Section 3: Technical Spécifications
Section 3: Technical Spécifications
Section 3: Technical Spécifications
YEMEN MOBILE CO, is a Yemeni Company for Mobile Telephony that started its commercial operations in September 22, 2004, and currently has over 3,000,000 subscribers (up to end of 2010). With over 600 BTS stations, YEMEN MOBILE provides full coverage of the Republic of Yemen. YEMEN MOBILE already provides CDMA services to major corporations. Moreover new supplementary and value added intelligent network services are being offered to subscribers , educational institutions , government departments and banks. With the primary objective to carry Mobile traffic nationwide in order to create a competitive network compared to other local Mobile/Fixed operators, YEMEN MOBILE proposes to add BSS equipment for two Zones ( Zone A and Zone B ) as following : 1. Zone A : 10 new indoor BTS and 50 new outdoor BTS with different capacities and 1 BSC. 2. Zone B : 10 new Indoor BTS and 30 new outdoor BTS with different capacities and 1 BSC : The details are described below .
Zone A Item BTS BTS BTS BSC No . 16 5 39 1 Configuration S444 S222 S111 Software Capacity 500 Channels 250 Channels 125 Channels 14,125 Hardware Capacity 500 Channels/two boards 250 Channels/one board 250 Channels/one board Notes 3 Sectors , 4FA/Sector 3 Sectors , 2FA/Sector 3 Sectors , 1FA/Sector To be procured optionally
Notes : 1. For the table above 10 BTS out of 16 BTS S444 are Indoor Units and the rest are outdoor Units . 2. Expansion of 18 BTS from the above table are required to support EVDO as an additional capacity ( the required equipment for expansion have to be quoted separately and to be possible to install these expansions in any BTS provided ) .
Zone B Item BTS BTS BTS BSC No . 14 5 21 1 Configuration S444 S222 S111 Software Capacity 500 Channels 250 Channels 125 Channels 10,875 Hardware Capacity 500 Channels/two boards 250 Channels/one board 250 Channels/one board Notes 3 Sectors , 4FA/Sector 3 Sectors , 2FA/Sector 3 Sectors , 1FA/Sector To be procured optionally
Notes : 1. For the table above 10 BTS out of 14 BTS S444 are Indoor Units and the rest are outdoor Units . 2. Expansion of 6 BTS from the above table are required to support EVDO as an additional capacity ( the required equipment for expansion have to be quoted separately and to be possible to install these expansions in any BTS provided ) .
General Requirements
The vendor must identify and describe every equipment proposed, including hardware, software, installation materials, peripherals, installation services, configuration
and tests, applications, integration with management systems, report customization, software licenses etc. 1.2 The vendor must also describe the resources for Operation, Maintenance, Supervision, Support and Technical Assistance, as well as for Charging, Invoicing and Training. Support should be provided during the BSS installation. Such support must include the transfer of knowledge to technicians. The vendor must be responsible for the interconnection and integration issues. The vendor shall attach user certificates (or site references) of at least 10 commercial BSS networks with a total capacity of 35 million subscribers or more, who are currently using those proposed equipments, system and software. Details shall include Operator (or service provider) name, country, date of installation, model of equipment, and type of service. The bidder should provide IOT test reports. Original test reports with signature should include, but not limited to the following:
1.3 1.4
Vendors new BSS to Huaweis NSS ( ATCA C9 ,MSC C6 & PDSN) or to new MSCs & PDSNs of new officially future vendors . Vendors new BSS network and equipments must support the correct connection following IOS standard (not less than IOS 4.1). Vendors are required to show the testing certificates with Huawei ATCA MSC, MGW, M2000, SIWF, and PDSN. The certificates should include the Product version of the equipments, Users testing Certificates of satisfactory working record of the equipment in at least 3(Three) countries. If the bidders decide to attach additional info, please append as a new item following each subject. The IOT Certificates with Huawei Main Network Elements shoudle be base on following Product Version or above: Product Version
V2R7 V2R8 V3R1
Network Element
V9R7 V610R003
It should supports TRFO/TOF function, interconnects with Huawei core network equipments. 5/40
It should support Zone wise SMS broadcasting function. It should support Mobile Equipment Identity (MEID) function. It should support restricted mobility for a group of numbers. During testing, it should support detailed log file including ringing stage . The interconnection fees with Huawei NSS ATCA , C9 , PDSN equipments will be borne solely by the Vendor.
