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Getting Started With Precast Concrete

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Getting Started Designing

Architectural Precast Concrete

Getting Started Designing
Architectural Precast
Whether the project being considered is a small one-story building or a high-rise structure,
involving the precaster in the early design development stage of a project is advisable. Ideally,
a precaster performs value engineering in response to performance requirements or offers de-
sign alternatives in response to identified needs early in the preliminary design phase to control
construction costs, improve structural efficiency, facilitate erection, enhance precast concrete
performance, and meet aesthetic objectives.

When the design team includes the precaster in early discussions of the design intent and de-
sired aesthetic and functional aspects of the building’s facade, it is more likely that the full ben-
efits of architectural precast concrete will be realized. After being provided with concept draw-
ings and, if available, plan and elevation renderings, the precaster can be a valuable resource to
the design team. As the project develops, the design team and precaster can discuss:

• panel joint locations,

• panelization (panel sizing and weights),

• types of finishes and the sample process,

• cross sections,

• shapes,

• drips,

• reveals,

• panel returns,

• repetitive use of efficient and economical precast concrete modules,

• structural systems,

• approaches for connecting panels to a structure to substantially minimize costly supplemen-

tal structural framing or bracing,

• delivery schedule,

• access or site restrictions,

Page 2 DN-19 Getting Started Designing Architectural Precast Concrete

• erection procedures,
PCI’s Architectural Precast
• and sequencing. Concrete Committee
discusses some general
The designer should always ask the precaster what is or is not possible or cost effective. design guidelines and
coordination suggestions to
Many precasters also employ professionals accredited by the U.S. Green Building Council as begin designing architectural
part of its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program. LEED accredited precast concrete.
professionals (APs) can identify areas where precast concrete can contribute to achievement of
sustainability objectives and LEED credits.

If unfamiliar with architectural precast concrete, the designer should visit an architectural pre-
cast concrete manufacturing plant to view the production process prior to designing wall pan-
els. It is also advantageous to visit any projects that are under construction with finish character-
istics that are the same as or similar to the proposed project. This way the designer can become
familiar with the manufacturing processes and installation procedures and, most importantly,
establish realistic expectations for the finished product that are consistent with his or her design

During a project’s conceptual or schematic design stage, the designer has many variables to
consider that affect aesthetics and precast concrete cost. Piece size and unit repetition typically
have the most significant cost impacts. In addition, material selection, color, textures, surface
geometries, cross sections, erection details, jobsite access conditions, and connections can af-
fect cost.

Color and Texture Selection

Early input from the precaster on panelization and finishes can be beneficial in developing op-
tions for creating an economical design that also satisfies the designer’s aesthetic requirements
and meets the owner’s budget. The designer should discuss the desired types of finishes and
whether the precaster can accomplish the intended aesthetics.

Most precasters are eager to assist the architect in developing a design reference sample (12
in. x 12 in.) as early as possible. The best method in selecting a color and sample is to visit the
precast concrete plant to view a multitude of samples and finished panels stored in the yard.
Alternatively, a designer can refer the precaster to a selection from the PCI Architectural Precast
Concrete – Color and Texture Selection Guide, to an existing project, or provide a piece of natural
stone (or other material) to match or refer to. Samples must be made at a precaster’s plant to
confirm the desired colors and ensure that textures are satisfactorily matched.

Precast concrete panels may also be cast compositely with other materials to provide an entirely
different finished surface. Clay products (brick, tile, and terra cotta) and natural stones (granite,
marble, limestone, and sandstone) have all been used successfully as veneer facing.

DN-19 Getting Started Designing Architectural Precast Concrete Page 3

Erection cost per piece,
Panel size, ft2
dollar amount per ft2
500 1000 1500 2000
50 10.00 20.00 30.00 40.00
100 5.00 10.00 15.00 20.00
150 3.33 6.67 10.00 13.33
200 2.05 5.00 7.50 10.00
250 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00
300 1.67 3.33 5.00 6.67

Table 1  Effect of panel size on erection cost per square foot. (Erection costs are for illustration only.).

Once the 12-in.-square samples are within an acceptable range, larger samples should be made
to confirm that the mixture proportions, vibration, and finishing techniques necessary to make
production-sized pieces could duplicate the aesthetic qualities of the small sample pieces.
These panels should incorporate full-scale details of architectural features, finishes, textures, and
transitions from one color or texture to another.

