ACG Glass Installation - Setting Block, Edge Cover
ACG Glass Installation - Setting Block, Edge Cover
ACG Glass Installation - Setting Block, Edge Cover
Traditional setting
September 2007
1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 3
BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................. 29
However, this glazing will only reach the advertised performance level if it is correctly set in
an environment that is compatible with the specific functions required of a glass surface.
This brochure draws on many years of experience and aims to specify the optimum conditions
for using AGC glazing so as to ensure that it performs well over time.
It should be noted that the guarantee for the glazing depends on compliance with the
1) Instructions for setting AGC glazing in special applications (e.g. ceilings or portholes),
structural glazing, VGG and point fixed glazing are provided in other documents.
2) The setting of Pyrobel fire-resistant glasses is also covered in specific regulations that can
be obtained upon request.
The correct setting of glasses and application of the guarantee to the glazing depend on
compliance with the points mentioned above and expanded upon below:
1. Correct dimensions of glazing
2. Quality of frame (durability, rigidity and drainage)
3. No contact between the glass and frame via the intermediary of setting blocks (adequate
material and dimensions) and adequate glazing clearance between the frame and the
4. The glazing must not be subject to any deteriorations or modifications, intentionnaly or
accidentally, after it has been set; e.g. chipping, cutting, edge treatment, application of
solar control films or varnish
5. Corrosive products must not be used during setting and maintenance
6. There must not, under any circumstances, be any stagnant water in the rebate platform
and the sealing products must not retain water either; the glazing must not be set in a
putty bed
7. The maximum pressure on the perimeter of insulating glasses must not exceed 10 N per
running centimetre
8. Seals (sealant or rubber profile) must be and remain perfectly weatherproof
9. All materials used to set the glazing must be compatible with each other, the glazing and
the frame. A particular attention must be given to silicone. The use of painting or
maintennace products for woof may also have a negative influence on the durablity of the
glazing. A atestion of compatibility of these material with the glazing must be ask to the
10. Joints for insulating glazing must be protected against UV
11. Thermal stresses in the glazing must be limited.
The thickness of the glazing used depends on the stresses to which it is subject:
¾ façade glazing (i.e. inclined at a maximum of angle of 15° from the vertical): wind
¾ roof glazing: wind, snow and its own weight.
To determine loads, the principal will refer to standards and regulations or good practices in
force in the construction sector and define the specific factors that need to be considered (e.g.
height and shape of building or the location of the construction site).
These criteria are used to establish the thickness of the glazing required.
Seals must be sufficiently rigid to avoid excessive deformation of the glazing used and, more
specifically, the spacers and seals for insulating glazing. Deformation of the glazing supports
must not exceed 1/200th of the span, up to a maximum of 12 mm (under working load).
Water must not be allowed to stagnate in the rebate platform. The following must be used to
apply this principle:
¾ drained glazing rebates, i.e. the platform is fitted with a drainage channel and a drainage
opening in wooden frames and drainage outlets in metal or synthetic frames
¾ ventilated glazing rebates which, in addition to draining water from the rebate platform,
have decompression openings in the upper part of the frame to allow air to circulate.
This allows any water that might enter or condense in the rebates to escape.
Ways of draining the rebate platform are listed below; all other validated solutions are of
course also acceptable:
¾ When setting with mastic:
o an opening with a diameter of 8 mm close to the corners of the frame
o maximum distance of 80 cm gap between two openings
¾ When setting with rubber profile:
o an opening of maximum dimensions 35 mm x 5 mm close to the corners of the
o maximum distance 80 cm between two openings.
If ventilated rebates are used, the decompression openings at the top of the frame must have a
diameter of at least 5 mm. There must be at least two openings.
Particular care must also be taken when setting glazing bead so as to avoid any infiltration.
Figure 1 outlines these principles and the tightness design between the opening and fixed
sections of a frame.
I. Outside
II. Inside
1. water barrier
2. decompression chamber
3. drainage hole in the opening
4. air tightness
5. droplet barrier
If special safety glazing is being used (burglary, protection against fire arms, protection
against fire, fire resistance), the frame must offer performance levels that are at least
equivalent to those of the glazing.
