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Proceeding of International Seminar on Tropical Bio-Resources for Sustainable Bio-Industry

Dr. Fenny Martha Dwivany (Eds.) et al. – Bandung

Penerbit ITB
Editor in Chief : Dr. Fenny Martha Dwivany
Content editor : Ramadhani Eka Putra, PhD
English editor : Ramadhani Eka Putra, PhD
Designer : Dr. Alvanov Zpalanzani, MM (cover) and Liska Berlian, M.Si. (layout)

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data

Proceeding of International Seminar on Tropical Bio-Resources for Sustainable Bio-Industry by
Dr. Fenny Martha Dwivany (Ed.) et al. – Bandung:
Penerbit ITB, 2016.
117 p., 25 cm.

1. Proceeding of International Seminar on Tropical Bio-Resources for Sustainable Bio-Industry

ISBN 978-602-7861-30-5
Penerbit ITB, Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung 40132, Telp: (022) 2504257
Fax: (022) 2534155
e-mail: itbpress@bdg.centrin.net.id

Title Page i
A. Feed 11
B. Fertilizer 40
C. Fiber 53
D. Food 70
E. Fuel 122
F. Health 151
G. Poster 184
List of Manuscripts Accepted to be Published at Journal of 189
Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences
List of Manuscripts Accepted to be Published at Hayati Journal of
Biosciences 190
List of Reviewers 191


We are very pleased to present proceeding of International Seminar on Tropical Bio-resources for
Sustainable Bio-Industry 2013 (ISTB 2013). This seminar covered various bio-based research and
applied research to support health, food, animal feed, fiber, fertilizer and fuel industries.

More than 300 participants have joined this seminar ranged of participants representing universities,
research institutions, organizations, companies and government agencies from Indonesia and other
countries such as the United States, Australia, Japan, Germany, Thailand, and Malaysia. Twenty-
seven prominent scientists and experts in bio-based research as well as bio-based industry addressed
the seminar. Additionally we have also received more than 80 full paper submissions for this seminar.
Selected papers have published at Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental Sciences (ITB Journal)
and Hayati Journal of Biosciences and this proceeding. It took more almost 3 years since seminar in
order to make sure all published material comply with publication standard and author request.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere gratitude to all honorable keynote
speakers : Prof. Ferid Murad, Prof. James Dale, Prof. Eiichiro Fukusaki, Prof. Oliver Kayser, Prof.
Takeshi Ohama and Prof. Shuichi Kawai. We would also like to thank all honorable invited speakers
and participants who will share their experiences, ISTB Steering, Scientific Committees and
Reviewers for their continuous support. Special thanks for all seminar sponsors and contributors:
LPPM ITB, Rumah Sakit Hasan Sadikin (RSHS), PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur, PT. Astra Agro
Lestari, PT. New Module International, Medquest, PT. Buchi Indonesia, Biofarma, Mayasari Bakery,
PT. Sewu Segar Nusantara, BPPT, NARC, and SITH Research Groups and staff members. This
seminar could not have been made possible without your support and great efforts.

Bandung, 1st April 2016

Dr. Fenny Martha Dwivany

Seminar Chairperson


Advisory Board
Prof. Dr. Ahmaloka, Rektor of Institut Teknologi Bandung

Steering committee
Prof. Dr. Tati S. Syamsudin, Dean SITH – ITB
Dr. Pingkan Aditiawati, Vice Dean of Academic SITH – ITB
Dr. Endah Sulistyawati, Vice Dean of Resource SITH – ITB
Prof. Dr. Djoko T. Iskandar
Prof. Intan Ahmad, PhD
Prof. Dr. Sri Nanan B. Widiyanto

Scientific Committee
Prof. Abdul Latif Ibrahim (Selangor University – Malaysia)
Prof. Shigehiko Suzuki (Shizuoka University – Japan)
Dr. Ines Atmosukarto (Lipotek Pty Ltd. – Australia)
Dr. Harjeet Khanna (Queensland University of Technology – Australia)
Dr. Herry Utomo (Louisiana State University – USA)
Dr. Rizkita R. Esyanti (SITH- ITB)
Dr. Tjandra Anggraeni (SITH- ITB)
Dr. Anggraini Barlian (SITH- ITB)

Organizing Committee
Chairperson : Dr. Fenny Martha Dwivany
Member : Dr. Sony Heru Sumarsono Basuki Satyagraha, MP.
Dadang Sumardi, MP. Ichsan Suwandhi, M.Si.
Dr. Sri Harjati Suhardi Noor Rahmawati, M.Si.
Dr. Rina Ratnasih Dr. Rijanti Rahayu Maulani
Dr. Ayda T. Yusuf Ujang Dinar Husyari, MP.
Dr. Ramadhani Eka Putra Novi Tri Astutiningsih M.Sc.
Dr. Yayat Hidayat Neil Priharto S.Si. MT
Dr. Trimurti Hesti Wardini Dr. Entin Hendartin
Dr. Indra Wibowo Ihak Sumardi, Ph.D.

Secretariat assistants: Liska Berlian, M.Si.

Listya Puspa Kirana, S.Si.
Syella Putri Naftali, M.Si.

Keynote Speakers

1. Prof. Ferid Murad (Nobel Laurette of Medicine 1998 George Washington

University, USA)
2. Prof. James Dale & tim (Queensland University of Technology, Australia)
3. Prof. Eiichiro Fukusaki (Osaka University, Japan)
4. Prof. Oliver Kayser (TU Durmont, Germany)
5. Prof. Takeshi Ohama (Kochi University of Technology, Japan)
6. Prof. Shuichi Kawai (Kyoto University, Japan)
7. Stefanus Indrayana (PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk.)
8. Dr. Neni Nurainy (PT. Biofarma)


Feed-01 Potential Use of Purple Bacteria as Carotenoid Source in Ornamental Fish Feed.................11

Feed-02 Optimization of Lovastatin Production Through Fermentation Process of Rice Bran and Tofu
Waste by Monascus purpureus..............................................................................................................19

Feed-03 The Effect of Different C:N Ratio to Bacterial Community in Giant Freshwater Prawn
(Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man) Nursery Using Zero-Water Discharge (ZWD) System............27

Feed-04 Effect of Supplementation of Sucrose and Ammonium Nitrate to Citric Acid Production by
Aspergillus niger in Solid State Fermentation of Pineapple Peel..........................................................28

Feed-05 The Optimizing of Growth and Quality of Chroococcus sp. as ASUH feed supplement for

Feed-06 Early Development of Nypa Palm Worm Namalycastis rhodochorde (Polychaeta,

Nereididae): Biological Perspective for Mass Production.....................................................................36

Feed-07 Studies on Vibrio Population in Zero Water Discharge System through Chlorella sp.,
Nitrifiying Bacteria and Probiotics Bacteria (Bacillus megaterium and/or Bacillus amyloliquefaciens)
Addition for Nursery Phase of Macrobrachium rosenbergii De Mann.................................................37

Feed-08 The Nutritive Performances of PUFA- Concentrate Supplemented with Yeast and Curcuma
xanthorrhiza, Roxb Stored in 2-6 weeks...............................................................................................38

Feed-09 Chemical composition and Nutrient Quality of Swamp Forage Ensiled with Lactobacillus

Fertilizer-01 Effects of Municipal Compost from TPK Sarimukti, Cipatat, on Vegetative Growth of
Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) and on Soil Quality................................................................................40

Fertilizer-02 The Role of Leaf Extracts as Plant-activator in Enhancing Tomato Plant Growth,
Productivity and Resistance to CMV (Cucumber Mosaic Virus).........................................................41

Fertilizer-03 Isolation and Identification of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) MOL (Indigenous

Microorganism) as Basic Development for Multifunctional Biofertilizer............................................42

Fertlizer-04 Effect of Fertilizer to Bee Visitation in Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum)...................43

Fertilizer-05 Effect of Silica Fillers on Characterization of Cellulose-Acrylamide Hydrogels Matrices

as Controlled Release Fertilizers............................................................................................................49

Fertilizer-06 Isolation and Molecular Identification of Endophytic Bacteria from Rambutan Fruits
(Nephelium lappaceum L.) Cultivar Binjai............................................................................................50

Fertilizer-07 A Preliminary Investigation; Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria which Adaptive to


Fertilizer-08 Synthesis and Properties of Controlled-Release Fertilizers based on Hydrogels of
Chitosan-Acrylamide Graft Copolymers Using Gamma Irradiation.....................................................52

Fiber-01 Chemical Characterization of Poly-gamma-Glutamic Acid Produced by Bacterial Strain
Isolated from Indonesian Natto..............................................................................................................53

Fiber-02 Effect of furnish materials on temperature and vapor pressure behavior in the center of mat
panels during hot-pressing.....................................................................................................................54

Fiber-03 Conversion of wood fiber to high refined cellulose using nitric acid, sodium hydroxide and
hydrogen peroxide as the delignificating agent.....................................................................................55

Fiber-04 Decay Resistance of Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Made From Pineapple Leaf

Fiber-05 Synthesis and Characterization of Bio-based Nanomaterial from Jabon (Anthocephalus

cadamba (Roxb.) Miq) Wood Bark : Organic Material Waste from Community Forest......................66

Fiber-06 Seedling Quality and Early Growth of Paraserianthes falcataria (L) Nielsen F-2 Half-Sib
Plant in Progeny Test.............................................................................................................................67

Fiber-07 Preliminary Evaluation On Genetic Variation of Two Year Old Surian (Toona Sinensis
Roem) Progeny Test Plants Assessed by RAPD Marker.......................................................................68

Fiber-08 Effect of Board Type on Some Properties of Bamboo Strandboard.......................................69

Food-01 Embryo Incision as a New Technique to Double Seedling Production of Indonesian Elite
Coconut Type"Kopyor".........................................................................................................................70

Food-02 Induction of Somatic Embryos From Leaf and Stem Nodal Section of Potato (Solanum
tuberosum L.)........................................................................................................................................71

Food-03 Cloning of P5CS Gene from Saccharum officinarum L.........................................................72

Food-04 Planning of Seaweed Cultivation, Eucheuma cottonii to Support Sustained Development of

Sentra Minapolitan in District Serang, Banten Province......................................................................73

Food-05 Storage Temperature and Fungicide Effect on Fruit Quality During Storage Period: A Case
Study in PT Mayasari Bakery...............................................................................................................83

Food-06 Analysis of MaACS2, a stress-inducible 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid synthase

gene in Musa acuminata AAA Group cultivar Pisang Ambon.............................................................90

Food-07 Study on The Production of Chitosan from Giant Fresh Water Prawn (Macrobachium
rosenbergii) Shell from Local Restaurant Waste..................................................................................91

Food-08 Promoting Dolichoderus thoracicus as an agent to disperse Trichoderma sp, a fungi that
control the black pod disease, in Center of Sulawesi-Indonesia...........................................................98

Food-09 Improvement of Cavendish Banana Embryo Cultures (Musa acuminata colla (AAA Group))
Using Transformation Mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens Strain GV3101/pBI121...................99

Food-10 Dynamics of Cocoa Beans‟ Pulp Degradation during Cocoa Bean Fermentation: Effects of
Yeast Starter Culture Addition.............................................................................................................100

Food-11 Chitinase (MaChi) Gene from Indonesian Banana Plant: Isolation, Characterization, and the
Use as Molecular Marker for Disease Resistance................................................................................101

Food-12 Expression Study of LeGAPDH, LeACO1, LeACS1A, and LeACS2 In Tomato Fruit
(Solanum lycopersicum) for Future Agroindustry Application...........................................................102

Food-13 Optimization of Fermented Tofu with High Isoflavone Content through Variation of
Percentages and Inoculum Ratios of Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and
Leuconostoc mesenteroides..................................................................................................................103

Food-14 Application of Clay Pot as Post Harvest Storage for Tomato...............................................104

Food-15 The Study of Pisang Raja Bulu (Musa sp. AAB group) MaACS1Genes Expression during
Post-Harvest Storage for Food Industry Application...........................................................................110

Food-16 Expression Study of Pathogenic Resistance Genes for Genetic Improvement of Banana....111

Food-17 Somatic Embryogenesis from Male Flowers of Cavendish banana (Musa acuminata Colla,

Food-18 Addition of plant extracts on the production of coconut sugar and antioxidant activity

Food-19 In vitro Regeneration of Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica (L) Beauv) cv. Buru hotong.............121

Fuel-01 The bioprospect of Croton tiglium L. and Ricinus communis L. as a source material for

Fuel-02 Sustainability of the Palm Oil Industry through Oil Recovery and Creation of Products from
Oil Palm Wastes...................................................................................................................................128

Fuel-03 Expression of β-Glucosidae Gene From Deep Sea Metagenome of Kawio Archipelago North

Fuel-04 A New Method for Producing Bioethanol from the Lignocellulose of Meranti bakau by
Enzymatic Saccharification and Fermentation....................................................................................137

Fuel-05 Oleaginous Yeast with Cmc-Ase Activities For Biofuel Production.....................................138

Fuel-06 Cassava Pulp Hydrolysis under Microwave Irradiation with Oxalic Acid Catalyst..............139

Fuel-07 Litsea cubeba essential oil yield harvested from different site types in Mt.Papandayan, West
Java Indonesia......................................................................................................................................140

Fuel-08 Stability of cassava promising clones for high yield using AMMI model.............................141

Fuel-09 The Effect of Stimulant Compound to Biogenic Methane Formation and Dynamics of
Bacterial Population in Coal Bed Methane.........................................................................................149

Fuel-10 Bacterial Community Structure of Planktonic Cells and Biofilm at Saguling Hydro Power
using Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis (DGGE)...................................................................150

Health-01 The cytotoxic poliketides of an endophytic fungus Mycoleptodiscus indicus against T47D
cells isolated from Indonesian medicinal plant Thyponium divaricatum L.Decne..............................151

Health-02 The natural cytotoxic compounds of endophytic fungi from medicinal plant Thyponium
divaricatum L.Decne............................................................................................................................158

Health-03 Optimization of Sucrose Concentration on Somatic Embryos Formation and Maturation of

Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia Jack.).............................................................................................164

Health-04 The Effect of Islet Langerhans Transplantation on Blood Glucose Level of Alloxan Induced
Diabetic Rats (Rattus norvegicus, Wistar)...........................................................................................165

Health-05 Antibacterial, Antifungal and Anticancer Activity of Five Strains of Soil Microorganism
Isolated from Tangkuban Perahu Mountain by Fermentation Process................................................166

Health-06 Preliminary Study of Anticancer Activity from Brown Algae (Phaeophyta) Extracts.......167

Health-07 Expression and Purification of Fusion Gene HBcAg-HBsAg in Escherichia coli


Health-08 Antidiabetic and Antidiarrheal Activity of Ant Plants (Myrmecodia pendens Merr &

Health-09 The In silico binding interaction of Oseltamivir Derivatives with H7N9 Haemagglutinin
and Neuraminidase...............................................................................................................................170

Health-10 The Potency of Propolis as Reactive Oxygen Species Inhibitor in Diabetic Mice.............171

Health-11 Primary Monkey Trachea Cell Culture Express The Substansial Components for Influenza
Virus Internalization............................................................................................................................172

Health-12 Histopathological Changes in Rat's Substantia Nigra pars Compacta and Pyramidal Tract
Exposed to Crude Extract from Derris elliptica Benth Roots.............................................................173

Health-13 Subchronic Exposure Effect of Crude Extract from Derris elliptica Benth Roots on Rat's
Balance and Motor Coordination........................................................................................................174

Health-14 The asymetry of Rat's Forelimb Spontaneous Movement Following Administration of

Crude Extract from Deriis elliptica Benth Roots................................................................................175

Health-15 Optimization of Fermentation Process of Pummelo (Citrus grandis) Juice with Variation of
Sucrose Levels Using Sachharomyces cereviciae to Improve Total Phenolic Content as

Health-16 Medicinal Compounds Production by Vetiveria zizanioides Root Cultures.......................177

Health-17 Construction and Expression of A Synthetic Gene Encoding Protein NS1 From Dengue
Virus-3 As A Target Molecule For Development of Diagnostic Kits.................................................178

Health-18 Isolation and Construction of 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl-coenzyme a Reductase 1 Gene

(hmgr1) from Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f) Wallich. Ex Nees..................................................179

Health-19 The Expression Pattern of GH1 in Normal and Propoxur-induced Abnormality in Zebrafish
(Danio rerio) Embryos.........................................................................................................................180

Health-20 Mixed Culture Fermentation With Rhizopus oligosporus and Micrococcus luteus to
Enhance Isoflavone Aglycone and Factor 2 Production and Antioxidant Activity of Soybean..........181

Health-21 The Influence of Plant Growth Regulators on Callus Induction In Vitro Culture
Development of Rauwolfia serpentina Benth Ex Kurz.......................................................................182

Health-22 Stable transformation of medicinal plant Andrographis paniculata callus mediated by

Agrobacterium tumefacien...................................................................................................................183


Poster-01 Microbes as a source of enzyme..........................................................................................184

Poster-02 Spices and herbs as a sources of nanosizes antioxidant for food quality............................185

Poster-03 Probiotics as the source of bioactive compound with antimicrobial activity......................186

Poster-04 Total phenolic, flavonoid, carotenoid content in various extracts of white guava leaves and
correlation with antioxidant capacities................................................................................................187

Poster-05 In vitro antioxidant capacities of various extracts of red kidney bean seeds and correlation
with total phenolic, flavonoid, carotenoid content...............................................................................188

FEED - 01
Potential Use of Purple Bacteria as Carotenoid Source in Ornamental Fish
Nina Hermayani Sadi1, Miratul Maghfiroh1 & Tri Widiyanto1

Pusat Penelitian Limnologi LIPI, Komplek LSC LIPI Jl. Raya Bogor Km. 46, Cibinong Bogor, 16911. Telp.
021 8757075
Email: nina@limnologi.lipi.go.id

ABSTRACT - Carotenoid in purple bacteria is potential to be used as colorant agent for ornamental fish
feed. The purpose of this research was to evaluate the potency of five purple bacteria isolates, namely IR5,
IR,9, JPR1, Naga1n and Lp Pasir, maintained by The Laboratory of Microbiology, Research Center for
Limnology LIPI. The study was focused on characterization of isolates, analyzing the spectral absorption
and carotenoid content. The result showed that, all isolates were rod-shape and Gram‟s negative bacteria
with 72 hour of logarithmic phase. All isolates had bacteriochlorophyll-a as photosynthetic apparatus. The
highest content of total carotenoid was found in isolate IR5, followed by IR9, Lp Pasir, Naga1, and JPR1,
respectively. Total carotenoid in all isolates was higher than krill, shrimp, krill oil, yeast, and shrimp oil
which are commonly used as colorant agent for ornamental fish. Type of caretoid mostly found in mostly
found in IR5, IR9, JPR1, and Naga1 was Carotenoid rhodopinal, while Lp Pasir was dominated by
carotenoid spheroidene.

Keywords: purple bacteria; photosynthetic apparatus; carotenoid; colorant agent; ornamental fish.

Indonesia is the fifth largest country exporting ornamental fish after Czech Republic, Thailand, Japan,
Singapore with the total value approximately ranging between USD 60 million and USD 65 million.
In 2012, the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries noted that the gross production of ornamental
fish in 2012 was 978 million individuals, which was 15.16% higher than the production target of 850
million individuals. The future production opens wide opportunities for greater expansion since
Indonesia is the shelter more than 450 species of total 1,100 species of ornamental fish in the world.
However, in order to improve the value of exporting ornamental fish, technologies related to
production need to be developed. Singapore, for instance, has applied better technology in supplying
finest ornamental fish which likely become the most favored by consumer even though Singapore has
limited numbers of species and geographical space as compared to Indonesia (Antara News; Bisnis
Keuangan, 2013).
The development of technology for ornamental fish in Indonesia can be divided into two major
strategies: (1) improvement of the grade and quality of ornamental fish to meet the standards of
international market and (2) improvement from inferior to highly valued and superior ornamental fish.
The enhancement of quality of ornamental fish can be attained by applying the high quality feed to the
hosts/fish. One of the significant components for highly qualified feed is carotenoids that emphasize
and strengthen the colorants of ornamental fish (Lesmana and Daelami, 2010).
In the present time, carotenoids in fish feed are derived from vegetable matters e.g the flower of
marigold (Tagetes erecta L.) (Sukarman and Chumaidi, 2010), shrimp carapace flour, and
semisynthetic agents. The latest research showed particular evolvement in the production of microbe-
based-carotenoid supplement from Monascus sp., algae, Blakeslea trispora (Dufosse, 2006), and
Paracoccus sp. [Harker et al., 1998; European Food Safety Authority, 2007).
Purple bacteria from the group of sulphur photosynthetic have been very useful as bioremediation
agents in aquaculture (Widiyanto, 1996; Anonim, 2003). During bioremediation process, these
bacteria absorb toxic H2S gas and subsequently oxidize it during anoxygenic photosynthesis to form
sulfuric substance and/or sulphate that are non toxical for aquatic life.
These bacteria have vividly strong pigments trapped in its cell membranes. This pigment consists of
carotenoids and bacteriochlorophyll and acts as a system to capture the lights during the process of
anoxygenic photosynthesis (Pfennig and Truper, 1991).
The Laboratory of Microbiology, Research Center for Limnology LIPI, Cibinong has collected a
number of isolates from the group of purple bacteria. These bacteria were previously used as the
bioremediation agents in shrimp‟s pond and exhibited qualified potential as the carotenoid source for
feed. This study aimed to evaluate the isolates of purple bacteria which potentially perform the finest
carotenoids source in ornamental fish feed.

Sample preparation
Purple bacteria used in this study were the collection of Microbiology Laboratory, Research Center
for Limnology LIPI, Cibinong. The samples were aseptically taken from water and sediment samples
of shrimp‟s ponds and coastal areas in Karawang and Lampung. The five isolates are coded to IR5,
IR9, JPR1, Lp. Pasir, and Naga1.
Prior to the experiment, all the isolates were rejuvenated and multiplied in liquid and solid media of
Sea Water Complete (SWC). The composition of the media (per L) is bacto peptone 5 g (Difco), yeast
extract 1 g (Difco), gliserol 3 mL, sea water 750 mL, and distilled water 250 mL. The solid media
contain similar composition to that of liquid with the addition of 15 g of bacto agar (Difco) to the 1L
medium. Isolates were incubated for 3 days at ambient temperature. The supply of light was provided

by bulb powered with 40 W. Approximate distance from the light source to the culture incubated was
40 centimeters (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Incubation condition

Isolate Characterization
Characterization of bacteria includes the observation of cell shape, Gram‟s identification, and growth
pattern. Cell shape was examined by Zeiss Axiolab microscope using 1600x magnification. Safranin
or crystal violet was applied prior to microscopic observation. Gram‟s identification referred to Ryu‟s
method (Powers, 1995). This method is based on the reaction of the membrane cell towards KOH 3%
solution. The changes in Optical Density (OD) of cultivated bacterial stock in SWC liquid medium
represent the growth pattern. The observations were carried out every 24 hours using
spectrophotometer at 640 nm (Widiyanto, 1996).

Spectral Absorption
The monitoring of spectral pattern referred to the method proposed by Imhoft and Caumette (2004).
The three day incubated cell culture in liquid SWC was centrifuged at 8000 rpm for 10 minutes at
40C. The supernatant was discharged and the pellet was washed three times with NaCl 0,85%, re-
suspensed in 60% sucrose and subsequently homogenized by vortex-mixer. The spectral absorption
was measured by spectrophotometer UV-Vis Genesys 10S at 300 nm to 1000 nm wavelength.

Total Carotenoid Content

Total carotenoid was analyzed using modification method of Apriantono et al. (1989). Carotenoid in
bacterial cell was extracted four times using two different concentrations of acetone-hexane solutions.
In the first extraction, solution of 40 mL acetone : 60 mL hexane was added subsequently to 20 mL of
three-day-old cultured cells and stirred for 5 minutes at 300C. After the first extraction, the bacterial
pellets were extracted three times using solution of acetone-hexane (1:1) in the same conditions. The
carotenoid extracts from all extraction process were collected and dehydrated by the addition of
Na2SO4. After filtering step, carotenoid extract was analysed by spectrophotometer at 436 nm. Beta-
carotene was used as the standard solution.

Result and Discussion

The Characteristic and Growth Pattern
Essentially, the phototrophic bacteria comprise of two different groups including purple bacteria and
green sulphur bacteria. Spherical-, rod-, vibrio- or spiral-shaped are instances of the cell shapes
identified from phototrophic bacteria. According to its Gram‟s reaction, all phototrophic bacteria are

Gram-negative (Pfennig and Truper, 1974). All purple bacterial isolates used in this study showed
rod-shaped cells with Gram negative reactions. Table 1 outlines the result of Gram‟s staining and cell-
shape observations.

Table 1 Cell shape and Gram identification of purple bacteria

Isolate Picture Cell Shape Gram’s Reaction

IR5 Rod Negative

IR9 Rod Negative

JPR1 Rod Negative

Lp Pasir Rod Negative

Naga1 Rod Negative

During the incubation period, five purple bacterial isolates began to enter stationary phase after 72
hours (Figure 2). At that time, the greatest value of OD was produced by isolates IR5, followed by
IR9, Naga1, Lp Sand, and JPR1 respectively.


Absorbance (at 640 nm)

1.5 IR5
1 JPR1
Lp Pasir

0 24 48 72 96 120 144 168 192 216 240 264
Incubation Time (hours)

Figure 2 The growth curve of isolates IR5, IR9, JPR1, Lp Pasir, and Naga1

Spectral Pattern
As anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria, purple bacteria phototrophically grow without producing
oxygen. Phototrophic bacteria are equipped by special cellular machinery, called photosynthetic
apparatus, to generate anoxygenic photosynthetic process. This apparatus involves of a membrane-
bound complex containing reaction center and light harvesting (antenna) pigment-protein complexes.
The proteins of reaction center and antenna noncovalently bind bacteriochlorophyll, carotenoids and
other cofactors in stoichiometric ratios (Imhoff, 2006). There are four major groups of
bacteriochlorophyll (i.e. bacteriochlorophyll-a, -b, -c, and –d) found in phototrophic bacteria in which
bacteriochlorophyll-a and –b are predominant in purple bacterial group. Absorption bands of
bacteriochlorophyll-a in vivo are at 375, 590, 805, and 830-890 nm, whereas bacteriochlorophyll-b
absorbs the wavelengths at 400, 605, 835-850, 1020-1040 nm (Pfennig and Truper, 1974). Absorption
bands of IR5, IR9, JPR1, Lp Pasir, and Naga1 are illustrated in Figure 3. According to the data, all
isolates performed bacteriochlorophyll-a in the photosynthetic apparatus since they had absorption
bands at 375, 585, 805, and 855 nm.
3,0 855


475 505
450 805 IR 5
2,0 585
IR 9
Naga 1
Lp Pasir








Wavelength (nm)

Figure 3 Absorption bands of intact cells in 60% sucrose solution

Isolate IR5, IR9, JPR1, and Naga1 had five peaks absorption at the wavelengths between 300-1000
nm, while isolate Lp Pasir had seven peaks. This difference was found at the wavelengths between
400-500 nm, in which the former group only had single peak at 495 nm, in contrast, Lp Pasir had
three peaks at 450, 475 and 505 nm (Table 2).

Table 2 Peak numbers of each isolate at the wavelengths between 300-1000 nm

Isolate Wavelength (nm) Peaks
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

IR5 375 - - 495 - 585 805 855 5

IR9 375 - - 495 - 585 805 855 5

JPR1 375 - - 495 - 585 805 855 5

Lp Pasir 375 450 475 - 505 585 805 855 7

Naga1 375 - - 495 - 585 805 855 5

The difference among the isolates might be due to the difference in carotenoid content of
photosynthetic apparatus. There are six classes of carotenoids in purple bacteria (lycopene and
rhodophin; spirilloxanthin; spheroidene; rhodopinal; okenone; 1,2-dihydro-derivatives of lycopene
and neurosporene) which have maximum absorption around 420-550 nm (Pfennig and truper, 1991).
Isolate IR5, IR9, JPR1, and Naga1 had a maximum absorption at 495 nm that might be as a result of a
highnumber of rhodopinal in their membranes as shown by the appearance of purple-violet color
(Figure 4) (Imhoff, 2006). Isolate Lp Pasir whose culture appeared brownish red, might produce
spheroidene as the major carotenoid. This was likely identified by its maximum absorption that
resembled the maximum absorption of spheroidene (450, 482, and 514 nm) (Figure 4) (Pfennig and
Truper, 1991).

Figure 4 Liquid culture of IR5, IR9, JPR1, Naga1, and Lp Pasir (left to right)

Carotenoid Content
Total carotenoid content of the five isolates varied from 1120 to 4950 mg/L culture. Isolate IR5 had
the highest content followed by IR9, Lp Pasir, Naga 1, and JPR1 respectively (Table 3).

Table 3 Content of total carotenoid in purple bacteria
No. Isolate Total Carotenoid Optical Density
(at 640 nm)

1 IR5 4.940 1.691

2 IR9 2.560 1.634

3 Lp Pasir 1.720 1.608

4 Naga1 1.380 1.478

5 JPR1 1.120 1.477

Their concentrations were greater than those originated from the krill, shrimp, krill oil, yeast, and
shrimp oil which are frequently utilized as fish feed ingredient (Lesmana and Daelami, 2009;
Sukarma and Chumaidi, 2010).
Maulid (2011) and Kurnia et.al. (2010) observed that adding carotenoid from purple bacteria and
marine bacteria Paracoccus sp. to fish feed could significantly enhance the coloration of rainbow fish
and red sea Bream. Some studies had revealed the biological function of carotenoids such as, anti-
inflammatory, antioxidants, anti-carcinogenic agents, species-specific colorant, prevention of chronic
diseases, vision, and cellular growth and development (Lee and Schmidt-Dannert, 2002; McGraw and
Ardia, 2003).
Moreover, Vrati, Kobayashi, and Kurata in Banarjee et.al. (2000) reported that phototropic bacteria
contained 40-60% protein and essential amino acid composition comparable with egg, algae, and
soybean. The study of Banarjee et.al. (2000) and Shapawi et.al. (2012) concluded that nutrition value
of purple bacteria promoted the quality of feed and could improve the growth rate, survival, and feed
convertion ratio in fish.

The five isolates of local purple bacteria maintained by Research Center for Limnology LIPI,
Cibinong provide great opportunity to be used as coloring agent due to their notable they carotenoid
content. Isolate IR5 is likely the most potential since it has the highest carotenoid content.

The authors gratefully acknowledge the support from the Hydroclimate Characterization and
Determination of the Status of Inland Water Ecosystems Research Program of Research Center for
Limnologi LIPI in 2013; and Ika Safrihatin for technical assistance in laboratory work.

Lesmana, D.S., Daelami, D. Panduan Lengkap Ikan Hias Air Tawar, Penebar Swadaya, 229-254, 2009.
Sukarman, Chumaidi. Bunga tai kotok (Tagetas sp.) sebagai sumber karotenoid pada pakan ikan hias, in
Prosiding Forum Inovasi Teknologi Akuakultur, Fahmi, M.R (ed.), pp. 803 – 807, 2010.
Dufosse, L. Microbial production of food grade pigment. Food Technology and Biotechnology 44(3): 313-321,

Harker, M., Hirschberg, J., Oren, A. Paracoccus marcusii sp. Nov., an orange Gram-negative coccus.
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 48: 543-548, 1998.
European Food Safety Authority, Scientific opinion of the Panel on Additives and Products or Substances used
in animal feed on safety and afficacy Panaferd-AX (red carotenoid-rich bacterium Paracoccus
carotinifaciens) as feed additives for salmon and trout. The EFSA Journal 546: 1-30, 2007.
Widiyanto, T. Bakteri Fotosintetik Anoksigenik sebagai biokondisioner di tambak udang: Pengurangan
produksi H2S dan pengaruhnya pada pertumbuhan Vibrio harveyi. [Magister thesis]. Bogor: Program
Pascasarjana, Institut Pertanian Bogor, 1996.
Anonim, Laporan Teknis, Pusat Penelitian Limnologi LIPI, pp. XIV 1-40, 2003.
Pfennig, N. & Trüper, H.G. The family Chromaticeae, The Prokaryotes Vol. IV, Dworkin, M., Falkow, S.,
Rosenberg, E., Scheifer, K.H., Stackebrandt, E., (Eds.), pp. 3200-3221, 1991.
Powers, E. Efficacy of the Ryu Nonstaining KOH Technique for Rapidly Determining Gram Reactions of Food-
Borne and Waterborne Bacteria and Yeasts. Journal of American Society for Microbiology 61: 3756-3758,
Imhoff, J.F., & Caumette, P. Recommended Standards for the Description of New Species of Anoxygenic
Phototrophic Bacteria. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 54: 1415-1421,
Apriyantono, A., Fardiaz, D., Puspitasari, N.L., Sedarnawati, Budiyantono, S. Petunjuk Laboratorium Analisis
Pangan, Penerbit Institut Pertanian Bogor. 1989.
Pfennig, N., Trüper, H.G. The Phototrophic Bacteria, Bergey‟s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology 8th
Edition, Buchanan, R.E. and Gibbon, N.E. (eds.), The Williams & Wilkins Company, pp 24 – 51, 1974.
Imhoff, J.F. The Phototrophic Alpha-Proteobacteria, The Prokaryotes Volume V 3rd Edition, Dworkin, M.,
Falkow, S., Rosenberg, E., Scheifer, K.H., Stackebrandt, E. (eds.), pp 41-64, 2006.
Imhoff, J.F. The Chromaticeae, The Prokaryotes Volume VI 3rd Edition, Dworkin, M., Falkow, S., Rosenberg,
E., Scheifer, K.H., Stackebrandt, E. (eds.), pp 846-873, 2006.
Maulid, M.A. Penambahan Karotenoid Total dari Bakteri Fotosintetik Anoksigenik Pada Pakan Untuk
Perbaikan PenampilanIkan Pelangi Merah (Glossolepis incisus) Jantan. [Skripsi]. Bandung: Fakultas
Perikanan Dan Ilmu Kelautan, Universitas Padjadjaran, 2011.
Kurnia, A., Satoh, S. and Hanazawa, S. Effect of Paracoccus sp. and Their Genetically Modified on Skin
Coloration of Red Sea Bream. HAYATI Journal of Biosciences 17(2): 79-84, 2010.
Lee, P.C., Schmidt-Dannert, C. Metabolic Engineering Towards Biotechnological Production Of Carotenoids
In Microorganisms, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 60: 1-11, 2002.
McGraw, K.J., Ardia, D.R. Carotenoids, Immunocompetence, and The Information Content of Sexual Colors:
An Experimental Test. The American Naturalist 162(6): 704-712, 2003.
Banarjee, S., Azad, S.A., Vikineswari, S., Selvaraj, O.S. and Mukherjee, T.K. Phototrophic Bacteria As Fish
Feed Supplement. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences 13 (7): 991-994, 2000.
Shapawi, R., Ting, T.E., Al-Azad, S. Inclusion of Purple Non-Sulfur Bacterial Biomass in Formulated Feed to
Promote Growth, Feed Conversion Ratio and Survival of Asian Seabass Lates Calcarifer Juveniles. Journal
of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 7(6): 475-480, 2012.

FEED - 02
Optimization of Lovastatin Production Through Fermentation Process of
Rice Bran and Tofu Waste by Monascus purpureus
Dea Indriani Astuti1 and Andhari Wahyuniar1

School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jalan Ganeca No. 10 Bandung
40132 West Java – Indonesia. Tel./Fax. 62 22 2534107 / 62 22 2511575.

Email: dea@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - Rice bran and tofu waste are food production byproducts in which their annual production are
quite high in Indonesia. The usage of rice bran and tofu waste is usually for raw material for animal feed. The
value of those byproducts can potentially increased through fermentation process. One of the added values is
producing lovastatin by fermentation process using Monascus purpureus. Lovastatin is a compound that can be
used to inhibit cholesterol synthesis in human and animal. The aim of this study is to obtain the composition of
rice bran and tofu waste that produce optimum quantity of lovastatin. Inoculum used in this fermentation is 10%
(v/w) spore inoculum of 108 hours M. purpureus spore with the density of 107 spores/ml. Fermentation process
is carried out for eight days at the temperature of 30 oC with ratio of rice bran and tofu waste 5:5, 6:4, 7:3 and
8:2. Variations in percentage of initial water content are 50%, 60%, 70% and 80%. The quantity of lovastatin is
measured by UV-VIS spectrophotometer and High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Analysis of
lovastatin production using UV-VIS spectrophotometer is conducted at wavelength of 370 nm and lovastatin is
extracted using ethanol:water (75:25). While, in analysis using HPLC method, lovastatin from sample is
extracted using ethyl acetate and acetonitrile. The highest amount of lovastatin produced, 341.7301 μg/g,
obtained from ratio of rice bran and tofu waste 5:5. Meanwhile, the optimum initial water content is 50% which
produced lovastatin up to 805.745 μg/g. Based on this results, it can be concluded that highest production of
lovastatin is obtained from fermentation process of rice bran and tofu waste ratio of 5:5 and 50% initial water

Key word: lovastatin, Monascus purpureus, rice bran, tofu waste

Rice bran is food production byproducts in which their annual production are quite high in Indonesia.
Rice bran is widely used for animal feed mixture but it still contains about 65% of total available
micronutrients in rice. Nutrition found in rice bran include carbohydrates, protein, vitamin B and
some mineral. Of the overall content of the nutrients found in rice bran, carbohydrate was the highest
Other food waste produced in high amount is tofu waste. It is known that the tofu waste produced per
yer reach until 731,501.5 tonnes in Indonesia and 48.153 tonnes in West Java. Tofu waste has a qite
high protein content of the amino acids lysine and methionine and high calcium (Mahfudz, 2006;
Yuslinawati, 2006).
The value of those byproducts could be added through fermentation process. Nuraini et al. (2012)
showed that fermented rice bran and tofu waste by Monascus purpureus can be used to produce
lovastatin and used as a feed mixture that has added value because it can lower cholesterol levels in
livestock that consume the fermented feed. Lovastatin can lower cholesterol level by preventing
oxidation of lipids and inhibit the action of HMG Co-A reductase competitively so mevalonate are
needed for cholesterol synthesis not formed (Rusli, 2011).
Rice bran is a common carbon source used for lovastatin production by fungi. In addition, rice bran
are also known to contain quite high protein and essential amino acids (Saputra, 2008) and addition of
organic nitrogen sources can increase the production of lovastatin (Hajjaj et al., 2001). One of
substrates that can be used as an organic nitrogen source is tofu waste. However, in order to get
nutritional balance needed for growth and metabolite production by microbes, perfect combined rice
bran and tofu waste as a substrate for fermentation should be obtained first. Furthermore, correct
initial moisture content of the substrate is also a very important parameter to regulate microbial
growth and metabolite production mainly on solid fermentation (solid state fermentation). Generally,
the optimum initial water content for lovastatin production by M. purpureus is about 60 to 70%
(Ganrong et al., 2003).
The aim of this study is to obtain the composition of rice bran and tofu waste and intial water content
that can produce optimum quantity of lovastatin. Variations of ratio rice bran:tofu wastre are used in
this experiment are 5:5, 6:4, 7:3 and 8:2. Variations in percentage of initial water content are used in
this experiment are 50%, 60%, 70% and 80%.

Materials and Methods

Determination of the best spore’s age as source of inoculum Monascus purpureus
Inoculum of M. purpureus in PDA medium initially dissolved using 0.85% NaCl and 0.1% Tween 80.
Spore suspension with the density of 106 spores/mL were inoculated in 13 test tubes medium
containing PDA (Poteto Dextrose Agar) medium. Each tube was sampled every 12 hours for 144
hours. Each sampling conducted by making spore suspensions using 0.85% NaCl and 0.1% Tween
80. The concentration of spore suspension are counted using a haemocytometer and about 1 mL of
spore suspension is then taken for Total Plate Count (TPC). Number of viable colonies are calculated
after 48 hours incubation. The entire experiment was carried out aseptically and duplicate. Age of
spores with the highest viability was then used as a source of inoculum in subsequent experiments.
Viability of spores was calculated by the formula (Herlinda et. al., 2006):

% Spore Viability =

Determination of the best ratio of rice bran : tofu waste in fermentation by Monascus purpureus

Rice bran and tofu waste with ratio 5:5, 6:4, 7:3, dan 8:2 was added with aquades (water content 70%)
and sterilized for 30 menit with boiling water. After sterilization, 10% v/w Monascus purpureus spore
suspension with the density of 4x107 spora/mL from the best spore‟s age that have the highest
viability was inoculated in substrate and incubated for 8 days at 300C (Nuraini et. al., 2012). Substrate
acidity (pH), enzymatic activity (by fluorescein diacetate hydrolytic method), and the amount of
lovastatin produced (by spectrophotometric and high performance liquid chromatography method)
was measured every 24 hours. Proximate analysis (crude nutrient analysis) was carried out at
beginning and end of fermentation process.

Determination of the best initial water content in fermentation by Monascus purpureus

Rice bran and tofu waste with ratio 5:5 was added with aquades, to create variation of initial water
content, and sterilized for 30 menit with boiling water. Variations in percentage of initial water
content are 50%, 60%, 70% and 80%. After sterilization, 10% v/w Monascus purpureus spore
suspension with the density of 4x107 spora/mL from the best spore‟s age that have the highest
viability was inoculated into substrate and incubated for 8 days at 30oC (Nuraini et. al., 2012). Initial
water content was calculated by the formula (Ganrong et. al., 2003):

Substrate acidity (pH), enzymatic activity (by fluorescein diacetate hydrolytic method), and the
amount of lovastatin produced (by spectrophotometric and high performance liquid chromatography
method) was measured every 24 hours. Proximate analysis (crude nutrient analysis) was carried out at
beginning and end of fermentation process.

Result and Discussion

Determination of the best spore’s age as source of inoculum Monascus purpureus.
Viability spore curve of M. purpureus (Figure 1) shows the best spore‟s age was 108 hours with
highest viability 0.28%. Low spore viability of M. purpureus could be caused by several things, such
as (i) the medium used is not suitable. PDA is a nutrient-rich medium, but too many nutrients can
inhibit spore formation in fungi (Herlinda et. al., 2006). Too many nutrients, that exceed the needs of
fungi, could cause a buildup of metabolites that can inhibit the metabolism of fungi reproduction
(Alberts et al., 1994 in Herlinda et al., 2006). Then (2) frequent subculture could decrease spore
viability due to reducing density of fungal spores (Herlinda et. al., 2006).

Figure 1 Spore viability of Monascus purpureus

(initial pH 5,6; incubation temperature 300C; spore inoculum 106; without agitation)

Determination of the best ratio of rice bran : tofu waste in fermentation by Monascus purpureus

Analysis of enzymatic activity during fermentation (Figure 2) showed that highest enzymatic activity
found in substrate of ratio of rice bran:tofu waste 5:5 with the highest activity recorded on day 8 was
108,0956 µM/g/h and rate of activity of 40,9206 µM/g/day. The highest enzymatic activity is in the
ratio 5:5 because vitamins, minerals, and trace elements balance contained in the substrate needed by
fungi for fermentation process is more suitable than the other variations.
C/N ratio at each variation was calculated based on the result of proximate analysis of rice bran and
tofu waste and indicate that all variations have a value of C/N ratio of about 3 (Table 1). Value of C/N
ratio for support the growth of fungi is approximately 7 to 9. In this study, low C/N ratio of substrate
created stress to M. purpureus in which could initiated secondary metabolites production from the
initial fermentation. Monascus purpureus can grow in the environment with low C/N ratio because in
addition to providing a source of carbon and nitrogen, rice bran and tofu also provides many other
ingredients that can support the growth of fungi such as essential amino acids, some vitamins, and
other micronutrient content.

Figure 2 Enzymatic activity of Monascus purpureus in fermentation with different ratio of rice bran:tofu waste

Table 1 C/N Ratio in fermentation with different ratio of rice bran:tofu waste

Variation Organic Carbon (%) Organic Nitrogen(%) C/N Ratio

5:5 0,218 0,072 3,028
6:4 0,231 0,077 3,000
7:3 0,244 0,082 2,976
8:2 0,256 0,087 2,942

Figure 3 Lovastatin production in fermentation with different ratio of rice bran:tofu waste

Enzymatic activity correlated with lovastatin production by M. purpureus. The analysis using
spectrophotometric method (Figure 3) and HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography)
method (Table 2) showed that highest production of lovastatin obtained on the ratio of rice bran:tofu
waste 5:5. Concentrations of lovastatin obtained on spectrophotometric method is 369,3389 µg/g with

the highest production rate of 141,3983 µg/g/day, while the concentration of lovastatin were obtained
on HPLC method is 341.7301 µg/g.
High content of lovastatin occurs on ratio rice bran:tofu waste 5:5 because the C/N ratio is highest in
the variation 5:5. Besides, the balance of vitamins, minerals, and trace elements is expected has been
reached in the variation 5:5. Carbon source plays an important role in the complex regulation of gene
expression and enzyme activity for polyketide synthesis (Hajjaj et. al., 2001). In addition, organic
nitrogen has important role for the production of lovastatin. Hajjaj et. al. (2001) and Ahmed et. al.
(2012) found that the addition of organic nitrogen sources on the substrate can increase the production
of lovastatin by fungi.
During fermentation, there was similar pattern of substrate acidity all substrate variations (Figure 4).
pH value of substrate on early days of fermentation until day 2 was decreasing then the pH value
continues to increase on day 2 until day 8. Decrease of pH value at the beginning of fermentation
occurs due to the consumption of carbon sources such as sugars produce acidic metabolites. After
carbon source exhaust, fungi began to utilize nitrogen sources on the environment and produce
alkaline compounds that increased of pH value (Hajjaj et. al., 2001).

