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Lyceum of the Philippines University – Cavite Research Journal SHS Edition| Volume I, No.

I | November 2019
Prospective Study of Tight Diamond Interchange
Between Antero Soriano Highway and Gen. Trias Drive in Barangay Tejero, General
Trias City, Cavite
Justine U. Sto. Domingo1, Vincent Paul Ardina2, Angelica T. Garcia3, Carlo Ilan4
Lyceum of the Philippines University - Cavite
jtine129@gmail.com1, vincentardina14@gmail.com2, ag5156320@gmail.com3, carlojimron2@gmail.com4

Abstract – In third world countries like Philippines, where the number of vehicles continuously increases
faster than the available traffic infrastructure to support them, congestion is a difficult issue to deal with and it
becomes even worse in case of car accidents. This problem affects many aspects of the modern society, including
economic development, traffic accidents, increase in time spent, and health damages. Barangay Tejero was already
suffering in terms of infrastructure as well as operational efficiencies. The research aimed to identify if constructing
an interchange can reduce the road issues on the stated area. The results from the analysis indicated that there's a
road problem in Antero Soriano Highway and Gen. Trias Drive Intersection Road due to congestion, causing exces-
sive travel delays, particularly, during peak hours and negatively affecting productivity. Therefore, providing an
interchange as well as improvement in the traffic management and control system should be given attention to im-
prove the transportation system in Barangay Tejero, specifically in the intersection.

Keywords: congestion, interchange, traffic management, intersection

INTRODUCTION of traffic between two or more roadways or highways on

This study focuses on creating a possible way to different levels (AASHTO, 2011).
reduce traffic and road conflicts in Barangay Tejero, Chen and Yang classified the diamond
General Trias City, Cavite. By providing a tight diamond interchange with one- intersection into two types: one
interchange design, the researchers wants to assess the has frontage roads, the other no frontage roads.
high level of traffic pattern in the stated area. Traffic Specifications for design urban road combined the
congestion is such a problem that engineers and literatures which have the capacity calculation model and
researchers find innovations that will enhance traffic methods, calculate the typical lane layout’s capacity
flow, ultimately leading to alleviation of congestion. respectively (Chen and Yang, 2009).
(Bared and Kaisar, 2012). Interchanges might be a one In U.S. Nationwide, diamond interchange is the
alternative solution to the problem (Bared and Kaisar, most frequently used type of interchange facility, 45
2012). In the Philippines, traffic congestion is also a percent of all urban interchanges have a diamond
problem. According to Metro Manila’s Traffic Problem configuration (Song, 2012). Engineers revealed that
of 2015, billions of pesos are lost due to the traffic diamond interchanges is the simplest and most common
congestion which happens every day. type of interchange, in addition, it is low-cost and easy to
Effectively designed interchanges allow for implement (Song, 2012).
traffic and land use control that optimize both traffic Diamond interchanges offer several advantages. One
safety and operations (Bonneson, 2012). There are an benefit is that all traffic can leave the major roads at
estimated 17,800 interchanges on the U.S Interstate relatively high speeds. Driver expectations are also met
Highway System and about 6,900 on other access- because all the entrances and exits are on the right side
controlled highways. Less than 35 percent of these (Thompson, 2003).
interchanges are also located in more rural areas
The AASHTO Policy on Geometric Air Design Traffic and congestion is an issue that’s only
of Highways and Streets (also known as the “Green getting worse. To address these problems, traffic
Book”) describes an interchange as a system of engineers have developed the innovative diamond⁶
interconnecting roadways, in conjunction with one or interchange design. The aim of this study is to assess the
more grade separations that provides for the movement high level of traffic pattern and road issues by providing
Lyceum of the Philippines University – Cavite Research Journal SHS Edition| Volume I, No. I | November 2019
a tight diamond interchange design. intersection cause the unstable flow.


For the purposes of this research, the researchers has
decided to use descriptive statistics analysis that The vehicular volume during the three (3) hour
describes the features of the collection of data. The survey is presented on Table 1. It is noticed that there are
results were also analysed manually. The about 11,360 vehicles that flow at the intersection during
experimentation will focus on gathering traffic density, the cited number of hours in a day. Thus the volume or
traffic flow, space headways and travel speed. Those data flow is 3787 vehicles per hour for the three-hour survey.
will possibly help the researchers to answer the research
questions with factual answers. Table 1. Distribution of vehicle volume during the 3
hour survey
Gather the Materials
The researchers will gather the data needed in the
research. The following data are traffic density, traffic
flow, average travel speed of vehicles and the space
headways between cars.

