Altering The Country Code - 080212
Altering The Country Code - 080212
Altering The Country Code - 080212
BreezeNET® B
Altering the Country Code
SW Ver. 5.0
February 2008
PN 214838
Altering the Country Code Legal Rights
1 Scope ........................................................................................................1
1 Scope
Version 5.0 of BreezeACCESS VL and BreezeNET B introduces the ability to
alter the Country Code of a given unit.
It is the responsibility of the wireless system operator to verify that use of the selected Country
Code does not result in violation of the relevant local radio regulations!
Parameters of Frequency, Bandwidth and Tx power will be modified automatically upon a
Country Code change. To ensure proper operation of all radio units, make sure to follow the
below procedure fully to alter the Country Code.
1. Make sure that ALL units in the cell/link are running the same SW
version (i.e. 5.0.18) from the main version.
After changing the Country Code, the Tx power of SU/RB may be set to
the maximum permitted value. If this is not the optimal value, the ATPC
will correct it.
4. If you wish to ensure that the SUs/RB will associate with the same
AU/BU after the change, configure the Preferred AU/BU accordingly.
5. (For BA VL): In the AU, enable the Country Code Learning by SU.
(For BN B): Select the new Country Code in the RB unit and reset the
By disabling the Tx control, the AU/BU will stop sending the beacons
and the SUs/RB will enter into scanning mode until the Tx Control is
enabled again.
10. Enable the Tx Control in the AU/BU and wait for all SUs/RB to
11. Make sure the Country Code used by all SUs have been updated. If yes,
disable the Country Code Learning by SU. If necessary, disable also the
ATPC, bringing back the cell to the original configuration
If this procedure is to be applied on a single unit, either AU/BU or SU/RB, all you need is to
verify that all parameters that may be affected are configured after the change to their correct
The list of the parameters to be monitored on the SU/RB side includes:
3 Important Notes
3.2 HW Limitations
The previous rule does not apply to AU units and SU with external
In units operating in the 5.3 GHz band, the following rule must be met
for full compliance with FCC regulations:
configured for one AU/BU unit shall not hold frequency 5270 MHz
together with others, unless this reduced Tx power is acceptable for
all channels