After award of the contract, at least three range sample panels, 15 ft2 to 20 ft2 (full scale, but not
necessarily full size) should be produced for large projects with multiple approving entities to
demonstrate actual planned production conditions. These should establish the range of ac-
ceptability with respect to color and texture variations; uniformity of returns; frequency, size, and
uniformity of surface air-void distribution; surface blemishes; and overall appearance.

The designer should also view initial production or mock-up panels to evaluate conformance
with approved samples. The proper use of samples and mock-ups is an important element in
ensuring the project’s success.

In the interest of both economy and function, precast concrete panels should be as large as
practical, while considering production efficiency and transportation and erection (crane ca-
pacity and site access) limitations. By making panels as large as possible (at least 150 ft2 and
ideally larger than that), numerous economies can be achieved: the number of required panels
is reduced, fewer joints (waterproofing requirements) and connections are required, and the
overall erection cost is lower (Table 1). The cost difference in handling and erecting a large
rather than a small unit can be insignificant compared with the cost-reducing effects of fewer
panels to erect resulting from the increased square footage of a large unit. Some precasters have
size or weight limitations for panels based on their in-plant capabilities. Most precasters have
limits to size and weight of panels based on highway department limits without permits.

Page 4 DN-19 Getting Started Designing Architectural Precast Concrete

The maximum panel size that can be transported is affected by local conditions such as those of
bridge and overhead utility clearances, site access, crane capacity, and requirements of regula-
tory agencies such as state and federal departments of transportation. In general, a panel up to
12 ft tall and 45 ft long is a manageable size, although larger sizes may be appropriate in certain
applications where permitted.

Panel size is also a function of the design loads and support locations for connections. Panels
should be designed in specific widths to suit the building’s modular planning. When such a
building is designed to take the best advantage of modularity, the economic advantages are
significantly increased. The designer can ensure a good average piece size by spanning a full bay
with spandrels and designing multistory column covers and large wall panels.

Rustications or Reveals
When using large units, if the appearance of smaller panels is desired for aesthetic reasons,
rustications or reveals can be used to achieve this effect. Also, dividing large areas into smaller
ones by means of rustications or reveals can help de-emphasize the visual effects of variations
in texture.

When selecting accent reveals or rustication lines, it is important to tie them in to the chosen
joint size. Triangular reveals should be avoided where possible because they are difficult to affix
to the forms. Instead, a trapezoidal reveal will provide a flat nailing surface for the mold builders
and help minimize possible nail-hole irregularities.

When two different mixtures or finishes are used within the same panel, it is strongly recom-
mended that designers include a reveal between the two mixtures to provide a distinct stop-
ping point for each mixture and help reduce color bleed. This will help ensure an unwavering
and smooth break line between the two colors or finishes.

When choosing a reveal size, also consider limiting its depth to 3/4 in. Deep reveals decrease the
effective structural section of the panel, thereby reducing panel strength and increasing the
chance for panel cracking to reduce cost. Reveals and rustications should be placed in a repeti-
tive pattern in order to minimize modifications throughout a mold’s life.

Two key elements to cost-effective production are minimizing the number of molds required
for a project and mold changes and maximizing the number of castings from each mold
(Table 2). Understanding the master-mold concept will greatly benefit the design team.

The master-mold concept is to design the largest possible mold for a particular unit, where-

DN-19 Getting Started Designing Architectural Precast Concrete Page 5

Number of uses Panel size, ft2 Mold cost Mold cost per ft2
1 200 $5000 $25.00
10 200 $5000 $2.50
20 200 $5000 $1.25
30 200 $5000 $0.83

Table 2  Effect of repetition on panel mold square foot cost. (Mold cost is for illustration only.)

by several variations from the same basic (master) mold can be produced by varying mold
component accessories. Units cast in this mold need not be identical, provided changes in the
units can be accomplished through simple mold modifications. These modifications should be
achieved with minimum change-over time and without jeopardizing the usefulness or quality
of the original mold.

Cost premiums are introduced to a project when panel cross sections become more complex
or intricate surface features are added. The use of bulkheads, blockouts, or reveals placed on top
of the mold surface is less expensive than cutting into the mold surface for a projecting detail.
Projecting cornices, bullnoses, formliners, bottom and/or top returns, and curves are the most
typical features to be added. The exact sizes, shapes, and locations are some of the designer’s
options. Cost will also be added to the project if the locations of these features within a mold
are required to be changed frequently. Alternatively, these intricate features can be added at
minimal cost if they are used repetitively in the overall design or the cost can be controlled by
adding details to specific forms only.