Table 2 Amount of Lovastatin production by fermentation with different ratio of rice bran:tofu waste
Variation Area Concentration of Lovastatin (µg/g)
5:5 205360 341,7301
6:4 147885 206,9122
7:3 279866* 123,2601
8:2 302842* 142,5979
NB: Sign (*) indicates the sample was injected into the HPLC machine as much as 20μL while the other sempel
as 5μL

Figure 4 pH alteration in fermentation with different ratio of rice bran:tofu waste

Determination of the best initial water content in fermentation by Monascus purpureus

Initial water content is also a key parameter to affect the growth of microorganisms and metabolite
production of M. purpureus especially for solid-state fermentation (Ganrong et. al., 2003). Analysis of
enzymatic activity during fermentation with variation in initial water content (Figure 5) showed that
the highest enzymatic activity seen in the initial water content of 50% with the highest activity is on
day 8 of 40,8752 µM/g/h and rate of activity of 8,1248 µM/g/day.

Figure 5 Enzymatic activity of Monascus purpureus during fermentation with different intial water content
Table 3 Amount of Lovastatin production by fermentation with different intial water content

Variation Area Concentration of Lovastatin (µg/g)

50% 403177 805,745
60% 365493 717,3505
70% 350509* 341,1014
80% 330555* 317,6986
NB: Sign (*) indicates the sample was injected into the HPLC machine as much as 20μL while the other sempel
as 5μL

Figure 6 Lovastatin production in fermentation with different intial water content

Figure 7 pH alteration in fermentation with different intial water content

Amount of lovastatin production analyzed by spectrophotometric method (Figure 6) and HPLC (High
Performance Liquid Chromatography) method (Table 3) shows that the highest lovastatin production
obtained at initial moisture content of 50%. Concentrations of lovastatin obtained on
spectrophotometric method is 666,1356 μg/g with the highest production rate is 77,3729 μg/g /day,
while the concentration of lovastatin obtained on HPLC method is 805.745 μg/g.
The highest lovastatin production obtained at initial moisture content of 50% due preference of M.
purpureus to grow on “not too moist” environment. Higher moisture level decreased porosity and
reduced oxygen transfer (Prabhakar et al., 2012), while oxygen molecule are essential for the
biosynthesis of polyketide on solid fermentation (Dhale, 2007). Lovastatin is fungal metabolite
produced by the polyketide pathway (Praveen et. al., 2012).

Changed in substrate pH showed a similar pattern with previous measurement on research of variation
ratio of rice bran: tofu waste (Figure 7). pH value decrease at the beginning of fermentation process
to day 2. At the beginning of fermentation, fungi consume carbon sources such as sugars and the main
fermentation products were ethanol, organic acid, and CO2, while acetate was produced at a very low
level. Then the pH began to increase on day 2 to day 8 of fermentation. Increased of pH value caused
by fungi begin to utilize nitrogen sources on the environment and produce substances that are
alkaline. When the fungi begin to utilize this nitrogen, acetate was produced at a higher level. Higher
acetate production resulted higher production of lovastatin since lovastatin molecules synthesized
from acetate (Hajjaj et. al., 2001; Seenivasan et. al., 2008).

Proximate analysis result

Table 4 Proximate analysis result in fermentation with ratio of rice bran:tofu waste 5:5

Ingredient Before Fermentation (%) After Fermentation (%)

Protein 9,9449 10,0765
Starch 45,2238 47,1515
Crude fibre 20,2358 20,1961
Lipid 6,8452 6,3204
Ash 9,6248 9,5801,

Table 5 Proximate analysis result in fermentation with initial water content 50%

Ingredient Before Fermentation (%) After Fermentation (%)

Protein 8,5432 9,5958
Starch 48,5222 50,1141
Crude fibre 21,9124 20,3125
Lipid 6,2130 5,0639
Ash 8,7391 8,6801
Table 6 Proximate Analysis Result for Rice Bran and Tofu waste
Content (%)
Rice bran Tofu waste
Protein 9,6436 4,7649
Starch 28,1968 15,3974
Crude fibre 31,4335 26,9634
Lipid 4,1504 0,3204
Ash 15,8463 0,7913
Proximate analysis performed on the fermented product with the highest lovastatin production.
Proximate analysis results of the first fermentation with ratio rice bran:tofu waste 5:5 (Table 4) and
the second fermentation with initial moisture content of 50% (Table 5) showed similar results.
Fermentation increased protein and starch content and lower fiber, fat, and ash of the substrate.
Increased the value of protein occurred because growth of fungal biomass that containing protein
(Takahashi et. al., 2010). Increased starch content is occured due to the addition of fiber degradation.
Decreased in fat content after fermentation is due to enzymes produced by fungi that can hydrolyze
fat. In addition, decreased in crude fiber content in the fermentation is due to the fiber degrading
enzymes produced by fungi (Mahfudz, 2006). Fiber found in rice bran is generally in the form of
cellulose and hemicellulose are then degraded by cellulase enzymes to glucose.
Proximate analysis result indicate that nutrition contained in the fermented product still can be used as
raw material for feed because nutritional content of the fermentation tends to be better than the
nutrition found in rice bran and tofu waste (Table 6). Crude fiber content in the fermentation was
lower than in rice bran and tofu waste. The lower crude fiber content, the better when it is used as
feed mixtures because crude fiber has a low level of digestibility (Mahfudz, 2006). In addition protein

and starch in fermented product is higher than in rice bran and tofu waste. Protein and starch is an
important component in the feed material as the main energy source for livestock. Ash content of the
fermented lower than in rice bran. The ash content represent an inorganic content thus a lower ash
content will be better when used as feed mixture.

Through these experiments it can be concluded that optimum ratio of rice bran : tofu waste for
lovastatin production by M. purpureus is 5:5 and initial water content of 50% that can produce
lovastatin up to 805.745 μg/g. Proximate analysis results showed that fermented rice bran and
fermented tofu by M. purpureus has the potential to be used as raw material for feed.

Ahmed, I.E., Roquia, A.H. Elevated yield of Lovastatin by Monascus purpureus from Date Waste extract and
encapsulation in nanoparticles. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Health Care 6(2): 62 –
83, 2012.
Dhale, M.A. 2007. Physiology of M. purpureus in Relation to Metabolite Production and Application as
Functional Food. [Thesis]. India: Departement of Food Microbiology, Central Food Technological Research
Institute, 2007.
Ganrong, X., Yue, C., Yun, C., Xiaorong, L., Xing, L. Production of Monacolin K in Solid-state Fermentation
of Monascus sp. 9901 that does not produce citrinin. Jiangsu: Key laboratory of Industrial Biotechnology of
Ministry of Education, School of Biotechnology in Southern Yangtze University. p. 1 – 7, 2003.
Hajjaj, H., Niederberger, P., Duboc, P. Lovastatin Biosynthesis by Aspergillus terreus in a Chemically Defined
Medium. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 67(6): 2596 – 2602, 2001.
Herlinda, S., Utama, M.D., Pujiastuti, Y., Suwandi. Kerapatan dan Viabilitas Spora Beauveria bassiana
(BALS.) Akibat Subkultur dan Pengayaan Media, serta Virulensinya Terhadap Larva Plutella xylostella
(LINN.). Journal Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Tropika 6(2): 70 – 78, 2006.
Mahfudz, L.D. Efektifitas Oncom Ampas Tahu sebagai Bahan Pakan Ayam Pedaging (The Effective Used of
Oncom Tofu By-product as a Broiler Chicken Feedstuff). Animal Production 8(2): 108 – 114, 2006.
Nuraini, Latif, S.A., Djulardi, A. Evaluation of Fermented Rice Bran-Tofu Waste by Monascus purpureus in the
Diet on Performance and Quality of Meat Broiler. [Proceeding of the 2nd International Seminar on Animal
Industry]. Padang: Faculty of Animal Science, University of Andalas. p. 225 – 230, 2012.
Prabhakar, M., Lingappa, K., Vivek, B., Amena, S., Vishalakshi, N., Mahsesh,D. Characterization of Physical
Factors for Optimum Lovastatin Production by Aspergillus terreus KLVB28mu21 Under Solid State
Fermentation. Journal of Recent Advances in Applied Sciences 27: 1 – 5, 2012.
Praveen, V.K., Savitha, J. Solid State Fermentation: An Effective Method for Lovastatin Production by Fungi
Over Submerged Fermentation. E3 Journal of Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Research 3(2): 15 – 21,
Rusli, R.K. Pemberian Campuran Dedak dan Ampas Tahu Fermentasi dengan Monascus purpureus Terhadap
Performa dan Kualitas Telur Ayam. [Thesis]. Padang: Program Studi Ilmu Peternakan Pascasarjana
Universitas Andalas, 2011.
Saputra, I. Evaluasi Mutu Gizi dan Indeks Glikemik Cookies dan Donat Tepung Terigu yang Disubstitusi
Parsial dengan Tepung Bekatul. [Skripsi]. Bogor: Departemen Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan, Fakultas
Teknologi Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor, 2008.
Seenivasan, A., Subhagar, S., Aravindan, R., Viruthagiri, T. Microbial Production and Biomedical Applications
of Lovastatin. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 70(6): 701 – 709, 2008.
Takahashi, J.A., Carvalho, S.A. Nutritional Potential of Biomass and Metabolites from Filamentous Fungi.
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1135, 2010.
Yuslinawati. Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Sifat-Sifat Fungsional Protein Ampas Tahu. [Skripsi]. Bogor: Fakultas
Teknologi Pertanian Institut Pertanian Bogor, 2006.

FEED - 03
The Effect of Different C:N Ratio to Bacterial Community in Giant
Freshwater Prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii de Man) Nursery Using
Zero-Water Discharge (ZWD) System
Dea Indriani Astuti1, Pingkan Aditiawati1, Gede Suantika1, Widyaranti Puspasari1, and Meyta Pratiwi1

School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl.Ganeca No.10 Bandung, West Java,

Email: dea@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - In aquaculture, bacteria plays an important role in the process of converting organic waste. Their
growth is influenced by the ratio of carbon to nitrogen (C:N) in the feed given. The purpose of this study was to
determine the effect of different C:N ratio in the prawns feed on bacterial communities in ZWD system. The
study was conducted using two different C:N ratio in the shrimp feed, i.e. C:N 11 and C:N 7.5. Several bacteria
showed in both treatments during the culture period, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas sp.,
Staphylococcus sp., Flexithrix sp., Bacillus sp.1, nitrifying bacteria and five other isolates that have not been
identified. Total heterotrophic bacteria (THB) in the pond C:N 11 and C:N 7.5 respectively were108 and109
CFU/mL. Total nitrifying bacteria (TNB) increased during the culture period until 107 CFU/mL for both
treatments. THB and TNB numbers were not significantly different towards the C:N ratio, but significantly
different to the period of prawn culture. The stability of bacterial communities in ponds treated with C:N 11 and
C:N 7.5 were 60% and52% respectively. Based on these results, it can be concluded that C:N ratio of the prawns
feed had no effect to the total bacterial population in the nursery. Furthermore, the application of ZWD and
nitrifying bacteria as the addition toC:N11treatment provided more stable bacterial community compare to C:N
7.5 treatment in six weeks observation period.

Keywords: aquaculture, bacterial community, giant freshwater prawn, C:N ratio, zero-water discharge


FEED - 04
Effect of Supplementation of Sucrose and Ammonium Nitrate to Citric
Acid Production by Aspergillus niger in Solid State Fermentation of
Pineapple Peel
Astuti, D.I.1 and Prawitasari, N.2
Microbial Biotechnology Research Group, Department of Microbiology, School of Life Sciences and
Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia
Microbial Biotechnology Research Group, Department of Microbiology, School of Life Sciences and
Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia

Email: dea@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - Pineapple peel was used as a substrate for citric acid production by Aspergillus niger using
solid state fermentation method. Experiments were carried out at 30 oC with the presence of methanol 4%
(v/w) and 70% moisture level as fixed variables. Fermentation process was conducted in the absence and
presence of sucrose and ammonium nitrate at different concentration. In the absence of sucrose and
ammonium nitrate the optimum citric acid production (4.48 g/kg) was obtained at the 5th day of
fermentation. In the first stage, medium was supplemented by sucrose at different concentration. It was
found that pineapple peel with addition of 14% (w/v) sucrose produced optimum citric acid (8.512 g/kg) and
the yield is 27.46% based on the amount of sugar consumed. Moreover, in the second stage, medium was
supplemented by sucrose and ammonium nitrate at different concentration. The addition of 14% (w/v)
sucrose and ammonium nitrat (0.1 g/L) gave the optimum citric acid (10.752 g/kg) at the 4th day of
fermentation. The yield produced based on sugar consumed with the variation of 14% (w/v) sucrose and
ammonium nitrate (0.1g/L) was 28,10%.

Keywords: ammonium nitrate, Aspergillus niger, citric acid, pineapple, sucrose

Citric acid is an important organic acid produced through a fermentation process. Global citric acid
production in 2007 was estimated to exceed 1.6 million tonnes (Berovic and Leqisa, 2007). The high
rate of citric acid production caused by the significant application of citric acid in many industries,
one of them is cosmetic industry. A small amount of citric acid can be found in shampoo, soap,
cleanser, hand soap and other cosmetic products. In addition, citric acid is also one of the AHA
compounds which plays a role in the exfoliation of dead skin cells.
Pineapple (Ananas comosus L. Merr) is one of the important tropical fruit commodities based on the
usefulness and economic value (Hadiati, 2009). According to Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) in 2012,
pineapple occupied the third largest production levels in Indonesia with total production of 1,749,817
tons. Besides consumed as fresh fruit, pineapple is also widely used in industry and households, such
as raw material for syrup, essence of fermented drinks, crisps and jam. During production process,
only small part of fruit body of pineapple was used and the rest, especially peels, are thrown away.
Pineapple peel waste attracted much attention of researchers to meet the high demand of citric acid.
Several previous studies have shown that pineapple peel can be utilized as a substrate in the
production of citric acid using a fermentation process.
A number of microorganisms, like bacteria (Arthrobacter paraffinens, B. licheniformis), fungi
(Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus aculeatus, Aspergillus awamori) and yeasts (Candida tropicalis,
Candida oleophila, Yarrowia lipolytia) can be used for the production of citric acid. Among the
mikroorganisms, A. niger is the most commonly used commercially because it can produce more
citric acid (Soccol et. al., 2006).
It is necessary to find the appropriate ratio of C:N to increase biosynthesis of citric acid. Therefore, in
this study will be examined the effect of supplementation of sugar as a carbon source and
supplementation of nitrogen sources on the growth and production of citric acid using solid substrate
fermentation of pineapple peel.

Material and Methods

Pre-treatment of Pineapple Peels
Peels used in the present study were obtained from pineapple bought at Setiabudi area, Bandung, Jawa
Barat, Indonesia. Pineapple peels were dried in an oven at 60oC for two days and then crushed using a

Media Preparation
Five grams of crushed pineapple peels were put in 250 mL Erlenmeyer flask and moistened to reach
the moisture level of 70%. In the absence of sucrose and ammonium nitrate, crushed peels were
moistened by distilled water, whereas in the addition of sucrose and ammonium nitrate, crushed peels
were moistened with the solution of sucrose and ammonium nitrate.
In the first stage of fermentation, crushed peels were supplemented with 14%, 18% and 22% (w/v) of
sucrose solution. While in the second stage of fermentation, crushed peels were supplemented by
sucrose solution with optimum concentration and ammonium nitrate solution with the variation of 0.1,
0.25, 0.4 g/L.
The flasks containing medium described above were sterilized at 121oC for 15 minutes. After
sterilization, flasks containing medium were allowed to cool at room temperature then inoculated with
1 mL of Aspergillus niger spores suspension (2x107 spores/mL). Prior to inoculation, methanol 4%
(v/w) was added to the medium. Ater inoculation, flasks were incubated at 30oC incubator for nine
days. One flask was harvested every day and the entire content of the flask was taken as sample for
the estimation of citric acid, sugar, pH and extracellular enzyme activity.

Extraction Method
Distilled water was added to fermented material (100 mL water for five grams of fermented material).
The flask was agitated on a rotary shaker for 2 hours. After that, fermented material was filtered using
Whatman filter paper no.1.

Determination of Citric Acid

Citric acid was determined titrimetrically using 0.1N NaOH and phenolphthalein as indicator and
calculated as gr/kg of pineapple peels to the formula.

Determination of pH, Sugar Consumed and Extracellular Enzyme Activity

The pH value was measured using Analog pH meter and sugar content was measured using phenol-
suphuric acid method. One gram of fermented material was used to determine extracellular enzyme
activity using Fluorescein Diacetate Assay (FDA)

Result and Discussion

Solid State Fermentation of Pineapple Peels
Citric acid was produced from the first day of fermentation and continues to rise until it reached the
optimum amount (4.48 g/kg) on the fifth day of fermentation and produced yield (product of the
substrate) of 9.180%.

Figure 1. (a) Relation of Citric Acid Production and pH Value; (b) Relation of Sugar Consumed and Extracellular Enzyme
Activity of Aspergillus niger
Environmental Condition : temperature of incubation 30oC, time of incubation 192h, inoculum 2x10 7
spora/mL, initial moisture level 70%, methanol 4% (v/w), without agitation

After citric acid production capacity has reached optimum on the fifth day, the amount of citric acid
decreased until the end of fermentation. Increasing citric acid production followed by decreasing pH
of the medium decreased due to the higher concentration of H+ ions. When the amount of citric acid
declined, the pH tended to a constant value and began to rise until the end of fermentation process
(Figure 1a). Based on Figure 1.b, the use of sugar in substrate was proportional to extracellular
enzyme activity of A.niger. Higher extracellular enzyme activity indicated higher biomass of A.niger.

Solid State Fermentation of Pineapple Peels With The Variation of Sucrose

Citric acid production continued to increase and reached the optimum value in the fifth day of
fermentation and eventually decreased until the end of fermentation (Figure 2.a). Citric acid produced
on the addition of sucrose 14%, 18% and 22% (w/v) were 8.512, 7.104, and 7.168 g / kg of pineapple
skin ,respectively, with the highest yield was 27.46% in the addition of sucrose 14% (w/v). The
changes in pH value shown in Figure 2.b which also indicated the formation of citric acid. Increasing

amount of citric acid produced was followed by decrasing pH. pH of substrate became constant when
amount of citric acid produced declined.

Figure 2. (a) Citric Acid Production; (b) Changes of pH

Environmental Condition : temperature of incubation 30oC, time of incubation 192h, inoculum 2x107 spora/mL, initial
moisture level 70%, methanol 4% (v/w), without agitation

According Peksel and Kubicek (2001), citric acid accumulation takes place at a high concentration of
carbon source. The use of sugar in the substrate (Figure 3a) was directly correlated to the production
of citric acid. Citric acid was the primary metabolite of glucose metabolism. Therefore, the sugar
residue found on the substrate has declined due to the use of sugar by A.niger in metabolism to
produce citric acid. According to Torres et. al. (1996), regulation of citric acid accumulation was
strongly influenced by glucose transport and phosphorylation of glucose. Glucose transport processes
occured with the addition of 14% sucrose (w/v) was more optimal than the others so it produced
larger quantity of citric acid.
Consumption of sugar in the substrate was strongly influenced by biomass of A.niger represented by
extracellular enzyme activity (Figure 3b). Extracellular enzyme activity increased although
fluctuations could occur at some points. The increase caused a greater consumption of sugar, so citric
acid produced also increased every day. On the variation of 14% sucrose (w/v), extracellular enzyme
activity increased substantially in the fifth day of fermentation, followed by reduction of the sugar
residue. Presumably it underlied the formation of citric acid in large quantity.

Figure 3. (a) Sucrose Residue on the medium; (b) Extracellular Enzyme Activity of A. niger
Environmental Condition : temperature of incubation 30oC, time of incubation 192h, inoculum 2x107 spora/mL, initial
moisture level 70%, methanol 4% (v/w), without agitation

Solid State Fermentation of Pineapple Peels With The Variation of Ammonium Nitrate

Substrate added with sucrose 14% (w/v) and three variations of ammonium nitrate produced higher
amount of citric acid. The optimum production of citric acid reached on the fourth day of
fermentation, one day faster than previous fermentation (Figure 4). The optimum production of citric
acid produced on the addition of ammonium nitrate 0.1 g/L, 0.25 g/L, and 0.4 g/L were 10.752,
10.624, and 11.136 g/kg, respectively.
Choe et al. (1991) and Yigitoglu et al. (1992) in Papagianni et. al. (2005) reported that addition of
NH4 + ions during fermentation of citric acid would stimulate the rate of formation of citric acid and
provided a consistent influence on PFK1 (phosphofructokinase 1 enzyme). The presence of NH4 +
ions could stimulate the activity of PFK1 which played very important role in determining rate of
glycolysis. This led to efficient citric acid production compare with condition when only sucrose
added to the substrate.

Figure 4. Citric Acid Production on Solid State Fermentation of Pineapple Peel with Variation of Ammonium Nitrate
Environmental Condition : temperature of incubation 30oC, time of incubation 192h, inoculum 2x107
spora/mL, initial moisture level 70%, methanol 4% (v/w), without agitation

According to Wang et al. (1979 in Hadi, 1985), microorganism consume ammonium salt to form a
mass of cells in the form of R-NH 3 with R groups is a carbon skeleton. It was shown that the addition
of ammonium nitrate could increase biomass of A.niger (Figure 5).
Extracellular enzyme activity of A. niger grown on the substrate with the addition of ammonium
nitrate higher than on a substrate that was given by sucrose only. Extracellular enzyme activity was
correlated to the use of sucrose (Figure 6).

Figure 5. Extracelullar Enzyme Activity of A. niger

Environmental Condition : temperature of incubation 30oC, time of incubation 192h, inoculum 2x107 spora/mL,
initial moisture level 70%, methanol 4% (v/w), without agitation

Biomass of A. niger grown in the substrate with the addition of ammonium nitrate was higher than
substrate added by sucrose only, as shown by less sucrose residue. As previously mentioned, less
sucrose residue indicated more glucose entered the cell and more citric acid produced.When the
amount of citric acid began to decline, extracellular enzyme activity would continue to increase. The
citric acid was used as a carbon source for cell growth (Hadi, 1985).

Figure 6. Sucrose Residue on the Medium

Environmental Condition : temperature of incubation 30oC, time of incubation 192h, inoculum 2x107 spora/mL,
initial moisture level 70%, methanol 4% (v/w), without agitation

Figure 7 showed that the decrease in pH in the substrate given by ammonium nitrate were lower than
those given by sucrose only. According to Reed et al. (1973 in Hadi, 1985), each binding of NH3+ , H+
ions will enter the environment, so that during the fermentation process H+ ions in the fermentation
medium will increase continuesly. Citric acid accumulation can be enhanced by creating conditions
that are not suitable for aconitase enzyme by lowering the pH of the substrate below pH level suitable
for the enzyme activity (Hadi, 1985)

Figure 7. The Changes of pH

Environmental Condition : temperature of incubation 30oC, time of incubation 192h, inoculum 2x107
spora/mL, initial moisture level 70%, methanol 4% (v/w), without agitation

Based on this study, it can be concluded that pineapple peel can be used as a substrate to produce
citric acid by Aspergillus niger. Citric acid produced from the fermentation using pineapple peel was
4.48 g/kg with a yield (the product of the substrate) of 9.180%.

Addition of carbon and nitrogen sources increased production of citric acid and yield (product of the
substrate). The addition of sucrose 14% (w/v) produced highest amount of citric acid yield, 8.512 g /
kg with a yield of 27.46% on the fifth day of fermentation.
Combination of 14% sucrose (w/v) and 0.1 g/L ammonium nitrate was capable of producing citric
acid with a higher value, 10.752 g/kg with a yield of 28.10% on the fourth fermentation


Berovic M., Legisa, M. Citric Acid Production. Biotechnology Annual Review 13: 303–343, 2007.
Hadi, Y. Pengaruh substitusi dedak oleh urea dan penambahan ampas tahu terhadap produksi asam sitrat
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Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor, 1985.
Hadiati, S. Nanas Komersial Berdaun Tanpa Duri [Online]. Tersedia: http://pustaka.litbang.deptan.go.id [1
September 2013]
Kubicek, C.P. The Role of Sugar Uptake and Chanelling for Citric Acid Accumulation by Aspergillus niger.
Food. Technology and Biotechnology 36(3): 173-175, 1998.
Papagianni, M., Wayman, F., Mattey, M. Fate and Role of Ammonium Ions During Fermentation of Citric Acid
by Aspergillus niger. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71(11): 7178–7186, 2005.
Peksel, A., Kubicek, C.P. Effect of Sucrose Concentration During Citric Acid Accumulation by Aspergillus
niger. Turkish Journal of Chemistry 27: 581-590, 2001.
Soccol, C.R., Vandenberghe, L.P.S., Rodrigues, C., Pandey, A. New Perspectives for Citric Acid Production
and Application. Food Technology and Biotechnology 44: 141-149, 2006.
Torres, N.V., Riol-Cimas, J.M., Wollschek, M., Kubicek, C.P. Glucose Transport by Aspergillus niger: The
Low-Affinity Carrier is Only Formed During Growth on High Glucose Concentrations. Applied
Microbiology and Biotechnology 44:790-794, 1996.

FEED - 05
The Optimizing of Growth and Quality of Chroococcus sp.
as ASUH feed supplement for broiler
Salvia 1, Mirzah2, Yetti Marlida2, Endang Purwati2

1. Program Study of Animal Science , Polytechnic of Agricultural, Andalas University, Payakumbuh, West
Sumatera, Indonesia
2. Faculty of Animal Science, Andalas University Padang, West Sumatera, Indonesia

Email: salviasani@ymail.com

ABSTRACT - Microalgae has potentials as element of ration or natural ASUH (safe, healthy, whole and halal)
feed supplement for it contains nutrition and active component, decreases cholesterol level and resulting darker
yolk. Chroococcus sp is type of blue alga (Cyanophyceae) which, its economical potential need to be revealed.
In terms of mass production, it is important to find correct, cheap and easy to feed nutrition for breeders. The
objective of the research is to find out the information to optimize growth and quality of Chroococcus sp as
ASUH feed supplement for broiler. Test using sedgwick rafter method conducted to find out the optimizing of
growth and quality of Chroococcus sp while AOAC method applied to test quality of its nutrition. The result
shows that Chroococcus sp grew well at technical medium Phyto-s with k relative 0.9866, crude protein
39.871%, fat 2.425%, b Carotene 7.43 mg/gram, Vitamin C 3.01 mg/kg and vitamin E 1.05%. It is concluded
that Chroococcus sp potential to be natural and ASUH feed supplement and Phyto-s can be used as nutrition for
mass production.

Keyword : ASUH, Chroococcus sp, feed suplement, phyto-s


FEED - 06
Early Development of Nypa Palm Worm Namalycastis rhodochorde
(Polychaeta, Nereididae): Biological Perspective for Mass Production
Junardi1,4, Tjandra Anggraeni2, Ahmad Ridwan2, Edy Yuwono3
Postgraduate Student, School of Life Science and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10,
School of Life Science and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung
Faculty of Biology, General Soedirman University, Jl. Dr. Suparno, Karangwangkal, Purwokerto
Department of Biology, Tanjungpura University, Jl. Prof. Dr. Hadari Nawawi, Pontianak

Email: jun_kld@yahoo.com

ABSTRACT - Nereididae worms including Namalycastis have been considered as potential broodstock
nutrition in aquaculture industry. Meanwhile, Namalycastis intensive culture itself is still facing problems in
mass production due to limited information on reproduction especially in fertilization and production of
larvae and juveniles. The purpose of this research was to find optimum condition for fertilisation and
production of Nypa palm worm larvae (Namalycatis rhodochorde). Gamete samples were collected using a
tube glass capilarry injected to ventro-lateral part of body segment of matured worm. Artificial fertilization
was done by mixing the sperms and oocytes in same container with sterillized sea water as the media. The
initial development process prior to fertilisation was observed until benthic phase larvae (3-setigers).
Fertilization was done under salinity of 7-21‰ and water temperature of 25-29°C. The cleavage was
achieved within 15-25 minutes and larval stage within 72-80 hours after fertilisation. The fertilization and
larval development of N. rhodochorde were highly influenced by the water salinity and temperature, room
temperature and culture media.

Keywords: aquaculture, baits, development, larval, Namalycastis rhodochorde, Polychaeta


FEED - 07
Studies on Vibrio Population in Zero Water Discharge System through
Chlorella sp., Nitrifiying Bacteria and Probiotics Bacteria (Bacillus
megaterium and/or Bacillus amyloliquefaciens) Addition for Nursery Phase
of Macrobrachium rosenbergii De Mann
Pingkan Aditiawati1,2, Puspasari Widyaranti1, Dea Indriani Astuti1, Gede Suantika1& Hanslibrery
Microbial Biotechnology Research Group, School of Life Sciences and Technology Institut Teknologi
Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung, Jawa Barat 40132, Indonesia
Department of Microbiology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10 Bandung Jawa Barat 40132,

Email: pingkan@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - The aim of this study was testing the effectiveness of zero-water discharge systems with
combined with probiotic bacteria Bacillus megaterium and/or Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, to decrease Vibrio
population. In addition, this research would also include survival rate and biomass production of giant river
prawn. This research was conducted in 2 experimental treatments using 5 outdoor cemented ponds detailed as 1
control ponds (C), 2 treatment I ponds (T1) and 2 treatment II ponds (T2) The highest density of detected Vibrio
during prawn culture period in control (C), treatment I (T1), and treatment II (T2) ponds were 9.4 x 10 2; 9.8 x
102±1.03 x 103; and 4.73 x 103±3.54 x 102 which happened during the first week of culture period. Despite of
high Vibrio number in treatment 2, based on the results of the ANOVA statistical test performed, this value was
not significant compared to other treatments (p = 0.03; α = 0,05). The best survival rate was found at treatment
I (Chlorella sp. 104 cells /ml + 105 nitrifying bacteria cells/ml + Bacillus megaterium 104cfu/ml), followed by
treatment II (Chlorella sp. 104 cells /ml + nitrifying bacteria 105 cells/ml + Bacillus megaterium 104cfu/ml and
Bacillus amiloliquefaciens 104cfu/ml) and the last was control ponds, with survival rate given (based on the
sequence above) are 58, 28%, 52,36%, and 39,77%. Based on these results, addition of probiotic bacteria B.
megaterium 104cfu/ml able to decrease Vibrio growth in zero-water discharce system and increase giant river
prawns productivity.

Keywords: Bacillus amyloliquefacien; Bacillus megaterium; probiotic; Vibrio; zero-water discharge


FEED - 08
The Nutritive Performances of PUFA- Concentrate Supplemented with
Yeast and Curcuma xanthorrhiza, Roxb Stored in 2-6 weeks
E. Sulistyowati1,2, A. Sudarman2 , K. G. Wiryawan2 , and T. Toharmat2
Graduate School of Nutrition and Feed Technology
Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia

Email: ensulistyowati @yahoo.com

ABSTRACT - Concentrate containing fatty acid sources, roasted corn grain, roasted soy bean meal, and
corn oil, designated as PUFA- concentrate for dairy goat. There were four concentrates, no supplement
(Y0C0), 5g yeast (Y5C0), 20g curcuma powder (Y0C20), and 5g yeast with 20g curcuma powder (Y5C20).
These concentrates were evaluated for nutrition and fatty acid contents during 2 and 6 weeks of storage.
Results showed that based on the contents of dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), ether extract (EE),
crude protein (CP), N- free extract (NFE), gross energy (GE), acid detergent fiber (ADF), Ca, P, and
Saccharomyces cereviseae (2.4 x 107 cfu/g) were significantly (p<0.05) remained stable as caused by
unchained moisture of PUFA- concentrate with combined supplements in the 6 weeks of storage. The total
PUFA (P), P/S, Monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA), and long chained fatty acid contents were found
higher in PUFA- concentrate with 20g curcuma powder. Whereas, the PUFA- concentrate with 5g yeast and
20g curcuma powder was higher in unsaturated (U) fat and the ratio of U/S. Combining all nutrient
performances during the storage of 2-6 weeks, the PUFA- concentrate with 5g yeast and 20g curcuma
powder was considered nutritionally healthy.

Keywords: curcuma powder, fatty acid, PUFA-concentrate, yeast.


FEED - 09

Chemical Composition and Nutrient Quality of Swamp Forage Ensiled

with Lactobacillus plantarum
Tintin Rostini1, L Abdullah2, G,Wiryawan2 , and P. Manuhara Karti2

Graduate School of Nutrition and Feed Technology
Faculty of Animal Science, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, Indonesia

E-mail: tintin_rostini@yahoo.com

ABSTRACT - Availability of forage for ruminants, especially during drought season is not always caused by
lower production, but may caused by inability to managed forage at heavy production period during rainy
season. A study was designed to evaluate an alternative for this problem. The research was conducted in Basic
Science Laboratory of Agriculture college at UNISKA in Banjarmasin. Materials used were swamp forage
(SF), rice bran, inoculants of Lactobacillus plantarum 1A-2, L. plantarum 1BL-2, molasse, and plastic silos.
The experimental design used was completely randomized with 3 treatments and 4 replications, there were 12
experimental units. S1 = SF + L. plantarum, (S2) : SF+ L. plantarum 1BL–2, and (S3) = SF + molases.
Results showed that silage with Plantarum 1BL-2 was considered good quality with pH (3.84), Total LAB or
Lacto acid bacteria (7.8 x 108cfu/ml), NH3 (90.12g N/kg), VFA (108.72mM), WSC (2.83% DM), dry matter
(DM) digestibility (63.21%), Organic matter(OM) digestibility (62.32%). Quality of nutrition showed DM
(25.95%), protein (13,96%), crude fiber (14.89%), ether extract (8.42%), and ash (7.72%). Score of the silage
was 88.23, which was falling within the range of 80-100, considered good quality of silage.
Keywords: silage, Lactobacillus plantarum, swamp forage, molases


Effects of Municipal Compost from TPK Sarimukti, Cipatat, on Vegetative
Growth of Chilli (Capsicum annuum L.), and on Soil Quality
Tria Widiasih1, Trimurti Hesti Wardini1
Plant Science and Biotechnology, School of Life Science, Bandung Institute of Technology, Ganesa Street No.
10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia. Tel./Fax. +6222-2534107 / +6222-2511575

Email: triawidiasih@yahoo.com; trimurti@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT – Sarimukti landfill, Cipatat, Bandung, is a temporary landfill to replace Leuwigajah landfill
since 2006. In this landfill, there is a Sarimukti‟s composting area, where organic municipal wastes are
converted into composts. However, the effect of Sarimukti‟s compost into environments & living things,
such as plants, has not been studied further. The aims of this research were (1) to evaluate the effect of
compost on vegetative growth of chilli (Capsicum annuum L.) and (2) to evaluate the effect of compost on
soil quality. Experiments were carried out by the method of randomized block design (RBD) with two kinds
of control, 100% soil and 100% compost as positive and negative controls, as well as the media treatment of
a mixture of compost and soil on the ratio (1:1), (1:3) and (1:5). Growing media (1:1) gave the best effect on
the growth of chilli. Also, in general, soil quality, such as, physical and chemical properties of soil showed
an increase in the presence of compost in the growing media.

Keywords: compost, Sarimukti, growth, vegetative, chilli, soil


The Role of Leaf Extracts as Plant-activator in Enhancing Tomato Plant
Growth, Productivity and Resistance to CMV (Cucumber Mosaic Virus)
Siti Latifa Rahmawati1, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti1
Plant Science and Biotechnology, School of Life Science, Bandung Institute of Technology, Ganesa Street No.
10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia. Tel./Fax. +6222-2534107 / +6222-2511575

Email: rizkita@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT -- Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is one of horticultural crops which has a high
economic value, but its production may decline due to the disease, such as Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV).
There were several ways to improve its resistance, growth, and fruit productivity from the disease during
planting process, such as by the addition of plant-activator derived from plant extracts. The aim of this study
were to evaluate effect of CMV infection on the growth of tomato plants, as well as effect of leaf extracts of
Japanese Glorybower (Clerodendrum japonicum) and Madagascar Periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus) to
increase resistance against viruses, growth, and fruit productivity. The study was conducted using a
randomized block design with factorial treatment. The first factor was cultivar of tomato plants
(Lycopersicon esculentum Miller cv. Intan and cv. CL 6064). The second factor was plant leaf extracts: C.
japonicum and C. roseus, each with the level of 50% (w/v) concentration. Each treatment was repeated three
times, and each repeated group consisted of five individual tomato plants. The results of experiment showed
that level of plant resistance, growth, and fruit productivity of tomato plants were improved after application
of the plant extracts. In tomato plant cv. Intan, leaf extract of C. japonicum was the most potential extract
which could improve plant resistance, growth, and fruit productivity. In cv. CL 6064, leaf extract of C.
japonicum was the most potential extract which could improve plant resistance and growth, while
enhancement of fruit productivity was related to the application of C. roseus plant leaf extract.

Keywords: CMV, fruit productivity, growth, plant extract, tomato


Isolation and Identification of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) MOL
(Indigenous Microorganism) as Basic Development for Multifunctional
Yuniar Devi Utami1, Dea Indriani Astuti1 & Pingkan Aditiawati1
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jalan Ganeca No.10 Bandung
40132 West Java – Indonesia. Tel./Fax. 62 22 2534107 / 62 22 2511575.

Email: yuniardeviu@gmail.com

ABSTRACT – The use of microorganisms as biological agents have been widely proven as a way to
increase crop productivity. Solution of MOL (indigenous microorganism), batch fermentation of local
organic waste of an area, is one of the sources of biofertilizer that have been used in Indonesia as a substitute
for organic fertilizer to increase plant productivity but still have not been studied scientifically. Most
biofertilizer products consist of single microorganism with specific function such as N 2 fixing bacteria.
Meanwhile MOL consists of a mixture of microorganisms, so it is expected to contain heterotrophic
microorganisms and microorganisms with specific roles for plants such as phosphate-solubilizing and
nitrogen-fixing bacteria and functioned as multifunctional biofertilizer. In this study, microorganisms from
tomato-based MOL solution (Solanum lycopersicum) will be isolated and availability of N2-fixing bacteria,
phosphate-solubilizing bacteria, and plant growth promoting bacteria will be analyzed. MOL solution used
was the result of fermentation of tomatoes, coconut water, and brown sugar which incubated for 15 days
with stirring every 3 days. This study found 4 bacterial isolates that is known to have capabilities as plant
growth promoter, 1 isolate of N-fixing, and 1 isolate of P-solubilizing bacteria.

Keyword: MOL, N-fixer, P-solubilizer, PGP bacteria, identification.


Effect of Fertilizer to Bee Visitation in Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum)
Ramadhani Eka Putra1, Agus Dana Permana1, Ida Kinasih2

School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Islamic State University, Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung

Email: ramadhani@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is common commodity of Indonesia farming.

However, monthly production is unstable due to lack of pollination services. Previous study indicated that
utilization of two common local domesticated bees as pollination agent, local honey bee (Apis cerana L.)
and stingless bee (Trigona iridipennis), may improve and stabilize local tomato production. However, since
visitation rate of bees correlated with total amount of reward provide by flowers and successful fruit
formation, it is necessary to understand whether the additional nutrition to plant effects visitation rate of
bees. During this study, total visitation rate and total numbers of pollinated flowers by honey bee and
stingless bee on plant received specific nutrition (High Nitrogen, High Phosphor, and no fertilizer)
measured. Total fruit production, average weight and size also measured in order to correlated pollination
efficiency with visitation rate. Result of this research showed that Phosphor stimulate highest flower
production while encourage high visitation rate from both bees species tested (P<0.05) which in advance
improve quantity and quality of fruit produced (P<0.05). Based on the results, it is concluded that farmer
should regulated their fertilizer to concord the plant need, especially during critical period of development
and biomass production.

Keywords: Fertilizer, flower, honey bee, pollination, stingless bee, tomato, visitation rate.

Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) is major agricultural commodity of local farming in
Indonesia, especially West Java. Even though large area of agriculture is dedicated for tomato
plantation, total number of production and quality of tomato produced are unstable. This situation
might caused by lack of pollination in local tomato plantation (Putra, in press). Tomato flowers are
self-compatible and wind pollinated when planted in open field (Free, 1993). However, in order to
produce best fruit they need a pollination agent to vibrate the anthers and release the pollen and create
perfect pollination (Banda and Paxton, 1991). On the other hand, this agent also allow farm to
produce synchronize fruit production to gain more profit.
Naturally, wild insects around agriculture area would act as pollination agents (Ricketts, 2004;
Tscharntke et. al., 2005; Greenleaf and Kremen, 2006; Klein et. al., 2007; Kremen and Chaplin-
Kramer, 2007; Winfree et. al., 2008). However, activities of intensified farming system like the use of
synthetic pesticide, lost of food plants, invasive species etc. caused rapid declines of wild insect
pollinator (Buchmann and Nabhan, 1996; Kearns et. al., 1998; Biesmeijer et. al., 2006; Klein et. al.,
2008). This situation led to decreasing agriculture yield due lack of pollination (Kevan and Phillips,
2001). In order to overcome this problem, honey bees usually apply as pollinator agent.
Previous study showed that local honey bee (A. cerana) and stingless bee (T. iridipennis) may act as
pollination agent of tomato (Putra, in press). However, that study also found that difference in
nutrition received by tomato masked the benefit of these bees on fruit production. Additional nutrition
received by plant provide plant with extra resource for flowers, fruit, and seed production (Campbell
and Halama, 1993), to reduce fruit abortion (Stephenson, 1981), to increase size of flowers (Campbell
and Halama, 1993; Parson et. al., 1995; Nagy and Proctor, 1997; Wyka and Galen, 2000; Heer and
Komer, 2002), and influence pollinator visitation rate (Galen, 1985; Galen et. al., 1987; Schemske
and Horvitz, 1988; Johnston, 1991; Heer and Komer, 2002). However, most of these studies were
conducted in wild plant not in cultivated plants. Thus, questions on do local tomato really need
pollinator agent or just more fertilizer remains unanswered. This research tries to answer this question
which in advance would help local farmer to maintain their farm in order to increase and maintain
high tomato production.

Materials and Methods

Study Area
The pollination experiment was conducted at local farm in North Bandung, West Java, Indonesia from
March to August 2012. Average daily temperature of study site was 18-25oC with humidity 60-75%.

During this study, commercial synthetic fertilizer that commonly used by local farmers was used.

Each plant was planted on medium with 40% soil, 30% sand and 30% compost. Plants selected for
this research were free of pest with average height of 50 cm. During this study, 30 tomato plants
arranged in 3 rows of 10 plants each, with wide aisle (about 2 meters) between the rows.

Three colonies (≈1500 bees per colony) of T. iridipennis and three colonies of A. cerana (≈10,000
bees) were introduced into farm. All colonies originated from wild colonies found at area surrounding
farm, kept in bee hive made from wood and acclimatize for 3 months prior to study.

Fertilizer Application
To assess the effects of N and P addition to L. esculentum, we conducted a manipulative field
experiment. Thirty plants of comparable size, each separated by at least two m from one another, were
selected. Plants were assigned to one of two treatments, each with 10 replicates: (1) Control (no N or
P added only agricultural soil), (2) + Nitrogen (N added), and (3) + Phosphor (P added). We applied
30 g of N in the form of urea-N pellets (NPK 40-0-0) dissolved in 2 L of water while application of P
was using 30 g P2O5 dissolved in 2 L water. All fertilizers were applied once per week.

Flowering condition
During this study, we noted effect of addition fertilizer to flowering time and flower number. This
observation was conducted from the beginning of first flowering until last flower senescence.

Bee visitation frequency

Frequency of bee visitation was observed during flowering period based on method developed by
Klein et al. (2003). Observation conducted only at sunny day between 0700 and 1600 (local time).
Observation conducted 5 minutes per hour for three consecutive days at different plant. Total number
of flowers observed was 100 and total visitation frequency calculated by polled all data obtained from
three days observation.
In simultaneous time, another observer recorded amount of time spent by individual bees in one
flower and defined as handling time.

