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The widest range

for the distribution
of combustible gas
The widest range Pexal® Gas is the result of the years of experience
gained by Valsir in the production of multilayer
for the distribution systems for combustible gas hn residential buildings:
the international certifications obtained over recent
of combustible gas years for Pexal® Gas in Italy, Australia, New Zealand
and Ukraine are proof of the reliability and quality of
the system.



Valsir supplies the widest range of diameters

on the market, from 16 to 75 mm, available both
in straight lengths and in coils, pre-fitted with a
protective corrugated covering, flame retardant
and anti UV in class 320 in compliance with
European Standard EN 61386. MADE IN ITALY
The Pexal® Gas multilayer system combines the properties and the butt-welded aluminium pipe
positive feature that are typical of crosslinked strengthens mechanical resistance introducing
polyethylene PE-Xb and also those of aluminium; excellent characteristics of flexibility and malleability,
crosslinked polyethylene PE-Xb guarantees fundamental features for accelerating and simplifying
excellent mechanical, physical and chemical installation operations.

Intermediate layer
External layer This is made up of a pipe in aluminium alloy
This layer is produced with crosslinked that is butt-welded longitudinally and which
polyethylene PE-Xb and acts as a mechanical, guarantees an absolute barrier to oxygen,
electrical and chemical protection for the gas and light giving the pipe an excellent
aluminium layer thus shielding it from blows, mechanical resistance and flexibility during
scratches and electrochemical attacks by water, installation.
cement and other substances in the ground.

Bonding layers Internal layer

These are made up of a powerful The internal layer of the pipe is made up
adhesive that bonds the intermediate of a crosslinked polyethylene PE-Xb pipe
layer in aluminium with the internal and characterised by an extremely smooth
external layers. surface which significantly reduces pressure

The end result is a product that is composed of The Pexal® Gas system is manufactured in
different layers of material, connected to each other, compliance with European Standard EN ISO 21003
that allows excellent properties to be reached and the international standards for the production
that otherwise would not be possible with a pipe of gas multilayer systems (UNI TS 11344, AS4176.8).
made of one single material. Its reliability and quality are guaranteed by the
most strict approval bodies that control and verify
performance with meticulous frequency within the
production plants.

The total resistance to corrosion, The system has a service life of at least
to construction materials and to the YEARS 50 years that is guaranteed by product
principal chemical compounds allows standards.
it to be used in the most varied applications.

The extreme smoothness of the internal The elasticity of the crosslinked

surface ensures reduced pressure polyethylene means vibrations are absorbed
losses. which therefore guarantees excellent
sound absorption.

Connection between the crosslinked The range of fittings, accessories and

polyethylene and aluminium guarantees relative tools is particularly wide and
excellent flexibility during bending allows all requirements to be satisfied.
(also manual) and structure permanence
in the long term.

Durability guaranteed for all

application fields
The regulations that define the requirements
for multilayer pipes require long-term tests to
guarantee a lifecycle of at least 50 years.
The same regulations also settle different
application fields that include water supply systems
and high temperature heating systems.
Depending on the application field different types
of tests are performed that can be of a physical,
chemical or mechanical type as well as tests
that establish the suitability of the pipes to carry
drinking water.
Valsir multilayer pipes passed all the tests required
by UNI EN ISO 21003-1 and they are suitable
for all the application fields envisaged (up to the
maximum pressure rating of 10 bar) as declared
within the marking stamped on the pipe.

The layer of butt-welded aluminium acts It is also the ideal solution in areas
as an absolute barrier to the passage subject to earthquakes thanks to the
of oxygen, gas and light. excellent mechanical properties such as
flexibility and capacity to dampen vibrations.

Thermal expansion is about 8 times lower Wide range of pipes from De 16 mm

than that of plastic pipes and is similar to to De 75 mm.
that of metal pipes.

