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Key Stage 4 Curriculum Booklet 2017-2019: Learning To Excel

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learning to excel

since 1969

Quality British education in Milan

Key Stage 4
Curriculum Booklet

The British School of Milan

Via Pisani Dossi, 16 • 20134 Milan, Italy - Tel. +39 02 210941
info@bsm.school - www.britishschoolmilan.com

TABLE OF CONTENTS……..………………………………………………………………………………....1


MAKING DECISIONS……………..……………………………………………………….………………..…3

PREPARATION BEYOND GCSEs……………….……….……...…………………………………………….4

SPORTS PROGRAMME………………..……………..………………………………………………………...5

CURRICULUM CHANGE with ENGLISH A…………..………………………………………..…………..…6

ENGLISH A - LANGUAGE and LITERATURE……….……………...………………………………….….......7

ENGLISH B - SECOND LANGUAGE……………………...……………………………..…………….….......8


ITALIAN A……….……………………………...……………………………………………….………....…10








COMPUTER SCIENCE …………………………………….………………………...…………………….…19


IGCSE PHYSICAL EDUCATION………………………...………………………………………….………..21

BUSINESS STUDIES………………….……………………………………………………………………….22



LEARNING RESOURCE CENTRE ……………..….……………….………………………………….……..25

KS4 OPTIONS FORM…………………………….…..……………………………………………….….…..26

Dear Students and Parents
The move from Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 involves some important changes both in the structure of the
timetable and in the nature of the lessons. The purpose of this booklet is to explain these changes and to
give some advice on the choices that have to be made.
As is the case in most independent schools in England and Wales, The British School of Milan, adheres
closely to the requirements of the National Curriculum (NC). By the end of Key Stage 3 students will have
followed a broad and balanced curriculum consisting of fifteen subjects.
The National Curriculum stipulates that all students in Key Stage 4 should receive as balanced an education
as is possible. However, there is an element of choice available to them.
The core Key Stage 4 curriculum includes:
English Language English Literature

1 Language subject [chosen by student] Italian / French / Spanish / German

1 Science subject [chosen by student] Biology / Chemistry / Physics
1 Humanities subject [chosen by student] Geography / History / Business Studies / Economics

Students then choose an additional 3 subjects, taken from the range of subjects available, which brings them
up to a minimum of 9 IGCSEs.

Also included are two non-examination subjects

Physical Education Personal, Social & Health Education

The process of selecting the subjects that will be taken for KS4 takes place during the Spring term of Year 9
and involves discussion between students, parents and teaching staff. Inevitably some students will not be
able to choose all six of their preferred subjects because of the need to group subjects in the option blocks
to create a balanced curriculum. There may also be a restriction on the numbers in individual classes, so it
is advisable to complete the on-line ‘OPTION CHOICES’ form promptly. Should there be insufficient interest
in a particular subject as an option, it may not be feasible for it to be offered.
At Key Stage 4 students’ attainment is assessed with the IGCSE (International General Certificate of
Secondary Education). Art is assessed with the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE). These
subjects are traditionally assessed through formal, external examinations in the summer term of Year 11.
There may be additional components of assessment taken in some subjects during the two-year course.
As with the IB Diploma Programme (taken in Years 12 and 13), the results are keenly noted by prospective
employers and institutes of higher education.
This is an important stage in students’ academic development and one in which they have the chance to
play a positive, pro-active role in making decisions that could influence their future opportunities in life.
Students should think carefully about what their aims may be and make the most of the learning
experiences offered.
Prior to making these important decisions, students in Year 9 will receive advice and assistance from
teachers about which subjects to choose. It is important to consider decisions in the light of any future
career intentions.
Please read carefully through the syllabus outlines contained in this booklet and bear in mind any advice
given by subject teachers.
Do feel free to speak to us individually in person, or contact us via e-mail, if there is any further information
you require.
Colm Murphy Lauren Barbian
Head of KS4 Assistant Head of KS4
colm.murphy@bsm.school lauren.barbian@bsm.school


Key Stage 4 is a two-year course of study culminating in IGCSE examinations at the end of Year 11.
Depending on your option choices, some subjects you used to do in Key Stage 3 will ‘disappear’ – those
which remain will be allocated more time, allowing you to study each of your chosen subjects in greater
depth. You will also have the opportunity to study new subjects.
You will be expected to keep up with the demands of the syllabus for each subject, present homework
punctually (there will be an increase in homework time allocated for each subject) and prepare effectively
for a range of assessments.
In short, undertaking IGCSE courses requires more self-responsibility, more determination and a high level
of commitment.

