Direct On Line Starter
Direct On Line Starter
Direct On Line Starter
In electrical engineering, a direct on line (DOL) or across the line starter starts electric
motors by applying the full line voltage to the motor terminals. This is the simplest type
of motor starter. A DOL motor starter also contain protection devices, and in some cases,
condition monitoring. Smaller sizes of direct on-line starters are manually operated;
larger sizes use an electromechanical contactor (relay) to switch the motor circuit. Solid-
state direct on line starters also exist.
A direct on line starter can be used if the high inrush current of the motor does not cause
excessive voltage drop in the supply circuit. The maximum size of a motor allowed on a
direct on line starter may be limited by the supply utility for this reason. For example, a
utility may require rural customers to use reduced-voltage starters for motors larger than
10 kW.[1]
DOL starting is sometimes used to start small water pumps, compressors, fans and
conveyor belts. In the case of an asynchronous motor, such as the 3-phase squirrel-cage
motor, the motor will draw a high starting current until it has run up to full speed. This
starting current is commonly around six times the full load current, but may be as high as
12 times the full load current. To reduce the inrush current, larger motors will have
reduced-voltage starters or variable speed drives in order to minimise voltage dips to the
power supply.
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There are two types of thermal overload relay. In one type, a bi-metallic strip located
close to a heater deflects as the heater temperature rises until it mechanically causes the
device to trip and open the circuit, cutting power to the motor should it become
overloaded. A thermal overload will accommodate the brief high starting current of a
motor while accurately protecting it from a running current overload. The heater coil and
the action of the bi-metallic strip introduce a time delay that affords the motor time to
start and settle into normal running current without the thermal overload tripping.
Thermal overloads can be manually or automatically resettable depending on their
application and have an adjuster that allows them to be accurately set to the motor run
A second type of thermal overload relay uses a eutectic alloy, like a solder, to retain a
spring-loaded contact. When too much current passes through the heating element for too
long a time, the alloy melts and the spring releases the contact, opening the control circuit
and shutting down the motor. Since eutectic alloy elements are not adjustable, they are
resistant to casual tampering but require changing the heater coil element to match the
motor rated current.[1]
The 3-phase induction motor is over 100 years old and obviously many design changes
and variations have appeared over the years. However certain fundamental characteristics
remain the same and it is the problems that these inherent features cause that electronic
soft start aims to solve.
1. Direct-On-Line
2. Star/Delta
3. Auto Transformer
4. Soft Starts
1. Direct-On-Line
The main method of starting the AC motor is direct-on-line starting. This simply means
an electro-mechanical switch is opened and closed to stop and start the motor.
• High inrush current (typically 6 x full load which can cause several problems)
• Necessities over sizing of installation (particularly important on generator and
UPS fed supplies)
• Limits Expansion
• Reduces service life of electrical components
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2. Star/Delta
This method requires both connections for each phase (six in all) to be taken to the
starter. Three contactors are used to first connect the motor in star and then to delta after a
given time. Connecting the motor in star reduces the voltage applied to each winding to
about 60% of the line voltage. This reduces the starting torque and current (typically 3.5
x FLC). After a given time the motor is switched to delta connection and then runs as if
direct-on-line. Its main advantages are that it is relatively simple and low cost. The major
problem with this method is that the reduced voltage level is in a single stage and is fixed.
sometimes this voltage is not ideal, the torque it produces (65% of full load torque) may
be too small and the motor stalls or does not give complete acceleration, or if it is too
great the motor still starts with a pronounced snatch. The star/delta transition will produce
a second current and torque peak which is almost the equivalent of having two direct-on-
line starts. On some loads the motor sometimes almost stalls during this transition time.
This method of starting does however have the advantage of being a low cost and simple
solution if its limitations can be tolerated.
Star/Delta Starter
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3. Auto Transformer
This method uses transformer action to reduce the voltage applied to the motor and
current seen by the supply. An improved torque/amp ratio is achieved and starting current
is typically 3 x FLC, depending on the voltage rapping selected. Normally the voltage is
applied to the motor in voltage steps through the transformer with the taps being selected
through contactors. Typical tappings are 50%, 70%, followed by full voltage being
applied to the motor. The major disadvantages are size and cost, and of course the
mechanical snatch at switch on is not controllable and can still cause problems. Also once
the tappings have been selected, it may be necessary to change them according to
changes in load parameters.
• Simple operation
• Poor controllability
• Bulky
• Very Expensive
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4. Soft Starts
The soft start is designed to apply an adjustable voltage to the motor and increase this
voltage gradually over a user-selectable acceleration period. The acceleration time being
dependent on the application and desired characteristics. The added advantage of this
method of reduced voltage control is that the motor can also be stopped gradually by
slowly reducing the output voltage to the .‘Soft Stop’ feature offers a smooth stop in
many process industries such as pumps, where fast stops can result in ‘water hammer’
and mechanical damage.
Soft Starter