Note: European test standards exist for defining the performance of frames with respect to
these different applications.
The glazing must never come into direct contact with the frame or any other hard material.
This can be avoided by using a suitable setting and locations blocks and complying with the
edge clearance requirements (see section 2.6).
If blocks are used for distance, they must be made of elastomer materials that have a hardness
of 50-70 DIDC (Shore A in accordance with ISO 40 and EN ISO 2039-1).
The width of the blocks must be at least equal to the width of the glazing.
The thickness of the blocks must be at least equal to the minimum edge clearance between the
glazing and the rebate.
The actual length of the setting blocks is calculated using the following formula
(prEN 12488):
25 . S
l= . sin α
n .σ
Table 1 gives the minimum length of setting blocks depending on the surface of the glazing,
the number of setting blocks in the rebate platform (i.e. the type of opening in the frame) for
vertical glazing or for glazing that is at an angle of more than 75° to the horizontal.
Table 1 – Length of setting blocks for glazing that is vertical or at an angle greater than 75° to the horizontal
(resistance 1.5 N/mm²)
Opening or tilt and
Surface area S of
turn sash frame Other frames
(mm) (mm)
≤ 1 m² 50 50
1 m² < S ≤ 2 m² 50 50
2 m² < S ≤ 4 m² 67 50
4 m² < S ≤ 8 m² 67
8 m² < S ≤ 12 m² 100
12 m² < S ≤ 16 m² 133
16 m² < S ≤ 20 m² 167
Table 2 lists the minimum lengths for setting blocks for roof glazing depending on the angle α
of the glazing in relation to the horizontal, glazing surface and material used for the block.
Setting and location blocks must be positioned in accordance with the type of opening in the
The minimum distance between the corners of the frame and the edge closest to the block
must be at least equal to the length of one setting or location block in order to avoid excessive
stresses on the corners of the glazing (Figure 3).
Figure 3 –Position of setting and location blocks in relation to the corners of the glazing
Figure 4 shows the position of the setting and location blocks depending on the type of
opening in the frame.
The C1 blocks should be placed at the level of the The C1 blocks must be placed close to the corners of
hinges. For small volumes, C2 blocks at the bottom of the frame (at a minimum distance of 50 mm) to limit
the stiles are optional. bending of the lower transom.
¾ The blocks must not prevent drainage from the rebate platform or obstruct the drainage
openings. Several options are available that will ensure good drainage (Figure 5)
¾ Metallic and synthetic frames presents generally different grooves in the rebate platform
and need therefore an intermediary piece with a good plane surface on wiche the setting
block can be isntalled (Figure 5 right).
The glazing must never come into direct contact with the frame or any other hard material.
This can be avoided by using a suitable setting block and complying with the edge clearance
requirements (see section 2.5).
Figure 6 shows a rebate and the various key dimensions for setting glazing:
¾ height and width of the rebate
¾ mechanical edge covering (or height of support) i.e. the height at which the glazing is
effectively held by the frame
¾ edge clearance (or rebate platform), i.e. the space between the glazing and the rebate
¾ lateral clearance, i.e. the space between the glazing and the rebate platform on the one
hand and the glazing bead on the other.
Width of rebate
I. inside
I Lateral
II II. outside
a. rebate upstand
Mechanical Height of
edge cover a rebate b. rebate platform
Edge c. glazing bead
b d. drainage
Figure 6 – Clearance
Edge clearance
The minimum edge clearances are given in Table 3. They are required to ensure that there is
not contact between the frame and the glazing ant to allow the ventilation of the frame (see
also Chapter 5).
Taking into account the edge clearances, dimensional tolerances on the glazing and the frame,
and the minimum mechanical edge covers required to set the glazing correctly, Table 4 lists
the minimum rebate heights for setting in a closed rebate. These heights are required to
protect the seal against UV in the case of insulating glazing and to guarantee mechanical
restraint of the glazing in the event of maximum stress.