1.6 .1 BUILDING: It should be possible to install any equipment on any floor/place. Floor lay out for equipments (at actual site) and dimensioning of equipment shall be done by bidder in consultation with YEMEN MOBILE The Air Conditioning plant, standby Engine alternator, A.C. Power supply, and lights will be provided by YEMEN MOBILE. The smoke detection/Fire alarm will be provided by bidder. The Vendor shall inspect the site in advance, give layout plans and also indicate requirements regarding Civil/Electrical works, well in advance, so that the user could provide these. ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS The equipment room will be air-conditioned to provide the environmental conditions needed for the BSC and BTS ( if the BTS is Indoor Unit ).
1.6.2 The Vendor shall indicate the heat dissipation of the equipment for initial and ultimate equipped capacity of the BSC and BTS. The Vendor shall clearly indicate any special environmental requirement, if any. The vender should be supply out of range environmental alarm sensor and extend it to control room.
SUPPLY OF EQUIPMENT The equipment along with software, DDF/FDF, Iron materials, cables of adequate size and length unto DDF/FDF and other accessories will be provided by the bidder.
FLOOR PLANS Layout of the equipment shall be so planned, that the available floor space in the BSC room is utilized in the best possible manner to facilitate easy extension of BSC EQUIPMENT to ultimate capacity. The Vendor shall furnish the equipment layout for the complete floor clearly indicating the initial order equipment under this specifications and ultimate capacity that can be accommodated in the BSC room.
DDF/FDF For the equivalent quantity of offered E-1, the DDF equipment (Slim Rack Type) and associated items shall be provided. DDF equipment for both TDM side, and network side should be supplied for at least 1.5 times the initial capacity. YEMEN MOBILE will arrange to terminate all trunks and junctions on the TDM side. The Vendor shall provide all cabling from the BSC & BTS to the DDF. The Vendor shall supply the cabling required for jumpering E1s on the DDF.
DC power The D.C power supply shall be included in the offer with a capacity not less than 1.5 times of the consumption for both BSC and BTS equipment. The Rectifier & batteries shall be included in the offer with min8hours discharge time of batteries for BSC equipment. And the capacity of batteries for BTS will be 400AH ( at least 1700 Cycles at 50% DOD) . Rectifiers are required only for Out Door BTS ( not for Indoor BTS ) i.e. 80 Rectifiers .
2.2 BTS
2.2.1 Basic Function
1. Outdoor macro BTS upto 24TRX - one cabinet
2. Indoor macro BTS upto 24TRX - one cabinet 3. The outdoor macro BTS should be all-in-one design with built-in battery, aircondition or heat exchanger. Please provide the photos of your out-door macro BTS 4. Outdoor micro BTS All-in-one design, needs to support up to (6) TRX in expansion 5. Optical RF unit, Minimum cascading distance shall be 70 km 6. The nominal transmit power of both macro and micro BTS shall be 20W at least (per carrier). 7. The BTSs output power at antenna port should reach to 40W or above (per carrier).. 8. The bidder should provide detailed description of the series BTS products, including the specification (TRX, Erl per sector/carrier, etc.) and expansion capability. 9. Multiple Frequency Bands (such as 1900MHz/800MHz ,450MHz/800MHz) shall be supported in one BTScabinet. (If possible) Please describe their implementation. 10. The number of E1 ports at Abis interface with load sharing function should no less than 8 E1s (per board) . 11. The remote switch off, VSWR alarms, and RSSI measurements shall be supported 12. The proposed BTS should support multi-carrier & multi-mode and capable of serving CDMA & LTE or GSM in single cabinet . 13. For the IP BSS evolution ability consideration ,thevendor should support IP Clock solution to reduce GPS number and provide clock resource for failure of GPS 14. The vendor should support Micro BTS which can support 1X and DO at the same time in one cabinet. & provide the necessary documents. 15. For the IP BSS evolution ability consideration , the proposed BTS shall support E1 and FE transmission at same time and the FE interface should be ready now. 16. For the dense city ,the BTS should support 100W TOC of per TRX
The output power at the top of the cabinet for each carrier shall be no less than 20W.The output power from the port of power amplifier for each carrier shall be no less than 25W. Expansion through adding extra carriers on the existing multi-carrier module and using the existing Power Amplifier shall not cause power output decreasing for the existing carriers, and the coverage shall not decrease.
