TaxRev Finals Coverage Last Edit May 16
TaxRev Finals Coverage Last Edit May 16
TaxRev Finals Coverage Last Edit May 16
Mr. Abraham Eugenio, a pawnshop operator, after having been SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, for either of two reasons (1) In instances in
required by the Revenue District Officer to pay value-added tax which the Commissioner of Internal Revenue is vested with authority to
pursuant to a Revenue Memorandum Order (RMO) of the compromise, such authority should be exercised in accordance with the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue, filed with the Regional Trial Court Commissioner's discretion, and courts have no power, as a general rule, to
an action questioning the validity of the RMO. If you were the judge, compel him to exercise such discretion one way or another. (Koppel Phils.,
will you dismiss the case? 5% Inc. v. CIR, 87 Phil. 351 [1950ft, (2) If the Commissioner abuses his
discretion by not following the parameters set by law, the CTA, not the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. A RMO is in reality a ruling or an opinion Court of Appeals, may correct such abuse if the matter is appealed to it. In
issued by the Commissioner in implementing the provisions of the Tax case of arbitrary or capricious exercise by the Commissioner of the power to
Code dealing with the taxability of pawnshops. Page 429 of 450 Law on compromise, the compromise can be attacked and reversed though the
Taxation The power to review rulings issued by the Commissioner is lodged judicial process. It must be noted however, that a compromise is considered
with the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) and not with the Regional Trial Court. as other matters arising under the NIRC which vests the CTA with
A ruling falls within the purview of “other matters arising under the Tax jurisdiction, and since the decision of the CTA is appealable to the Supreme
Code, ’’ appealable only to the CTA (CIR v. Leal, 392 SCRA 9 [2002]). Court, the Court of Appeals is devoid of any power of review a compromise
(BAR 2006) settlement forged by the Commissioner (PNOCv. Savellano, G.R. No.
109976, April 26, 2005; RA No. 9282 on jurisdiction of the CTA).
In the investigation of the withholding tax returns of AZ Medina
Security Agency (AZ Medina) for the taxable years 1997 and 1998, a The Collector of Customs of the Port of Cebu issued warrants of seizure
discrepancy between the taxes withheld from its employees and the and detention against the importation of machineries and equipment by
amounts actually remitted to the government was found. Accordingly, LLD Import and Export Co. (LLD) for alleged nonpayment of tax and
before the period of prescription commenced to run, the BIR issued an customs duties in violation of customs laws. LLD was notified of the
assessment and a demand letter calling for the immediate payment of seizure, but, before it could be heard, the Collector of Customs issued a
the deficiency withholding taxes in the total amount of P250,000.00. notice of sale of the articles. In order to restrain the Collector from
Counsel for AZ Medina protested the assessment for being null and carrying out the order to sell, LLD filed with the Court of Tax Appeals
void on the ground that no pre-assessment notice had been issued. a petition for review with application for the issuance of a writ of
However, the protest was denied. Counsel then filed a petition for prohibition. It also filed with the CTA an appeal for refund of overpaid
prohibition with the Court of Tax Appeals to restrain the collection of taxes on its other importations of raw materials which has been
the tax. Will the special civil action for prohibition brought before the pending with the Collector of Customs. The Bureau of Customs moved
CTA under Sec. 11 of RA No. 1125 prosper? Discuss your answer. (3%) to dismiss the case for lack of jurisdiction of the Court of Tax Appeals.
Does the Court of Tax Appeals have jurisdiction over the petition for
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The special civil action for prohibition will not review and writ of prohibition? Explain (3%) Will an appeal to the
prosper, because the CTA has no jurisdiction to entertain the same. The CTA for tax refund be possible? Explain (2%)
power to issue writ of injunction provided for under Section 11 of RA 1125
is only ancillary to its appellate jurisdiction. The CTA is not vested with SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, because there is no decision as yet by the
original jurisdiction to issue writs of prohibition or injunction independently Commissioner of Customs which can be appealed to the CTA. Neither the
Page 1 of 57
remedy of prohibition would lie because the CTA has not acquired any On the basis of a warrant of seizure and detention issued by the
appellate jurisdiction over the seizure case. The writ of prohibition being Collector of Customs for the purpose of enforcing the Tariff and
merely ancillary to the appellate jurisdiction, the CTA has no jurisdiction Customs Laws, assorted brands of cigarettes said to have been illegally
over it until it has acquired jurisdiction on the petition for review. Since imported into the Philippines were seized from a store where they were
there is no appealable decision, the CTA has no jurisdiction over the openly offered for sale. Dissatisfied with the decision rendered after
petition for review and writ of prohibition. (Commissioner of Customs v. hearing by the Collector of Customs on the confiscation of the articles,
Alikpala, 36 SCRA 208 [1970]). the importer filed a petition for review with the Court of Tax Appeals.
The Collector moved to dismiss the petition for lack of jurisdiction.
No, because the Commissioner of Customs has not yet rendered a decision Rule on the motion. (2%)
on the claim for refund. The jurisdiction of the Commissioner and the CTA
are not concurrent in so far as claims for refund are concerned. The only SUGGESTED ANSWER: Motion granted. The Court of Tax Appeals has
exception is when the Collector has not acted on the protested payment for a Jurisdiction only over decisions of the Commissioner of Customs in cases
long time, the continued inaction of the Collector or Commissioner should involving seizures, detention or release of property affected. (Sec. 7, RA.
not be allowed to prejudice the taxpayer. (Nestle Phils., Inc. v. Court of No. 1125). There is no decision yet of the Commissioner which is subject to
Appeals, GR No. 134114, July 6, 2001). (BAR 2002) review by the Court of Tax Appeals. (BAR 2000)
On June 16, 1997, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) issued against ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: Motion granted. The Court of Tax Appeals
the Estate of Jose de la Cruz a notice of deficiency estate tax has no jurisdiction because there is no decision rendered by the
assessment, inclusive of surcharge, interest and compromise penalty. Commissioner of Customs on the seizure and forfeiture case. The taxpayer
The Executor of the Estate of Jose de la Cruz (Executor) filed a timely should have appealed the decision rendered by the Collector within fifteen
protest against the assessment and requested for waiver of the (15) days from receipt of the decision to the Commissioner of Customs. The
surcharge, interest and penalty. The protest was denied by the Commissioner is adverse decision would then be the subject of an appeal to
Commissioner of Internal Revenue (Commissioner) with finality on the Court of Tax Appeals. Under the same facts, could the importer file an
September 13, 1997. Consequently, the Executor was made to pay the action in the Regional Trial Court for replevin on the ground that the articles
deficiency assessment on October 10, 1997. The following day, the are being wrongfully detained by the Collector of Customs since the
Executor filed a Petition with the Court of Tax Appeals (CTA) praying importation was not illegal and therefore exempt from seizure? Explain.
for the refund of the surcharge, interest and compromise penalty. The (3%)
CTA took cognizance of the case and ordered the Commissioner to
make a refund. The Commissioner filed a Petition for Review Page 431 SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. The legislators intended to divest the
of 450 Law on Taxation with the Court of Appeals assailing the Regional Trial Courts of the jurisdiction to replevin a property which is a
jurisdiction of the CTA and the Order to make refund to the Estate on subject of seizure and forfeiture proceedings for violation of the Tariff and
the ground that no claim for refund was filed with the BIR. Is the stand Customs Code otherwise, actions for forfeiture of property for violation of
of the Commissioner correct? Reason. (2%) the Customs laws could easily be undermined by the simple device of
replevin. (De Ia Fuente v. De Veyra, et aL, 120 SCRA 455) There should be
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. There was no claim for refund or credit that no unnecessary hindrance on the government’s drive to prevent smuggling
has been duly filed with the Commissioner of Internal Revenue which is and other frauds upon the Customs. Furthermore, the Regional Trial Court
required before a suit or proceeding can be filed in any court (Sec. 229, do not have jurisdiction in order to render effective and efficient the
NIRC of 1997). The denial of the claim by the Commissioner is the one collection of import and export duties due the State, which enables the
which will vest the Court of Tax Appeals jurisdiction over the refund case government to carry out the functions it has been instituted to perform.
should the taxpayer decide to appeal on time. (BAR 2000) (Jiao, et aL, Court of Appeals, et aL, and companion case, 249 SCRA 35,
43) (BAR 2000)
Page 2 of 57
A Co., a Philippine corporation, received an income tax deficiency
assessment from the BIR on May 5, 1995. On May 31, 1995, A Co. filed A taxpayer received, on 15 January 1996, an assessment for an internal
its protest with the BIR. On July 30, 1995. A Co. submitted to the BIR revenue tax deficiency. On 10 February 1996, the taxpayer forthwith
all relevant supporting documents. The CIR did not formally rule on filed a petition for review with the Court of Tax Appeals. Could the Tax
the protest but on January 25. 1996, A Co. was served a summons and a Court entertain the petition? Under the above factual setting, the
copy of the complaint for collection of the tax deficiency filed by the taxpayer, instead of questioning the assessment he received n 15
BIR with the Regional Trial Court (RTC). On February 20. 1996, A Co. January 1996 paid, on 01 March 1996 the "deficiency tax" assessed.
brought a Petition for Review before the CTA. The BIR contended that The taxpayer requested a refund from the Commissioner by submitting
the Petition is premature since there was no formal denial of the protest a written claim on 01 March 1997. It was denied. The taxpayer, on 15
of A Co. and should therefore be dismissed. Has the CTA jurisdiction March 1997, filed a petition for review with the Court of Appeals.
over the case? Could the petition still be entertained?
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes, the CTA has jurisdiction over the case ANSWER: No. Before taxpayer can avail of judicial remedy he must first
because this qualifies as an appeal from the Commissioner's decision on exhaust administrative remedies by filing a protest within 30 days from
disputed assessment. When the Commissioner decided to collect the tax receipt of the assessment. It is the Commissioner's decision on the protest
assessed without first deciding on the taxpayer's protest, the effect of the that give the Tax Court jurisdiction over the case provided that the appeal is
Commissioner is action of filing a judicial action for collection is a decision filed within 30 days from receipt of the Commissioner’s decision. An
of denial of the protest, in which event the taxpayer may file an appeal with assessment by the BIR is not the Commissioner's decision from which a
the CTA. (Republic v. Lim Tian Teng &. Sons, Inc., 16 SCRA 584; Dayrit petition for review may be filed with the Court of Tax Appeals. Rather, it is
v. Cruz, L-39910, Sept. 26, 1988) (BAR 1999) the action taken by the Commissioner in response to the taxpayer's protest
on the assessment that would constitute the appeallable decision (Section 7,
A Co., a Philippine corporation, received an income tax deficiency RA 1125).
assessment from the BIR on November 25, 1996. On December 10,
1996, A Co. filed its protest with the BIR On May 20. 1997, the BIR No, the petition for review cannot be entertained by the Court of Appeals,
issued a warrant of distraint to enforce the assessment. ‘This warrant since decisions of the Commissioner on cases involving claim for tax
was served on A Co. on May 25,1997. In a letter dated June 4,1997 and refunds are within the exclusive and primary jurisdiction of the Court of Tax
received by A Co. 5 days later, the CIR formally denied A Co.’s protest Appeals (Section 7, RA 1125). (BAR 1997)
stating that it constitutes his final decision on the matter. On July 6,
1997, A Co. filed a Petition for Review with the CTA The BIR moved to Under Section 2523 of the Tariff and Customs Code, the duty of verifying
dismiss the Petition on the ground that the CTA has no jurisdiction the correct weight of a cargo shipment is imposed upon the vessel’s master,
over the case. Decide. (10%) owner or employee. If a discrepancy between the actual gross weight and
declared gross weight of manifested cargo exceeds 20% and “the Collector
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The CTA has jurisdiction over the case. The shall be of the opinion that such discrepancy was due to the carelessness or
appealable decision is the one which categorically stated that the incompetency of the master or pilot in command, owner or employee of the
Commissioner's action on the disputed assessment is final and, therefore, the vessel, a fine of not Page 434 of 450 Law on Taxation more than 15% of the
reckoning of the 30-day period to appeal was on June 9, 1999. The filing of value of the article may be imposed upon the importing vessel.” ABC
the petition for review with the CTA was timely made. The Supreme Court Corporation’s vessel was found, after appropriate administrative
has ruled that the CIR must categorically state that his action on a disputed proceedings, to have violated the said provision far exceeding the 20%
assessment is final; otherwise, the period to appeal will not commence to statutory limitation. The Collector of Customs imposed a dine of
run. That final action cannot be implied from the mere issuance of a warrant P22.600.00 (representing 15% of the value of the discrepancy) which was
of distraint and levy. (CIR v. Union Shipping Corporation, 185 SCRA 547). affirmed by the Commissioner of Customs. On appeal by ABC Corporation,
(BAR 1999) the Court of Tax Appeals found the fine of P22.600.00 harsh and
Page 3 of 57
unreasonable for a first offense and reduced the same to P5.000.00. The Inc., GGG, Inc. had to request a ruling from the BIR confirming that
Commissioner of Customs questions the scope of authority of the Court of its sale of the said shares was at fair market value and was thus not
Tax Appeals in the determination of the fine imposable under Section 2523 subject to donor's tax. In BIR Ruling No. 012-14, the CIR held that the
of the Tariff and Customs Code. Whose judgment should prevail under the selling price for the shares of stock of HHH Corp. was lower than their
circumstances of the case? Explain fully. ANSWER: The judgment of the book value, so the difference between the selling price and the book
Court of Tax Appeals should prevail. The CTA has exclusive appellate value of said shares was a taxable donation. GGG, Inc. requested the
jurisdiction over decisions of the Commissioner of Customs in cases Secretary of Finance to review BIR Ruling No. 012-14, but the
involving the imposition of fines, forfeitures or other penalties. (BAR 1992) Secretary affirmed said ruling. GGG, Inc. filed with the Court of
Appeals a Petition for Review under Rule 43 of the Revised Rules of
The City of Liwliwa assessed local business taxes against Talin Court. The Court of Appeals, however, dismissed the Petition for lack
Company. Claiming that there is double taxation, Talin Company filed of jurisdiction declaring that it is the CTA which has jurisdiction over
a Complaint for Refund or Recovery of Illegally and/or Erroneously- the issues raised. Before which Court should GGG, Inc. seek recourse
collected Local Business Tax; Prohibition with Prayer to Issue from the adverse ruling of the Secretary of Finance in the exercise of
Temporary Restraining Order and Writ of Preliminary Injunction with the latter's power of review? (2015 Bar Question)
the Regional Trial Court (RTC). The RTC denied the application for a
Writ of Preliminary Injunction. Since its motion for reconsideration SUGGESTED ANSWER: GGG should file its petition with the Court of
was denied, Talin Company filed a special civil action for certiorari Tax Appeals. The Supreme Court held that the jurisdiction to review the
with the Court of Appeals (CA). The government lawyer representing rulings of the Commissioner of Internal Revenue pertains to the CTA which
the City of Liwliwa prayed for the dismissal of the petition on the has the authority to issue, among others, a writ of certiorari in the exercise
ground that the same should have been filed with the Court of Tax of its appellate jurisdiction.
Appeals (CTA). Talin Company, through its lawyer, Atty. Frank,
countered that the CTA cannot entertain a petition for certiorari since a. Exclusive original jurisdiction In criminal cases where the Court of Tax
it is not one of its powers and authorities under existing laws and rules. Appeals (CTA) has exclusive original jurisdiction, the right to file a separate
Decide. (2014 Bar Question) civil action for the recovery of taxes may be reserved. (1%)
SUGGESTED ANSWER : The petition for certiorari before the CA must be SUGGESTED ANSWER: FALSE. [Sec. 11, Rule 9, 2005 Rules of the Tax
dismissed, since such petition should have been filed with the CTA. As Appeals, as amended.]
stated in City of Manila v. Caridad H. Grecia-Cuerdo (G.R. No. 175723,
February 2, 2014, 715 SCRA 182), the CTA has the power to determine The proceeding before the CTA in the exercise of its exclusive original
whether or not there has been grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or jurisdiction are in the nature of trial de novo. (1%)
excess of jurisdiction on the part of the RTC in issuing interlocutory orders
in cases falling within the CTA’s exclusive appellate jurisdiction. The CTA SUGGESTED ANSWER: TRUE. [CIR v.Manila Mining Corp. GR
therefore has jurisdiction to issue writs of certiorari in such cases. No.153204, Aug 31, 2005]
Furthermore, its authority to entertain petitions for certiorari questioning
interlocutory orders issued by the RTC is included in the powers granted by Judgments, resolutions or orders of the Regional Trial Court in the
the Constitution and inherent in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction. Exercise of its original jurisdiction involving criminal offenses arising
from violations of the NIRC are appealable to the CTA, which shall
GGG, Inc. offered to sell through competitive bidding its shares in hear the cases en banc. (1%)
HHH Corp., equivalent to 40% of the total outstanding capital stock of
the latter. JJJ, Inc. acquired the said shares in HHH Corp. as the SUGGESTED ANSWER: FALSE. [Sec. 3(b)(2), Rule 4, 2005 Revised
highest bidder. Before it could secure a certificate authorizing Rules of the Court of Tax Appeals.]
registration/tax clearance for the transfer of the shares of stock to JJJ,
Page 4 of 57
Which court acts on: tax collection cases filed by the BIR? (5%) SUGGESTED ANSWER: The legal remedies of an aggrieved
taxpayer under the Tax Code, both at the administrative and judicial levels,
ANSWER: Tax collection cases are filed by the BIR with regular courts. may be classified into those for assessment, collection and refund. The
(BAR 1992) procedures for the administrative remedies for assessment are as follows:
On March 15, 2000, the BIR issued a deficiency income tax assessment a) After receipt of the Pre-Assessment Notice, he must within fifteen (15)
for the taxable year 1997 against the Valera Group of Companies days from receipt explain why no additional taxes should be assessed
(Valera) in the amount of P10 million. Counsel for Valera protested the against him. b) If the Commissioner of Internal Revenue Issues an
assessment and requested a reinvestigation of the case. During the assessment notice, the taxpayer must administratively protest or dispute the
investigation, it was shown that Valera had been transferring its assessment by filing a motion for reconsideration or reinvestigation within
properties to other persons. As no additional evidence to dispute the thirty (30) days from receipt of the notice of assessment. (4th par., Sec. 228,
assessment had been presented, the BIR issued on June 16, 2000 NIRC of 1997) Within sixty (60) days from filing of the protest, the
warrants of distraint and levy on the properties and ordered the filing taxpayer shall submit all relevant supporting documents. The judicial
of an action in the Regional Trial Court for the collection of the tax. remedies of an aggrieved taxpayer relative to an assessment notice are as
Counsel for Valera filed an injunctive suit in the Regional Trial Court follows: a) Where the Commissioner of Internal Revenue has not acted on
to compel the BIR to hold the collection of the tax in abeyance until the the taxpayer’s protest within a period of one hundred eighty (180) days from
decision on the protest was rendered. Can the BIR file the civil action submission of all relevant documents, then the taxpayer has a period of
for collection, pending decision on the administrative protest? Explain. thirty (30) days from the lapse of said 180 days within which to interpose a
(3%) petition for review with the Court of Tax Appeals.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes, because there is no prohibition for this b) Should the Commissioner deny the taxpayer's protest, then he has a
procedure considering that the filing of a civil action for collection during period of thirty (30) days from receipt of said denial within which to
the pendency of an administrative protest constitutes the final decision of interpose a petition for review with the Court of Tax Appeals. In both cases
the Commissioner on the protest (CIR v. Union Shipping Corp., 85 SCRA the taxpayer must apply with the Court of Tax Appeals for the issuance of
548 [1990]). an injunctive writ to enjoin the Bureau of Internal Revenue from collecting
the disputed tax during the pendency of the proceedings. The adverse
As counsel for Valera, what action would you take in order to protect decision of the Court of Tax Appeals is appealable to the Court of Appeals
the interest of your client? Explain your answer. (2%) by means of a petition for certiorari within a period of fifteen (15) days from
receipt of the adverse decision, extendible for another period of fifteen (15)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: I will wait for the filing of the civil action for days for compelling reasons, but the extension is not to exceed a total of
collection and consider the same as an appealable decision. I will not file an thirty (30) days in all. The adverse decision of the Court of Appeals is
injunctive suit because it is not an available remedy. I would then appeal the appealable to the Supreme Court by means of a petition for review on
case to the Court of Tax Appeals and move for the dismissal of the certiorari within a period of fifteen (15) days from receipt of the adverse
collection case with the RTC. Once the appeal to the CTA Is filed on time, decision of the Court of Appeals. The employment by the Bureau of Internal
the CTA has exclusive jurisdiction over the case. Hence, the collection case Revenue of any of the administrative remedies for the collection of the tax
in the RTC should be dismissed (Yabes v. Flojo, 115 SCRA 278 [1982]). like distraint, levy, etc. may be administratively appealed by the taxpayer to
(BAR 2002) the Commissioner whose decision is appealable to the Court of Tax Appeals
under other matter arising under the provisions of the National Internal
Describe separately the procedures on the legal remedies under the Tax Revenue Code. The judicial appeal starts with the Court of Tax Appeals,
Code available to an aggrieved taxpayer both at the administrative and and continues in the same manner as shown above. Should the Bureau of
judicial levels. Internal Revenue decide to utilize Its judicial tax remedies for collecting the
taxes by means of an ordinary suit filed with the regular courts for the
Page 5 of 57
collection of a sum of money, the taxpayer could oppose the same going up 2. Real Property Taxation
the ladder of judicial processes from the Municipal Trial Court (as the case
may be) to the Regional Trial Court, to the Court of Appeals, thence to the p. 207
Supreme Court. The remedies of an aggrieved taxpayer on a claim for State at least three (3) basic principles that should be followed in the
refund is to appeal the adverse decision of the Commissioner to the CTA in appraisal and assessment of real properties for taxation purpose.
the same manner outlined above. (BAR 2000)
Compare the taxpayer’s remedies under the National Internal Revenue a. The appraisal must be at the current and fair market value.
Code and the Tariff and Customs Code. b. Classification for assessment must be on the basis of actual use,
c. Assessment must be on the basis of uniform classification.
ANSWER: The taxpayer's remedies under the National Internal Revenue
Code may be categorized into remedies before payment and remedies after p. 208
payment. The remedy before payment consists of administrative remedy Give at least two (2) fundamental principles governing real property
which is the filing of protest within 30 days from receipt of assessment, and taxation, which are limitations on the taxing power of local
judicial remedy which is the appeal of the adverse decision of the governments insofar as the levying of the realty tax is concerned.
Commissioner on the protest with the Court of Tax Appeals, thereafter to
the Court of Appeals and finally with the Supreme Court. The remedy after SUGGESTED ANSWER:
payment is availed of by paying the assessed tax within 30 days from a. Appraisal, assessment, levy and collection shall not be let to private
receipt of assessment and the filing of a claim for refund or tax credit of persons.
these taxes on grounds that they are erroneously paid within two years from b. Appraisal and assessment must be equitable.
date of payment. If there is a denial of the claim, appeal to the CTA shall be
made within thirty days from denial but within two years from date of p. 208
payment. If the Commissioner fails to act on the claim for refund or tax The appraisal, assessment, levy and collection of real property tax shall
credit and the two- year period is about to expire, the taxpayer should be guided by the following principles. Which statement does NOT
consider the continuous inaction of the Commissioner as a denial and belong here?
elevate the case to the CTA before the expiration of the two- year period.