Bee pollination efficiency

For this experiments, 10 flowers, that still not bloomed, in each of all plants used were randomly
selected and tagged. Each group of flower was bagged with mesh nylon bag (diameter 1 mm). Glue
were applied at the twig were flowers located to prevent ants from entering flower. Bags were
removed when flowers started to bloom. Observation for bee pollination efficiency started from
removal of the bag until bee transferred pollen to female flower by bee. After pollination process,
flowers were bagged until fruit was produced. This group of treatments stated as honey bee (HB) and
stingless bee (SB) group.
Pollination efficiency were measured by

Pollination efficiency =

Statistical Analysis
We used Tukey‟s mean separation test to find any difference of fertilizer effect on average number of
flower produced, flowering time, bee visitation rate, and pollination efficiency. Significant value for
this test is P<0.05. All tests were conducted by statistical program STATISTICA 6.

Result and Discussion

Flowering condition
During this study we found that additional fertilizer did not change first flowering time (Tukey‟s
mean separation test, P>0.05) while plant pollinated with high phosphor produced more flowers
(Tukey‟s mean separation test, P<0.05) (Figure 1). Our finding agrees with Shuel (1957) and Wang et
al. (2011) that additional phosphor may increase total number of flowers produced significantly.
However, this study showed that additional phosphor did not hasten early flower production, although

it reduced time needed to achieve peak flowering period. It seems there are other factors that worked
on stimulating flowering than high phosphor content on soil.

Figure 1 Average number of flowers per week produced by tomato plant with different application of chemical fertilizer

In this research we also found that plant grow on control soil produced similar number of flowers with
plant fertilized with high phosphor. This result may indicate that local agriculture soil already
contained enough phosphor probably due to heavy fertilizer application which in common practices of
local farmer.

Bee Visitation Rate

Figure 2 Average number of flowers per week produced by tomato plant with different application of
chemical fertilizer
Both A. cerana and T. iridipennis had higher visitation rate at plant grow on control soil and soil
fertilized with high phosphor (Figure 2) while T. iridipennis had higher visitation rate than A. cerana.
This result probably caused by bigger floral display due to higher numbers of flowers (Ohashi &
Yahara, 1998) and distribution of reward for bees (Lefebre & Piere, 2006) as plant fertilized with high
nitrogen produced less flowers.

Bee Pollination Efficiency

Visitation rate influence quantity and quality of fruits produced. This study showed that visitation by
A. cerana produced higher number of fruit per plant than T. iridipennis (Table 1). This probably
caused due to ability of A. cerana to release pollen from anther earlier than T. iridipennis that induce
pollination and fruit production (Putra, in press). On the other hand, high visitation by T. iridipennis
produced heavier and bigger tomato which is probably due to higher number pollen deposited on
stigma (Serrano and Guerra-Sanz, 2006). This finding also showed that production of fruit is not only

influence by fertilizer but also by pollination success and specific type of fertilizer is needed to ensure
better production.

Table 1 Number, weight, and diameter of fruit pollinated by Apis cerana and T. iridipennis
Pollination agent
Treatment Variables Trigona
Apis cerana
Number of fruits per plant 23 ± 5.6 20 ± 3.1
Control Weight (gram) 23.54 ± 5.93 25.53 ± 5.51
Diameter (mm) 14.43 ± 6.51 18.59 ± 6.07
High Number of fruits per plant 25 ± 4.6* 18 ± 2.1
Weight (gram) 25.51 ± 9.93 29.53 ± 7.51*
Diameter (mm) 15.53 ± 7.51 19.59 ± 4.07*
Number of fruits per plant 15 ± 4.6 13 ± 3.1
High Nitrogen Weight (gram) 23.21 ± 9.93 24.45 ± 4.41
Diameter (mm) 13.43 ± 7.51 17.29 ± 2.07
*) indicated significant value tested by Tukey‟s mean separation test with significant value P<0.05

Phosphor increased the number of flowers produced that correlated with higher reward for pollinating
bees. Higher number of flower increased visitation rate that improve the quantity and quality of
tomato produced. Specific type of fertilizer is needed in order to improve fruit production and quality.
Further research is needed to find function of each type of fertilizer to specific period of local plant
cultivar development.

This research is funded by Dana Riset dan Inovasi KK ITB 2012 granted to first author.

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Effect of Silica Fillers on Characterization of Cellulose-Acrylamide
Hydrogels Matrices as Controlled Release Fertilizers
Deni Swantomo1,2,a, Rochmadi3,b, Kris Tri Basuki1,c, & Rahman Sudiyo3,d
Polytechnic Institute of Nuclear Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jl. Babarsari Kotak Pos 6101
YKBB Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia.
Doctoral Program of Chemical Engineering Department, Gadjah Mada University, Jl. Grafika No 2,
Bulaksumur Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia.
Chemical Engineering Department, Gadjah Mada University, Jl. Grafika No 2, Bulaksumur Yogyakarta 55281


ABSTRACT - Controlled Release Fertilizers-based hydrogels was synthesized by graft copolymerization of

acrylamide onto the rice straw cellulose backbones in the presence of silica fillers using simultaneous graft
copolymerization by gamma irradiation as initiator. Evidence of the silica presence on grafted cellulose was
obtained from FTIR. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the crystallinity was reduced through silica
fillers added. The effect of silica content on grafting efficiency, gel fraction, Young modulus, swelling
degree, and urea loading were examined. It was found that grafting efficiency and gel fraction decrease with
increasing silica added inversely with Young modulus. Water swelling and loading urea fertilizers were
conducted and the results showed that swelling degree and urea fertilizers loading increased first and then
decreased with increasing silica added. The effect of the silica fillers had implications in the mechanism of
controlled release urea fertilizers that diffusion-controlled mechanism became dominant, which attributed to
the decreasing of urea diffusion coefficient.

Keywords: cellulose hydrogels, controlled release fertilizers, gamma irradiation, graft copolymerization, silica fillers, urea


Isolation and Molecular Identification of Endophytic Bacteria from
Rambutan Fruits (Nephelium lappaceum L.) Cultivar Binjai
Sony Suhandono1, Meirina Kartika Kusumawardhani1, & Pingkan Aditiawati1

School of Life Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology

Email: sony@sith.itb.ac.id1

Abstract. Interactions between plants and endophytic bacteria are mutualistic. Plant provides nutrient for
bacteria, and bacteria will protect the plant from pathogen, help the phytohormones synthesis and nitrogen
fixation, and also increase absorption of minerals. These bacteria called plant growth-promoting bacteria
(PGPB). The aim for this study is to identify endophytic bacteria on rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.)
cultivar Binjai with 16S rRNA. Sequencing results showed that the bacteria is derived from genus
Corynebacterium, Bacillus, Chryseobacterium, Staphylococcus and Curtobacterium, which suspected play a
role as PGPB.

Keywords: 16S rRNA gene, endophytic bacteria, PGPB, rambutan


A Preliminary Investigation; Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria which
Adaptive to Vinasse
Kahar Muzakhar1, Sutoyo1 and Ahmad Bukhari Saragih1
Biology Dept., Faculty of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, The University of Jember, Jl. Kalimantan 37
Jember Indonesia 68121

Email: kaharmzk@unej.ac.id

ABSTRACT - Microorganisms identified as Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) were successfully

screened from sugarcane agricultural estate soil at Jatiroto which polluted vinasse. This investigation found
that five differences isolates (pvk-5a, pvk-5b, pvk-6b, pvk-7a, and pvk-8a) were detected as PSB by
screening on Pikovskaya Agar medium. Among of them, only three isolates (pvk-5a, pvk-5b and pvk-7a)
can be grown and adaptive on vinasse based medium without any nutrients added. The tree isolates
characterized as coccus and gram negative with no endospores detected. Suggested, these three isolates may
be able to be used as biofertilizer agent to support organic farming.

Keywords: psb, vinasse, coccus, gram negative.


Synthesis and Properties of Controlled-Release Fertilizers based on
Hydrogels of Chitosan-Acrylamide Graft Copolymers Using Gamma
Kris Tri Basuki1, Deni Swantomo1*, & Sigit2

Polytechnic Institute of Nuclear Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Jl. Babarsari Kotak Pos 6101
YKBB Yogyakarta 55281 Indonesia
The Center for Nuclear Fuel Technology, National Nuclear Energy Agency, Kawasan Puspiptek Serpong
Tangerang 15314 Indonesia

Email: deni@sttn-batan.ac.id

ABSTRACT - Synthesis of Controlled Release Fertilizers (CRF) based chitosan-acrylamide graft

copolymers hydrogels has been performed with radiation processing technology using Co-60 gamma
irradiation. The evidence of grafting was obtained from comparison of FTIR of the chitosan and grafted
chitosan. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the crystallinity was reduced through graft
copolymerization. The influence of radiation dose on grafting efficiency, gel fraction, crosslink density,
swelling degree, urea loading and release were examined. Grafting efficiency and gel fraction of prepared
hydrogel obtained optimum at the radiation dose of 15 kGy. Swelling degree and urea fertilizers loading
decrease with increased radiation dose inversely with crosslink density. This type of urea fertilizers release
mechanism of prepared hydrogels is found to be a non Fickian diffusion. The increasing radiation doses
from 10 to 35 kGy decreases diffusion coefficient of urea fertilizers from the hydrogels from 1.076 x 10-7 to
6.104 x 10-9 cm2/s. It may be concluded that by changing the crosslink density with radiation doses varying, a
rate-controlled fertilizers release is obtained.

Keywords: chitosan hydrogels, controlled release fertilizers, gamma irradiation, graft copolymerization, radiation doses,
urea diffusion


FIBER - 01
Chemical Characterization of Poly-gamma-Glutamic Acid Produced by
Bacterial Strain Isolated from Indonesian Natto
Luh Putu Pitrayani Sukma1 and Pingkan Aditiawati1

Department of Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan
Ganesa 10 Bandung, 40132 Jawa Barat, Indonesia. Telp./Fax. +62 22 2511575/+62 22 2534107

Email: luhputupitrayanisukma@yahoo.com

ABSTRACT - A strain of bacteria nominated as Bacillus sp. strain-S have been successfully isolated from
Natto produced in Cianjur, Indonesia. This strain was used to produce poly-gamma-glutamic acid (gamma-
PGA) using liquid medium with citric acid, L-glutamic acid and ammonium sulfate as the main nutrients.
Production of gamma-PGA in this medium is growth-associated with the highest production (3.17 g.L-1)
reached at 48 h of fermentation time. Characterization using FTIR spectroscopy identified that the material
produced by Bacillus sp. strain-S has functional groups of carboxyl, hydroxyl, amide, and amine that highly
correlate with functional groups that present in gamma-PGA. In addition, the results of NMR analysis
showed signals related with the presence of protons and carbons in gamma-PGA molecular structure. These
analyses identified several chemicals markers that indicate the polymer extract as gamma-PGA.

Keywords: Bacillus natto; chemical characterization; FTIR spectroscopy; gamma-PGA; NMR spectroscopy


FIBER - 02
Effect of furnish materials on temperature and vapor pressure behavior in
the center of mat panels during hot-pressing
Muhammad Navis Rofii1, 2, 3, Noriko Yamamoto2, Yoichi Kojima1, 2 & Shigehiko Suzuki1, 2
United Graduate School of Agricultural Science Gifu University, Gifu 501-1193, Japan
Faculty of Agriculture Shizuoka University, 836 Ohya, Shizuoka 422-8529, Japan
Faculty of Forestry Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jalan Agro 1, Bulaksumur,
Yogyakarta 55281, Indonesia

Email: navis_r@yahoo.fr

ABSTRACT - The particleboard achieves its overall performance during hot pressing process. As this
process is influenced by several factors particularly the temperature and pressure, the behavior of both of
them are very important to be understood. This study investigates the effects of furnish materials on the
temperature and vapor pressure behavior inside the mat particleboard panels during hot-pressing. Strand type
particle from hinoki and hammer-milled particle of recycled wood were used as furnish for laboratory-scale
particleboard panels with the target density of 0.76 gcm-³. Mat panels with moisture content of about 10%
were hot-pressed at platen temperature of 180 °C and initial pressure of 3 MPa up to the mat center reaches
the same temperature of the platen temperature. PressMAN Lite (Alberta Research Council) device was used
for detecting the temperature and vapor pressure change in the center of mat panels. The study shows that
the furnish type affected the temperature and vapor behavior inside the mat panels. Particleboard made of
hinoki strand results in longer plateau time, higher plateau temperature and higher gas pressure generated
during hot-pressing than that of hammer-milled recycled wood particle. The mixed-board resulted the value
between those two different furnish materials.

Keywords: furnish type; mat panels; hot-pressing; temperature; vapor pressure


FIBER - 03
Conversion of wood fiber to High Refined Cellulose using nitric acid,
sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide as the delignificating agent
Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia

Email: supranto@chemeng.ugm.ac.id

ABSTRACT - High Refined Cellulose (HRC) is a cellulosic materials with a cellulose content higher than
90%. HRC may be further converted to cellulose-acetate, cellulose-nitrate, Carboxy-Methyl-Cellulose
(CMC) or other cellulose base chemicals. As a renewable material, sago wood fiber waste, sugar cane fiber
waste (baggase) and palm oil fiber waste have a huge potential as raw material for production of HRC and
cellulose chemicals derivatives such as CMC-emulsifier, nitrocellulose-biomedical, cellulose-acetate
addesive and nitrocellulose single base munition. In this study, I optimized the conditions of the chemical
conversion of the wood fiber to HRC using the nitric acid, sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide as the
delignificating agent. The chemical processes were carried out in a 1000 mL reactor capacity, equipped with
stirrer and temperature controller. Three process steps were involved in the delignification process of wood
fiber; firstly using the nitric acid solution, secondly using the sodium hydroxide solution and finally using
the hydrogen peroxide solution. The result shows that the delignification process of wood fiber producing
HRC with cellulose content of higher than 94% were succesfully done in a 3 steps of wood fiber
delignification process. The 1st step was using the HNO3 solution, the 2nd step was using the NaOH solution
and the 3rd step was using the H2O2 solution as the delignificating agents. The optimal process condition of
this wood fiber conversion to HRC with cellulose content of higher than 94 % was achieved in processes
with combinations of the HNO3 concentration of higher than 4,5 % with ratio of the HNO3 solution to wood
fiber of higher than 25 mL/g in the 1 st step, and the NaOH concentration of 1.8 N with ratio of the NaOH
solution to wood fiber of 15 to 20 mL/g in the 2 nd step, and the H2O2 concentration of higher than 3,5 %
with ratio of the H2O2 solution to wood fiber of higher than 25 mL/g in the 3 rd step.

Keywords: high refined cellulose, hydrogen peroxyde, nitric acid, sodium hydroxide, wood fiber conversion. Introduction

The capture of solar energy as fixed carbon in biomass via photosynthesis, during which carbon
dioxide, CO2, were converted to organic compound, is the key initial step in the growth of biomass.


Figure 1. Conversion of carbon dioxide and water to organic component

n CO2  n H 2 O through
 (CHO)n  n O2
solar energy, chlorophyll (1)

As shown in Figure 1 and Equation (1), the Carbohydrate and cellulose in food represented by the
building block (CHO)n, is the organic product, so the plantation cellulose is one of the renewable
chemical, a product of the photosynthesis process done by the chlorophyll in the green tree leafs.
Although there are still many unanswered questions regarding the detailed molecular mechanism of
photosyntesis, the prerequisites for virgin biomass growth are well established; CO2, solar energy -
light in the visible region of electromagnetic spectrum, the sensitizing catalyst chlorophyll, and living-
plant are essential. Klass (1988) reported that the cupture limit of the efficiency of the incident solar
radiation in biomass has been variously estimated to range from about 8% to as high 15%, but in most
actual situations, it‟s generally in the 1% range or less. It is evident that since the simple sugars are the
initial products of photosynthesis, they are the primary precursors of all the organic components in
biomass. The patways to the high-molecular-weight polysaccharides involve successive
condensations of the monosacharides, mainly the C-6 hexoses to yield cellulose and starches, and
mainly the C-5 pentoses to yield hemicelluloses. Celluloses are composed of -glucosidic units in the
polymer chain, and starches are composed of -glucosidic units. Glucose is the dominant immediate
precursor of the celluloses.
The utilization of plant fiber as a raw material of cellulose base product or their derivatives will have
a guarante that the raw material process production is formed sustainable naturally. As mention
above, the cellulose of natural fiber is one of the product of photosynthesis process, which is a natural
convertion of water molecule (H2O) and Carbon dioxide (CO2) by chlorophyll in the plantation leafs
involving Solar energy. This cellulose fiber generally is the most dominant organic components in
most biomass. In some parts of platation, i.e. the sugar cane stems, the palm oil branch and fruit, and
in the sago stems, the cellulose content reached to as high as 50% in dry basis. In the production of
sago powder, there will be produced sago fiber as solid waste. In addition to baggase from sugar cane
industries, empty palm oil branch and palm oil fiber waste from palm oil industries, the sago fiber
waste place its self as the potential source of cellulose in the HRC production from fiber wastes. BPS

(2011) reported that in 2011, Indonesia with the production of sugar cane as much as 2 million ton,
there would be produced solid-waste-baggase as much as 10 million ton. Similar to Indonesia palm oil
industries, in the production capacity of 14 million ton, at least would formed as much as 20 million
ton of palm oil empty branch which were disposed as solid waste by the palm oil industries. Sago
plantation has growing fast in Indonesia, especially in West Irian or Papua island. About 50 % of the
world production of Sago powder comes from this region.
The solid waste from sugar cane, palm oil and sago industries may be accounted as a potential raw
materials for HRC production, which can be converted further to some of end product, Cellulose
Acetate, Nitro Cellulose, Carboxy Methyl Cellulose, viscous cellulose and others. Generally, the
chemical process involves in HRC production is called delignification, in which the chemical reagent
would destruct the lignin in fiber material and leaving the relatively pure cellulose in solid phase as
HRC product. The conversion of these solid waste materials to HRC and its derivetives would
certainly improve the contribution of the agroindustries to the world. Supranto (2011) reported that
sago fiber can be converted to nitrocellulose through delignification and nitration processes. Supranto
(2012) has studied the use of HNO3, NaOH and H2O2 as delignificating agent to remove the lignin in
natural fiber, leaving the cellulose in solid phase as the end product of delignification process.

Materials and methods

To determine the optimal condition of the chemical processes of wood fiber waste conversion to
HRC, the laboratory experimental work need to carry out. The parameters which were investigated
are the concentration of the delignification agent of HNO3, NaOH and H2O2, and the ratio of the
amount of delignification agent (HNO3, NaOH and H2O2) to the amount of the wood fiber raw
material. The Research flow diagram of the fiber conversion to HRC is shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Flow Diagram of the experimental wood fiber delignification

The experimental work consisted of 3 process steps. In the 1st step the HNO3 solution were used with
concentration of between 2.5% to 10%, while the amount ratio of the HNO3 solution to wood fiber
were varied between 15 to 45 mL/g. In the 2nd step the NaOH solution were used with NaOH
concentration in the range of 1 N to 2.5 N and the amount ratio of NaOH solution to wood fiber were
varied between 15 to 45 mL/g. In the 3rd step the H2O2 solution with the concentration varied from 1%
to 4%, with the amount ratio of H2O2 to wood fiber in the range of 15 to 45 mL/g. When the 3rd step
of delignification process condition was optimized, the process conditions of the 1st and 2nd process
step were kept fixed. The experimental work consist of 48 runs, the first 16 run generated data which
will indicate the effect of H2O2 parameter in the delignification process step-3, the second 16 run
generated data indicating the effect of NaOH parameter and the last 16 run generated data the effect of
HNO3 parameter on the cellulose content in the HRC product.

Data analysis
The experimental result data which were the concentration of cellulose in HRC product, were
interpolated by mean of second order polynomial correlation, producing a set of interpolated matrix
data. Then the matrix data were analyzed and plotted as 3D graphically picture. The optimization
graphically method were used to generate 2D contour plots of cellulose content in HRC versus 2
simultaneous parameter investigated, which are concentration of the delignification agent (HNO3,
NaOH and H2O2) and the volume ratio of the delignification agent to the weight of the wood fiber.

Results and discussion

The effect of H2O2 to wood fiber ratio and H2O2 concentration on the delignification
process step-3.
Table 1 is the experimental result of the effect of H2O2 concentration (C3) and ratio of H2O2 to wood
fiber (R3) on the delignification process step-3, with process temperature of 80 oC, wood fiber of 10 g,
process duration time of 2 hour. When the 3rd step of delignification process was optimized, the
operating condition of the 2nd and the 1st step were kept fixed. The data in Table 1 were analysed and
the result were represented in Figure 3. The correlation formulas between the cellulose content in
HRC (P) and the H2O2 concentration (x) for ratio H2O2 to wood fiber (R3) value of 15, 25, 35, and 45
are represented by the equations 2 to 5 respectivelly.

P  1.6659 x 2  13.275 x  65.466 (2)

P   3.1050 x 2  23.369 x  49.554 (3)

P   3.8150 x 2  28.182 x  40.703

(4) (4)

P   2.9490 x 2  22.611 x  48.379 (5)

Tabel 1. The H2O2 effect on HRC product, with wood fiber fixed of 10 gram, duration time of 2 hour and
temperature of 80 oC.
C1, R1 C2, R2 C3, R3 Cellulose(
(%) (mL/g) (N) (mL/g) (%) (mL/g) %)
1 7.5 25 2 25 3.0 15 90.42
2 7.5 25 2 25 3.5 15 91.16
3 7.5 25 2 25 4.0 15 92.28
4 7.5 25 2 25 4.5 15 91.35
5 7.5 25 2 25 3.0 25 91.84
6 7.5 25 2 25 3.5 25 91.93
7 7.5 25 2 25 4.0 25 93.73
8 7.5 25 2 25 4.5 25 91.71
9 7.5 25 2 25 3.0 35 91.11
10 7.5 25 2 25 3.5 35 92.02
11 7.5 25 2 25 4.0 35 92.98
12 7.5 25 2 25 4.5 35 90.07
13 7.5 25 2 25 3.0 45 89.67
14 7.5 25 2 25 3.5 45 91.39
15 7.5 25 2 25 4.0 45 91.64
16 7.5 25 2 25 4.5 45 90.41

Figure 3. The effect of H2O2 to wood fiber ratio and H2O2 concentration on the cellulose content in the HRC

Using the equations 2 to 5 as the representatif equations of the the corellation formulas which
corellate the H2O2 concentration and the cellulose content in HRC with variation of the ratio volume
of H2O2 solution to the weight of Sago fiber, then the 3D graphically picture of the effect of H 2O2 in
delignification process can be performed (Figure 4 and 5). Figure 4 and 5 showed the cellulose
content in HRC product is increasing with the increase of the H2O2 concentration from 3.0% to 4.0%,
then this value is slighly decreasing when the H2O2 concentration higher than 4.0% was used. As
shown in Figure 4, the optimal process condition to produce HRC with cellulose content of higher
than 93% can be achieved by using a combination of H2O2 concentration of higher than 3.5% and
H2O2 to Sago wood fiber ratio of higher than 20 mL/g. The H2O2 concentration of 4% and H2O2 to

Sago wood fiber ratio of 25 mL/g , then, were used in the next experimental optimization of the
delignification process step-2 and process step-1.

Figure 4. The effect of H2O2 to wood fiber ratio and H2O2 concentration on the cellulose content of HRC

Figure 5. The simultaneous effect of the H2O2 to wood fiber ratio and H2O2 concentration on the cellulose
content in HRC product

The effect of NaOH to wood fiber ratio and NaOH concentration on the delignification process
Table 2 is the experimental result of the effect of the NaOH solution to wood fiber ratio (R2) and the
NaOH concentration (C2) on the delignification process step-2, using process temperature of 80oC,
solid wood fiber of 10 g, duration time of 2 hr, following by the 3rd process step involving H2O2 with
the optimal process conditions determined previously. The data shown in Table 2 were analysed and
represented in Figure 6 and 7. The corellation formulas between the NaOH concentration (y) with the
cellulose content in HRC (P) in various ratio of NaOH to wood fiber (R2) value of 15, 25, 35 and 45

P   2.410 y 2  8.5970 y  85.987 (6)

P   1.975 y 2  6.5835 y  87.083 (7)

P   2.345 y 2  8.4085 y  84.368 (8)

P   1.750 y 2  6.7190 y  84.293 (9)

Tabel 2. The effect of NaOH on HRC product, with wood fiber fixed of 10 gram, duration time of 2 h and
temperature of 80 oC.
C1, R1 C2, R2 C3, R3 Cellulose(
(%) (mL/g) (N) (mL/g) (%) (mL/g) %)
17 7.5 25 1.0 15 Opt Opt 92.07
18 7.5 25 1.5 15 Opt Opt 93.77
19 7.5 25 2.0 15 Opt Opt 93.23
20 7.5 25 2.5 15 Opt Opt 92.52
21 7.5 25 1.0 25 Opt Opt 91.84
22 7.5 25 1.5 25 Opt Opt 92.70
23 7.5 25 2.0 25 Opt Opt 92.80
24 7.5 25 2.5 25 Opt Opt 91.05
25 7.5 25 1.0 35 Opt Opt 90.65
26 7.5 25 1.5 35 Opt Opt 91.05
27 7.5 25 2.0 35 Opt Opt 92.46
28 7.5 25 2.5 35 Opt Opt 90.52
29 7.5 25 1.0 45 Opt Opt 89.19
30 7.5 25 1.5 45 Opt Opt 90.65
31 7.5 25 2.0 45 Opt Opt 90.51
32 7.5 25 2.5 45 Opt Opt 90.23

It can be seen in Figure 6 and Figure 7 show that the cellulose content in HRC product is increasing
with the increase of NaOH concentration from 1N to 2N, then this value is slightly decreasing when
NaOH concentration higher than 2N. Figure 7 also shows the optimal process condition to produce
HRC with cellulose content higher than 93% could be achieved by using a combination of 2N NaOH
(C2) and NaOH to wood fiber ratio (R2) of higher than 20 mL/g. 2N NaOH and NaOH to wood fiber
ratio of 25 mL/g were used in the next experimental optimization of the delignification process of

Figure 6. The effect of NaOH to wood fiber ratio and NaOH concentration on the cellulose content in the HRC

Figure 7. The simultaneous effect of NaOH to wood fiber ratio and NaOH concentration on the cellulose content
in HRC product

The effect of HNO3 to wood fiber ratio and HNO3 concentration on delignification
process step – 1.
Table 3 is the experimental result of HNO3 effect on Sago wood fiber ratio and HNO3 concentration
on the delignification process step-1, using temperature of 80 oC, Sago wood fiber of 10 g, duration
time of 2 h, following by second step delignification involving NaOH in step-2 and H2O2 in step-3
with the optimal processes conditions previously determined. The data shown in Table 3 were
analysed and represented in Figure 8 and 9. The corellation formulas between HNO3 concentration
(z) with the cellulose content in HRC (P) in various ratio of HNO3 to wood fiber (R3) value of 15, 25,
35 and 45 mL/g are represented by the equation 10 to 13 respectivelly.

P   0.0093 z 2  0.2047 z  93.280 (10)

P   0.0107 z 2  0.2233 z  93.064 (11)

P   0.0078 z 2  0.2013 z  92.874 (12)

P   0.0125 z 2  0.2475 z  91.695 (13)

Tabel 3. The effect of HNO3 on HRC product, with wood fiber fixed of 10 gram, duration
time of 2 h and temperature of 80 oC.
C1, R1 C2, R2 C3, R3 Cellulose
(%) (mL/g) (N) (mL/g) (%) (mL/g) (%)
33 2.5 15 Opt Opt Opt Opt 92.22
34 5.0 15 Opt Opt Opt Opt 92.66
35 7.5 15 Opt Opt Opt Opt 92.81
36 10.0 15 Opt Opt Opt Opt 92.93
37 2.5 25 Opt Opt Opt Opt 93.20
38 5.0 25 Opt Opt Opt Opt 92.72
39 7.,5 25 Opt Opt Opt Opt 92.73
40 10.0 25 Opt Opt Opt Opt 94.06
41 2.5 35 Opt Opt Opt Opt 93.71
42 5.0 35 Opt Opt Opt Opt 93.15
43 7.5 35 Opt Opt Opt Opt 94.22
44 10.0 35 Opt Opt Opt Opt 94.43
45 2.5 45 Opt Opt Opt Opt 93.53
46 5.0 45 Opt Opt Opt Opt 93.98
47 7.5 45 Opt Opt Opt Opt 94.08
48 10.0 45 Opt Opt Opt Opt 94.25

Figure 8. The effect of HNO3 to wood fiber ratio and HNO3 concentration on cellulose content in HRC product

Figure 9. The simultaneous effect of HNO3 to wood fiber ratio and HNO3 concentration on cellulose content in
HRC product

Conversion of wood fiber to HRC with cellulose content of higher than 94% were succesfully
achieved in a 3 steps of wood fiber delignification process. The 1st and 2nd steps used HNO3 solution,
while 3rd step used H2O2 solution as the delignificating agents.

The optimal process condition of this wood fiber conversion to HRC with cellulose content of higher
than 94% was achieved in processes with combinations of HNO3 concentration higher than 4,5%
with the ratio of HNO3 solution to wood fiber of higher than 25 mL/g in the 1st step, and NaOH
concentration of 1.8 N with the ratio of NaOH solution to wood fiber of 15 to 20 mL/g in the 2nd step,
and the H2O2 concentration of higher than 3,5% with the ratio of the H2O2 solution to wood fiber of
higher than 25 mL/g in the 3rd step.

Nomenclature (if necessary)

List the nomenclature in alphabetical order. List Roman letters followed by Greek symbols followed
by subscript and superscripts.

C1 = Consentration of HNO3 in process step-1

C2 = Concentration of NaOH in process step-2
C3 = Concentration of H2O2 in process step-3
HNO3 = Nitric Acid
HRC = High Refined Cellulose
H2O2 = Hydrogen Peroxyde
NaOH = Sodium Hydroxide
P = Cellulose content in HRC product
R1 = Ratio amount of the HNO3 solution to the wood fiber, mL/g
R2 = Ratio amount of the NaOH solution to the wood fiber, mL/g
R3 = Ratio amount of the H2O2 solution to the wood fiber, mL/g
x = H3O2 concentration, g/L
y = NaOH concentration, g/L
z = HNO3 concentration, g/L

BPS, 2011
Klass D.L., Biomass for Renewable Energy, Academic Press Limited, California, USA, 1988.
Supranto, Converting of the Sago Fiber to Nitrocellulose by delignification and nitration processes,
AUNSEED-Net Manila, Philipine Conference, 20-21 January 2011.
Supranto, Pembuatan Selulose Kemurnian Tinggi dari Serat Alami Tanaman dengan Menggunakan HNO3,
NaOH dan H2O2 sebagai Agen Proses Delignifikasi, Proceeding, Seminar Nasional Teknik Kimia Indonesia
dan Musyawarah Nasional APTEKINDO 2012, The chalenge of Chemical Engineering Institutions in
Product Innovetion for a Sustainable Future, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta Indonesia, 2012.

FIBER - 04
Decay Resistance of Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) Made From
Pineapple Leaf Fiber
Yuliati Indrayani1, Dina Setyawati1, Tsuyoshi Yoshimura2 & Kenji Umemura2
Faculty of Forestry, Tanjungpura University, Jl. Imam Bonjol, Pontianak 78124, Indonesia
Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH), Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto 611-0011, Japan

Email: mandaupermai@yahoo.com

ABSTRACT - Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) production is increasing due to the development of
manufacturing technologies. MDF products are utilized in traditional wood applications that require fungal
resistance. This study investigated some of the important biodegradation properties of MDF composite made
from reneable biomass of pineapple leaf fiber (Ananas comosus). Variable factors were type of board and type
of resin. Two diffrenet types of board with a target density of 0.8 gr/cm 3 were manufactured. The board was
prepared in three layers of about 1:1:1 weight ratio in cross-oriented and unidirectional board using low
molecular weight (LM) Phenol Formaldehyde (PF) resin type PL-3725 and high molecular weight (HM) PF
resin type PL-2818 for impregnation and adhesive purposes. Decay resistance (white and brown rot fungi) of the
MDF were evaluated in order to assess its biological performance. In this study, fiber orientation had no effect
on both decay resistance of white and brown rot fungi. However, a slight increase was found for the mass loss of
the high molecular weight PF compared with mix low and high molecular PF resin. The total resin content of
20% of the type a boards prohibits the degradation by decay.

Keywords: decay resistance; medium density fiberboard (MDF); pineapple leaf fiber; phenol resin (PF)


FIBER - 05
Synthesis and Characterization of Bio-based Nanomaterial from Jabon
(Anthocephalus cadamba (Roxb.) Miq) Wood Bark : Organic Material
Waste from Community Forest
Sutrisno1*, Tati Suryati Syamsudin1, Eka Mulya Alamsyah1 and Bambang Sunendar Purwasasmita2
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung
Faculty of Industrial Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. Ganesha No.10 Bandung 40132, West Java,

*Email: sutrisno@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - The application of nanotechnology to produce nanomaterial from renewable bio-based

material like wood bark, has a great potential for forest products industry. To support this issue, we
investigate the production of bio-based nanomaterial using conventional balls milling. Jabon (Anthocephalus
cadamba (Roxb.) Miq) wood bark, organic material waste from community forest was subjected to
conventional balls milling for 96 h and was converted into bio-based nanomaterial. The morphology and
particles size, chemical components, functional groups and crystallinity of bio-based nanomaterial were
evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM), scanning electron microscopy that extended with
energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-
ray Diffraction (XRD). The particles size was obtained between 43 nm up to 469 nm and in the range of 10-
1000 nm. The chemical components found in bio-based nanomaterial from JWB were carbon, oxygen,
chloride, potassium and calcium.

Keywords: bio-based nanomaterial, conventional balls milling, jabon wood bark.


FIBER - 06
Seedling Quality and Early Growth of Paraserianthes falcataria (L) Nielsen
F-2 Half-Sib Plant in Progeny Test
Susana P Dewi1 and Sopandi Sunarya1

School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung 40132
E-mail : susana@sith.itb.ac.id, sopandi@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - The research was conducted to find the effects of parental and site to seedling growth of
Paraserianthes falcataria (L) Nielsen F-2 half-sib in progeny test at Jatinangor Sumedang, West Java. The
seedlings of P. falcataria have been planted with spacing 1m x 3m. The experimental design which used in this
research was Randomized Complete Block Design with row plot system. There were two factors which studied,
16 of parentals and 4 blocks. Seedling growth variables measured were height, diameter, number of leaf,
sturdiness and adaptability of seedlings in the field. This study showed that quality of P. falcataria seedling
could not be classified based on seedling quality standard, but its growth quite well. Height, diameter and
number of leaf were influenced by parental, site and their interaction. Adaptability of progeny of mother tree-1
from Subang provenance (parental-5 or SuP1B1), mother tree-1 from Kediri provenance (parental-10 or
KeP1B2) and mother tree-2 from Kuningan provenance (parental-13 or KuP2B2) were lowest, whereas progeny
of mother tree-1 from Kediri provenance (parental-4 or KeP1B1) had highest adaptability.

Keywords: early growth, Paraserianthes falcataria, parental, progeny test, seedling quality.


FIBER - 07
Preliminary Evaluation On Genetic Variation of Two Year Old Surian
(Toona Sinensis Roem) Progeny Test Plants Assessed by RAPD Marker
Yayat Hidayat1,2 & Iskandar Z Siregar2
School of Life Sciences and Technology Institut Teknologi Bandung
Departement of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry Institut Pertanian Bogor

Email: yayat@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - Study on genetic variation of surian (Toona sinensis Roem) plants is still limited. The genetic
information is needed for the tree improvement program. Genetic variation of tree population can be
estimated through morphological or molecular markers. Estimation using morphological markers is time
consuming, whereas by molecular marker, the estimation of genetic variation can be carried out faster. One
of the molecular markers commonly used as a first step to estimate tree genetic variation is the so-called
RAPD (Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA). This research was done aiming at determining genetic
variation of 2 year old surian offsprings in the progeny test using RAPD marker. Surian leaves were used as
material for RAPD analysis which were sampled from 18 individuals. Three out of 6 primers tested for
RAPD analysis produced clear and reproducible bands, namely OPY-19, OPY-13, and OPO-10.
Polymorphic bands resulted from the RAPD profiles were then analyzed using POGENE and NTSYSpc
softwares. Results showed that genetic variation (heterozygosity, he) and Shanon index (i) values for Surian
population were 0.2446 and 0.3728, respectively. The number of polymorphic loci (NPL) was 10,
percentage of polymorphic loci (PPL) was 62.5%, number of alleles observed (na) was 1.7500 and number
of alleles effective (ne) was 1.4007. Genetic distances among accessions varied from 0.000 (between
seedlots from Sumedang_4, Pekalongan, and Sumedang) to 0.6932 (between families from Wonosobo and
Kuningan_4). Individual clustering based on genetic distance using UPGMA method showed two major
clusters at 30% genetic diversity level. Seedlot from Central Java were clustered to one cluster, while seedlot
from West Java were clustered into two clusters. This study indicated that the seedlot from West Java is
more diverse than the one from Central Java. Further investigation using other marker types, i.e. AFLP, will
be carried out to confirm these prelimnary findings.

Keywords: Genetic variation, Toona sinensis, genetic variation, RAPD, heterozygosity.


FIBER - 08
Effect of Board Type on Some Properties of Bamboo Strandboard
Ihak Sumardi1, Shigehiko Suzuki2 and Noor Rahmawati1
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10 Bandung, Indonesia
Wood Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Shizuoka University, Japan.

Email: ihak@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - The objective of this study was to evaluate the properties of bamboo strandboard (OSB) at
different board types and strand-lengths. Two types of strand-length and MDI resin were used to produce
three types of strandboard. The bending properties and dimensional stability of bamboo strandboard were
evaluated according to Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) for particleboard, and the results were summarized
as follows. The bending properties and internal bond strength were affected by board types and strand-
length. Uneven resin distribution on 80 mm strandboard compared with 50 mm strandboard will affect the
value of internal bond. For better value of internal bond especially for longer strand, glue bending
technology is needed to be improved. Thickness swelling (TS) of RAND-board was the highest compared to
other boards, and linear stability is affected substantially by strand alignment. The RAND-board and cross-
oriented at core of 3LAY-board effectively restrained the LE in direction of perpendicular strand alignment.
The cross-oriented core may be the most effective way to reduce this dimensional change and decrease the
bending property value in perpendicular directions

Keywords: bamboo, strandboard, long strand, board type, bending properties, dimensional stability.


FOOD - 01
Embryo Incision as a New Technique to Double Seedling Production of
Indonesian Elite Coconut Type"Kopyor"
Sisunandar1, Alkhikmah1, Arief Husin1 & Aman Suyadi2

Biology Education Department, The University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia 53182
Agrotechnology Department, Faculty of Agriculture, The University of Muhammadiyah Purwokerto, Indonesia 53182

Email: sisunandar@ump.ac.id

ABSTRACT - One of the major limitation of seedling production of kopyor-type coconut using embryo
culture technique is that only one seedling can be produced from a single embryo. Therefore, we report on
the development of a new break trough technique to produce double seedling from a single embryo. The
technique was achieved through four steps, viz. (i) germination; (ii) incision; (iii) splitting and (iv)
recovering. The histological work has also carried out on the development of halved embryo into a new
shoot. The best recovery process were obtained when the incised embryos were splitted become two and
recovered into Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 2 µM IBA and 15 µM kinetin.
Following this protocol, the average of 56 shoots was successfully recovered out of 30 zygotic embryos.
Histological study also revealed that the meristem tissue of the halved embryo could produce new meristem
and primordial leaf. Most of the shoots then underwent to produce normal seedlings and can be acclimatized
successfully after having 2 or 3 leaves. This protocol is useful for the routine seedling production of kopyor-
type coconut.

Keywords: Embryo culture, embryo splitting, multiplication, in vitro culture, meristem


FOOD - 02
Induction of Somatic Embryos From Leaf and Stem Nodal Section of
Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Fitri Aprilianty1, Iriawati1
Biology Department of Schoolof Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. Ganesha 10
Bandung 40132, Indonesia

Email: fitriaprilianty@students.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT Potato is one of the most important horticultural commodities in Indonesia. Recently, market
demand for potato comodities increase in line with the increase of population of Indonesia. However, the
availability of qualified potato seedling are still not able to meet market demand. To solve these problems, tissue
culture through somatic embryogenesis, can be used as one of alternative method to obtain high quality of
potato seedling problem. It is therefore, this research has been done with objectives to evaluate the most
potential type of explants to produce potato somatic embryos, to evaluate the combinations of growth regulator
(2,4-D and BAP) at various concentration for potato somatic embryos induction, and to evaluate the ability of
BAP for somatic embryos maturation process. Young leaf and stem nodal section were used as a source of
explants. These explants were cultured in MS media suplemented with 9 μM 2,4-D and 4.5 μM BAP for leaf
explants, or 9 μM 2,4-D and 1 μM BAP for stem nodal section. Developing calli were then transferred to liquid
MS media supplemented with several concentration (1 - 10) μM of 2,4-D and BAP (0.5 – 10) μM for induction
of somatic embryos. For embryos maturation process, embryogenic callus/somatic embryos from induction
medium were transferred to embryos maturation medium, which consisted of MS medium supplemented with (1
– 5) μM BAP. The results showed that the best media for inducing potato somatic embryos derived from leaf
explant was MS with growth regulator composition (2,4-D 1 µM + BAP 10 µM); (2,4-D 1 µM + BAP 5 µM);or
(2,4-D 2,5 µM + BAP 5 µM), meanwhile for inducing somatic embryos derived from stem nodal section explant
was MS media supplemented with (2,4-D 1 µM + BAP 0.5 µM);(2,4-D 5 µM + BAP 1 µM);or (2,4-D 10 µM +
BAP 5 µM). In the maturation process, somatic embryos derived from leaf as well as stem nodal section explant
were well-developed in MS media supplemented with 5 µM BAP. Two types of explants were tested, explants
stem nodal section was able to produce the highest percentage of globular embryos (16.3%) compared with leaf
explants (10.6%). In the maturation stage, the highest percentage of embryos heart (10.3%) and torpedo (4%)
obtained from explants stem nodal section. Based on the results, it could be concluded that the most potential
type of explant for generating potato somatic embryos was stem nodal section. The highest number of somatic
embryos was induced from stem nodal section in the media containing 2,4-D 1μM + BAP 10 μM, and the
highest development/maturation rate of somatic embryos was obtained from stem nodal section explants in
media containing 5 μM BAP.

Keywords: growth regulator, potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.), somatic embryogenesis, tissue culture


FOOD - 03
Cloning of P5CS Gene from Saccharum officinarum L.
Hayati Minarsih1, Dwiyantari Widyaningrum2, Sony Suhandono2, Soekarno Mismana Putra1, & Asmini
Biotechnology Research Units for Estate Crop, Jalan Taman Kencana No. 1, Bogor, Indonesia
Genetics and Molecular Biology Division, School of Life Science and Technology, Institut Teknologi
Bandung, Jalan Ganesha No. 10, Bandung, Indonesia

Email: hmiskan@yahoo.com

ABSTRACT - Abiotic stresses, such as drought, cause negative impacts on crop adaptation and
productivity. On the other hand, sugarcane productivity can be increased by extensification method which
include the use of marginal land. To boost the sugar production and extend its range, we seek to improve its
stress tolerance by genetic engineering method. Under abiotic stress, proline, an osmoprotectant compound,
will be accumulated to stabilize cell membrane and prevent protein degradation. P5CS ( ∆1-pyrroline-5-
carboxylate synthetase) is one of the key regulatory enzyme in proline biosynthesis. We isolated and
registered the P5CS gene from Saccharum officinarum L (Genbank Accession Number : KF178300). The
gene was isolated by reverse transcriptase PCR using spesific primers. The primers were designed based on
nucleotide sequence of P5CS gene from Saccharum officinarum (Genbank Accession Number : EF155655).
The gene has 98% homology with P5CS gene from S. arundinaceum (SaP5CS, Genbank Accession Number
: EU113257), 97% homology with P5CS gene from Saccharum officinarum (SoP5CS, Genbank Accession
Number : EF155655), and 93% homology with P5CS2 gene from Sorghum bicolor (SbP5CS2, Genbank
Accession Number : GQ377720). The gene encodes 729 amino acid. Multiple sequence alignment result
showed that there were conserved domain glutamat-5-kinase and gamma-glutamyl phosphate reductase in
amino acid sequence of the isolated sugarcane P5CS. Further bioinformatic analysis by filogenetic tree
suggested that the isolated P5CS gene was similiar to SoP5CS, SaP5CS, and SbP5CS2 . In order to study the
function of the gene, we constructed the isolated P5CS gene into plant expression vector, pCAMBIA 1303,
using cut and paste method. The construct in now available for further research on transgenic sugarcane. In
conclusion, we succesfully isolated the full-length of P5CS coding sequence from sugarcane that might be
potensial to be used in improving stress tolerance of sugarcane.