Note: In all cases, the height of the rebate must be sufficient so as to ensure that the insulating
glazing seal is not obvious.
The rebate heights and the edge clearances can be used to calculate the minimum mechanical
edge cover (Table 5).
The width of the rebate is measured between the rebate upstand and the glazing bead. The
minimum width must be such that, taking into account the tolerances of thicknesses of
glazing, the lateral clearances required by the seals, i.e. 3 mm for waterproof seals and 4 mm
for mastics, are respected.
The width of the rebate is equal to the thickness of the glazing (given the tolerance) plus the
lateral clearance on either side.
By way of example, Table 6 lists the minimum rebate widths depending on the thickness of
the glazing and the clearances required between the glazing and the frame. The actual
thickness of the glazing must of course be calculated on an individual basis in accordance
with the stresses (e.g. wind, own weight or snow).
Table 6 – Examples of minimum rebate widths depending on the type of glazing to be installed
Type of glazing Minimum thickness of Minimum rebate width
glazing Mastic Rubber profile
Thermobel 4-12-4 = 20 mm 28 mm 26 mm
4-15-4 = 23 mm 31 mm 29 mm
Thermobel with Stratobel 4-12-33.2 = 23 mm 31 mm 29 mm
4-12-44.2 = 25 mm 33 mm 31 mm
Thermobel Phonibel 4-12-8 = 24 mm 32 mm 30 mm
Thermobel Phonibel S / Phonibel ST 6-15-44.2 = 30 mm 38 mm 36 mm
44.2-20-66.2 = 42 mm 50 mm 48 mm
1. Linseed oil putty and acid silicones can not be used to set AGC's insulating glazing,
coated glasses and laminated glasses. For other sealants, the compatibility with the glazing, in
function of the setting system, must be checked. The sealant supplier can deliver information's
about the compatibility.
Sealing mastic is the general term used for silicones; this term should not be confused with linseed oil putty or
glazing putty used in the past.
Mastics must ideally be approved by a certifying body in the field where they are going to be
used. This information must be provided with the mastic directions for use.
If an approved product is not used, the mastic manufacturer must provide evidence that the
product is suitable, including proof of durability.
Mastics designed for glazing are classified in four categories in line with
ISO 11600 instructions depending on their amplitude factor and secant modulus 2 (Table 7).
The type of mastic used depends on the type of application.
The mastic strips must be 4 mm wide (with a minimum width of 3 mm at all points) and
4 mm deep unless recommended otherwise by the mastic manufacturer.
A backer rod must be used to correctly delimit the depth of the joint (Figure 6) and prevent all
contact with the seal for insulating glazing; this will prevent any problems of incompatibility
of materials.
See ISO 11600 for definitions of these concepts.
Seals must be at least 3 mm wide. They cannot be drawn during the setting process; they must
be continuous along the entire edge of the glazing and should ideally be welded into the
The gaskets must be compatible with the other materials used during setting and must be
durable (e.g. resistance to UV).
The impact of the sun varies depending on the orientation. The sun reaches its highest point in the south in the
northern hemisphere (therefore, it has little impact on the northern façade).
Interio curtain Heightened if opaque and no The space between the glazing and
ventilation the curtains must be connected with
air on the inside of the building.
Objects against the Significantly heightened Avoid.
Heating and air Radiators ¾ Increases if the distance Radiators and heating pipes must be
conditioning between the radiator and placed at a minimum distance of
devices glazing decreases. 20 cm from the glazing.
¾ Increases if thee temperature of The temperature of the heating fluid
the radiator rises must not exceed 65°C.
Induction units ¾ Certain if the air is forced Air should be forced parallel to the
directly onto the glazing. glazing or, ideally, towards the
¾ Increases if the distance inside of the building.
between the blower vent and Vents must be placed at least 20 cm
radiator, even parallel to the away from the glazing.
glazing, decreases.
Anti-condensation unit Some Ensure that they are placed at a
(heating device, mobile distance of at least 30 cm or more
blower) depending on the power and
potential reflection.
Firepplace Some Place a screen between the fire and
the glass.