The pipes are extremely light as The Valsir Pexal® Gas system is produced
compared with metal pipes, the weight with materials that are completely
is 1/3 in comparison with the weight of a recyclable which can be recovered at the
copper pipe and is 1/10 of the weight of a end of their service life. The production
steel pipe. processes employed are energy efficient
and of reduced impact. Valsir has adopted
the Green Building principles in terms of
environmental protection and conservation
of resources.

Quality system
Valsir, in order to verify and guarantee the quality
of the connections between the multilayer pipe
and fitting, performs numerous types of tests, and
not just those imposed by the International quality
High temperature pressure tests, oven tests,
bursting tests, tensile tests, water hammer tests
and vibration tests on the joint are just some
of the tests performed in our laboratories to
guarantee the quality and reliability.

Crosslinked polyethylene
In the crosslinking process, the polymer chains Crosslinked polyethylene can be produced
undergo a reaction that creates very strong links by using different technologies recognized by
between them thus modifying the chemical, physical International Standards and identified by the
and mechanical properties of the polyethylene. methods A (peroxides), B (silanes), C (radiation),
D (azocompounds); the method used is indicated
As compared with high density polyethylene (PE) or together with the abbreviation for the material, thus
polyethylene of raised temperature resistance obtaining PE-Xa, PE-Xb, PE-Xc, PE-Xd.
(PE-RT), crosslinked polyethylene (PE-X) guarantees There is much conflicting information in the market
greater performance, among which the most as to which is the best technology; however, it is not
important feature is long term resistance to ageing the type of crosslinking process that determines the
and to high temperatures. quality of the pipe but the capacity to produce it in
compliance with all the relevant quality standards
which are applied to all four of the above-mentioned
crosslinking methods.

An innovating crosslinking process

Drawing on its experience and the technologies
at its disposal, some time ago Valsir has
implemented an innovative crosslinking method
for PE-Xb that achieves physical and mechanical
characteristics of absolute importance.
The polyethylene that composes the Valsir
multilayer pipes is crosslinked by means of steam
diffusion at 100°C in sealed chambers, inside
which vacuum is created to ensure they are
completely filled with steam.
It fully penetrates inside each coil guaranteeing
a uniform level of crosslinking regardless of pipe
diameter and length. This innovative process as
compared with traditional crosslinking methods
that involve immersion or water circulation,
ensures extreme uniformity of the mechanical
characteristics of the finished product.

The combination of crosslinked polyethylene and The creation of a multilayer pipe that combines
aluminium allows pipes to be obtained that provide high resistance to pressure and high temperature,
exceptional mechanical characteristics; in one flexibility and stability is the result of a careful and
single product, the advantages of two materials are accurate design phase that not only involves the
combined, but there is much more than this. most delicate aspects of the product but also the
The performance of multilayer pipes depends on processes and technologies employed to produce it.
numerous factors such as the type of aluminium Many years of experience in the production of
alloy, the ratio of the aluminium thickness to the total multilayer pipes enabled Valsir to implement
thickness of the pipe, the position of the aluminium processes and technologies making its product
layer, the technology used to form and weld the recognized on the most important international
aluminium, the adhesion of the same to the layers of markets and these factors are decisive in
crosslinked polyethylene. contributing to the superiority of Valsir as compared
with most producers worldwide.

The aluminium forming process

There are different methods for the production
of multilayer pipes and they differ mainly in the
technology used in forming the aluminium pipe.

It can be formed by overlapping, overlapping and

welding, or by butt connection and welding.

The latter is the technology chosen by Valsir in

that it guarantees a uniform thickness across
the entire circumference, greater resistance
to pressure and bending, uniform mechanical
characteristics, greater adhesion values with the
bonding layers and a total barrier to oxygen.

The range is composed of:
• pipes in straight 5 m lengths in diameters from 16
to 75 mm
• in 100 m coils up to diameter 32 mm
• in 50 m coils with corrugated flame retardant anti
UV covering up to diameter 26 mm.

The system is completed by a wide range of

“multipress” fittings (U, C, TH, H, VAL) and a series
of useful accessories for the creation of complete
plants, such as derivation manifolds, interception
valves, both in-wall and for meters, and boxes for
housing fittings.

