product. engine which affect on loss of production at engine testing.
Defect rate are out of control basis on rejection of engine due
Parameters checking during Engine testing are to this customers are not satisfied. Table-4 Engine quality
1. Smoke checking defect with defective quantity show total no of defective
2. Pressure test engine was rejected due to these top five defect having more
3. Lub oil pump contribution for reduce quality of assembly/ testing process.
4. Power setting
5. Specific fuel consumption Table-4 Engine quality defect with defective quantity
6. Fuel setting
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-6, June 2015
cylinder barrel & problem is not detected in testing method.
2) Cost of Poor Quality (COPQ): (Figure-3)
Similarly why-why analysis was carried out for
A simple definition of the cost of poor quality (COPQ)
Starting trouble, Flywheel bolt loose, high smoke, fuel filter
is all the costs that would disappear if your manufacturing
& pipe position wrong. After the analysis root causes were
process was perfect. This includes all appraisal, prevention,
found out and the solutions were implemented. Analysis was
and failure costs. Anyone running a company knows these
carried out on starting trouble & its causes were found that
costs exist, but what they may not realize is how much of
FIP rack not located in FDC lever rack.
their expenses are tied directly to COPQ. In this engine
manufacturing, sigma level value is 3.7. Cost of poor quality
is approximately 18%.
The purpose of the analyze phase is to allow the project
team to target improvement opportunities by taking a closer
look at the data to determine the root causes of the process
problems and inefficiencies.
Figure-3 Cause & effect diagram for oil leak from rocker
Second cause is FIP fitment on line after timing
adjustment is difficult due to PTO cover fitted on engine.
Operator can’t see FIP rack engagement in FDC lever.
Analysis was carried out on flywheel bolt loose. Torque
gun problem & Mix-up of bolts in Engine assembly for
fitment of adapter plate on flywheel was found out to be the
cause and it was taking place due to the reason that there was
no identification mark on bolts. Since two types of bolts were
used in Engine Assembly. (Full threaded & half threaded)
they were not segregated in different bins hence the problem.
Figure-2 Pareto chart of Engine Quality Defects By carrying out cause and effect analysis various reasons for
The Pareto chart was prepared to prioritize defects and the problem were found out such as bolt not engaged
to find out probable causes. Specific data collected was properly, bolt thread under size, improper tightening of the
analyzed to prioritize root causes. And the same was bolts, operator fail to tight, gun torque not taken and wrong
validated by using statistical techniques. After analyzing the bolts on the line.
data it was found out that 80% of the defects were due to four Analysis was carried out on High Smoke. RC lever
/ five reasons (Refer Figure-2) such as oil leak from rocker crack in Engine assembly for fitment of RC lever was found
shaft, starting trouble and flywheel bolt loose/bolt missing, out to be the cause and it was taking place due to the reason
high smoke etc. all this defect are analysis using why-why that there was more torque given to fitment of RC lever. By
analysis, fishbone diagram & test of hypothesis. carrying out cause and effect analysis various reasons for the
Why-Why analysis was carried out to found out the problem were found out such as bumping more, NTP less,
problem of oil leak from rocker shaft. testing setting not ok, and injector hole block etc.
Analysis was carried out on fuel filter & pipe position
wrong. Fuel filter inlet & out pipe are fitted with wrong
position is problem in engine assembly. It was taking place
due to reasons that 1) mistake of skill of operator 2) mix up of
model of engine assembly.
Improvement in term of quality which consist of two
Root Cause Identified: approaches i.e. inspection side & cause side. Inspection side
Brass hammer used for pressing of rocker shaft in hole means improvement was done in term of inspection & solve
of cylinder head. Purpose of rocker shaft is use for to support problem that place by using inspection through skill of
rocker arms (inlet & exhaust). Due to this hammering, crack operator. Inspection side is one recent solution to stop
& burr is generated on cylinder head. Burr is got between problem. To add inspection stage in engine Assembly &
washer & banjo sealing face that why oil leak problem is testing for detect problem.
occur. Improper pressing method is main cause of this
problem & other two causes are entry chamfer not proper on
Engine Assembly & Testing Process Quality Improvement Using DMAIC Approach (Six-Sigma) - Case Study
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-6, June 2015
Difference = p (1) - p (2) many statistical software’s has made the analysis and
Estimate for difference: c application of various tools look simple and easy.
95% lower bound for difference: (0.0134233, 0.0194724) Six-sigma implementation on engine assembly/testing
Test for difference = 0 (vs. > 0): Z = 10.66 process resulting into huge savings and other associated
P-Value = 0.000 benefits leading to improved and robust process.