Under the Tariff and Customs Code, taxpayer’s remedies arise only after a. Real property shall be appraised at its current and fair market value.
payment of duties. The administrative remedies consist of filing a claim for b. Real property shall be classified for assessment purposes on the basis
refund which may take the form of abatement or drawback. The taxpayer of its actual use.
can also file a protest within 15 days from payment if he disagrees with the c. Real property shall be assessed on the basis of a uniform
ruling or decision of the Collector of Customs regarding the legality or classification within each local political subdivision.
correctness of the assessment of customs duties. If the decision of the d. The appraisal and assessment of real property shall be based on
Collector is adverse to the taxpayer, he can notify the Collector within 15 audited financial statements of the owner.
days from receipt of said decision of his desire to have his case reviewed by
the Commissioner. The decision of the Collector on the taxpayer’s protest, SUGGESTED ANSWER: d
if adverse to the Government, is automatically elevated to the
Commissioner for review; and if such decision is affirmed by the p. 210
Commissioner, the same shall be automatically elevated to and finally Aside from the basic real estate tax, give three (3) other taxes which
reviewed by the Secretary of Finance. Resort to judicial relief can be had by may be imposed by provincial and city governments as well as by
the taxpayer by appealing the decision of the Commissioner or of the municipalities in the Metro Manila area.
Secretary of Finance (for cases subject to automatic review) within 30 days
from the promulgation of the adverse decision to the CTA. (BAR 1996)
Page 6 of 57
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The three (3) other taxes are the special f. Heavy duty rubber hose which can be connected to the water tank for
education fund, the ad valorem tax on idle lands, and the special levy. cleaning cars and trucks
g. Gasoline storage tank located underground
p. 214 h. Various repair tools such as pliers, wrenches, screw drivers, and the
Ilocos Bus Co., a transportation company with a garage for its buses, like
maintains in said garage built on a land owned by it, a repair shop, a i. Welding machine and paint spray compressor which are on rollers
blacksmith and a carpentry shop and machineries and equipment j. Metal stamping/cutting equipment bolted to a concrete base which is
sitting on cement or wooden platforms, which can be moved around in turn attached to the land.
and about in the repair shop. Are the machineries and equipment It is the position of the Manila City Assessor that since all of the above
assessable for real property tax purposes? Why? properties are actually, directly and essentially being used by the
taxpayer to meet the needs of its business, then they are all subject to
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. The repair shop, blacksmith and carpentry the real property tax. Examine the above assets one by one and state
shop, machineries and equipment are considered as real property for tax when the City Assessor is correct and when he is wrong giving reasons.
purposes because they have been placed there by Ilocos Bus Co, (the owner
of the land) for the transportation business it is conducting and which tends SUGGESTED ANSWER:
directly to meet the needs of the transportation business. The Manila City Assessor is correct with respect to the leasehold
improvements, car hoists, various repair tools, welding machine, paint spray
p. 222 compressor and metal stamping/cutting equipment. This is so, because the
“C,” a gasoline company, installed gasoline stations located at leased items are essential and principal elements of a repair shop without which it
land. The stations consisted of machines and equipment, attached or could not operate.
affixed to said station.Under the lease contracts, the lessors of the land
do not become the owners of machines and equipment. The City On the other hand, the tow truck, water tank, tower heavy duty rubber hose,
Assessor of Pasay City considered the equipment and machines taxable and gasoline storage tanks are merely incidental to the conduct of the
realty and imposes realty taxes on the assessed value thereof. Is the City business of a repair shop. They are acquired and used only for expediency to
Assessor correct in declaring the machines and equipment taxable facilitate or improve services.
realty? Reasons.
p. 224
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes, the machines and equipment are taxable Under Article 415 of the Civil Code, in order for machinery and
realty. They are essential and principal elements to the conduct of the equipment to be considered real property, they must be placed by the
business of a gasoline station. owner of the land and, in addition, must tend to directly meet the needs
of the industry or works carried on by the owner.
p. 223
Mekaniko Corporation operates a car repair shop in the City of Oil companies, such as Caltex and Shell, install underground tanks in
Manila, The repair shop is located on a piece of leased land. The assets the gasoline stations located on land leased by the oil companies from
owned by Mekaniko Corporation are: others. Are those underground tanks which were not placed there by
a. Tow truck the owner of the land but which were instead placed there by the lessee
b. Leasehold improvements consisting of a firewall, a repair shed, and of the land, considered real property for purposes of real property
an administrative office taxation under the Local Government Code? Explain your answer.
c. Office furniture and equipment
e. Water tank and tower located above ground. The tower is bolted to
the ground but it can be removed
Page 7 of 57
Yes. Personal property under the civil law may be considered as real p. 232
property for purposes of taxes where the property is an essential and Discuss the validity of the imposition of additional realty tax on idle
principal element to the conduct of the business. lands.
Underground tanks are essential to the conduct of the business of a gasoline SUGGESTED ANSWER:
station without which it would not be operational. The imposition is valid because it is for public purpose. It is imposed in
order to penalize property owners who do not use their property
p. 225 productively and to encourage utilization of land resources in order to
May local governments impose an annual realty tax in addition to the contribute to national development.
basic real property tax on idle or vacant lots located in a residential
subdivision within their respective territorial jurisdictions? p. 235
A city outside of Metro Manila plans to enact an ordinance that will
SUGGESTED ANSWER: impose a special levy on idle lands located in residential subdivisions
Yes, provided that they are provinces, cities or municipalities within the within its territorial jurisdiction in addition to the basic real property
Metropolitan Manila Area. tax. If the lot owners of a subdivision located in the said city seek your
legal advice on the matter, what would your advice be?
p. 228
One of the local government units below does NOT have the power to SUGGESTED ANSWER:
impose real property tax: I would advice them that the city has the authority to impose a special levy
a.) Bacoor, Cavite on idle residential lots in subdivisions regardless of area. I would further
b.) Davao City advise them either to pay the tax, sell their lots or to construct or place
c.) Tarlac Province improvements on their idle residential lots so as not to be subject to the tax.
d.) Malabon, Metro Manila
p. 236
SUGGESTED ANSWER: a After the province has constructed a barangay road, the Sangguniang
Panglalawigan may impose a special levy upon the lands specifically
p. 229 benefitted by the road up to an amount not to exceed
An ordinance was passed by the Provincial Board of a Province in the
North, increasing the rate of basic real property tax from 0.0006% to a. 60% of the actual cost of the road without giving any portion to the
1% of the assessed value of the real property effective January 1, 2016. barangay.
Residents of the municipalities of the said province protested the b. 100% of the actual project cost without giving any portion to the
Ordinance on the ground that no public hearing was conducted and, barangay.
therefore, any increase in the rate of real property tax is void. Is there c. 100% of the actual project cost, keeping 60% for the province and
merit in the protest? Explain. giving 40% to the barangay.
d. 60% of the actual cost dividing the same between the province and
SUGGESTED ANSWER: the barangay.
No, the protest is without merit. No public hearing shall be required before
the enactment of a local tax ordinance levying the basic real property tax. SUGGESTED ANSWER: a
Page 8 of 57
b. Additional levy on real property for the special education fund at 1% The constitutional tax exemption applies only to real property taxes. This is
of the assessed value of real property; so, because of the referral to “lands, buildings and improvements.”
c. Additional ad valorem tax on idle lands at a rate not exceeding 5% of
the assessed value; Page 245
d. Special levy on lands within its territory specially benefited by public OBJECTIVE: The Constitution provides “charitable institutions,
works projects or improvements funded by it at 80% of the actual cost churches, parsonages or convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, non-
of the projects or improvements. profit cemeteries and all lands, building and improvements actually,
directly, and exclusively used for religious, charitable or educational
SUGGESTED ANSWER: d purpose shall be exempt from taxation.” This provision exempts
charitable and religious institutions from what kind of taxes? Choose
p. 240 the best answer. Explain. (2006)
Is proof of actual use necessary for tax exemption purposes under the
Constitution? a. From all kinds of taxes, i.e. income, VAT, Customs duties, local taxes
and real property tax.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: b. From income tax only
Yes. The basis for exemption is actual, direct and exclusive use for c. From value-added tax only
religious, charitable or educational purposes. It follows therefore that there d. From real property tax only
must be proof of actual use to be entitled to the constitutional tax e. From capital gains tax only
Page 243 d) From real property tax only. This is so, because of the referral to “lands,
OBJECTIVE: Enumerate the properties exempt from taxation under buildings and improvements.”
the Constitution. (1971)
Page 246
SUGGESTED ANSWER: FACT BASED PROBLEM: The Constitution exempts from taxation
Property exempt under the Constitution from the payment of real property charitable institutions, churches, parsonages or convents appurtenant
taxes: thereto, mosques, non-profit cemeteries and all lands, building and
Charitable institutions, improvements actually, directly, and exclusively used for religious,
Churches, parsonages, convents appurtenant thereto, mosques, charitable or educational purposes. Mercy Hospital is 100 bed hospital
Non-profit cemeteries, organized for charity patients. Can said hospital claim exemption from
All lands, building and improvements actually, directly and exclusively taxation under the above-quoted constitutional provision? Explain.
used for religious, charitable or educational purposes. (1996)
Page 9 of 57
LGC classifies all lands, building and other improvements thereon There is no showing in the problem how the portion of land, where the
actually, directly, and exclusively used for hospitals as “special”. A vegetable garden was located, is being actually, directly and exclusively
special classification prescribes a lower assessment than a commercial used for religious purposes. That portion should therefore be subject to real
classification. property tax. There is indirect use for religious purposes for that portion of
the land where the dormitory building is located, hence it is not tax exempt.
Within the premises of the Hospital, the Association constructed the St. This is so because it is for the personal use of the parish priest for
Michael‟s Medical Arts Center (Center) which will house medical entertaining his visitors.
practitioners who will lease the spaces therein for their clinics at
prescribed rental rates. The doctors who treat the patients confined in ALTERNATIVE ANSWER:
the Hospital are accredited by the Association. No. The eastern side of which is occupied by the Church itself, the priest’s
The City Assessor classified the Center as “commercial” instead of house, and the dormitory building used by visitors of the parish priest and
“special” on the ground that the Hospital owner gets income from the people who participate in the religious activities during fiestas are not
lease of its spaces to doctors who also entertain out-patients. Is the City subject to real property tax. They are actually, directly and exclusively used
Assessor correct in classifying the Center as “commercial”. Explain. for religious purposes.
The portion on the western side on which a vegetable garden is situated is
SUGGESTED ANSWER: subject to real property tax because it is not actually, directly and
No. The Medical Arts Center is an integral part of the Hospital and should exclusively used for religious purposes. There is no showing in the problem
be classified for assessment purposes as “special”. The fact alone that the how the portion of land, where the vegetable garden was located, is being
doctors holding clinics in the Center are those duly accredited by the actually, directly and exclusively used for religious purposes. That portion
Association who owns the Hospital, and these doctors are the ones who can should therefore be subject to real property tax.
treat the Hospital’s patients confined in it, takes away the said Medical Arts
Center from being categorized as “commercial” since a tertiary hospital is Page 254
required by law to have a pool of physicians who compromise the required FACT BASED PROBLEM: A is the owner of a 2-hectaee lot on España
medical departments in various medical fields. St., Sampaloc, Manila. He leased the property for P 2,000,000.00 a year
to a religious congregation for a period of 15 years (2003-2017). The
Page 251 religious congregation built on one hectare a seminary and a chapel for
FACT BASED PROBLEM: The Roman Catholic Church is the owner its exclusive use. On the remaining one hectare, it constructed a
and possessor of a parcel of land the eastern side of which is occupied building which it rented out to a big import-export corporation, the
by the Church itself, the priest‟s house, and a vegetable garden on the proceeds of which go to the support of the seminaries. Is the 2-hectare
western side, a dormitory building used by visitors of the parish priest lot exempt from property tax? (1978)
and people who participate in religious activities during fiestas. Is the
entire land subject to real property tax? Why? (1975) SUGGESTED ANSWER:
No. Only that one hectare portion on which a seminary and a chapel were
SUGGESTED ANSWER: built is exempt because it is actually, directly and exclusively used for
No. The eastern side of which is occupied by the Church itself, and the religious purposes.
priest’s house are not subject to real property tax. They are actually, directly
and exclusively used for religious purposes. The remaining one hectare lot which was leased out, or which is income
generating, is considered being used for general purposes, hence, subject to
The portions on the western side on which a vegetable garden is situated, property tax. The use of the proceeds does not matter, it is the use for which
and that where dormitory is located are subject to real property tax because the land is devoted which determines is tax exempt character.
they are not actually, directly and exclusively used for religious purposes.
Page 10 of 57
Page 255 I would argue that the storage and ultimate sale of the bibles promote the
FACT BASED PROBLEM: The Municipality of Calasiao, Pangasinan religious purposes of PBS, hence the bodega and the store are actually,
enacted an ordinance levying a special assessment for paving Domagas directly, and exclusively used for religious purposes.
Street fronting all the lots along it. Among these lots is one on which the
Roman Catholic Church and the Shrine of Senor Tesoro, an object of Page 256
religious adoration and worship are located. FACT BASED PROBLEM: The Roman Catholic Church owns a 2-
hectare lot, in a town in Tarlac province. The southern side and the
a) The priest and parish legal counsel seek your advice on whether or middle part are occupied by the Church and a convent, the eastern side
not the ordinance violated the constitutional exemption from taxation by a school run by the church itself, the southern side by some
of all churches or convents appurtenant thereto. Discuss. commercial establishments, while the rest of the property, in particular
the northwestern side, is idle or unoccupied.
There is no violation of the constitutional exemption because the imposition May the church claims tac exemption on the entire land? Decide with
is not tax but a levy for the purpose of recovering the public works reasons. (2005)
expenditure of the local government unit concerned. However, the levy of
the special assessment violated the Local Government Code, because lands SUGGESTED ANSWER:
that are exempt from the basic real property tax, such as the land where the No. The church cannot claim tax exemption on the entire land.
church and the Shrine are located are also exempt from the special
assessment. The southern side and middle part occupied by the Church and a convent
are exempt from the real property tax because there is actual, direct and
b) Suppose that instead of special assessment, the Municipal ordinance exclusive use for religious purposes. So also the eastern side which is
fixed the rate of real property tax under its power to do so granted by occupied by a school because it is actually, directly and exclusively used for
the Local Government Code. Will your advice be the same? Explain. educational purposes.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The church may not claim tax exemption on the southeastern side used by
No. There would be a violation of the provisions of both the Constitution some commercial establishments because it is not actually, directly and
and the Local Government Code on exemptions from real property taxation exclusively used for charitable, religious or educational purposes.
of properties that are actually, directly and exclusively used for religious “Exclusively” means “solely”, hence it is not exempted but subject to tax,
purposes. The lot on which the church and the Shrine are located is actually, the commercial establishments being liable for the same. Real property
directly and exclusively used for religious purposes. taxation is based on use and not ownership.
Page 256 The northwestern side being idle or unoccupied is not exempt from tax
FACT BASED PROBLEM: PBS, a non-stock, non-profit, and because it is apparent that there is not actual, direct and exclusive use for
ecumenical religious organization whose primary purpose is to charitable, religious or educational purposes.
encourage a wider circulation of the Holy Bible, received a notice of
assessment from the City Assessors of Manila. The notice alleged that it Page 257
is not exempt from realty tax because certain portions of the building it FACT BASED PROBLEM: A inherited a two-storey building in
is occupying such as the bodega and the store where the bibles are Makati from his father, a real estate broker in the 60s. A group of
stored and sold are not used for religious purposes. If you were the Tibetan monks approached A and offered to lease the building in order
lawyer of PBS, how would you argue the case? (1988) to use it as venue for their Buddhist rituals and ceremonies.
Page 11 of 57
A accepted the rental of 1 million for the whole year. The following The basis for real property taxation is use not ownership.
year, the City Assessor issued an assessment against A for non-payment
of real property taxes. Page 259
OBJECTIVE: Under the New Constitution, may the government tax
Is the assessor justified in assessing A deficiency real property taxes? xxx real estate property of non-profit educational institution operated
Explain. (2010) by religious orders? What policy considerations are to be taken into
account? (1974)
No. The basis for real property taxation is use and not ownership. The use to SUGGESTED ANSWER:
which the property is devoted is actually, directly, and exclusively for No. The real property of non-stock, non-profit educational institutions
religious purposes. which is actually, directly and exclusively used for educational purposes,
irrespective of whether or not they are operated by religious orders under
While this may be so, the Assessor may be considered correct because the the 1987 Constitution are exempt from taxation.
problem does not show that A In fact has shown proof of actual, direct and
exclusive use for religious purposes by the Tibetan Monk. The policy Consideration is to encourage the establishment of educational
institutions which are not profit motivated. In this manner, the State need
Page 258 not devote large sums of money for education. The tax exemption would
FACT BASED PROBLEM: “X & Company” a non-stock corporation translate to lower tuition fees providing education for all.
which owns and operates a memorial park, contest the real assessment
made by Municipality “Y”. Sued by the Municipality, “X & Company” Page 259
contends that burial grounds are exempt from the real estate tax. It FACT BASED PROBLEM: A is the owner of a 2-hectare lot on Espana
appears that two years before the assessment issued by Municipality Street, Sampaloc, Metro Manila. He leased the property for P 1,200,000
“Y”, “X” & Company, had declared dividends to its stockholders. Is the a year to a religious congregation for a period of fifteen year (2000-
“X & Company” justified in disputing the assessment? (1981) 2015). The religious congregation built on one hectare a seminary and a
chapel for its exclusive use. On the remaining one hectare, it
SUGGESTED ANSWER: constructed a building which it rented out to a big import-export
No. The requirement for exemption is that the cemetery must be non-profit. corporation, the proceeds of which go to the support of the seminaries.
When XYZ declared dividends, it was a showing that it was a profit Is the 2-hectare lot exempt from property tax?
cemetery which is not entitled to the exemption.
Page 259 No. Only the one hectare on which a seminary and a chapel was built is
FACT BASED PROBLEM: X, a private individual leased his piece of exempt. Such portion is actually, directly, and exclusively used for religious
land to a school, which is being operated for profit. A building was purposes. The other portion used for the building that is rented out, is used
caused to be constructed by the school on the leased property to be used for business purposes.
as its library. Is the school subjected to the real property tax? State
your reasons. (1969) Page 259
FACT BASED PROBLEM: San Antonio Colleges Foundation, Inc.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: (SACFI) is a non-stock, non-profit educational institution. SACFI owns
No. The school is not subject to a real property because the land is actually, a 5-hectare lot, one half of which is used as SACFI‟s school campus
directly and exclusively used for educational purposes. This is so because while the other one is vacant. To cope with the increasing operating
the construction on the leased land is a building to be used as the school costs to upgrade its facilities, SACFI plans to, effective 1 January 2016,
library. rent out to Supermarkets, Inc. the vacant portion of the lot for P 1
Page 12 of 57
million a year. Is SACFI subject to real estate tax on its 5-hectare lot Page 264
for calendar years 2015 and 2016? Explain. (1990) OBJECTIVE: What properties are exempt from the real property tax?
SACFI is subject to real estate tax for the calendar year 2015 only on the SUGGESTED ANSWER:
one-half portion which is vacant because the same is not actually, directly The following are exempted from payment of the real property tax:
and exclusively used for educational purposes. (a) Real property owned by the Republic of the Philippines or any of its
political subdivisions except when the beneficial use thereof has been
It is not also subject to real estate tax on the vacant lot, for the calendar year granted, for consideration or otherwise, to a taxable person;
2016, which was subsequently rented out to Supermarkets Inc. The reason (b) Charitable institutions, churches, parsonages or convents appurtenant
being that the basis for real property taxation is use. It is Supermarkets, Inc. thereto, mosques, nonprofit or religious cemeteries and all lands, buildings,
who should pay. and improvements actually, directly, and exclusively used for religious,
charitable or educational purposes;
It is not subject to real estate tax on the one-half portion that is used for the (c) All machineries and equipment that are actually, directly and exclusively
school campus, both for calendar years 2015 and 2016, because the same is used by local water districts and government-owned or -controlled
actually, directly and exclusively used for educational purposes. corporations engaged in the supply and distribution of water and/or
generation and transmission of electric power;
Page 261 (d) All real property owned by duly registered cooperatives as provided for
OBJECTIVE: Under the Local Government Code, what properties are under R. A. No. 6938; and
exempt from real property taxes? (2002) (e) Machinery and equipment used for pollution control and environmental
protection. Except as provided herein, any exemption from payment of real
SUGGESTED ANSWER: property tax previously granted to, or presently enjoyed by, all persons,
The following are exempted from payment of the real property tax: whether natural or juridical, including all government-owned or -controlled
(a) Real property owned by the Republic of the Philippines or any of its corporations are hereby withdrawn upon the effectivity of this Code.
political subdivisions except when the beneficial use thereof has been (f) Real property exempt from real property tax under the provisons of
granted, for consideration or otherwise, to a taxable person; special laws, such as those exempted by virtue of the provisions of Section 9
(b) Charitable institutions, churches, parsonages or convents appurtenant of RA 9511 which provided for NGCP tax liabilities and exemption.
thereto, mosques, nonprofit or religious cemeteries and all lands, buildings, (g)Real property in the Philippines owned by other sovereign nation exempt
and improvements actually, directly, and exclusively used for religious, by virtue of the principle of comity in international law.
charitable or educational purposes; (h)Local tax exemption ordinances.
(c) All machineries and equipment that are actually, directly and exclusively
used by local water districts and government-owned or -controlled Listing of Idle Lands by the Assessor. - The provincial, city or municipal
corporations engaged in the supply and distribution of water and/or assessor shall make and keep an updated record of all idle lands located
generation and transmission of electric power; within his area of jurisdiction. For purposes of collection, the provincial,
(d) All real property owned by duly registered cooperatives as provided for city or municipal assessor shall furnish a copy thereof to the provincial or
under R. A. No. 6938; and city treasurer who shall notify, on the basis of such record, the owner of the
(e) Machinery and equipment used for pollution control and environmental property or person having legal interest therein of the imposition of the
protection. Except as provided herein, any exemption from payment of real additional tax. (Section 239, LGC)
property tax previously granted to, or presently enjoyed by, all persons,
whether natural or juridical, including all government-owned or -controlled Page 266
corporations are hereby withdrawn upon the effectivity of this Code. FACT BASED PROBLEM: The government, through the Civil
Aeronautics Administration, expropriated a parcel of land needed for
Page 13 of 57
the airport, assessment of real property taxes dues on the said parcel of of LLL based on the assessment for delinquent property taxes for the
land with improvements was issued by the local assessor who insisted in years 2013 to 2016.
collecting from the CAA the real property taxes due thereon. CAA (A) Are the reclaimed properties registered in the name f LLL subject
refused to pay. Decide the case with reasons. (1972) to real property tax?
Page 14 of 57
PNR, seeking refuge under the principle that the government cannot b. leases the real property to a business establishment.
tax itself, insist that the PNR lands and buildings are owned by the c. gratuitously allows its use for educational purposes by a school
Republic. Is the PNR exempt from real property tax? Explain your established for profit.
answer. d. sells the property to a government-owned non-profit corporation. (2011)
Page 15 of 57
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. The beneficial use of the property is b. What will your answer be under the same facts, except that the lessee
extended to the mining company, hence subject to tax. is the Boys' Town, Inc., a registered and government recognized
charitable organization? Said lessee will use the lands in its prawn
NOTE NOT PART OF THE ANSWER: The reader should note the culture and export business (1) to provide useful compensated
difference between this 1984 question and the previous 1971 question. Here employment for the inmates as part of their character building and
the subject is taxation of the use of the mineral lands and not taxation on the rehabilitation, and (2) to raise revenue for the exclusive use of Boys'
improvements as in the 1971 Bar problem. Town, Inc. (1987)
Page 281 SUGGESTED ANSWERS: In both instances, the property shall be subject
In 2016, United Mining Corporation (UMC) leased from the to tax.
government 280 hectares of placer mining claims located in Surigao
with the right to explore, extract, and dispose of mineral products. The In a) the user Aqua-Culture, Inc., is subject to tax because the basis of real
lease contract stipulates that the lessee shall pay real estate tax on all property taxation is use and not ownership.
buildings and other improvements made on the leased premises. In
2016, the Provincial Assessor of Surigao declared the leased property in In b) the property is not actually directly and exclusively used for charitable
the name of UMC and thereafter assessed said corporation for real purposes and the land is used for commercial purposes, and the benefit to
property tax. Despite receipt of said assessment, UMC refused to pay the inmates is merely incidental in character.
contending that it was merely a lessee of the land in question.