The wide range of diameters available in the Pexal®

Gas range allows the construction of large plants,
such as those dimensioned according to UNI 11528
that serve appliances with heat outputs greater than
35 kW.

The solution for terminal connections

To install flanged fittings for connection to
appliances, Valsir has designed an innovative and
compact fittings box that allows the connection
of flanged fittings of the Valsir Pexal® Gas range
to pipe diameters 16, 20, 26 mm with corrugated

The Pexal® Gas fittings box blocks the corrugated

covering, protects that pipe and fitting and
guarantees an accessible connection as
required by installation standards.

Time and money saving installations
Thanks to their excellent mechanical characteristics The excellence of Valsir multilayer pipes also lies in
the Valsir multilayer pipes can be bent instead the extraordinary dimensional stability and in the
of employing fittings thus obtaining significant low coefficient of thermal expansion: once bent and
advantages from an economical point of view. installed the pipes remain in place over time and
thus allow the number of anchor clips to be reduced
Valsir multilayer pipes can be bent by hand with which, in surface mounting, can be reduced by 40%
diameters up to 32 mm and mechanically for of the number of clips necessary for plastic pipes in
larger diameters, with bending radii up to 2.5 PE-X, PE-RT, PP-R, PB, PVC-C, etc.
times the pipe’s diameter.

Bending diameter 20 mm Bending diameter 75 mm

Brass press fittings Connections in the Valsir Pexal® Gas system are
performed easily and safely and involve just a few
simple operations.

New Pexal® Gas press fittings with brass alloy body

and stainless steel sleeve fixed with a technopolymer
yellow ring.

Moreover the Pexal® Gas fittings differ from fittings

for water transportation since Gas is written on
the sleeve and the o-rings are yellow in colour,
specifically for this type of installation.

• Fittings equipped with a special base ring in • Compatibility with a wide range of pressing
yellow technopolymer that isolates the aluminium profiles (H, TH, C, U, VAL).
in the pipe from the brass fitting. • Wide range of fitting types and accessories.
• Greater insertion depth of the pipe on the insert. • Leakage detection during system testing in the
• Each fitting is individually wrapped for event of incomplete pressing.
improved handling on the installation site and to • Range of diameters from 16 to 75 mm.
protect it from dust and debris. • Anti-loosening profile and double ring seal.

The Valsir press fittings, both in brass are termed The plumber can use the revolutionary Pexal®
“multipress” as they can be used with the various Gas multipress fittings produced by Valsir,
pressing profiles most widely used in the market. regardless of the type of tool they possess.

Pressing profile U, H, C Pressing profile TH

The Pexal® Gas fittings guarantee immediate The stainless steel sleeves have four holes on the
leakage in the event of incorrect pressing; end that allow the plumber to verify that the pipe has
therefore, in the event of poor pressing, the error can been fully inserted.
be immediately identified, guaranteeing an easy and
safe installation. A special seal in teflon on the end of the fitting
prevents contact between the brass and aluminium
of the pipe, thus avoiding galvanic corrosion.

Quality packaging
Each Pexal® Gas fitting is individually wrapped.
This is a huge advantage for storing and handling
on the installation site.
The bag protects the insert and the O-rings from
being damaged and from dust and debris that
could compromise the pressing operation.
All information relating to the product is clearly
indicated (pressing profiles, diameters and
product marks) as well as all information relating
to installation in order to avoid errors during


Reliability, long service life and high quality are the

main characteristics that differentiate the Valsir tools
used in the installation of the Pexal® Gas system;
these products were designed to the suggestions of
our most trusted plumbers and are produced using
high quality materials.

Pressing machines, socketing machines, pipe

cutters, multi-diameter expanders, bending tools for
bending the pipes by hand or mechanically are just
some of the tools that make up and complete the
entire product line.

Compatibility with other systems

Pexal® Gas ensures total compatibility with other
piping systems.