Result: P value is <0.05, OR Z at 0=10.66 > Z at DMAIC Methodology was found to be the greatest
0.05=1.645 motivator behind moving everyone in the organization. It has
So, Ho is rejected. been used to improve quality of diesel engine mostly.
It shows that after implementation of solutions at It may hence, be concluded that DMAIC (Six Sigma)
various stages of Engine manufacturing there is significant methodology has potential to address many Quality and
improvement at engine Assembly/testing process. productivity Improvement problems of modern times.
During control phase, the implemented solutions were
monitored with the help of various charts such as OPL [1] Neha Gupta, Dr.P.K.Bharti (2013); Implementation of Six Sigma for
Display chart, daily, weekly and monthly reports, Daily Minimizing The Defects Rate At A Yarn Manufacturing Company,
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basis. The improvements should be adhered to by providing [2] Lona, Reyes and Meier (2012) a Case Study of Defects Reduction in a
training to the staff, implementing various incentives Rubber Gloves Manufacturing Process by Applying Six Sigma
schemes and adhering to the modified systems. Standard Principles and DMAIC Problem Solving Methodology, International
Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management
operation procedure (SOP) were monitored & updated Istanbul, Turkey
according to improvement. Control chart is used to [3] S. Suresh, A. L. Moe and A. B. Abu (2015) Defects Reduction in
monitoring rejection of engine quality defect quantity. Manufacturing of Automobile Piston Ring Using Six-Sigma Journal
of Industrial and Intelligent Information Vol. 3, No. 1, 32-38
[4] Dr. Rajendra Takale and Swapnil Dere (2012) Improving HN Fuse
Link Process & Product Quality using Six Sigma Methodology
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[5] Siddhant Aphale, Kiran Kakade (2013) Reduction in Rework of an
This criterion describes the main goal of this project
Engine Step Bore Depth Variation using DMAIC and Six Sigma
that was to reduce the problems (defects) in engine approach : A case study of Engine Manufacturing Industry,
Assembly/ testing process due to Engine Quality Issue and to International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Technical Research
improve the sigma level. After calculation Sigma level was Issue 3 volume 2,ISBN 2249-9954
found out to be improved considerable. [6] E. V. Gijo, Johny Scaria and Jiju Antony (2011) Application of Six
Sigma Methodology to Reduce Defects of a Grinding Process,
PPM for Engine Quality Defect Quality & Reliability Engineering International ,John Wiley & Sons,
= (Defect X 10, 00,000)/ (Production) Ltd.
= (5X 1000000)/ (7000) [7] Dr. R.L. Shrivastava, Khwaja Izhar Ahmad and Tushar N. Desai
= 714-------------- (DUPM) (2008) Engine Assembly Process Quality Improvement using Six
Corresponding Sigma level = 4.7 Sigma, Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 2008 Vol
III WCE 2008, July 2 - 4, 2008,ISBN 978-988
COST / BENEFIT IMPACT [8] S.M.Balaji Paramesh (2013);Lean Six Sigma Implementation in
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Cost of poor quality (COPQ) has been significantly and Production Engineering, ISSN: 2320-2092
reduced By 45 % per annum ( 18% to 10% of sale). [9] M.Naga Phani Sastry, M. Devaki Devi, E.Siva Reddy (2011);
Application of Six Sigma for Process Improvement and Variation
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Time impact is also important to this project, the [10] Virender verma, Amit Sharma, Deepak juneja (2013) Utilization of
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saved by not producing the defective engines and rework of International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science
Volume 2, Issue 6, ISSN 2091-273
the same.
Nitesh M. Kathar is currently student of second year Master of
The Six Sigma method is a project-driven management Engineering (Mechanical–Production Engineering) in Government College
approach based on the theories and procedures to reduce the of engineering, Aurangabad, India, having research interests in production
defects for a specified process. This paper presents the engineering field.
step-by-step application of the Six Sigma methodology for
Dr. S. A. Sonawane is the Associate Professor in Department of
increase sigma level of the assembly/testing process. Several Mechanical Engineering in GECA, Aurangabad, India, having teaching
statistical tools and techniques were effectively utilized to experience of about 20years.
make inferences during the project.
Mr. Santosh Badve is the HOD (Assembly& Testing Department), in
Greaves cotton private Ltd, Aurangabad, having industrial experience of 10
It has been found that organization achieved breakthrough years.
in reducing engine defects due to Six Sigma DMAIC
The structured DMAIC process leads to all round
improvement in a systematic manner and the evolution of