Keywords: isolation, sugarcane, P5CS1,abiotic stress, proline


FOOD - 04
Planning of Seaweed Cultivation, Eucheuma cottonii
to Support Sustained Development of Sentra Minapolitan
in District Serang, Banten Province
Lestari, G.D.1 and Irwanto, R.R.1
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132,

Email: gdl227@gmail.com

ABSTRACT. One of the commodities in Banten Province is the Eucheuma cottonii seaweed. This seaweed
has a great chance in the local and global markets. Data obtained from the Department of Marine and
Fisheries of Banten Province shows that, land use of seaweed cultivation in the Serang Minapolitan has only
reached 53%, with an increase in the trend of seaweed production from 2006 to 2011 but then declined by
6.2% in 2012. Reflecting upon this trend, this study aims to formulate a development planning of the E.
cottonii cultivation in Serang Minapolitan. The analysis is based on assessment of environmental, technical,
social, and economic aspects. This was then further analysed qualitatively through a SWOT analysis and
filter theory. The results showed that seaweed cultivation in Serang is indeed feasible, based on the following
factors: a). The environmental conditions of cultivation area goes in accordance with the standard criteria of
SNI 7579.2:2010 (environmentally); b). The longline cultivation techniques used are in accordance with the
conditions of waters, in the form of alluvial sand (technically); c). Cultivation is supported by market
opportunities and a strong role of government (socially) and d). NPV for ten years (10% interest rate) is IDR
223.614.298. Time refund for 13 months with an IRR of 91% (economically). The appropriate marketing
programs should be based on the map position of enterprises in Quadrant III (0.74-2.09). This programs are
of the following: 1). Continuity of government assistance to farmers' groups to produce derivative products
preceded certification of raw material product; 2). Determination of unit processing seaweed industry in the

Keywords: Eucheuma cottonii, Minapolitan Seaweed, Serang Regency, SWOT, Filter Theory.

Indonesia, with a coastline of over 87,000 kilometers, is the longest beach in the world (Delinom,
2005). This serves as a great potential to be developed as one of the economic resources for coastal
communities. Accordingly, the Government of Indonesia set minapolitan or city centers fisheries in
32 provinces to raise the state‟s economy, through the development of coastal areas. One of the
minapolitan in Java includes Serang Minapolitan. This minapolitan has a supply of a seaweed called
Eucheuma cottonii- also known as Kappaphycus alvarezii. This seaweed species belongs to the class
of red algae (Rhodopyceae) (Figure 1). They are included in the group of karaginofit, which produces
kappa carrageenan, a hard and stiff material (Mustamin, 2012). Carrageenan is used by the food
industry as a raw material in the form of carrageenan powder. Carrageenan powder functions as an
agent stabilizer, thickener (thickening agents), gelling, and emulsifyer (Yasita and Rachmawati,
2009). The carrageenan powder is made through a process of ATC (Alkaline Treated Cottonii).
Indonesia itself is an exporter of seaweed E. cottonii, with a potential of local cultivation spreading
from the coastal waters of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam to Papua (Denantika, 2012).

Figure 1 Eucheuma cottonii

Eucheuma cottonii production data in Serang Minapolitan shows an increased production from the
year 2006-2011. However, in 2011-2012, the number of production decreased by 6.2%. Based on
aspects of land for cultivation, land availability, and ease of access to obtain ownership rights of land,
the chance for seaweed cultivation in Serang is still wide open. Administrative proceedings only need
permits from the village chief, which is at no charge. The Department of Marine and Fisheries of
Banten Province data (2011) shows that the use of potential land for cultivating seaweed has just
reached 53.7%. Based on the calculations (Setyaningsih, 2011), seaweed cultivation done with a
longline method has several advantages. This includes multiple harvests (5-6 times) a year, cultivating
techniques not requiring special skills, and a relatively inexpensive cost of development. In addition,
seaweed E. cottonii is a commodity with a high level of demand from global and local market.
Indonesia also supplies the need of the global market in the form of raw seaweed. But processed
seaweed is still at a low level, at around 30% of total production (Rangga, pers comm). Based on
those problems, this study aims to formulate a development program of the E. cottonii seaweed
cultivation in Serang Minapolitan, based on a feasibility study of environmental, technical, social, and

Materials and Methods

Location and Time of Research
The study was conducted in minapolitan region, in the sub-District of Pontang, Tirtayasa, and Tanara
(Figure 2). Point location (red star) shows the location of the study, which is in the Domas Village
(Pontang) and Lontar Village (Tirtayasa).

(a) (b)
Figure 2 Location of the study area. (a) Indonesia map (Serang District is in the red circle) & (b) Serang District map
(Domas and Lontar Village are in the red star)

Method of Research
This study used qualitative methods to gather primary and secondary data. Primary data are obtained
through field observations, in-depth interviews, and questionnaires by respondents who have had
experience in seaweed cultivating and are related to the research topic (purposive sampling). The
respondents who participated are farmers, collectors, mill buyers seaweed, the Department of Marine
and Fisheries of the Serang Disctrict, as well as the Banten Province. Primary data collection was
conducted by specifying a search key informants through the snowball sampling technique
(determination of respondents based on the respondent‟s prior information). Secondary data were
obtained from relevant government agencies, such as the Department of Fisheries and Marine of the
Banten Province, Fishery and Marine Serang Regency, Central Regional Research and Development
of Banten, and the Central of Statistics of Serang. Results identification of internal and external
factors was then analyzed using SWOT (Rangkuti, 2006) and filter theory. This research workflow
can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Flowchart stages of research

Results and Discussion
Environmental Analysis
National Standardization Agency of Indonesia has set the standard of water quality requirements for
cultivating E. cottonii. This is based on the SNI (Indonesian National Standard) 7579.2:2010.
Standardization parameters includes temperature, salinity, and pH. Table 1 presents a comparison data
of the environmental conditions in the study site with the parameters of SNI 7579.2:2010. Based on
these data, the condition of the waters in the cultivated area in the study site (Lontar and Domas
Village) are feasible for seaweed cultivation.

Tabel 1 The average value of water quality in cultivated area compared with standard water quality requirements SNI

Water conditions in Water conditions in

SNI standard of water
No. Parameter condition for
Lontar Village Domas Village
cultivating E. cottonii
(DKP, 2010) (Purbani et. al., 2010)

1 Temperature 26-32 ˚C 29,8 ˚C 29.44-30.22 ˚C

2 Salinity 28-34 ppt 31-33 ppt 31.02-31.44 ppt

3 pH 7-8.5 9 7.85-8.23

Technical Analysis
The seaweed cultivation technique used in Serang Minapolitan is the longline method (Figure 4).
There is a modification of the use of anchor which is instead replaced by a bamboo, to reduce
investment costs. This cultivation method is in accordance with the condition of substrate, in the form
of sand and sludge alluvial with water depth ranges between 1 to 5 meters.

Figure 4 Long line construction framed size 100m x 50m (SNI 7579.1:2010)

Social Analysis
Seaweed farming in Serang is supported socially by a human resource potential, government support
through the establishment of Minapolitan project, and high market opportunities. Market opportunities
of seaweed E. cottonii can be seen from the projected needs of dried seaweed in the world (Figure 5).
But in terms of price stability, seaweed E. cottonii has an unstable price, despite an upward trend
(Figure 6).

Dried seaweed (ton)
world demand
world production


Figure 5 Projections of E. cottonii market opportunities (Tjitroresmi, 2009)

Seaweed Price/kg


Figure 6 Seaweed price per kilogram in USD Exchange 10.000/US $-Redraw (Cocon, 2013)

Economic Analysis
Economic aspects of seaweed cultivation that were analyzed include; level of competition, stability of
the global economy, capital, sales and distribution chain. Financial analysis was based on the cash
flow of data on Table 2. Furthermore a calculation was also done, based on the criteria of investment
which includes NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Interest Rate Ratio) and PBP (Pay Back Period). The
profit of seaweed cultivation in Serang Minapolitan, for over 10 years of investment, is
IDR_223.614.298. The results of interest rate analysis obtained a value of 91%. The accumulation of
positive NPV values and interest rates greater than 10% of current rates indicate that cultivation of
seaweed in Serang Minapolitan is a decent bussiness and gives a positive signal for investors to invest
their capital. Through the PBP calculation, it is discovered that capital funds of IDR 60.5 million will
return to investors in the span of 1 year and 1 month period of investment.
Tabel 2 Cashflow seaweed farming for 10 years (IDR)

Initial equipment + seed investment (60.500.000)

Cash flow year 1 47.830.000 Cash flow year 6 46.221.200

Cash flow year 2 51.330.000 Cash flow year 7 39.142.560

Cash flow year 3 46.174.000 Cash flow year 8 42.642.560

Cash flow year 4 49.674.000 Cash flow year 9 34.763.328

Cash flow year 5 42.721.200 Cash flow year 10 38.263.328

SWOT Analysis

At the phase of SWOT analysis, evaluation of internal and external factors results a mapping of
seaweed cultivation conditions in Minapolitan Serang Banten. The strength of bussiness to be
analyzed on the availability of land (TWV = 0.91) and the product, is absorbed well by market (TWV
= 0.90). However, there is a weakness in the form of seaweed derived products; which have not been
produced in a mass number (TWV = 1.05 ). Farmer groups are also not functioning optimally (TWV
= 1.02) (Figure 7).

Strenghts Weakness

(a) (b)
Figure 7 Map cultivation of minapolitan E. cottonii in Serang. Strengths (a) and Weakness (b)

The mapping of bussiness opportunities and threats are illustrated in Figure 8. The results of analysis
opportunities of bussiness were: government policies supporting the cultivation of seaweed were at
TWV = 1.11; and the determination of Minapolitan project as a flagship strategic plan were at TWV =
0.96. However, there are threats, in the form of: sale price fluctuation at TWV = 1.17; and global
markets affecting the price of seaweed were at TWV = 0.72.

Opportunities Threats

(a) (b)
Figure 8 Map cultivation minapolitan E.cottonii in Serang. Opportunities (a) and Threats (b)

Results of evaluation of internal and external factors also result key factors of success. Key factors of
success (KFS) is a strategic factor that describes the state of the cultivation of seaweed in the
Minapolitan Serang. These factors are considered strategic because they have the highest value of
Total Weighted Value (TWV) of any other factor. Key Factors of Success of every factors are shown
in Table 3 below:

Table 3 Key factors of success



Availability of land for Seaweed derived products have not

0.91 1.05
cultivation been mass produced

Product absorbed well by the Farmer groups are not functioning

0.90 1.02
market optimally



Government policy supports the Selling prices fluctuate

1.11 0.72
cultivation of seaweed

Minapolitan project as a flagship Affect the global market price of

0.96 1.17
strategic plan seaweed

In addition to generating KFS, the evaluation of external and internal factors produces the map
position of the cultivation. Based on the map position (Figure 9), the cultivation of seaweed in the
Minapolitan Serang is in the Quadrant III position, with coordinates of (0.74, -2.09). This means that
internal factors tend to be weak, while opportunities in external factors dominate. So the focus of the
program is to minimize weaknesses and overcome internal obstacles to achieve better market
opportunities. Proficiency level program needs to be conducted in order to switch cultivation to
Quadrant I, which has a strong internal condition that can be maximized to achieve a great
Weakness that dominates the cultivation conditions based on KFS, is seaweed derived products have
not been mass-produced and the role of farmer groups have not been functioning optimally. The
vulnerability can be minimized through government initiatives in processing products derived from
E.cottonii and assistance to both farmer groups and independent farmers. Through strengthening the
internal factors of bussiness, it is expected to optimize the support of the government to seize market
opportunities that exist.

Figure 9 Map of the cultivation bussiness of seaweed in Serang Minapolitan

Preparation of the program can be achieved by integrating the key factors of success to produce the
right program. Preparation of the program through SWOT matrix to programs formulation can
produce programs that are based on the principles of empowerment leading resources (Sunardi, 2011).
Based on the analysis of the map position of previous efforts, the best program is then applied to
integrate key factor opportunities (O) and weaknesses (W) toward resolving internal problems, or
disadvantages to achieve a better market opportunities. Preparation techniques through SWOT matrix
can be seen on Table 4 below.

Table 4 SWOT program formulation for the cultivation of seaweed in Serang Minapolitan

EXTERNAL Threats Opportunities

1. Selling prices fluctuate 1. Government policy supports the

2. Affect the global market price of cultivation of seaweed
seaweed 2. Minapolitan project as a flagship
strategic plan


1. Availability of land for 1. Optimal land use to offset

1. Optimization of land use through the
cultivation fluctuations in selling prices.
addition of infrastructure assistance
2. Product absorbed well 2. Increase in value-added products
to the people of coastal aquaculture
by the market through processing 2. Government linking farmers with

1. Seaweed derived 1. Sales of seaweed in a state of 1. Determination of unit processing

products have not value-added finished products / processed seaweed industry in
been mass produced 2. Farmer groups determine the the Minapolitan
2. Farmer groups not bargaining power of seaweed 2. Continuity of government
functioning prices assistance to farmers' groups to
optimally produce derivative products

Referring to the above strategic alternatives, it is necessary to quantify the priority of the alternative
through filter theory. Based on the criteria of filter theory, quantification of alternative programs is
then conducted. Assessment of programs with the highest priority value will be the proposed strategy.
Assessment is based on a scale of 1 to 5, set by the researcher. The results of an assessment of
alternative programs are shown in Table 5.

Table 5 Filter theory of program WO (Weakness-Opportunities)

No. Alternative strategies Effectiveness Simplicity Cost Total Priority

1 Determination of unit processing /
processed seaweed industry in the
4 3 3 10 II

2 Continuity of government assistance

to farmers' groups to produce 4 4 4 12 I
derivative products

In addition to assessment based on the filter theory, consideration was made based on the conditions
of cultivation area (Table 6). Based on the condition of each village, the proposed strategy is focused
1. Seaweed production optimization of the Lontar Village.
Efforts to optimize production suggested leads to quality improvement that can be achieved through
product certification. Farmers who have certified products have the advantage in pricing in the
market. Quality seaweed E. cottonii associated with the post-harvest process that requires the
availability of clean water. It became one of the inputs to the government to be able to meet the need
for clean water. Certified products have a greater chance of being accepted by the market and the
industry with favorable prices, especially for farmers.
2. Government assistance for initiation of processing units in Domas Village.
In addition to the distance, the villagers of Domas are historically more focused on the cultivation of
brackish water (milk fish). However, some groups of the village of Domas are proactive and have the
initiative to develop the desire to cultivate seaweed into value-added derivative products. In addition,
the farmers desire to build cooperative seaweed (Bandar Firdaus, pers. Comm.). It has been submitted
to the District DKP and it is in the process of preparation. Ongoing process including farmers
participation at events and meetings cooperative education between regions. This can be attributed to
the higher level of education of farmers. On this basis, the village of Domas has an opportunity to
become the location of industrial development / seaweed processing unit that produces a value-added
derivative products.

Table 6 Comparison conditions of Domas and Lontar Village

Factor\ Location Domas Village Lontar Village

Potential cultivation Brackish water Sea water
Location cultivation 5-7 km water trip Near settlement
Government initiation Year 2011 Year 2009
number of farmers ~ 100 person ~ 300 person
Education level of farmers Elementary school-college Not in school-elementary school

1. The cultivation of seaweed in Serang is feasible and based on:
 Environmental aspects: environmental conditions of cultivation according to criteria of SNI

 Techniques aspects: use of longline method in accordance with the conditions of substrates waters
in the form of sand and sludge alluvial.
 Social aspects: cultivation supported by market opportunities and strong role of government.
 Economic aspects: NPV for the interest rate of 10% during the 10-year effort is IDR 223.614.298.
Time refund for 1 year 1 month with a 91% IRR.
2. The proposed strategy to be implemented is based on the map position of Quadrant III enterprises
(WO Quadrant: 0.74, -2.09), which minimizes the disadvantages, subsequently achieving a better
market. The program priorities are of the following: 1). Continuity of government assistance to
farmers' groups to produce derivative products preceded certification of raw material product.
Production optimization is proposed in Lontar Village and 2). Determination of unit processing/
processed seaweed industry in the Minapolitan especially in Domas Village.

We would like to thank Rangga (PT Gumindo Perkasa Indonesia), the Department of Marine and
Fisheries of Banten Province and Serang District as well as the Central Regional Research and
Development of Banten who have provided information, data, and valuable discussion for this thesis.

Cocon, Status Rumput Laut Indonesia Peluang dan Tantangan. Slide share.
http://www.slideshare.net/070581/status-rumput-laut-indonesia-peluang-dan-tantangan-2, (10 Februari
Delinom, R.M., Sumber Daya Air di Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil di Indonesia, 1st ed, LIPI Press,
Denantika, D.P., Analisis Faktor - Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Ekspor Rumput Laut dan Kajian Trend Volume
Ekspor Rumput Laut Indonesia ke China, Undergraduated thesis, Agribussiness Department, Institut
Pertanian Bogor, Bogor, 2012.
Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan (DKP), Laporan Akhir Kegiatan Pemantauan Kesehatan Ikan dan Lingkungan
Budidaya Dinas Anggaran 2010, Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan, Pemda Kabupaten Serang, 2010.
Mustamin, S.F., Studi Pengaruh Konsentrasi KOH dan Lama Ekstraksi terhadap Karakteristik Karagenan dari
Rumput Laut (Eucheuma cottonii), Undergraduated thesis, Agriculture Department Hasanuddin University,
Makassar, 2012.
Purbani, D., Sukresno, B., Mustikasari, E., Kusumah, G. & Solihuddin, T., Optimalisasi Data Fisik Perairan
untuk Kajian Kelimpahan dan Jenis Ikan di Teluk Banten, Badan Riset Kelautan dan Perikanan, Departemen
Kelautan dan Perikanan, 2010.
Rangkuti, F., Analisis SWOT: Teknik Membedah Kasus Bisnis,1st ed, Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2006.
Setyaningsih, H., Kelayakan Usaha Budidaya Rumput Laut Kappaphycus alvarezii dengan Metode Longline
dan Strategi Pengembangannya di Perairan Karimunjawa, Master thesis, Small-Medium Industry
Department, Institut Pertanian Bogor, Bogor, 2011.
Sunardi, S., Strategi Indonesia dalam menghadapi Liberalisasi Jasa Telekomunikasi dalam Kerangka ASEAN
Framework Agreement of Services (AFAS), Master thesis, Telecommunications Management Department,
Indonesia University, Jakarta, 2011.
Tjitroresmi, E., Potensi dan Pemanfaatan Hasil Sumber Daya Ekonomi Budidaya Rumput Laut, Optimalisasi
Pemanfaatan Sumber Daya Ekonomi Hayati Laut Kasus Budidaya Rumput Laut, Zarmawis Ismail (1 st ed),
LIPI Press, pp. 17-42, 2009.
Yasita, D. & Rachmawati, I.D., Optimasi Proses Ekstraksi pada Pembuatan Karaginan dari Rumput Laut
Eucheuma cottonii untuk Mencapai Foodgrade, Undergraduated thesis, Chemical Engineering Department,
Diponegoro University, Semarang, 2009.

FOOD - 05
Storage Temperature and Fungicide Effect on Fruit Quality During
Storage Period: A Case Study in PT Mayasari Bakery
Aisha Nanda Ardea1,2, Dea Indriani Astuti1, Gede Suantika2
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jalan Ganecaa 10 Bandung 40132
West Java – Indonesia. Tel./Fax. 62 22 2534107 / 62 22 2511575.

Email: dea@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - Production and export demand for bananas in Indonesia continues to increase. Nevertheless,
there is still problem encountered in banana supply chain, that is poor quality due to post-harvest handling
imperfections which impact on increasing the number of bananas that can not be consumed. Improvement on
banana post harvest management is needed to increase its economic value. This study aimed to acquire
banana storage conditions that suitable for keeping the banana quality and longer its shelf life. This study
examines the effect of fungicide and storage temperature on banana quality during storage. Bananas are
soaked in fungicide before ripening process with calcium carbide, followed by banana storage in three
temperature variations, 20°C, 25°C, and 27°C. Based on the research results, banana immersion in fungicide
0.2% gave effect on fungal growth suppression, fungicide effect was obvious in temperature storage of 27°C
and 25°C. Bananas in temperature storage of 20°C have the longest shelf life, it can last for 14 days, while
bananas at 25°C can last for 11 days, and bananas in 27°C can only last for 7 days. Based on the results,
banana immersion in fungicides and fruit storage at 20°C are important to reduce fruit damage and increase
fruit shelf life.

Keywords: Banana, Fungicide, Storage temperature, Post-Harvest, Shelf life.

Indonesia is one of banana leading producers in the world, after India, Ecuador, Brazil, the
Philippines, and China (Suhartanto et. al., 2012). Banana production in Indonesia has increased from
4.300.422 tons in 2001 to 5.037.472 tons in 2006 (Prabawati et. al., 2008). Banana became one of
main commodity in Indonesia because it has good market potential both domestic and international.
Indonesian banana export volume has increased from 244.652 tons in 2003 to 4.280.641 tons in 2006
(Prabawati et. al., 2008). Nevertheless Indonesia is still importing banana, this is due to banana poor
quality. Inability of Indonesian farmers in improving the quality and shelf life of banana causing low
selling price, thus it can only enter the local market. Poor handling on banana post-harvest also led to
a high number of bananas that can not be consumed, causing economic losses. The main problems
faced by banana industry are fruit physical damage which led to early rotting, post-harvest diseases
caused by microorganism infection, and mixed ripening.
Banana cultivar Raja Bulu is one of germplasm commodity Indonesia, it means that banana cultivar
Raja Bulu is one of domestic genetic diversity in Indonesia (Sumarno, 2002; Somantri et. al., 2005).
Banana cultivar Raja Bulu have a promising market opportunity, both for the domestic market and for
export, relating to their abundance use in banana processing industry (Prabawati et. al., 2008). The
center production of banana cultivar Raja Bulu Banana is in Java Island.
Banana classified as climacteric fruit, because its maturation process associated with increased in
respiration and ethylene production (Bouzayen et. al., 2009). The main changes occurred in banana
ripening process are the chlorophyll decomposition, starch decomposition, ethylene formation, and
increase in respiration rate (Pantastico, 1975; Surendranathan, 2004). During the maturation process,
the structure will become soften, both flesh and skin. This is due to pectin depolymerization and
starch changes into sugars (Frederick et. al., 1992; Seymour, 1993).
Post-harvest banana does not have the ability to suppress an increase in environmental temperature.
The main damage caused by high temperature is cell membrane damages, liquidification of fat or
lipids, and nucleic acid and protein denaturation. Visible effects due to high temperature stress are
reduction in banana shelf life and quality, and also delay in color changes (Utama & Pratiwi, 2009).
Banana is also sensitive to low temperatures. Low temperature storage affects physical properties of
cell membrane. Visible damages such as discoloration, failed in maturation, skin and flesh color
change to black or dark brown, and changes in fruit taste (John & Marchal, 1995). Damages caused
by low temperatures generally occurs below the storage temperature of 13°C. Storage temperature
affects respiration and ethylene production, the higher storage temperature, respiration rate and
ethylene production will increase (Davis, 2012). Storage temperature affects food decay by interfering
chemical reactions. When the storage temperature is high, the rate of food chemical reactions will
increase, causing protein denaturation, vitamin destruction, loss of water content, and changes in
color, aroma, and taste.
Common diseases that often attack banana are anthracnose, black spot, brown spot, crown rot
complex, and scab. In general, the diseases are caused by fungal infection. Anthracnose caused by the
fungus Colletrotrichum musae et curt V.aryx or Gleosporium musarium cice Et massae (Prabawati et.
al., 2008), Black Spot (Speckle disease) caused by the fungus Helminthosporium torulosum Syd
Ashby and Ell Deigthtoniella torulosa (Kuntarsih, 2012), Brown spot is caused by the fungus
Cercospora hayi Caplo (Kuntarsih, 2012), Crown rot complex caused by the fungus Thielaviopsis
paradoxa, Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Colletotrichum musae, Deightoniella torulosa, and Fusarium
roseum (Davis, 2012), and Scab is caused by the fungus Sphaceloma sp (Kuntarsih, 2012). Fungicide
is used to handle the diseases caused by fungal infection. Fungicides are toxic compounds to fungi by
damaging cell membranes, inactivation of enzymes and proteins, or interfering the essential processes
in the cell such as energy production or respiration (McGrath, 2004). Fungal infections can occur both
on the farm and during post-harvest handling. Some fungi are dormant, meaning no damage occurs or

visible at the time of planting, but develops during harvest and maturation. This infection is called
latent infection.

Material and Methods

Bananas used in this study are obtained from PT Mayasari Bakery. Treatment of banana includes
immersion in fungicide solution 0.2%, followed by ripening process with calcium carbide for ± 1
days, and then stored at 3 various temperature, which are 20°C, 25°C, and 27°C. Experiment carried
out in 14 days and duplo. Microorganism and banana physical analysis are observed on day 0, 1, 4, 7,
10, and 14.

Fungal Growth Analysis

Fungal growth analysis is carried out by soaking the banana in NaCl solution 0.85%, followed by
making serial dilution. About 0.1 mL of dilution is plated using Total Plate Count method in medium
Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). Fungal colonies are counted after incubation at room temperature for 3-
4 days. The number of fungal colonies are counted by units colony forming units per milliliter of
sample (CFU/mL).

Banana Physical Appearance Analysis

Analysis of physical appearance aimed to determine the effect of temperature on quality and shelf life
of banana cultivar Raja Bulu. Banana color changes are determined at every observation time using
banana color index in Table 1.

Result and Discussion

Fungicide Effect
Effect of fungicides can be seen in Table 2. Based on fungal quantification using Total Plate Counting
(TPC) in Table 2, it appears that there are more number of fungal colonies in banana without
fungicide treatment (-F-K and –F+K). This appears in every variation of temperature, from the first
day until day 14. Fungicide (+F +K) gave effect on fungal growth supression, especially visible when
the fruit has undergo maturation. In this condition, fruit provides suitable conditions for fungal

Table 1 Banana maturity level based on skin color [2]

Color Index Fruit Appearance Description

1 The entire surface of fruit is green,
the structure is hard

2 Light green (breaking toward yellow)

3 Yellowish green

4 Greenish-yellow (more yellow than


5 Yellow with green tips

6 Yellow

7 Yellow, flecked with brown

8 Yellow, with many brown flecks

Based on Total Plate Count (TPC) result, the number of fungal colonies on banana in storage
temperature of 27°C is greater than the number of fungal colonies on banana at storage temperature of
20°C and 25°C. This is because bananas at storage temperature of 27°C had earlier maturation
causing high rate of fungal growth. The number of fungal colonies on banana in storage temperature
of 20°C is lower than at temperature of 25°C and 27°C, this is due to delay in maturation and dry
physical condition that are not suitable for fungal growth.

Table 2 Effect of Fungicides on Fungal Growth At Storage Temperature of 20°C, 25°C, and 27°C

T1 (CFU/mL) T7 (CFU/mL) T14 (CFU/mL)

Time &
Temp. 20°C 25°C 27°C 20°C 25°C 27°C 20°C 25°C 27°C


Control 208 357 101 217 4538 3511 215 3987 Spoiled

(-) F (-) K

(-) F (+) K 180 190 424 489 1266 93618 314 130255 Spoiled

(+) F (+) K 108 488 <10 93 447 100878 670 8674 Spoiled

-F-K: Without fungicide treatment and without ripening process; -F+K: Without fungicide treatment and through ripening
process; +F+K: With fungicide treatment and through ripening process; Tn: n-time after immersion in fungicide

Based on these results, it can be concluded that the fungicide gives effect on fungal growth
supression, especially when the fruit is in ripe condition. Ripening fruit provides optimum conditions
for fungal germination and thus fungi can penetrate the skin fruit to reach the fruit flesh. Noted that
advanced maturation led to an increase in rate of fungal growth so fungicide effect was no longer
significant. Based on TPC result, there are more fungal colonies on banana without fungicide
treatment (-F+K) compared to banana with fungicide treatment (+F+K). Bananas that are soaked in
fungicide and stored at a temperature of 25°C and 27°C can extend its shelf life for 1 day, while at
temperature of 20°C there was no significant difference between banana with fungicide treatment and
banana without fungicide treatment, so it does not show an extending shelf life.

Effect of Storage Temperature on Quality and Banana Shelf Life
Based on Color Index Table (Table 1), banana at storage temperature of 20°C showed color index 7
(CI = 7) on day 11 and reached CI = 8 on day 14. This can be seen in Figure 1. At the storage
temperature of 25°C, banana reach color index 8 (CI = 8) on day 11 of storage. It means that early
ripening occurs at temperature of 25°C compared to temperature of 20°C. This can be seen in Figure
1. At the storage temperature of 27°C, banana reach color index 8 (CI = 8) at day 7, indicating decay
on day 11. This can be seen in Figure 1.
Based on the result above, it can be seen that storage temperature affects the quality of banana thus
affecting banana shelf life by delaying ripening process. Bananas on the storage temperature of 20°C
showed drier surface compared to banana at temperature of 25°C and 27°C. Bananas on the storage
temperature of 25°C and 27°C showed a damp and wet surface, especially when the fruit undergo
maturation, making it suitable for fungal growth and accelerate the decomposition process. Banana
delay ripening that occurs at temperature of 20°C is caused by a decrease in respiration rate and
ethylene gas formation (Davis, 2012). Banana storage at temperature of 20°C shows double shelf life
longer than storage at temperature of 27°C. Banana at storage temperature of 20°C can last for 14
days, while at temperature of 25°C can last for 11 days, and at temperature of 27°C only last for 7

–F–K 20°C –F–K 25°C

–F+K 20°C –F+K 25°C

+F+K 20°C +F+K 25°C

–F–K : Without fungicide treatment and –F–K : Without fungicide treatment and
ripening process; –F+K: Without fungicide ripening process;–F+K: Without fungicide
treatment and through ripening process; treatment and through ripening process;F+K:
+F+K: With fungicide treatment and With fungicide treatment and ripening process;
ripening process; CI: Color Index CI: Color Index 87

Figure 3.1 Banana color index change Figure 3.2 Banana color index change
–F–K 27°C

–F+K 27°C

+F+K 27°C

–F–K : Without fungicide treatment and

ripening process; –F+K: Without fungicide
treatment and through ripening process; +F+K:
With fungicide treatment and ripening process;
Ci: Color Index

Figure 3.3 Banana color index change

Figure 1 Effect of storage temperature to color change of banana
at storage temperature of
We would like to thank PT Mayasari Bakery for providing banana sample and financial assistance in
this study.

Bouzayen, M., Latche, A., Nath, P., Pech, J.C. Mechanism of fruit ripening. Plant Developmental Biology -
Biotechnological Perspectives, vol 1, 2009.
Davis, U.C. Banana: Recommendations for Maintaining Postharvest Quality. Post Harvest Technology
University of California. http://postharvest.ucdavis.edu/PFfruits/Banana/ (April 13th 2013)

Frederick B., Morgan, P.W., Mikal, E., Saltveit, Jr. 1992. Ethylene in plant biology. California: Academic press
Inc., 2012.
John, P., Marchal. Ripening and biochemistry of the fruit. In: S. Gowen, ed., Bananas and Plantains, pp. 434-
467. Chapman and Hall. London, 1995.
Kuntarsih, S. Pedoman Penanganan Pascapanen Pisang. Jakarta, 2012.
McGrath, M.T. What are Fungicides. The Plant Health Instructor. DOI: 10.1094/PHI-I-2004-0825-01, 2004.
Pantastico, Er.B. 1975. Postharvest Physiology handling and utilization of tropical and subtropical fruits and
vegetable. AVI Publishing Company. Westport, Conecticut
Prabawati, S., Suyanti, Dondy, A.S. Teknologi Pascapanen dan Teknik Pengolahan Buah Pisang. Balai Besar
Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pascapanen Pertanian. Bogor, 2008.
Seymour, G.B. Banana. Biochemistry of Fruit Ripening. Chapman & Hall, London, pp. 83–106, 1993.
Somantri, I.H., Hasanah, M., Kurniawan, H. Teknik Konservasi Ex-Situ, Rejuvenasi, Karakterisasi, Evaluasi,
Dokumentasi, dan Pemanfaatan Plasma Nutfah. Balai Penelitian Tanaman Obat dan Rempah, Badan
Litbang Pertanian. Bogor, 2005.
Suhartanto, M.R., Harti, H., Haryadi, S.S. Program Pengembangan Pisang. Riset Unggulan Berskala Nasional
(RUSNAS) Buah Unggulan Indonesia. Jakarta, 2012.
Sumarno. Penggunaan bioteknologi dalam pemanfaatan dan pelestarian plasma nutfah tumbuhan untuk
perakitan varietas unggul. Seminar Nasional Pemanfaatan dan Pelestarian Plasma Nutfah. Kerjasama Pusat
Penelitian Bioteknologi IPB dan KNPN Deptan.Jakarta, 2002.
Surendranathan, K.K. Post-harvest biotechnology of fruits with special reference to banana─perspective and
scope. Indian Journal of Biotechnology V(4): 39-46, 2004.
Utama, I.M.S., Pratiwi, I.A.R. 2009. Stress produk pasca panen hortikultura. Jurusan Teknik Pertanian
Universitas Udayana. Bali

FOOD - 06
Analysis of MaACS2, a stress-inducible 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic
acid synthase gene in Musa acuminata AAA Group cultivar Pisang Ambon
Resnanti Utami Handayani1 & Fenny M. Dwivany1

School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Jalan Ganesha No. 10 Bandung
40132 Indonesia
E-mail: fenny@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - Ethylene plays an important function in plant growth and development. Ethylene production
generally increases in response to pathogen attack and other environmental stress condition. The synthesis of
this phytohormone is regulated by two enzymes, ACC synthase (ACS) and ACC oxidase (ACO). ACC
synthase is encoded by a multigene which regulates the production of ACC, this precursor is then converted
into ethylene by ACO. Pisang Ambon (Musa sp. AAA group), a banana cultivar originating from Indonesia,
has nine ACS genes (MaACS 1-9) and one ACO gene (MaACO). One of the banana ACS genes, MaACS2, is
stress inducible. In this research, we investigated the expression profile of MaACS2 in roots and leaves
tissues of infected tissue culture plants. The quantification of gene expression was analyzed using Real-Time
PCR (qPCR) using Ma18srRNA and MaGAPDH as reference genes. The results showed nine to ten fold
higher MaACS2 expression levels in infected compared to uninfected roots tissues, however, MaACS2
expression in the leaves was only detected in infected tissue.

Keywords : banana, environmental stress, ethylene, MaACS2, Real-Time PCR (qPCR)


FOOD - 07
Study on The Production of Chitosan from Giant Fresh Water Prawn
(Macrobachium rosenbergii) Shell from Local Restaurant Waste
Masagus Muhammad Prima Putra & Amir Husni

Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture Universitas Gadjah Mada

Jl. Flora, Gedung A4, Bulaksumur Yogyakarta
Email: primaputra@ugm.ac.id

Abstract. Chitosan is a partially deacetylated polymer of N-acetyl glucosamine with degree of deacetylation
(DD) as one of the parameter used to state chitosan quality. This research was done to observe the effects of
steps on deacetylation process of chitin from giant fresh water prawn shell (Machrobrachium rosenbergii)
on its degree of deacetylation. Chitosan was made through three stages which were demineralization,
deproteinization and deacetylation. Demineralizaion was done using 2N HCl, room temperature, in various
steps from 1 to 7 with 30 min for each step. The demineralization steps resulted on decreasing of calcium
content from 34.55±5.8% to 0.071±0.07% by 7 steps of HCl changing. The chitin then continued to
deacetylation process by using 1:20 (w/v) 50% NaOH, 100oC, with various steps from 1 to 10 step with 1
hour for each step. DD was obtained by using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. Resuts showed that
DD 92.75% can be reached by 8 steps. This high DD chitosan could prove particularly suitable for wide
range of application especially for medical/analytical applications.

Keywords: chitosan, degree of deacetilation, giant fresh water prawn shell

Chitin and chitosan are attracting a great deal of attention because of their distinctive biological and
physicochemical characteristics as fruit preservation, wound dressings, cosmetics, artificial organs
and pharmaceuticals (Tsai et al.2002). To date, a lot of research has been done to observe chitin and
chitosan from various source like shrimp Solenocera melontho (Tsai et al. 2002), shrimp
Metapenaeus monoceros (Laila et al. 2010), shrimp Metapenaeus stebbingi (Kucukgulmez et al.
2012), shrimp Artemia urmiana (Tajik et al. 2008), crab (Felicity et al. 2007), Portunus sanginolentus
L. (Matheis et al. 2012), and other sources like fungi, insects, annelids, molluscs, coelenterata etc.
However chitosan is only manufactured from crustaceans (crab and crayfish) primarily because a
large amount of the crustacean exoskeleton is available as a by product of food processing and
Giant fresh water prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) is fresh water crustacean potential as chitosan
source. Giant fresh water prawn show increase in production and reach total production of 95.5 tones
in 2012 only in Yogyakarta Special Province (Anonim). This data shows a great potential to be used
as a source of chitin and chitosan.
Chitosan production involves four steps named demineralization (DM), deproteinization (DP),
decoloration (DC) and deacetylation (DA). Deacetylation is the crucial steps since the degree of
deacetylation (DD) is an important property for chitosan as it affects the physicochemical properties,
hence determines its appropriate applications, biodegradibility and immunological activity (Tolaimate
et al. 2002). Deacetylation process usually done by chemical methods using strong basic like NaOH
or by biological methods using enzyme.
This research was done to observe the effect on steps on deacetylation process on degree of
deacetylation chitosan produced. This research also observes the demineralization process in order to
produce low mineral chitin as chitosan row materials.

Material and Methods

Giant fresh water prawn shells were obtained fresh from local restaurant. The shells then washed,
boiled for an hour, dried in cabinet drier 60oC over night and crushed to smaller the size. Chemical
reagent used were NaOH (technical grades), HCl 2 N (technical grades) and 0.315 % (v/v) sodium
hypochloride solution.

Preparation of chiton

Chitin extraction from giant fresh water prawn shells was carried out by acid treatment using 2 N HCl
in room temperature under constant stirring as described by Benhabiles et al. (2012). Some
preliminary study was done to evaluate the effect of solute : solvent ratio, reaction time and effect on
HCl changing on ash removal. Solute : solvent ratio were 1:10, 1:20, 1:30, 1:40 and 1:50; reaction
time were 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210 min; and steps were 1-7 HCl changing. After the process,
samples were neutralized to pH 7 then dried in 50oC for 6 hours.

Deproteinization was done using samples from previous steps using NaOH 3,5%, 75oC under constant
stirring for 2 hours. After that, samples were neutralized to pH 7 and continued to decoloration.

Decoloration process was done using 0.315 % (v/v) sodium hypochloride solution (containing 5.25%
available chlorine) 1:15 (w/v) for 15 minutes in room temperature under constant stirring. The
samples then dried in 50oC for 6 hours.

Deacetylation was done using NaOH 50%, 1:20 (w/v) at 100oC. In order to evaluate the effect of steps
in NaOH changing on DD of chitosan, the steps were various from 1-10 steps with 1 hours for each

Determination of the degree of deacetylation of chitosan

Chitosan and KBr at a ratio of 1 : 100 was mixed well, dried, and then made into a disc. The IR
spectrum was measured by FT-IR spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, japan) with a frequency range of
400-4000 cm-1. The methods used for determination the DD of chitosan depended on the base-line of
the IR spectrum which are given by Rout [10]. Equation 1 is applied to determine the DD value.

DD % = 118.883 – [40.1647 x (A1655/ A3450)] (1)

where A1655 is the absorbance of the amide band at 1655 cm-1 and A3450 is the absorbance of the O-
H band at 3450 cm-1. The factor 40.1647 denotes the value of the ratio of A1655/A3450 for fully N-
acetylated chitosan. The number 118.883 was proposed to be related to the baseline (Rout, 2001).

Statistical analysis
All experiments, except for DD value were carried out in triplicate and results were expressed as
mean ± s.d. Treatments with significant different were continued to Least Significant Different test.

Results and Discussion

Chitosan was produced from giant fresh water shrimp (Marcrobrachium rosenbergii) from local
restaurant waste. The shells can be seen in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Giant fresh water prawn shells.

Shells obtained were boiled first in order to reduce dirt and proteins contain materials that
may still stick to the shells. The proximate analyses on the shells are shown in Table 1.
Table 1 Proximate analysis of giant fresh water prawn shells .
No Parameter Percentage

1 Moisture 8.07±0.01

2 Ash 34.55±5.8

3 Protein 31.58±0.04

4 Fat 4.77±0.08

5 Carbohidrates 21.02±0.12*

*carbohydrate were calculated by different

The preliminary study on demineralization process can be seen on Figure 2 and 3.

1:10 1:20 1:30 1:40 1:50

Figure 2 Effect of solute solvent ratio on ash reduction.

ash reducing

0 50 100 150 200 250
extraxtion time (min)

Figure 3 Effect of extraction time on ash reduction.

The preliminary study on the effect of solute solvent ratio resulted on 1:20 as optimum
ratio. This ratio able to reduce ash content 90,43±0.07%. On the effect of extraction
time, 180 min was the optimum time extraction with 94.55±0.01% on reducing ash
content. The ash reduction process is important since ash content able to reduce the
protein reduction in the next step. Moreover, the elimination of ash before protein able
to produce higher yield and DD value of chitosan. This is explained in the research of
Kim (2004) on crawfish chitosan and Tajik et al. (2008) on Artemia chitosan.
These results then used in the next study on the effect of the HCl changing steps on the
ash reduction. The results is showed in Figure 4.



ash reducing





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
HCl changing (times)

Figure 4 Effect of HCl changing on ash reduction

This result showed that changing HCl 6 times on 180 min extraction able to reduce ash
content 99.75±0.006%.

The deacetylation process conducted by varying the steps from 1-10 steps. One step is one
hour process using 50% NaOH, 1:20 (w/v) at 100oC. The resutls showed in Table 2.

Table 2 DD value of chitosan.

No Treatments DD value (%)

1 1 times 87.94

2 2 times 89.71

3 3 times 91.83

4 4 times 88.52

5 5 times 88.69

6 6 times 89.58

7 7 times 89.49

8 8 times 92.74

9 9 times 92.50

10 10 times 91.22

The DD value of chitosan are varying from 87.94% to 92.74%. The 8 times steps is resulted
the highest DD value at 92.74. This results is considered higher then DD chitosan from
Puspawati and Simpen (2010) which varying the concentration of NaOH and temperature for
4 hours and resulted on 88,04% DD at 60% NaOH, 120oC.
Demineralization of giant fresh water shrimp shells condition using HCl 2N, with 1:20 w/v solute
solvent ratio and 180 min extraction time able to reduce ash content to 99.75±0.006%. Chitosan with
92.74% DD value can be produced with 8 times deacetylation steps process with 50% NaOH at

This research is part of the research which is funded by Hibah Dosen Muda Universitas Gadjah Mada
year 2013.

Anonim, Yogyakarta Fisheries Statistic, Ministry of Marine and Fisheries, Indonesia.
Benhabiles, M.S., Salah, R., Lounici, H., Drouiche, N., Goosen, M.F.A., Mameri, N. Antibacterial Activity of
Chitin, Chitosan and Its Oligomers Prepared from Shrimp Shell Waste. Food Hydrocolloids 29: 48-56,
Felicity, B., Clifford, L., Michael, A., Oghenekome, O. Extraction and Evaluation of Chitosan from Crab
Exoskeleton as a Seed Fungicide and Plant Growth Enhancer. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural
& Environmental Sciences 2 (2): 103-111, 2007.
Kim, S.O.F. Physicochemical and Functional Properties of Crawfish Chitosan as Affected by Different
Processing Protocols. [Theses] Lousiana State University, 2004.
Kucukgulmez, A., Gulnaz, O., Celik, M., Yanar, Y., Kadak, A.E., Gercek, G. Antimicrobial Activity of the
Chitosan Extracted from Metapenaeus stebbingi Shell Wastes. Journal of Polymers and the Environment
20:431-437, 2012.