BTS shall support 1XRTT. If Multiple Frequency Bands shall be supported in one BTS. Please describe their implementation. II. Transmitter: a. Nominal Transmit Power per sector per carrier As per TIA/EIA/IS 2000 b. Tx Power Limits As per TIA/EIA/IS 2000 c. Transmitter Frequency Accuracy As per TIA/EIA/IS 2000 d. Channel Allocation in full band of operation. As per TIA/EIA/IS 2000 e. Spurious emission at Antenna port As per TIA/EIA/IS 2000 f. Protection Transmitter shall be protected against infinite VSWR. III. Receiver: a. Receiver sensitivity (at 1% FER) better than 126dBm b. Channel de-sensitization or Single As per TIA/EIA/IS 2000, tone desensitization
c. Inter modulation spurious response As per TIA/EIA/IS 2000 d. Conducted Spurious Emission As per TIA/EIA/IS 2000 e. Receiver Interference performance As per TIA/EIA/IS 2000 and IS97D
following modes:
The base stations proposed should adopt broadband platform and digital transceiver technology to provide better performance and smooth evolution to 1xEV-DO RevA/1x EV-DO RevB , GSM , LTE . The base stations should support for mixing 1xRTT and 1x EV carriers. VENDOR shall provide detailed description about the upgrade facilities from 1xRTT BTS to 1xEV-DO BTS. A plug-in module and software upgrade in the existing CDMA BTS will be preferred And also for (CDMA & LTE or GSM) during launch two deferent system network in the same time . BTS transceiver should satisfy the requirements of C0032 Recommended Minimum Performance Standards for cdma2000 High Rate Packet Data Access Network to guarantee the smooth evolution to 1xEV-DO RevA/ 1xEV-DO RevB and also for (LTE, GSM).
2.2.4 Interfaces
BTS shall be connected to BSC through E1/T1/FE interface at the Abis reference point. Unchannelized E1 shall be used and voice and data call shall be supported in same E1. IMA (Inverse Multiplex ATM) shall be supported to guaranty Abis transmission in using multiple E1s when part of E1 is broken. STM-1 shall be supported as required.(in the BSC side to SDH toward of BTSs)
The proposed BTS system should be capable to support satellite transmission mode. The satellite transmission mode should supports the voice, data, fax, DO services and the performance that the delay of two hops should less than 700ms. In addition, vendors should provide at least six user reports.
2.2.5 Performance
Performance of all BTS should also be collected and reported automatically similar to BSC statistics.
2.3 BSC
2.3.1 BSC General and Basic Function The Base Station Controller (BSC) shall be capable of performing the following functions: a. Assignment of circuits to individual Users. b. Monitoring and controlling system Performance. c. Sub system authentication d. Standard A1/A2 interface to MSC (and support A1p/A2p) e. Assignment of subscriber number where applicable f. Internal Echo cancellation where applicable. The proposed BSC should support modular design to improve reliability and scalability. The proposed BSC can be flexibly configured to address different capacity demands and ensure smooth expansion of the system to support LTE or GSM with existing network at the same time. The proposed BSC should be designed with a built-in signaling analyzer. By using the graphic user interface and the tracing review function, the engineer can make clear the signaling transmission processes of a subscriber, an interface, or a protocol layer and the contents. This helps the engineer locate and rectify faults accurately The proposed BSC should be on all-IP open architecture and meet the evolution trend of mobile network. It can support large switch capacity of single cabinet and can flexible expansion switch capacity of main and slave frame towards LTE or GSM. The platform switch capacity is 120Gbps per sub-rack, 640Gbps backplane bus capability and can be easy upgrade to 1Tbps. The proposed BSC can support ATM, TDM, and IP interface and support TDM/IP network at the same time All important cards of BSC should be designed on redundancy The proposed BSC should provide powerful operation and maintenance (O&M) functions; for example, recording detailed call information, RSSI, FER, and Tx power tracing through LMT/OMC assist to analysis the performance of system and troubleshooting easily. The proposed BSC should support one key upgrade. The service in process should not break down during the upgrade The proposed BSC should pass FCC, CE, VCCI and UL certificate, please provides CE, VCCI and UL certificate report. The proposed BSC should comply safety standard EN 60950:2000, please provides test report The proposed BSC should support neighbor list optimization (neighbor cell detection, add or correction, neighbor cell priority optimization) The EV-DO and 1X services should be integrated in one BSC and use same OMC system. proposed BSC should be less types of cards (less than 7 types of cards) to
reduce the OPEX
12/40 IOT test report with current NSS (ATCA C9, C6 & PDSN )Vendor (Huawei) on A
interfaces (A1/A2, A3/A7,A10/A11,A12,A13,A16 A1p/A2p and other interfaces needed)
2.3.5 Interfaces
Abis interface (Interface between BTS and BSC)
BTS shall be connected to BSC through E1 (E1/T1/FE) interface at the Abis reference point. Unchannelized E1 shall be used and voice and data call shall be supported in same E1. STM-1 shall be supported as required (in the BSC side). The proposed BSC should support Satellite Transmission; provide at least 3 application cases.