May an action to compel payment of real property tax be successfully Page 282
prosecuted against UMC? Reasons. (1985, dates supplied) The Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), a government
agency, owns a 25 hectare lot in San Pedro, Laguna which GSIS
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. UMC's agreement to pay the real estate tax subdivided into small lots for sale to government employees. MS, a
on all buildings and other improvements made on the leased premises binds school teacher, purchased a 150 sq. meter lot from the GSIS under a
it to pay such real property taxes on such properties. Contract to Sell with the following terms (1) MS shall pay the purchase
price in 25 years in 50 semi annual equal installments, with interest at
UMC is also subject to payment of the real property taxes on government 12% per annum on the outstanding balance; (2) title of the lot shall be
owned leased lands because it enjoys the beneficial use of the same and transferred to MS only upon full payment of the purchase price; (3) MS
there is no showing in the problem that it enjoys exemption from such taxes. may take immediate possession of the lot andconstruct thereon his
It should be subject to the tax because the basis of real property taxation is house. After the signing of the Contract to Sell, MS built a house on the
use and not ownership. lot.
xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Page 282 b. Is the GSIS subject to real estate tax on the 150-square meter lot
The NPC, a government-owned corporation is, under its Charter after the signing of the said Contract to Sell with MS? Explain. (1990,
exempt from all taxes, national and local. Seeing no immediate need for paraphrasing supplied)
its vacant land with an area of about 30 hectares, it leased the same to
the Aqua-Culture, Inc., an enterprise engaged in extensive prawn SUGGESTED ANSWER: GSIS is not subject to real estate tax because the
culture for export. beneficial use has shifted to the buyer, MS, as he has already built a house
on the lot. The basis for real property taxation is use, not ownership, hence
The Assessor declared the property for real estate tax purpose, to which MS must pay.
NPC objected because of its exemption.
a. How will you decide the matter? Explain. Page 283
Page 16 of 57
Mr. Amado leased a piece of land owned by the Municipality of therefor, in accordance with the terms of the lease agreement. Is the
Pinagsabitan and built a warehouse on the property for his business contention of JEC correct? Explain your answer. (2009 dates supplied)
operations. The Municipal Assessor assessed Mr. Amado for real
property taxes on the land and the warehouse. Mr. Amado objected to SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. Real property taxes are to be paid by the user
the assessment contending that he should not be asked to pay realty of the property, which in this case is JEC and not RPC. In using the power
taxes on the land since it is municipal property. Was the assessment barges to convert the fuel to electricity, it is evident that the one using the
proper? (2013) power barges is JEC. Furthermore, it is clear from the problem that RPC
does not enjoy an exemption because it is not an instrumentality of the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes, the assessment is proper. Philippine Government. Government owned and controlled corporations are
not exempt from the payment of real property taxes.
As a general rule, land owned by the Philippine government or any of its
political subdivisions is exempt from real property taxes. However, there is The contract between RPC and JEC does not bind the local government of
no exemption if the beneficial use is given to a taxable person because the Batangas City not being a party to the contract. Finally, who should pay
basis of real property taxation is use and not ownership. [LGC, Sec 234(a)] taxes is determined by law and not the contractual relation between parties.
In the problem, the beneficial use of the property owned by the Municipality Page 285
of Pinagsabitan was given to Mr, Amado, hence he must pay the tax. Republic Power Corporation (RPC) is a government-owned and
controlled corporation engaged in the supply, generation and
Page 285 transmission of electric power. In 2014, in order to provide electricity to
Republic Power Corporation (RPC) is a government-owned and Southern Tagalog provinces, RPC entered into an agreement with
controlled corporation engaged in the supply, generation and Jethro Energy Corporation (JEC), for the lease of JEC‟s power barges
transmission of electric power. In 2014, in order to provide electricity to which shall be berthed at the port of Batangas City. The contract
Southern Tagalog provinces, RPC entered into an agreement with provides that JEC shall own the power barges and the fixtures, fittings,
Jethro Energy Corporation (JEC), for the lease of JEC's power barges machinery, and equipment therein, all of the which JEC shall supply at
which shall be berthed at the port of Batangas City. The contract its own cost, and the JEC shall operate, manage and maintain the
provides that JEC shall own the power barges and the fixtures, fittings, power barges for the purpose of converting the fuel of RPC into
machinery, and equipment therein, all of the which JEC shall supply at electricity. The contract also stipulates that the real estate taxes and
its own cost, and that JEC shall operate, manage and maintain the assessments, rates and other charges, in respect of the power barges,
power barges for the purpose of converting the fuel of RPC into shall be for the account of RPC.
In 2016, JEC received an assessment of real property taxes in the power
The contract also stipulates that the real estate taxes and assessments, barges from the Assessor of Batangas City. JEC sought reconsideration
rates and other charges, in respect of the power barges, shall be for the of the assessment on the ground that the power barges are exempt from
account of RPC. real estate taxes under Section 234 (c) of R.A. 7160 as they are actually,
directly and exclusively used by RPC, a government-owned and
In 2016, JEC received an assessment of real property taxes in the power controlled corporation. Furthermore, even assuming that the power
barges from the Assessor of Batangas City. JEC sought reconsideration barges are subject to real property tax, RPC should be held liable
of the assessment on the ground that the power barges are exempt from therefor, in accordance with the terms of the lease agreement. Is the
real estate taxes under Section 234 (c) of R.A. 7160 as they are actually, contention of JEC correct? Explain. (2009 dates supplied)
directly and exclusively used by RPC, a government owned and
controlled corporation. Furthermore, even assuming that the power Suggested Answer:
barges are subject to real property tax, RPC should be held liable
Page 17 of 57
No. Real property taxes are to be paid by the user of the property, which in Suggested Answer:
this case is JEC and not RPC. In using the power barges to convert the fuel The distinctions between “fair market value” and “assessed value” are the
to electricity, it is evident that the one using the power barges is JEC. following:
Furthermore, it is clear from the problem that RPC does not enjoy an 1. Determination. Fair market value is declared by the owner subject to final
exemption because it is not an instrumentality of the Philippine determination by the assessor while assessed value is determined by the
Government. application of the assessment level to the fair market value.
Government owned and controlled corporations are not exempt from 2. Basis. Fair market value is supposed to be the actual value of the real
payment of real property taxes. The contract between RPC and JEC does property in the open market while assessed value is merely a percentage of
not bind the local government of Batangas City not being a party to the the fair market value depending on the assessment level of the property in
contract. Finally, who should pay the taxes is determined by law and not the question.
contractual relation between the parties. [FELS Energy, Inc. v. The Province
of Batangas, 516 SCRA 186 (2007)] Page 305
On December 29, 2006, the City of Manila sold to the Army and Navy
Page 290 Club a certain portion of the reclaimed land now known as New Luneta
The Government Service Insurance System (GSIS), government at P400.00 per square meter under the condition that the property shall
agency, owns a 25 hectare lot in San Pedro, Laguna which GSIS be exempt from taxation for a period of ten years from the date of the
subdivided into small lots for sale to government employees. MS, a certificate of the City Engineer that place is ready for building
school teacher, purchased a 150 sq. meter lot from the GSIS under a purposes, and that after 50 years, the City may repurchase the premises
Contract to Sell with the following terms (1) MS shall pay the purchase for a public purpose at the same price for which it was sold. In 2016,
price in 25 years in 50 semi-annual equal instalments, with interest at after the expiration of the period of exemption, the city assessor
12% per annum on the outstanding balance; (2) title of the lot shall be assessed the property at P55,000.00 per square meter and collected the
transferred to MS only upon full payment of the purchase price; (3) MS taxes which the Army and Navy Club paid under protest. Action was
may take immediate possession of the lot and construct thereon his instituted to recover the amount paid under protest, claiming that the
house. After signing the Contract to Sell, MS built a house on the lot. property should be assessed only at the amount for which the property
should be resold to the City. Is the contention meritorious? Why?
a. Is the GSIS subject to real estate tax in the150-square meter lot prior (1975, dates supplied and reworded)
to the signing of the said Contract to Sell with MS? Explain. (1990,
paraphrasing supplied) Suggested Answer:
No. The basis for the real property taxation is the fair market value or “cash
Suggested Answer: value” which is the amount of money a purchaser willing but not obliged to
GSIS is not subject to real estate taxes. The exemption of GSIS was buy the property would pay to an owner willing but not obliged to sell it,
removed from the Local Government Code but restored by the Government taking into consideration all uses to which the property is adopted and might
Insurance System Act of 1997 which provides in its Sec. 39, that “xxx in reason be applied. (Army and Navy Club, etc. v. Trinidad, etc., No. L-
notwithstanding any laws to the contrary, the GSIS, its assets, revenues 1927, January 26, 1923)
including accruals thereto, and benefits paid, shall be exempt from all
taxes.” (City of Davao, et al. v. Regional Trial Court, Branch XII, Davao Page 305
City, et al., G.R. No. 127383, August 18, 2005) A lot in Caloocan is leased to a “Hospicio” to be used exclusively for
purely charitable purposes and is so used. The owner, an individual, did
Page 300 not declare the lot for real property tax purposes on the belief that it is
Distinguish “fair market value” from “assessed value” for purposes of exempt, being exclusively devoted to purely charitable purposes. The
realty tax. (1977) assessor believed otherwise and issued a tax declaration and assessment
Page 18 of 57
notice on the individual owner on the theory that the owner is not The Philippine-British Association, Inc. (Association) is a non-stock,
himself exempt for he is not a charitable institution. How would you non-profit organization which owns the St. Michael‟s Hospital
decide the matter? (1979) (Hospital). Sec. 216 in relation to Sec. 215 of the LGC classifies all
lands, buildings and other improvements thereon actually, directly, and
Suggested Answer: I would decide in favour of the assessor with respect to exclusively used for hospitals as “special.” A special classification
the issuance of a tax declaration. prescribes a lower assessment than a commercial classification.
It is required that all property, taxable or exempt, should be covered by a tax Within the premises of the Hospital, the Association constructed the St.
declaration (LGC, Sec. 202), and in case of failure or refusal by the person Michael‟s Medical Arts Center (Center) which will house medical
required to make the declaration, the assessor is duty bound to make such practitioners who will lease the spaces therein for their clinics at
declaration. (Ibid., Sec. 204) prescribed rental rates. The doctors who treat the patients confined in
the Hospital are accredited by the Association.
Page 313
The real property of Mr. and Mrs. Angeles, situated in a commercial The City Assessor classified the Center as “commercial” instead of
area in front of the public market, was declared in their Tax “special” on the ground that the Hospital owner gets income from the
Declaration as residential because it had been used by them as their lease of its spaces to doctors who also entertain out-patients. Is the City
family residence from the time of its construction in 2003. Assessor correct in classifying the Center as “commercial”? Explain.
However, in January 2013, when the spouses left for the United States
to stay there permanently with their children, the property has been Suggested Answer:
rented to single proprietor engaged in the sale of appliances and agri- No. The City Assessor is not correct in classifying the Center as
products. The Provincial Assessor reclassified the property as “commercial.”
commercial for tax purposes starting January 2016. Mr. and Mrs.
Angeles appealed to the Local Board of Assessment Appeals, The fact alone that the separate St. Michael’s Medical Arts Center will
contending that the Tax Declaration previously classifying their house medical practitioners who shall treat the patients confined in the
property as residential is binding. How should the appeal be decided? Hospital and are accredited by the Association takes away the said Medical
(2002, dates supplied) Arts Center from being categorized as “commercial” since a tertiary hospital
is required by law to have a pool of physicians who comprise the required
Suggested Answer: medical departments in various medical fields. [City Assessor of Cebu City
The appeal should be decided in favour of the Provincial Assessor. v Association of Benevola de Cebu, Inc., 524 SCRA 128 (2007)]
The purpose of a tax declaration is to determine the assessment levels and Page 322
does not bind the assessor. A tax declaration only enables the assessor to 1. In connection with the real property tax on a house and lot, who in
identify the property for purposes of determining the assessment levels. It brief and general terms, determines:
does not bind the assessor when he makes his assessment because, “Real xxx xxx xxx
property shall be classified, valued and assessed on the basis of its actual
use regardless of where located, whoever owns it, and whoever uses it.” b. The assessment level, xxx xxx.” (1985, paraphrasing supplied)
(LGC, Sec. 271) Furthermore, “Real property shall be classified for
assessment purposes on the basis of its actual use.” [Ibid., Sec. 198(b)] Suggested Answer:
The assessment level is fixed by ordinances of the appropriate
Page 318 Sangguniangs. (LGC, Sec.218)
Page 19 of 57
c. The tax rate? (1985, paraphrasing supplied) who demanded payment of the deficiency real property taxes from 1996
to 2017. Has the action prescribed?
Suggested Answer: The tax rate is also fixed by ordinances of the
appropriate Sangguniangs. (LGC, Sec. 232) a. No, the deficiency taxes may be collected within 10 years from when
they fell due.
Page 325 b. No, the deficiency taxes for the period 1996 up to 2017 may still be
2. For purposes of real property taxes, the tax rates are applied on: collected within 10 years from March 2017.
a. Zonal values c. Yes. More than 10 years had lapsed for the period 1996 up to 2016.
b. Fair market value Hence, the right to collect the deficiency taxes has prescribed.
c. Assessed values d. Yes. More than 5 years had lapsed for the collection of the deficiency
d. Reproduction values (2012) taxes for the period 1996 up to 2011.
Page 20 of 57
c. That the public auction made on her property is void. Discuss the Joachin was deprived of due process because the proceedings for the taking
merits of the appeal. (1992) of his real property being in personam requires that he be personally
informed of such taking through a warrant of levy.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The appeal would prosper because the action is
void. There is no showing in the problem that Edna was furnished a copy of Page 358
the warrant of levy. The LGC mandates the registered owner should be Ms Edna Dinoso is a registered owner of a residential lot with a two-
furnished a copy of the notice of delinquency and the warrant of levy. storey house situated in Naga City. The lot with an area of 328 sq.
meters is described and covered by TCT# 4739 of the Registry of Deeds
Page 353: of Naga City. On September 12, 2006, a 115 sq. meter portion of
Quezon City published on January 30, 2008 a list of delinquent real Edna‟s property was expropriated by the Republic of the Philippines
property owners in 2 newspaper of general circulation and posted this for the sum of P6,700.00 representing the assessed value of the
in the main lobby of the City Hall. The notice requires all owners of aforesaid portion. This amount was deposited by the Government in
real properties in the list to pay the real property tax due within 30 Edna‟s account.
days from the date of publication, otherwise the properties listed shall
be sold at public auction. For almost 10 years, Edna failed to pay her real estate taxes on the
same property. Thus, on November 5, 2015 her property was sold at
Joachin is one of those named in the list. He purchased a real property public auction by the City Treasurer of Naga City to satisfy her real
in 1998 but failed to register the document of sale with the Register of estate tax delinquencies amounting to P5,800.00. The highest bidder for
Deeds and secure a new real property tax declaration in his name. He the property was Angel Chua. Edna was not present at the public
alleged that the auction sale of his property is void for lack of due auction although she later admitted having received the notice of
process considering that the City Treasurer did not send him personal hearing for the petition for entry of a new certificate of title by Angel
notice. For his part, the City Treasurer maintains that publication and Chua. (Both the auction sale and final bill of sale were annotated at the
posting of notice are sufficient compliance with the requirement of the back of TCT# 4739 by the Register of Deeds).
On March 15, 2016, Edna filed a complaint to annul the auction sale
a. If you were the judge, how will you resolve this issue? (2006) which was denied by the RTC Judge of Naga City. In fact, the RTC
Judge ordered that TCT# 4739 of Edna be cancelled and that a new
SUGGESTED ANSWER: I would resolve the issue in the Treasurer’s title be issued to Angel Chua. On appeal, the Court of Appeal affirmed
favor. This is so because Joachin is not entitled to notice as he was not the the RTC decision in toto. Edna then elevated the case to the Supreme
registered owner. Court citing several grave errors of law, among which are:
b. Assuming Joachin is a registered owner, will your answer be the a. That her tax delinquencies (involving P5,800.00) for non-payment of
same? (2006) real estate taxes were offset by the sum of P6,700.00 which the
Government of the Philippines owed her. She claims that her tax
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. there was failure by the Treasurer to delinquencies have been extinguished by legal compensation.
comply with Sec. 258 of the LGC of 1991 which provides that, “the warrant
shall be mailed to or served upon the delinquent owner of the property or b. That the price of P8,500.00 paid by Angel Chua was grossly
person having legal interest therein, or in case he is out of the country or inadequate and that because of its inadequacy, the same is tantamount
cannot be located, to the administrator or occupant of the property.” to deprivation of property without due process of law. (1992)
Page 21 of 57
a. There is no legal compensation because there is no mutuality of debtor The reader should note that the answer would be different if the
creditor relationship. In one instance, Edna is the creditor and the debtor is property involved is real property. This is so, because there is a need to
the national government. In the second instance, Edna is the debtor but the furnish a copy to the delinquent taxpayer of the notice of sale of real
creditor is not the national government, but a local government unit. property, otherwise, the sale is invalid.
b. Gross inadequacy of the sale does not amount to deprivation of property Page 364
without due process in the instance where there is redemption because it XYZ owns a 986 square meter lot bordering the sea. He has not paid
would be easier to redeem the property. In this case, Edna could easily the real property taxes due thereon for 3 years before the said parcel
redeem the property because of the low price. was entirely eaten by the sea. Discuss his liability for the unpaid
delinquency taxes. (1985)
Page 363
After causing the publication of a notice of delinquency for real SUGGESTED ANSWER:
property taxes covering a period of 5 years on Mr. Jose Santos‟ house XYZ is liable for the unpaid delinquency taxes which could be collected
in Lagro, Novaliches, QC, the City Treasurer of QC checked with the from him by the government through distraint of personal property or
LTO and found that a 2002 Mercedez Benz Model 600 was registered in through judicial action. The loss extinguished the tax lien but not the
the name of Mr. Santos. The City Treasurer immediately issued a duly liability.
authenticated certificate showing the fact of delinquency and the
amount of tax and penalty due and forthwith seized and placed under Page 369
distraint Mr. Santos‟ Mercedez Benz and advertised the same for sale In view of the street widening and cementing of roads and the
at public auction. Mr. Santos charged the City Treasurer with grave improvement of drainage and sewers in the district of Ermita, the City
abuse of discretion, claiming that the real property tax was a lien on the Council of the City of Manila passed an ordinance imposing and
property subject to tax and enforceable against the said property, collecting a special levy on lands in the district. Jose Reyes, a landowner
whether in the possession of the delinquent taxpayer or any subsequent and resident of Ermita, submitted a protest against the special levy 15
owner or possessor thereof. days after the last publication of the ordinance alleging that the
maximum rate of 60% of actual cost of the project allowed under Sec.
Such being the case, Mr. Santos argued that the City Treasurer should 240 of the Local Government Code was exceeded. Assuming that Jose
have proceeded against the real property itself. He also contended that Reyes is able to prove that the rate of special levy is more than the
he was denied fie process because no formal demand had been made on aforesaid percentage limitation, will his protest prosper? (1991)
him for the payment of the realty tax and the penalty due. How valid is
the position of Mr. Santos. Explain. (1983) SUGGESTED ANSWER:
No. The protest will not prosper. Jose Reyes’ basis for the protest was
SUGGESTED ANSWER: unreasonably excessive payment. Payment under protest is thus an
The position of Mr. Santos is not valid. administrative precondition for the suit. He did not comply with this
The remedy of distraint of personal properties belonging to the taxpayer is requirement hence, the protest will not prosper.
one of the remedies for the enforcement of collection of real property taxes.
There is no need for a formal demand for the payment of the realty tax Page 374
because the requirement is posting of the notice when the tax may be paid Madam X owns real property in Caloocan City. On July 1, 2016, she
without interest at a conspicuous and publicly accessible place at the city or received a notice of assessment from the City Assessor, informing her of
municipal hall. Said notice shall likewise be published in a newspaper of a deficiency tax on her property. She wants to contest the assessment.
general circulation in the locality once a week for 2 consecutive weeks. May Madam X refuse to pay the deficiency tax assessment during the
pendency of her appeal? (2014)
Author‟s view:
Page 22 of 57
No. The payment of the deficiency tax is a condition before Madam X’s During the first 5 years of its operation, or up to 2015, a domestic
protest may be given due course by a court if there is an administrative manufacturing corporation paid voluntary real estate taxes on its plant
denial of her disputing the imposition of the deficiency tax. machinery and equipment.
Payment of the real property tax assessed under protest is a condition sine Realizing later that it did not have to do so since machineries are
qua non before a trial court could assume jurisdiction over a petition for exempt from realty taxes, it being registered under the Board of
prohibition relative to the collection of said taxes. If there is a failure to do Investments, the company filed a claim for refund in 2016. The claim
so, the RTC has no jurisdiction to entertain it. was denied by the Provincial Treasurer on the ground that payment of
the real taxes was made voluntarily without protest.
The restriction is consistent with the doctrine that the taxes are the lifeblood
of the nation, and as such, their collection cannot be curtailed by injunction a. Under the facts, is protest a condition precedent for the company to
or any like action; otherwise, the state or, in this case, the local government file a claim for refund?
unit, shall be crippled in dispensing the needed services to the people, and b. Under what principle of law may taxes paid through error be
its machinery gravely disabled. recovered? (1980)
Thus, a trial court has no jurisdiction to entertain a petition for prohibition SUGGESTED ANSWER:
absent payment under protest of the tax assessed. a. No, since the payment was made through mistake under solution indebiti.
Page 375 b. Through the principle of solution indebiti, that no one should unjustly
As as result of an erroneous or illegal assessment by the provincial or enrich himself at the expense of another.
city assessor. What should be done in such instance to avoid an
injustice? Page 380
a. Question the legality of the no-refund rule before the Supreme Court. AB, by mistake, overpaid the real estate taxes he has to pay Baguio
b. Enact a new ordinance amending the erroneous or illegal assessment City. He would now like to recover the excess payment and receipt of
to correct the error. the excess tax due to the mutual mistake giving rise to an obligation to
c. Subsequent adjustment in tax computation and the application of the return under the doctrine of quasi-contract.
excess payment to future real property tax liabilities.
d. Pass a new ordinance providing for the refund of real property taxes Conferring with the city authorities of Baguio, he was assured that no
that have been erroneously or illegally collected. opposition would be filed to his suit to recover. On the basis of the
foregoing facts, will AB‟s recovery suit prosper? Discuss. (1985)
Page 378
A taxpayer who overpaid a real property taxes to the City of Manila SUGGESTED ANSWER:
sought by legal action the recovery of the excess payment on the theory No. He has failed to exhaust his administrative remedies by applying for a
that the payment and receipt of money under a mutual mistake of fact refund or credit with the Local Treasurer.
gave use to an obligation to return the mistaken payment under the
doctrine of quasi-contracts. Is such an argument sound and Page 381
sustainable? Why? (1975) Explain briefly but comprehensively the recourse of real property
owner who I not satisfied with the action of the Provincial assessor in
SUGGESTED ANSWER: the assessment of the property.What action or procedure may be
Yes. The argument is sound and sustainable because the government should taken?
not unjustly enrich itself at the expense of the taxpayer.