Laila, M., Olfa, G.B., Kemel, J., Islem, Y., Moncef, N. Extraction and Characterization of Chitin, Chitosan, and
Protein Hydrolysates Prepared from Shrimp Waste by Treatment with Crude Protease from Bacillus cereus
SV1. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology 162:345–357, 2010
Matheis, F.J.D.P. Tanasale, Amos, K., Marsela, S.L. Kitosan dari Limbah Kulit Kepiting Rajungan (Portunus
sanginolentus L.) sebagai Adsorben Zat Warna Biru Metilena. Jurnal Natur Indonesia 14(2): 165-171,
Puspawati, N.M., Simpen, I.N. Optimasi Deasetilasi Khitin Dari Kulit Udang dan Cangkang Kepiting Limbah
Restoran Seafood Menjadi Khitosan Melalui Variasi Konsentrasi NaOH. Jurnal Kimia 1: 79-90, 2010.
Rout, S.K., Ph. D. Thesis on physicochemical functional and spectroscopic analysis of crawfish chitin and
chitosan affected by process modification. [Dissertation]. Louisiana State University, Baton, Rouge, La,
USA, 2001.
Tajik, H., Mehran, M.M., Seyed, M.R.R., Amir, M.M.F., Farnood, S.S.J. Preparation of Chitosan from Brine
Shrimp (Artemia urmiana) Cyst Shells and Effects of Different Chemical Processing Sequences on the
Physicochemical and Functional Properties of the Product. Molecules 13: 1263-1274, 2008.
Tolaimate, A., Desbrieres, J., Rhazi, M., Alagui, A., Vicendon, M., Vottero, P. On the Influence of
Deacetylation Process on the Physicochemical Characteristics of Chitosan from Squid Chitin. Polymer
Journal 41: 2463-2469, 2002.
Tsai, G.J., Su, W.H., Chen, H.C., Pan, C.L. Antimicrobial Activity of Shrimp Chitin and Chitosan from
different Treatments and Applications of Fish Preservation. Fisheries Science 68: 170–177, 2002.

FOOD - 08
Promoting Dolichoderus thoracicus as an agent to disperse Trichoderma
sp, a fungi that control the black pod disease, in Center of Sulawesi -
Tjandra Anggraeni1, Umrah2, Rizkita R Esyanti1, and I Nyoman P Aryantha1
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. Ganesa 10 Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Universitas Tadulako, Palu, Indonesia

Email: tjandra@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - In this study, we propose to use Dolichoderus thoracicus to act as a double agent, not only as
an agent to control cocoa plant pests, Conopomorpha cramerella and Helopeltis theobroma, but also as an
agent in distributing Trichoderma sp., a fungus that suppress the development of the black pod disease
caused by Phytophthora palmivora. Selected Trichoderma sp. were grown in several pretreated soil and the
result showed that D. thoracicus were more attracted to honey-soil media (M5) and coconut waste pulp-soil
media (M6), however, 10 % sucrose-potato-soil media (M3) was the best media for growing Trichoderma
sp. therefore more Trichoderma spores (87.43 x 102 cfu/individu) were carried by these ants. Morphological
study using microscope with 400x magnification showed that the spores attached to legs, antennas, head,
thorax, and abdomen of D. thoracicus. The efficiency of D. thoracicus in distributing the spores compared to
the conventional one using a sprayer, was measured by calculating the percentage of P. palmivora growth
suppression; and the result showed that the growth of P. palmivora was suppressed by 83.33% which was
not significantly different with that when the Trichoderma was disperse through spraying (87% suppressed).
As there was a reduction in the growth of P. palmivora, the black pod disease in cocoa fruit was also
declining. From this study, it was concluded that D. thoracicus can act as a double agent and used as an
agent to disperse Trichoderma sp.

Keywords : Black pod disease, D. thoracicus, P. palmivora, Trichoderma sp.


FOOD - 09
Improvement of Cavendish Banana Embryo Cultures (Musa acuminata
colla (AAA Group)) Using Transformation Mediated by Agrobacterium
tumefaciens Strain GV3101/pBI121
Ria Khoirunnisa Apriyani1, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti1, Fenny Martha Dwivany1, Febriya Antensari1
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia.

Email : rizkita@sith.itb.ac.id and fenny@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - Genetic transformation mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens is one of common method

to enhance the quality of plant, which can also be applied to Cavendish banana fruit with polyploidy genome
(Musa acuminata colla (AAA Group)). Therefore, the establishment of transformation procedure mediated
by A. tumefaciens in Cavendish banana embryo in solid cultures has been conducted. Male-flower-derived
embryo cultures and A. tumefaciens strain GV3101, harboring pBI121 binary vectors carrying nptII
(neomycin phosphotransferaseII) and gusA (β-glucuronidase) in the T-DNA, were used to investigate T-
DNA delivery into tissue culture and to evaluate the expression of nptII and also gusA in banana embryo
after being transformed. Seven days Cavendish banana embryo cultures were inoculated by A .tumefaciens
using submerge method for 30 minutes. Co-cultivation was conducted in vitro, in CCM semisolid medium
added with 100µM acetosyringone and 0,02% pluronic F68. After 3 days of co-cultivation, the expression
of nptII and gusA in explants was tested. Histochemical GUS assay in putatively transformed embryos
demonstrated expression of gusA.

Keywords: Agrobacterium tumefaciens, banana embryo cultures, gusA, GV3101, nptII, pBI121.


FOOD - 10
Dynamics of Cocoa Beans’ Pulp Degradation during Cocoa Bean
Fermentation: Effects of Yeast Starter Culture Addition
L. Cempaka1,2, L. Aliwarga1, S. Purwo3, & M.T.A.P. Kresnowati1
Department of Chemical Engineering, Institute Teknologi Bandung, Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Department of Food Science and Technology, Bakrie University
PT Ceres, Bandung

Email: kresnowati@che.itb.ac.id

Abstract. Cocoa beans fermentation is a crucial step in the post-harvest processing of cocoa beans. This
process comprised of mix culture microbial activities on the cocoa bean pulp, producing some metabolites
that act as important precursors for cocoa flavour development. Variations on microbial population dynamics
during the fermentation process may induce change in the overall process and thus the introduction of
specific microbial starter may improve the quality of the fermentation. This article discussed the effects of
the addition of Saccharomyces cerevisae var. Chevalieri starter culture to the cocoa bean fermentation.
Followingly, dynamics in yeast concentration, sugary pulp components and metabolic products were
measured. Although only a slight difference was observed in the yeast population during the fermentation,
the changes in the dynamic metabolite profile were significant and by the end of experiments higher
fermentation index was measured for the cocoa bean fermentation with yeast starter culture addition. Our
results showed that this method could potentially be applied to shorten the cocoa bean fermentation time.

Keywords: yeast; starter; cocoa bean; fermentation; pulp degradation.


FOOD - 11
Chitinase (MaChi) Gene from Indonesian Banana Plant: Isolation,
Characterization, and the Use as Molecular Marker for Disease Resistance
Agus Sutanto1,2, Dewi Sukma1, Catur Hermanto2 and Sudarsono1
PMB Lab, Department of Agronomy and Horticulture,Faculty of Agriculture, Bogor Agricultural University,
Dramaga Campus, Bogor 16680, West Java - INDONESIA, Email: s_sudarsono@ymail.com
Indonesian Tropical Fruit Research Institute Jl. Raya Solok – Aripan Km. 8, PO. Box 5 Solok, West Sumatera

Email: bagusutanto_02@yahoo.com

ABSTRACT - Chitinase is an enzyme produced by plants as a defense protein against pathogens. Fragments
of putative chitinase gene (MaChi) were isolated from genomic DNA of five Indonesian banana cultivars
(Rejang, Klutuk Wulung, Kepok, Ambon Hijau and Barangan).The fragments were characterized and used
to develop single nucleotide amplified polymorphisms (SNAP) markers for disease resistance. Fragments of
MaChi gene containing three exons (a total of 438 bp) and two introns (158 bp) were identified. From these,
nucleotide sequence variabilities were identified among eight unique sequence identities. Based on the
results of nucleotide sequence analysis, the MaChi fragments contained a typical glycoside hydrolase
conserved region of chitinase family 19 and exhibited a high sequence identity to either class I or class II
chitinase. The result of sequence analysis also indicated the presence of 14 SNP positions causing 11 amino
acid substitutions. The presence of SNPs in the MaChi gene may be used to generate SNP-based marker for
disease tolerance.

Keywords: chitinase, banana, single nucleotide polymorphism, marker.


FOOD - 12
Expression Study of LeGAPDH, LeACO1, LeACS1A, and LeACS2 In
Tomato Fruit (Solanum lycopersicum) for Future Agroindustry Application
Pijar Riza Anugerah1, Fenny Dwivany1, and Rizkita Rahmi Esyanti1
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Email: fenny@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - Tomato is a climacteric fruit, which is characterized by ripening-related increase of

respiration and elevated ethylene synthesis. Ethylene is the key-hormone in ripening process of climacteric
fruits. The objective of this research is to study the expression of three ethylene sythesis genes; LeACO1,
LeACS1A, LeACS2, and a housekeeping gene LeGAPDH in ripening tomato fruit. Specific primers have
been designed to amplify cDNA fragment of LeGAPDH (143 bp), LeACO1 (240 bp), LeACS1A (169 bp),
and LeACS2 (148 bp)using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Nucleotide BLAST results of the cDNA
fragments show high similarity with LeGAPDH (NM_001247874.1), LeACO1 (NM_001247095.1),
LeACS1A (NM_001246993.1), LeACS2 (NM_001247249.1), respectively. Expression study showed that
LeACO1, LeACS1A, LeACS2, and LeGAPDH genes were expressed in ripening tomato fruit. Isolation
methods, reference sequences, and primers used in this study can be used in future experiments to study
expression of genes responsible for ethylene synthesis using quantitative PCR and to design better strategy
for controlling fruit ripening in agroindustry.

Keywords: Ripening, tomato fruit, LeACS1A, LeACS2, LeACO1, LeGAPDH


FOOD - 13
Optimization of Fermented Tofu with High Isoflavone Content through
Variation of Percentages and Inoculum Ratios of Lactobacillus plantarum,
Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Leuconostoc mesenteroides
Dea Indriani Astuti1 and Zahra Noviana1
Microbial Biotechnology Research Group, Department of Biotechnology, School of Life Sciences and
Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Jawa Barat, Indonesia

Email: zahra_noviana@ymail.com

ABSTRACT - Tofu is a traditional food from Indonesia. Tofu can be made through fermentation using
lactic acid bacteria. Lactic acid bacteria had an important role in producing taste, flavor, texture, and color of
fermented food. It also can produce isoflavone which has activity against cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
In this research, standardization process was done using variation of percentages and ratios of Lactobacillus
plantarum (a), Lactobacillus acidophilus (b), and Leuconostoc mesenteroides (c). The percentages of
inoculum used in this research was 7.5%, 10%, and 12.5%, meanwhile the ratios of inoculum used was
(a:b:c) 2:1:1; 1:2:1; 1:1:2; and 1:1:1. Optimum inoculum age of L. plantarum, L. acidophilus, and L.
mesenteroides respectively were 8, 6, and 2 hours. The highest growth rate of L. plantarum, L. acidophilus,
and L. mesenteroides respectively were 0.060h-1, 0.054h-1, and 0.092h-1. The highest lactic acid production
rate of L. plantarum, L. acidophilus, and L. mesenteroides respectively were 0.072 %h-1; 0.063 %h-1; and
0.126 %h-1. The percentage and ratio of the inoculum which produce tofu with the highest isoflavones
content was 12.5% (2:1:1), with the highest bacterial population growth rate was 0.019 h-1; the highest
formation rate of lactic acid was 0.045% h-1; and isoflavone aglycones levels was 0.445 mg/mL.

Keywords: fermentation, lactic acid, lactic acid bacteria, isoflavone, tofu.


FOOD - 14
Application of Clay Pot as Post Harvest Storage for Tomato
Ida Kinasih1, Agus Mulyawan1, RamadhaniEka Putra2, Tri Cahyanto1
Departement of Biology, Islamic State University Sunan Gunung Djati, Bandung,
School of Life Sciences and Technology, InstitutTeknologi Bandung Indonesia

Email: idakinasih@uinsgd.ac.id

ABSTRACT - In Indonesia, tomato is considered as an important economical crop. However, most of

harvest ended up being wasted due to lack of proper post harvest processing technology. Since most of the
Indonesian farmers are considered as low-income rural farmers and have limited access to reliable power
supply the development of a low cost and low energy demand storage system is needed. This research
applies the concept of evaporative cooling using clay pot filled with water soaked sand as storage system for
fresh tomato. The effectiveness of this system to maintain fruit quality (weight loss, water content, and fruit
sweetness) was compared with common domestic refrigerator. On average, this system has lower
temperature than room temperature with average temperature between 21-23oC. Tomato stored inside clay
pot filled with lowest water soaked sand (sand volume 500 g) has lowest weight loss (3.01%),lowest water
content (94%), highest fruit sweetness (4.675 brix). Further research on various regions with different
environment condition and measurement on other fruit quality variables, efficiency, and economic benefit is
needed prior to its application on rural farming.

Keywords: Clay pot, Evaporative cooling, fruit quality, post harvest storage, tomato

In Indonesia, despite being perfectly capable of producing abundant harvests, without any means of
store and preserve crops, Indonesian farmers are at risk for heavy economic loss due. One of the crops
that experience heavy loss of harvest is tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). Annually, total tomato
production is 853,061 ton (Statistik Indonesia, 2009) and in tropics estimate about 20-50% of
production is loss due to poor post harvest handling (Prajawati, 2006).
Common application to prevent harvest lost of tomato is cool storage (Aguayo et. al., 2004) at 10-
15oC with average humidity 85-95% (Shewfelfat, 1986; De Castro et. al., 2005). In order to achieve
this condition, farmers require specific machinery, such as domestic refrigerator, which quite
expensive and inefficient for farmers with low income and access to epileptic power supply.
Furthermore, tomato stored under this condition for a long period is susceptible to chilling injury
which reduce quality and price of the products (Olosunde et. al., 2009). Thus, in order to improve
income of low income farmer, FAO (1983) advocated a low cost storage system based on principle of
evaporative cooling for storage of harvested fruits and vegetables. Evaporative cooling is working on
the concept of increased relative humidity of storage environment (or decreasing the vapor pressure
deficit) between fruits and its environment). Increased relative humidity will reduce the rate of water
loss (Katsoulas et. al., 2001) which in advance will inhibit respiratory processes and activities of
destructive micro-organisms (Barre et. al., 1988).
Various design evaporative coolers have been reported (Redulla, 1984; FAO, 1986; Roy, 1994;
Acedo, 1997) yet most of them either using expensive material, susceptible to rodent attack, or has
large size that required enormous space.In order to overcome these problems, some researcher tried
different approach using clay pot such as a porous wall (pot in pot) (Anyanwu, 2004) and cuboids
clay pot (Ndukwu, 2011). The benefit of using clay pots are: they easily developed using local
resources, does not need any electricity, and could encourage the development of local clay pot
This study investigatedthe effectiveness of an evaporated cooler system construct with local clay pot
to maintain quality of local tomato. Tomato quality (weight loss, water content, and sweetness) was
evaluated as a function of storage time for 20 days from the harvesting time.

Material and Methods

Description of the Evaporative Cooling System
The evaporative cooler is made up of 5 liter clay pot, purchase from local clay pot industry, filled with
water soaked sand. Sand used in this study was common sand apply for building construction. During
this research various proportion of water and sand were applied, as evaporative cooling system,in
order to find perfect combination for the cooler (Table 1). Each combination was replicated three
times and domestic refrigerator was applied as control treatment.

Table 3 Summary of combination of water and sand used in the research

Group Water Volume Sand Group Water Volume Sand
(ml) Weight (g) (ml) Weight (g)
E Control
A1 40 500 C1 40 1500
A2 80 500 C2 80 1500
A3 120 500 C3 120 1500
A4 160 500 C4 160 1500
B1 40 1000 D1 40 2000
B2 80 1000 D2 80 2000
B3 120 1000 D3 120 2000
B4 160 1000 D4 160 2000

Experimental Methods
During this study, six clay pots were used for each experimental group. Inside each pots, 12 tomatoes,
previously wash by tap water, were kept on water soaked sand layer. All pots were tightly sealed by
plastic sheet and kept in room temperature for 20 days. Every two days, temperature inside clay pots
and fruit quality variables was measured.

Fruit quality
Weight Loss
Weight loss was expressed as a percentage of difference in weight between tomatoes that had been
kept for 20 days and the initial weight of tomatoes. The weight of fruits was recorded to an accuracy
of ± 0.1 g (Žnidarčič et.al., 2010).

Water content
Water content of tomatoes was measured by gravimetric test. Fresh tomatoes were heated by oven at
105oC for 6 hours. Water content was expressed as percentage of weight loss after treatment
(Musaddad, 2002).

Fruit Sweetness
Fruit sweetness was measured using refractrometer digital ATAGO®. Sweetness was expressed as
brix value.

Statistical Analysis
The data obtained from this investigation were analyzed by One Way ANOVA with confidence level
of 95%. Significant value then became subject of further analysis by Tukey. All analysis was carried
out using STATISTICA 7.0.

Results and Discussion

Temperature changes inside clay pot
On average, temperature inside clay pot was lower 2.066 oC than room temperature (Figure 1).
Among all treatments, clay pot filled with lowest total volume of water soaked sand (A1-A4) has
significantly higher temperature differences (-2.133 oC) compare with treatment B1-B4 (-2.075oC),
D1-D4 (-2.047oC), and C1-C4 (-2.00 oC) (One way ANOVA, P<0.05).

Figure 5 Average temperature differences between inside clay pot and room temperature. Average daily
room temperature was 23-25oC.

Lower temperature inside clay pot worked based on principle of evaporative cooling whereby liquid
evaporates into air, releasing latent heat, and cooling the object that the air comes into contact with
(Shama et. al., 2011). This study showed highest temperature differences when less volume of sand
were used. This phenomenon could be explained by concept of thermodynamic and gas movement as
bigger empty space reduces collision among gas molecules thus the amount of heat produces.

Fruit Quality
Weight Loss
Storing tomato in clay pot filled with least volume of water soaked sand better in maintained weight
of tomato than clay pot with higher volume of sand and domestic refrigerator (One Way ANOVA, P <
0.05)(Fig. 2).On average, weight loss experienced by tomato stored inside type A system (3.01%)
were less than acceptable maximum weight loss for tomato, which is 6-7% (Robinson, 1975;
Hruschka, 1977). This result showed that this system able to prevent weight loss even though
temperature inside clay pot much higher than temperature suggested for tomato post harvest storage,
which is 5-15oC (Shewfelfat, 1986; De Castro et. al., 2009; Žnidarčič & Požrl, 2006).

Figure 6 Average weight loss of tomatoes kept in clay pots for 20 days.

Water content
Tomato kept inside clay pot with least volume of water soaked sand has lowest water content compare
with all treatment and control (Fig. 3). Lower water content probably correlated with changes in
permeability of tomato fruit cuticles due to effect of temperature and relative humidity (Matas et. al.,
2005). Further study is needed to confirm about this since loss in water content influenced the shelf
life and toughness of the fruit which is crucial for long distance transport.

Figure 7 Average water content of tomatoes kept in clay pots for 20 days.

Fruit Sweetness
Tomatoes stored inside clay pot had higher brix level compare with tomatoes stored inside domestic
refrigerator. Among all treatment, tomatoes kept inside clay pot with lowest amount of water soaked
sand had highest brix level.
Low brix level of tomatoes stored inside refrigerator because sugar converted into starch in low
temperature (Adegoroye et. al., 1989; McDonald et. al., 1999). Low brix level also indicated low
soluble solids content of fruit, mainly sugar and acid, which would greatly effect to flavor of tomatoes
(Moretti et. al., 1998).

Figure 8 Average fruit swetness of tomatoes kept in clay pots for 20 days.

Clay pot filled with water soaked sand could be used as low cost post harvest storage system for
tomato. This system is much better on preventing weight loss and maintaining fruit flavor compare
with domestic refrigerator. Further study is needed to confirm the maximum shelf life of fruit,
efficiency, and economic benefit of the system.

This research partially funded by SINAS KEMENRISTEK grant No. RT-2012-1369 rewarded to

Acedo, A.L. Storage Life of Vegetables in Simple Evaporative Coolers. Tropical Science 37: 169-175, 1997.
Adegoroye, A.S., Jolliffe, P.A., Tung, M.A. Texture Characteristics of Tomato Fruits (Lycopersicon
esculentum) affected by sunscald. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 49(1): 95-102, 1989.
Aguayo, E., Escalona, V., Artes, F., Quality of Fresh-Cut Tomato as Affected by Type of Cut, Packaging,
Temperature and Storage Time. European Food Research and Technology 219(5): 492-499, 2004.
Anyanwu, E.E. Design and Measured Performance of a Porous Evaporative Cooler for Preservation of Fruits
and Vegetables. Energy Conversion and Management 45(13-14): 2187–2195, 2004.
Barre, H.J., Sammet, L.L., Nelson, G.L. Environmental and Functional Engineering of Agricultural Buildings,
Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, 1988.
De Castro, L.R., Vigneault, C., Charles, M.T., Cortez, L.A.B. Effect of Cooling Delay and Cold-Chain
Breakage on „Santa Clara‟ Tomato. Journal of Food Agriculture and Environment 3(1): 46-54, 2005.
FAO. FAO production yearbook, vol. 34. FAO, Rome, 1983.
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regional office for Asia and the Pacific, 1986.
Hruschka, H.W. Postharvest Weight Loss and Shrivel in Five Fruits and Five Vegetables, US. Departement of
Agriculture Marketing Research Report 1059, 1977.

Katsoulas, N., Baille, A., Kittas, C. Effect of Misting on Transpiration and Conductance of a Greenhouse Rose
Canopy. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 106(3): 233–247, 2001.
Matas, A.J., López-Casado, G., Cuartero, J., Heredia, A. Relative Humidity and Temperature Modify the
Mechanical Properties of Isolated Tomato Fruit Cuticles. American Journal of Botany 92(3): 462-468, 2005.
McDonald, R.E., Mccollum, T.G. & Baldwin, E.A. Temperature of Water Treatments Influences Tomato Fruit
Quality Following Low Temperature Storage. Postharvest Biology and Technology 16(2): 147-155, 1999.
Moretti, C.L., Sargent, S.A., Huber, D.J., Calbo, A.G., Puschmann, R. Chemical Composition and Physical
Properties of Pericarp, Locule and, Placental Tissues of Tomatoes with Internal Bruising. Journal of the
American Society for Horticultural Science 123(4): 656-660, 1998.
Musaddad, D. Mempelajari Efektifitas Pelapis Edible Khitosan pada Buah Tomat Segar Selama Penyimpanan
di Suhu Kamar dan Suhu Dingin (Study on Efficiency of Edible Chitosan as Coating on Fresh Tomatoes
During Room and Cool Storage). [Magister Thesis] Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor, 2002. (In Indonesian).
Ndukwu. M.C. Development of a Low Cost Mud Evaporative Cooler for Preservation of Fruits and Vegetables.
Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal, Manuscript No.1781, 13(1), 2011.
Olosunde, W.A., Igbeka, J.C., Olurin, T.O. Performance Evaluation of Absorbent Materials in Evaporative
Cooling System for Storage of Fruits and Vegetables. International Journal of Food Engineering 5(3): 1-15,
Prajawati N.M., Pengaruh Teknik Pengemasan dan Perlakuan Prakemas Terhadap Laju Penurunan Mutu
Tomat Selama Transportasi (Effect of Packaging Technique and Pre Packaging Treatment on Tomato
Quality Reduction During Transportation). [Skripsi]. Bogor: FakultasTeknologi Pertanian,Institut Pertanian
Bogor, Bogor, 2006.
Redulla. Temperature and Relative Humidity in Two Types of Evaporative Coolers. Postharvest Research Notes
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Robinson, J.E., Browne, K.M., Burton, W.G. Storage Characteristics of Some Vegetables and Soft Fruits.
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Roy S.K. A Low Cost Cool Chamber: An Innovative Technology for Developing Countries (Tropical Fruits
Storage) in Johnson GI, (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, St Lucia
(Australia). Division of Horticulture), Editor.Postharvest handling of tropical fruits. Canberra, A.C.T.,
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Sharma, V.K., Marano, D., Anyanwu, C.N., Okonkwo, G.I., Ibeto, C.N., Eze, I.S. Solar Cooling: A Potential
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Shewfelfat, R.L. Postharvest Treatment for Extending the Shelf Life Fruits and Vegetables. Food Technology
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Žnidarčič, D. & Požrl, T., Comparative Study of Quality Changes in Tomato cv. „Malike‟ (Lycopersicon
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Environment 8(1): 21-25, 2010.

FOOD - 15
The Study of Pisang Raja Bulu (Musa sp. AAB group) MaACS1Genes
Expression during Post-Harvest Storage for Food Industry Application
Dina Hermawaty1, Fenny Martha Dwivany1 and Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti1
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology

Email: fenny@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - As one of world‟s biggest tropical fruits producer, Indonesian fruit production is not
accompanied by high quality of fruit. Poor traditional post-harvest management practices usually leads to
bad quality and wasted of fruit. In industrial scale, producing a consistent banana of high quality efficiently
is crucial to reduce loss. In order to develop a good post-harvest technology, studies to create optimum
environment condition, distribution, and storage are needed. The aims of this study are to study the effect of
banana storage using temperature and fungicide treatment on ripening process, especially expression of
Musa sp. cultivar pisang raja buluMaACS1 gene. The result showed that fungicide and storage at 20 0C
treatment was the best storage condition for banana fruit and increasing banana shelf-life time. Semi-
quantitative analysis on ripening-related gene, MaACS1, showed an increase of expression during ripening
process with MaACS1 gene expression at best storage condition was relatively lower compared to control.

Keywords: pisang raja bulu, MaACS1, gene expression, semi-quantitative PCR


FOOD - 16
Expression Study of Pathogenic Resistance Genes for Genetic
Improvement of Banana
Fenny M. Dwivany1, Rizkita R. Esyanti1, Aksarani ‘Sa Pratiwi1, Herafi Zaskia1

School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) Jalan Ganesha No. 10 Bandung
40132 Indonesia

Email: fenny@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - Banana is one of the world's most important trade commodities. However, infection of
banana pathogenic fungi (Fusarium oxysporum race 4) is one of major causes of decreasing production in
Indonesia. Genetic engineering has become an alternative way to control this problem by isolating genes
which involved in plant defense mechanism against pathogens. Two of the important genes are API5 and
ChiI1, each gene encodes apoptosis inhibitory protein and chitiase enzymes. The purpose of this study was
to study the expression of API5 and ChiI1 genes as candidate pathogenic resistance genes. The amplified
fragments were then cloned, sequenced and confirmed with in silico studies. Based on sequence analysis, it
is showed that partial API5 gene has putative trans-activation domain and ChiI1 has 9 chitinase family GH19
protein motifs. Data obtained from this study will contribute in banana genetic improvement.

Keywords : Arabidopsis thaliana, Apoptosis inhibitor 5 (API5), Chitinase (ChiI1), Musa acuminata, Pathogen resistance


FOOD - 17
Somatic Embryogenesis from Male Flowers of Cavendish banana (Musa
acuminata Colla, AAA)
Febriya Antensari1, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti1, and Fenny Martha Dwivany1
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132,

Email: rizkita@sith.itb.ac.id; fenny@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - Cavendish banana is a triploid cultivar that is difficult to be improved genetically. Somatic
embryogenesis has been known as a favorable propagation method. The objective of this study was to
develop an optimal protocol for the establishment of local cultivar Cavendish banana using somatic
embryogenesis method. Explants of male flowers between the twentieth and fifth bracts were induced to
form yellow friable callus by supplementing 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), (1-naphthaleneacetic
acid) NAA and indole acetic acid (IAA) into MS medium. For proliferation, thiadzuron (TDZ) was added to
the medium. The cells were left until the somatic embryo reached globular stage. Embryogenic callus was
the initial material for cell suspension cultures. Repeated sub-culturing and filtering every three weeks was
done to maintain small aggregates and free floating single cells. This cell suspension was potential to be
regenerated into plantlet. After four weeks, embryos were germinated into plantlet by shoot and root
induction, after eight weeks on cultured medium.

Keywords: Cavendish banana, germination, male flowers, somatic embryo.


FOOD - 18
Addition of plant extracts on the production of coconut sugar and
antioxidant activity evaluation
Karseno1, Tri Yanto1, Retno Setyawati1 and Pepita Haryanti1
Food Science and Technology Study Program, Dept of Agricultural Technology, Jenderal Soedirman
University, Purwokerto 53122 Indonesia

Email: karseno_m71@yahoo.com

ABSTRACT - Three kinds of coconut sugar including liquid, solidified and granulated form were usually
produced by heating coconut sap material. Our research focused on how to improve quality of the products to be
as a functional food candidate. Addition of plant extracts during coconut sugar production is one of our strategy
to increase antioxidant activity of the products. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of plant
extract addition on production of coconut sugar and to compare antioxidant activity among the products.
Mangosteen rind, betel leaf, and clovers leaf were extracted with hot water (1:10 ml) at 70ºC for 20 minute,
filtered through filter paper Whatman no 2. The supernatant in the concentration of 20, 40 and 60 ml / L of sap
was added during heating of coconut sap, and the processes were continued until it concentrated, solidified and
formed a granule. Antioxidant activities of the products were determined by FTC method. Result of the
experiment indicated that increasing the amount of plant extract addition further increased antioxidant activity of
coconut sugar. Antioxidant activities of the sugars subsequently from high to low were liquid > solidified >
granulated coconut sugar. Furthermore, addition of mangosteen rind extract at 60 ml/L of coconut sap showed
the highest antioxidant activity of the products.

Keywords: coconut sap; coconut sugar; plant extract; antioxidant activity.

Coconut sugar is produced by heating coconut neera and further are made in three types; liquid, solid
and granulated forms, respectively. Coconut sugar is commonly used in various types of traditional
cuisine and beverages as a sweetener, flavor and color enhancer. Since the sugar has unique flavor, it
become popular as a flavoring reagent for several foods. In addition, trend consumer on the
consumption of natural foods has resulted in the use of coconut sugar as an natural alternative
sweetener (Phaichamnan et al., 2010). Coconut sugar also provides a sweet taste and low in calories,
contains elements of proteins, mineral salts and rich in nutrients. Nutrient composition of coconut
sugar per 100 g were 0.386 kcal of energy, 76 g carbohydrate, 10 g fat, 3 g protein, 76 mg calcium,
phosphorus 37 mg, and 10 g of water (Said, 2007).
During coconut sugar production, Maillard reaction is occured and produces a brown color product
called melanoidin (Winarno, 1997) that shows potential as an antioxidant (Zhuang and Sun, 2011),
especially from high molecular weight (Dedin et al., 2006). To enhance the functional value of
coconut sugar, addition of antioxidant (natural antioxidants or synthetic antioxidants) during coconut
sugar production is one of our strategies. The source of natural antioxidant including spices (ginger
and turmeric), mangosteen rind, green betel leaf and clovers leaf. Mangosteen rind was rich
antioxidant compounds such as anthocyanin, xanthones, tannins, and phenolic acids (Permana, 2010).
In the other hand, betel leaves have antioxidant activity namely flavonoids, alkaloids, polyphenols,
tannins and essential oils (Andarwulan et al., 1996) or eugenol component which some act as
antioxidants to inhibit lipid peroxidation in clover leaf (Ogata et al., 2000).

Materials and methods

a. Materials, Coconut neera, green betel, mangosteen rind, and clover leaf were obtained from local
farmer in Banyumas regency, Central Java province. All chemical reagents were purchase from Sigma
and Merck, except when stated in the text.

b. Preparation of betel leaf, clover leaf and mangosteen rind extract, Betel leaf,
mangosteen rind, and clover leaf were dried on cabinet dryer at 60ºC and subsequently crushed into
powder (60 mesh), extracted with water (1:10 w / w) and heated at 70°C for 20 minutes, filtered using
a filter paper Whatman No. 2 to obtain the supernatant.

c. Production of liquid, solidified and granulated coconut sugar, Fresh coconut neera was
filtered and heated up to ± 95°C, then the plant extract in the concentration of 20, 40 and 60 ml / L of
neera were added. The process then continued to produce liquid, solidified and granulated coconut
d. Antioxidant activity, Antioxidant activity of sugar was determined by Ferric Thyocianate (FTC)
and Thiobarbituric Acid (TBA) methods (Zahin et al., 2009). The FTC method was used to
measure the amount of peroxide at the beginning of lipid peroxidation, in which peroxide react with
ferrous chloride to form ferric ion. The ferric ion then combine with ammonium thiocyanate and
produce ferric thiocyanate. The substance is red in colour. The TBA methods measures free radicals
present after peroxide oxidation.

Ferric Thyocianate method: A mixture of 4.0 mg sugar sample in 4 ml absolute ethanol, 4.1 ml of
2.5% linolenic acid in absolute ethanol, 8.0 ml of 0.05M phosphate buffer (pH 7.0) and 3.9 ml of
water was placed in a vial with a screw cap and then placed in an oven at 40 °C in the dark. To 0.1 ml
of this solution was added 9.7 ml of 75% ethanol and 0.1 ml of 30% ammonium thiocyanate.

Precisely 3 minute after addition of 0.1 ml of 0.02M ferrous chloride in 3.5% HCl to the reaction
mixture, the absorbance of red colour was measured at 500 nm each 24 hr until the day after
absorbance of control reached maximum. BHT and α-tocopherol were used as positive controls while
the mixture without sugar sample was used as the negative control.

Thiobarbituric acid method : Two ml of 20% trichloroacetic acid and 2 ml of 0.67% 2-

thiobarbituric acid was added to 1 ml of sample solution, as prepared in FTC method. The mixture
solution was heated in water bath and, after cooling, centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 20 min. Absorbance
of the supernatant was measured at 552 nm. Antioxidant activity was determined based on the
absorbance on the final day of FTC method.

e. Total phenol, Total phenol of sugar was determined by spectrophotometer (Shahidi & Naczk,
2004). To 0.50 ml of each sugar sample, 2.5 ml of 1/10 dilution of Folin-Ciocalteau‟s reagent and 2
ml of Na2CO3 (7.5%, w/v) were added and incubatedon at 45 °C for 15 min. The absorbance of all
samples was measured at 765 nm using a Spectrophotometer. Milligrams of gallic acid equivalent per
gram of dry weight (mg GAE/g dw) was expressed as total phenol content in the sample.
f. Browning intensity, Browning intensity of the sugar was determined by spectrophotometer (Amin
et al. 2010) with slight modifications. The sample solution prepared in dilution using distilled water
(sample extract / distilled water) (1: 9,v/v). Absorbance of sample was measured at 420 nm using UV-
Vis spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, model UV-2450).

Results and Discussion

Antioxidant activity
Antioxidant activity of coconut sugar was determined by ferric thyocianate method (FTC) based on
the formation of peroxide which is the result of linoleic acid oxidation (Lestario et al., 2005). This
method was performed to measure the amount of peroxide formed and to determine the ability of
antioxidants to inhibit the initiation of the reaction rate on the process of lipid oxidation. Peroxide
absorbance value is inversely proportional to its antioxidant activity (Arinanti et al., 2006). The
antioxidant activities of liquid, solidified and granulated coconut sugar were presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1 showed the addition of clover leaf extract, mangosteen rind extract and combination clover
leaf - mangosteen rind extract influence the antioxidant activity of the products and successively from
high to low were liquid > solidified > granulated coconut sugar. The high antioxidant activity of
liquid coconut sugar was correspond to low end point temperature during production of liquid sugar
production (max. 100ºC) in comparison to solidified (105ºC) and granulated coconut sugar (120ºC).
Previous studies reported that extracts of natural antioxidants were susceptible to heat damage (Anese
et al., 1999; Jeong et al., 2004; Azman Abdul Rahim et al., 2010). Therefore intensified natural
antioxidant extracts exposed to heat might increase the damage of antioxidant compounds.

Figure 1 Peroxide inhibition activity of liquid, solidified and granulated coconut sugar in various
concentration of clover leaf extract, mangosteen rind extract and combination of clover leaf-mangosteen
rind extract. The data represents the mean of three independent experiments.

Addition of mangosteen rind extract showed the highest peroxide inhibition activity of sugar in a
range of 61-75%, followed by addition of combination clover leaf- mangosteen rind extract with
range 52-71%, and clover leaf extract which range from 50-64%. Mangosteen rind extract is known
rich in antioxidants, especially anthocyanins, xanthones, tannins, and phenolic acids and showed
antioxidant capacity of 84.6 to 86.29% (Permana, 2010).
Based on Figure 1, it also was observed that antioxidant activity was affected by the amount of plant
extract addition. Increasing the amount of plant extract addition tend to increase the peroxide
inhibition activity of sugar. The high antioxidant activity is related to the high content of total phenol.
It was well knwon that phenol compounds was strong correlation with antioxidant activity (Xu &
Chang, 2007). Phenol is the most important compounds that responsible to antioxidant activity found
in plants (Caillet et al., 2006). The mechanism of antioxidant activity of phenol compounds in the
oxidation process was by providing H atoms that would bind to the peroxide product and produced a
more stable compound (Gordon, 1990). Total phenol has primary mechanism of antioxidants by
reacting with lipid radicals to produce high-energy product that has a better thermodynamic stability
(Shahidi and Naczk, 2004).
Increasing concentration of plant extract addition tend to increase phenolic compounds accumulation
in the product that imply to high antioxidant activity (Xu and Chang, 2007). The addition of clover
leaf extract with a concentration of 800 ppm in beef and chicken sausage was better in inhibiting
hydroperoxide formation compared with the concentration of 200 ppm (Syaiful, 2010).
Antioxidant activity of sugar was also determined by thiobarbituric acid (TBA) method base on
formation of malonaldehide. Malonaldehide is one of the aldehide compounds produced from fat
oxidation reaction. Malonaldehide values obtained by testing using TBA to determine the ability of
antioxidants to inhibit the rate of termination reactions on lipid oxidation process. Malonaldehyde
absorbance value inversely proportional to the antioxidant activity. The higher the mean absorbance
value of the lower antioxidant activity, and the higher the number malonaldehyde the antioxidant
activity was lower. Antioxidant activity of sugar base on TBA test were presented in the Figure 2.
Base on Figure 2, increasing plant extract addition tend to increase malonaldehide inhibition on the
product. However, there were no significantly different on malonaldehyde inhibition among them.

Figure 2 Malonealdehide inhibition activity of liquid, solidified and granulated coconut sugar in various
concentration of clover leaf extracts, mangosteen rind extracts and combination of clover leaf-
mangosteen rind extracts. The data represents the mean of three independent experiments.

Total phenol
Phenol is a compound with a hydroxyl group (OH), which can inhibit lipid oxidation by donating
hydrogen atoms to free radicals (Fennema, 1996). Performing total phenol analysis is basic test for
antioxidant activity, since it is well known that some phenolic compounds act as antioxidant to inhibit
the oxidation process (Vermerris and Nicholson, 2006). A phenol compound was belong to primer
antioxidant group (Kochhar and Rossel, 1990). The effect of addition of clover leaf extract,
mangosteen rind extract and their combination on antioxidant activity of coconut sugar were
presented in Figure 3.

Figure 3 Phenol content of of liquid, solidified and granulated coconut sugar in various concentration of
clover leaf extract, mangosteen rind extracts and combination of clover leaf-mangosteen rind extracts.
The data represents the mean of three independent experiments.

The addition of Mangosteen rind extract resulted in the highest total phenol in coconut sugar ranged
from 1.07 to 3.72 mg/100 mg, followed by the combination of clover leaf - mangosteen rind extract in
a range between 0.98 to 2.69 mg/100 mg and clover leaf extract ranged from 0.75 to 2.45 mg/100 mg;
respectively. The main antioxidants compound in mangosteen rind was xanthones which have high
antioxidant activity than other antioxidant compound in plant materials (Hadriyono, 2011). The
possibility of total phenol content in mangosteen rind extract was higher compared to the clovers leaf
extract were confirm in this phenomenon. Clover leaf extract containing eugenol, and act as
antioxidants by inhibiting fatty acid oxidation process that works almost the same as α-tocopherol
(Ogata et al., 2000). The high total phenol in combination with clover leaf extract - mangosteen rind
showed a good synergistic effect between two types of antioxidant components of the extract. Figure
2 also showed that increasing addition of plant extract tend to increase total phenol content of sugar.
The addition of the plant extract at 60 ml / L was gave higher total phenol content than the addition of
20 and 40 ml / L. This might be due to more phenol components accumulated in the product which
was correspond to high amount of plant extract addition.

Browning intensity
Maillard reaction is non-enzymatic reactions between reducing sugars and amines, amino acids,
peptides or proteins. It play an important role in formation of compounds responsible for unique
flavours and colors in many kinds of foods. Browning intensity analysis was used to assess the extent
of Maillard reaction occured in the sample, typically measured by absorbance at a wavelength of 420
nm (Amin et al., 2010). Maillard reaction that occurred in production of coconut sugar produced
melanoidin which had antioxidant activity, especially in high molecular weight (> 100 kDa) (Dedin et
al., 2006). Melanoidin has been demonstrated have antioxidant activity against oxygen radicals and
chelating metal (Zhuang and Sun, 2011). Browning intensity of liquid, solidified and granulated of
coconut sugar treated by addition of clover leaf extract, mangosteen rind extract and their combination
were presented in Figure 4.

Figure 4 Browning intensity of liquid, solidified and granulated coconut sugar in various concentrations
of clover leaf extracts, mangosteen rind extracts and combination of clover leaf-mangosteen rind
extracts.The data represents the mean of three independent experiments.

Figure 4 showed that browning intensity values from high to low were liquid > solidified > granulated
coconut sugar; respectively. Addition of mangosteen rind extract produced a browning intensity
ranged from 0.87 to 3.09 mg/100 mg, followed by the combination of clover leaf extract - mangosteen
rind with range between 0.89 to 2, 91 mg/100 mg, and the lowest browning intensity was in clover
leaf extract ranged from 0.72 to 2.9 mg/100 mg.
The formation of brown color will increase with increasing pH of coconut neera, temperature and
moisture content (Rosida, 2009). The pH value of clover extract, mangosteen rind extract and their
combination were 4.5; 5.3; and 4.7; respectively. The high pH of coconut neera was imply to the color
of sugar will be dark brown, due to Maillard reaction was intensively occurred (Catrien et al., 2008).
The pH of mangosteen rind extract was higher than the other extracts.
Figure 4, showed the relationship between the amount of plant extract and browning intensity. The
amount of plant extract addition was directly proportional to browning intensity, meaning that high
amount of extract addition, tend to high absorbance value of the products. The acid content in plant
extract would cause increasing in the reduction of sugar which in turn will accelerate the browning
reaction during heating of sugar (Windarwati, 2006). The hydrolysis of sucrose into reducing sugars
was due to acid of the glycosidic bond leading to split water molecules, H+ ions from water attached
to the OH- ions glucose and fructose and is attached to a reactive again (Maryani et al., 2010). The
high concentration of acid was imply to more H+ ions was formed, so that the process of splitting
sucrose into reducing sugar was also faster (Windarwati, 2006). Increasing reducing sugars
concentration tend to increase browning reactions between amino acids and reducing sugars and the
color of coconut sugar getting brown to dark (Rahayu et al. 2005).

Increasing the amount of plant extract addition further increases antioxidant activity of coconut sugar.
Antioxidant activity of the sugar in various concentration addition of plant extract from high to low
subsequently were liquid > solidified and > granulated coconut sugar. Furthermore, adition of
mangosteen rind extract at 60 ml/L to coconut neera showed the highest antioxidant activity of the
products. Further studies are needed to evaluate sensory characteristic and self life of the sugar.

The authors would like to thank to the Directorate General of Higher Education, Indonesia for
financial support of the research (MP3EI research project).

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FOOD - 19
In vitro Regeneration of Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica (L) Beauv) cv. Buru
Iriawati1 , Melisa I. Puspita1 and Asep Rodiansyah1
Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati, Institut Teknologi Bandung. Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung. 40132. Jawa

Email: iriawati@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - An experiment on in vitro regeneration of foxtail millet (Setaria Italica (L.) Beauv) has been
done by using basal shoot explant of 10-days-old seedlings. Explants were cultured in MS basal medium
supplemented with 2,4-D (0.1, 0.5, 0.6 ppm), kinetin (0.5, 1, 2 ppm), BAP (0.5, 1, 2 ppm ) and 1.5 ppm
NiSO4 for shoot induction. Shoot multiplication and root induction were done in MS basal media without
addition of plant growth regulator. Plantlets were then acclimatized in rice husk charcoal, cocopeat, or mixed
media containing rice husk charcoal, humus and coarse fern powder (1: 2: 1). Results showed that MS basal
medium containing 0.5 ppm kinetin, 2 ppm BAP, and 0.1 ppm 2,4-D was an optimal media for shoot
induction, around 60% explant developed direct shoot organogenesis. The medium containing 1 ppm
kinetin, 1 ppm BAP, and 0.5 ppm 2,4-D was an optimal medium for callus formation. Shoots were
multiplied following transferred into MS basal media without growth regulator. Same condition occurred for
root organogenesis, shoots developed burst of root after transferred into MS medium without growth
regulators. Highest survival rate of plantlets (47%) were obtained when acclimatized in rice husk
charcoal. Based on these results, it can be concluded that optimal media for direct shoot organogenesis was
MS medium containing 0.5 ppm kinetin, 2 ppm BAP, and 1 ppm 2,4-D. The best survival rate for
acclimatization was gained in rice husk charcoal media.