Chapter -3
General Requirements
The system support Access Handoff, which can improve the performance of CDMA system and increase connection success ratio.
3.4 Security
The system shall provide confidentiality, subscriber authentication features and high security. Latest digital encryption technologies to support secure communications for message and voice privacy shall be provided.
3.6 Diagnostic/Testing
The equipment shall support diagnostic capabilities (which will run as background tasks) to verify the equipment's proper operation within the network and self-adaptive network parameter adjustment according to the systems running status. Built -in test capabilities shall be provided which will run at specific events or on demand. Health monitoring signals shall be continuously passed between the various modules to ensure the detection of any failure in a module. Individual channel element functionality shall be also be monitored to prevent call blocking due to a lack of channel element resources. Markov call testing shall be supported to verify local coverage and channel element Frame Error Rates (FER).
3.8 Expansion
Expansion techniques of the system shall be easy, economical and shall not interrupt a working system. Expansion shall be required when the number of 18/40
subscribers (capacity) in the area is increased, the GOS deteriorates or when the geographical coverage is increased. The equipment shall be modular in construction permitting expansion, without any major hardware changes by simply adding shelves and modules.
3.9 Evolution
The 1XEV-DO shall be smoothly upgraded from existing CDMA 2000 1x platforms with the minimum investment possible at all components of the system. Also specify what would be require when upgrading to 1XEV-DOrB.
3.10.2 MTBF
VENDOR shall provide the description of Mean Time between Failure (MTBF) analysis report for BSC& BTS. The MTBF and MTTR (predicted and observed values) figures shall be at least as the following figures.
Base Transceiver Station: MTBF (hours) 100,000 Base Station Controller: MTBF (hours) 100,000 Core Network, MSC based Core Network etc.
MTBF (hours) 100,000
3.11 Markings
a. The plug-in units -whose removal or insertion (while the equipment is in operation) might endanger the reliability or performance of the equipment -shall have suitable protection and caution marking. b. Each sub-assembly shall be clearly marked to show its functions and circuit reference so that its complete description can be located in the handbook. c. The components shall be marked with their schematic references so that they are identifiable from the component layout diagram in the handbook. d. All controls, switches, indicators etc. shall be clearly marked to show their circuit designations and functions. e. Each terminal block and terminal shall be marked with an identifying code.
3.12 Software
i. The vendor should have attained CMM /CMMI(Capability Maturity Model) certificate at least the CMM Level-4. (The CMM is a model that evaluates the process maturity of software development. It is an assessment method that was developed by the Software Engineering Institute of Carnegie-Mellon
University in 1991 as requested by the U.S. government. The CMM certificate is the world's most recognized standard certificate.) ii. Software commands shall be user friendly menu- driven. The software shall be modular in architecture. Complete software for the system operation and maintenance including Operation & Maintenance Centre (OMC) shall be provided. The architecture of the software shall be open so that the growth can be handled in practice without any need of redesign of the software. The software supporting documentation shall be in English. iii. The equipment Vendor shall undertake to supply on continuing basis all software updates. These updates shall include new features and services and other maintenance updates. The software up - gradation shall be possible with minimum interruption to the service. iv. The equipment Vendor shall provide any software modification necessary due to modification of software in the interworking with other networks such as PSTN/ISDN/PSPDN etc. v. The system hardware/software shall not pose any problem due to changes in date and time caused by events such as changeover of millennium/ century, leap year etc, in the normal functioning of the system.
3.13 Documentation
3.13.1 General Requirements
This describes the general requirements to be met by documentation to be provided by the equipment Vendor. Hard & Soft copy of all documents shall be provided in English. The documents shall comprise of: i System description documents ii System operating documents including system repair document.
SECTION 3 Chapter -4
Operational Requirements
4.1 Supervision
Supervision of complete network, including BSC, BTS, MSC and HLR shall be both automatic and YEMEN MOBILE controlled and centralized at OMC/NMC, which supports remote operation. All entire man/machine operation terminals should support MML&GUI interface for YEMEN MOBILE operators. The hosting of commands shall not be less than two months.