If the precaster is provided with sufficient lead time, duplicating molds to meet project schedule
requirements is unnecessary. But occasionally, to meet a tight schedule, a precaster may need
to construct multiple forms to produce the required number of panels within a certain time pe-
riod. For designers, such a necessity can often be turned into a benefit, allowing for the creation
of a completely different form that adds variety to a facade without additional cost.

With panel profiles, it is important to consider the draft required to strip the precast concrete
unit from the mold as well as the draft required to achieve a specific finish. Generally, the mini-
mum positive draft for ease of stripping the unit is 1:12, with 1:8 preferred. The draft should be
increased to 1:6 for units with many openings, for narrow ribbed panels, or for very delicate
units. Vertical sides or reverse drafts are to be avoided when possible, because they could entrap
air voids and require costly form breakdowns and repairs after each production cast. Designers
should consult their local precasters for specific draft recommendations.

Page 6 DN-19 Getting Started Designing Architectural Precast Concrete

Functional Aspects
One of the early decisions that the design team needs to consider is the functional attributes of
the panels. In addition to acting as cladding panels, the precast concrete panels may perform
other functions: they may be load bearing, be wall supporting, serve as formwork or shear walls,
or be used as grade beams; they may be insulated or may provide the interior finish; they may
serve partly or fully as containers of mechanical/electrical services; or they may combine several
of these functions to become a wall subsystem. The total cost of an architectural precast con-
crete wall system may be lowered by taking full advantage of the ability of the precast concrete
portion to serve multiple functions.

To take maximum advantage of load-bearing and wall-supporting units, the decisions as to

their functions should be made before structural design of the building frame has progressed to
a stage where revisions become costly for a given project schedule. Both the engineer of record
and precast concrete design engineer should be involved from the initial concept stage of the
project. Considerations should include the load effects on member dimensions, coordination
of temporary bracing, connections, and erection sequencing. When using load-bearing units,
it is usually necessary to award the precast concrete contract earlier than for non-load-bearing
facades (cladding). See the representative project schedules given in Figures 1 and 2 show-
ing that the precaster is a member of the design team during the schematic design phase for

Week # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56









Work Sessions - Precast SD
Commitment to Precaster
Precast Design Assist
Precast Design and Detailing
Plant Fabrication

Figure 1  Schedule for load-bearing precast concrete projects.

DN-19 Getting Started Designing Architectural Precast Concrete Page 7

Week # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
Commitment to Precaster
Sample Approval
Design Development
Shop Drawings
Shape & Layout Drawings
Erection Drawings
Production Drawings

Mold Fabrication
Panel Fabrication
Panel installation

Figure 2  Architectural precast concrete cladding project schedule.

load-bearing projects. For cladding, the precaster usually becomes part of the team during the
design development phase.

In some building configurations, the most economical application of architectural precast con-
crete is as gravity- and lateral-load-bearing aesthetic/structural elements. Each load-bearing ele-
ment plays an essential role in the structural integrity or stability of the building. Load-bearing
panels can eliminate a separate perimeter structural frame and may reduce or eliminate interior
columns, a structural core, or interior shear walls, particularly in buildings with a large ratio of
wall area to floor area. The increase in floor space gained by eliminating columns can be sub-
stantial and, depending on the floor plan, partition layout flexibility can be enhanced.

Wall-supporting panels, similar to cladding panels, are designed to carry no loads from the floor
or roof slabs. The building frame carries only lateral loads from the panels, as all axial loads from
the wall panels are supported by the foundation. This reduces the need for larger structural
members around the perimeter of the building, resulting in a more economical superstructure.

Corners and Edges

Each individual project requires special attention to the design and detailing of its corners to
create optimum appearance, jointing, and economy. For this reason, corner detailing should
be decided early. Economy results when the building elevations are designed from the corners
inward, using typical panels and avoiding special-sized end or corner pieces. Wherever possible,
the designer should avoid fragile edge details.

All edges of precast concrete units should be designed with a reasonable radius, chamfer, or
quirk, rather than leaving them as sharp corners, to reduce edge damage and mask minor ir-
regularities in alignment. This is particularly important where the panels are close to pedestrian
or vehicular traffic. The size of the edge’s radius should be discussed with the local precaster

Page 8 DN-19 Getting Started Designing Architectural Precast Concrete

because determination of the optimum radius depends on the selected aggregate size, mold
materials, and production techniques.