Keywords: Acclimatization, BAP, dichrolophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), foxtail millet (Setaria italica (L.)
Beauv), kinetin, MS basal media, organogenesis, rice husk charcoal.


FUEL - 01
The bioprospect of Croton tiglium L. and Ricinus communis L.
as a source material for biodiesel
Rina Ratnasih Purnamahati Irwanto1 and Arief Hamidi1
School of Life Sciences and Technology, ITB

Email: rina@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - Plant members of the Euphorbiaceae family, such as Jatropha curcas (physic nut) and Ricinus
communis (castor oil), are a well known biodiesel source. This research aimed to compare the prospect of
another species of Euphorbiaceae‟s family, Croton tiglium, with Ricinus communis as biodiesel source. Those
plants were sampled from (BALITRO), Bogor. Potency of seed oil production was determined by estimating
seed productivity per hectare; identification of fatty acids composition using GCMS (Gas Cromatography Gas
Spectrophotometer); measurement of seed oil quality based on saponification number, as well as iodine value.
Seed oil produced by both species were almost equal, C. tiglium produced 0,51 ton/ha, while R. communis
produced 0.47 ton/ha. content of seed oil produced by R. communis (58.5%) was richer than C. tiglium
(53,99%). The component of methyl ester oil C. tiglium were saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated
were 23.76 %, 27.66%, 47.761 % respectively whereas literature study of R. commnunis oil content showed
respectively 91.8 %, 3.7%, 4.8 %. Quality of seed oil produced by both species, based on saponification number
and iodine value, are fulfilled SNI no SNI-04-7182-2006. In conclusion, R. commnunis has more potential than
C. tiglium to cultivated as biofuel source.

Keywords: biodiesel, Croton tiglium, oil content, productivity, Ricinus communis, saturated oil

In the last few years, the potency of Jatropha curcas L. and Ricinus communis L.(Euphorbiaceae) had
been studied by many researchers for the production of biofuel and industrial products.
This study was aimed to explore other species of Euphorbiaceae that have been utilized traditionally
for many purposes, including medicine. Previous studies (Irwanto et. al., 2007) using six species from
different families, i.e Terminalia catappa Linn (Combretaceae), Azadirachta indica A. Juss
(Meliaceae), Tamarindus indica Linn (Caesalpiniaceae), Croton tiglium (Euphorbiaceae), Cerbera
odollam Gaertn. (Apocynaceae) and Brassica rapa (Brassicaceae) have showed that Terminalia
catappa Linn (Combretaceae), Azadirachta indica A. Juss (Meliaceae), Croton tiglium
(Euphorbiaceae), Cerbera odollam Gaertn. (Apocynaceae) have more than 30% oil. Croton tiglium
(Kemalakian or Ceraken, Ind) also has a high oil content of 48%, which means a similar content to
Jatropha (Mulyani, 2007) while R. communis has (40-50%) (Poteet, 2006). However, to be used as a
biofuel source, seeds oil produced must meet requirements referring to SNI-04-7182-2006. Therefore,
the aim of this research was to compare the potency of seeds oil produced by C. tiglium and R.
communis as new source of biofuel.

The productivity of seed oil was determined by calculate percentage of oil content with total number
of plants per hectare. The total number of plants was estimated by proportion of area covered by plant
The seeds were collected from Ballitro, Bogor. Seeds were separated from fruit, dried at 25oC for a
few days, and then cut into pieces of 1- 2 mm. The seeds were then extracted on Soxhlet apparatus for
5 hours to obtain seed oil. Oil extract then analyzed for content.
The fatty acids composition was analyzed using GCMS (Gas Cromatography Mass
Spectrophotometer) at Chemical Analysis Services Unit, LIPI. Oil quality was measured by
saponification and iodine test. Saponification number was measured by titrimetric method FBI-A03-
03 with alcoholic KOH as a solvent and HCl 0,5N as a standard titran. Iodine value was measured by
Hanus method, with standard sodium tiosulfat 0,1N as a titran and Hanus reagent and phenolftalein as

Results and Discussion

Seed oil content
Oil content is defined as percentage of oil contained in a seed. The results show that C. tiglium has oil
content of (53.99%), which is lower than R. communis (58.5%) (Figure 1). Oil content of C. tiglium
used in this study was higher than (Azam et. al., 2005) who mentioned that seeds oil content of C.
tiglium was 45%. However, this finding is still in the range of values of 50-60%, as mentioned by
Soerawidjaja (2006). The seeds oil content of R. communis within range published by the CSIR
(Council for Scientific and Industrial Research) (31-61%) and higher than result published by (Scholz
et. al., 2008) (40-55%).

60,00 53,99

kadar minyak (%)

oil content (%)





Croton tiglium Ricinus communis

Figure 1 Comparison of oil content between C. tiglium and R. communis

Seed oil production

It is assumed that a hectare of land could supported 2500 C. tiglium trees and 1111 R. communis trees.
However, each R. communis tree produces more fruits (1554) than C. tiglium (747) (Table 1). This is
could be caused by differences in flowering type between both species as R. communis has huge
inflorescences compare to C. tiglium. Even though produced more fruit per tree, productivity of fruit
per ha of C. tiglium (1.87 x106) higher than R. communis (1.73 x106). Therefore, based on fruit
production per ha, C. tiglium has more potency than R. communis (Table 1).

Table 1 Estimation of the total number of tree and fruit of Croton tiglium and Ricinus communis
Plant productivity Croton tiglium Ricinus communis
-total number tree/ha 2500 1111

-total number fruit/tree 747 1554

-total number fruit/ha (x106) 1.87 1.73

Table 2 Estimation of production of fruit, seeds and oil in Croton tiglium and Ricinus communis
Parameter Croton tiglium Ricinus communis
- number of fruit/ ha 1.87 x106 1.73 x106
- proportion of seeds to fruit 0.67 0.615
- fruit production (ton/ha) 1.78 1.795*)
- seeds production (ton/ha)
1.12 1.105
- oil production (ton/ha)
0.51 0.47

The proportion of seeds to fruit of C. tiglium (0.67) has a higher proportion than R. communis, which
has a value of 0.61. These results indicate that C. tiglium has more potency to produce oil than R.
communis, based on the proportion of seeds to fruit.
Table 3 shows a comparison of the productivity of the fruit and kernels and oil production between
species C. tiglium and R. communis. The result shows that productivity of fruit per hectare of R.
communis (1.795) is higher than in C. tiglium (1.78), although there is not much difference.
Nevertheless, C. tiglium produce seeds, kernel and oil (1.12, 0.94, 0.51 tonnes per hectare) which
were higher than R. communis, although the difference is also a slight number. This is because the
proportion of seeds for fruit and kernels of the fruit of C. tiglium is greater than R. communis.

Table 3 A comparison of fruit, kernel and oil proctivity between C. tiglium and R. communis

Productivition Croton Ricinus

tiglium communis
(ton/ha) (ton/ha)
Fruit 1.78 1.75
Seed 1.12 1.105
Kernel 0.94 0.81
Seed oil 0.51 0.47

Estimation of seed production of R. communis from this study was similar to the statistics of FAO in
2005, with average seed production of R. communis per hectare was 1.1 tonnes. On the other hand,
seed productivity of C. tiglium based on Duke (1983) was 0.9 tonnes/ha.
In comparison with other potential biodiesel crops, oil productivity of R. communis and C. tiglium is
higher than cotton (0.12), ground nut (0.22), soybean (0.38), and sunflower (0.44). However, oil
productivity was quite low compared to palm oil (Elaeis guineensis), (3.57) (Mielke, 2007).
Table 4 Saponification number and iodine value of of Ricinus communis and Croton tiglium in comparison to
Indonesian Biodiesel Standard (SNI 04-7182-2006)
Biodiesel parameter Croton tiglium Ricinus Indonesian
communis Biodiesel
Standard (SNI
Saponification number (mg
KOH/g biodiesel) 155.4 173.32 -
Iodine value (mg I2/100g
biodiesel) 93.71 83.45 maximum 115

Table 4 showed that the R.communis saponification number (173.32 mg KOH/g) was higher than C.
tiglium‟s (155.4 mg KOH/g). However, higher saponification number indicated, lower oil mass
molecule (Knothe, 2002). Then it could be predicted that R. communis has a fatty acid with a carbon
chain length and molecular weight greater than C. tiglum (Ogunniyi, 2006). showed the saponification
numbers of R. communis was 179-185 mg KOH/g of oil, which means that it was not that different
compared to our results. Saponification numbers of C. tiglium in our study was low in comparison to
the data collected by (Poteet, 2006), who obtained a saponification numbers of 203.9.
Iodine value is determined by the unsaturated quantity of biodiesel (Environment Australia, 2003).
The iodine value of oil produced by C. tiglium (93.71 g-I2/ 100g) was higher than R. communis (83.45
g-I2 /100 g). According to SNI 04-7182-2006, maximum iodine value which is allowed for biodiesel
source is 115 g-I2 /100 g. Therefore, both seeds oil of C.tiglium and R.communis fulfilled its criteria as
biodiesel sources. High iodine value indicated high unsaturated degree of biodiesel. High unsaturated
degree of biodiesel could produce precipitation in machines which produce detrimental effects in long
term (Knothe, 2002).

Fatty acid composition

Composition of fatty acids methyl esters of R. communis and C. tiglium oil could be grouped as
saturated fatty acid and unsaturated fatty acid. The unsaturated fatty acid in Croton tiglium was higher
than saturated fatty acid (Table 5).

Table 5 The composition of fatty acid methyl in Croton tiglium and Ricinus communis

Solution Croton tiglium Ricinus communisa)

Metil Ester saturated 23.76 % 91.8 %
27.66 % 3.7 %
Metil Ester monounsaturated (metil oleat 17.46%) (metil oleat 3%)
Metil Ester polyunsaturated 47.61 % 4.5 %
Source: www.castoroil.in and Ogunniyi (2005)

Ricinus communis has a higher saturated methyl ester (91.8%) than C. tiglium (23.76%). According to
Demirbas (2008) content of saturated fatty acids and carbon chain length are proportional to the
cetane number. Therefore, higher saturated fatty acids and longer carbon chain, will produce higher
cetane make it environment friendly (Van Gerpen, 2005).
Ricinus communis has a high saturated methyl esters dominated by methyl ricinoleat, (89.5%) or acid
12-hydroxy-9-oktadekenoat. The presence of hydroxyl groups and double bonds makes these oils
suitable for a variety of chemical reactions, however, hydrogen bonding of hydroxyl group also
increase viscosity of seeds oil of R. communis. Ogunniyi (2006) mentioned that kinematic viscosity of
seed oil of R. communis at 40°C was of 240-300 mm2s-1. This number was very high compared to
the standard of ISO-04-7182-2006, which mentions the ideal of kinematic viscosity is in the range of
2.3 to 6.0 mm2s-1.
Oil produced from C. tiglium seeds contain 27.66% monounsaturated methyl ester (methyl oleate =
17.46%), while R. communis contain 3.7% monounsaturated methyl esters (methyl oleate = 3%).
There is a positive relationship between oleic acid with cetane number (Bringe, 2005) the more
oleatnya acid content, the higher cetane number the biodesel has.
Oil produced from C. tiglium seeds contain 47.671% polyunsaturated methyl esters, while R.
communis has 4.8% polyunsaturated methyl ester. Compared with saturated fatty acids,
polyunsaturated fatty acid easier to oxidized, but has a low cetane number and has difficulty forming
new fuel compositions (Bringe, 2005) which will cause it to interfere with good quality oil.

Croton tiglium produces more seed oil than Ricinus communis. However, fatty acid methyl ester of oil
of Ricinus communis was more suitable to be used as a biodiesel, and it also meets the specification
of biodiesel standard in Indonesia.

Our gratitude goes to BALITRO that has provided seeds for our study.

Azam, MM., Waris, A., Nahar, NM. Prospects and potential of fatty acid methyl esters of some non-traditional
seed oils for use as biodiesel in India. Biomass and Energy 29:293-302, 2005.
Bringe, N.A. Soybean Oil Composition for Biodiesel. The Biodiesel Handbook Chapter 6.7: 159. AOCS Press,
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Irwanto, R.R., Rofianty, R., Rahman, HA, Mulyani, E., Wardini, TH. Bioprospecting of potential plants for
bioenergy resources. Proceedings of International Symposium “Food Security, Agricultural Development
and Environmental Conservation in Southeast and East Asia”. Bogor, Indonesia, 2007.
Knothe, G. Structure Indices in FA Chemistry. How Relevant Is the Iodine Value?. JAOCS, 79: 847–854 2002
Mielke, T. Major Global Trends-Impacts from Biofuels Supply and Demand Outlook. ISTA Mielke GmbH, Oil
World, Germany. Presented at "Agrotendencias, Buenos Aires, May 29, 2007.
Mulyani, E., Bioprospek Cerbera odollam Gaertn. Taken from Three Locations For Biodiesel Raw Materials.
Undergraduate Thesis, Biology Program, Institute of Technology Bandung, 2007.

Ogunniyi, D.S. Review Paper Castor Oil: A Vital Industrial Raw Material. Bioresource Technology 97:1086-
1091, 2006.
Poteet, M.D. Biodiesel Crop Implementation in Hawaii. Hawaii Agriculture Research Center. Aiea, 2006.
Scholz & Scholz V and da Silva. Prospects and Risks of the Use of Castor Oil as a Fuel. Biomass and Bioenergy
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Van Gerpen, J. The Basics of Diesel Engines and Diesel Fuels. The Biodiesel Handbook Chapter 3. AOCS
Press, 2005

FUEL - 02
Sustainability of the Palm Oil Industry through Oil Recovery and Creation
of Products from Oil Palm Wastes
Alawi Sulaiman1, Ku Halim Ku Hamid2, Ayub Md Som2, Azhari Samsu Baharuddin4, Mohd Noriznan
Mokhtar3 and Zainuri Busu4
Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor,
Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40450 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400 UPM Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
Felda Palm Industries Sdn. Bhd. Balai Felda, Jalan Gurney Satu, 54000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Email: asuitm@yahoo.com

ABSTRACT - In Malaysia, palm oil industry is the fourth largest contributor to the economy and the
government has targeted to increase to RM178 billion by the year 2020. The government through
PEMANDU has recognized initiative to increase the national OER as one of the important project in the
Palm Oil NKEA. Historically, the average OER performance in the country has not made significant
improvement and one of the factors is due to oil loss in the waste materials. Normally the residual oil in the
EFB, DC and POME is not recovered because there is no proven technology and the fundamental
mechanism of oil-water-fiber system is not well understood. Statistically, nearly 70% of FFB processed will
end–up as waste materials such as MF, PKS, DC and EFB. Together with these, huge amount of POME is
also produced. Many scientific papers have reported the available oil in these wastes, however no proper
study has been conducted to recover it. The future of palm oil industry depends on the sustainability issues
of the people, planet and profit. Thus the main objective of this paper is to highlight the economic value of
oil in the oil palm wastes towards achieving zero waste strategy for the sustainability of the palm oil

Keywords: Crude palm oil, decanter cake, empty fruit bunch, palm oil mill wastes, oil recovery, palm oil mill effluent.

In Malaysia, the palm oil industry is currently at the fourth place in terms of gross national income
(GNI) contribution to the country and by the year 2020, the Performance Management and Delivery
Unit (PEMANDU) of Malaysia has targeted the industry will contribute RM178 billions of additional
income and 42,000 new employment opportunities to the country (PEMANDU, 2012). Through
Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) which was launched by the Prime Minister of Malaysia,
the government has outlined four (4) main segments to be focused in the palm oil industry; 1.
Plantation, 2. Palm oil milling and trading, 3. Non-food downstream and food and 4. Health based
downstream. In order to achieve the vision, the government has identified strategic thrusts for
sustainability in both upstream and downstream activities in the industry. One of the entry point
projects (EPP) identified under the thrusts is to improve the crude palm oil (CPO) oil extraction rate
(OER) in the palm oil milling process. It is estimated that for every 1% increase of OER, the country
will benefit extra USD330 million (currency exchange rate USD1=RM3.3) each year from the palm
oil industry. For the mill, for every 1% increase in OER, a mill will gain extra USD3.3 millions per
year. The monetary impact of improving OER is huge and one of the promising focus area to increase
OER is through oil extraction from the oil palm biomass materials such as oil palm empty fruit
bunches (EFB), oil palm decanter cake (OPDC) and palm oil mill effluent (POME).
OER is a universal indicator to measure the actual amount of oil obtained from the fresh fruit bunch
(FFB) pressed (Chang, 2003). The maximum OER from a ripe FFB is estimated to be 30%. Over the
past few decades the OER has not made significant improvement and the reasons always been
associated with soil, climate, oil palm tree varieties, poor milling operation and machinery efficiency
[2]. Through literatures search, there are not much focus has been given to determine the oil loss in
the palm oil wastes and wastewater produced and estimate its economic impacts. Therefore the
objective of this paper is to give some insights on the value of CPO in the EFB, OPDC and POME
and develop promising strategies to recover it.

Palm Oil Wastes

The types of palm oil wastes in the mill commonly known as oil palm biomass are empty fruit bunch
(EFB), mesocarp fiber (MS), oil palm decanter cake (OPDC) and palm oil mill effluent (POME).
These biomass share the same source i.e oil palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB) and classified as
lignocellulosic material. Due to its amphiphilic properties, these biomass are prone towards absorbing
high amount of oil within its fiber matrix and therefore difficult to be completely removed through
normal physical methods. For example, the popular technology to recover oil from EFB is using
mechanical pressing technique and solvent extraction using hexane. However, some of the issues such
as efficiency, quality, safety and environmental issues could not be properly addressed using these
techniques. Therefore there is an urgent need to propose a new and appropriate technique to enhance
the oil recovery from oil palm wastes using the resources available in the mill area with green
technology features and concepts.
In addition to solid wastes (EFB and OPDC), palm oil mill also produces a huge amount of
wastewater known as POME. At present there is a growing trend of utilizing POME to produce biogas
through anaerobic digestion technology (Sulaiman et al. 2009). Through observation and reported
cases in many studies, in addition to high Biological Oxygen Demand (BOD), minerals and solids,
POME also contains a small quantity of residual oil. Through daily observation in the palm oil mill at
the sludge-pit area, there was a significant amount of oil floated on the surface of cooling and mixing
ponds. It was clear that the efficiency of the sludge-pit required improvement because it was not
designed to handle variation of the incoming POME characteristics such as high and low flowrates,
solid contents, oil contents and temperatures fluctuation. Furthermore, poor sludge-pit maintenance

could also reduced its performance and efficiency due to solid accumulation at the bottom. Therefore
it is important to further study to recover the remaining oil in POME to gain extra income for the mill
and therefore improve the overall POME treatment system thereafter.

Crude Palm Oil Recovery Strategies

The palm oil wastes and wastewater generated in the palm oil mill still contains a significant amount
of residual CPO and if the recovery process is fast, the quality of recovered oil can be maintained.

Table 1 Strategies that can be adopted to recover the residual oil in EFB, OPDC and POME.
Description Strategies Potential CPO Value

Recovery of CPO  Understanding the 660 tonnes CPO/mill/year.

from EFB to fundamental of fiber-oil
improve the surface tension and Assumptions:
overall oil absorption science.
 Improved design a new Processing capacity 1000 tonnes/day,
extraction rate
press-shredder machine. operation 300 days, Oil content 2% in
EFB, EFB is 22% of FFB, the recovery
rate is 50%.

 Fundamental
Recovery of CPO understanding of the oil 284 tonnes CPO/mill/year.
from OPDC. recovery from DC study.
 Design a new system to Assumptions:
recover oil from DC.
Processing capacity 1000 tonnes per
day, operation 300 days, oil content
4.5% in DC, DC is 42 kg/tonne FFB,
CPO price is RM3000 per tonne,
recovery rate is 50% .

Recovery of CPO  Understand the current

from POM E. problems with the existing 700 tonnes CPO/mill/year.
sludge-pit design.
 Propose a new and Assumptions:
improved design system to
recover CPO from POME. Processing capacity 1000 tonnes per
day, operation 300 days, oil content
0.75% in POME, POME is 0.62 tonne
per tonne of FFB, CPO price is
RM3000 per tonne, the recovery rate is
50% .

Table 1 also shows the potential amount of CPO available in EFB, OPDC and POME. If the recovery
technology is economically viable and able to maintain its quality, then it is justified to recover the
residual oil. Table 1 also shortlists some of the strategies that can be adopted to recover the residual

Sustainable Use of Palm Oil Wastes

Sustainability is always associated with the protection of the environment, social benefits and
wellbeing and business profitability. To ensure the sustainability of the palm oil industry in the future,
various efforts should be geared towards the sustainable development thrusts. In the palm oil mill,

three (3) types of major waste materials or biomass are produced. Those are EFB, OPDC and POME.
The flowchart of their origins is presented in Figure 1.

Fresh Fruit Bunch

Sterilizer Steam (140 oC)

Thresher EFB


Digester Water (80-90 oC)

Oil mesh

Liquid Solid
Screw Press

Decanter OPDC Cyclone

Oil Nut

Purifier Nut Cracker


Pack for Kernel

Treatment Ponds

Figure 1 The waste materials production stage in the palm oil mill (Prasertsan & Prasertsan, 1996).

In the case of palm oil industry, the processing wastes known as oil palm biomass, must therefore be
used as feedstocks to produce higher value added products. Therefore this section will review some of
the common uses of oil palm biomass.

Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches

Oil palm empty fruit bunches (EFB) are obtained once majority of the loose fruits have been detached
from the bunches through a process called threshing. The traditional method of using EFB is for
mulching in the oil palm plantation. Mulching process helps the available nutrients in the EFB could
be recycled into the soils.
Current understanding show that EFB could also be processed and turned into biocompost
(Baharuddin et al. 2009; Baharuddin et al. 2010; Baharuddin et al. 2011). The biocomposting
technology of EFB is currently used only for the in-house application rather than for commercial
purpose. Through more advanced technology, studies reported that the fiber of EFB can be used to
produce polyethylene biocomposite material (Mohd. Ishak et al. 1998; Rozman et al. 1998), polyester
biocomposite material (Abdul Khalil et al. 2007), activated carbon (Tan et al. 2009), bio-oil
(Abdullah et al. 2011) and bioethanol. Serious efforts have been geared towards its commercialization
stage. Therefore the future use of EFB for higher value-added products could be a promising research,
development and commercialization initiatives.

Oil Palm Decanter Cake

In the palm oil mill, oil palm decanter cake (OPDC) is produced at the clarification stage where fine
solids are removed from the oil rich phase using a decanter machine (Gutiérrez et al. 2009).

Physically the colour it black, slightly acidic, high moisture content, contains a significant amount of
cellulose and lignin, high amount of BOD and COD, silica and minerals.
It is currently used as a co-substrate for producing biofertilizer and animal feed. Due to its unpleaseant
smells, some of the mills dispose-off the OPDC in the dumping ponds to degrade it naturally. To date
there is no proper studies have been conducted to make use of OPDC material except for
supplementation for biocomposting process (Yahya et al. 2010). Table 2 shows the typical
characteristics of the OPDC produced in the mill as reported by different researchers (Paepatung et al.
2009; Yahya et al. 2010; Abdul Razak et al. 2012). By looking at its chemical characteristics, the
future potential use of OPDC is very promising for the biofuel and biomaterial industry. The oil
content in OPDC is 4.6%. Therefore it can be directly transesterified to produce biodiesel (methyl
ester). It also contains a high percentage of cellulose and lignin which can be used as filler for plastic
biocomposite materials.

Table 2 Chemical compositions of the DC produced in the mill

Parameters (Abdul Razak et al.2012) (Yahya et al. 2010) (Paepatung et al. 2009)
Ph 4.08 ± 0.02 - -
Moisture (%) 76.46 ± 0.8 76.38 76.70
VS (%) - - 83.40
Cellulose 21.61 -
Hemicellulose (%) 3.94 -
Lignin (%) 30.66 -
Ash (%) 22.25 -
COD (mg/kg) 316,937 - 880,000
TOC (mg/kg) - - 470,000
BOD (mg/kg) 41,813 -
Oil and Grease (mg/kg) 43,000 - 46,200
TS (mg/kg) 582,000 -
N (%) 2.80 2.38
C (%) - - 43.60
C/N Ratio 19.70 51.70
H (%) - - 5.79
O (%) - - 31.70
S (%) 0.30 0.39 0.15
P (%) 0.20 - -
K (%) 1.40 2.39 -
Ca (%) 0.90 1.02 -
Mg (mg/kg) 0.30 0.80 -
Bo (mg/kg) 9.00 - -
Mn (mg/kg) 38.00 - -
Cu (mg/kg) 59.00 - -
Fe (mg/kg) 4,438 - -
Zn (mg/kg) 30.00 - -
TKN (%) - - 21.50
NH3-N - - 0.69

Palm Oil Mill Effluent

Palm oil mill effluent or in short known as POME is an organic rich wastewater that is produced at the
end of palm oil milling process. The effluent is contributed by wastewater from three (3) main sources
namely sterilization, clarification and hydrocyclone/claybath processes (DOE, 1999). The other minor
sources of POME include press machine, engine room, boiler, strainer, desander, purifier, vacuum
dryer and oil trap (DOE, 1999). The typical characteristics of POME in terms of pollution load are
given in Table 3 as reported by several researchers (DOE, 1999; Najafpour et al. 2006). The

wastewater contains high a amount of BOD, COD and dissolved solids. It is slightly acidic with small
percentage of oil. In comparison, the clarification source of POME contains highest amount of oil,
followed by sterilization and lowest is hydrocylone/claybath source.

Table 3 Characteristics of palm oil mill effluent from sterilization, oil clarification and hydro-cyclone
Parameters (values are in Sterilization Oil Hydrocyclone
mg/L) except pH clarification
Ph 5.0 4.5 -
Oil & Grease 4,000 7,000 300
Biochemical Oxygen Demand 23,000 29,000 5,000
Chemical Oxygen Demand 47,000 64,000 15,000
Suspended Solids 5,000 23,000 7,000
Dissolved Solids 34,000 22,000 100
Ammoniacal Nitrogen 20 40 -
Total Nitrogen 500 1,200 100

POME is a colloidal suspension with temperature from 80 - 90 oC, pH value 3.8-4.5, water 95-96%,
0.6-0.7% oil and grease, 4-5% total solids with appreciable amounts of plant nutrients (Ahmad et al.
2006; Najafpour et al. 2006; Zinatizadeh et al. 2006). In addition, POME was also reported to contain
phosphorous (180 mg/L), potassium (2,270 mg/L), magnesium (615 mg/L), calcium (440 mg/L),
boron (7.6 mg/L), iron (47 mg/L), manganese (2.0 mg/L), copper (0.9 mg/L), zinc (2.3 mg/L),
nitrogen (950 mg/L), phosphorous (150 mg/L) and magnesium (345 mg/L) (Ahmad et al. 2006). The
caloric value of POME was reported to be 16,992 kJ/kg (Foo & Hameed, 2009). Table 4 lists some of
the nutrients that can be extracted from POME as reported in the literature (Wu et al. 2009).

Table 4 Major constituents, amino acids, fatty acids and minerals in POME.
Constituents % Minerals µg/g dry weight
Protein (crude) 12.75 Fe 11.08
Lipid (crude) 10.21 Zn 17.58
Carbohydrate 29.55 P 14377.38
Nitrogen-free 26.39 Na 94.57
extract Mg 911.95
Mn 38.81
Amino acids % K 8951.55
Aspartic 9.66 Ca 1650.09
Glutamic 10.88 Cu 10.76
Serine 6.86 S 13.32
Glycine 9.43 Se 12.32
Alanine 7.70 Si 10.50
Methionine 6.88 Al 16.60

Fatty acids %
Myristic 12.66
Palmitic 22.45
Stearic 10.41
Oleic 14.54
Linoleic 9.53

It is interesting that, despite of its high pollution load, POME also contains high nutrients such as
carbohydrate, protein, lipid, carotene, amino acids, fatty acids and minerals as reported by previous
research [22] which suitable for various purposes. It was also reported that because of these nutrients,
some of the bioconversion process such as anaerobic digestion and biocomposting are favorable as a
result of natural micronutrients supplementation to the available microorganisms. It is expected that
the future trend of POME utilization would be focused on oil and nutrient recovery for higher value-
added products.

In conclusion, the potential economic return to the industry from the oil recovery and the creation of
value-added products is huge. It is expected that the palm oil industry can have additional income
from the oil recovery projects from oil palm wastes. Through this project, the environmental
protection and social well being of the surrounding communities can also be improved. Thus it is a
timely opportunity for the palm oil industry to start considering the commercialization of oil recovery
and creation of high value products for the sustainability of the palm oil industry.

The authors wish to thank the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia for providing financial support
for this study through Long Term Research Grant Scheme (600-RMI/LRGS 5/3 (1/2012). Special
thanks also to the Faculty of Plantation and Agrotechnology, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
and Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).

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FUEL - 03
Expression of β-Glucosidae Gene From Deep Sea Metagenome
of Kawio Archipelago North Sulawesi
Wulan Pertiwi1 and Maelita Ramdani Moeis1
Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. Ganesha No.10 Bandung, Telp/Fax 022-

ABSTRACT - Deep sea Research is an Indonesian investment to explore the potential of marine biodiversity
that can be developed, so that it can contribute to answering the needs of food, medicine, and renewable energy.
This study aims to express β-glucosidase genes from deep sea metagenome of Kawio archipelago, North
Sulawesi. A metagenomic approach was conducted to isolate and analyze genes of microorganisms directly
from the environment without prior culturing process. Clone of metagenomic DNA p15 and p17 were inserted
into pET-32b expression vector and used to transform E.coli BL21 (DE3). Gene expression was induced with 1
mM IPTG for 3 hours. Protein BLAST results showed that Bglp_15 dan Bglp_17 has highest homology with β-
glucosidase from Shewanella frigidimarina NCIMB 400 (Positive 95% and 96%) and hypothetical protein
GOS_1944001 [Marine Metagenome] (Positive 78% and 79%). Phylogenetic analysis showed that Bglp_15 and
Bglp_17 were related to thermostable beta-glucosidase of Thermobispora bispora and beta-glucosidase of
uncultured bacterium. Bglp_15 enzyme specific activity was optimum at 60°C and pH 9.4, while Bglp_17
enzyme specific activity was optimum at 60°C and pH 9. Bglp_15 and Bglp_17 were relatively stable after
being heated for 4 hours at 60°C. It can be concluded that the β-glucosidase genes isolated from deep sea
metagenome of Kawio archipelago are thermostable.

Keywords: β-Glucosidase, Deep sea, Metagenomic, Termostable


FUEL - 04
A New Method for Producing Bioethanol from the Lignocellulose of
Meranti bakau by Enzymatic Saccharification and Fermentation
Wahyu Dwianto1, Fitria1, Ika Wahyuni1, Danang Sudarwoko Adi1, Sri Hartati2, Rumi Kaida3 & Takahisa
Research and Development Unit for Biomaterials, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, Jl. Raya Bogor km 46,
Cibinong, Bogor, Indonesia 16911
Research Center for Biotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences Jl. Raya Bogor km 46, Cibinong, Bogor,
Indonesia 16911
Department of Bioscience, Tokyo University of Agriculture 1-1-1 Sakuragaoka, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 156-
8502, Japan

Email: wahyudwianto@yahoo.com

ABSTRACT - Several papers reported various technical aspects of lignocellulosic bioethanol production.
Recalcitrant to saccharification is a major limitation for conversion of lignocellulosic biomass to ethanol. The
biological process for converting lignocellulose to fuel ethanol includes delignification to liberate cellulose
and hemicelluloses, depolymerization of carbohydrate polymers to produce free sugars and sugars
fermentation to produce ethanol. Accesibility of plant cell wall polyscharides to chemical, enzymatic and
microbial digestion is limited by many factors, including the presence of lignin and hemicellulose that cover
cellulose microfibril. Effort to support fuel ethanol industry fermentation using Indonesian woody plant
species Meranti bakau (Shorea uliginosa Foxw.) has been developed in an established efficient bioethanol
production. This paper relates to a new method for producing bioethanol from the lignocellulose of Meranti
bakau by saccharification and fermentation of xylem. As a new method for producing bioethanol, literature
study on previous researches of cellulose hydrolysis is necessary. Therefore, the objective of this study is to
gain deeper undestanding on the degradation mechanisms of cellulose by enzymes through studies of
previous researches which are then compared to the new method of this invention.

Keywords: enzymatic hydrolysis; ethanol; lignocelluloses; Meranti bakau; xylem.


FUEL - 05
Oleaginous Yeast with Cmc-Ase Activities For Biofuel Production
Atit Kanti1,2, Nampiah Sukarno3, Latifah K Darusman4, Endang Sukara5, and Kyria Boundy-Mills6
Microbiology Study Program. Graduate School of Bogor Agricultural University
Research Centre for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Cibinong Science Centre, Jl.Raya Bogor-
Jakarta Km. 46, Cibinong 16911, Indonesia
Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Darmaga
Campus, Bogor 16680
Department of Chemistry , Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University,
Darmaga Campus, Bogor 16680
Research Centre for Biotechnology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Cibinong Science Centre, Jl.Raya
Bogor-Jakarta Km. 46, Cibinong 16911, Indonesia
Phaff Yeast Culture Collection, Department of Food Science and Technology, College of Agricultural and
Environmental Science, University of California, One Shield Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA

Abstract. The objective of study was to evaluate the possibility of using carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) as
carbon sources for lipid accumulation by oleaginous yeasts : Candida sp. (Y09GS34 and Y09GS48) and
Lipomyces sp. (10381) obtained from InaCC, Indonesia. To obtain the effect of nitrogen on lipid
accumulation, the growth medium were formulated as 1% CMC and N limited with 2% CMC and the
cultures were incubated for 7 days. Lipid accumulation in the cells was determined by Suddan Black
method. and it‟s composition was identified by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS). During
the incubation, the CMC-ase activities were monitored to determine hydrolyses activities by oleaginous
yeasts. The results of the study showed that cellulase activities of all strains tested (Y09GS34, Y09GS48,
and 10381) was higher in N limited with 2% CMC, namely 1.193, 0.633 and 1.233 unit per hour,
respectively. Y09GS34 showed highest lipid accumulation (63.75% per cell dry weight). We identified lipid
composition of Y09GS34 was palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid, and oleic acid; implying that cellulose
could be used as carbon source for lipid accumulation by Candida sp. (Y09GS34). Therefore, cellulose can
be used as carbon source for lipid accumulation by oleaginous yeasts, and Y09GS34 is expected to be
potential microbes for bio-fuel research.

Keywords: cellulose, CMC; lipid accumulation; oleaginous yeasts


FUEL - 06
Cassava Pulp Hydrolysis under Microwave Irradiation with Oxalic Acid
Euis Hermiati1, Jun-ichi Azuma2 & Shuntaro Tsubaki3
R&D Unit for Biomaterials, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Jl. Raya Bogor Km 46, Cibinong, Bogor
16911, Indonesia
Laboratory of Forest Biochemistry (Laboratory of Recycling System of Biomass), Graduate School of
Agriculture, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan
Oceanography Section, Science Research Center, Kochi University, Japan

Email: euis.hermiati@lipi.go.id

ABSTRACT - Microwave irradiation is an alternative method of starch hydrolysis that offers rapid process.
The aim of this research was to improve microwave-assisted hydrolysis of cassava pulp by using oxalic acid
as a catalyst. Suspension of cassava pulp in 0.5% oxalic acid (1 g/20 mL) was subjected to microwave
irradiation at 140-230°C for 5 minutes with 4 minutes of pre-heating. Into some suspensions 1 g of activated
carbon was added and they were subjected to the same conditions of microwave irradiation. The soluble
fraction of the hydrolysates was analyzed for its total soluble solids, malto-oligomer distribution, glucose
content, pH value, and formation of brown compounds. The effects of combined severity parameter at
substrate concentration of 5-12.5% on the glucose yield were also evaluated. The highest glucose yield (78%
of dry matter) was obtained after hydrolysis at 180°C without activated carbon addition. Heating above
180°C reduced glucose yield and increased pH and formation of brown compounds. The use of activated
carbon in microwave-assisted acid hydrolysis of cassava pulp reduced the glucose yield, but suppressed the
formation of brown compounds. The highest glucose yield (70-80% of dry matter) was attained at the
severity parameter of 1.3-1.5.

Keywords: activated carbon; cassava pulp; glucose; hydrolysis; microwave; oxalic acid; severity parameter.


FUEL - 07
Litsea cubeba essential oil yield harvested from different site types in Mt.
Papandayan, West Java Indonesia
Ichsan Suwandhi1, Cecep Kusmana2, Ani Suryani3 and Tatang Tiryana4

1 School of Life Sciences and Technology, ITB, Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung 40132
2 Departement of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry IPB, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor
3 Surfactant and Bioenergy Research Center (SBRC) LPPM-IPB Jl. Pajajaran No. 1 Bogor
4 Departement of Forest Management, Faculty of Forestry IPB, Kampus IPB Darmaga, Bogor

Email: ichsan@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - The objective of this research is to determine the yield and composition of essential oil of Litsea
cubeba harvested from different site types (habitat) in Mount Papandayan, West Java, Indonesia. Methods used
were determining plots of samples at each habitat, followed by laboratory test. Leaf samples were taken from
each sampling plot to be tested in a laboratory using steam distillation which was followed by GCMS analysis.
The results showed that the yield of essential oil is high (2.76 – 9.33%), and the dominant chemical content
found were Eucalyptol (16.97 – 55.78%), α-Terpinenyl acetate (7.27 – 20.44%) and Sabinene (14.45 – 68.05%).
This result is in accordance with other research result to support bio-industry sector, especially in pharmacy or
health industries.

Keywords: composition, essential oil, Litsea cubeba, site types, varieties


FUEL - 08
Stability of cassava promising clones for high yield using AMMI model
Indonesian Legumes and Tuber Crops Research Institute, Malang Jl. Raya Kendalpayak P.O. box 66, Malang

Email: sholhalim@yahoo.com

Abstract - The aim of this research was to know the stability of clones, tuber yield and ethanol yield of
promising clones. The evaluations were done during two years (2007/2008 and 2009) in Lumajang (East Java),
and Banyuwangi (East Java), Lampung Selatan (Lampung), Lampung Timur (Lampung) and Lampung Tengah
(Lampung). The experiments were done using a randomized complete block design, three replications. The plot
size was a 5 m x 5 m. Plants distance was 100 cm x 80 cm. Doses of fertilizers was 93 kg N+ 36 kg P 2O5 + 60kg
K2O/ha. The clones used were CMM 99008-3, OMM 9908-4, OMM 9904-70, CMM 99023-12, OMM 9904-
111, CMM 99023-4 and MLG 10311 as promising clones, as well as Adira 4 and UJ5 (released varieties) as
control parameter recorded was fresh tuber yield (t/ha) of nine months old plants. The study showed that based
on stability analysis of Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction model, CMM 99008-3, OMM
9908-4, OMM 9904-70, CMM 99023-4, UJ5, and MLG 10311 and Adira 4 were stable clones, but CMM
99023-12, OMM 9904-111, were not stable clones. Mean of fresh tuber yield of OMM 9908-4 over locations
and years was the highest (42,223 t/ha), 15% higher than UJ5 /Kasetsart 50), equal to Rp 4.460.800,-/ha or
around US $ 496, - if US $ 1, = Rp 9000,-.

Keywords: use cassava, ethanol, fresh tuber yield, high yield, promising clone, stability

Cassava production can be increased by intensification and extensification. Intensification can be
done by cultivating high yielding varieties. There are eleven released varieties in Indonesia, such as
UJ5 and Adira 4. UJ5 has been developed in Lampung and released in 2000 while Adira 4 is popular
varieties of Java and released in 1987.
Recently, there is increasing demand on cassava. One of main reason is application of cassava as raw
material for ethanol production. Ethanol industry uses fresh tuber, chips, and starch made of cassava.
Supriyanto (2006), and Broto and Richana (2006) reported that to 6 kg fresh cassava tuber is needed
to produce 1 liter of ethanol, and it highly affected by variety of cassava.
In Indonesia, cassavas are planted in various environments. Thus, variety trial is should be done on
some environment during some planting season. During variety trial, interaction between genotype
and environment will acquired which is necessary to assess the the stability of genotype of tested
varieties (Sholihin, 2009; Sundari et. al., 2010; Lestari et. al., 2011; Sholihin, 2011). Some promising
clones have been identified that resulted from previous cassava breeding activities. These clones are
needed to be tested in various locations/environments conditions before releasing the superior ones as
new varieties.
Principally, there are two model that can be used in analysis of interaction of genotype and
environment, additive models and AMMI (Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction)
model. Many researcher used additive models for analysis of stability. Gauch (1992) proposed model
AMMI (Additive Main Effects and Multiplicative Interaction) for analysis of interaction of genotype
and environment. Advantage of the AMMI model is no need an assumption that there are a strong
linear relationship between variety performance and environmental factors (McLaren & Chaudhary,

Materials and methods

The evaluations were done during two years (2007/2008 and 2009) in East Java Province (Lumajang
dan Banyuwangi) and Lampung Province (Lampung Selatan, Lampung Timur dan Lampung Tengah).
The experiments were done using a RCBD (randomized complete block design) with three
replications. The plot size was a 5 m x 5 m. Plants distance was 100 cm x 80 cm. Doses of fertilizers
was 93 kg N+ 36 kg P2O5 + 60kg K2O/ha. During this study, 9 clones were tested with Adira 4 and
UJ5 as control (Table 1.). Parameter recorded was fresh tuber yield (t/ha) after 9 months of plantation.
Tuber yield was analyzed using MSTAT (Michigan Statistic), version C software (released by
Michigen State University) to obtain the combined analysis of variance. IRRISTAT (International
Rice Research Institute Statistic) software, version 5.0 (released by International Rice Research
Institute) was used to analyze of variance based on AMMI model, and IPCA (Interaction Principal
Component Analysis) score. IPCA scores is Σnnγgnen; n = the singular value for PCA axis n; γgn =
the genotype eigenvector for axis n; en = the environment eigenvector.

Table 1. Nine clones used in this experiment.

No Clone Location of hybridization Source Remarks

1 CMM 99008-3 ILETRI ILETRI Promising clone
2 OMM 9908-4 ILETRI ILETRI Promising clone
3 OMM 9904-70 ILETRI ILETRI Promising clone
4 CMM 99023-12 ILETRI ILETRI Promising clone
5 OMM 9904-111 ILETRI ILETRI Promising clone
6 CMM 99023-4 ILETRI ILETRI Promising clone
7 MLG 10311 UNKNOWN ILETRI Promising clone
8 UJ5 KU KU Released variety
9 ADIRA 4 ILETRI ILETRI Released variety
Note: CMM = cross manihot Malang

MLG = Malang
ILETRI = Indonesian legume and Tuber Crop Research Institute
KU = Kasetsart University

Results and discussion

The result showed that interaction between clones and locations significantly affected fresh tuber
yield in 9 months (Table 2). It is natural law that genotype interacts with environment to produce
phenotype (Sholihin, 2009; Kalkani & Sharma, 2010; Sholihin, 2011).

Table 2. Combined ANOVA for 9 cassava clones, 4 locations and two years for tuber yield.
Source Degree of Freedom Mean Square
Environment (E) 7 37.047**
Error (a) 16 47.237
Clones (C) 8 233.371**
CxE 56 91.954**
Error (b) 128 23.807
Coefficient Variation (%) 13.17
** = 1 % significantly different

On Table 3, it can be seen that the tuber yield rank of each clone was not same each location. Tuber
yield of OMM 9908-4 was the first rank in two location, Lumajang (2009) and Lampung Tengah
(2009), second rank in Lumajang (2007/2008) and LampungTimur (2007/2008). Tuber yield of OMM
9908-4 was significantly higher than UJ5 in Lampung Tengah (2009), while in the others locations,
tuber yield of OMM 9908-4 was equal to UJ5. The mean of the fresh tuber yield of OMM 9908-4
over locations and years was the highest (42,223 t/ha, 15 % higher than UJ5 /Kasetsart 50), equal to
Rp 4.460.800,-/ha or around US $ 496, - if US $ 1, = Rp 9000,-. The yield of this clone will be higher
if this clone is planted in better environment with high input. Sholihin et al. (2010) reported Malang
6 produced more than 100 t/ha when this variety was planted with plant distance 1,25 x 1,25 m and
fertilized 500 kg Phonska, 300 kg Urea, and manure ferlilizer 5 t/ha. Doses of fertilizers used in this
experiment was 93 kg N+ 36 kg P2O5 + 60kg K2O/ha.