These stresses can be calculated in relation to the direction in which the building faces (Figure
7), the latitude of the site and other factors discussed above (e.g. frame, shadows or curtains).
Figure 7 –Directions to be taken into account when evaluating thermal stresses: vision glazing in the northern
hemisphere is subject to sunlight if it is facing at an angle covered by the hatched area (the opposite is the case
for glazing in the southern hemisphere).
If the thermal stresses are estimated to be too high, the glass must be toughened or hardened
(depending on whether an additional safety function to protect against injury is required or
We have drawn up an information form entitled "Risk of thermal shock" to help us estimate
this risk. All you need to do is complete it and send to AGC's Technical Advisory Service.
This form will be used to evaluate the resulting thermal stresses in the glass and whether or
not the glass subject to sunlight needs to be hardened or toughened.
The two setting principles, with seanalnt (generally for wooden frames) or a rubber profile
(generally for frames made from aluminium or plastic materials), are shown in Figure 8.
a. Elastic mastic
c. Rubber profile
b. Backer rod
Figure 8 –Setting with mastic and rubber profile
This type of glazing is made of two or more panes of glass stuck to each other by an interlayer
which must not be damaged during setting.
The glazing is only one safety element. A suitable safety frame should also be used. A
standard exist for classifying impact on frames.
This glazing is designed to protect individuals and goods. Police investigations identify two
types of intrusion:
¾ The first involves breaking the window. However, depending on the thickness of the PVB
used, laminated glass is an obstacle that is becoming ever more difficult to break through.
¾ The second involves attacking the frame. This can be done in three ways:
9 Removing the glazing from the frame: this problem is avoided by embedding the
glazing in deep rebates. A system that makes the glazing an integral part of the frame,
preferably using a silicone joint or similar product, should also be used.
9 Dismantling the glazing: to prevent this type of attack, glazing beads should be used
on the internal side of the building. If the glazing beads are on the outside, the
tightening of the space between the frame and the glass should be realized by a
silicone joint put on a backer rod.
9 Taking the frame out: this type of attack can be prevented by using suitable rotation
and closing accessories. Anchoring the frame into the masonry would be particularly
For burglar resitant glass assembled in insulating glazing, the performance of the insulating
glazing is equivalent to that of laminated glass as long as the laminated glass is installed on
the side opposite to the side of attack (Figure 9).
Direction of Direction of
Setting direction for monolithic glass Setting direction for insulating glass
Figure 9 –Burglar resistant glass in insulating glazing
The glazing is only one safety element. A suitable safety frame should also be used. Standard
exists for classifying the burglary resistance of frames.
Bullet-proof glasses are usually asymmetrical laminated glasses. The glass must be set in the
same direction as the direction in which it was tested in order to obtain the desired
In the case of bullet-proof glass assembled in insulating glazing, the performance of the
insulating glazing is equivalent to that of laminated glass as long as the laminated glass is
installed in the opposite direction the direction of attack (Figure 10).
Direction of Direction of
⇒ ⇒
Setting direction for monolithic glass Setting direction for insulating glass
Figure 10 –Bullet-proof glass in insulating glazing
In certain special cases, bullet-proof glazing is composed of two panes of laminated glass
assembled in insulating glazing, each of the laminated components having been studied
specially to meet the bullet-proof classification requirements. The setting direction must also
correspond with the direction in which the glazing was tested.
The glazing is only one safety element. A suitable safety frame offering the same performance
should also be used. Standard exists for classifying the bullet resistance of frames.
Certain glasses (e.g. Pyrobelite, Pyrobel, Pyrostar or polished wired glass) offer protection
against fire.
In all cases, fire resistance test reports do not simply cover glass alone but rather all
construction components. The installation must comply with all points covered in the test
report. Components may only be modified after an extension, site opinion or similar report
from an official laboratory has been obtained.
When insulating glazing is to be used in a swimming pool, this must be stated in the order
because the height of the interlayer seal needs to be increased. In this case, the section of the
glazing going into the glazing rebate must be at least 18 mm (including the tightness joint)
and the edge clearance 6 mm. The only type of tightness mastic that can be used for insulating
glazing in these applications is a silicon mastic.