Page 23 of 57
SUGGESTED ANSWER: a. To file a claim for the refund in the CTA if he has paid the tax, within 30
The procedure for appealing or contesting an assessment of real property days from the date of payment
a. Within 30 days from revision assessment, the assessor furnishes the b. To file an appeal with the Provincial Board of Assessment Appeals
declarant of a copy of the new assessment. within 30 days from the receipt of the assessment
b. Within 60 days from receipt of the new assessment, the dissatisfied owner c. To file an appeal with the Provincial Board of Assessment Appeals within
appeals to the LBAA, (1) under oath (2) with copies of tax declaration and 60 days from the receipt of the assessment.
evidence. d. To file an appeal with the Provincial Board of Assessment Appeals
c. Within 30 days from receipt of the LBAA’s adverse decision, the within 60 days from the receipt of the assessment and paying the assessed
dissatisfied owner of the property appeals o the CBAA, whose decision is tax under protest.
final and executory.
d. Within 30 days from receipt of CBAA’s adverse decision, the dissatisfied Page 391
owner may appeal to CTA en Banc by filing a verified Petition for Review A made a sworn declaration of his real property to have a value of P100
within 15 days from the receipt of judgment. If the MR is filed with CTA en per sq. m. The City assessed the same property at P50 per sq. m. What
banc is the remedy of A if he would like to maintain his declared value?
e. An adverse decision of the CTA en banc may be the subject of MR within (page 391)
15 days from the receipt of the judgment. If the MR filed with CT en banc is
unavailing, the denial is appealed to SC by way of Petition for Review on SUGGESTED ANSWER:
Certiorari raising only pure questions of law. The SC may fro justifiable a. Within 30 days from revision assessment, the assessor furnishes the
reasons grant extension of 30 days only to file the Petition. declarant of a copy of the new assessment.
b. Within 60 days from receipt of the new assessment, the dissatisfied owner
Page 391 appeals to the LBAA, (1) under oath (2) with copies of tax declaration and
Razon failed to file sworn statement declaring the true value of his evidence.
property as required under Sec. 202 RA 7160 GC of 1991. The c. Within 30 days from receipt of the LBAA’s adverse decision, the
Provincial Assessor of Rizal, made the declaration by authority of Sec dissatisfied owner of the property appeals o the CBAA, whose decision is
204 of LGC and assessed the property for taxation and asked him to final and executory.
pay the corresponding real estate tax. Upon receipt of the assessment, d. Within 30 days from receipt of CBAA’s adverse decision, the dissatisfied
Razon appealed to the Board of Assessment Appeals. The Provincial owner may appeal to CTA en Banc by filing a verified Petition for Review
Assessor argued that Razon is barred from contesting the real estate within 15 days from the receipt of judgment. If the MR is filed with CTA en
assessment because he failed to file sworn statement as required under banc
the LGC. Decide. e. An adverse decision of the CTA en banc may be the subject of MR within
15 days from the receipt of the judgment. If the MR filed with CT en banc is
A: The case should be decided in favor of Razon because the Provincial unavailing, the denial is appealed to SC by way of Petition for Review on
Assessor‟s contention is without merit. Since Razon is dissatisfied with Certiorari raising only pure questions of law.
the assessment made by the Provincial Assessor, within 60 days from the
receipt thereof, he may appeal the same to the LBAA under oath and with On motion duly filed and served, and the full payment of the docket
the copies of the tax declaration and his evidence. and other lawful fees before the reglementary period, the SC may for
justifiable reasons grant extension of 30 days only to file the Petition.
The LGC authorizes which authorizes the appeal does not distinguish The PHILCORP, as part of its expansion, erected 2 office buildings, 2
whether the declaration was made by the taxpayer or the assessor. factories, and 3 warehouses, all located in Paranaque, which were all
Where the real property tax assessment is ERRONEOUS, the remedy finished and fully occupied on January 3, 2016. On July 31, 2016,
of the real property owner is PHILCORP received a notice dated January 20, 2016 demanding
payment of the 2016 real property tax on the mentioned structures,
Page 24 of 57
according to the revised tax declaration prepared by the Office of the c. If the protest is denied or upon the lapse of 60 days without any decision
Municipal Assessor. As counsel of PHILCORP, advise you client. from the Treasurer, X may appeal by filing a petition under oath to the City
Explain. Board of Assessment Appeals which has 120 days to decide.
d. Within 30 days from the receipt of adverse decision of City Board of
SUGGESTED ANSWER: I would advise PHILCORP to file a case before Assessment Appeals, X may appeal to CBAA, whose decision is final and
the RTC of Paranaque questioning the validity of the assessment on a pure executory.
question of law to determine when the real property tax is due. There is no e. Within 30 days from receipt of CBAA’s adverse decision, X may appeal
factual issue involved; hence the LBAA has no jurisdiction. to CTA en Banc by filing a verified Petition for Review within 15 days from
the receipt of judgment. If the MR is filed with CTA en banc, adverse
Page 393 decision may be the subject of MR within 15 days from the receipt of the
February 13, 1998, X obtained a loan of 800K from GSIS secured with judgment.
REM of land with improvements. X failed to pay the loan. The lot was f. If the MR filed with CT en banc is unavailing, the denial is appealed to
foreclosed and sold at public auction to the GSIS as the highest bidder. SC by way of Petition for Review on Certiorari raising only pure questions
X failed to redeem and consolidated the title in 2014. In 2016, however, of law.
GSIS allowed X t repurchase the lot. After assessment by the City
Assessor, City Treasurer required X to pay the real estate taxes for On motion duly filed and served, and the full payment of the docket and
2014 to 2015. On September 5, 2016, X sent a demand letter to the City other lawful fees before the reglementary period, the SC may fro justifiable
Treasurer for refund, but was refused. X filed with RTC a complaint reasons grant extension of 30 days only to file the Petition.
against the City Treasurer for the recovery of the real estate taxes paid
under protest. The City Treasurer question the jurisdiction of the Page 397
court. Decide. The LGC does not provide for the review by the SC of the decision of
the CBAA. What then is the remedy available to the taxpayer adversely
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The City is correct. RTC has no jurisdiction affected by the decision of the said board? (page 397)
because the failure of X to exhaust is administrative remedies.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Appeal to the CTA en banc within 30 days from
Since the issue is the validity of the assessment, X must file first an appeal receipt of the adverse decision of the CBAA.
with LBAA, then to the CBAA. After which, he should appeal the decision
of CBAA to CTA en banc, then to SC. Page 399
A Co., a Philippine corporation, is the owner of the machinery,
X owns real property in Caloocan. On July 1, 2016, she received a equipment and fixtures located at its plant in Muntinlupa City. The
notice of assessment from the City Assessor, informing her of a City Assessor characterized all these properties as real properties
deficiency tax on her property. She wants to contest the assessment. subject to real property tax. A Co. appealed the matter to the Board of
What are the administrative remedies? (page 394) Assessment Appeals. The Board ruled in favor of the City in
accordance with RA 1125 (An Act creating CTA). A Co brought the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: petition for review before the CTA to appeal the decision of the City
a. She should pay the deficiency tax. Board of Assessment Appeals. Is the Petition proper?
b. She should protest the payment by having annotated on the tax receipts
“paid under protest”. I X did not make a protest upon payment, she must SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. It is the CBAA that has jurisdiction to
protest in writing which must be filed, within 30 days from payment of the review the cases originally decided by the City Board of Assessment
tax to the Caloocan City Treasurer who shall decide within 60 days from Appeals.
Page 25 of 57
CTA has exclusive appellate jurisdiction to review by appeal the decisions An assessment issued as a result of the waiver of the prescriptive period is
of the CBAA. known as an “extended assessment”, which has a prescriptive period for
collection of five (5) years from the time of issuance of the assessment.
3. Waiver of Statute of Limitations
Guidlelines on proper execution of waivers
Waiver of the Statute of Limitations
1. The waiver may be, but not necessarily, in the form prescribed by RMO
Section 222 (b) of the NIRC, as amended, provides that the CIR or her duly No. 20-90 or RDAO No. 05-01. The taxpayer's failure to follow the aforesaid
authorized representative and the taxpayer or its authorized representative forms does not invalidate the executed waiver, for as long as the following
may agree in writing as to a specific future date within which to assess the are complied with:
taxpayer for internal revenue taxes for a given taxable period, before the
expiration of the period to assess taxes. a) The Waiver of the Statute of Limitations under Section 222 (b) and (d)
shall be executed before the expiration of the period to assess or to collect
The waiver of the Statute of Limitations should not be construed as a waiver taxes. The date of execution shall be specifically indicated in the waiver.
of the right to invoke the defense of prescription but rather an agreement
between the taxpayer and the BIR to extend the period to a date certain, b) The waiver shall be signed by the taxpayer himself or his duly authorized
within which the latter could still assess or collect taxes due. The waiver representative. ln the case of a corporation, the waiver must be signed by
does not mean that the taxpayer relinquishes the right to invoke any of its responsible officials;
prescription unequivocally (BPI v. CIR, GR No. 139736, October 17, 2005).
c) The expiry date of the period agreed upon to assess/collect the tax after
A waiver of the statute of limitation under the NIRC, to a certain extent, is a the regular three-year period of prescription should be indicated;
derogation of the taxpayer’s right to security against prolonged and
2. Except for waiver of collection of taxes which shall indicate the
unscrupulous investigations and must therefore be carefully and strictly
particular taxes assessed, the waiver need not specify the particular
construed (Phil. Journalists, Inc. v. CIR, G.R. No. 162852, December 16,
taxes to be assessed nor the amount thereof, and it may simply
state "all internal revenue taxes" considering that during the
The CIR cannot validly agree to reduce the prescriptive period to less than assessment stage, the Commissioner of lnternal Revenue or her
that granted by law because it would result to the detriment of the State. duly authorized representative is still in the process of examining
Such reduction diminishes the Government’s opportunity to collect taxes and determining the tax liability of the taxpayer.
(Republic v. Lopez, G.R. L-18007, March 30, 1967). 3. Since the taxpayer is the applicant and the executor of the
extension of the period of limitation for its benefit in order to
The taxpayer’s waiver of statute of limitation does not cover taxes already submit the required documents and accounting records, the
prescribed (Republic v. Lim De Yu, G.R. No. L-17438, April 30, 1964). taxpayer is charged with the burden of ensuring that the waivers of
statute of limitation are validly executed by its authorized
Extended assessement representative. The authority of the taxpayer's representative who
participated in the conduct of audit or investigation shall not be
Page 26 of 57
thereafter contested to invalidate the waiver.
objection against their validity until he was assessed, said taxpayer is
4. The waiver may be notarized. However, it is sufficient that the estopped from questioning the validity of its waivers. The application of
waiver is in writing as specifically provided by the NIRC, as estoppel is necessary to prevent the undue injury that the government
would suffer because of the cancellation of assessment of taxpayer’s tax
5. Considering that the waiver is a voluntary act of the taxpayer, the waiver liabilities (CIR v. Next Mobile Inc., G.R. No. 212825, December 07, 2015).
shall take legal effect and be binding on the taxpayer upon its
execution thereof.
Taxpayer is also estopped from questioning the waiver if it had impliedly
admitted the validity of the said waivers. Had it believed that the waiver
6. lt shall be the duty of the taxpayer to submit its duly executed waiver to was invalid and that the period to assess had effective prescribed, the
the CIR or officialis previously designated in existing issuances or the taxpayer could have refused to make any payment based on any
concerned revenue district officer or group supervisor as designated assessment against it (RCBC v. CIR, G.R. 170257, September 7, 2011).
in the Letter Of Authority/Memorandum of Assignment who shall
then indicate acceptance by signing the same. Such waiver shall be NOTE: The period to assess can likewise be suspended under Section 223 of
executed and duly accepted prior to the expiration of the period to the NIRC. Refer to “Suspension of prescriptive periods” for complete
assess or to collect. The taxpayer shall have the duty to retain a discussion.
copy of the accepted waiver.
Q: In 1993, the BIR issued against respondent assessment notice for
7. Note that there shall only be two (2) material dates that need to be deficiency income tax for 1989. A waiver of the defense of prescription was
present on the waiver:
a. The date of execution of the waiver by executed but it was not signed by the Commissioner or any of his authorized
the taxpayer or its authorized representative; and
b. The expiry representatives and did not state the date of acceptance. Has the right to
date of the period the taxpayer waives the statute of limitations
collect of the
8. Before the expiration of the period set on the previously executed Commissioner prescribed? A: YES. The Court held that the Commissioner’s
waiver, the period earlier set may be extended by subsequent right to collect has prescribed. The period to assess and collect deficiency
written waiver (RMO 14-2016). taxes may be extended only upon a written agreement between the
Commissioner and the taxpayer prior to the expiration of the three-year
Effect of failure to conform to the requirements of waiver of the statute of prescribed period. The BIR cannot claim the benefits of extending the period
limitations when it was the BIR’s inaction which is the proximate cause of the defects of
the waiver (CIR v. The Stanley Works Sales (Phils.), Incorporated, G.R. No.
It is invalid and ineffective to extend the prescriptive period to assess taxes 187589).
(CIR v. Next Mobile Inc., G.R. No. 212825, December 07, 2015).
Q: What is the effect of the execution by a taxpayer of a "waiver of the
Taxpayer estopped from questioning validity of waivers statute of limitations" on his defense of prescription? (2010 Bar)
In case a taxpayer executed five waivers and delivered them to CIR, one A: The waiver of the statute of limitation executed by a taxpayer is not a
after the other and allowed the latter to rely on them and did not raise any waiver of the right to invoke the defense of prescription. The waiver of the
Page 27 of 57
statute of limitation is merely an agreement in writing between the tobacco from farmers covered by Purchase Invoice Vouchers (PIVs) for the
taxpayer and the BIR that the period to assess and collect taxes due is months of February and March 1998 as deductions against income for the
fiscal year April 1998 to March 1999. The computation of Lancaster's tax
extended to a date certain. If prescription has already set in at the time of
deficiency, with the details of discrepancies.
the execution of the waiver is invalid, the taxpayer can still raise
prescription as a defense (Phil. Journalists Inc., v. CIR, GR No. 162852, Dec. Lancaster replied to the PAN contending, among other things, that
16, 2004). for the past decades, it has used an entire 'tobacco-cropping season' to
determine its total purchases covering a one-year period from 1 October up
Q: What is the effect of the execution by a taxpayer of a "waiver of the to 30 September of the followingyear (as against its fiscal year which is
from 1 April up to 31 March of the followingyear);that it has been adopting
statute of limitations" on his defense of prescription? (2010 Bar)
the 6~month timing difference to conform to the matching concept (of cost
and revenue); and that this has long been installed as part of the company's
A: The waiver of the statute of limitation executed by a taxpayer is not a system and consistently applied in its accounting books. Lancaster argued
waiver of the right to invoke the defense of prescription. The waiver of the that the February and March 1998 purchases should not have been
statute of limitation is merely an agreement in writing between the disallowed. It maintained that the situation of farmers engaged in producing
taxpayer and the BIR that the period to assess and collect taxes due is tobacco, like Lancaster, is unique in that the costs, i.e., purchases, are taken
as of a different period and posted in the year in which the gross income
extended to a date certain. If prescription has already set in at the time of from the crop is realized. Lancaster concluded that it correctly posted the
the execution of the waiver is invalid, the taxpayer can still raise subject purchases in the fiscal year ending March 1999 as it was only in this
prescription as a defense (Phil. Journalists Inc., v. CIR, GR No. 162852, Dec. year that the gross income from the crop was realized.
16, 2004).
Subsequently on 6 November 2002, Lancaster received from the
BIR a final assessment notice (FAN), which assessed Lancaster's deficiency
income tax amounting to Pl l,496,770.18, as a consequence of the
4.Taxation of Educational Institutions disallowance of purchases claimed for the taxable year ending199931.
March 1999.
5. Lancaster Case SHORTENED FACTS: LOA No. 00012289 authorized the BIR officers to
COMMISSIONER OF INTERNAL REVENUE vs. LANCASTER examine the books of account of Lancaster for the taxable year 1998 only
PHILIPPINES, INC., G.R. No. 183408, July 12, 2017, MARTIRES, J. or, since Lancaster adopted a fiscal year (FY), for the period 1April1997 to
31March1998. However, the deficiency income tax assessment which the
A valid LOA does not necessarily clothe validity to an assessment BIR eventually issued against Lancaster was based on the disallowance of
issued on it, as when the revenue officers designated in the LOA act in expenses reported in FY 1999, or for the period 1 April 1998 to
excess or outside of the authority granted them under said LOA. 31March1999.
In 1999, the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) issued Letter of
Authority (LOA) No. 00012289 authorizing its revenue officers to examine Is the question on the authority of revenue officers to examine the
Lancaster's books of accounts and other accounting records for all internal books and records of any person cognizable by the CTA?
revenue taxes due from taxable year 1998 to an unspecified date. After the
conduct of an examination pursuant to the LOA, the BIR issued a RULING: YES. The issue on whether the revenue officers who had
Preliminary Assessment Notice (PAN).The BIR disallowed the purchases of conducted the examination on Lancaster exceeded their authority pursuant
Page 28 of 57
to LOA No. 00012289 may be considered as covered by the terms "other examine, verify, and scrutinize a taxpayer's books and records, in relation to
matters" under Section 7 of R.A. No. 1125 or its amendment, R.A. No. internal revenue tax liabilities for a particular period.
9282. The authority to make an examination or assessment, being a matter
provided for by the NIRC, is well within the exclusive and appellate A valid LOA does not necessarily clothe validity to an assessment
jurisdiction of the CTA. issued on it, as when the revenue officers designated in the LOA act in
excess or outside of the authority granted them under said LOA. In this
The law vesting unto the CTA its jurisdiction is Section 7 of Republic Act case, LOA No. 00012289 authorized the BIR officers to examine the books
No. 1125 (R.A. No. 1125), which in part provides: of account of Lancaster for the taxable year 1998 only or, since Lancaster
Section 7. Jurisdiction. - The Court of Tax Appeals shall exercise exclusive adopted a fiscal year (FY), for the period 1April1997 to 31March1998.
appellate jurisdiction to review by appeal, as herein provided: (1) Decisions However, the deficiency income tax assessment which the BIR eventually
of the Collector of Internal Revenue in cases involving disputed issued against Lancaster was based on the disallowance of expenses
assessments, refunds of internal revenue taxes, fees or other charges, reported in FY 1999, or for the period 1 April 1998 to 31March1999.
penalties imposed in relation thereto, or other matters arising under the
National Internal Revenue Code or other law or part of law administered by When is the proper timing when Lancaster should recognize its
the Bureau of Internal Revenue; x x x. (emphasis supplied) purchases in computing its taxable income?
Can the CTA resolve an issue which was not raised by the parties? The crop method recognizes that the harvesting and selling of crops
do not fall within the same year that they are planted or grown. This method
RULING: YES. Under Section 1, Rule 14 of A.M. No. 05-11-07-CTA, or is especially relevant to farmers, or those engaged in the business of
the Revised Rules of the Court of Tax Appeals, the CTA is not bound by the producing crops who, pursuant to RAM No. 2- 95, would then be able to
issues specifically raised by the parties but may also rule upon related issues compute their taxable income on the basis of their crop year. On when to
necessary to achieve an orderly disposition of the case. The text of the recognize expenses as deductions against income, the governing rule is
provision reads: found in the second sentence of Subsection F cited above. The rule enjoins
SECTION 1. Rendition of judgment. - x xx In deciding the case, the Court the recognition of the expense (or the deduction of the cost) of crop
may not limit itself to the issues stipulated by the parties but may also rule production in the year that the crops are sold (when income is realized).
upon related issues necessary to achieve an orderly disposition of the case.
In the present case, we find it wholly justifiable for Lancaster, as a
The above section is clearly worded. On the basis thereof, the CTA business engaged in the production and marketing of tobacco, to adopt the
Division was, therefore, well within its authority to consider in its decision crop method of accounting. A taxpayer is authorized to employ what it finds
the question on the scope of authority of the revenue officers who were suitable for its purpose so long as it consistently does so, and in this case,
named in the LOA even though the parties had not raised the same in their Lancaster does appear to have utilized the method regularly for many
pleadings or memoranda. The CTA En Banc was likewise correct in decades already. Considering that the crop year of Lancaster starts from
sustaining the CTA Division's view concerning such matter. October up to September of the following year, it follows that all of its
expenses in the crop production made within the crop year starting from
Did the revenue officers exceeded their authority to investigate the October 1997 to September 1998, including the February and March 1998
period not covered by their letter of authority? purchases covered by purchase invoice vouchers, are rightfully deductible
for income tax purposes in the year when the gross income from the crops
RULING: YES. The audit process normally commences with the issuance are realized.
by the CIR of a Letter of Authority. The LOA gives notice to the taxpayer
that it is under investigation for possible deficiency tax assessment; at the The matching principle
same time it authorizes or empowers a designated revenue officer to
Page 29 of 57
The matching concept, which is one of the generally accepted accounting In the ensuing settlement of accounts, Baguio allegedly recognized its indebtedness to
principles, directs that the expenses are to be reported in the same period Philex. After an initial agreement, an Amended Compromise with Dation in
that related revenues are earned. It attempts to match revenue with expenses payment was officially executed between Baguio and Philex. Thus, some of the
that helped earn it. advances were not paid.
ISSUE: Were there debts in the form of the unpaid advances that could be deducted by
A reading of RAM No. 2-95, however, clearly evinces that it conforms with Philex as bad debts
the concept that the expenses paid or incurred be deducted in the year in
which gross income from the sale of the crops is realized. Put in another HELD: No, the advances were the result of a partnership agreement rather than a contract
way, the expenses are matched with the related incomes which are between Philex and Baguio. (Philex Mining Corporation v. Commissioner of
eventually earned. Nothing from the provision is it strictly required that for Internal Revenue, G.R. No. 148187, April 16, 2008)
the expense to be deductible, the income to which such expense is related to
be realized in the same year that it is paid or incurred. As noted by the Page 138
CTA,54 the crop method is an unusual method of accounting, unlike other
recognized accounting methods that, by mandate of Sec. 45 of the NIRC, ILLUSTRATIONS of indication that a debt is worthless and uncollectible.
Considering the small amounts involved unsuccessful efforts at collection suffice to
strictly require expenses be taken in the same taxable year when the income
warrant write-off. (Collector v. Goodrich International Rubber Co. 21 SCRA 1336,
is 'paid or incurred, ' or 'paid or accrued, ' depending upon the method of arrangement and numbering supplied).
accounting employed by the taxpayer. The debtor is in strained financial condition with no attachable or leviable
properties. (Ibid)
6. Bad debts Page 139
1. PQR Corp claimed as a deduction in its tax returns the amount of
OBJECTIVE QUESTION: Explain if the following item is deductible from
P1,000,000 as bad debts. The corporation was assessed by the Commissioner of
gross income tax purposes. Disregard who is the person claiming the
Internal Revenue for deficiency taxes on the ground that the debts cannot be
deduction. Reserves for bad debts. (1999, adapted and reworded)
considered as “worthless,” hence they do not qualify as bad debts. The
company asks for your advice on what factors will hold in determining
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. the reserves are mere provisions for bad debts. The bad debts
whether or not the debts are bad debts? Answer and explain briefly. (2004)
are not yet actually determined to be worthless or uncollectible.
SUGGESTED ANDWER: the following are the factors that will hold in
Page 135
determining whether the debts are bad debts:
a. There must be an existing indebtedness due to the taxpayer which must be
ILLUSTRATION. Philex agreed to undertake the management of the Sto. Nino mine from
valid and legally demandable.
Baguio Gold, pursuant to a document denominated as “Power of Attorney.” The
b. The same must be connected with the taxpayer’s trade, business or practice
agency encompassed the doing of all things necessary and proper to bring about the
of profession.
successful management of said money and the maintenance of the same as a
c. The same must not be sustained in a transaction entered into between related
commercially profitable venture. Philex was given the authority to make advances
or to transfer its own funds or property for the operation of the mine and has in fact
d. The same must be actually charged off the books of accounts of the taxpayer
made substantial advances and transferred its own funds and property to the mine.
as of the end of the taxable year.
e. The debt must be actually ascertained to be worthless and uncollectible
Among the conditions are that the advances shall not accrue interest, that there shall be
during the taxable year.
compensation of 50% of the net profit, etc.
f. The debts are uncollectible despite diligent effort exerted by the taxpayer.
[NIRC of 1997, Sec. 34 (E) (1), arrangement and numbering supplied; Rev.
The mine suffered continuing losses in its operations which resulted in Baguio’s being
Regs. No. 5-99, Sec. 3, reiterated in Rev. Regs. No. 25-2002; Philippine
declared in technical default and Philex withdrew as manager of the mine.