What should you consider when making your choices?

ABILITY What advantage might you have if you select subjects in which you have achieved good

INTEREST Are you more likely to work with consistent commitment and purpose in subjects that you
particularly enjoy and know that you can be successful in?

TALENT Some people are instinctively expressive or creative, and might enjoy the opportunities
provided by subjects such as Music, Drama or Art. Other students may have a flair for
foreign languages or mathematical-based ideas. If you know where your talents lie, you can
capitalise on this…

POTENTIAL Be aware that GCSE courses might make different demands upon you than KS3 courses
You may be quite good at a particular subject already; imagine how much progress you
make, and what results you can achieve with hard work and commitment to your own
learning! Be cautious, though: if you have achieved very high grades through KS3, it does not
automatically mean your initial grades at GCSE in KS4 will also be high – this might take time.

CONTENT Familiarise yourself with the syllabus content for each subject.
Look through the course descriptions in this booklet and try to match content to your
abilities, interests and ambitions.

AMBITION If you already have an idea of what future career(s) might appeal to you, you should bear in
mind that some careers demand specific subjects. Medicine, for example, will require the
study of two Science subjects, one of which must be Chemistry. Those considering a career
in Engineering need to study both Maths and Physics. Make sure, therefore, that you get the
correct advice before making decisions. If you are unsure what your ambitions are yet, then
you may wish to keep your options open by selecting a broad range of subjects.

ADVICE People at school to ask for help include:

Tutors, Subject Teachers, Heads of Key Stage 4
Head of University Guidance & Careers: Ms Vaccaro
Head of Sixth Form: Ms Pickering, Director of IB: Mr Pinchin
Deputy Heads: Mr Barrie / Ms Walker
The Principal: Dr Greenhalgh


BSM became an IB World School in February 2008 and began delivering the IB Diploma Programme in
September 2008. BSM is also authorised to offer the IB Career-related Certificate.

Consistent with this exciting development and the school’s mission statement, the study programme for
Years 7 to13 is designed to create a logical continuum in the curriculum to support success in the IB
Diploma or the IB Career-related Certificate.

The Personal, Social and Health Education programme [PSHE] provides an opportunity to promote
critical thinking inherent to the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) programme in the IB Diploma, characterised
by ‘student-centred learning’ and Internationalism. It is also a conduit through which we can promote local,
regional and global awareness and responsibility through the Creativity, Action and Service (CAS)
The programme also addresses core PSHE issues relevant to adolescence: Sex and Relationship Education;
Drugs, Alcohol and Tobacco; Bullying; Global Citizenship; Emotional Health and Wellbeing; Nutrition and
Physical Activity; and Health and Safety, encouraging exploration of, reference to and development of
critical, compassionate, substantiated opinion.

When choosing subjects to study at IGCSE, students are advised to bear in mind that they will eventually
have to make subject choices for the IB Diploma.

In the IB Diploma students study six subjects selected from the six segments of the Diploma Curriculum
Framework, as illustrated below.






Group 6 THE ARTS

Three subjects are studied at Higher Level and the remaining

three subjects are studied at Standard Level.

Groups 1 to 5 are compulsory.

You may take an extra subject from Groups 1 to 4, instead of
a subject from Group 6, dependent upon scheduling issues.


The school offers a wide range of activities beyond the actual classroom / lessons.

Students in Key Stage 4 are encouraged to be involved in this important aspect of school life. Universities
are looking for well-rounded individuals who are not purely an academic, but have been involved in Drama
productions, Music performances or as a member of the Sports team – to mention only three of the
options available.