4.3 Synchronization
At certain locations, it may be necessary to co-locate a number of BTSs. In such cases, the BTSs shall be synchronized so that all the traffic channels are accessible by all the subscribers served by these BTSs. The CDMA 1X2000 would be synchronized with YEMEN MOBILE network .. BTS should support GPS/GLONASS dual-satellite system synchronization mode, providing two synchronization solutions (GPS or GPS/GLONASS) as required by the operator. In GPS/GLONASS dual-satellite synchronization, the whole network can operate normally without any adverse effect when GPS or GLONASS system is not available. BTS should provide other system external synchronization interface, when GPS/GLONASS is not available, it makes the system clock synchronized with external clock. The vendor should provide detailed description of the system radio synchronization solutions, including all external synchronization interfaces which the system can support. Redundancy of links between BTS-BSC and GPS receiver (along with other fixtures) if required, shall be indicated by the vendor at the time of tendering. The system should support the man-machine command to check the locked-satellite status for convenience of trouble shooting. The check functionality should include the following: 1) Whether the clock signals of a base station are correct. 2) Whether the clock module and GPS or GLONASS antenna are well connected. 3) Whether the captured GPS or GLONASS satellites are more than 4. The BSC interfacing the MSC uses frame synchronization derived from E1streams. Thus BSC shall have the provision of deriving the timing signal from the following. Internal Clock Recovered Clock from any incoming 2048 Kbps signal. In case of failure of recovered clock, the equipment shall support "Hold Over Mode ", the stability of which shall be equal to or better than 110E-8 for at least 24 hours.
4.5 Dimensions
Dimensions/Mounting of BSC/BTS BSC and BTS equipment shall each be of selfsupported cabinet or rack type. Maximum height of BSC rack shall be restricted to 2100mm. Maximum height of BTS rack shall be restricted to 1800mm. Dimensions/Weight Actual Dimension and weight of each of the equipment shall be Indicated by the equipment Vendor.
Indoor Equipment:
Base Station Controller (BSC), Base Transceiver Station (BTS, indoor) and Operations & Maintenance Centre (OMC). Input supply: -19V to 60V; Nominal -48 V DC. -48 volts with battery and rectifiers shall be quoted for BTSs ( for out door units only ) and BSCs.
Outdoor BTS
Input supply 220V +/- 20%; Nominal 240 V AC 50/60 Hz
5.1.1 TEST CATEGORIES i) The following tests shall be conducted for acceptance of the equipment and the system before final acceptance of the system. The test procedure shall be provided by the vendor during installation and testing.
A1 , A2 , A3 , A4 & A5
Pre-Factory Acceptance Testing Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) Pre-commissioning test (after installation) for total integrated system. Site Acceptance Testing (SAT) Trial Run
These tests shall be carried out on all equipment supplied by Vendor including those supplied by sub-vendors, if any. Vendor shall arrange all necessary test instruments, manpower, test-gear, accessories etc. All technical personnel assigned by Vendor shall be fully conversant with the system specifications and requirements. They shall have the specific capability to make the system operative quickly and efficiently and shall not interfere or be interfered by other concurrent testing, construction and commissioning activities in progress. They shall also have the capability to incorporate any different from the specifications or reseasonable minor modifications/suggestions put forward by Purchaser/Engineer. The Vendor shall arrange Necessary temporary commissioning facility including communication system required for installation/testing/commissioning of the telecommunication equipment. Test Plan: The Vendor shall submit to Purchaser Test Plans well in advance of commencement of actual testing in each of the above mentioned test categories.
The plans shall include:
System/Equipment functional and performance description (in short) and Tests to be conducted and purpose of test. Test procedures (including time schedule for the tests) and identification of test inputs details and desired test results Test Report:
vi) The observations and test results obtained during various tests conducted shall be compiled and documented to produce Test Reports by Vendor. The Test Reports shall be given for each equipment/item and system as a whole. The report shall contain the following information to a minimum:
i) Test results
Comparison of test results and anticipated (as per specifications) test result as given in test plans and reasons for deviations, if any. The data furnished shall prove convincingly that a.
b. c.
The system meets the Guaranteed Performance objectives Mechanical and Electrical limits were not exceeded. Failure profile of the equipment during the tests are well within the specified limits
Failure of Components:
Till the system is accepted by the Purchaser, a log of each and every failure of components shall be maintained. It shall give the date and time of failure, description of failed component, circuit, module, component designation, effect of failure of component on the system/equipment, cause of failure, date and time of repair, mean time to repair etc. Repair/modification done at any point of time at one site, shall be carried out by Vendor at all the sites. Detailed documentation for the same shall be submitted to Purchaser for future reference.
If the malfunction and/or failures of a unit/module/sub-system/equipment repeat during the test, the test shall be terminated and Vendor shall replace the necessary component or module to correct the deficiency. Thereafter, the tests shall commence all over again from the start.