Refining Corporation v. Court of appeals, et al, 246 SCRA 667]
Page 30 of 57
g. Must have been reported as receivables in the income tax return of the SUGGESTED ANSWER: “If in the year the taxpayer claimed deduction of bad
current or prior years. (Rev. Regs. No. 2, Sec. 103) debts written-off, he realized the reduction of the income tax due from him on
account of the said deduction, his subsequent recovery thereof from his debtor shall
Page 140 be treated as a receipt of realized taxable income. Conversely, if the said taxpayer
2. Rakham operates the lending company that made a loan to Alfonso in the did not benefit from said deduction of the said bad debt when written-off because it
amount of P120,000.00 subject of a promissory note which is due within one did not result to any reduction of his income tax in the year in which such deduction
year from the note’s issuance. Three years after the loan became due and upon (i.e. where the result of his business operation was a net loss even without
information that Alfonso is nowhere to be found, Rakham asks you for advice deduction of the bad debts written-off), then his subsequent recovery thereof shall
on how to treat the obligation as “bad debts.” (2016) be treated as a mere recovery or a return of capital, hence, not treated as receipt of
realized taxable income.” (Rev. Regs. 5-99, Sec. 4)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: the requisites for the deductibility of a bad debts are:
a. There must be an existing indebtedness due to the taxpayer which must be The same concept applies where a tax was previously deducted from gross income
valid and legally demandable. but subsequently refunded or credited.
b. The same must be connected with the taxpayer’s trade, business or practice
of profession.
c. The same must not be sustained in a transaction entered into between related 7. Transactions (VAT, VAT-exempt, Zero-rated)
parties. As an indirect tax on services, its main object is the transaction itself or,
d. The same must be actually charged off the books of accounts of the taxpayer more concretely, the performance of all kinds of services conducted in the
as of the end of the taxable year. course of trade or business in the Philippines. These services must be
e. The debt must be actually ascertained to be worthless and uncollectible regularly conducted in this country, undertaken in “pursuit of a commercial
during the taxable year. or an economic activity,” for a valuable consideration, and not exempt
f. The debts are uncollectible despite diligent effort exerted by the taxpayer. under the Tax Code, other special laws, or any international agreement.
[NIRC of 1997, Sec. 34 (E) (1), arrangement and numbering supplied; Rev.
(CIR v. American Express International, Inc. (Philippine Branch) GR
Regs. No. 5-99, Sec. 3, reiterated in Rev. Regs. No. 25-2002; Philippine
Refining Corporation v. Court of appeals, et al, 246 SCRA 667] no.152609, June 29, 2005)
g. Must have been reported as receivables in the income tax return of the Indirect tax, definition: An indirect tax “is imposed upon goods [before]
current or prior years. (Rev. Regs. No. 2, Sec. 103) reaching the consumer who ultimately pays for it, not as a tax, but as a part
of the purchase price.” (CIR v. American Express International, Inc.
Page 141 (Philippine Branch))
1. What is meant by the “tax benefit rule”? (2003)
Nature or characteristic of VAT as indirect tax
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The “tax benefit rule” or “the equitable tax benefit rule”
posits that the recovery of the bad debts previously allowed as deduction in the The VAT is an indirect tax and can be passed on to the buyer. (Quezon City
preceding year or years shall be included as part of the taxpayer’s gross income in
et al v. ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation, GR no. 166408, October 6,
the year of such recovery to the extent of the income tax benefit of said deduction.
[NIRC of 1997, Sec. 34 (E) (1); Rev. Regs. 5-99, Sec. 4, 1st sentence] 2008)
It also applies to taxes previously deducted from gross income but which were The VAT being an indirect tax on expenditure, the seller of goods or
subsequently refunded or credited. The taxpayer is also required to report as taxable services may pass on the amount of tax paid to the buyer, with the seller
income the subsequent tax refund or tax credit granted to the extent of the tax acting merely as a tax collector. The burden of VAT is intended to fall on
benefit the taxpayer enjoyed when such taxes were previously claimed as deduction the immediate buyers and ultimately, the end-consumers. (Abakada Guro
from income. Party List (etc.) v. Ermita, etc., et al., G.R. no 168056, September 1, 2005
and companion cases, 469 SCRA 1)
2. Give an illustration of the application of the tax benefit rule. (2003)
VAT is an indirect tax that may be shifted or passed on to the buyer,
transferee or lessee of the goods, properties or services. As such, it should
Page 31 of 57
be understood not in the context of the person or entity that is primarily, ecozone export enterprise, and, as such, enjoys income tax holiday
directly liable for its payment, but in terms of its nature as a tax on pursuant to the Special Economic Zone Act of 1995. SMZ, Inc., files an
consumption. [CIR v. Seagate Technology (Philippines)] application with the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) for the VAT
zero-rating of its sale of services to HP International. However, the BIR
Page 770 denies SMZ, Inc.’s application on the ground that HP International
already enjoys income tax holiday. Is the BIR correct in denying SMZ,
As an indirect tax on services, its main object is the transaction itself or, Inc.’s application? Explain your answer. (6%)
more concretely, the performance of all kinds of services conducted in the
course of trade or business in the Philippines. These services must be SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. All sales of goods, properties, and services
regularly conducted in this country, undertaken in ‘pursuit of a commercial made by a VATregistered supplier from the Customs Territory to an
or an economic activity,’ for a valuable consideration, and not exempt under ecozone enterprise shall be subject to VAT, at zero percent (0%) rate,
the Tax Code, other special laws, or any international agreement. (CIR v. regardless of the latter’s type or class of PEZA registration. (Coral Bay
American Express International, Inc., June 29, 2005). Nickel Corporation v. CIR, G.R. No. 190506, June 13, 2016, citing
Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. Toshiba 1 Information Equipment
A seller who is directly and legally liable for payment of an indirect tax, (Phils.), Inc., G.R. No. 350154, August 9, 2005, 466 SCRA 221) Moreover,
such as the VAT on goods or services is not necessarily the person who under Section 108 (B)(3), of the 1997 NIRC as amended, services rendered
ultimately bears the burden of the same tax. It is the final purchaser or the to persons or entities whose exemption under special laws effectively
consumer of such goods or services who although not directly and legally subjects the supply of such services to zero percent (0%) rate are considered
liable for the payment thereof, ultimately bears the burden of the tax. zero-rated. Considering the law does not provide for any additional
(Contex v. CIR, 433 SCRA 376). qualification or disqualification, the BIR cannot deny the application on the
ground that HP International already enjoys income tax holiday. An
Effect on exemptions of VAT being on indirect tax administrative agency may not enlarge, alter or restrict a provision of law. It
If a special law merely exempts a party as a seller from its direct liability for cannot add to the requirements provided by law. To do so constitutes
payment of the VAT but does not relieve the same party as a purchaser from lawmaking, which is generally reserved for Congress. (Soriano v. Secretary
its indirect burden of the VAT shifted to it by its VAT-registered suppliers, of Finance, et al., G.R. No. 184450, 184508, 184538, 185234, January 24,
the purchase transaction is not exempt. 2017)
REASON: The VAT is a tax on consumption, the amount of which may be Page 773
shifted or passed on by the seller to the purchaser of the goods, properties or What is tax pyramiding? What is its basis in law? (2006)
services. (CIR v. Seagate Technology, February 11, 2005).
Illustration: A VAT exempt seller sells to a non-VAT exempt purchaser. Tax pyramiding is the practices of imposing a tax upon another tax. It is a
The purchaser is subject to VAT because the VAT is merely added as part situation where some or all of the stages of distribution of goods or services
of the purchases price and not as a tax because the burden is merely shifted. are taxed, with the accumulation borne by the final consumer. There is a tax
The seller is still exempt because it could pass on the burden of paying the pyramiding when sales taxes are applied to both inputs and outputs, thus
tax to the purchaser. shifting the tax burden to the ultimate consumer. [R.G. Holcombe, Taxing
Services, 30 Fla. St. U.L. Review Rev. 467. (1996)]
SMZ, Inc., is a VAT-registered enterprise engaged in the general
construction business. HP International contracts the services of SMZ, It has no basis in law because it has been rejected, since 1992 by the
Inc. to construct HP International’s factory building located in the Supreme Court, the legislature and our tax authorities. It is prohibited as a
Laguna Techno Park, a special economic zone. HP International is taxpayer cannot be compelled to pay a tax on the tax itself. (People v.
registered with the Philippine Economic Zone Authority (PEZA) as an
Page 32 of 57
Sandiganbayan, August 16, 2005 citing CIR v. American Rubber, 1483). Destination principle under the VAT system of taxation
Thus, it violates the principle of uniformity and neutrality in taxation.
Goods and services are taxed only in the country where they are consumed.
Page 774 Thus, exports are zero-rated, while imports are taxed.
Under the VAT system, there is no cascading because the tax itself is
not again being taxed. However, in determining the tax base on scale of According to the Destination Principle, goods and services are taxed only in
taxable goods under the VAT system: the country where these are consumed, and in connection with the said
a. The professional tax paid by the professional is included in gross principle, the Cross Border Doctrine mandates that no VAT shall be
receipts; imposed to form part of the cost of the goods destined for consumption
b. The other percentage tax (e.g., gross receipts tax) paid by the outside the territorial order of the taxing authority. Sales to enterprises
taxpayer is included in gross selling price; operating with the export processing zones are export sales subject to 0%
c. The excise tax paid by the taxpayer before withdrawal of the goods VAT. (Atlas Consolidated Mining and Development Corporation v. CIR,
from the place of production or from customs custody is included 524 SCRA 73).
in the gross selling price;
d. The documentary stamp tax paid by the taxpayer is included in the The Philippine VAT system adheres to the Cross Border Doctrine,
gross selling price or gross receipts (2012) according to which, no VAT shall be imposed to form part of the cost of
goods destines for consumption outside of the territorial border of the taxing
SUGGESTED ANSWER: C authority. (CIR v. Toshiba Information Equipment, 2005).
Page 776 Author’s observation: Please refer to CIR v. Placer Dome Technical
Illustration of concept that zero-rating is not for the benefit of the Services, 524 SCRA 27 which stated that consumption abroad is not a
person legally liable for the tax but for the benefit of the person to pertinent factor to imbue zero-rating on services performed in the
whom the indirect tax is to be passed on. Philippines by VAT registered persons.
The Supreme Court emphasized that effective zero-rating is not intended as Exception to the destination principle
a benefit to the person legally liable to pay the tax, such as San Roque The law clearly provides for an exception to the destination principle
Power Corporation, but to relieve certain exempt entities, such as the NPC, (exports are zero-rated whereas imports are taxed), an exception to this rule
from the burden of indirect tax so as to encourage the development of is the zero-rated sales or services by VAT-registered persons. (CIR v.
particular industries. Before, as well as after, the adoption of the VAT, Burmeister and Wain Scandinavian Contractor Mindanao, 512 SCRA 124,
certain special laws were enacted for the benefit of various entities and 2007).
international agreements were entered into by the Philippines with foreign
governments and institutions exempting sale of goods or supply of services Page 779
from indirect taxes at the level of their suppliers. The BIR issues Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 65-2012 imposing
VAT on association dues and membership fees collected by
Effective zero-rating was intended to relieve the exempt entity from being condominium corporations from its member condominium-unit
burdened with the indirect tax which is or which will be shifted to it had owners. The RMC’s validity is challenged before the SC by the
there been no exemption. In this case, San Roque Power Corporation is condominium corporations. The Solicitor General, counsel for BIR,
being exempted from paying VAT on its purchases to relieve NPC of the claims that association dues, membership fees and other
burden of additional costs that petitioner may shift to NPC by adding to the assessment/charges collected by a condominium corporation are subject
cost of the electricity sold to the latter. (San Roque Power Corporation v. to VAT since they constitute income payments or compensation for the
CIR, November 25, 2009). beneficial services it provides to its members and tenants.
Page 778
Page 33 of 57
On the other hand, the lawyer of the condominium corporation argues Suggested Answer: Yes. The sale of the delivery van by MKI to MGSC is
that such dies and fees are merely held in trust by the condomin ium subject to VAT.
corporations exclusively for their members and used solely for
administrative expenses in implementing the condominium MKI is a VAT-registered company engaged in “in the course of trade or
corporation’s purposes. Accordingly, the condominium corporations do business” catering which means the regular conduct or pursuit of a
not actually render services for a fee subject to VAT. commercial or an economic activity, including transactions incidental
thereto which are subject to VAT.
Whose argument is correct? Decide. (2014)
The delivery van being used in MKI’s trade or business of catering is part of
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The argument of the lawyer of the condominium its assets. The sale of a fully depreciated asset (the delivery van) that has
corporation is correct. been used in business is subject to VAT as an incidental transaction,
although such sale may be considered isolated.
The provisions of the NIRC are clear in describing the characteristics of a
person who is subject to VAT, as any person who, in the course of his trade Page 793
or business, renders services.
Fact Based Problem: XYZ Law Offices, a law partnership in the
To be ‘in the course of trade or business’ means ‘trade or commercial Philippines and a VAT-registered taxpayer, received a query by e-mail
activity regularly engaged in as a means of livelihood or with a view to from Gainsburg Corporation, a corporation organized under the laws
profit.’ By its very nature, a condominium corporation is not engaged in of Delaware, but the e-mail came from California where Gainsburg has
business, and any profit that it derives is merely incidental. (Yamane, etc. v. an office. Gainsburg has no office in the Philippines and does no
BA Lepardo Condominium Corporation, October 25, 2005). business in the Philippines.
Page 783 XYZ Law Offices rendered its opinion on the query and billed
Gainsburg US$1,000 for the opinion. Gainsburg remitted its payment
Fact Based Problem: Sale of tractors and other agricultural implements through Citibank which converted the remitted US$1,000 to pesos and
by Bungkal Incorporated to local farmers. (1998, VAT rate supplied) deposited the converted amount in the XYZ Law Offices account. What
Suggested Answer: are the tax implications of the payment to XYZ Law Offices in terms of
VAT? (2013)
Subject to VAT at 12%
Suggested Answer: The payment to XYZ Law Offices by Gainsburg
Page 789 Corporation is subject to VAT in the Philippines.
Fact Based Problem: Masarap Kumain, Inc. (MKI) is a Value-Added For VAT purposes, the transaction is a zero-rated sale of services where the
Tax (VAT)-registered company which has been engaged in the catering output tax is zero percent and XYZ is entitled to claim as refund or tax
business for the past 10 years. It has invested a substantial portion of its credit certificate the input taxes attributable to the zero-rated sale.
capital on flat wares, table linens, plates, chairs, catering equipment,
and delivery vans. MKI sold its first delivery van, already 10 years old The services were rendered to a non-resident person, engaged in the
and idle, to Magpapala Gravel and Sand Corp. (MGSC), a corporation business outside the Philippines, which services are paid for in foreign
engaged in the business of buying and selling gravel and sand. The currency inwardly remitted through the banking system, thereby making the
selling price of the delivery van was way below its acquisition cost. Is sale of services subject to tax at zero-rate.
the sale of the delivery van by MKI to MGSC subject to VAT? (2014)
Page 796
Page 34 of 57
Page 821
Fact Based Problem: In June 2016, DDD Corp., a domestic corporation
engaged in the business of leasing real properties in the Philippines, Are the following transactions subject to VAT? If yes, what is the
entered into a lease agreement of a residential house and lot with EEE, applicable rate for each transaction? State the relevant authority/ies for
Inc., a non-resident foreign corporation. The residential house and lot your answer.
will be used by officials of EEE, Inc. during their visit to the
Philippines. The lease agreement was signed by representatives from C. Sale of orchids by a flower shop which raises its flowers in
DDD Corp. and EEE, Inc. in Singapore. DDD Corp. did not subject the Tagaytay. (2010, paraphrasing supplied)
said lease to VAT believing that it was not a domestic service contract.
Was DDD Corp. correct? Explain. (2015) SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. It is subject to the 12% VAT because it is a non-
food agricultural item. Only agricultural food items are exempted from
Suggested Answer: No. DDD Corp. is not correct. VAT. [NIRC of 1997, Sec. 109 (1) (A) as amended by Rep. Act No. 9337]
The lease of the properties shall be subject to VAT irrespective of the place Page 827
where the contract of lease was executed if the property is leased or used in
the Philippines. Your client, United Market Cooperative, is requesting the
Commissioner of Internal Revenue to exempt it from the payment of
Since, the leased residential house and lot is located and used in the VAT on its purchase of prime commodities from food
Philippines, it is subject to VAT despite the fact that the lease agreement suppliers/manufacturers on the ground it is exempt from all taxes,
was signed in Singapore. including VAT, under R.A. No. 6938, the Cooperative Code of the
Page 802
Do you think your client can obtain the necessary exemption from the
Fact Based Problem: Services rendered by Jake's Construction BIR? If your answer is in the affirmative, explain the basis for the
Company, a contractor to the World Health Organization in the grant. If in the negative, state the basis for the rejection of the request.
renovation of its offices In Manila. (1998) (1992)
Suggested Answer:
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. The exemption will not be granted because the
Subject to VAT at 0%. VAT is imposed upon sales and not upon purchases.
Page 818 OBJECTIVE QUESTION: Give at least three (3) real estate transactions
which are not subject to the Value-added Tax. (1996)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The following sales of real properties are exempt
State whether the following transactions are a) VAT exempt, b) subject from VAT, namely:
to VAT at 12%; or c) subject to VAT at 0%: 1. Sale of real properties not primarily held for sale to customers or
held for lease in the ordinary course of trade or business.
a) Sale of fresh vegetables by Aling Ining at Pamilihang Bayan ng 2. Sale of real property utilized for low-cost and socialized housing as
Trece Martirez. (1998, VAT rates supplied) defined by Republic Act No. 7279, otherwise known as Urban
Development and Housing Act of 1992, and other related laws, such
SUGGESTED ANSWER: A as R.A. No. 7835 and R.A. No. 8763, residential lot valued at
1,500,000 pesos and below, house and lot.
Page 35 of 57
3. Sale of real properties utilized for socialized housing as defined under FACT BASED PROBLEMS: Fees for lodging paid by students to
R.A. No. 7279, and other related laws, such as R.A. No. 7835 and Bahay-Bahayan Dormitory, a private entity operating a student
R.A. No. 8763, wherein the price ceiling per unit is 225,000 pesos or dormitory (monthly fee P 1, 500).
as may from time to time be determined by the HUDCC and the
NEDA and other related laws. [Rev. Regs. No. 16-2005, Section 4. SUGGESTED ANSWER: VAT Exempt.
109-1 (p). (3)]
NOTES AND COMMENTS: Lease of residential unit that is exempt from
Page 833 VAT. Lease of a residential units with a monthly rental not exceeding P 12,
800.00 regardless of the amount of aggregate rentals received by the lessor
FACT BASED PROBLEMS: Melissa inherited from her father at 300- during the year.
square meter lot. At the time of her father’s death on March 14, 2015,
the property was valued at 720,000 pesos. On February 28, 2016, to Page 845
defray the cost of the medical expenses of her sick son, she sold the lot
for 600,000 pesos on cash basis. The prevailing market value of the Greenhills Condominium Corporation incorporated on 2014 is a non-
property at the time of the sale was 3000 pesos per square meter. Is stock, non-profit association of unit owners in Greenhills Tower, San
Melissa subject to pay Value-added Tax on the sale of the property? If Juan City. To be able to reduce the association die being collected from
so, how much and why? If not, why not? (2009, dates supplied) the unit owners, the Board of Directors of the corporation decided to
lease part of the ground floor of the condominium building to DEF
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. VAT is not imposed on the sale of real properties Savings Bank for P 120,000 a month or P1.44 million for the year,
that are not primarily held for sale to customers or held for lease in the starting January 2015.
ordinary course of trade or business. Melissa does not hold the property
primarily for sale, nor is it for lease in the ordinary course of trade or a. Is the non-stock, non-profit association liable for value-added tax in
business. 2015? If your answer is in the negative, is it liable for another kind if
business tax? (2008, dates supplied)
Sale of residential house and lot by an official of a domestic corporation
to another official in the same corporation for a consideration of two SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, because its rentals did not exceed P1, 919,
million five hundred thousand pesos in 2016 is: 500.00 annually. It shall be subject to the 3% percentage tax.
a) Exempt from VAT because the gross sales do not exceed 2.5 b. Will the association be liable for value-added tax in 2017 if it
million; increases the rental to P200,000 a month beginning January 2017?
b) Exempt from VAT because the property sold is a capital asset, Explain.
regardless of the gross selling price;
c) Exempt from VAT because the seller is not the person engaged in SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes, because its gross sales would then exceed P
real estate business; 1919, 500.00 annually
d) Taxable at 12% VAT output tax on the gross selling price of 2.5
million pesos.
Page 846
Which statement above is incorrect? (2012, dates supplied)
Emiliano Paupahan is engaged in the business of leasing out several
SUGGESTED ANSWER: b residential apartment units he owns. The monthly rental for each unit
ranges from P 10, 000.00 to P 12, 000, 00 His gross rental income for
Page 844 one year is P 1, 800 000.00. He consults you on whether it is necessary
Page 36 of 57
for him to register as a VAT taxpayer. What legal advice will you give
him and why? SUGGESTED ANSWER: Subject to VAT if the gross sales exceeded P
1919 500.00 annually.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: He is not required to register as a VAT taxpayer.
His transactions of leasing residential units for an amount not exceeding P In case of full or partial denial of the written claim for refund or excess
12, 800.00 per unit per month is exempt from the VAT. input tax directly attributable to zero-rated sales, or the failure on the
part of the Commissioner to act on the application within 120 days
A lessor of real property is exempt from value added tax in one of the from the date of submission of complete documents, an appeal must be
transactions below. Which one is it? filed with the CTA:
a. Lessor leases commercial stalls located in the Greenhills Commercial a. Within thirty (30) days after filing the administrative claim with the
Center to VAT-registered sellers of cell phones; lessor’s gross rental BIR.
during the year amounted to P 12 Million; b. Within sixty (60) days after filing the administrative claim with the
b. Lessor leases residential apartment units to individual tenants for P BIR.
10, 000.00 per month per unit; his gross rental income during the year c. Within one hundred twenty (120) days after filing the
amounted to P 2 Million; administrative claim with the BIR.
c. Lessor leases commercial stalls at P 10 000.00 per stall per month and d. Within thirty (30) days from the receipt of the decision denying the
residential units at P 15, 000.00 per unit per month; his gross rental claim or after the expiration of the 120-day period.
income during the year amounted to P 3 Million;
d. Lessor leases two (2) residential houses and lots at P 50, 000.00 per Answer: D (p.885; 2012)
month per unit, but he registered as a VAT person.