Keep in mind that during Key Stage 4 you are creating the early stages of a personal CV that will be of
great benefit to you when you apply to university at the beginning of Year 13, and so broadening the scope
of your interests would be beneficial.

Challenge yourself to balance your academic and social growth: find pursuits beyond the curriculum and
beyond the school through which you can fulfil your individual potential.


The Physical Education Department offers a variety of co-curricular sports activities that are available to all
of our students. During the school day, students have access to the inter-house sports experience of
Python Points. Within this, students compete in a variety of regular sporting competitions against peers in
the same year group, whilst representing and earning points for their academic houses; notably Darwin,
Austen and Drake.

Outside of the school day, students are able to access a variety of sporting opportunities ranging from
recreational clubs to competitive clubs, with the school taking advantage of excellent sporting facilities in
Milan and its surrounding areas. In terms of competition, the Physical Education Department fields a
number of teams in numerous sports, with each of these teams competing in the Northern International
Schools Sports Association (NISSA), local festivals and sport exchanges.

Through these opportunities, a healthy fixtures and tournament programme is experienced by our students
on both week nights and weekends during each sporting season throughout the year.


This is a compulsory core component of Key Stage 4.


The Physical Education Curriculum is designed with the goal of being an outstanding curriculum. An
outstanding curriculum is one in which all learners become well-balanced, rounded individuals, who have
attained, achieved and accomplished all that they are capable of. Our curriculum has been designed with
our students’ long term aspirations and goals in mind and aims to provide inspiring experiences that reflect
our beliefs as a department and school. As a result, its structure is fluid and evolves with our students and
their strengths, expectations and aspirations.

The Key Stage 3 programme provides the building blocks for Key Stage 4, with students beginning to
streamline their focus towards the areas that they would like to develop long term. In Key Stage 4, students
narrow their focus further by opting for a particular pathway from a choice developed through student
voice, with the aim of providing them with a curriculum that will allow them to meet their long-term goals
and aspirations.
All students follow the core PE course.
Students may also select the IGCSE Physical Education course in addition to their core lessons.

Students have two lessons of Physical Education per week and follow a pathway of lessons for two years.
Students opt for the particular pathway that they would like to follow. The following pathways are for
illustrative purposes only and represent the aspirations of the current Key Stage 4 students.
High Performing All-rounder
This pathway is designed to give students the opportunity to develop their all-round ability in a variety of
sports. This includes athletics, aquatic activities, badminton, basketball, striking and fielding games, and
Footballing Excellence
This pathway is concerned with the development of a student’s footballing ability. Students will cover not
only the techniques, skills and tactics of the game, but also the physical and mental side. In order to provide
a measure of balance to the pathway, students will also undertake blocks of work in athletics and rugby.


The British government announced last year that it would introduce rigorous new linear
qualifications at KS4, to be called IGCSE 9-1.

The New IGCSE 9-1 in English Language & Literature is to be delivered at BSM from September 2017.

A new grading scale will be used for the GCSE 9-1, with 9 being the top grade and with a 4 being roughly
equivalent to a current grade C. This change is being made to allow greater differentiation between
students at the higher grades and also to help distinguish the new IGCSE from legacy versions
which will remain graded from A* to G.

Currently the Department for Education considers a good pass to be a C grade. You will notice from the
diagram below that this will rise to a 5 under the new grading system, raising the bar nationally. Full detail
can be found in the weblink below but the key points are in the diagram:


Edexcel IGCSE Language (code 4EA1)
Edexcel IGCSE Literature (code 4ET1)


 develop communication skills to achieve improved fluency and grammatical accuracy
 craft language to suit a wide range of purposes and audiences
 read and think critically
 analyse and appreciate writers’ presentation of ideas and manipulation of language
 consider the effectiveness of a wide range of non-fiction and fiction texts from around the world
 explore through literature the cultures of various societies
 enjoy reading literature and understand its influence on individuals and societies

