RX8 Short Manual 2007 PDF
RX8 Short Manual 2007 PDF
RX8 Short Manual 2007 PDF
• : Ti J - r n he r volution
Get started.
While no special run-in is necessary, constant speed for long periods; or periods. You should also avoid
a few precautions in the first 600 drive constantly at full-throttle or unnecessarily hard braking, full
miles may add to performance. We high engine rpm (over 7.000 rpm on throttle starts and towi ng during
strongly recommend you do not the 231 ps model and 5,500 rpm on this time. (p 4-6)
race the engine; maintain one the 192ps model) for extended
Add only 5W-30 oil or 10W-30 oil with The activation of the engine oil level
the grades specified in the Owners' warning light will automatically cut
Manual (p 8-16) We recommend you power to the engine, reducing the oil
use original Mazda Dexelia oil. The usage until supply can be replenished.
special oil kit supplied with your new
car can be re-supplied by your dealer.
Part number RX8C-OP-FFE.
The use of synthetic or semi-synthetic
oil is not recommended. The use of
these oils may result in excessive
carbon build-up.
Let it run.
Don't turn off a cold engine Starting procedure
To keep the engine in top condition, Should the engine fail to start, please Note - Continue to hold engine revs
the engine coolant temperature use the following procedure. at 1,500-2,000 rpm until engine runs
gauge needle should, ideally, reach smoothly. Allow engine to reach
the middle of the normal operating With ignition off, press accelerator operating temperature before
range between C and H before pedal to the floor and hold switching off, using the stopping
turning the engine off. 2 Turn key to start engine, keeping procedure.
pedal to the floor
3 If engine starts, release pedal to
avoid over-rewing engine
4 If engi ne does not start,
continue to hold key in the start
position for 8 seconds
5 After 8 seconds, release pedal and
engine should start
Stopping procedure
Should your Mazda RX·8 not reach If the engine still fails to start with
normal operating temperature before the above measure, have your
the end of your journey, please use vehicle inspected at your dealer.
the following stopping procedure. Do not keep holding the
ignition switch in the START
With engine running and position for more than 8
transmission in neutral, increase seconds if the engine does
engine revs to 4,000 rpm not start.
2 Hold revs at 4,000 rpm for Please avoid racing the engine
10 seconds immediately after starting.
3 Turn off the ignition while the If these tips are not followed,
engine is running at 4,000 rpm the engine may be damaged
4 With the pedal held in this position, as a result.
allow the engine to stop turning.
This purges any unburnt fuel out of
the chambers
Spare wheel? Not for sports cars! The Instan Mobility System (lMS) After temporarily repairing a tyre
emergency flat tyre repair kit, found with the it, take the vehicle to an
In sports cars, spare wheels take up in the boot of the Mazda RX-8, Authorised Mazda Dealer/Repairer
valuable space and add urmecessary enables a temporary repa ir of a slightly or another specialist repairer to have
weight, so the Mazda RX-8 comes damaged flat tyre. the pundure repaired.
with sophisticated technology that
makes a traditional spare wheel Follow the instructions in the kit However, if you prefer to have a
unnecessary. and the manual (p 7-7 to 7-13) to conventional spare wheel, you can
repair and re-inflate the lyre. purchase it as an original Mazda
accessory from you dealer,
Tyre pressu res Up to 4 persons Full Lo~d
Make sure you check the tyre
225/45R1891W front 220 kP~ (2.2 b~r, 32 psi) 220 kP~ (2.2 b~r, 32 psi)
pressures regularly. This will maintain
optimum driving dynamics and help Rear 220 kP~ (2.2 b~f, 32 psi) 270 kP~ (2.7 bar, 39 psi)
in glovebox (p 3-11)
Audio system handle
Air-conditioning system operating switches
unleaded fuel with an octane of the driving seat, to the right, near
Keep it fit!
Wherever you are, wherever you're going, in more than 30 European countries Mazda European Assistance
will make sure you reach your destination. You benefit from rapid and reliable assistance in the event of an
emergency such as breakdown, theft or accident. For further details please see your owners' literature. WHAJrm
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If you need help on the road, just call our hotline for immediate advice and assistance.
Mazda Helpline: 08457 48 48 48
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September 2006
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