The glazing rebates must be ventilated towards the outside through holes with measurements
of 8 mm x 25 mm spaced at a maximum distance of 25 cm.
Spandrels can be either ventilated (Figure 11) or non-ventilated. We only recommend the
ventilated type for insulating glazing used in spandrels.
Insulation on the rear side must not be stuck onto the glazing.
The thickness of the external pane must be at least 6 mm for Planibel, Stopsol, Stopray or
Sunergy (both only in position 2). The internal pane is generally made of Blackpearl (coating
directed in position 4) or Colorbel (enamel directed in position 4).
Only a silicone tightness mastic for insulating glazing is permitted for these applications.
To achieve the performance desired, solar control glazing must be installed in the direction
indicated on the label attached to the glass.
In the case of enhanced thermal insulation coatings (Top N+/Top N+T), the setting direction
does not affect performance but changes the appearance of the glazing slightly; care should be
taken therefore to ensure that all glazing placed side-by-side is set in the same direction.
Care should be taken to ensure that no products run onto the coating or evaporate under the
effect of heat and then condense on the coating. This is the case in particular for lubricants
used on EPDM joints. This aspect is all the more important in double skin façades given the
difficulty or even impossibility of maintaining the interior surfaces in this type of frame.
Laminated glass must be used in roofing. The inner pane of insulating glazing must be
laminated to prevent glass shards from falling onto occupants if the glass breaks.
The angle of the glazing must not be less than 10° due to tightness and cleaning of the roof.
Thermobel joints must be protected from ultraviolet rays. A glazing edge can be exposed to
UV rays in certain setting systems used for roofing. A silicone seal must be used in such
The cleaning system must be designed to ensure the glazing is not walked on. If this is not
possible, the glazing must be designeg accordingly.
'Clear' glass always has a slight colour when light is transmitted through it. This is inherent to
its basic composition.
The thicker the glass, the more pronounced the colour. Slight variations between different
runs of glass production are normal and acceptable.
This phenomenon can be avoided by using special extra clear glass Planibel Clearvision.
Coloured and/or coated glasses also have their own colouring. This is visible when light is
transmitted or reflected. Slight variations in the colouring of the coating and the glass are
inherent to the manufacturing system.
AGC advises against using different combinations or types of glazing in the same façade in
order to avoid slight differences in colours.
When using low-e insulationg glazing, condensation may appear on the exterior of the glass.
Given the insulating glazing's high level of thermal insulation performance, the outside sheet
cools down so much that condensation fomrd on the outside. Such condensation is temporary
and disappears during the day. It is simply evidence of how well the glazing insulates.
Glass is a dull material in its ordinary isotropic state, i.e. it has identical optical (refraction
index) and mechanical properties in all directions. Thermal treatment of the glass (toughened
or hardened) creates a surface compression area on the pane of glass and, as a result, the glass
becomes anisotropic.
Optical distortions connected with these phenomenon are inevitable. Their perception may be
influenced by the environment of the building and by observation conditions.
Under certain lighting conditions, optical phenomena can occur due to a combination of
reflected rays and cause coloured fringes on the surface of the glass called interference
fringes. This phenomenon is due to the flatness of the glass surfaces.
The interference fringes move when pressure is applied to the centre of insulating glazing.
Interference fringes cannot be considered to be a fault in the glazing.
The risk of apparion decreases when using two glass of different thickness in insulating glass.
If glazing that remains in storage in humid and warm conditions for a prolonged period, the
surface of the glass may become corroded. This corrosion appears as a white milkiness or as
Water trickling down a façade can contain alkaline elements which then dry onto the glazing.
These residues can be very difficult or even impossible to clean. This should be taken into
account when choosing façade materials and care should be taken to use suitable devices to
avoid runoffs or splashes onto the glazing.
6. Glaverbel
Setting instructions. Brussels, Glaverbel, 2000
7. Glaverbel
Setting instructions for safety glazing. Brussels, Glaverbel, 1998