English Language (Specification A) Written examination
Paper Skill Content Time Weighting
1 [4EA1/01] READING Unprepared non-fiction 2 hrs 15 mins 60%
Text from Part 1 of the
Edexcel Anthology

TRANSACTIONAL For a specified audience,

WRITING form and/or purpose
2 [4EA0/02] READING Text from Part 2 of the 1 hour 30 minutes 40%
Edexcel Anthology
IMAGINATIVE To explore, imagine and/or
WRITING entertain

English Literature Written examination

Paper Skill Content Time Weighting
1 [4ET1/01] POETRY AND Unseen poem 2 hrs 60%
MODERN PROSE Part 3 of the Edexcel
Things Fall Apart by Chinua

2 [4ET0/02] MODERN DRAMA An Inspector Calls by J B 1 hr 30 mins 40%

HERITAGE Macbeth by William


In the Sixth Form at BSM, students choose between:

To follow either course at Standard Level, the minimum grade requirement is two grade Cs (5) at IGCSE
To follow either course at Higher Level, the minimum grade requirement is two Bs (6) at IGCSE.

CIE IGCSE - English as a Second Language (code 0510)

The syllabus assesses students’ ability to use English as a medium of practical communication, and is aimed
at students for whom English is not a first language / mother tongue but for whom it is a lingua franca or
language of study.


 develop the ability to use English effectively for the purpose of practical communication;
 form a sound base for the skills required for further study or employment using English as the
 develop an awareness of the nature of language and language learning skills, along with skills of a
more general application;
 promote students’ personal development;
 ensure that students can fully access other curriculum subjects;

For students to gain a NQF Level 2 English language IGCSE qualification which will allow them to continue
on to Sixth Form and university study.


ESL Written examination

Paper Skill Content Time Weighting
Component 2 READING AND There are seven tasks in the paper 2 hrs 70%
(Extended) WRITING testing a range of reading and
writing skills.

Component 4 LISTENING Candidates listen to several short 50 mins 30%

(Extended) extracts and longer texts and
complete a range of task types
such as gap fill, note taking ,
multiple choice and extended
Component 5 SPEAKING Following a 2-3 minute warm up 15 mins Separately
students engage in a 6-9 minute endorsed
discussion on a given topic


In the Sixth Form at BSM, students may select between:
To follow either course at Standard Level, the minimum grade requirement is grade ‘C’s at IGCSE.
To follow either course at Higher Level, the minimum grade requirement is ‘B’s at IGCSE.

CIE IGCSE (code 0580)


At the British School of Milan, Mathematics is studied by all students in every year.

By providing rich and varied opportunities both in and outside of the classroom, we aim for all students to:

 develop fluent knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematical methods and concepts
 acquire, select and apply mathematical techniques to solve problems
 reason mathematically, make deductions and inferences, and draw conclusions
 comprehend, interpret and communicate mathematical information in a variety of forms
appropriate to the information and context.
 develop an appreciation for the study of mathematics.


The study of Mathematics at IGCSE covers 6 core strands: Number, Algebra, Proportion, Geometry,
Probability and Statistics. In addition to this, key skills that cut across these categories will be developed,
including those of reasoning, problem solving and communicating mathematically.


The CIE IGCSE (0580) is a challenging and rewarding course which prepares students thoroughly for future
studies. We aim for all students to sit the ‘Extended’ option, which is assessed by two terminal
examinations (called Paper 2 and Paper 4). Paper 2 consists of short questions, whereas Paper 4 consists of
much longer questions which often link topics across the course.


At BSM we aim to both challenge and enrich all students’ mathematical skills and understanding. For
students who show outstanding potential in Year 9, we have developed an accelerated pathway. In March of
Year 9, a group of students are selected to commence their studies towards the CIE IGCSE Mathematics in
Year 10 and Edexcel IGCSE Further Mathematics in Year 11, thus providing them with the opportunity to
gain two IGCSE qualifications in Mathematics. This pathway will further support their skills and
understanding and is essential in preparing them to progress on to studying IB Higher Level Mathematics.