All data will be gathered by manual counting and the
use of video camera which is essential for capturing and
detecting vehicles. Vehicles are classified into three (3)
groups; public, private and motorcycle vehicles. After
gathering the data, the researchers shall start numerical
data analysis. The researchers will calculate first the
traffic density or the number of vehicles. It is measured
by dividing the number of vehicles (m) that occupy a
segment of a road of a length (L). It tells how significant
the congestion of cars on the road. If the density reaches
its maximum, the flow drops to zero, as a traffic jam is As the researcher observed to those vehicle
formed. After finding the traffic density, the researchers contribute in traffic congestion,
will easily measure the headways between cars. It can be
measured by calculating the reciprocal of the traffic Motorcycle vehicles has the 26% contribution in
density (1/d). And the traffic flow measured by observing the traffic congestion. It only accommodate small
a road and noting down the number of vehicles passing amount of space. The only problem that researcher
by. To convert this number into the hourly rate, the noticed that, this vehicle are always trying to overtake to
researchers need to use the equation (flow = n / t). Lastly, big vehicles that causes collisions.
measuring the average travel speed of vehicles by
calculating traffic density and traffic flow (speed = f * d). Private vehicles the articulated 26% among the
other vehicles because that is commonly used as the beast
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION of burden to deliver their goods. Private owner of
1. Traffic Characteristics of the Intersection vehicles are one of the contributing factors.
Under Study
Public vehicles has 37.5% among the other
In Gen. Trias and Antero Soriano Road vehicles which has the major contribution in the traffic
intersection being studied, it was observed that during congestion. This includes the jeepney and buses.
peak periods, public vehicles contributed much to the Figure 1 presented the traffic volume in the three
worsening of the traffic situation of the area. Likewise, (3) hour survey period of public, private and motorcycle
some of the private vehicles including trucks that are vehicles.
bound to the north and even to the south are contributory
to the said situation of the city. The unregulated stoppage
of vehicles and loading and unloading near the
Lyceum of the Philippines University – Cavite Research Journal SHS Edition| Volume I, No. I | November 2019

Figure 1: Traffic Flow

1.3 Peak Hour Period

The vehicular volume of the intersection under

study during the peak hour period is shown on Table 2
and 3. It is revealed that 11-12 is the peak hour in the
morning. The density in Antero Soriano Highway is 256
vehicles per km while the Gen. Trias Drive has 180
vehicles per km. It states that Antero Soriano Highway
got a higher traffic density than the other road. The
Travel speed ranges from 10 km per hour up to 14 km Figure 2: Intersection flow chart during peak hour (11-
per hour. 12NN)

Table 2: Data from 11:00 am – 12:00pm

(Antero Soriano Highway)

Type No. of Head-

of Length Vehicles Density way T. S.
Vehicle per hr.)
Public 860
Private 0.50km 1000 256veh/km 3.903m 14.0
Motor- km/h

Table 3 : Data from 11:00am to 12:00 pm

(Gen Tri. Drive)

Type No. of Head-

of Length Vehicle Density way T.S.
Vehicl s (per
e hr.)
Public 700
Private 0.50k 600 180veh/k 5.556 10
Motor- m m m km/
cycle h

Figure 3: Intersection flow chart during peak hour (11-


Lyceum of the Philippines University – Cavite Research Journal SHS Edition| Volume I, No. I | November 2019
Based on the findings of this study the [1] Tribdino, (2016). ROAD SAFETY ISSUE NO.
following conclusions and recommendations are drawn: 5: Protecting the Filipino pedestrian
https://verafiles.org › articles › road-...
1. The Traffic flow or volume of vehicles that
traverse the intersection located in Gen. Trias [2] H. Wang, X. Q. (2010). Development of a Safety
Drive and Antero Soriano Highway, Tejero, Performance Function for Signalized
General Trias City, Cavite is very alarming
because there are about 11,360 vehicles of [3] AASHTO. (2010). Highway Safety Manual,
different modes of transportation. Therefore the First Edition. Washington, DC.
flow in the intersection is 3,787 vehicles per
hour. It is recommended that the LGUs of the [4] AASHTO. (2011). A Policy on Geometric
said city should review their traffic scheme or Design of Highways and Streets "AASHTO
traffic management scheme and reroute the Green Book".
vehicles to other alternative roads in order to
[5] Bonneson, J. Z. (2012). Review and
reduce the traffic flow in the intersection.
evaluation of interchange ramp design.
Likewise, the researchers recommends to Texas Transportation Institute.
provide an right interchange design which is the
Tight Diamond Interchange Configuration to [6] E. Kaisar, J. H. (2015). Traffic Impact
assess the high level of traffic pattern and Assessment of Partial Cloverleaf
alarming volume of vehicles in the stated area. Interchange.

2. The peak period in the morning along Gen. Trias [7] James Bonneson, S. G. (2012). Safety Prediction
Drive and Antero Soriano Highway Road Methodology and Analysis Tool for Freeways
Intersection is within the period of 11am-12NN. and Interchanges. National Cooperative
The local media should inform the public about Highway Research Program, Transportation
the traffic situation of a certain road or Research Board, 5
intersection so that the drivers can take
alternative routes in case of traffic congestion in [8] . Chen, T, Yang, S. W. (2009). Study on Traffic
Capacity of Intersection with Mainline
the area.
Separated, Changan University.
3. Average speed during peak hour indicates that
the movement of vehicles in the stated area is
slower than normal speed of 20km/h.

4. The space headways between cars 3 to 6 meters.

3 meters distance between two cars is quite near.
Therefore, vehicles is at high risk of accidents.

5. Strict implementation of traffic rules and

regulations. Add more traffic enforcer to regulate
the traffic.

6. Traffic officers should have seminars to widen

their knowledge on how to implement traffic
laws and regulations.

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