2025 Bar Syllabus - Civil Law
2025 Bar Syllabus - Civil Law
2025 Bar Syllabus - Civil Law
NOTE: This syllabus is an outline of the key topics that fall under the core subject “Civil
Law”. Accordingly, all Bar candidates should be guided that only laws, rules, issuances, and
jurisprudence pertinent to the topics in this syllabus as of June 30, 2024 are examinable
materials within the coverage of the 2025 Bar Examinations.
Unless otherwise indicated in the headings or in the texts themselves, the provisions of law
cited below refer to the Civil Code of the Philippines.
6. Void Laws
7. Judicial Decisions
a. Stare Decisis
8. Computation of Periods
a. Section 31, Chapter VIII, Book I of the Revised Administrative Code of 1987
a. Lex Nationalii
b. Lex Rei Sitae
B. Human Relations
1. Abuse of Right
2. Unjust Enrichment
3. Tortious Interference
4. Accion in rem verso
A. Juridical capacity
1. Acquisition of personality
a. Natural persons
b. Juridical persons
1. Further restrictions on capacity to act arising from minority – R.A. No. 11596
A. Marriage
1. General Principles
4. Void Marriages
a. Different Grounds for Nullity
i. See also R.A. No. 11596 and Tan-Andal v. Andal, G.R. No. 196359, May
11, 2021
5. Voidable Marriages
a. Grounds
b. Defenses
6. Legal Separation
a. Grounds
b. Defenses
c. Legal Consequences of Legal Separation
d. Effects of Reconciliation
b. Legitimate Children
c. Illegitimate Children
d. Legitimated Children
9. Support
d. Order of Support
B. Proscription against collateral attack on a person’s status via correction of entries in the
civil register
A. Obligations
2. General Provisions
a. Definition
b. Essential Elements
c. Sources of Obligation
3. Nature and Effects of Obligations
a. Breaches of Obligations
a. Pure
b. Conditional; Kinds of Conditions
c. With a Period
d. Alternative Obligations
a. Payment
i. Concept of Payment
ii. Requisites
c. Condonation
d. Confusion
e. Compensation
i. Requisites
f. Novation
i. Concept of Novation
B. Contracts
1. General Provisions
a. Definition of a Contract
b. Elements of a Contract
i. Essential Elements
ii. Natural Elements
c. Relativity
i. Concept
ii. Exceptions to the Rule on Privity of Contracts
d. Consensuality of Contracts
ii. Exceptions
e. Mutuality of Contracts
3. Real vs. Consensual Contracts
a. Rescissible Contracts
b. Voidable Contracts
c. Unenforceable Contracts
d. Void Contracts
A. Succession
1. Definition
2. Elements of Succession
a. Death
b. Inheritance
i. Property
ii. Rights
iii. Obligations
c. Successors
i. Heirs
ii. Voluntary Heirs
d. Acceptance
a. Concept
b. Wills
i. Characteristics of a Will
c. Testamentary Capacity
d. Kinds of Wills: Notarial and Holographic Wills
i. Modes
2. Compulsory Succession
a. Table of Legitime
b. Computation of the Net Hereditary Estate
e. Preterition
f. Disinheritance
i. Requisites
ii. Grounds
3. Intestate Succession
a. Causes of Intestacy
b. Order of Intestate Succession
1. Rule of Proximity
a. Form of Repudiation
7. Capacity to inherit
A. Contract of Sale
1. Nature and Form
b. Option Contract
4. Double Sale
6. Recto Law
9. Equitable Mortgage
B. Contract of Lease
C. Agency
A. Loans
1. Definition
2. Kinds of Loans
a. Commodatum
b. Mutuum
B. Deposit
1. Definition
2. Kinds of Deposit
a. Judicial
b. Extrajudicial
2. Effects of Guaranty
3. Extinguishment of Guaranty
1. Requisites
2. Characteristics
3. Foreclosure
4. Right of Redemption
A. Property
1. Requisites
2. Classification of Property
a. According to Nature
i. Immovable Property
b. According to Ownership
1. Definition
2. Object of Ownership
3. Attributes of Ownership
4. Consequences of Ownership
5. Actions to Recover Ownership and Possession of Property
a. Doctrine of Self-Help
b. Accion Reivindicatoria
c. Accion Publiciana
d. Accion Interdictal
e. Quieting of Title
6. Rights of Accession
a. General Principles
b. Kinds
i. Accession Discreta
7. Co-Ownership
a. Definition
c. Consequences of Co-ownership
d. Right of Legal Redemption given to Co-owners of a co-owner selling his or her
ideal share
i. Requisites
ii. Distinguished from the right of legal redemption given to co-heirs under
Article 1080 of the Civil Code
e. Partition
8. Possession
a. Definition
b. Classification of Possession
d. Loss of Possession
9. Easements
a. Concept of Easement
b. Characteristics
c. Kinds of Easement
d. Modes of Acquiring Easements
1. Occupation
2. Tradition
3. Donation
b. Essential elements
c. Classification of Donation
g. Prohibited donations
4. Prescription
B. Kinds
1. Negotiorum Gestio
2. Solutio Indebiti
A. Principles
2. Unjust Enrichment
a. Natural Persons
b. Juridical Persons
a. In General
i. Quasi-delicts
b. In Particular
i. Parents
ii. Guardian
iv. Employers
v. State
3. Joint Tortfeasors
C. Proximate Cause
1. Concept
2. Legal Cause
a. Natural and Probable Consequences
b. Foreseeability
D. Classification of Torts
1. Intentional
2. Negligent
3. Strict Liability
E. Defenses
1. Due diligence
5. Assumption of risk
7. Prescription
8. Waiver
9. Double recovery
A. General Considerations
B. Kinds
2. Moral Damages
3. Nominal Damages
5. Liquidated Damages
A. Torrens System
1. Decree of Registration
B. Regalian Doctrine
E. Subsequent Registration
1. Voluntary Dealings
4. Reckoning point of the prescriptive period to claim against the Assurance Fund
I. Reconstitution of Title
A. Challenges