Table 3. Fresh tuber yield (t/ha) of cassava clones/varieties on eight environment, 2007/2008 and 2009.

No Clone/variety Tuber yield (t/ha)

Lumajang Lampung Lampung Lampung Lumajang Banyuwangi Lampung Lampung Mean
2007/8 Selatan Tengah Timur 2009 2009 Selatan Tengah
2007/8 2007/8 2007/8 2009 2009
1 CMM 99008-3 36.32 a 31.72 abc 33.33 de 25.23 de 46.87 a 29.81 b 30.31 a 23.63 e 32.15 e
2 OMM 9908-4 42.09 a 35.66 ab 40.80 bcd 42.55 a 60.37 a 47.34 a 34.13 a 34.84 a 42.22 a
3 OMM 9904-70 41.80 a 37.74 a 40.33 bcd 42.66 a 52.81 a 43.76 a 29.65 a 25.41 cd 39.27 bc
4 CMM 99023-12 36.97 a 27.55 bc 27.08 e 35.36 abc 55.18 a 52.19 a 35.52 a 24.49 de 36.79 cd
5 OMM 9904-111 48.41 a 23.73 c 36.72 cd 19.46 e 48.80 a 46.74 a 24.27 a 26.00 c 34.27 de
6 CMM 99023-4 38.41 a 32.52 abc 50.17 a 29.72 cd 54.43 a 30.96 b 30.76 a 17.85 h 35.60 d
7 MLG 10311 33.51 a 39.81 a 49.31 ab 41.63 a 52.95 a 47.52 a 36.79 a 21.56 f 40.38 ab
8 UJ5 40.68 a 37.74 a 43.06 abc 38.42 ab 45.73 a 30.76 b 34.55 a 19.14 g 36.26 cd
9 ADIRA 4 39.55 a 27.62 bc 37.50 cd 32.14 bcd 48.32 a 43.68 a 32.52 a 29.57 b 36.36 cd
Mean 39,75 32.68 39.81 34.13 51.72 41.42 32.06 24.72 37.04
C.V. (%) 14,03 14.15 12.54 11.25 11.48 14.99 13.53 9.63
Note: The numbers in same colms with same letters are not significantly different at 5% level.

Red mites are an important insect pest in Cassava specially in Java. Farmers in Java do not like UJ3
because Uj3 is susceptible to red mite and tuber disease cause by Fusarium Sp. In order to make new
variety acceptable by farmer, new variety should not be susceptible to red mite and tuber disease. It
was reported that OMM 9908-4 was moderately resistant to mite and to tuber disease caused by
Fusarium sp, (Sholihin, 2013).
Many industrial products are made from cassava, such as starch, sorbitol, fructose, glucose, crackers,
and ethanol. Prospect of ethanol industry is good. The important thing in ethanol industry is supply of
raw material. A good raw material is important in determining a good ethanol industry. It was
reported that the yield potential of ethanol of OMM 9908-4 was 14472 liter/ha, 20 % and 33 % higher
than Adira 4 dan UJ5 (Sholihin, 2013).
It can be seen from the Table 4 that effect of clones x locations interaction was different significantly
at 1%, with AMMI models, source of variance of clones x locations interaction can be divided to
some components, i.e. IPCA1, IPCA2, IPCA3, and IPCA4. IPCA 1 and IPCA 2 were different
significantly, while IPCA 3 and IPCA 4 was not significantly difference. Forty eight percent of
interaction sum square was contributed by IPCA1, 26 % by IPCA 2, the residual was by IPCA 3 and

Table 4. Analysis of variance based on AMMI model for tuber yield

Source of variance Degree of freedom Mean squares

Location (L) 7 37.047**
Error 16 47.237
Clone (C) 8 233.371**
CxL 56
IPCA1 14
IPCA2 12
IPCA3 10
Combined error 128
**, *: significantly different at 1 % and 5 %, respectively

On average, tuber yield of OMM9908-4 was the highest, while CMM99008-3 was lowest. Based on
Figure 1, it can be determined that clone which was not on one point on the vertical axis means those
clones had a different main effect. The tuber yield of clone 8 (UJ5) and 9 (Adira 4) were similar, but
interaction effect with location was different. Clone 8 (UJ5) has positive interaction with location D,
while clone 9 (Adira 4) has negative interaction with D location.

2.9 C

1.64 07

0.38 03

-0.88 09 A

05 04

29.6 35.2 40.8 46.4 52

Figure 1 Biplot of IPCA 1 and fresh tuber yield in nine months

1. CMM99008-3 6. CMM99023-4
2. OMM9908-4 7. MLG 10.311
3. OMM9904-70 8. UJ5
4. CMM99023-12 9. ADIRA 4
5. OMM9904-111
A: Lumajang, 07/8, B: Lampung S., 07/8,
C: Lampung T., 07/8, D: Lampung T, 07/8
E: Lumajang, 09 F: Banyuwangi, 09
G: Lampung S., 09 H: Lampung T., 09

IPCA score for four locations during two years and mean of tuber yield is given in Table 5. Biplot
IPCA 1 and IPCA 2 for Environment based on tuber yield were given in Figure 2. Based on this
figure, it can be seen that locations used was a good enough because location were varied. Position of
A (Lumajang, 07/08) was far from C (Lampung T., 07/08), H (Lampung T., 09), E (Lumajang, 09), G
(Lampung S. 09), B (Lampung S., 07/08), and D (Lampung T, 07/08). These mean the environments
were varied.
Table 5. IPCA score for locations and mean of fresh tuber yield in nine months.


Locations tuber
A.Lumajang,Inceptisol, 110 m above sea level, 2007/2008 39,75 -1.034 2.765
B. Lampung Selatan, Ultisol,135 m above sea level, 2007/2008 32.68 2.068 -0.447
C. Lampung Timur, Ultisol, 2007/2008 39.81 2.831 1.782
D. Lampung Tengah, Ultisol, 58 m above sea level, 2007/2008 34.13 1.280 -2.889
E. Lumajang,Inceptisol, 110 m above sea level, 2009 51.72 -0.532 -0.027
F. Banyuwangi,Entisol, 168 m above sea leavel, 2009 41.42 -3.302 -1.229
G. Lampung Selatan, Ultisol, 135 m above sea level, 2009 32.06 0.507 -0.669
H. Lampung Tengah, Ultisol, 58 m above sea level, 2009 24.72 -1.818 0.713

3 A



-0.6 G


-2.14 -0.88 0.38 1.64 2.9

Figure 2. Biplot of IPCA 1 and IPCA 2 for environment based on fresh tuber yield in nine months.

A: Lumajang, 07/8, B: Lampung S., 07/8, C: Lampung T., 07/8, D: Lampung T, 07/8
E: Lumajang, 09 F: Banyuwangi, 09 G: Lampung S., 09 H: Lampung T., 09

The average of tuber yield of OMM 9908-4 was the highest, followed by MLG 10311, OMM 9904-
70, CMM 9904-100, Adira 4, and UJ5. UJ5 have high score on IPCA 1 (2.487) and CMM 99023-12
had low score (-2.603) (Table 6). Biplot of IPCA1 and IPCA2 for clones based on tuber yield was
given in Figure 3. Based on this figure, it can be identified the stability of clone which located near
point (0,0) considered as stable clone. Clone OMM 9904-70, CMM 99008-3, OMM 9908-4, and
Adira 4 were more stable than CMM 99023-4, MLG 10311, and UJ5. There are two possibilities to
explain stability of clone. High stability could be caused (i) clone is a hybrid and (ii) it has a genetic
potential to perform well irrespective of the environment where they are grown. Sholihin (2011)
reported that environmental factors which important in determining stability of the tuber yield in
cassava clones were soil pH on Subsoil, the maximum air temperature first month, the minimum
relative humidity sixth month, The total of rain fall ninth months, and the minimum air temperature
third months.

Table 6. IPCA score for clones and fresh tuber yield in nine months.

No. Clones tuber yield (t/ha) IPCA1 IPCA2

1 CMM 99008-3 32.15 0.465 0.911

2 OMM 9908-4 42.22 -0.813 -0.875
3 OMM 9904-70 39.27 0.335 -0.967
4 CMM 99023-12 36.79 -2.603 -2.173
5 OMM 9904-111 34.27 -2.598 2.953
6 CMM 99023-4 35.60 2.342 1.663
7 MLG 10311 40.39 1.513 -1.747
8 UJ5 36.26 2.487 0.060
9 Adira 4 36.36 -1.129 0.174

3 05

1.8 06 C


E 08
-0.6 G
02 03

-2.14 -0.88 0.38 1.64 2.9

Figure 3. Biplot of IPCA 1 and IPCA 2 for clones based on fresh tuber yield in nine months
Note: 1. CMM99008-3 6. CMM99023-4
2. OMM9908-4 7. MLG 10.311
3. OMM9904-70 8. UJ5
4. CMM99023-12 9. ADIRA 4
5. OMM9904-111

A: Lumajang, 07/8 B: Lampung S., 07/8 C: Lampung T., 07/8, D: Lampung T, 07/8
E: Lumajang, 09 F: Banyuwangi, 09 G: Lampung S., 09 H: Lampung T., 09

1. Clone OMM 9904-70, CMM 99008-3, OMM 9908-4, and Adira 4 were more stable than CMM
99023-4, MLG 10311, and UJ5.
2. The mean of the fresh tuber yield of OMM 9908-4 over locations and years was the highest.

Supriyanto, Prospek pengembangan industri bioetanol dari ubikayup, Proseding lokakarya prospek, strategi,
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lokakarya prospek, strategi, dan teknologi pengembangan ubikayu untuk agroindustri dan ketahanan
pangan, Harnowo, Subandi and Saleh (Ed.), pp.60-73, 2006.
Sholihin, The genotypes x environment interaction for starch yield in nine months of cassava promising clones.
Indonesian Journal Agricultural Science 10(1): 12-18, 2009.
Sholihin, AMMI model for interpreting clone - environment interaction in starch yield of cassava. HAYATI
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Sundari T, Noerwijati, K., Mejaya, I.M.J. Hubungan antara komponen hasil dan hasil umbi klon harapan
ubikayu. Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan 29 (1): 29-35, 2010.
Kalkani R.K., Sharma, Y. Genetic component analysis for yield and yield contributing traits under diverse
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Lestari, A.P., Abdullah, B., Junaedi, A., Aswidinnoor, H. Performance of grain quality and aroma of aromatic
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Gauch H.G. Statistical Analysis of Regional Yield Trial, Elsevier Science publishers Amsterdam, pp. 1-278,
McLaren, C.G., Chaudhary, R.C. Use of additive main effects and multiplicative interaction models to analyze
multilocation rice variety trials, pp. 1-9, 1996, (unpublished).
Sholihin, Saleh, N., Radjit, B.S., Sundari, T., Wahyuni, T.S., Mejaya, I.M.J. Perakitan varietas dan perbaikan
sistem produksi ubikayu umur genjah sesuai untuk pangan dan industri dengan potensi hasil 40 - 60 t/ha,
Laporan Akhir RPTP/RDHP Tahun Anggaran 2010, Balitkabi, pp. 1-107, 2010.
Sholihin, Varietas litbang UK 2, hasil tinggi dan sesuai untuk bioethanol, Prosiding seminar nasional, akselerasi
pembangunan pertanian berkelanjutan menuju kemandirian pangan dan energy, Purnomo, Harisudin,
Praseptiangga, Magna, Rahayu, Widiyanto, Indreswari, Yanti dan Hertanto, (eds.), pp. 565-569, 2013.
Sholihin, Analisis interaksi genotipe x lingkungan untuk hasil ubi ubikayu dengan model AMMI, Proseding
seminar nasional, Pemuliaan berbasis potensi dan kearifan lokal menghadapi tantangan global, Peripi
Komda Banyumas, Agung, Suwarto, Sasongko, Susanto, Winanto dan Riyanto, (eds.), pp.510-520, 2011.

FUEL - 09
The Effect of Stimulant Compound to Biogenic Methane Formation and
Dynamics of Bacterial Population in Coal Bed Methane
Pingkan Aditiawati1, Agus Pujobroto2, Indra Rudiansyah1, Harry Rahmadi2
Major of Microbiology, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10,
Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Email: pingkan@sith.itb.ac.id
PT. Satui Basin Gas, Jl. Imam Bonjol No.68 Jakarta 10310, Indonesia
Email: apbroto@baritogas.com

ABSTRACT - Coal Bed Methane (CBM) is a renewable energy that produced through the thermogenic and
biogenic activity during the process of coal formation. Biogenic methane formation occurs through a process
conducted by indigenous methanogens via methanogenesis and degradation of organic molecules by
syntrophic bacteria from coal. Methanogenesis process can occur through three pathways that are i). CO2
reduction, ii). Acetate fermentation, and iii).Methanol or methylamine dismutation. In this research, methane
formations were stimulated using a simple carbon source in a microcosm. The microcosm set-up used
subbituminous coals at a temperature of 37 oC in anaerobic chamber. Stimulation process was carried out for
54 days and was observed on days 2, 15, 24, 45, and 54 . The addition of stimulants showed the difference of
initial pH of basal medium, pH 8.95 without stimulation, 7.76 for Na-asetat stimulant, 6.69 for methanol
stimulant, and 4.06 Formic acid stimulant. Gas Chromatography analysis showed the highest methane
recovery value of 5,034 mmol/g coal produced from stimulants Na-acetate at 28 days incubation time. The
methane gas production was five times higher than the production of methane gas without giving stimulants
at the same time. Changes in microbial communities due to stimulants was observed through Denatured
Gradient Gel Electrophoresis methode. Product size of 180 pb from PCR amplification using primers 338F-
GC and 518R (the universal bacterial 16S rRNA primers) were separated by DGGE method on 10%
polyacrylamide gel with a 35-60% denaturant for 10 hours. DGGE results showed a change in the bacterial
community when given stimulants.

Keywords: Coal Bed Methane, Denatured Gradient Gel Electrophoresis, Methanogenesis, Stimulations,
Volatile Fatty Acids.


FUEL - 10
Bacterial Community Structure of Planktonic Cells and Biofilm at
Saguling Hydro Power using Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis

Keukeu K. Rosada1,2, Nur F. Afianti1, Dea I. Astuti1, Gede Suantika1, Pingkan Aditiawati1
Microbial Biotechnology Research Group, School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of
Technology Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Biology Study Program, Padjajaran University, Bandung, IndonesiaSatui Basin Gas, Jl. Imam Bonjol No.68
Jakarta 10310, Indonesia
Email: keukeu_wibowo@yahoo.com

ABSTRACT – Bacterial communities in planktonic cells and biofilm at Saguling Hydro power was
investigated using denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) technique. Physico-chemical
characteristic of aqueous medium indicated that the water source was classified as moderately polluted
(eutrophic). The Mann-Whitney U tests showed that there was no significantly difference between the
bacterial community of planktonic cells and biofilm. The 16S rRNA sequences revealed that bacteria
recovered from the planktonic cells were affiliated with Betaproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes phyla.
Meanwhile, the sequences bacteria revealed from biofilm were closed to Betaproteobacteria,
Alphaproteobacteria, and Gammaproteobacteria groups. Overall, the majority of microbes identified from
the two samples were belongs to Betaproteobacteria group.

Keywords: bacterial community structure, biocorrosion, biofilm, DGGE, planktonic cells, Saguling


The cytotoxic poliketides of an endophytic fungus Mycoleptodiscus indicus
against T47D cells isolated from Indonesian medicinal plant Thyponium
divaricatum L.Decne
Yoice Srikandace1, Vienna Saraswaty1, Rina Andriyani1, and Zalinar Udin1
Indonesian Institute of Sciences Research Center for Chemistry, Bandung Jalan Cisitu-Sangkuriang 21
Bandung, 40135, Indonesia

Email: yoice_srikandace@yahoo.co.id

ABSTRACT - The current study was to investigate cytotoxic metabolites that produced by an endophytic
fungus from Indonesian medicinal plant, Thyponium divaricatum L. Decne. The fungus endophytic was
fermented in Potato Dextrose Broth for 20 days at room temperature and extracted with hexane,
dichloromethane, ethyl acetate, butanol and methanol. All extracts were tested to against T47D cells with
Sulforhodamine B method and showed the viability T47D cells about 49.06-38.11%. The NMR
spectroscopy data showed the active extract was belonged to polyketides. At the first time, cytotoxic
metabolites of an endophytic fungus M. indicus from Indonesia against T47D cells from various extracts
was reported.

Keywords: cytotoxic, endophytic fungus, Mycoleptodiscus indicus, Thyponium divaricatum, T47D cells.

The incidence of breast cancer in Indonesia showed an increase every year and as the second rank
incidence after cervical cancer. It also considered the breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer
death among female at developing countries, accounting for 23% of the total cancer cases and 14% of
cancer death (Jemal et. al., 2011). In Indonesia, based on cancer data collection that there will be at
least 170-190 new cancer cases annually for each 100.000 people including breast cancer (Didid &
Rukmini, 2002). Now a days, medical treatments in breast cancer are chemotherapy, hormonal
treatment, surgical excision, and irradiation. Beside that, various kinds of medicinal plants which
have been used to treat breast cancer for a long time as alternative treatments (Pratumvinit et.
al., 2009). Several studies have been found out the anticancer agents from medicinal plants as natural
products for preventing and treating breast cancer.
One of Indonesian medicinal plants that is widely used as anticancer agents is Thyponium divaricatum
L. Decne which has synonym with Thyponium flagelliforme Lodd. Bl. or called rodent tuber. Rodent
tuber belonged to Araceae which has 30 cm height, whitish tuber, triangular leaves, and unique
yellowish flower from the root (Lai et. al., 2008). The crown-shaped flowers are small with white
long tail similar to rats. But there are some types that have a red-colored petals (Nurrochmad et. al.,
2011). Previous study showed the various extracts of the plants could against murine P388 leukemia
cells (Choo et. al., 2001), NCI-H23 non-small cell lung carcinoma cell line (Lai et. al., 2008), T4
lymphoblastoid cell line CEM-ss (Mohan et. al., 2008), some pathogenic bacteria and have
antioxidant activity (Mankaran et. al., 2013). The phytochemical screening showed the plants
contained alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids and steroids. The main constituens of the plants were
alkaloids and flavonoids (Mankaran et. al., 2013).
The potential medicinal plants associated with microorganism called endophytic. Endophytes are
microbial entities that live and spend all or part their lifecycle colonizing in living tissues of plants
without causing any harm to them (Ahmed et. al., 2012). Endophytes also have no apparent disease
symptoms and produce bioactive metabolites of pharmaceutical (Premjanu and Chellam, 2012) such
as anticancer, antimicrobial and antioxidant (Pimentel et. al., 2011). They have symbiotic and
mutualistic relationship with the host plants. The bioactive compounds of the plants are used for
defense against pathogens. Some of the compounds are sources of novel drugs (Jalgaonwala et. al.,
2011). Endophytic are relatively unstudied and a promising source of novel organic natural
metabolites exhibiting a variety of biological activities. The simple preliminary analysis of bioactive
could be done on phytochemical screening (Tiwari et. al., 2011). Beside that, the biodiversity of the
fungi and the phylogenetic still needed analysis based on Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) region
rDNA (Garcia et. al., 2012). The fungus is identified based on ITS region as Mycoleptodiscus indicus
UAMH 8520 about 98% and phylogenetic data shows that it is different with M.indicus UAMH
8520 an prob. Therefore, the new strain of microbes as one of mega biodiversity were expected to be
natural drug, especially for anticancer medicine.

Results and Discussion

The results of mass yield (mg) of fungi fermentation and cytotoxic activity of extracts with 100 ppm
concentration are described in Table 1. The dichloromethane extract showed the best activity against
T47D cells with the lowest mass yield (3.30 mg and viability cells 38.11%). The other extracts
revealed viability cells 42.64% from butanol, 43.40% from biomass which was extracted with
methanol, and 49.06% from hexane. Value IC50 of all extracts also showed low cytotoxicity.
Generally, all extracts could inhibit cells about 40-50% and indicated low cytotoxic activity. The
active extracts should inhibit cells > 70% at 100 µg/mL and IC50 (µg/mL) < 100 (Hazalin et. al., 2009;
Sundaram et. al., 2011). Phytochmical screening also showed alkaloids was detected in ethyl acetate

and butanol extracts. The other extracts did not contain alkaloids, saponin, phenol, tannin and
flavonoids even extracts had cytotoxic activity. In this study, the cytotoxic metabolites of fungus
contained cytotoxic alkaloids. Alkaloids and flavonoids are the main phytochemical constituents of T.
flagelliforme which are found to be in the highest amount in two and four month old of ex vitro plants
(Mankaran et. al., 2013). A cytotoxic alkaloid ever had been isolated from endophytic Chaetomium sp
IFB E-015 (Jiao et. al., 2006). Then, a new cytotoxic cytochalasan alkaloid named chaetoglobosin U
was isolated from Endophytic Chaetomium globosum IFB-E019 (Ding et. al., 2012). We emphasize
that the cytotoxic compounds could isolated from the fungus biomass and metabolites which is
secreted by the fungus into media PDB.

Table 1 Cytotoxic activity of endophytic fungus extracts against T47D cells

Crude extracts Mass yield (g) Viability cells (%) IC50 ((µg/mL) Phytochemical test

Hexane 11.80 49.06 >100 -

Dichloromethane 3.30 38.11 >100 -
Ethyl acetate 12.60 44.53 >100 alkaloids
Butanol 70.40 42.64 >100 alkaloids
Methanol 383.90 43.40 >100 -

We desire to isolated metabolites compounds from ethyl acetate because it contained polar and
semipolar compounds. Analysis of NMR spectroscopy suggested the presence of chromone derivative
which was belonged to polyketides class. The cytotoxic activity of polyketides is presented in Table
2. The highest (100 ppm) and the lowest (25 ppm) concentration of fungus polyketides showed 33%
and 82% viability T47D cells. The cytotoxic activity of polyketides is better than ethyl acetate
extracts. It shows that ethyl acetate extract consists a few of pure cytotoxic compounds which make
possible to against T47D cells effectively.

Table 2 Cytotoxic activity of polyketides from ethyl acetate extract

concentration (ppm) viability cells

100 33
75 45
50 67
25 82

For the plant, the cytotoxic activity of T.divaricatum L.Decne had been widely exposed. The hexane
extract from tubers against P388 murine leukemia cell and showed IC50 15 µg/mL (Choo et. al.,
2001). The hexane and dichloromethane of whole plant against NCI-H23 non small cell lung
carcinoma cell line and revelaled IC50 < 15 µg/mL (Lai et. al., 2008). The antiproliferative effect of
some dicholoromethane and ethyl acetate extracts against CEM-ss cell showed citotoxicity about
10.8-5.8 µg/mL from leaves and 6.5-8.2 µg/mL from tubers (Mohan et. al., 2008). The constituents
antiproliferative properties of the plants could against breast cancer HS578T cell line and increased
photoactivation (Lai et. al., 2010). It considered rodent tuber extract (RTE) could against T47D cells
with IC50 632 µg/mL (Nurrochmad et. al., 2011). In our study, there is no study about endophytic
isolate from the plant yet.
Previous study, the potential endophytic fungus was identified 98 % as Mycoleptodiscus sp. and it
could be a new strain of species because only the ITS region was identified. It might be fungi isolates
had different protein and needed quite long sequence to identified them. In the meantime, based on

the fact that ITS1 and ITS2 may help align the unknown sequences at least to a genus level, further
molecular studies of unclear isolates are urgently needed (Huang et. al., 2012; Orlandelli et. al.,
2012). The fungus was belonged to class of Ascomycota, ordo of Magnaporthales and family of
Magnaporthaceae. The most fungi frequently isolated and had a lot fungi belonged to Ascomycota. It
considered that generally Ascomycetous fungi which are conidial or sterile and that form melanized
structures like inter and intracellular hyphae and microsclerotia in the roots of plants (Jalgaonwala et.
al., 2011). The fungus also had been ever isolated from Echinacea purpurea L and had antifungal
and insecticidal activity (Rosa et. al., 2012). Panamanian endophytic fungi M.indicus was isolated and
evaluated for the antiparasitic and in vitro anticancer activities and showed selective activity.
However in this study, we have an endophytic fungus M.indicus with new strain produced cytotoxic
metabolites against T47D cells that isolated from Indonesian plant. Today, more and more studies
have focused on the endophytic fungi extracted from various medicinal plants for their anticancer
activity. Several studies on endophytic fungi have obtained noteworthy isolates for synthesising
bioactive compounds. Some of these compounds have been used for novel drug discovery.

Impresinated extracts were performanced using Merck silica gel 7733, stasioner phase using Merck
silica gel 7731 and TLC plate using Merck silica gel 60. NMR data were NMR 1D (1H and 13C) and
NMR 2D in deuterated chloroform (CDCl3).

Plant Material
The fresh Thyponium divaricatum L.Decne was collected from Research Institute of Medicinal Plants
and Aromatics (BALITRO), Bogor, Indonesia. The plant was stored at 4 oC until been used. The
plant was identified by Indonesian Institute of Sciences Research Center for Biology, Cibinong,

Isolation of Endophytic Fungi

Endophytic fungi were isolated from leaves, roots and branches of the plant. The complete fresh
plants were washed under running tap water for 10 minutes. For sterilized surface leaves, roots and
branches, they were cut into 1 cm length segments. Sample segments were immersed in etanol 70%
for 1 minute, sodium hypochloride 5% for 5 minutes, etanol 70% for 30 seconds and water for 30
seconds. The sterilized segments were put into petridish containing CMM and PDA (Hazalin et. al.,

Fermentation and Extraction of Cytotoxic Metabolites

The endophytic fungus M.indicus was cultivated on Potato Dextrose Agar plates at 25oC for 7-14
days. Three pieces (0.5 X 0.5 cm) of mycelia agar plugs were inoculated into 1L PDB and incubated
at room temperature under agitation 150 rpm for 20 days. After this, the secondary metabolites of the
fungus was separated from mycelia by vacuum filtration. The metabolites was extracted with hexane,
dichloromethane, ethyl acetate and butanol. Biomass was dried in oven and extracted with methanol.
All the solutions were evaporated using rotary vaccum evaporator at 40oC. The crude extracts were
analyzed for cytotoxic compounds against T47D cells.

Cytotoxicity assay
For cytotoxic activity, each extracts were dissolved in 100 % DMSO to have stock solutions at
4mg/ml concentration. Final concentration at DMSO 0.5% were achieved by diluting the stock with
medium. The cells were maintenanced in DMEM containing L-glutamine supplemented with 10%

v/v fetal bovine serum, sodium bicarbonate, 100 g/ml streptomycin and 100 U/ml penicillin at 37oC
in a incubator of 5% CO2. The T47D cells had 80% confluence after 3 days incubation. The cells
were washed 1 times with 20 ml PBS, added 1 ml Trypsin solution and incubated for 5 min. Then,
fresh medium was added into the cell container. In cytotoxicity assay, 190 l cell solution was mixed
with 10 l test sample solution (in 10 % DMSO) / well and incubated at 37oC for 3 days. Test
samples concentrations were 2.5ppm, 5.0ppm, 10ppm, 20ppm, and 40ppm. It used cisplatin as
control. The cells were fixed by adding 50 l TCA, incubated at 4oC for 30 minutes, washed with tap
water 4 times and air dried plates until no standing moisture was visible. Plates containing wells were
stained with 100 l SRB in 1% acetic acid at room temperature for 30 minutes. Then, the plates were
rinsed off unbound dye with 1% acetic acid for 4 times and air dried. Amount of 100 l 10mM Tris
base (pH.10) was added into each of the wells to solubilize dye on a gyratory shaker for 5 minutes.
The optical density (OD) was measured at 515 nm using an ELISA plate reader (Sundaram et. al.,
2011). Data were calculated as percentage viability using the following formula (Tanawan et. al.,
( ) ( )
Inhibition (%) = ( )
X 100%
( )

Molecular identification
Endophytic fungus was identified based on the sequence of the ITS regions. DNA was isolated from
mycelia and the ITS region was amplified by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) with ITS1 and ITS4
primers. The PCR product was purified using the QIAquick PCR Purification kit (Qiagen). BigDye
terminator cycle sequencing Ready Reaction Kit (Perkin Elmer Applied Biosystem) was used and the
product was purified with the AutoSEQ G-50 Kit (Qiagen). The sequences determined was aligned
by the MEGA program (version 5.0) and analysed by Basic Local Alignment Search Tool nucleotide
(BLAST)n (Garcia et. al., 2012). Phylogenetic analysis was constructed by the Neighbour Joining
(NJ) method with 1.000 bootstrap repetitions (Huang et. al., 2012).

Chemical analysis
First, all crude active extracts were impresinated with stasioner phase and it used silica gel. Then, they
were fractionated using liquid vacuum chromatography (LVC). Hexane, hexane : CHCl3 (100 : 100
w/w), CHCl3, and CHCl3 : MeOH (95 : 5 w/w) to (0 : 100 w/w) were used in LVC as elution system.
All fractions were carried out on thin layer chromatography (TLC), visualized under UV light and
sprayed with anisaldehyde-H2SO4 reagent followed by heating. The single spot was isolated using
coloumn chromatography with hexane : aceton (10 : 1 w/w) as elution system. The pure compound
was analyzed by NMR spectroscopy.

Phytochemical screening
Phytochemical screening were carried out for all active extracts as per standard methods (Tiwari et.
al., 2011).

a. Detection of alkaloids: extracts were dissolved in dilute Hydrochloric acid and filtered. Filtrates
were treated with Dragendroff‟s reagents. Red presipitation indicated the presence of alkaloids.
b. Detection of saponin: extracts were diluted with 20 ml dH2O and shaken for 15 minutes.
Formation of 1 cm of foam indicated the presence of saponin.
c. Detection of phenols: extracts were of treated with 3-4 drops of ferric chloride solution. Bluish
black colour formation indicated the presence of phenols.

d. Detection of tannin: extracts were added 1% gelation containing sodium chloride. White
presipitation indicated the presence of tannin.
e. Detection of flavonoids: extracts were treated with 3-4 drops sodium hydroxide solution. The
intense yellow colour which becomes colourless on addition of dilute acid indicated the presence
of flavonoids.

An endophytic fungus M.indicus with new strain from Indonesian plant T.divaricatum L.Decne could
produce cytotoxic metabolites against T47D cells. Based on NMR data that the metabolites contained
polyketides compounds. The kinds of polyketides as cytotoxic metabolites were recommended for
further studies to investigate other biological activities.

We acknowledge the financial support of DIPA-Indonesian Institute of Sciences, under funding year
2012. Authors also thank to Mr.Elyas (Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences)
for discussion of molecular identification and Prof. Dr.Sc. M. Hanafi (Research Center for Chemistry,
Indonesian Institute of Sciences) for suggestion, discussion and providing NMR data.

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The natural cytotoxic compounds of endophytic fungi from medicinal
plant Thyponium divaricatum L.Decne
Yoice Srikandace, Rina Andriyani & Zalinar Udin1
Indonesian Institute of Sciences Research Center for Chemistry Cisitu-Sangkuriang 21 Bandung-Indonesia

E-mail: yoice_srikandace@yahoo.co.id

ABSTRACT - A total of 14 endophytic fungi isolates were isolated from leaves, branches and roots of
medicinal plant Thyponium divaricatum L.Decne. All endophytic fungi were tested as cytotoxic agents
against T47D cells using SRB method. The invitro assay showed that five endophytic fungi produced
cytotoxic compounds. They were Tf.1F, Tf.4F, Tf.8F, Tf.10F, Tf.11F. The active cytotoxic compounds
were extracted with n-Hexan, methylene chloride, ethyl acetate and methanol. IC50 of active extracts
that contained alkaloids were about 7.90 – 58.80µg/mL.

Keywords: cytotoxic, endophytic, fungi, IC50, invitro assay, Thyponium divaricatum L.Decne

Medicinal plant Thyponium divaricatum L.Decne (Araceae) have known as rodent tuber that have 30
cm height, whitish tuber, triangular leaves, and unique yellowish flower from the root. Some studies
showed the cytotoxic activity of the plant against cancer cells. Several hexane and dichloromethane
extracts could inhibit the growth of NCL-H23 non small cell lung carcinoma cell line significantly
with IC50 < 15 g/ml (Lay et. al., 2008). Ethanol extracts could against T47D cells with IC50 about
632 g/ml (Nurrochmad et. al., 2011). Hexane extracts of T. flagelliforme against P388 murine
leukaemia cells and showed IC50 15 g/ml (Choo et. al., 2001). The active metabolites were
mutualism relation between the plants and the microorganisms in it called endophytic (Pimentel et.
al., 2011). Endophytic spend all or part their lifecycle colonizing in healthy tissue of hosts and have
no apparent disease symptoms and produce bioactive metabolites of pharmaceutical importance
(Khan et. al., 2012). Endophytic fungi are mostly unexplored microorganisms and a few studies
showed them as sources of pharmaceutical compounds (Orlandelli et. al., 2012). There is no study
about endophytic fungi from T. divaricatum L. Decne yet. Therefore, the current study was conducted
to isolate, and investigate endophytic fungi produced cytotoxic compounds against T47D cells.

Results and discussion

A total of 14 endophtic fungi were isolated from T.divaricatum Lodd and fermented in Potato
Dextrose Broth for 21days at room temperature. Each of the harvest filtrate of fermentation were
extracted with n-Hexan, methylen chloride, ethyl acetate, and methanol. All extracts were tested
against T47D cells and value IC50 of fungi were described in Table 1.

Table 1 IC50 of extracts of endophytic fungi against T47D cells

No Isolates IC 50 of extracts (µg/mL)

n-Hexan Methylen Chloride Ethyl acetate methanol

1. Tf.1F >100 10.20 >100 >100

2. Tf.2F >100 >100 >100 >100

3. Tf.3F >100 >100 >100 >100

4. Tf.4F >100 10.10 23.40 >100

5. Tf.5F >100 >100 >100 >100

6. Tf.6F >100 11.50 7.90 >100

7. Tf.7F >100 >100 >100 >100

8. Tf.8F >100 58.80 32.00 >100

9. Tf.9F >100 >100 >100 >100

10. Tf.10F >100 58.70 52.90 >100

11. Tf.11F >100 >100 53.20 >100

12. Tf.12F >100 >100 >100 >100

13. Tf.13F >100 >100 >100 >100

14. Tf.14F >100 >100 >100 >100

The methylene chloride and ethyl acetate extracts of endophytic fungi Tf.1F, Tf.4F, Tf.8F, Tf.10F and
Tf.11F could against T47D cells with IC50 were about 10.10-58.80 µg/mL. The cytotoxic activity with
IC50 < 50µg/mL was revealed by methylene extracts from endophytic fungi Tf.1F, Tf.4F and ethyl
acetate from endophytic fungi Tf.4F, Tf.8F. It showed that cytotoxic compounds from endophytic
fungi were semipolar because they were extracted with methylene chloride and ethyl acetate. The
endophytic fungi isolated from Malaysia medicinal plants also showed the cytotoxic compounds
against a number cell line from ethyl acetate extracts (Hazalin et. al., 2009). Commonly, cytotoxic
metabolites of endophytic were extracted with ethyl acetate. But, this current study showed cytotoxic
metabolites could be extracted with methylene chloride. Both methylene chloride and ethyl acetate
had antiproliferative and apoptosis activity which needed more study.
In this study, we had reliationship between endophytic and T.divaricatum L.Decne. The previous
study showed the semipolar extracts of T.divaricatum L.Decne had cytotoxic activity so did
endophytic (Choo et. al., 2001; Lay et. al., 2008; Nurrochmad et. al. 2011). Endophytic could produce
bioactive metabolites like its host (Khan et. al., 2012). Several endophytic fungi could not produce
cytotoxic metabolites against T47D cells, but the metabolites could have cytotoxic activity against
another cell lines and it still needed further study.
The active extracts were conducted to have screening phytochemical. Endophytic Tf.1F, Tf.4f, Tf.8F
and Tf.10F extracts had alkaloids, but endophytic Tf.11F extracts had tannin in its cytotoxic
compounds as described in Table 2.

Table 2 Screening phytochemical of active extracts of endophytic

No. Isolates Phytochemical compounds

Methylene chloride extracts Ethyl acetate extracts

1. Tf.1F Alkaloids Alkaloids

2. Tf.4F Alkaloids Alkaloids
3. Tf.8F Alkaloids Alkaloids
4. Tf.10F Alkaloids Alkaloids
5. Tf.11F Alkaloids + tannin Alkaloids + tannin

Both alkaloids and tannin had cytotoxic activity. Alkaloids could neutralize toxin in body and do
antiproliferative cell lines. Tannin had anticancer and apoptosis activity against cell lines. Alkaloids of
endophytic Fusarium incarnatum had cytotoxic activity against HUVEC, K-562 and HeLa human cell
lines (Ding et. al., 2012). Mycoleptodiscus sp F0194, an endophytic fungus produced Mycoleptodiscin
A and B alkaloids which effective against cancer cell lines (Ortega et. al., 2013).Chaetominine,
cytotoxic alkaloids was produced by endophytic fungus Chaetomium sp IFB E-015 and against the
human leukemia K562 and colon cancer SW1116 cell lines (Jiao et. al., 2006). The hydrolysable
tannin extracted from Rhizophora apiculata barks could against HepG2 cancer cells (Hong et. al.,
2011). It showed that the active extracts of endophytic fungi from T.divaricatum L.Decne. contained
alkaloids and tannin could have antiproliferative and apoptosis activity which need to be conducted in
further research.

Isolation of endophytic fungi was used Laminar Air Flow (Aneka), and incubator 5% CO 2 (NAPCO).
Fungi fermentation used shaker (Braun). Analyze of cytotoxic activivity used ELISA Reader
(Labsystem). Fungi was isolated and cultivated in PDA (Potato Dextrose Agar), CMM (Corn Malt
Media) and Potato Dextrose Broth (PDB) from HiMedia. The invitro assay used the reagents
dimethylsulphoxide (DMSO) 100% for dissolving samples, Dulbecco‟s Modified Eagle‟s Medium

(DMEM) containing L-glutamine supplemented with 10% v/v foetal bovine serum, sodium
bicarbonate, 100 g/ml streptomycin and 100 U/ml penicillin for cultivating T47D cells, Phosphate
Buffer Saline (PBS), Trypsine, Cisplastin, trichloroacetic acid (TCA), Sulphorodamine B, Acetic acid,
Tris base (pH.10) from Merck.

Plant Material
The fresh T. divaricatum L.Decne were collected from Research Institute of Medicinal Plants and
Aromatics (BALITRO), Bogor. The plants were stored at 4oC until been used. The plants were
identified by BALITRO, Bogor.

Isolation of endophytic fungi

Endophytic fungi were isolated from leaves, roots and branches of T. divaricatum L.Decne. The
complete fresh plants were washed under running tap water for 10 minutes. For sterilized surface
leaves, roots and branches, they were cut into 1 cm length segments. Sample segments were immersed
in etanol 70% for 1 minute, sodium hypochloride 5% for 5 minutes, etanol 70% for 30 seconds and
water for 30 seconds. The sterilized segments were put into petridish containing CMM and PDA.

Extraction of bioactive compound

Each of pure cultures was recultivated on PDA plates at 25oC for 7-14 days. Three pieces (0.5 X 0.5
cm) of mycelia agar plugs were inoculated into 500 ml Erlenmeyer flaks containing 150 ml PDB and
incubated at room temperature on shaker 150 rpm for 20 days. Each of harvest cultures was desperate
to have filtrate and biomass. Filtrate was extrated with MTC, ethylacetat, n-Hexan, butanol, and
methanol. Biomass were dried in oven and then extracted with methanol. All the solvent phase of
filtrate and biomass were evaporated using rotary vaccum evaporator at 40oC. The crude extracts were
analyzed for cytotoxic compounds against T47D cells (Hazalin et. al., 2009).

SRB assay
For cytotoxic activity, each of fungi extracts were dissolved in 100 % DMSO to have stock solutions
at 4mg/ml concentration. Final concentration at DMSO 0.5% were achieved by diluting the stock with
medium (Ding et. al., 2012). The cells were maintenanced in DMEM containing L-glutamine
supplemented with 10% v/v fetal bovine serum, sodium bicarbonate, 100 g/ml streptomycin and
100 U/ml penicillin at 37oC in a incubator of 5% CO2. The T47D cells had 80% confluence after 3
days incubation. The cells were washed 1 times with 20 ml PBS, added 1 ml Trypsin solution and
incubated for 5 min. Then, fresh medium was added into the cell container. In cytotoxicity assay, 190
l cell solution was mixed with 10 l test sample solution (in 10% DMSO) / well and incubated at
37oC for 3 days. It used cisplatin as control. The cells were fixed by adding 50 l TCA), incubated at
4oC for 30 minutes, washed with tap water 4 times and air dried plates until no standing moisture was
visible. Plates containing wells were stained with 100 l SRB in 1% acetic acid at room temperature
for 30 minutes. Then, the plates were rinsed off unbound dye with 1% acetic acid for 4 times and air
dried. Amount of 100 l 10mM Tris base (pH.10) was added into each of the wells to solubilize dye
on a gyratory shaker for 5 minutes (Ortega et. al., 2013). The optical density (OD) was measured at
515 nm using an ELISA plate reader and determined the ED50 value. Data were calculated as
percentage viability using the following formula:

( ) ( )
Inibition (%) = ( ) ( )
X 100%

IC50 values were calculated from Prism program obtained by plotting precentage of survival versus
concentrations, interpolated by cubic spine. According to National Cancer Institute guidelines that
extracts with IC50 value 20-30 g/ml were considered active (Patel et. al., 2009).

Phytochemical screening
Phytochemical screening were carried out for all active extracts as per standard methods (Tiwari et.
al., 2011).

a. Detection of alkaloids: extracts were dissolved in dilute Hydrochloric acid and filtered. Filtrates
were treated with Dragendroff‟s reagents. Red presipitation indicated the presence of alklaoids.
b. Detection of saponin: extracts were diluted with 20 ml dH2O and shaken for 15 minutes.
Formation of 1 cm of foam indicated the presence of saponin.
c. Detection of phenols: extracts were of treated with 3-4 drops of ferric chloride solution. Bluish
black colour formation indicated the presence of phenols.
d. Detection of tannin: extracts were added 1% gelation containing sodium chloride. White
presipitation indicated the presence of tannin.
e. Detection of flavonoids: extracts were treated with 3-4 drops sodium hydroxide solution. The
intense yellow colour which becomes colourless on addition of dilute acid indicated the presence
of flavonoids.

The authors are grateful for financial supported from DIPA 2011-2012.

Choo, C.Y., Chan, K.L., Tayeka, K, Itokawa H. The cytotoxicity and chemical constituents of the hexane
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Ding, L., Dahse, H.M., Herwech, C. Cytotoxic alkaloids from Fusarium incarnatum associated with the
mangrove tree Aegiceras corniculatum. Journal of Natural Products 75(4): 617-621, 2012.
Hazalin, N.A.M.N., Kalavathy, R., Siong, M.L., Ibtisam A.W., Anthony, L.J.C., Abu, B.A.M. Cytotoxic and
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Hong, L., Darah, I., Jain, K. Assessment of Invivo and Invitro Cytotoxic Activity of Hydrolysable Tannin
Extracted from Rhizophora apiculata barks. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 27(11):
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Jiao, R.H., Shu, X., Jun, Y.L., Hui, M.G., Hui, D., Chen, X., Hai, L.Z., Ren, X.T. Chaetominine, a Cytotoxic
Alkaloid Produced by Endophytic Chaetomium sp. IFB-E015. Organic Letters 8(25): 5709-5712, 2006.
Khan, A.L., Hamayun, M., Hussai, J., Kang, S., Lee, I. The Newly Isolated Endophytic Fungus
Paraconiothyrium sp.LK1 Produces Ascotoxin. Molecules 17: 1103-1112, 2012.
Lay, C., Mas, R.H.M.H., Nair, N.K., Majid, M.I.A., Mansor, S.M., Navaratnam, V. Thyponium flagelliforme
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Optimization of Sucrose Concentration on Somatic Embryos Formation
and Maturation of Pasak Bumi (Eurycoma longifolia Jack.)
Andira Rahmawati1, Rizkita R.Esyanti1 and Iriawati1
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jalan Ganesa No. 10 Bandung
40132. West Java – Indonesia. Tel./Fax. 62 22 2534107 / 62 22 2511575

Email: andira.rahmawati@gmail.com

ABSTRACT - Pasak bumi is widely used for herbal medicine. Its contain many secondary metabolites for
various uses. Due to many uses of pasak bumi, overexploitation can causes threaten of pasak bumi in nature.
Embryogenesis somatic is one of methods to regenerate plant. Sucrose concentration was known to improve
somatic embryo development. This research has been done to determine sucrose concentration in liquid and
solid medium for somatic embryo formation and maturation. Embryogenic suspension was transferred to
treatment medium. The optimization in liquid medium contained 2 ppm BAP, 1 ppm 2,4-D, and various
sucrose concentration (0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, or 5%), while in solid medium used 2%, 3%, 4%, or 5%
sucrose. In liquid medium, the highest somatic embryos was produced in medium containing 3% sucrose (45
globulars/5mL and 14 hearts/5mL) in 8 week. Torpedo could be formed in this treatment, but other treatment
failed to produce torpedo stage. In solid medium, the highest somatic embryos was produced in medium
containing 2% sucrose (13 globulars and 2 hearts). Based on results, it can be concluded that 3% sucrose in
liquid medium was the best medium composition for somatic embryo formation and development.