If after the replacement the equipment still fails to meet the specification, Vendor shall replace the equipment with a new one and tests shall begin all over again. If a unit/ subsystem/module has failed during the test, the test shall be suspended and restarted all over again only after the Vendor has placed the Equipment back into acceptable operation. Purchasers approval shall be obtained for any allowable logical time required to replace the failed component/unit/module/sub-system.
Readjustments No adjustments shall be made to any equipment during the acceptance tests. If satisfactory test results cannot be obtained unless readjustments are made, Vendor shall carry out only those
readjustment needed to ready the equipment/system for continuance of tests. A log of all such adjustments shall be kept giving date and time, equipment, module, circuit, adjustments, reasons, test result before and after adjustment etc. Fresh acceptance tests shall be conducted after the readjustments have been completed. 3 Pre Factory Acceptance Testing The Vendor on his own exactly in line with FAT shall conduct prefactory acceptance testing and test reports for the same shall be forwarded to Purchaser/Engineer before start of FAT.
Factory Acceptance Testing (FAT) Factory acceptance tests shall be carried out after review and approval of FAT procedure/documents as per bid requirements and review of PreFactory acceptance results & shall be conducted at the manufacturing facilities from where the respective equipment/subsystems are offered. The factory acceptance testing shall be conducted in the presence of the Purchaser/Engineer. The tests shall be carried out on all equipment/items including those supplied by Sub-vendoRS and factory acceptance certificates shall be issued. The factory tests shall include but not be limited to:
A) Equipment Testing :
Mechanical checks to the equipment for dimensions, inner and outer supports, finishing, welds, hinges, terminal boards, connectors, cables, painting etc. Electrical checks including internal wiring, external connections to other equipment etc. Check for assuring compliance with standards mentioned in the specifications. Individual check on each/module/sub-assembly in accordance with the modes and diagnostics programs of the Vendor. Checks on power consumption and heat dissipation characteristics of various equipment Environment testing and other laid down tests in Type Tests plan of the specification of the equipment.
Functional testing
Any other test not included in FAT document but relevant to the project as desired by the Purchaser/Engineer at the time of factory acceptance testing.
B) System Integration Testing
Functional and performance test should be conducted for the complete system concerning and connecting the NLD equipment and all major equipment constituting the system (including the equipment supplied by sub-VENDORS, as applicable) simulating the complete network. The system shall include the total Network Management System. All the functions of NMS shall be demonstrated in totality (as per requirements/specifications of this document). All equipment shall be connected using the same cables (interfaces/components) as will be used during final installation so that the system can be tested in its final configuration. This testing shall be conducted at the manufacturing facility of the BSS OEM.
Installation After successful completion of factory acceptance testing, equipment shall be sent to site for installation. Equipment without factory acceptance certificates shall not be acceptable at site. Prior to installation, all equipment shall be checked for completeness as per the specifications of equipment required for a particular station. Installation shall be carried out in accordance with the installation manuals and approved installation drawings in the best workmanship. Vendor shall bring all installation tools, accessories, special tools, test gears, spares parts etc. at his own cost as required for the successful completion of the job. If during installation and commissioning any repairs are undertaken, the maintenance spares supplied with equipment shall not be used for the repair. Vendor shall arrange his own spare parts for such activities till such time the system has been finally accepted by the Purchaser. A detailed report & log of all such repairs shall be made available by the Vendor to Purchaser/Engineer and shall include cause of faults and repair details, within 2 weeks of fault occurrence. A detailed time schedule for these activities shall be submitted by Vendor to Purchaser/Engineer to enable their representatives to be associated with the job. Vendor shall supply all installation materials required for proper installation of the equipment. These shall include but not be limited to, all connectors, interbay and inter equipment cables, power supply cables and connectors,
power distribution boxes, anchoring bolts, nuts, screws, washers, distribution frames, voice frequency cables, junction boxes etc.
The installation of equipment shall be done as to present neat and clean appearance in accordance with approved installation document drawings. All inter bay, power supply and other cables shall be routed through wall mounted cable trays. No cable shall be visible. All through wall openings, trenches etc. shall be properly sealed to prevent the entry of rodents, insects and foreign materials.