Window Frame Location

Consideration should be given to the relationship between window frames and architectural
features such as reveals and projecting elements on a precast concrete panel. For example,
window installers discourage attempts to align the frame exterior with a series of reveals. A
more successful design features window returns that create a smooth surface against which
the installer can set and plumb the frames. Also, the window connection system needs to be
reviewed with the precaster.

More-accurate opening sizes are produced by panels incorporating punched openings rather
than ribbon windows created by a column and spandrel system. This can be an important factor
if the glass system is preordered on the job.

Contract Documents
The contract drawings prepared by the design team should provide a clear representation of
the configurations and dimensions of individual architectural precast concrete units and their
relationship to the structure and to other materials. Isometric sketches can help the precaster
visualize details, particularly in the case of nontypical conditions such as outside and inside
corners, intermediate roof levels, nontypical floors (such as ground level or mechanical floors),
and entrances. Dimensional locations of details should always be tied back to a structural grid
or column line.

The contract documents should supply the following information:

• Elevations, wall sections, and dimensions necessary to define the sizes and shapes (profiles)
of each different type of precast concrete element along with drip details beneath soffitted

• Locations and dimensions of joints and reveals, real (functional) or false (aesthetic) (the ar-
chitect’s drawings may only show reveals or design articulation, allowing the precaster to
determine panel sizes suitable to their handling and erection capabilities in order to achieve
economy and flexibility in production and erection);

• Required materials and color and finish treatment for all surfaces, with a clear indication of the
extent of all surfaces to be exposed to view when installed;

• Identification of the various precast concrete finishes on the elevations and a specification
or finish schedule that identifies that finish type or procedure or sample reference number;

DN-19 Getting Started Designing Architectural Precast Concrete Page 9

• Corner and return details;

• Sandwich panel construction and insulation systems independent of the precast concrete;

• Details for jointing and interfacing with other materials (coordinated with the general con-
tractor), including windows, roofing (connections should not puncture flashing), and other
wall systems;

• Openings for services and equipment, with their rough opening size and location;

• Details for special or unusual conditions and, if the project requires fire-rated panels in specific
locations, the locations and hourly ratings for these;

• Governing building codes, design loads including concrete strength requirements, deflection
limitations, and temperature considerations;

• Specified dimensional tolerances for the precast concrete and the supporting structure, loca-
tion tolerances for the contractors’ hardware, clearance requirements for proper interfacing
with other elements of the structure, and erection tolerances for the precast concrete along
with clearance between the back of the panels and the structural frame of the building (in ac-
cordance with PCI’s Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Architectural Precast
Concrete Products (MNL-117);

• Support locations for gravity and lateral loads as well as supplemental framing or bracing to
support the precast concrete (it is preferable to leave actual design of connections to precast-
ers so they can design details and connections suitable for their production and erection

• Building location and site access; and

• Delineation of lateral bracing for structural beams or any unusual erection-sequence require-

The contract documents should make reference to MNL-117, which includes Category A-1 cer-
tification of the production facility, as the industry guideline for production of architectural pre-
cast concrete elements. Exceptions to this standard or other specific requirements should be
clearly set forth in the contract documents.

Prebid Meeting
It is recommended that a prebid meeting for all precasters intending to bid the project should
be held at least three weeks before the bid date. At this meeting, the design team presents the
precast concrete concept drawings along with plans and elevation renderings, if available, so

Page 10 DN-19 Getting Started Designing Architectural Precast Concrete

that competitive and accurate bids will be obtained. Providing this information improves com-
munications and resolves outstanding questions prior to preparation of cost estimates and bids.
Items to be discussed at the prebid meeting include:

• Specifications, PCI plant certification requirements, and any special provisions;

• Design responsibilities and lines of communication;

• The architect’s approved finish samples with information on the mixture proportions, where

• Prebid submittal requirements, such as proposal drawings and finish samples;

• Project schedule, shop drawing submittal requirements, and architectural review turnaround

• Panelization of precast concrete units;

• Mock-ups, if applicable;

• Potential problems, discrepancies, or both, found in the contract documents;

• An explanation of how and where the project’s precast concrete units will be structurally at-
tached to the building frame;

• Interfacing with other trades;

• Responsibility for designing, providing, and installing embedded items, anchor bolts, connec-
tion hardware attached to structural steel, bracing, and other structural items;

• Hardware and reinforcement finishes;

• Special erection needs (access, crane limitations, and sequence) and logistics; and

• Responsibility for caulking of precast concrete panel joints.