Keywords: induction, maturation, pasak bumi, sucrose


The Effect of Islet Langerhans Transplantation on Blood Glucose Level of
Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats (Rattus norvegicus, Wistar)
Anggraini Barlian1 & Erika1
School of Life Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology

Email: aang@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT – Diabetes mellitus is caused by insulin deficiency or insulin resistance and leads to
hyperglycemia (blood glucose level (BGL) ≥ 200 MG/dL). Diabetes mellitus affects many people around the
world and still can not be cured. One of the methods being developed is stem cell therapies derived from the
islets of Langerhans. Although transplantation of islets of Langerhans has been proven to reduce BGL, the
amount islets transplated and the method of transplantation is still uncertain. The aims of this srtudy were to
transplant normal islets of Langerhans to diabetic rats and analyze the effects of the transplantion on BGL.
Diabetic rats were induced with a single dose of alloxan 150 mg/kg body weight administrated by
intraperitonial injection. Diabetic rats were divided into three groups: P300, P800, and diabetic control (KD)
that were transplanted with 300 islets, 800 islets and solvent respectively. Normal rats were also used as
normal control (KN) and injected with solvent. BGL of the entire group were measured every three days for
15 days and analyzed statistically using T-test. On day 16 after transplantion, oral glucose tolerance test was
performed. The histology of normal pancreas were observed. Group P300 showed the decrease of BGL,
whereas group P800 showed the increase of BGL. Histological results showed that transplantation changed
the structure of the pancreas. It can be concluded that transplantion of 300 islets could decrease BGL of
diabetic rats, whereas transplantation of 800 islets increased BGL diabetic rats.

Keywords: diabetes mellitus, blood glucoce level, islet langerhans, pancreatic stem cell, transplantation


Antibacterial, Antifungal and Anticancer Activity of Five Strains of Soil
Microorganism Isolated from Tangkuban Perahu Mountain by
Fermentation Process
Desak Gede Sri Andayani1, Ukan Sukandar2, Elin Y. Sukandar1 & I Ketut Adnyana 1
School of Pharmacy, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl Ganesa 10, Bandung 40135, Indonesia
Chemical Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesa 10, Bandung 40135, Indonesia

Email: desakgede@students.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - Soil microorganisms were isolated from the Tangkuban Perahu mountain. Five strains
were investigated in this study which are designated TP1, TP2, TP3, TP4 and TP5. Three of them were
identified to be actinomycetes and two of them were fungi. Morphological, biochemical and molecular
identification was conducted for all five strains. These isolate were shown to be closely related to
Nocardia sp. YIM 65630 (90%), Streptomyces galbus (99%), Aspergillus unguis (86%), Paecilomyces
marquandii (100%) and Nocardia niigatensis (95%) respectively. Production of antibacterial, antifungal
and anticancer metabolites was done by fermentation process. Screening for bioactivity of five isolates
was done by testing the fermentation broth against bacteria, pathogenic fungi and breast cancer T47D cell
line. Strain TP2 showed the best bioactivity and further activities were conducted to isolate and purify the
metabolite by s o l v e n t extraction. Antibacterial, antifungal and anticancer bioactivity were tesyed from
the ethyl acetate extract of strain TP2 by diffusion , agar, microdillution and MTT methods. The extract
was shown to be active against Methicillin Resistance Sthapylococcus Aureus (MRSA), Methicillin
Sensitive Sthapylococcus Aureus (MSSA), Methicillin Resistance Coagulase Negative Sthapylococcus
(MRCNS) , Vancomycin Resistance Enterococcus (VRE), Escherichia. coli, Microsforum gypseum with
MIC (minimum inhibitory concentration) (µ g/ml) and inhibition diameter (mm) respectively: 150, 35; 150,
30; 300, 35; 300,35; 300, 29; 4.7, 36 and IC50 of T47D cell line was 457 µ g/ml.

Keywords: antibacterial, antifungal and anticancer activities, identification, fermentation, ethyl acetate extract.


Preliminary Study of Anticancer Activity from Brown Algae (Phaeophyta)
Isma Kurniatanty1, Sonny Heru Sumarsono1 & Marselina I.Tan1
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung 40132

Email: isma_kurniatanty@yahoo.com

ABSTRACT - The pharmaceutical industry continues to show interest in the development of plant-based
drug. The secondary metabolites of the brown algae (Phaeophyta) have potent activity in the brine shrimp
cytotoxicity assay. Cytotoxic activity by plant material is considered to be an indicative of the presence of
anticancer compound. In this study, n-hexane and ethyl acetat extracts of five brown algae were screened
for cytoxic activity in brine shrimp. This study found that n -hexane extract of S.myriocystum showed the
highest toxicity in the brine shrimp assay (LC50= 273.28 µg/ml). This extract tested positive for
triterpenoids and steroids.

Keywords: brown algae, Phaeophyta, brine shrimp lethality test, anticancer


Expression and Purification of Fusion Gene HBcAg-HBsAg in Escherichia
coli Recombinant
Mia Fitria1, Ernawati G. Rachman1
School of Life Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jalan Ganeca No. 10 Bandung
40132 West Java – Indonesia. Tel/Fax 62 22 2534107 / 62 22 2511575.

Email: erna@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) is a common infectious disease with an estimated 450 million
chronic HBV carriers worldwide. Patients with chronic hepatitis B may develop hepatocellular carcinoma
and liver cirrhosis. HBV vaccine is available however there is room for the development of an effective and
cheaper vaccine. Hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) and hepatitis B core antigen (HBcAg) play an
important role in controlling the infection. CD4+T cells for both antigens induce humoral and cytotoxic T
lymphocyte (CTL) immune response. HBcAg can form virus-like particle which can also be used to insert
foreign epitope.Tthe purposes of this research is to clone and express of HBcAg-HBsAg fusion gene in
Escherichia coli. HBcAg-HBsAg gene was cloned into pET32b expression vector in order to simplify the
purification process. The DNA construct was expressed in E.coli BL21 (DE3). The recombinant protein was
purified using HiTrap™ Chelating HP 1 ml column and 0.25 M imidazole as elution for the protein.
Expression analysis in E.coli by SDS PAGE and purification using Histidine-tag showed that this protein is
expressed as inclusion bodies and indicates that the protein has a size approximately 25 kDa.

Keywords: Fusion gene HBcAg-HBsAg, HBV, inclusion bodies, protein purification, SDS-PAGE.


Antidiabetic and Antidiarrheal Activity of Ant Plants (Myrmecodia
pendens Merr & Perry)
Nyi Mekar Saptarini1 & Dytha Andri Deswati2
Faculty of Pharmacy, Padjadjaran University Jl Raya Bandung Sumedang Km 21 Jatinangor, West Java
Departement of Pharmacy, FMIPA, University of Al Ghifari Jl Cisaranten Kulon 140, Bandung, West Java

Email: n_mekars@yahoo.com

ABSTRACT - The high concentrations of flavonoids and tannins in Ant plants (Myecodia pendens Merr &
Perry) makes them candidates as a source of antidiabetic and antidiarrheal drugs. Here we show that decocta
derived from ant plants have antidiabetic and antidiarrheal activity.. Plants were extracted through
decoction, subjected to phytochemical screening, and antidiabetic and antidiarrheal activity tested in Swiss-
Webster mice. The results showed that the ant plants contain tannins, flavonoids, quinones, and saponins and
that a dose of 26 mg decocta/20 g mouse BW had both antidiabetic and antidiarrheal activity..

Keywords: Ant plants, Antidiabetic, Antidiarrheal, Chemical constituens, Decocta


The In silico binding interaction of Oseltamivir Derivatives with H7N9
Haemagglutinin and Neuraminidase
Hilyatuz zahroh1, Arli Aditya Parikesit1 , Cipta Prio Satriyanto1 & Usman Sumo Friend Tambunan1*
Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Science, University of Indonesia

*Email of corresponding author: usman@ui.ac.id

ABSTRACT - The H7N9 virus has caused severe mortality in China. Therefore, it is necessary to develop
an effective drug to tackle its infection. The in silico utilization of Oseltamivir Derivatives has successfully
showed binding interaction with Haemagglutinin and Neuraminidase of H7N9. In this end, those lead
compounds could be developed as drug candidates.

Keywords: drug candidates, H7N9, haemagglutinin, in silico, neuraminidase, oseltamivir, Virus


The Potency of Propolis as Reactive Oxygen Species Inhibitor in Diabetic
Ahmad Ridwan1, Ayu Nirmala Sari1, Ramadhani Eka Putra
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung

Email: ridwan@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a chronic disease characterized by hyperglycemia for a long time.
Hyperglycemia is proven increasing oxidative stress due to the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
that exceeds the ability of the natural antioxidant defenses, causing deficiency and insulin resistance. In this
study, the effect of propolis on ROS was observed. Fivety five (55) male mice (Mus musculus SW.) were
divided into 5 groups, ie: groups of KN (normal control), P1, P2, P3 and KDM (diabetes control) induced to
be diabetes by using alloxan dose 200 mg/kg bw intraperitoneally. Propolis solution 50, 100 and 175 mg/kg
bw were given to P1, P2 and P3, while distilled water was given to the KN and KDM by oral gavage for 21
days. Density of ROS was measured every 7 days, while the measurement of plasma insulin is carried out
every 3 days. The results showed that the lowest density of ROS was found in pancreatic of KN group (9.32
± 1.59 mm²/mg tissue), followed by P3 (44.85 ± 22.55 mm²/mg tissue), P1 (54.41 ± 23.73 mm²/mg tissue),
P2 (79.13 ± 38.08 mm²/mg tissue and DM (109.58 ± 20.77 mm² mg tissue). The highest plasma insulin
levels was found in KN group (3.50 ± 0.370 µg/mL) followed by P3 (02.44 ± 0.146 µg/mL), P1 (2.44 ±
0.453 µg/mL) and P2 (2.22 ± 0.333 µg/mL). KDM has the lowest plasma insulin levels, 1.41 ± 0.286
µg/mL. From this study, we concluded that propolis can decrease ROS density that results and causing an
increase of plasma insulin levels.

Keywords: alloxan, diabetes mellitus, hyperglycemia, oxidative stress, propolis reactive oxygen species.



Primary Monkey Trachea Cell Culture Express

the Substantial Components for Influenza Virus Internalisation

Maharani Ugiyadi 1, Marselina I. Tan 2, Ernawati A. Giri-Rachman 3, Fawzi R. Zuhairi 2, & Sony H.
Sumarsono 2

Research & Development Division, Bio Farma, Jalan Pasteur 28, Bandung 40161, Indonesia
Research Group of Physiology, Developmental Biology, and Biomedical Science, School of Life Science and
Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Research Group of Microbiology, Genetics, Biology Molecular, School of Life Science and Technology,
Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Indonesia
Email :m.rani@biofarma.co.id.

Abstract. A number of mammalian cells have been used as substrates for influenza virus. We presume that
they have sufficient molecules that are important for influenza virus internalisation. Influenza virus needs
membrane protein contained Sia(α2,6) Gal as the receptor. The α2,6 sialyltransferase (SIAT1) is required
for Sia(α2,6) Gal glicosylation. On the other hand, light clathrin A (LCA), light clatrin B (LCB) and heavy
clathrin (HC) are the main molecules needed for influenza virus endocytosis. The aim of our present study
is to find the expression of sialyltransferase and clathrin observed in primary monkey trachea cell culture in
the level of (i) RNA by using RT-PCR and (ii) protein level by using confocal microscope. Since MDCK
cell culture is the most widely used in influenza virus research , we compared the components of primary
monkey trachea cell culture to MDCK cells. The results proved that primary monkey trachea cell culture
expressed both sialyltransferase and clathrin proteins. The expressions of SIAT1and HC in primary
monkey trachea cells were significantly higher compared to MDCK cells. Otherwise, the expressions of
LCA and LCB protein in monkey trachea cells were not significantly different to MDCK cells. This results
support as appropriate data that primary monkey trachea cell cultures could be used as a candidate of human
influenza virus substrate.

Keywords: Clathrin, Foetal Primary Monkey Trachea Cell, Sialyltransferase.



Histopathological Changes in Rat's Substantia Nigra pars Compacta and

Pyramidal Tract Exposed to Crude Extract
from Derris elliptica Benth Roots

Dwise Maulina1, Ayda T. Yusuf2

School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology,
Jalan Ganesa No. 10, Bandung 40132, West Java-Indonesia
Email: wiwidwisemaulina@gmail.com

Abstract. Derris elliptica Benth has long been used as a biopesticides and is considered more secure and
environmentally friendly than synthetic pesticides. However, Derris contained rotenone. One well known
neurotoxin that affect multiple brainstem neuron cause like in Parkinson's syndrome.This research aimed to
observe the effects of subchronic exposure of crude extract from Derris elliptica Benth roots on nerve tissue in
rat's brainstem mainly in substantial nigra pars compacta (SNc) and pyramidal tract. Male and female rats (8-
10 weeks, 140-200 g) were divided into three groups. Derris root crude extract groups were given 15.84,
25.11, 39.80 or 63.09 mg/kg bw daily for 28 days. Negative and positive controls groups, each were given
VCO and rotenone (2.5 mg/kg bw) with the same duration. These substances were administered via
intraperitoneal injection. Forty eight hours after the last injection, the rats were perfused via cardiac. The
midbrain and medulla oblongata were removed, and then processed for histological observation.
Histopathological changes were found in this study are neuronal hypertrophy and glia cells hyperplasia. These
histopathological features were calculated from coronal sections of midbrain and from transverse sections of
medulla oblongata. Neuronal hypertrophy number increased in a dose-dependent manner with significant
differences to negative controls (p<0.05). Neuronal hypertrophy number at the highest Derris dose (63.09
mg/kg bw) and positive control in SNc and pyramidal tract showed significant difference to negative controls.
Glia cells hyperplasia number tend to increase but showed no significant difference to negative controls. Based
on the results, crude extract from Derris elliptica roots at dose 63.09 mg/kg bw caused nerves tissue damage
on SNc and pyramidal tract.

Keywords: crude extract, hyperplasia, hypertrophy, Derris elliptica Benth roots, glial cells, pyramidal tract,
substantia nigra pars compacta, rat



Subchronic Exposure Effect of Crude Extract from Derris elliptica Benth

Roots on Rat's Balance and Motor Coordination
Nur Syifa Rashida1, Ayda T. Yusuf2
1, 2
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jalan Ganesa No. 10 Bandung 40132 West
Email: syifa.rashida@gmail.com

Abstract. In Indonesia Derris elliptica Benth, has been used as natural pesticide that considered more secure
than synthetic pesticide. However, Derris contains rotenoids active compounds such as rotenone that causes
Parkinson‟s syndrome characterized by impairment in motor function. The purpose of this study was to
observe the effect of Derris root subchronic exposure on rat‟s balance and motor coordination using rotarod
test and challenging beam traversal test. Male and female rats (8-10 weeks, 140-200 g) were divided into
three groups. Derris root crude extract groups were given 15.84, 25.11, 39.80 or 63.09 mg/kg bw daily for
28 days. Negative and positive controls groups, each were given VCO and rotenone (2.5 mg/kg bw) with the
same duration. Each substance injected intraperitoneally once per day for 28 days. Twenty-four hours after
the last injection, rotarod test and challenging beam traversal test were performed. The ability of Derris-
treated rats to maintain their balance and motoric coordination increased with the rotarod acceleration speed,
but only significantly different (p<0.05) from the vehicle control group at the highest dose. On the
challenging beam traversal test, treated rat‟s balance and motor skill disorder performance increased in a
dose-dependent manner with significant differences to vehicle control (p<0,05) at two highest doses. It can
be concluded that the rats treated with crude extract from Derris roots at dose 39.80 and 63.09 mg/kg
showed impairments in balance and motor coordination .

Keywords : challenging beam traversal test, motor coordination, rotarod test, crude extract, Derris elliptica
Benth Roots



The asymetry of Rat's Forelimb Spontaneous Movement Following

Administration of Crude Extract from Deriis elliptica Benth Roots

Nuke Putriyanti1, Ayda T. Yusuf2

School of Life Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganesa 10, Bandung 40132, West Java-
Email: nukeputriyanti@gmail.com

Abstract. Biopesticide is a result of the utilization of plant extracts as an alternative to deal with pest‟s problem
to chemical pesticides, which can cause health problems and pollution. Derris elliptica Benth. is often used as
biopesticide because the containment of rotenon as its active compound, especially in the roots part. Parkinson's
syndrome, which one of them is the disruption of forelimbs‟ motor activity. Therefore, Derris, which often used
as a biopesticide is feared could cause the same disruptions. The purpose of this study is to observe the
subchronic effect of crude extract from Derris root on the asymetry of rat's forelimb spontaneous movement.
This research used four doses of crude extract from Derris root (15.84; 25.11; 39.80; 63.09 mg/kg bw), VCO (as
solvent control) and rotenone 2.50 mg/kg body weight (as positive control). Each substances were injected to
males and females rats (8-10 weeks, 140-200 g) intraperitoneally once per day for 28 days. Cylinder test and
reaching test tests performed 24 hours after the last injection. Cylinder test results shows asymmetry between
the movement of right and left forelimbs, both in male and female rats. The numbers of movement of left
forelimb always lower than the right forelimb. The asymetry of rat's forelimb spontaneous movement increased
in a dose-dependent manner, although not significantly different. Meanwhile, the ability of both male and
female rat‟s forelimbs in reaching an object decline in a dose-dependent manner, although not significantly
different. Based on the results, it can be conclude that crude extract from Derris root has the potential to disrupt
rat's forelimb spontaneous movement.

Keywords: forelimb, cylinder test, crude extract, Derris elliptica root, reaching test, rats


Optimization of Fermentation Process of Pummelo (Citrus grandis) Juice
with Variation of Sucrose Levels Using Sachharomyces cereviciae to
Improve Total Phenolic Content as Antioxidants.
Dea Indriani Astuti1 and Jecika Ardiati2
Microbial Biotechnology, Departement of Microbiology, School of Life Science and Technology, Bandung
Institute of Technology, Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
Email: dea@sith.itb.ac.id
Departement of Microbiology, School of Life Science and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology,
Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
Email : jecikaardiati@gmail.com

ABSTRACT - Demand for natural antioxidants has increased due to the risk of toxic effects and other side
effects caused by application of synthetic antioxidants. Jeruk bali (Citrus grandis) is known to have good
antioxidant potential. Antioxidant content in jeruk bali is identical to the phenolic compounds they have. It is
known that the content of total phenolic compounds in the ethanol fermentation product from jeruk bali is
higher than in the fresh juice. The optimization study was conducted on juruk bali pulp juice using
Saccharomyces cerevisae with the 12 hours inoculum and incubated for 72 hours at 25 oC with variation of
sucrose concentration of 130, 150, and 170 Brix. During the fermentation process was measured three types of
growth parameter from S. cerevisiae, those are pH, biomass, dan changes in level of sugar (oBrix). Each 24-hour
alkohol content was measured using ethanol titration method, the content of total phenolic compounds was
tested with the Folin-Ciocalteu colorimetric method dan antioxidant activity is converted into a percent (%) of
DPPH radical-scavenging activity. The highest specific growth rate of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in medium
consists of jeruk bali pulp juice with sucrose level ranging from 13 o Brix, 15o Brix, and 17o Brix is 0.116 jam-1,
0.113 jam-1 ; dan 0.115 jam-1 in 0 to 8 hours of fermentation time. From two variations of the sucrose levels of
15o and 17o Brix, content of total phenolic compound reach the optimum concentration at 48 hours of
fermentation time, that is 69.9 µg/mL GAE and 67 µg/mL GAE with the rate of increase in total phenolic
content measured at 0,077 µg/mL GAE hour -1 and 0,026 µg/mL GAE hour-1 in 0 to 48 hours of fermentation
time, while the highest content of total phenolic compounds in the medium consists of jeruk bali (Citrus
grandis) juice with 13o Brix sucrose levels was occured at 72 hours of fermentation time, that is 66.7 µg/mL
GAE with with the rate of increase in total phenolic content measured at 0.034 µg/mL GAE hour-1 in 0 to 72
hours of fermentation time. From the resuls of the study concluded that fermented pulp juice of jeruk bali
(Citrus grandis) using Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture with sucrose level of 15o brix can increase the content
of total phenolic compounds at its optimum.

Keywords: Citrus grandis, sucrose, S. cerevisiae, total phenolic compounds, antioxidants


Medicinal Compounds Production by Vetiveria zizanioides Root Cultures
Olga Mardisadora1, Rizkita R Esyanti1 & Iriawati1
School of Life Sciences and Technology

Email: rizkita@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT - Vetiveria zizanioides has been widely used traditionally for centuries to produce vetiver oil as
an aroma therapy. Other researches of secondary metabolite in roots showed compounds that served as
medicinal compounds. The advantages cause increasing demand of roots. Therefore, alternative technologies
are required to produce V. zizaniodes roots, known as root culture. The objectives of this research to optimize
growth of root culture which produce medicinal compounds for pharmaceutical industry and traditional herbs.
The research showed that the root culture which derived from crown explants produced the best growth, consist
of three primary lateral roots with an average length of 5.20 cm. They also produced 40 secondary lateral roots
with an average length of 0.48 cm. Extract of root culture also showed compound related to medicinal
properties. They consist of 6.34% 1.2-Benzenedicarboxylicacid diisooctylester, 0.19% 1-Methyl-4-(2 -
[(4methylphenyl) sulfonyl]ethyl) piperazine and 2.16% 2-(diethylamino)-2-oxo-5,5-dimethyl-1,3,2-
oxazaphosphorinane. The results confirmed that V. zizanioides root culture have a potential to be use as
alternatives technology for secondary metabolite production the pharmaticeutical and traditional herbs industry.

Keywords: Medicinal Compounds, Root culture, Vetiveria zizanioides.


Construction and Expression of a Synthetic Gene Encoding protein NS1
from Dengue Virus-3 as A Target Molecule for Development of Diagnostic

Ihsanawati1, Puspasari Fernita1, Kurnaisih S. Dewi1, Alisjahbana Bachti2, Dessy Natalia1

Biochemistry Research Group, Faculty of Matematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl.
Ganesha No. 10 Bandung
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Padjajaran, Jl. Eijkman No. 38 Bandung

Email: dessy@chem.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT – Dengue virus (DENV) carried by the Aedes aegypti mosquito causes a spectrum of ilnesses
including dengue fever, dengue hemorrhagic fever, dengue shock syndrome. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO), 2,5 billion people who are living in the tropic and sub tropic areas are at risk for epidemic
transmission of this virus and 50 million of them are annualky infected with mortatlity rate of 2,5%. To more
fully characterize the illness and reduce its mortality rate, a rapid and accurate detection of dengue virus during
febrile stage of the disease is essentially needed. This research aims to construct and express a gene encoding
NS-1DENV3 protein, which is an important biomarker for early diagnosis of the disease, heterogenously in
Escherichia coli. The nucleotide sequence of the gene is generated from the NCBI database with optimized
codons for expression in E. coli. The gene subsequently was inserted to an expression with Glutathione S-
transferase (GST), producing pGS21a-DENV3. As determined by SDS-PAGE analysis, the expressed protein
was a band with size of ~70 kDa. This result was in accordance with size of the fusion protein between GST
(~30kDa) and NS1-DENV3 (~40kDa).

Keywords: biomarker, dengue disease, dengue virus, diagnostic kit, protein NS1


Isolation and Construction of 3-Hydroxy-3-Methylglutaryl-coenzyme a
Reductase 1 Gene (hmgr1) from Andrographis paniculata (Burm.f) Wallich.
ex Nees
Menra, J.P.1, Dwivany, F. M.2, Marwani, E.2

8st Palupuh Street, Padang, Indonesia
School of Life Science and Technology, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha No. 10 Bandung

Email: erly@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT – Andrographolide, is the major bioactive compound in Andrographis paniculata. It is known to

be useful as anti-oxidant, anti-microbial and anti-cancer. Hmg-CoA reductase (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-
coenzyme A reductase) which is one of the enzymes involved in the mevalonate pathway may affect the
presence of andrographolide in A. paniculata plants. Increased expression of hmgr1 genes that encode hmgr1
enzyme may increases andrographolide on A. paniculata. On this research has been done isolation and
construction of hmgr1 gene on binary vector pBI121. Based on alignment hmgr1 gene from mRNA and
genomic DNA A. paniculata (GenBank, accesion number AY429658 and AF389879) is known that there is no
intron in hmgr1 genes, therefore hmgr1 gene can be isolated from total DNA A. paniculata through PCR
(Polymerae Chain Reaction) using specific primers. Construction has been done using XbaI for restriction, T4
ligase for ligation, and E.coli DH5α competent cell as a cloning agent. The succesful of isolation and
construction of hmgr1 gene were known through BLAST anlysisis of the sequencing results. It showed the
hmgr1 gene (~1815bp) has been isolated from A. paniculata. pBI121 recombinat was expected to be used for
stable transfer hmgr1 gene to obtain transgenic A. paniculata to produce andrographolide more than the natural

Keywords: A. paniculata, 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A reductase, hmgr1, pBI121


The Expression Pattern of GH1 in Normal and Propoxur-induced
Abnormality in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Embryos
Sony Heru Sumarsono, Indra Wibowo, Gita Dewi Kusumo

Physiology, Animal Development and Biomedical Sciences Research Group, School of Life Science and
Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganesha 10 Bandung

Email: sonyheru@sith.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT – Growth hormone (GH) is GH/PRL protein superfamily member whose important role in
growth, development and metabolism. Specific function of GH in Zebrafish embryo development still on study
and gh1 temporal expression is not very clear. Hence, this research aimed to confirm gh1 temporal expressions‟s
and pattern in normal and abnormal Zebrafish embryo in affected of propoxur exposure. Propoxur, a carbamate
pesticide, has been known can induce developmental abnormality in Zebrafish embryo. RT-PCR, gel
electrophoresys and digitalization method with imageJ were used in this study to observe gh1 expression pattern
at 0, 24, 48 and 72 hpf, both in normal and abnormal embryo. Abnormality study were obtained by expossing
the Zebrafish embryo to a series of propoxur concentration (1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, and 3.5 ppm) and observed at 24,
48, and 72 hpf. This study shows that in normal embryos, gh1 can be detcted as early as 0 hpf and continue to
increase during embryos development, Propoxur exposed embryos developed some defects such as curve body
axis, shorter body length, pericardia and yolk sac edema and blood clothing. gh1 gene expression pattern also
changed along with the change of propoxur concentration, suggested that there is some compensation
mechanism for growth retardement adnd developmental damages in Zebrafish embryo.

Keywords: GH, gh1 gene expression, propoxur, Zebrafish, embryo abnormalities


Mixed Culture Fermentation With Rhizopus oligosporus and Micrococcus
luteus to Enhance Isoflavone Aglycone and Factor 2 Production and
Antioxidant Activity of Soybean
Putu Virgina Partha Devanthi1& Pingkan Aditiawati1
School of Life Sciences and Technology, Bandung Institute of Technology, Jl. Ganeca 10, Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract. In this study, mixed culture fermentation of soybeans under solid state fermentation using
R.oligosporus and M.luteus was performed. M.luteus was inoculated at different time of fermentation
process, together with R.oligosporus at the beginning, and after 6 h, 12 h, 24 h, and 36 h fungal
fermentation. The methanolic extracts of soybeans were analyzed using HPLC and subjected to free radical
scavenging activity measurement using DPPH method. The results of HPLC analysis showed that
inoculating M.luteus after 24 h fungal fermentation did increase total isoflavones (daidzein, genistein, factor
2) concentration by 69,69% to highest level. The amount of daidzein, genistein, and factor 2 increased to
739,165 µg (75,74%), 805,855 µg (69,99%), and 91,542 µg (31,22%) per gram of deffated soybean powder
respectively after 48 h. M. luteus inoculation at 0 h, 6 h, 12 h, 24 h, and 36 h of fermentation process
increased the soybean free radical scavenging activity to 64,28%, 65,03%, 77,54%, 57,81%, and 82,55%,
respectively. This study shows that inoculation time of M. luteus plays an important role in the production
of daidzein, genistein, and factor 2 at the end of soybean fermentation and affects free radical scavenging
activity of soybean.

Keywords: antioxidant, daidzein, factor 2, genistein, Micrococcus luteus, Rhizopus oligosporus, soybean


The Influence of Plant Growth Regulators on Callus Induction In
Vitro Culture Development of Rauwolfia serpentina Benth Ex Kurz

Dikayani, Sri Nanan B.Widiyanto, Erly Marwani, Rina Ratnasih P

School of Life Sciences and Technology

Institute of Technology Bandung

ABSTRACT - Rauwolfia serpentina Benth Ex Kurz has 3 alkaloid group : I. Strength alkaline : serpentine,
serpentinin, sarpagine, samatine; II. Yohimbine : ajmaline, ajmalicine, tetraphylline, tetraphyllicine; III. Weak
alkaline : reserpin, rescinamine, deserpidine, raunesin, canescine (Sudha, 2003). Plants remain the principle
source many used for hypotensif, antipyretic, malaria, tiphus, defense from insect. In addition, it has economic
value as export product to many countries in the world such as Japan, Germany, France, Switzerland, United
Kingdom. Rauwolfia is difficult to conserve and find. Metabolic engineering approach with culture in vitro
such as culture cell, calli. Culture in vitro uses medium with growth regulations of kinetin and NAA. The
purposes of the research to determine concentration of kinetin and NAA (1,5 ppm, 2,0 ppm, 2,5 ppm) and
kinetin (1,5 ppm; 2,0 ppm; 2,5 ppm). The analysis of growth and development of in vitro culture will be
measure to dry weight, fresh weight on 1,2,3,4 week after culture. Research will be conducted in Biotechnology
cell and Moleculer at SITH Institute of Technology Bandung from year 2011 until 2012. The materials are
explants from leaves of Rauwolfia serpentina. Research method consists of I. sterilizatIion of tool and medium;
II. preparation; III. culture development. Result of research are: fresh weight callus induction on 1,2,3,4 week
after culture has significant (Table 1,2), likewise for dry weight callus induction on 1,2,3,4 week after culture
has highly significant (Table 5,6), plants have good growth and development. Plant growth regulation
(NAA,Kinetin) had role importantly for plant growth and development.

Key words : Rauwolfia serpentina, in vitro culture : callus, NAA,Kinetin.



Stable Transformation of Medicinal Plant Andrographis paniculata Callus Mediated by

Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Marwani, E.1, Tangapo, A.M2., Dwivany, F.M. 1
School of Life Sciences & Technology, Institute of Technology Bandung
Department of Biology, Fac. of Mathematic and Natural Sciences, Univ. SamRatulangi Manado

ABSTRACT- A cell clones with a desired traits such as a high content of a secondary metabolites can be
obtained through genetic transformation. In order to obtain a successful genetic transformation in cell culture of
A. paniculata, stable transformation within generations of the cell culture need to be established. The purpose of
this research was to established a stable transformed callus culture of A. paniculata containing a transgenes of
ß-glucuronidase (GUS ) and hygromycin phosphotransferase (hpt) genes as reporter gene and selectable marker
gene, respevtively. Prior to genetic transformation, leaf disks of A. paniculata were pre-cultured on callus
induction medium (Murashige and Skoog medium containing 0.5 µM 2,4-D + 0.1 µM BAP) for three days. The
leaf disks tissues were infected with Ag. tumefaciens LBA4404 which contained binary vector pCAMBIA1304
that carries GUS and hpt genes for 60 minutes followed with co-cultivated in the dark for three days. To examine
GUS expression, activity of ß-glucuronidase was assayed on infected leaf disks and transformed callus. This
transient expression took 2-3 days. Meanwhile, to select stable transformed callus, the infected leaf disks tissues
were grown on callus induction medium contains 20 mg l -1 hygromycin as selectable agent for 3 weeks. The
results indicated that, 64.44 % of the transformed tissue could grow and develop to callus on that medium.The
callus was maintained by subcultured it into fresh callus induction medium at interval 3 weeks for 5 passages.
Stable transformation was examined by detection of the ß-glucuronidase (GUS ) gene by PCR analysis of the
DNA callus cuture and by enzymatic assays by measuring ß-glucuronidase (GUS ) activity within five periods
of subculture. ß-glucuronidase (GUS ) histochemical assay indicated the presence activity of ß- glucuronidase
enzyme in transformed callus from subculture 1 to 5. The PCR analysis indicated the presence 976 bp bands on
the transformed callus from subcultures 1-5 that confirmed the presence of ß-glucuronidase (GUS ) gene. Based
on the results, it was confirmed that the ß-glucuronidase (GUS ) were stably integrated into A. paniculata
genome on induced and subcultured callus from first until the fifth subcultured.

Key words: Andrographis paniculata, Agrobacterium tumefaciens, transformed callus, gusA gene, hpt gene



Microbes as A Source of Enzyme

Nor Suhaila, Y., Hasdianty, A., Fridelina, S, Norazah, M.N, Maegala, N.M, Abdul Latif
Institute of Bio-IT Selangor, Universiti Industri Selangor, Jalan Zirkon A7/A, Seksyen 7, 40000 Shah Alam,
Faculty of Science and Biotechnology, Universiti Industri Selangor, Jalan Timur Tambahan, 45600 Bestari
Jaya, Selangor
Email : sue_upm76@hotmail.com

ABSTRACT- Microorganism are known as a source of drug discovery and enzymes production. The production
of novel metabolites from microorganisms suggests that microbes are very important for research on microbial
natural product. One group of microorganisms that have been identified for our further research is the
Rhodococcus, which has been proved capable on producing secondary metabolites. Rhodococcus also has been
confirmed to be a scientifically beneficial system for the production of enzymes. This genus is known for its very
diverse and broad spectrum catabolic enzymes and provides a rich source of potential green chemistry. It is a
locally isolated strain that capable of degrading xenobiotic and hazardous compounds. This will develop a
fundamental understanding mechanism of the enzyme. Phenol hydroxylase is the most important enzyme
discover from this microorganism for the degradation of phenol. Phenol is toxic compounds exist in environment
due to the activity of chemical, petrol or pharmaceutical industries. Nitrile compound are used extensively in the
chemical industry. They are discharged into the environment in industrial waste water, agriculture and chemical.
Nitriles are the compound that was contributes to the environmental problem. The possibility of application of
nitrilase enzymes in Rhodococcus species is now being increasingly recognized and for the example, for the
production of a useful acid, and for the streo- and region-specific conversion of nitriles. The nitrilase from
Rhodococcus species showed the high yield and high specificity and have considerable potenctial for industrial
application for the production of useful compound such as acrylamide, nicotinamide and several vitamins.
Meanwhile, it is also interesting to note that the utilization of Rhodococcus in degrading cynide by the action of
cynide hydratase enzyme is rather promising. Based on enzymes studied, Rhodococcus also has the ability to
produce intracellular lipase, the fat degrading enzyme that capable to catalyse biodiesel production from waste
cooking oil. This is demonstrated that Rhodocccus is a versatile bacterium which has a great potential to be used
industrially for the production of enzymes.

Key words: Rhodococcus, degrading, enzymes, phenol, nitrile, biodiesel


Spices and Herbs as a Sources of Nanosizes Antioxidant for Food Quality

Nadzirah Abu Samah

International Islamic Academy for Life Science and Biotechnology, Universiti Selangor, A7/A Jalan Zirkon,
Seksyen 7, 40000 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
Email : naziee_976@yahoo.com

ABSTRACT- Spices and herbs have been the basis of traditional medicines and flavouring food throughout the
world for thousands of years and continue to provide new remedies to humankind. There are known for their
antioxidant properties, antibacterial, antifungal and have the ability to produce multidimensional flavours in
food. The main dietary constituents contributing to medicinal effect are the antioxidant components as well as a
wide variety of free radical scavenging molecules such as phenolic compounds, vitamins, alkaloids, and
terpenoids. However it is being reported that there has low absorption in the body system and in food due to their
larger particle size, complex chemical structure and poor water solubility of the constituent compounds. Several
researchs has been proved that particle size reduction can improve solubility and increase the dispersion rate of
poorly water –soluble active ingredients. Nanosuspension technology is believed can improve the characteristic
of macrostructured of spices and herbs by enhancing their water solubility, bioavailability as well as antioxidant
properties which is it helps the active ingredients to disperse and dissolve stably and homogenously


Probiotics as The Source of Bioactive Compound with Antimicrobial

Rozila Alias

Institute of Bio-IT Selangor, Universiti Industri Selangor, Jalan Zirkon A7/A, Seksyen 7, 40000 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Email : rozila@unisel.edu.my

ABSTRACT- Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) is a gram positive, either rod or coccus shape, catalase and an oxidase
with negative reaction and produce lactic acid as their end product. These LABs are frequently isolated from
fermented foods, diary/poultry products and gastrointestinal tracts ofanimals and humans. Members of LAB are
known as probiotic which beneficially affect the host upon ingestion tract health, enhancing the immune system,
synthesizing and enhancing the biovailability of nutrients, reducing symptoms of lactose intolerance, decreasing
the prevalence of allergy in susceptible individuals and reducing risk of certain cancers. They are capable to
produce inhibitory substances such as bacteriocins, lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide, diacetyl, carbon dioxide and
low molecular weight antibacterial substances. The effects of a certain probiotic executes depends on its
metabolic properties where the molecules presented at its surface or on the components secreted. One important
attribute of LABs is their ability to produce antimicrobial compounds that inhibit and control the pathogenic
bacteria. In recent years, interest in the compounds has grown substantially due to their potential usefulness as
natural substitute for chemical food preservatives in the production of foods with enhanced shelf life and/or
safety. The aim of this study was to determine the antibacterial activity of 168 LABs isolates from dairy and
non-dairy source (fruits and vegetables) against Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 and Escherichia coli O157. The
antibacterial activity was investigated using well diffusion method. This study revealed the possibility of using
bacteriocin as food biopreservative and may help to prevent and treat gastrointestinal infections caused by E.

Key words: Lactid acid bacteria, probiotics, antimicrobial


Total Phenolic, Flavonoid, Carotenoid Content in Various Extracts

of White Guava Leaves and Correlation with Antioxidant Capacities

Irda Fidrianny1, Jayashree Thinagaran, 1, Sukrasno1

School of Pharmacy, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
email: irda@fa.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT- Guava (Psidium guajava L.) are well known plant and widely planted in Malaysia and Indonesia.
It has many uses such as leaves extract was found to possess antidiarrhea, antimicrobial, hepatoprotective and
antioxidant activities. This research aim to determine antioxidant capacity from various extracts of white guava
leaves using DPPH assay, IC50 of DPPH scavenging activity, total phenolic, flavonoid, carotenoid of each
extracts, analyze the correlation between phenolic, flavonoid, carotenoid content and DPPH scavenging
capacities. Ethyl acetate extract of of white guava leaves (with density 1% extract 0.89 g/mL) demonstrated the
highest DPPH scavenging activity (93.15%), total phenolic 3.02 g GAE/100 g, total flavonoid 10.3 g QE/100 g
and total carotenoid 2.32 g BET/100 g. Antioxidant capacity of ethyl acetate extract of white guava leaves
93.15 % was significantly different with ethanolic extract 15.93 % and n-hexane extract 34.75 % (p<0.05). IC50
of DPPH scavenging capacity of ethyl acetate extract was 6.03 ppm, while ascorbic acid 2.18 ppm. Total
flavonoid of ethyl acetate extract had positively high correlation with DPPH scavenging activity, while total
phenolic and total carotenoid content had negative correlation with DPPH scavenging activity. Flavonoid was
the main contributor in antioxidant activities of ethyl acetate guava leaves extract. Potency of antioxidant of
ethyl acetate extract of white guava leaves was one third of ascorbic acid.

Keywords: antioxidants, DPPH, carotenoid, flavonoid, phenolic, white guava, leaves


In vitro Antioxidant Capacities of Various Extracts of Red Kidney Bean

Seeds and Correlation with Total Phenolic, Flavonoid, Carotenoid Content

Irda Fidrianny1, Girinanda Puspanegara, Sukrasno1

School of Pharmacy, Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
email: irda@fa.itb.ac.id

ABSTRACT- Cancer and cardiovascular diseases are caused by free radicals. Scavenging free radicals capacity
by antioxidant can prevent and cure the diseases. Red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) seed that is
consumed as food contains some antioxidant compounds, such as phenols and flavonoids. The objectives of this
research were 1) to analyze antioxidant activities of various extracts of red kidney bean seeds by DPPH method,
IC50, total phenolic, flavonoid, and carotenoid content of each extracts, 2) analyze the correlation between total
phenolic, flavonoid, carotenoid content and DPPH scavenging activities. Ethanol extract of red kidney bean
seeds (density of 1% extract 0.81 g/mL) showed the highest DPPH scavenging activity (45.33%), with IC50 of
DPPH scavenging activity 225.9 ppm, total phenolic 1.50 g GAE/100 g, total flavonoid 1.63 g QE/100 g, total
carotenoid 0.28 g BET/100 g. DPPH scavenging activity of ethanol extract of red kidney bean seeds was
significantly different with ethyl acetate and n-hexane extract (p<0.05). Total phenolic, flavonoid, carotenoid
content in ethanol extract of red kidney bean seeds had no significant correlation with DPPH scavenging
capacities.. Phenolic, flavonoid, and carotenoid were not the major contributor in antioxidant capacities of red
kidney bean seeds.

Keywords: antioxidants capacities, DPPH, carotenoid, flavonoid, phenolic, red kidney bean

List of Manuscripts Accepted to be Published at Journal of Mathematical and Fundamental
Sciences (ITB Journal)

No Paper Number
1 Fertilizer 07
2 Fertilizer 08
3 Fiber 02
4 Fiber 04
5 Fiber 05
6 Fiber 08
7 Food 01
8 Food 02
9 Food 06
10 Food 12
11 Food 14
12 Food 17
13 Food 23
14 Fuel 05
15 Fuel 06
16 Fuel 08
17 Fuel 09
18 Fuel 11
19 Health 10

List of Manuscripts Accepted to be Published at Hayati Journal of Biosciences

No Paper Number
1 Feed 07
2 Fertilizer 06
3 Fiber 01
4 Food 03
5 Food 15
6 Food 16
7 Food 20
8 Health 03
9 Health 04
10 Health 05
11 Health 12


List of Reviewers
1. Dr. sc.agr. Stephan Wirth Institute for Landscape Biogeochemistry,
2. Dr. Cai Man Peking University, China
3. Sun Ji-Quan, PhD. Peking University, China
4. Dr. Xu XingJian Peking University, China
5. Xing-biao Wang, PhD Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
6. Dr. Dina Yulia CSIRO Plant Industry, Australia
7. Dr. Jean Yves Paul Queensland University of Technology, Australia

8. Dr. Sastia Putri Osaka University, Japan

9. Prof. Tim Hirst Gamma Vaccines Pty Ltd, Australia
10. Dr. Caecilia Sukowati University of Trieste, Italy
11. Salim Hiziroglu, Ph.D. Oklahoma State University, USA
12. Dr. Hideyuki Takahashi Kochi University of Technology (KUT), Japan
13. Prof Shigehiko Suzuki Shizuoka University, Japan
14. Dr. Ines Atmosukarto Lipotek, Australia
15. Dr. Herry Utomo Louisiana State University – USA
16. Dr. Tjandra Anggraeni SITH ITB
17. Dr. Rizkita Rahmi Esyanti SITH ITB
18. Dr. Anggraeni Barlian SITH ITB
19. Dr. Ramadhani Ekaputra SITH ITB
20. Dr. Rina Ratnasih SITH ITB
21. Dr. Ahmad Faizal SITH ITB
22. Ihak Sumardi, PhD SITH ITB
23. Dr. Indra Wibowo SITH ITB
24. Dr. Trimurti Wardhini SITH ITB
25. Dr. Fenny M. Dwivany SITH ITB
26. Dr. Rijanti Rahayu Maulani SITH ITB
27. Dr. Ayda T. Yusuf SITH ITB
28. Dr. Sri Harjati Suhardi SITH ITB
29. Dr. I. Nyoman P. Aryantha SITH ITB


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