6 Pre-Commissioning
On completion of installation of equipment, the correctness and completeness of the installation as per Manufacturers manual and approved installation documents shall be checked by the Vendor on his own. A list of Pre-Commissioning tests (same as approved by the Purchaser/Engineer for site acceptance testing) and activities shall be prepared by Vendor and the test shall be carried out by the Vendor on his own. After the tests have been conducted to the Vendors own satisfaction, the Vendor shall provide the test results for review by Purchaser/Engineer and then offer the system for Site Acceptance Testing. During pre-commissioning , if any fault occuRS to any equipment or system, Vendor shall identify the same and provide report/history of all faults to the Purchaser. During installation and pre-commissioning of the telecom system, Vendor shall have enough number of commissioning spares so that the installation is not held up because of non-availability of commissioning spares. Vendor shall ensure that the spares meant for operation and maintenance are not used during installation and commissioning.
7 Site Acceptance Testing (SAT)
On completion of Pre-commissioning, site acceptance testing shall be conducted on the system as per approved SAT procedures and its constituents by the Vendor under the presence of Purchaser/Engineer. The tests shall include, but not be limited the following: a Checks for proper installation as per the approved installation drawings for each equipment/item and system as a whole.
Guaranteed performance specifications of individual equipment/item.
Tests on remote alarm transmission and reception System tests on per hop basis and END TO END for the system, all complete.
8.1 Network Benchmarking Conduct tests timely after the project implementation is complete. Compare and analyze the test results. 8.2 System Parameter Audit Audit and check all system parameters, including cell parameters and network parameters. 8.3 Network Drive Test, Analysis, and Tuning Test services and performance the network, tune the RF parameters of sites according to the test result, to get the network reach the launch requirement. 8.4 Optimization of Traffic Statistics KPI Monitor and analyze the traffic statistics data to find TOPN problems in the network. Analyze and solve the TOPN problems. Check the network quality is promoted. 8.5 Coverage Performance Optimization Conduct drive tests to test the coverage and services, and make relevant adjustment to have the coverage and services reach targets. 8.6 Care for VIP and Hotspot Areas Monitor the network quality at VIP areas by taking the following actions: analyzing the RF complaints from VIP customers, monitoring the network quality of CBD areas by means of drive tests, dialing tests. 8.7 Radio Network KPI Monitoring Monitor and analyze the network at the implementing and ending stages of the RNO to guarantee the required KPI of the network.
8.8 RF Trouble Shooting Analyze and solve the RF problems that are detected in network monitoring process to improve the network performance and promote satisfaction of end users. 8.9 Benchmark Drive Test Conduct benchmark drive tests on the coverage performance.
MANDATORY SPARES 8 % mandatory spares (for operation and maintenance) shall be provided for all electronic Boards , sub-system, equipment, etc. (with round off at the higher side with two boards minimum). Spares shall be provided from the same manufacturing facilities/location from where the respective equipment, subsystems are offered. Unit rates for each spares required for operation and maintenance shall be provided.
Vendor shall provide the address, contact peRSon, fax, telephone no. of the manufacturer of the spare parts. The Vendor shall warrant that spare part for the system would be available for minimum of 10 years after system commissioning (taking over). After this period if the Vendor discontinues the production of the spare parts, then he shall give at least 6 months notice prior to such discontinuation so that Purchaser may order the requirements of spares in one lot.
The list of the required spares being supplied with unit cost and total cost should be attached along with the bid.
9.2 Commissioning spares The commissioning spare shall be arranged by the Vendor to cater to the requirement during installation, commissioning, site acceptance testing, trial run and warrantee period. These spares shall be readily available with the Vendor.
These commissioning spares are different from mandatory spares and Vendor shall not use mandatory spares as commissioning spares.
Vendor shall train personnel of Purchaser/engineer in all aspects of Telecommunication system. There shall be at least two training course: i. The first course shall be conducted at the manufacturing facilities from where the BSS equipment are manufactured/ offered for 5 Trainees for each Zone. ii. The second course shall be conducted at site at a time to be mutually agreed with the successful Vendor at a later date for 20 Trainees for each Zone.