Illustration of period within which to appeal to the Court of Tax
Page 847 Section 112(D) of the NIRC clearly provides that the CIR has "120 days,
from the date of the submission of the complete documents in support of the
A pawnshop shall now be treated, for business tax purposes: application [for tax refund/credit]," within which to grant or deny the claim.
a. As a lending investor liable to the 12% VAT on its gross receipts In case of full or partial denial by the CIR, the taxpayer’s recourse is to file
from interest income and from gross selling price from sale of an appeal before the CTA within 30 days from receipt of the decision of the
unclaimed properties; CIR. However, if after the 120-day period the CIR fails to act on the
b. Not as a lending investor, but liable to the 5% gross receipts tax application for tax refund/credit, the remedy of the taxpayer is to appeal the
imposed on a non-bank financial intermediary under Title VI (Other inaction of the CIR to CTA within 30 days. In this case, the administrative
Percentage Taxes); and the judicial claims were simultaneously filed on September 30, 2004.
c. As exempt from 12% VAT and 5% gross receipts tax;
d. As liable to the 12% VAT and 5% gross receipts tax (2012) Obviously, respondent did not wait for the decision of the CIR or the lapse
of the 120-day period. For this reason, we find the filing of the judicial
SUGGESTED ANSWER: B claim with the CTA premature (CIR v. Aichi Forging Company of Asia,
Page 848
“In line, the premature filing of the respondent’s claim for refund/credit of
FACT BASED PROBLEM: Sale of RTW by Cely’s Boutique, a input VAT before the CTA warrants a dismissal inasmuch as no jurisdiction
Filipino dress designer, in her dress shop and other outlets. was acquired by the CTA”. (Duetsche Knowledge Services Pte, Ltd. v CIR)
Page 37 of 57
principle on exhaustion of administrative remedies. Accordingly, the CTA
Purpose of the 30 day period. does not acquire jurisdiction over the same. This being so, "[w]hen a
taxpayer prematurely files a judicial claim for tax refund or credit with the
Additionally, the 30-day appeal period to the CTA "was adopted precisely CTA without waiting for the decision of the [CIR], there is no 'decision' of
to do away with the old rule,33so that under the VAT System the taxpayer the [CIR] to review and thus the CTA as a court of special jurisdiction has
will always have 30 days to file the judicial claim even if the CIR acts only no jurisdiction over the appeal."
on the 120th day, or does not act at all during the 120-day period." In effect,
the taxpayer should wait for the 120th day before the 30-day prescriptive The CTA, being a court of special jurisdiction, has the judicial power to
period to appeal can be availed of. Hence, the non-observance of the 120- review the decisions of the CIR. Concomitantly, the CTA also has the
day period is fatal to the filing of a judicial claim to the CTA, the non- power to decide an appeal because the CIR's inaction30 within the 120-day
observance of which will result in the dismissal of the same due to waiting period shall be deemed a denial of the taxpayer's application for
prematurity. (Harte-Hanks PH Inc. v. CIR) refund or tax credit. (Harte-Hanks PH Inc. v. CIR)
30-day to appeal to the CTA need not be within the two (2) year P. 896
prescriptive period. OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS:
1. Discuss the proper procedure and applicable time periods for
In claiming a tax refund or tax credit over an excess input VAT, the 30-day administrative and judicial claims for fund/credit of unutilized
period to appeal to the CTA need not necessarily fall within the 2-year excess input VAT? (2016)
prescriptive period as long as the administrative claim before the CIR if 2. Explain the procedure for claiming refunds or tax credits of input
filed within the 2-year prescriptive period. This is because Sec. 112 (D) of VAT for zero-rated or effectively zero-rates sales under Sec. 112
the 1987 Tax Code Mandates that a taxpayer can file the judicial claim (1) of the NIRC from filing of an application with the CIR up to the
only within 30 days after Commissioner partially or fully denies the claim CTA. (2015)
within the 120-day period, or (2) only within 30 days from the expiration of SUGGESTED ANSWER:
the 120-day period if the Commissioner does not act within the 120-day 1. An administrative claim for refund of or issuance of tax credit for
period. (CIR v. San Roque Power Corporation) unutilized excess input VAT must be filed with the BIR
Commissioner within 2 years counted from the last day of the quarter
Where the taxpayer did not wait for the decision of the CIR or the lapse of when the relevant zero-rated sale was made pertaining to the input
the 120-day period, it having simultaneously filed the administrative and VAT regardless of whether said tax was paid or not. (CIR v. Mirant
judicial claim with the CTA is premature. (San Roque Power Corp. v CIR) Pagbilao Corporation)
2. The claim for refund must be accompanied with a statement under
The 2nd paragraph of Sec. 112 (D) of the NIRC envisions two scenarios: (1) oath that all documents to support the claim has been submitted at the
when a decision is issued by the CIR before the lapse of 120-day period; time of the filing of the claim for refund.
and (2) when no decision is made after the 120-day period. In both 3. The BIR Commissioner shall within 120 days from the date of
instances, the taxpayer has 30 days within which to file an appeal with the submission of complete documents to support the application filed
CTA. As we see it then, the 120-day period is crucial in filing an appeal VAT-registered person on his zero-rated or effectively zero-rated sale
with the CTA. (Deutsche Knowledge Services Pte Ltd. v CIR) to decide the matter.
4. In case of full or partial denial of the claim for tax refund or tax
Extended discussion and reasons for prematurity if CTA case filed credit, or the failure on the part of the Commissioner to act on the
before the expiration of the 120-day period for BIR to decide. application with the period prescribed above, the taxpayer affected
may, with 30 days from the receipt of the decision denying the claim
Moreover, a taxpayer's failure to comply with the prescribed 120-day or after the expiration of 120 day period, appeal the decision or the
waiting period would render the petition premature and is violative of the unacted claim with the CTA.
Page 38 of 57
5. The adverse decision of the CTA division may be subject to motion decided to elevate its claim directly to the CTA on April 22, 2016. In
for reconsideration or new trial within 15 days from receipt of the due time, the CTA denied the tax refund relative to the input VAT or
adverse decision, filed with the same division that rendered the GC for the first quarter of 2014, reasoning that the claim was filed
decision. beyond the 2-year period prescribed under Sec. 112 (A) of the NIRC.
6. The adverse decision of the CTA division on the motion for
reconsideration or new trial shall be the subject of a petition for Is the CTA correct? (2014)
review filed within 15 days from receipt of the decision filed with the
CTA en banc. SUGGESTED ANSWER: The phrase “within 2 years xxx apply for the
7. The adverse decsion of the CTA en banc shall, within 15 days from issuance of the tax credit or refund” in Sec. 112 (A) of the NIRC of the
receipt be subject of a petition for review on certiorari filed with SC. 1997 refers to the applications for administrative fund/credit filed with CIR
The period may be extended to 30 days. and not to appeals made to the CTA.
P. 899 Applying the 2-year period to the judicial claimes would render nugatory
FACT BASED PROBLEMS: Sec. 112 (D) of the NIRC of 1997, which already provides for a specific
period within which a tax payer should appeal the decision or inaction of the
In case of full or partial denial of the written claim for refund or excess CIR. (San Roque Power Corp. v. CIR)
input tax directly attributable to zero-rated sales, or the failure in the
part of the Commissioner to act on the application within 120 days When GC decided to elevate its claim to the CTA on April 22, 2016, it was
from the date of submission of complete documents, an appeal must be after the lapse of 120 days from the filing of the claim for refund with the
filed with the CTA: BIR on December 22, 2015, hence, the appeal is seasonably filed. The
a) Within 30 days after filing the administrative claim with the BIR; BIR’s inaction after 120 days is a deemed adverse decision on the claim,
b) Within 60 days after the filing of the administrative claim with appealable to the CTA within 30 days from the lapse of the 120-day period.
the BIR; (CIR v. Aichi Forging Company of Asia Inc.
c) Within 120 days after filing the administrative claim with the
BIR; Assuming that GC filed its claimed before the CTA on February 22,
d) Within 30 days from the receipt of the decision denying the claim 2016, would your answer be the same? (2014)
or after the expiration of the 120-day period. (2012)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. This time the CTA is correct in denying the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: D claim for refund.
P. 899 The claim made before the CTA on February 22, 2016 is premature. There
is a yet no decision subject to appeal because the 120-day period for the
Gangwam Corporation (GC) filed its quarterly tax return for the Commissioner to act on the claim for refund has not yet lapsed. (CIR v.
calendar year 2014 as follows: Aichi Forging Company of Asia Inc.
First quarter – April 25, 2015
Second quarter – July 23, 2014 P. 901
Third quarter – October 25, 2014
Fourth quarter – January 27, 2015 For calendar year 2014, FFF, Inc, a VAT-registered corporation,
reported unutilized excess input VAT in the amount of 1 Million
On December 22, 2015, GC filed with BIR an administrative claim for attributable to its zero-rates sales. Hoping to impress his boss, Mr. G,
refund of its unutilized input VAT for the calendar year of 2014. After the accountant of FFF, filed with the BIR on January 31, 2014, a claim
several months of inaction by the BIR on its claim for refund, GC for tax refund/credit of the 1M unutilized excess input Vat of the FFF
Page 39 of 57
Inc, for 2014. Not having received any communication from the BIR, jurisdictional so that any suit filed before its expiration is premature
Mr. G filed a petition for review with the CTA on March 15, 2016 and, therefore, dismissible.
praying for the tax refund/credit of the 1M unutilized excess input VAT
of FFF Inc. for 2001. API, on the other hand, invokes BIR ruling No. DA-489-03 issued by
CIR on December 0, 2003 in answer to a query posed by Department of
Did the CTA acquire jurisdiction over the Petition of FFF, Inc.? Finance regarding the propriety of the actions taken by Lazi Bay
Resources Development Inc. which filed an administrative claim for
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. the CTA did not acquire jurisdiction over the refund with the CIR and, before the lapse of the 120-day period from
petition of FFF, Inc. because the judicial claim has been prematurely filed its filing, filed a judicial claim with the CTA. BIR Ruling No. DA-489-
on Marc 15, 2016. 03 states that the taxpayer-claimant need not wait for the lapse of the
120-day period before it could seek judicial relief with the CTA.
The tax payer who is affected by an adverse BIR decision on the application
for tax refund/credit may, within 30 days from receipt of the adverse Will API’s Petition for Review Prosper? Decide with reasons. (2016)
descion, or upon BIR inaction after the expiration of the 120 day period
from filling application for refund, appeal the decision or the unacted claim SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. API’s Petition for Review will prosper.
with the CTA.
As a general rule, a Petition for review should be filed within 30 days from
The 30day period after the expiration of the 120-day period fixed by law for receipt of the BIR’s denial or within 30 days from the expiration of the 120-
the BIR Commissioner to act on the claim for refund is both mandatory and day period within which to appeal to the CTA.
jurisdictional. Failure to comply would bar the appeal and deprived the CTA
and to entertain the appeal. However, there is an exception, that is: the case may be filed even before
the expiration of the 120-day period only if filed between December 10,
The claim made before the CTA on March 15, 201 is premature. There is as 2003 and October 5, 2010, when BIR Ruling No. DA-489-03 was still in
yet no decision subject to appeal because the 20-day period for the force prior to the reversal of the aforesaid ruling by the CTA in the Aichi
Commissioner to act on the claim for refund has not lapse. case on October 6, 2010.
P. 903 API’s September 15, 2010 Petition for Review was filed with the period
December 10, 2003 and October 5, 2010 when the BIR Ruling No. DA-489-
Amor Powers, Inc. (API) is a domestic corporation registered with the 03 was still in force. It thus falls within the exception.
BIR as a value-added taxpayer. API incurred excess input VAT in the
amount of P500,000,000.00 on August 3, 2008. Hence, it filed with the P. 909
BIR an administrative claim for the refund or credit of these input
taxes on August 15, 2010. Without waiting for the CIR to act on its FACT BASED PROBLEM: MMM, Inc., domestic telecommunications
claim, API filed a Petition for Review with the CTA on September 15, company, handles incoming telecommunications services for non-
2010 before the lapse of two years after the close of taxable quarter resident foreign companies by relaying international calls within the
concerned. Philippines. To broaden the coverage of its telecommunications services
throughout the country MMM Inc. entered into various
In its Comment on the Petition, the CIR argues that API’s Petition interconnection agreements with local carriers. The non-resident
should be dismissed as it was filed before the lapse of 120-day period foreign corporations pay MMM, Inc in US dollars inwardly remitted
given to the CIR by Sec. 112 (D) of the NIRC, which became effective through Philippine banks, in accordance with the rules and regulations
on January 1, 1998. For the CIR, the 120-day period is mandatory and of the Bangko Central ng Pilipinas.
Page 40 of 57
MMM, Inc. filed its quarterly VAT Returns for 2000. Subsequently, Page 918
MMM, Inc. timely filed with the BIR an administratively claim for the
refund of the amount of P6,321,486.50, representing excess input VAT In “Operation Kandado,” the BIR temporarily closed business
attributable to its effectively zero-rated sales in 2000. The BIR ruled to establishments, including New Dynasty Corporation that failed to
deny the claim for refund of MMM because the VAT official receipts comply with VAT regulations. New Dynasty contends that it should not
submitted to substantiate said claim did not bear the words “zero- be temporarily closed since it has a valid and existing VAT registration,
rated” as required under Section 4,108.1 of the Revenue Regulations it faithfully issued VAT receipts, and filed the proper VAT returns. The
(RR) No. 7-95. On appeal, the CTA division and the CTA en banc contention may be rejected if the BIR investigation reveals that: (2011)
affirmed the BIR ruling. A. The taxpayer has not been regularly filing its income tax returns
for the past 4 years.
MMM, Inc. appealed to the Supreme Court arguing that the NIRC B. The taxpayer deliberately filed false and fraudulent return with
itself did not provide for such a requirement. RR No. 7-95 should not deliberate intention to evade taxes.
prevail over a taxpayer’s substantive right to claim tax refund or credit. C. The taxpayer used falsified documents to support its application
for refund of taxes.
A. Rule on the appeal of MMM. Inc. (2015, dates supplied) D. There was an understatement of taxable sales receipts by 30% or
more for the taxable quarter.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: MMM Inc.’s appeal to the Supreme Court should
be granted. SUGGESTED ANSWER: D.
As of 2000, the NIRC of 1997, and RR No. 7-95 do not contain any Page 920
provision requiring the imprinting of the words “zero-rated” on receipts
such that issued by MMM, Inc. Ka Pedring Matibag, a sole proprietor, buys and sells “kumot at
kulambo” both of which are subject to value-added tax. Since he is
Actually, it is R.A. No. 9337, the amendment to the NIRC of 1997, that in using calendar year as his taxable year, his taxable quarters end on the
2003 required the printing of the words “zero-rated” on receipts. The last day of March, June, September, and December. When should Ka
application in this case covers receipts over services made from 2000. What Pedring file the VAT quarterly return for his gross sales or receipts for
applies is the old provision which requires the printing of the words “zero- the period of June 1 to September 30? (2011)
rated” only on invoices not on official receipts.
A. Within 25 days from September 30
B. Will your answer in A be any different if MMM, Inc. was B. Within 45 days from September 30
claiming refund of excess input VAT attributable to its effectively C. Within 15 days from September 30
zero-rated sales in 2016? (2015, dates supplied) D. Within 30 days from September 30
Starting 2003, if the sale is subject to zero percent (0%) VAT, the term Page 921
“zero-rated sale” shall be written or printed prominently on the invoice or
receipt. Example: Suppose the accounting period adopted by the taxpayer is fiscal
year ending October 2013, the taxpayer has to file monthly VAT
MMM, Inc’s failure to comply with the above mandatory requirement is declarations for the months of November 2012, December 2012, and for the
fatal to its claim for refund. months February, March, May, June, August, and September for Year 2013,
on or before the 20th day of the month following the close of the taxable
Page 41 of 57
month. His quarterly VAT returns corresponding to the quarters ending SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. The dismissal was not proper. Affixing the
January, April, July and October 2013 shall, on the other hand, be filed and documentary stamp at a later date than the will’s execution cures the
taxes due thereon be paid, after crediting payments reflected in the Monthly infirmity that it is inadmissible. This is so because the purpose of affixing a
VAT declarations, on or before February 25, May 25, August 25, and documentary stamp is merely to raise revenues and not to invalidate a
November 25, 2013, respectively. document. (Azarraga v. Rodriguez, 9 Phil. 637; Gabucan v. Manta, L-
51546, January 28, 1980)
Page 938
Page 943-944
What is the effect of failure to affix a documentary stamp on a
document requiring such stamp? (1964) In a civil case for Annulment of Contract of Sale, plaintiff Ma. Reklamo
presented in evidence the Contract of Sale which she sought to be
SUGGESTED ANSWER: “An instrument, document, or paper which is annulled. No documentary stamp tax on the Contract of Sale was paid
required to be stamped and which has been signed, issued, accepted, or because according to Ma. Reklamo, there was no need to pay the same
transferred without being duly stamped, shall not be recorded, nor shall it or since the sale was not registered with the Register of Deeds. Plaintiff
any copy thereof or any record of transfer of the same be admitted or used Ma. Reklamo is now offering the Contract of Sale as her evidence. Is
in evidence in any court until the requisite stamp or stamps shall have been the Contract of Sale admissible? (2014)
affixed thereto and cancelled.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. The Contract of Sale is inadmissible in
No notary public or other officer authorized to administer oaths shall add his evidence.
jurat or acknowledgement to any document subject to documentary stamp
tax unless the proper documentary stamps shall have been affixed thereto or An instrument, document, or paper which is required to be stamped and
cancelled.” (NIRC of 1997, Sec. 201) which has been signed, issued, accepted, or transferred without being duly
stamped, shall not be recorded, nor shall it or any copy thereof or any record
Page 943 of transfer of the same be admitted or used in evidence in any court until the
requisite stamp or stamps shall have been affixed thereto and cancelled.
In 2016, a Regional Trial Court dismissed a petition for the probate of a (NIRC of 1997, Sec. 201)
notarial will on the ground that it did not bear a documentary stamp.
The Court relied on Sec. 201 of the NIRC of 1997 providing that a A Contract of Sale, similar to the one that Ma. Reklamo seeks to annul
document required by law to be stamped and which has been signed requires the affixture of documentary stamps. (ibid, Sec. 196) Consequently,
without being duly stamped shall not be recorded nor shall it be since there was no documentary stamp attached to it, it shall not be used as
admitted or used in evidence in any Court until the requisite stamp or evidence until the requisite stamps shall have been affixed thereto and
stamps shall have been affixed thereto and cancelled. cancelled. (ibid, Sec. 201)
Page 42 of 57
The objections should not be giving credence. It is legal to set up duly depending on the amount of consumption in accordance with the
authorized duty free shops in the SSEZ The sell tax and duty free schedule provides for in the batas. The Batas s assailed in Court on the
consumer items in the secured area. This is in line with the policy in ground that it is violative of 1) equal protection clause and 2) the rule
enunciated in the law that the subic special economic zone shall be on uniformity and equity of taxation. Will the action prosper?
developed into a self-sustaining industrial commercial financial and
investment center to generate employment opportunities in and around the No. The action will not prosper
zone and attract and promote productive foreign investment.
a. There is a valid classification since the tax depends upon the amount of
While it is true that section 12 B of rep. Act. No. 7227 mentions only raw consumption. There is thus substantial distinction between those who
Materials capital and equipment, this does not necessarily mean that the tax consume more and those who consume less
and duty free buying privilege is limited to these type of articles to the
exclusion of consumer goods. b. There is no violation of uniformity and equity of taxation because the tax
applied with the same force and effect upon members of the same class
It must be remembered that in construing statutes, The proper course is the
start out and follow the true intent of the legislature in the sense which An Exexutive Order was issued pursuant to law granting tax and duty
harmonizes best with the context and promotes to the fullest manner the incentives only as to businesses and residents within the "secured area"
policy and objects of the legislature. of the Subic Economic Special Zone, and denying said incentives to
those who live within the zone but outside such secured area. Is the
The concept of inclusio unius est exclusion alterius does not find application constitutional right to equal protection of the law violated?
because the phrase "tax and Duty gree importations of raw materials, capital
and equipment" what's merely cited as an example of incentives that the No. Because there is a substantial difference between big investors being
SSEZ Is the legislative intent is that consumer goods entering the SSEZ rich enticed to the secured area and the business operators outside that are in
satisfy the needs of the zone and are consumed there are not subject to taxes accord with the equal protection clause.
and duties in accordance with Philippine law.
8. Customs Seizure and Forfeiture
The ruling would not be the same if the presidential proclamation allowed
for the limited withdrawal from the Clark is special economic zone or the FACT-BASED: Imported goods were seized by law enforcement
John hay economic zone of consumer goods tax and in duty free. officers because the importer could not present a the NAIA by customs
authorities as she was about to board a plane bound for Taipei, and
This time the presidential proclamation would be invalid as the statutory tax charged with illegal importation for having brought into this country 20
exempt privilege was granted only the subic special economic zone and not pieces of gold bars concealed within her person, without declaring them
to John hay or Clark. before customs authorities. Her defense was that she had just arrived in
Manila the day before but that since she could not get a connecting
Furthermore the law is very clear that the exportation or removal of goods flight to Taipei that same day, she stayed overnight at a local hotel. She
from the territory of the subic special economic zones to other parts of the had, however, a confirmed booking from Manila to Taipei, and a
Philippine territory shall be subject to customs duties and taxes under the scheduled departure the day following her arrival, as shown by her
customs and tariff code and other relevant tax laws of the Philippines. ticket. The customs authorities refused to heed her and the
corresponding release certificate or license required by Bangko Sentral
X is a resident of Metro Manila, filed an action for the refund of ng Pilipinas circulars. Are such goods subject to forfeiture under our
amounts paid representing energy tax collected from him on his electric customs laws? Explain. (1972) SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. Circulars
power consumption under Batas Pambansa blg. 36, which imposes a tax issued by the BSP relative to importation are part of the tariff and
on the domestic electric consumption of all Metro Manila residents, customs laws. Violation subjects the goods to seizure and forfeiture for
Page 43 of 57
violation of tariff and customs laws. Page 406 FACT BASED: A lady in charge of the car refused to surrender it to the sheriff claiming that
tourist was arrested at criminal case was filed. Is the tourist guilty of said jurisdiction belongs exclusively to the Court of Tax Appeals. Is the
illegal importation under our laws? Explain. (1981) contention correct? Reasons. (1969, adapted)
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. While it may be alleged that the tourist did SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes. The contention of the officer in charge is
not have an intention to discharge the gold bars or to actually bring them correct. The Court of Tax Appeals is vested with the exclusive appellate
within the Philippines, the SC has held that there is intention to unload if jurisdiction over matters involving seizure and forfeiture of conveyances
there are violations of the tariff and customs laws which include all laws used in smuggling. The car is such a conveyance.
being enforced by the Bureau of Customs. BSP regulations which require a
declaration to be made, or if no declaration was made, to deposit the gold FACT BASED: The vessel of “X” was seized by the Collector of
bars in bond with the customs authorities, are part of the tariff and customs Customs after it was found loaded with untaxed cigarettes. “X” sought
laws. to redeem the vessel after the Collector has declared the vessel forfeited
in the seizure proceedings. The request for redemption was denied. So,
FACT BASED: Mr. CC, an outgoing passenger bound for Hong Kong, “X” filed a petition for mandamus with the Regional Trial Court of the
upon being searched by the customs agent was found to possess US Ninth Judicial Region, Zamboanga to compel the Collector of Customs
dollar bills. These were seized and forfeiture proceedings was held. The to allow him to redeem the vessel. Will the action prosper? Reason.
decision of the Collector subjecting the US dollar bills to forfeiture was (1976, adapted)
affirmed by the Commissioner of Customs. Mr. CC appealed to the
CTA, contending that the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act SUGGESTED ANSWER: No, the customs authorities have exclusive
prohibited only the importation of articles and the US dollar bills were jurisdiction over forfeiture proceedings to the exclusion of the regular
not “goods”. The applicable provisions enumerating certain prohibited courts. This is so in order to have an unhampered action in suppressing
importation and exportation, reads: “Goods, the importation or smuggling and not to unduly interfere with tax collection.
exportation of which are effected or attempted contrary to law, or any
goods of prohibited importation or exportation, and all other goods FACT BASED: The Collector of Customs filed against “A” a letter of
which, in the opinion of the District Collector, have been used, are or complaint with the Regional Trial Court, claiming that “A”, “with
were entered to be used as instruments in the importation or the malicious intention to defraud the government criminally, wilfully and
exportation of the former.” Being implemented by the Collector were feloniously brought into the country untaxed dutiable items, and
the BangkoSentral Law and regulations prohibiting the export or Philippine money amounting to P50,000.00 without the necessary
import of US dollar bills and Philippine pesos. Decide the case. Explain. permit from the proper authorities.” The judge assumed jurisdiction
(1987) and after conducting the preliminary investigation dismissed the case
with prejudice and ordered the Collector of Customs to return to A the
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The decision of the Commissioner of Customs items mentioned in the complaint. The Collector refused to obey the
should be sustained. US dollar bills being legal tender in the Philippines, are order, claiming that there is a prior institution of seizure proceedings
considered as merchandise within the ambit of Sec. 1363 (f) of the Tariff thereon and filed a petition for certiorari with preliminary injunction
and Customs Code (now CMTA). Such was the holding in Bastida v. seeking to annul and set aside the disputed order. He contends, among
Commissioner of Customs. others, that respondent judge is without authority to order the return of
the articles subject to seizure proceedings before the customs
FACT BASED: A car found laded with smuggled goods was taken by authorities. Is the position of the Collector tenable? Explain your
the customs agents who discovered it in the Bureau of Customs answer. (1978, reworded)
Compound. Before any formal seizure proceeding could be started, a
court sheriff arrived to serve a writ of replevin issued by the Regional SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes, the Bureau of Customs has exclusive
Trial Court of the National Capital Judicial Region, Manila. The officer authority over seizure and forfeiture cases involving imported articles.