ITALIAN A – Language and Literature
CIE Cambridge Pre-U (code 9783)


The Italian A - Language and Literature syllabus is for Italian Nationals and International students with
mother-tongue or equivalent levels of Italian (Lingua Uno). The Italian B course is provided for international
students who are not fluent in Italian. Please refer below in the Languages section.

NOTE: Italian A at IB level is a necessary requirement to access Italian State Universities.

Students must take Italian A in Year 10 & 11 to access Italian A at IB level.
The Italian CIE Cambridge Pre-U course provides the necessary preparation to access Italian A at IB level.
By the end of Year 11 students will have developed an inquiring, reflective approach to the study of Italian
language and literature and will be able to:
 “Use language as a vehicle for thought, creativity, reflection…
 Develop critical, creative and personal approaches to studying…
 Engage in literature from a variety of cultures…
 Engage with ICT in order to explore language…
 Apply Italian language skills and knowledge in a variety of real-life contexts”.

The Italian A course has been designed to give students a thorough grounding in the skills and knowledge
required for studying Language A: Italian in the IB Diploma.
Elements of narratology, introduction to analysis of poetry
In-depth study of: D. Alighieri: Inferno, G. Boccaccio, Il Decameron, F. Petrarca: Il Canzoniere
I. Calvino, Il sentiero dei nidi di ragno; A. Moravia, Racconti romani, E.Lee Masters: Antologia di Spoon River or
K. Hossein, Mille splendidi soli, H. Lee, Il buio oltre la siepe or J. Austen Orgoglio e pregiudizio
Advanced activities of literary criticism, Introduction to comparative study of 2 literary texts
In-depth study of: G. Leopardi: Canti, G. Verga: Vita dei campi, L. Pirandello: Novelle per un anno, I. Silone:
Fontamara, D. Grossman: Qualcuno con cui correre or H. Hesse, Siddharta

In addition to textbooks and printed notes, teachers use various multi-media devices and interactive
software with a view to developing personalised learning, in line with the objectives of the school.
At the end of Year 11, students will be assessed by means of an external examination: Cambridge
International Level 3, Pre-U Certificate in Modern Foreign Language (Principal) Italian (9783).

Codes Component name Duration Weighting Type of assessment

9783/1 Paper 1 16 mins 25% Externally assessed speaking test
Speaking conducted by a visiting examiner,
60 marks.
9783/2 Paper 2 2 hrs 15 mins 25% Externally set and marked written
Reading and Listening paper, 60 marks
9783/3 Paper 3 2 hours 15 mins 25% Externally set and marked written
Reading and Usage paper, 60 marks
9783/4 Paper 4 2 hrs 30 mins 25% Externally set and marked written
Topics and Texts paper, 60 marks

CIE IGCSE - Italian (code 0535)
CIE IGCSE - French (code 0520)
CIE IGCSE - Spanish (code 0530)
CIE IGCSE - German (code 0525)


 To develop the ability to use language effectively for purposes of practical communication in the
countries where the language is spoken.
 To encourage positive attitudes towards language learning and towards speakers of other
 To develop an awareness of the nature of language and language learning.
 To acquire the skills and attitudes which will form a sound basis for further study, work and leisure.
 To develop the pupils’ understanding of themselves, their own cultures and the culture and
civilisation of other countries.
 To encourage fuller integration into the local community, where relevant.
 To provide enjoyment and intellectual stimulation.
 To promote the learning of more general applications:
 use of reference materials including dictionaries;
 use of information technology;
 analysing and drawing inferences;
 summarising, reporting and explaining.
The syllabus and examinations are based on authentic material related to these topics:
Area Theme Content
A Everyday activities Home life and school; Holidays and special occasions
B Personal and social life Self, family and personal relationships; Food, health and fitness
C The world around us Home, town and local area; Natural and man-made environment;
People, places and customs
D The world of work Continuing education; Careers and employment; Language and
communication in the work place
E The international world Tourism at home and abroad; Life in other countries and
communities; World events and issues