The special transition fittings and accessories

allow already existing copper and crosslinked
polyethylene pipes to be connected with ease to
Valsir multilayer pipes.

The international standard ISO 17484 specifies the
requirements and performance of multilayer piping
systems; systems to be understood as pipes and
fittings, destined for the transport of combustible
gas, natural gas and LPG inside the building.

As specified, multilayer piping systems can be used

at temperatures that vary between -20°C to +60°C
with a maximum operating pressure as high as
500 kPa (5 bar). Nevertheless, local technical
standards or specific national regulations that are
issued in single countries and which generally
introduce further limitations on construction
characteristics and on the limits of use of the system
must always be analysed.

The aim of these national regulations is also that

of defining the rules regarding the installation of
multilayer pipes, it is in fact fundamental that these
are in compliance with the particular construction
techniques adopted for the buildings, with the
climatic conditions of the location and with the
distribution methods of the combustible gas adopted
in that country.

These are the main reasons why it is not possible

to create a universal Standard that complies with
the different methods that each country has adopted
and developed over the years.

We therefore recommend verifying the existence

of national regulations or laws that not only allow
the use of multilayer systems for the distribution
of combustible gas inside the building, but that
also define the rules on installation and use.

Chaffers dock - Wellington (New Zealand)

Torri Camuzzi - Pescara (Italy) I Navigli - Padova (Italy)


Technical support
Valsir provides complete support during design and
on site, thanks to a high-level technical department
that consists of a team of engineers with international
experience that are capable of providing solutions to
all installation needs.

Valsir Academy
Valsir has an important training facility - Valsir
Academy - dedicated to clients, distributors,
plumbers and planners that provides perfectly
equipped courses, theoretical and practical courses
on the use and the design of plumbing and heating
systems. Courses are provided both inside the
training facility and on customers’ premises.


Silvestro software
The design of floor and radiator heating systems,
water supply as well as waste and drainage
systems, is extremely easy and the issue of the
project technical documents is rapid when using the
Silvestro software program. Rapid, simple, unique,
Silvestro has numerous strong points:
• rapid learning curve thanks to a simple and intuitive
• completely graphic background that facilitates
input of the project details
• automatic drawing of the loops in the floor radiant
• automatic repositioning of the stack points on the
plan view
• generation of calculation reports that are
exportable in an .xls format
• import and export of files in .dwg format
• immediate update of software with a guided
• creation of complete bill of materials from the
project files

Valsir is BIM ready

Valsir has embraced the BIM philosophy,
the modelling process that allows the improvement
of planning, design, construction and the
management of buildings, concurring with the
transition of the industry toward the digital
representation of buildings. “BIM oriented” planning
offers extraordinary competitive advantages:
greater efficiency and productivity, less errors, less
downtime, lower costs, enhanced interoperability,
maximum sharing of information, a more punctual
and coherent supervision of the project.
Valsir captures the essence of this system creating a
series of Revit applications and models designed for
simple and fast use.

The constant commitment of Valsir to the creation
of quality products is demonstrated by over 170
product approvals obtained around the world from
the most strict certification bodies (figure updated on
01/01/2017), and by a quality system that is certified
to UNI EN ISO 9001:2008.

Efficient processes and reliable products are no
longer the only parameters used to perform an
assessment of the quality of a company’s conduct:
the capacity of the company and its management to
design and implement production process that are
sustainable from an environmental point of view is of
equal importance.

Valsir has started a project of Corporate Social

Responsibility and has published its 1st Sustainability
Report that gathers facts and figures relating to
the daily commitment of Valsir in terms of social,
economic and environmental responsibility.

For more information, download here the 1st

Sustainability Report.












L02-625/1 – Gennaio 2017


Località Merlaro, 2
25078 Vestone (BS) - Italy
Tel. +39 0365 877.011
Fax +39 0365 81.268
e-mail: valsir@valsir.it
Soggetta all’attività di direzione e coordinamento ex art. 2497 bis C.C.
da parte di Fondital Group S.p.A. - Codice Fiscale 02075160172

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