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FACT BASED: Roberto Morales imported a Cadillac car from the U.S. FACT BASED: Pursuant to a warrant of seizure issued by the
through the Port of Manila. Through connivance between Morales and Commissioner of Customs, the 2015 Porsche sports car of Fred
some customs officials, Morales was able to secure the release to him of Salaveria was seized and impounded by the customs agents for failure
said motor vehicle upon the payment of only 50% of the customs duties to pay the correct and exact amount of customs duties due thereon. As
and taxes. After the discovery of the discrepancy, the Collector of aleverage, Salaveria later charged the Commissioner of Customs before
Customs of the Port of Manila instituted seizure proceedings and issued the City Prosecutor‟s Office with “usurpation of judicial function” for
a warrant of seizure and detention. On the strength of the warrant, issuing said warrant, he not being a judicial officer. As the Public
elements of Eastern Police District who were duly deputized to enforce Prosecutor conducting the preliminary investigation of the case, how
the warrant proceeded to the Morales‟ residence situated in Pasig and will you dispose said charge? Reasons. (1985, date supplied and
seized said car which was then found in his garage. The garage is not reworded)
part of the dwelling of Roberto Morales. Subsequently, Morales filed
with the Regional Trial Court of the National Capital Judicial Region, SUGGESTED ANSWER: I would dismiss the charges because the
Pasig a petition for certiorari and prohibition to annul the seizure of the Commissioner is authorized to issue customs warrants for the search and
Cadillac car. The Collector impugned the jurisdiction of the Regional seizure of imported items.
Trial Court of the National Capital Judicial Region, Pasig to try and
decide the case. Decide the case. (1979, reworded) FACT BASED: Sometime in September, 2016, a shipment of 150
packages of imported goods and personal effects arrived and was
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The petition filed by Morales should be unloaded at the Port of Manila. After the amount of P15,887.00 was
dismissed because of the following: 1. The seizure is valid because it was paid by the consignee as customs duties, internal revenue taxes, fees
not made in a dwelling place. 2. Lack of jurisdiction. Customs has exclusive and other charges, the packages were released from the Manila
jurisdiction for the following reasons: a. There should be no unnecessary Customs House. As the packages were being transported from the
hindrance on the government‟s drive to prevent smuggling and other frauds Customs area to their destination, the truck carrying them were
upon the Customs. b. To render effective and efficient the collection of intercepted at T.M.Kalaw St., Ermita, Manila by WPD-PNP personnel.
import and export duties due the State, which enables the government to In a formal communication, the WPD-PNP informed the Collector of
carry out the functions it has been instituted to perform. c. The doctrine of Customs that the packages were released from the customs zone
primary jurisdiction. without proper appraisal to the damage of the Government and
requested for the issuance of the necessary warrant of seizure and
FACT BASED: The goods imported by his client having been seized by detention. During the progress of the search and seizure, and while the
the Customs authorities for being allegedly items of prohibited goods were being removed by the customs agents from the bodega
importation, a lawyer filed an action in the Regional Trial Court of the where they were installed, the consignee filed a petition (Civil Case No.
National Capital Judicial Region, Manila branch for replevin. In his 234) with the Regional Trial Court of Manila asking that the Collector
action, the lawyer contended that the imported articles were being of Customs and all his agents be restrained from enforcing the warrant
wrongfully detained by the Collector of Customs as said items had not aforesaid and from proceeding with th4e trial of S.I. No. 796, and the
been seized under a tax assessment, and that, in any case, the said warrant be declared null and void since the Collector no longer
importation was not illegal and, therefore, exempt from seizure. Was had jurisdiction to issue the same considering that the customs duties
the action proper? Explain. (1984) and the taxes had already been paid and the goods had left the control
and jurisdiction of the Bureau of Customs. A. Did the Collector of
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The action was not proper because it is the Customs have jurisdiction to issue warrant of seizure and detention?
Commissioner of Customs that has appellate jurisdiction over decisions of (1991, dates supplied, reworded and renumbered)
Collector of Customs to the exclusion of regular courts, such as the
Regional Trial Court.
Page 45 of 57
SUGGESTED ANSWER: Yes, because importation has not yet ended. This State which enables the government to carry out the functions it has been
is so because importation ends upon the issuance of a valid permit instituted to perform. 3) The doctrine of primary jurisdiction. The courts
withdrawal. The fact that the goods were not properly appraised negates the defer to the exercise of the Bureau of Customs over tariff and customs
issuance of a proper permit for withdrawal. matters.
B. Did the payment of customs duties, taxes, etc., render illegal and FACT BASED: On January 1, 2017, armed with warrants of seizure
improper the issuance of said warrant? and detention issued by Bureau of Customs, members of the customs
enforcement and security services coordinat4ed with the Quezon City
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. Until the correct duties and taxes are paid police to search the premises owned by a certain Mr.Ho along Kalayaan
and the proper permits are issued, then the customs authorities have the Avenue, Quezon City which allegedly contained untaxed vehicle parts.
authority to issue warrants of seizure and detention. While inside, security services noted articles which were not included in
the list contained in the warrant. Hence, on January 15, 2017, an
C. Does the Regional Trial Court have jurisdiction to hear and decide amended warrant and seizure was issued. On January 25, 2017, the
Civil Case No. 234? customs personnel started hauling the articles pursuant to the amended
warrant. This prompted Mr.Ho to file a case for injunction and
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. The Regional Trial Court has no jurisdiction damages with a prayer for a restraining order before the Regional Trial
to hear and decide Civil Case No. 234 because the Bureau of Customs has Court of Quezon City against the Bureau of Customs on January 27,
exclusive jurisdiction over tariff and customs matters to the exclusion of the 2017. On the same date, the trial court issued a temporary restraining
regular court due to the following reasons: 1) There should be no order. A motion to dismiss was filed by the Bureau of Customs on the
unnecessary hindrance on the government’s drive to prevent smuggling and ground that the Regional Trial Court has no jurisdiction over the
other frauds upon Customs. 2) To render effective and efficient the subject matter of the complaint claiming that it was the Bureau of
collection of import and export duties due the State which enables the Customs that has exclusive jurisdiction over it. Decide. (1996, dates
government to carry out the functions it has been instituted to perform. 3) supplied)
The doctrine of primary jurisdiction. The courts defer to the exercise of the
Bureau of Customs over tariff and customs matters. SUGGESTED ANSWER: The Regional Trial Court should grant the
motion to dismiss the case because it has no jurisdiction. The case involves
FACT BASED: MV Florida, a vessel of Philippine registry, was hired customs and seizure. Thus, Bureau of Customs has exclusive jurisdiction
to transport beans from Singapore to India. The vessel was allegedly over tariff and customs matters to the exclusion of the regular court due to
hijacked at sea and found its way to Bataan. It is also alleged that said the following reasons: 1) There should be no unnecessary hindrance on the
beans are now with the List Co. and fake documents were used to show government’s drive to prevent smuggling and other frauds upon Customs. 2)
that the beans were imported from Japan. The Collector of Customs To render effective and efficient the collection of import and export duties
seized the M/V Florida and its cargo. The owner of M/V Florida filed a due the State which enables the government to carry out the functions it has
complaint in the RTC to obtain possession of the vessel and the beans. been instituted to perform. 3) The doctrine of primary jurisdiction. The
Does the RTC have jurisdiction over the case? (1993) courts defer to the exercise of the Bureau of Customs over tariff and
customs matters.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. The RTC has no jurisdiction to hear and
decide the complaint filed to obtain possession of the vessel and the beans FACT BASED: On the basis of a warrant of seizure and distraint
because the Bureau of Customs has exclusive jurisdiction over tariff and issued by the Collector of Customs for the purpose of enforcing the
customs matters to the exclusion of the regular court due to the following Tariff and Customs Laws, assorted brands of cigarettes said to have
reason: 1) There should be no unnecessary hindrance on the government’s been illegally imported into the Philippines were seized from a store
drive to prevent smuggling and other frauds upon Customs. 2) To render where they were openly offered for sale. xxxxxx Could the importer file
effective and efficient the collection of import and export duties due the an action in the Regional Trial Court for replevin on the ground that
Page 46 of 57
the articles are being wrongfully detained by the Collector of Customs There should be no unnecessary hindrance on the government’s drive to
since the importation was not illegal and therefore exempt from prevent smuggling and other frauds upon Customs. 2) To render effective
seizure? Explain. (2000 paraphrasing supplied) and efficient the collection of import and export duties due the State which
enables the government to carry out the functions it has been instituted to
SUGGESTED ANSWER: No. The importer could not file an action in the perform. 3) The doctrine of primary jurisdiction. The courts defer to the
Regional Trial Court for replevin because the court has no jurisdiction. The exercise of the Bureau of Customs over tariff and customs matters.
subject of the action involves customs search and seizure hence the Bureau
of Customs has exclusive jurisdiction to the exclusion of the regular court MR owns an electronics shop at the Mile Long Shopping Center in
due to the following reasons: 1) There should be no unnecessary hindrance Makati. The shop sells various imported items such as cameras,
on the government’s drive to prevent smuggling and other frauds upon television sets, video cassette recorders and similar items. On February
Customs. 2) To render effective and efficient the collection of import and 10, 2017 agents of the Commissioner of Customs visited the shop and
export duties due the State which enables the government to carry out the asked that they be shown the official Bureau of Customs receipt
functions it has been instituted to perform. 3) The doctrine of primary evidencing payment of the duties and taxes on all imported items
jurisdiction. The courts defer to the exercise of the Bureau of Customs over displayed in the shop. Since MR could not show any receipt, the agents
tariff and customs matters. seized all the imported items displayed in the shop. Upon a tip by a
disgruntled employee of MR, the customs agent proceeded to the house
ALTERNATIVE ANSWER: The importer could file an action in the of MR at San Lorenzo Village in Makati. More untaxed imported
Regional Trial Court for replevin BUT it will not prosper because the court electronic items were found there. The customs agents also seized the
has no jurisdiction. The subject of the action involves customs search and same. Discuss the legality of the seizures made of imported items
seizure hence the Bureau of Customs has exclusive jurisdiction to the displayed in the shop. Discuss the legality of the seizures made by the
exclusion of the regular court due to the following reasons: 1) There should customs agents. (1990)
be no unnecessary hindrance on the government’s drive to prevent
smuggling and other frauds upon Customs. 2) To render effective and SUGGESTED ANSWER: The seizure conducted at MR’s shop is valid
efficient the collection of import and export duties due the State which because it is not a dwelling place. Customs has the jurisdiction to effect the
enables the government to carry out the functions it has been instituted to seizure because importation has not yet ended, there being no showing that
perform. 3) The doctrine of primary jurisdiction. The courts defer to the there was full payment of customs duties. The seizure made at his house is
exercise of the Bureau of Customs over tariff and customs matters. invalid because there was no warrant from a regular court.
FACT BASED: The Collector of Customs ordered the seizure and A disgruntled employee of Apache Corporation reported to the
forfeiture of new electronic appliances shipped by TON Corp., from Commissioner of Customs that the company is illegally importing
Hong Kong for violation of customs laws because they were falsely electronic equipment by way of unlawful “shipside” activities thereby
declared as used office equipment and then undervalued for purpose of evading payment of customs duties and taxes of the goods. Accordingly,
customs duties. TON filed a complaint before the MM Regional Trial the Commission of Customs, upon request of the WPD-PNP issued
Court for replevin, alleging that the Customs officials erred in the warrants of seizure and detention and directed WPD-PNP to seize the
classification and valuation of its shipment, as well as in the issuance of goods listed in the warrants. After the seizure of the goods and
the warrant of seizure. The Collector moved to dismiss the suit for lack considering the magnitude of the value of the goods, counsel for Apache
of jurisdiction on the part of the trial court. Should the Collector‟s Corporation filed a petition with the Supreme Court for certiorari,
motion be granted or denied? Reason briefly. (2004, Mercantile Law) prohibition and mandamus to enjoin the Commissioner of Customs and
his agents from continuing further with the forfeiture proceedings and
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The Collector’s motion should be granted. The praying that the Commissioner return the confiscated articles on the
Bureau of Customs has exclusive jurisdiction over tariff and customs ground that the warrant were in violation of the Rules of Court and the
matters to the exclusion of the regular court due to the following reasons: 1) Bill of Rights. 1. If you are a newly-appointed Solicitor in the OSG
Page 47 of 57
representing the Commissioner of Customs, how would you defend the
latter? Give specific defenses. 2. Assuming that the enforcement of the On the basis of a warrant of seizure and detention issued by the
warrant had been extended to the residence of the President of Apache Collector of Customs for the purpose of enforcing the Tariff and
Corporation, is such enforcement valid? Explain. 3. Do you think the Customs Laws, assorted brands of cigarettes said to have been illegally
petition for certiorari, prohibition and mandamus filed by Apache imported into the Philippines were seized from a store where they were
Corporation will prosper in the Supreme Court? Discuss. (1992) openly offered for sale. Dissatisfied with the decision rendered after
hearing by the Collector of Customs on the confiscation of the articles,
SUGGESTED ANSWER: 1. I would defend the Commissioner of Customs the importer filed a petition for review with the Court of Tax Appeals.
by invoking the doctrine of primary jurisdiction and that the Commissioner The Collector moved to dismiss the petition for lack of jurisdiction.
should not be unduly limited in his exercise of the power of collecting taxes. Rule on the motion.
2. The enforcement of the customs warrant to a residence is invalid because
a regular warrant issued by a regular court is needed in the search of SUGGESTED ANSWER: Granted. The CTA has appellate jurisdiction only
dwelling places. 3. No, because the search and seizure were validly over decisions of the Customs Commissioner in seizure and forfeiture cases.
conducted. Such court likewise have jurisdiction over decisions of the Secretary of
Finance involving seizure proceedings in case of automatic review. In is
Acting upon a report of its intelligence force that falsified documents therefore evident that the CTA does not have jurisdiction to review
were used by AB in effecting the release of the latter‟s 450 SL decisions of the Collector of Customs in seizure and forfeiture cases.
Mercedes Benz Model 96, thus, enabling him to pay less than 10% of
the correct customs duties due thereon, customs agents seized the said
car while parked near the Cuneta Astrodome where AB was then
witnessing the PBA game. Thereafter, an assessment in the amount of 9. Criminal Tax Cases
P1M by way of customs duties were slapped on AB. AB went to court
questioning the seizure since no warrant appeared to have been issued Criminal cases
for the said purpose. He also asserts that the said car may no longer be
considered as an imported commodity, he having purchased the same Institution and prosecution of criminal actions
some 6 years ago from XY as evidenced by a deed of sale executed in his
favor. Besides, he argues further that the right to collect said customs All criminal actions before the Court in Division in the exercise of its
duties has already prescribed. Rule on the validity of the seizure and original jurisdiction shall be instituted by the filing of an information in
the correctness of AB‟s submission. (1985) the name of the People of the Philippines.
SUGGESTED ANSWER: The seizure is valid. The car is still within the
In criminal actions involving violations of the National Internal Revenue
jurisdiction of the Bureau of Customs because importation has not ended
and the Customs Modernization and Tariff Act is violated as a result of non- Code (NIRC) and other laws enforced by the Bureau of Internal Revenue,
payment of the correct taxed. AB’s submission that the right of customs the Commissioner of Internal Revenue must approve their filing.
authorities to collect the customs duties has prescribed is not correct
because importation has not ended. For articles subject to customs duties, In criminal actions involving violations of the Tariff and Customs Code
importation ends when the regular permit for withdrawal shall have been (TCC) and other laws enforced by the Bureau of Customs, the
issued. In this case, falsified documents were used, hence importation has Commissioner of Customs must approve their filing (RRCTA, Rule 9,
not yet ended and the prescription period is not tolled. Furthermore, there
Sec. 2).
practically is no prescription for the collection of customs duties so long as
the imported articles exist. This is so because the customs duties constitutes
a lien that follows the article no matter in whose possession it is found. All criminal actions will be under the direction and control of the public
Page 48 of 57
prosecutor. the civil action, and no right to reserve the filing of such civil action
separately from the criminal action shall be recognized.
NOTE: The institution of the criminal action shall interrupt the running
of the period of prescription (Ibid). --- Appeal and Period to appeal
Rule on the Institution of Civil action with Criminal action (2010 Bar) An appeal to the Court in criminal cases decided by a Regional Trial Court
in the exercise of its original jurisdiction shall be taken by filing a notice of
The criminal action and the corresponding civil action for the recovery appeal pursuant to Sections 3(a) and 6, Rule 122 of the Rules of Court
of civil liability for taxes and penalties shall be deemed jointly instituted within fifteen (15) days from receipt of a copy of the decision or final
in the same proceeding. The filing of the criminal action shall necessarily order with the court which rendered the final judgment or order
carry with it the filing of the civil action. No right to reserve the filing of appealed from and by serving a copy upon the adverse party. The Court
such civil action separately from the criminal action shall be allowed or in Division shall act on the appeal.
recognized (RRCTA, Rule 9, Sec. 11).
An appeal to the CTA en banc in criminal cases decided by the Court in
Q: How are criminal actions prosecuted? Division or the Regional Trial Courts in the exercise of their appellate
jurisdiction shall be taken by filing a petition for review as provided in
A: In criminal actions involving violation of the National Internal
Rule 43 of the Rules of Court within fifteen (15) days from receipt of a
Revenue Code or other laws enforced by the Bureau of Internal Revenue, copy of the decision or resolution appealed from (RRCTA, Rile 9, Sec. 9).
and violations of the Tariff and Customs Code or other laws enforced by
the Bureau of Customs, the prosecution may be conducted by their
respective duly deputized legal officers (RRCTA, Rule 9, Sec. 3). Q: Who shall act as a representative of the People and the Government in the
criminal action?
A: The Solicitor General shall represent the People of the Philippines and
Q: After filing an Information for violation of Section 254 of the
government officials sued in their official capacity in all cases brought to
National Internal Revenue Code (Attempt to Evade or Defeat Tax) with the
the CTA in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction. He may deputize the
CTA, the Public Prosecutor manifested that the People is reserving the right
legal officers of the Bureau of Internal Revenue in cases brought under
to file the corresponding civil action for the recovery of the civil liability for
the NIRC or other laws enforced by the BIR, or the legal officers of the
taxes. As counsel for the accused, comment on the People's manifestation.
BOC in cases brought under the TCC or other laws enforced by the BOC,
(2015 Bar) to appear in behalf of the officials of said agencies sued in their official
capacity: Provided, however, such duly deputized legal officers shall
A: I will move for the denial of the manifestation. Any provision of law or remain at all times under the direct control and supervision of the
the Rules of Court to the contrary notwithstanding, the criminal action Solicitor General (RRCTA, Rule 9, Sec. 10).
and the corresponding civil action for the recovery of civil liability for
taxes and penalties shall at all times be simultaneously instituted with, ---
Petition for Review on Certiorari to the Supreme Court
and jointly determined in the same proceeding by the CTA, the filing of
A party adversely affected by a decision or ruling of the Court en banc
the criminal action being deemed to necessarily carry with it the filing of
Page 49 of 57
may appeal therefrom by filing with the Supreme Court a verified petition For the surcharge to apply, it must be intentional fraud.
for review on certiorari within 15 days from receipt of a copy of the
decision or resolution, as provided in Rule 45 of the Rules of Court. If Negligence, whether slight or grossj8, is not equivalent to fraud with
such party has filed a motion for reconsideration or for new trial, the intent to evade the tax contemplated by law (Ingles, 2015).
period herein fixed shall run from the party’s receipt of a copy of the
Just because the 10-year period applies, it doesn’t nescessarily mean
resolution denying the motion for reconsideration or for new trial
(RRCTA, Rule 16, Sec. 1). that the taxpayer will be penalized with the 50% surcharge. When a
taxpayer files a false return and not a fraudulent one, the 10-year period
Effect of the appeal applies but the 50% surcharge will not (Aznar v. CTA, G.R. No. L-20569,
August 23, 1974).
The motion for reconsideration or for new trial filed before the Court
shall be deemed abandoned if, during its pendency, the movant shall ---
Q: Danilo, who is engaged in the trading business, entrusted to his
appeal to the Supreme Court (RRCTA, Rule 16, Sec. 1). accountant the preparation of his income tax return and the payment of the
tax due. The accountant filed a falsified tax return by underdeclaring the
Q: What constitutes prima facie evidence of a false or fraudulent return to sales and overstating the expense deductions by Danilo. Is Danilo liable for
justify the imposition of a 50% surcharge on the deficiency tax due from a the deficiency tax and the penalties thereon? What is the liability, if any, of
taxpayer? the accountant? Discuss. (2005 Bar)
Explain. (2002 Bar) A: Danilo is liable for the deficiency tax as well as for the deficiency
interest. He should not be held liable for the fraud penalty because the
A: There is a prima facie evidence of false or fraudulent return when the accountant acted beyond the limits of his authority. There is no showing
taxpayer substantially underdeclared his taxable sales, receipts or in the problem that Danilo signed the falsified return or that it was
income, or substantially overstated his deductions. The taxpayer’s prepared under his direction. On the other hand the accountant may be
failure to report sales, receipts or income in an amount exceeding 30% held criminally liable for violation of the NIRC when he falsified the tax
of that declared per return, and a claim of deduction in an amount return by under declaring the sale and overstating the expense
exceeding 30% of actual deduction shall render the taxpayer liable for deductions. If Danny's accountant is a Certified Public Accountant, his
substantial underdeclaration and overdeclaration, respectively, and will certificate as a CPA shall automatically be revoked or cancelled upon
justify the imposition of the 50% surcharge on the deficiency tax due conviction.
from the taxpayer (Sec. 248, NIRC).
Suspension of running of Statute of Limitations
Importance of distinguishing between a “false return” and a “fraudulent
return” Grounds for suspension of the prescriptive period for both the power to
assess and and the power to collect [LOW-PARA]
The two returns are different but have the same prescriptive periods to
be assessed, which is 10-years. The importance in distinguishing the two 1. When taxpayer cannot be Located in the address given by him in the
lies in the application of the penalty surcharge. return, unless he informs the CIR of any change in his address
thru a written notice to the BIR;
Actual fraud, not constructive fraud, is subject to 50% penalty surcharge.
Page 50 of 57
2. When the taxpayer is Out of the Philippines
Q. Do the provisions of the Civil Code on suspension of the prescriptive
period by extrajudicial demand suspend the running period of prescription of
3. When the Warrant of distraint and levy is duly served upon the
taxpayer, his authorized representative or a member of his actions in tax collection cases?
household with
sufficient discretion and no property is located;
Only period to collect is suspended.
A. NO. The provisions of the NIRC being a special law take precedence
over the provisions of the Civil Code, a general law. Furthermore, the
4. Where the CIR is prohibited from making the assessment or beginning provisions of the NIRC were crafted to ensure expeditious collection of
distraint or levy or a proceeding in court for 60 days thereafter, tax money to ensure the continuous delivery of government services.
such as where there is a Pending petition for review in the CTA
from the decision on the protested assessment (Republic v. Ker &
Co., GR L-21609; September 29, 1966);
10. Pilipinas Petroleum Cases
Silkair (Singapore) PTE, Ltd., an international carrier, purchased
5. Where CIR and the taxpayer Agreed in writing for the extension of the aviation gas from Petron Corporation, which it uses for its operations.