Candidates are examined in four skills: LISTENING, READING, SPEAKING and WRITING.
The examination papers will be set entirely in the target language. This includes rubrics and all questions.
All questions requiring written answers, including questions testing Listening and Reading Comprehension,
are to be answered in the target language.
The exam is divided into four papers and students wishing to obtain a grade from A* to G must attempt all
4 papers from the Extended Curriculum:

Paper Skill Time allowed Weighting

1 Listening 45 mins 25%
2 Reading 1 hr 25%
3 Speaking 15 mins 25%
4 Writing 1 hr 25%
For students who show outstanding potential in Year 9, we have developed an Accelerated Pathway.
Selected students commence their studies towards the CIE French IGCSE and take their final exams at the
end of Year 10. If a student achieves an A or A* in their final exams, in Year 11 they will be provided with
the opportunity to study for an additional qualification which will further support their skills and
understanding to excel in Higher Level IB French.
CIE IGCSE - Biology (code 0610)
CIE IGCSE - Chemistry (code 0620)
CIE IGCSE - Physics (code 0625)

Biology, Chemistry and Physics are taught as separate subjects in Key Stage 4.

The Cambridge International GCSE syllabus is followed and the three subjects are examinable separately at
the end of the two-year course.

A student can decide to study one, two, or even all three science subjects in Years 10 and 11.

Any student who might wish to follow a scientific or technical career (such as engineering) should
generally take 2 or 3 science GCSE subjects. These students must discuss their GCSE science choices
carefully with science teaching staff.

Though these courses will go into greater depth and extend the knowledge of the students, they will also
involve some revision of previous years’ work.


 To acquire a knowledge and understanding of the concepts, principles and applications

of Biology, Chemistry and Physics so that students may be able to develop an informed interest and
opinion in related topics;
 To develop skills and abilities relevant to the study and practice of science which will be useful in
everyday life;
 To stimulate curiosity and interest in science and the environment;
 To introduce students to the methods used by scientists and the ways in which scientific
discoveries are made, and to show that science and the language of science is universal and that
science recognises no national boundaries;
 To develop attitudes relevant to Biology, Chemistry and Physics such as concern for accuracy and
precision, objectivity, integrity, enquiry, initiative and inventiveness.

The topics covered include an in-depth study of:

Biology: Cells and classification, nutrition and enzymes, respiration and gas
exchange, transport and disease, co-ordination and response, reproduction,
inheritance, biotechnology and ecosystems.

Chemistry: Atomic structure, bonding, formulae and equations, The Periodic

Table, chemistry and electricity, metals, air and water, carbonates and sulphur,
acids, bases and salts, chemical reactions and organic chemistry.

Physics: Motion, matter and forces, energy, work and power, electricity,
magnetism, thermal energy, electromagnetic waves and radioactivity.

Students learn about the underlying principles of each subject through a mix of theory and practical
investigations, while also developing an understanding of the scientific skills essential for further study.
Students learn how science is studied and practiced, and become aware that the results of scientific
research can have both good and bad effects on individuals, communities and the environment. As well as
focusing on the individual sciences, the syllabus enables candidates to better understand the technological
world they live in, and take an informed interest in science and scientific developments in the world around


The students will sit 3 examination papers per subject consisting of:

Paper Time and Weighting Content

Multiple Choice 45 mins (30%) Core & Extended Material
Written Paper - Theory 75 mins (50%) Core & Extended Material
Written Paper - Practical 60 mins (20%) Practical Aspects


Biology, Chemistry and Physics are available as separate subjects as part of the IB Diploma programme.
Another option, presently available for sixth form students, is Environmental Systems and Societies, a
subject which can be accessed after following any of the three science subjects.

Students who might wish to study Biology at IB and go on to study a Biology-based course at university,
must take IGCSE Chemistry in addition to IGCSE Biology.

It is important that students possess some mathematical ability before considering the Chemistry or Physics
courses since they involve frequent numerical concepts in most topic areas.

Any student considering medicine or veterinary science must take all 3 sciences to be eligible for a place in
British universities.