Production Drawings
The precaster uses the information from the contract documents to generate shape and erec-
tion (coordination) drawings and design calculations. These drawings detail elevations showing
panel sizes (panelization), surface features, and panel relationships; sheets showing panel cross
sections, special edge conditions, and feature details; and connections showing mechanisms
and locations of load transfers to the supporting structure. If a natural stone- or brick/tile-type
finish is desired, detail the stone panel to panel joints or the brick bond pattern. Panel dimen-
sions may be dictated by brick unit dimensions to eliminate the cost of cutting the brick.

DN-19 Getting Started Designing Architectural Precast Concrete Page 11

The architect reviews the precaster’s erection and shape drawings in a timely manner primarily
for conformance to the contract documents, then passes them along to the engineer of record
for review of conformance to the specified loads and connection locations.

Penetrations and Cast-In Material

Penetrations through the precast concrete that may be required for wall hydrants, pipe penetra-
tions, and light fixtures can be cast into the panels if locations and sizes are provided early in the
precast concrete shop drawing preparation. Ideally, the location and size of these penetrations
should be given to the precaster about eight weeks prior to fabrication. This amount of time
ensures that the information can be incorporated into the shop and fabrication drawings. For
openings less than 2 in. square or round, it is recommended that the penetrations be field cut.

Precasters can also cast various items needed by other trades into the precast concrete. These
items are generally designed and supplied by others and installed in the manufacturing plant
during production. It is important to coordinate this information and provide the precaster with
locations and details of the cast-in items well in advance of production. As with penetrations,
the precaster should be provided with locations and part details at least eight weeks prior to
the start of manufacturing in order for them to be detailed into the precast concrete shop draw-
ings. The hardware should be delivered to the precaster at least four weeks prior to the start of

Wall-mounted devices such as canopies, awnings, flagpoles, or antennae should be clearly

identified on the contract drawings (along with design loads). These devices should then be
discussed with the precaster so the structural forces transmitted into the panels by those items
can be evaluated and adequate panel reinforcement designed.

If desired for the project, the architect and owner should authorize an expenditure for mock-
ups—either of a full-scale portion of a panel or the entire typical unit—to evaluate the produc-
tion methods and the finished product, including window elements. The mock-up is also an
ideal mechanism for coordination of all trades with abutting materials. Mock-ups may be several
modules wide by one or two stories high. Investing in such mock-ups removes uncertainties
held by both the architect and owner and may lead to modifications that improve the appear-
ance and possibly reduce the overall project cost.

If mock-ups are implemented in a timely manner, cost and schedule implications associated
with revisions to the design may be avoided and measures adopted promptly to address items
requiring attention, if any. Also, it may be desirable to separate the mock-up costs from the base
bid so the cost can be evaluated separately.

Page 12 DN-19 Getting Started Designing Architectural Precast Concrete

After Award of Contract
Once the precast concrete subcontract is awarded, the designer should discuss realistic precast
concrete engineering and production lead times for the project with the precaster. In addition,
the architect will be asked to approve finishes and samples and promptly respond to requests
for information to ensure that erection or, at least, shape drawings are approved and mold man-
ufacture can begin on schedule.

Because mold production requires the greatest amount of production lead time, the common
goal of both the architect and the precaster at the shop drawing stage is to expedite all of the
details regarding the size and shape of the precast concrete panels. Shop drawings may be ap-
proved initially for mold production and subsequently for panel production.

It is vital to include precast concrete scheduling information with the bid documents. Key
schedule items, such as mock-up panels, shop drawings and design submittals (including re-
view time), mold production, production start and durations, and erection start and durations (if
applicable) should be discussed with the selected precaster. The architect should work with the
precaster to understand their overall schedules, not just the project schedule.

Properly implemented, an early and continuing partnering dialogue between the design team
and the precaster will ensure optimum product quality and appearance at a minimum installed
construction cost.

DN-19 Getting Started Designing Architectural Precast Concrete Page 13

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Phone: 312-786-0300 I Fax: 312-621-1114 I www.pci.org

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