It shall be explicitly understood, however, that Purchasers/Engineers personnel shall be fully associated during Engineering, Installation, Testing and Commissioning activities and this opportunity shall be taken by Vendor to impart on the job training in addition to the two mentioned above. Vendors offer excludes costs of transportation, lodging and boarding of the trainees which shall be arranged by the Purchaser. Vendors offer is on man-week basis. The number of personal to be trained and the duration of the course shall be mutually agreed with successful Vendor. The first course to be conducted at the manufacturing facilities shall be designed to train the trainees in all aspects of System engineering, equipment operation and functional details, theory of operation of equipment, trouble shooting and familiarization with the equipment at card and component level. All equipment used for training shall be identical to those supplied for site installation. This course shall be conducted prior to equipment shipment to site. The second course to be conducted at site, shall be mainly devoted to the operation of equipment and system including testing of equipment/subassembly, preventive breakdown, trouble shooting and normal maintenance activities. The training imparted shall cover all aspects of each and every equipment incorporated in the system. Vendor shall specify in his offer the types of courses he intends to impart, including but not limited to, the ones aforementioned. Vendor shall provide comprehensive documentation, course material, manuals, literature etc. as required for proper training of personnel at his own cost. Consolidated and comprehensive documentation shall be available to each participant. After the completion of course, all such materials shall become the property of the PURCHASER. Vendor shall update the course material of manuals in case there are any changes owing to revision/modifications in equipment/system specifications.
The Vendor shall be responsible for 1. Procurement, supply and installation of equipment racks, all patch cords, DDF and all other items not indicated here but required for completion of the system. Supply and installation of necessary equipment, cables and accessories to meet the system requirements . Carrying out factory acceptance tests of the BSS equipment as per the approved specifications and procedures at the respective manufacturers works in the presence of Purchaser/Engineers representatives. Training of Purchaser/Engineers personnel at manufacturers works for each individual system and at site.
Provide suitable power distribution box and complete wiring from the distribution box to the respective telecom equipment at each telecom station as per specifications.
Annex 1
The Key Items for Evaluation of BSS S 1 1.1 1.2 2.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 Item BTS
The capacity of Macro BTS is at least 24 TRX in One Single Cabinet The proposed BTS system should offer a Power efficiency with not less than 33% The proposed BTS should support remote login from one BTS to another BTS or BSC The proposed BSS shall support inverse spectrum scanning which can quickly check the interference condition in the network The Abis interface of the proposed BTS should support the function of sharing transmission of 1X and DO in one E1/FE. QoS must be supported to assure the quality of 1X voice service. The Abis interface of the proposed BTS should has the function of automatic adapting width management, fault detection and recovery The proposed BTS should support the function that the system can record all abnormal drop calls according to IMSI and can obtain the drop call reasons and analyzing reports. That can be good for optimizing network The proposed BTS shall be able to operate within ONE-SINGLE cabinet in the following modes: u u u u u u u CDMA2000 1X mode CDMA2000 DOrA /DOrB mode CDMA2000 1X/DOrA/DOrB hybrid mode CDMA / GSM CDMA /LTE GSM LTE
1.9 1.10
The remote switch off , VSWR alarms , RSSI measurements shall be supported For the Indoor BTS the Input supply: -19V to 60V; Nominal -48 V DC.
S 2 2.1
Item BSC
The proposed BSC should be on all-IP open architecture and meet the evolution trend of mobile network. It can support large switch capacity of single cabinet and can flexible expansion switch capacity of main and slave frame towards UMB and LTE. The platform switch capacity is 120Gbps per sub-rack, 640Gbps backplane bus capability and can be easy upgrade to 1Tbps The proposed BSC should support IP over E1, IP over FE and Fractional IP of A and Abis interface. And The proposed BSC should support E1/T1 FE GE STM-1 of A and Abis interface. FE of A16 interface of inter-BSC should be supported. Please provide test report about A interface of IP and Abis interface of IP over E1 or FE. The proposed BSC should be designed with a built-in signaling analyzer. By using the graphic user interface and the tracing review function, the engineer can make clear the signaling transmission processes of a subscriber, an interface, or a protocol layer and the contents. This helps the engineer locate and rectify faults accurately. The proposed BSC should support one key upgrade. The service in process should not break down during the upgrade The proposed BSC should pass FCC, CE , VCCI and UL certificate, please provides CE, VCCI and UL certificate report The IOT test report with current NSS (ATCA C9, C6 & PDSN )Vendor (Huawei) on A interfaces (A1/A2, A3/A7,A10/A11,A12,A13,A16 A1p/A2p and other interfaces needed) has to be provided The IOT Certificates with Huawei Main Network Elements mentioned in point 2.6 have to be provided The EV-DO and 1X services should be integrated in one BSC and use same OMC system. The proposed BSC should comply safety standard EN 60950:2000, please provides test report The proposed BSC should support neighbor list optimization (neighbor cell detection, add or correction, neighbor cell priority optimization) The proposed BSC should support MEID function The proposed BSC should be less types of cards (less than 7 types of cards) to
reduce the OPEX
2.13 All important cards of BSC should be designed on redundancy 2.14 The generated environment alarms(air condition ,temperature ,humidity ,..) in
BSC room should be sent to OMC work stations