It now claims for refund or tax credit for the excise taxes it paid
assessment, the tax may be assessed within the period so agreed
claiming that it is exempt from the payment of excise taxes under the
provisions of Sec. 135 of the NIRC of 1997 which provides that
petroleum products are exempt from excise taxes when sold to exempt
6. When the taxpayer Requests for reinvestigation which is granted by the entities or agencies covered by tax treaties, conventions, and other
Only the period to collect is suspended international agreements for their use and consumption.
because assessment has been done at this point (Ingles, 2015).
The request must be granted by the CIR. A request for Silkair further anchors its claim on Article 4(2) of the Air Transport
Agreement between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines
reconsideration alone does not suspend the period to collect.
and the Government of the Republic of Singapore (Air Transport
Agreement between RP and Singapore) which exempts fuel, lubricants,
7. When there is an Answer filed by the BIR to the petition for review in spare parts, regular equipment and aircraft of the contracting parties
the CTA (Hermanos v. CIR, GR. No. L-24972. September 30, 1969) from the customs duties, inspection fees and other duties or taxes.
where the court justified this by saying that in the answer filed
by the BIR, it prayed for the collection of taxes.
Silkair likewise argues that it is exempt from indirect taxes because the
Air Transport Agreement between RP and Singapore grants exemption
When Commissioner is prohibited from making the assessment or collection from the same customs duties,inspection fees and other duties or taxes
of taxes in a proceeding in court imposed in the territory of the first Contracting Party. It invokes
Maceda v Macaraig which upheld the claim for tax credit or refund by
the National Power Corporation (NPC) on the ground that the NPC is
When in the opinion of the CTA, the collection by the BIR
exempt even from payment of indirect taxes.
may jeopardize the interest of the Government and/or the taxpayer, the Court Is Silkair entitled to the tax refund or credit it seeks? Reason out your
in any stage of the proceeding may suspend the said collection and answer.
require the taxpayer either to deposit the amount claimed or to file a
surety bond for not more than double the amount with the Court (Sec. Silkair is not entitled to tax refund or credit for the following reasons:
11, R.A. No. 1125).
Page 51 of 57
a. The excise tax on aviation fuel is an indirect tax. The proper party to in strictissimi juris against the taxpayer and liberally in favor of the taxing
question, or seek a refund of, an indirect tax is the statutory taxpayer, the authority, and if an exemption is found to exist, it must not be enlarged by
person on whom the tax is imposed by law and who paid the same even if construction. (Silkair Singapore v CIR,GR No. 173594)
he shifts the burden thereof to another.
a. HOWEVER look at the Ruling in CIR vs Pilipinas Shell Corp GR No.
The NIRC provides that the excise tax should be paid by the manufacturer 188497 but which ruling was meanwhile reversed upon reconsideration by
or producer before removal of domestic products from place of production. the First Division through its resolution in GR No. 188497 which ruling on
Thus, Petron Corporation, not Silkair, is the statutory taxpayer which is the reconsideration was reiterated in Chevron Philippines vs CIR GR No.
entitled to claim a refund based on Section 135 of the NIRC of 1997 and 210836
Article 4(2) of the Air Transport Agreement between RP and Singapore.
1. Illustrative case of refund to the statutory taxpayer.
Even if Petron Corporation passed on to Silkair the burden of the tax, the
additional amount billed to Silkair for jet fuel is not a tax but part of the Chevron sold and delivered petroleum products to Clark Development
price which Silkair had to pay as a purchaser. Corporation (CDC), an entity exempt from both direct and indirect taxes in
the period from August 2007 to December 2007. Chevron did not pass on to
b. Silkair could not seek refuge under Maceda v. Macaraig Jr GR No. CDC the excise taxes paid on the importation of the petreoleum products
88291, May 31, 1991, 197 SCRA 771, which upheld the claim for tax credit sold to CDC in taxable year 2007; hence on June 26,2009, it filed an
or refund by the National Power Corporation on the ground that the NPC is administrative claim for tax refund or issuance of tax credit certificate in the
exempt even from payment of indirect taxes. amount of P6,542,400.00.
In Commissioner of Internal Revenue v Philippine Long Distance Considering that respondent Commissioner of Internal Revenue (CIR) did
Telephone Company, GR No, 140230, the Supreme Court clarified the not act on the administrative claim for tax refund or tax credit, Chevron
ruling in Maceda vs Macaraig. It may be so that in Maceda v Macaraig the elevated its claim to the CTA by petition for review on June 29,2009. The
Court held that an exemption from “all taxes” granted to the National Power CTA First Division denied Chevron's judicial claim for tax refund or tax
Corporation under its charter includes both direct and indirect taxes. credit through its decision dated July 31,2012, and later on also denied
Chevron's Motion for Reconsideration on November 20, 2012.
An exemption from all taxes excludes indirect taxes, unless the exempting
statute, like NPCs charter, is so couched as to include indirect tax from the
exemption. Wrote the Court. The amendment under Republic Act No. 6395
enumerated the details covered by the exemption. Subsequently, P.D. 380, Chevron appealed to the CTA En Banc (CTA EB No. 964), which in the
made even more specific the details of the exemption of NPC to cover, decision dated September 30, 2013, affirmed the ruling of the CTA First
among others, both direct and indirect taxes on all petroleum products used Division. Chevron sought reconsideration, but the CTA En Banc denied its
in its operation. Presidential Decree No. 938 [NPCs amended charter] motion for that purpose in the resolution dated January 7, 2014.
amended the tax exemption by simplifying the same law in general terms. It
succinctly exempts NPC from all forms of taxes, duties[,] fees. The use of Chevron appealed to the Supreme Court, but the Court (Second Division)
the phrase all forms of taxes demonstrates the intention of the law to give denied the petition for review on certiorari through the resolution
NPC all the tax exemptions it has been enjoying before promulgated on March 19,2014 for failure to show any reversible error on
the part of the CTA En Banc.
The exemption granted under Section 135 (b) of the NIRC of 1997 and
Article 4(2) of the Air Transport Agreement between RP and Singapore Hence, Chevron filed the Motion for Reconsideration, submitting that it was
cannot, without a clear showing of legislative intent, be construed as entitled to the tax refund or tax credit because ruling promulgated on April
including indirect taxes. Statutes granting tax exemptions must be construed 25, 2012 in Pilipinas Shell, on which the CTA En Banc had based its denial
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of the claim of Chevron,was meanwhile reconsidered by the Court's First deemed illegal and erroneous upon the sale of the petroleum products to
Division on February 19,2014. CDC. Section 204 of the NIRC explicitly allowed Chevron as the statutory
taxpayer to claim the refund or the credit of the excise taxes thereby paid.
Is Chevron entitled to the tax refund or tax credit for the excise taxes
paid on the importation of petroleum products that it had sold to CDC It is noteworthy that excise taxes are considered as a kind of indirect tax, the
in 2007? liability for the payment of which may fall on a person other than whoever
actually bears the burden of the tax.
Yes. Chevron as the statutory taxpayer is entitled to the refund.
Simply put, the statutory taxpayer may shift the economic burden of the
Excise tax on petroleum products is essentially a tax on property, the direct excise tax payment to another – usually the buyer. In cases involving excise
liability for which pertains to the statutory taxpayer (i.e., manufacturer, tax exemptions on petroleum products under Section 135 of the NIRC, the
producer or importer). Any excise tax paid by the statutory taxpayer on Court has consistently held that it is the statutory taxpayer, not the party
petroleum products sold to any of the entities or agencies named in Section who only bears the economic burden, who is entitled to claim the tax refund
135 of the National Internal Revenue Code (NIRC) exempt from excise tax or tax credit.
is deemed illegal or erroneous, and should be credited or refunded to the
ayor pursuant to Section 204 of the NIRC. This is because the exemption The Supreme Court has also made clear that this rule does not apply where
granted under Section 135 of the NIRC must be construed in favor of the the law grants the party to whom the economic burden of the tax is shifted
property itself, that is, the petroleum products. by virtue of an exemption from both direct and indirect taxes. In which case,
such party must be allowed to claim the tax refund or tax credit even if it is
Accordingly, the excise taxes that Chevron paid on its importation of not considered as the statutory taxpayer under the law. (Chevron Philippines
petroleum products subsequently sold to CDC were illegal and erroneous, vs CIR GR No. 210836)
and should be credited or refunded to Chevron in accordance with Section
204 of the NIRC. The general rule applies here because Chevron did not pass on to CDC, an
entity exempt from direct and indirect taxes. The excise taxes paid on the
Petroleum products sold to entities such as CDC, that are by law exempt importation of the petroleum products.
from direct and indirect taxes are exempt from excise tax. The phrase which
are by law exempt from direct and indirect taxes describes the entities to b. Query: May Petron in the case of Silkair now ask for a refund in the
whom the petroleum products must be sold in order to render the exemption light of the ruling in CIR vs Shell that was reversed upon
operative. Section 135(c) should thus be construed as an exemption in favor reconsideration by the First Division which ruling on the
of the petroleum products on which the excise tax was levied in the first reconsideration was reiterated in Chevron v CIR?
No. Petron could not ask for the refund of the taxes it passed on Silkair.
The exemption cannot be granted to the buyers – that is, the entities that are There is nothing to be refunded to Petron because it already recovered the
by law exempt from direct and indirect taxes – because they are not under excise tax it paid when it passed on the same to Silkair.
any legal duty to pay the excise tax. But the status of the petroleum products
as exempt from the excise taxes would be confirmed only upon their sale to What about Silkair may it recover the excise taxes passed on to it by
CDC in 2007 (or, for that matter, to any of the other entities or agencies Petron?
listed in Section 135 of the NIRC).
No. Silkair could not recover despite the new doctrine because of the
Before then, Chevron did not have any legal basis to claim the tax refund or following reasons:
the tax credit as to the petroleum products. Consequently, the payment of
the excise taxes by Chevron upon its importation of petroleum products was 1. Its right is barred by prescription as it is now more than 2 years
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from the time the excise tax was paid. (C) is employed by a corporation, the organization of which is
prompted more on the mitigation of tax liabilities than for
2. The operative fact doctrine finds application and the new ruling legitimate business purpose.
does not have retroactive effect. While this may be so, future (D) is any form of tax deduction scheme, regardless if the same is legal
Petrons sales of aviation gas to Silkair should not subject to excise or not. (2014)
Suggested Answer: (B)
11. Tax Evasion
Does resort to tax-saving devices constitute fraud under our tax law? Mr. Pascual’s income from leasing his property reaches the maximum
Explain your answer. (1966) rate of tax under the law. He donated one-half of his said property to a
non-stock, non-profit educational institution whose income and assets
Suggested answer: No. There is fraud when there is a deliberate intention, are actually, directly and exclusively used for educational purposes and
employing means outside the law, to deprive the government of its right to therefore qualified for tax exemption under Article XIV, Section 4(3) of
collect taxes. the Constitution and Section 30(h) of the Tax Code. Having thus
Resort to tax-saving devices does not constitute fraud so long as legally transferred a portion of his said asset, Mr. Pascual succeeded in paying
permissible means and the method used by the taxpayer is in good faith and a lesser tax on the rental income derived from his property. Is there tax
at arms length. (Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. The Estate of Benigno avoidance or tax evasion? Explain. (2000)
P. Toda, Jr., etc., G.R. No. 147188, September 14, 2004)
This is because the taxpayer has the legal right by means permitted by law There is tax avoidance because it is legally permissible for Mr. Pascual to
to: make the donation.
1. Decrease the amount of what could be his taxes, or
2. Altogether avoid them. (Delpher Trades Corp., et al., v. Intermediate Henry, a U.S. naturalized citizen, went home to the Philippines to
Appellate Court, et al., 157 SCRA 349, arrangement and numbering reacquire Philippine citizenship under R.A. 9225. His mother left him a
supplied) lot and building in Makati City and he wants to make use of it in his
trading business. Considering that he needs money for the business, he
A, after studying his tax problems, decided to withdraw his bank wants to sell his lot and building and make use of the consideration.
deposits and to buy non-taxable or tax-exempt securities. Does “A’s” However, the lot has sentimental value and he wants to reacquire it in
acts constitute tax evasion which is penalized? Explain. (1972, adapted) the future. A friend of Henry told him of the “sale-leaseback
transaction” commonly used in the U.S. which is also used for tax
Suggested answer: No. Tax evasion is the deliberate intention, using illegal reduction. Under said transaction, the lot owner sells his property to a
means, to deprive the government of its right to collect taxes. buyer on the condition that he leases it back from the buyer. At the
There is no law that prohibits the withdrawal of bank deposits to use the same time, the property owner is granted an option to repurchase the
proceeds to buy non-taxable or tax-exempt securities. What was resorted to lot on or before an agreed date. Henry approaches you as a tax lawyer
by “A” is tax avoidance. for advice.
Explain what tax benefits, if any, can be claimed by Henry and the
Page 253 buyer from the sale-leaseback transaction? (2016)
Choose the correct answer: Tax avoidance –
(A) is a scheme used outside of those lawful means and, when availed Henry’s lease payments may be considered as rental expense that may be
of, it usually subjects the taxpayer to further additional civil or deducted as ordinary and necessary expenses from the operation of his
criminal liabilities. trading business. On the other hand, the buyer when he leases back the
(B) is a tax saving device within the means sanctioned by law. property to Henry is using it in his trade and business of renting out
properties. Thus, he could deduct as ordinary and necessary expenses,
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depreciation, repairs and maintenance, real property and other taxes, and Upon the advice of a tax consultant, the parties agreed to execute two
other expenses incidental to renting out the property to Henry. deeds of sale, one indicating the zonal value of P2.0 Million as the
selling price and the other showing the true selling price of P2.5 Million.
Weak Alternative Answer: There are no tax benefits that could be availed of The tax consultant filed the capital gains tax return using the deed of
by both Henry and the buyer. This is so because the BIR would consider the sale showing the zonal value of P2.0 Million as the selling price.
sale-lease back transaction as a devise to deprive the government of its right Discuss the tax implications and consequences of the action taken by
to collect taxes. The sale-leaseback is merely simulated transaction, there the parties. (2005)
being no effective transfer of ownership because of the option to purchase.
Henry would surely repurchase the property because of its sentimental Suggested Answer: There is tax evasion because there was a deliberate
value. intention to deprive the government of its right to collect taxes. The basis
for the capital gains taxes as well as the documentary stamp tax should have
Henry could not deduct his lease payments as rental because he is taking been the true gross selling price. This is so, because the basis for the
title to the property in the future. [NIRC of 1997, Sec. 34 (A) (1) (a) (2)] On presumed capital gains tax is whichever is the higher between the zonal
the other hand, the rental proceeds earned by the buyer would be considered valuation and the gross selling price.
as income from whatever source taxable at gross without any deduction.
A deficiency tax is thus due for both the capital gains tax and the
Page 255 documentary stamp tax which should be paid plus a fraud surcharge of 50%
What is meant by tax evasion? xxx xxx (1989, paraphrasing of the deficiency for filing a fraudulent return.
Furthermore, the buyer and the seller together with the tax consultant may
Suggested Answer: A scheme used outside of lawful means and when be the subject of criminal prosecution for tax evasion.
availed of, usually subjects the taxpayer to further or additional civil or
criminal liabilities. [Commissioner of Internal Revenue v. The Estate of Maria Suerte, a Filipino citizen, purchased a lot in Makati City in 1989
Benigno P. Toda, Jr., etc., G.R. No. 147188, September 14, 2004 citing Jose at a price of P1 million. Said property has been leased to MAS
Vitug and Ernesto D. Acosta, Tax Law and Jurisprudence 44 (2nd ed., Corporation, a domestic corporation engaged in manufacturing paper
2000)] products, owned 99% by Maria Suerte. In October 2016, EIP
Corporation, a real estate developer, expressed its desire to buy the
A term that connotes fraud through the use of pretenses and forbidden Makati property at its fair market value at P300 million, payable as
devices to lessen or defeat taxes. (Yutivo Sons Hardware Company v. Court follows: (a) P60 million downpayment; and (b) balance, payable equally
of Tax Appeals, 1 SCRA 160) in twenty four (24) monthly consecutive instalments. Upon advice of a
tax lawyer, Maria Suerte exchanged her Makati property for shares of
Page 256 stock of MAS Corporation. A BIR Ruling, confirming the tax-free
“B” who wishes to avoid the payment of taxes assessable on the exchange of property for shares of stock, was secured from the BIR
transaction was advised by his tax consultant to make it appear on the National Office and a Certificate Authorizing Registration was issued
deed of sale that the selling price was only P200,000 although it was by the Revenue District Officer (RDO) where the property was located.
actually P300,000. Is this tax avoidance or tax evasion? Explain. (1972) Subsequently, she sold her entire stockholdings in MAS Corporation to
EIP Corporation for P300 million. In view of the tax advice, Maria
Suggested Answer: This is tax evasion because it is illegal to misdeclare the Suerte paid only the capital gains tax of P29,895,000 (P100,000 x 5%
true selling price. plus P298,900 x 10%) instead of the corporate income tax of
P89,700,000 (30% on P299 million gain from sale of real property).
Josel agreed to sell his condominium unit to Jess for P2.5 Million. At After evaluating the capital gains tax payment, the RDO wrote a letter
the time of the sale, the property had a zonal value of P2.0 Million. to Maria Suerte stating that she committed tax evasion.
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(D) The government must respect Gonmad’s separate judicial
Is the contention of the RDO tenable? Or was it tax avoidance that personality and Deltoid’s taxable sale to it. (2013)
Maria Suerte had resorted to? Explain. (2008 dates, rate and amounts
supplied) Suggested Answer: (C)
Suggested answer: The contention of the RDO is tenable because Maria On August 31, 2016, Haelton Corporation (HC), thru its authorized
Suerte committed tax evasion. representative Ms. Pares, sold a 16-storey commercial building known
as Haelton Building to Mr. Belly for P100 million. Mr. Belly, in turn,
The above scheme employed by Marua Suerte is not a legitimate tax sold the same property on the same day to Bell Gates, Inc. (BGI) for
planning one tainted with fraud. It is obvious that the exchange of the lot P200 million. These two (2) transactions were evidenced by two (2)
with the shares of MAS was to deuce the amount of tax to be paid specially separate Deeds of Absolute Sale notarized on the same day by the same
that the disposition of the MAS shares would then subject the capital gains notary public.
to the 5% tax on the first P100,000 and 10% on the amounts exceeding
P100,000 and not the 30% corporate income tax. The exchange of the lot Investigations by the Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) showed that:
with MAS shares was merely a tax ploy, a sham, and without business (1) the Deed of Absolute Sale between Mr. Belly and BGI was notarized
purpose and economic substance. This is so because Maria Suerte already ahead of the sale between HC and Mr. Belly; (2) as early as May 17,
had control of MAS up to the extent of 99%. The fact that Maria Suerte 2016, HC received P40 million from BGI, and not from Mr. Belly; (3)
through her counsel asked the opinion of the BIR on the tax consequence of the said payment of P40 million was recorded by BGI in its books as of
the two sale transactions does not erase the taint of fraud. June 30, 2016 as investment in Haelton Building, and (4) the substantial
portion of P40 million was withdrawn by Ms. Pares through
The intermediary transaction, i.e., the exchange of the shares of stock, declaration of cash dividends to all its stockholders.
which was prompted more on the mitigation of tax liabilities than for Based on the foregoing, the BIR sent Haelton Corporation a Notice of
legitimate business purpose constitutes one of tax evasion. (Commissioner Assessment for deficiency income tax arising from an alleged simulated
of Internal Revenue v. The Estate of Benigno P. Toda, Jr., etc., G.R. No. sale of the aforesaid commercial building to escape the higher corporate
147188, September 14, 2004, 438 SCRA 29) income tax rate of thirty percent (30%). What is the liability of Haelton
Corporation, if any? (2014, dates supplied)
Page 258
Prior to the VAT law, sales of cars were subject to a sales tax but the Suggested Answer: Haelton Corporation (HC), being a juridical person is
tax applied only to the original or the first sale; the second and only civilly liable for the deficiency income tax plus fraud surcharge of 50%
subsequent sales were not subject to tax. of the deficiency for entering into a fraudulent transaction resulting into tax
Deltoid Motors, Inc. (Deltoid) hit on the idea of setting up a wholly-
owned subsidiary, Gonmad Motors, Inc. (Gonmad), and of selling its There was fraud because there was deliberate intention to deprive the
assembled cars to Gonmad at a low price so it would pay a lower tax on government of its right to collect the higher corporate income tax through
the first sale. Gonmad would then sell the cars to the public at a higher the simulated sale to Mr. Belly at a lower price instead of the higher sale to
price without paying any sales tax on the subsequent sale. BGI. This is evident from the fact that Mr. Belly already sold the property to
Characterize the arrangement. BGI prior to the sale to him by HC of the property. Furthermore, the
(A) The plan is a legitimate exercise of tax planning and merely takes downpayment to HC did not come from Mr. Belly but from BGI.
advantage of a loophole in the law.
(B) The plan is legal because the government collect taxes anyway. The intermediary transaction (the simulated sale to Mr. Belly), was
(C) The plan is improper; the veil of corporate fiction can be pierced so prompted more on the mitigation of tax liabilities than for legitimate
that the second sale will be considered the taxable sale.
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business purpose constitutes one of tax evasion. (CIR v. Benigno Toda, Jr., 3. As forms of escape from taxation, we hear of “tax evasion” and “tax
G.R. No. 147188, September 14, 2004, 438 SCRA 290) avoidance.” Differentiate between them and give an instance of each.
Page 259 4. xxx xxx tax evasion? How is it distinguished from tax
Lucky V Corporation (Lucky) owns a 10-storey building on a 2,000 avoidance? (1989, paraphrasing supplied)
square meter lot in the City of Makati. It sold the lot and building to 5. Distinguish tax evasion from tax avoidance. (1996)
Rainier for P80 million. One month after, Rainier sold the lot and
building to Healthy Smoke Company (HSC) for P200 million. Lucky The following are the distinctions between tax avoidance and tax evasion:
filed its annual return and declared its gain from the sale of the lot and a. Legality. Tax avoidance is legal WHILE tax evasion is illegal.
building in the amount of P750,000.00 b. Validity. Tax avoidance is valid WHILE tax evasion is invalid.
c. Effect. Tax avoidance is minimization of taxes WHILE tax evasion
An investigation conducted by the BIR revealed that two months prior almost always results in absence of tax payments.
to the sale of the properties to Rainier, Lucky received P40 million from d. Penalties. Tax avoidance does not result to any penalties WHILE tax
HSC and not from Rainier. Said amount of P40 million was debited by evasion warrants the imposition of civil, administrative and criminal
HSC and reflected in its trial balance as “other inv. – Lucky Bldg.” The penalties.
BIR concluded that there is a tax evasion since the real buyer of the Warning: Do not capitalize WHILE when answering Bar examination
properties of Lucky is HSC and not Rainier. It issued an assessment for questions.
deficiency income tax in the amount of P79 million against Lucy. Lucky
argues that it resorted to tax avoidance or a tax saving device, which is
allowed by the NIRC and BIR rules since it paid the correct taxes based
on the sale to Rainier. On the other hand, Rainier and HSC also paid
the prescribed taxes arising from the sale by Rainier to HSC. Is the BIR
correct in assessing taxes on Lucky? Explain. (2016)
Suggested Answer: Yes. The BIR is correct in assessing the taxes on Lucky.
There was no tax avoidance, instead there was tax evasion on the part of
Lucky because of the simulated sale to Rainier which had its apparent
purpose to reduce the income tax to be paid by Lucky on the sale to HSC.
The sale to Rainier was simulated as evidenced by the fact that two months
prior to the sale of the properties to Rainier, Lucky received P40 million
from HSC and not from Rainier.
Page 260
1. Differentiate “tax avoidance” from “tax evasion.” (1966)
2. Is tax evasion the same as tax avoidance? Explain fully your answer.
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