CIE IGCSE (code 0460)


The world in which we live is likely to change more in the next 50 years than it has ever done before. By
studying Geography, students will discover why, and try to prepare themselves for these changes.
Geography is an ideal subject for developing a full range of skills and helps to provide a good broad

Successful Cambridge IGCSE Geography candidates develop lifelong skills, including:

 An understanding of the impacts which both physical and human geography can have and the
processes which affect their development.
 A sense of place and an understanding of relative location on a local, regional and global scale.
 The ability to use and understand geographical data and information.
 An understanding of communities and cultures around the world and how they are affected and
constrained by different environments.

Students will be required to handle data using ICT, ask questions and find out answers, as well as giving
presentations and working in teams. They will need to draw and read maps, organise themselves and work
independently - both inside the classroom and beyond. All students will participate in a residential fieldtrip
to Elba in June of Year 10 where they will collect data related to tourism for their coursework, which is
worth 27.5% of their final grade. There will be an extra cost for this excursion.

The curriculum is divided into three themes which are collectively designed to develop an understanding of
both the natural and human environment.

Theme Area Content

1 POPULATION AND Population dynamics
2 THE NATURAL Plate tectonics
Weather and Climate
Natural Vegetation
3 ECONOMIC Development
DEVELOPMENT Food Production
Environmental risks of economic development


Paper Content Time allowed Weighting
1 Questions can be from Theme 1, 2 and 3 - answer 3 1 ¾ hrs 45 %
questions out of 6
2 All questions need to be answered 1½ hours 27.5%
3 Coursework from the data collected on the - 27.5%
residential field course – 2000 word project

CIE IGCSE (Code 0470)


History helps young people to understand the world they live in, and the events of the last 100 years help
to explain the problems and opportunities of the world today.
The study of History also offers a broad range of skills such as dealing with ‘real’ people and understanding
why they did what they did in the past. Students are also given the opportunity to judge more accurately
whether they are being told the truth, part of the truth or something completely untrue about the past.
The course also provides excellent preparation for the IB Diploma as students practise source analysis,
enquiry and essay skills which are the essential elements of History at IB Diploma level.

Students will have an opportunity to learn about International Relations, what leads to conflicts between
countries and how these are settled.
One nation (Russia) will be studied in depth, helping students to gain knowledge about a different place and
people. In addition, students will learn how historians use sources to find out about the past. This will focus
on International Relations, specifically the Cold War.


Component Time allowed Weighting
1. One exam paper 2hrs 40%
The 20th century: International Relations since 1919 and Russia 1905-1941
Students will be examined on all topics in a single examination

Section A - Core Content: International Relations since 1919

 Were the peace treaties of 1919–23 fair?
 Who was to blame for the Cold War?
 How effectively did the USA contain the spread of Communism?
 How secure was the USSR’s control over Eastern Europe, 1948–
 Why did events in the Gulf matter, c.1970–2000?

Section B - Depth Studies: Russia 1905-1941

 Why did the Tsarist regime collapse in 1917?
 How did the Bolsheviks gain power, and how did they consolidate
their rule?
 How did Stalin gain and hold on to power?
 What was the impact of Stalin’s economic policies?

2. One exam paper 2 hrs 33%

The 20th Century: International Relations since 1919 (source paper) Students
will be examined on all topics in a single examination
 Content is the same as Section A Paper 1.

3. Extended Writing A 2000 word 27%

One piece of extended writing, up to 2000 words in length, based on an essay to be
aspect of Nazi Germany. completed either
in lesson time or
at home

CIE IGCSE (code 0410A)


The aims set out below describe the educational purposes of following a course in Music for the IGCSE
 To develop sensitivity towards music through personal experience by the exercise of imagination
and the acquisition of skills, inventiveness, co-ordination and knowledge.
 To acquire and consolidate a range of basic musical skills, knowledge and understanding through
the activities of listening, performing and composing.
 To develop performing skills to enable candidates to participate in the wide range of musical
activities which can be found, at present, in the school and in the community.
 To develop a perceptive, sensitive and critical response to music of different styles in a cultural and
historical context.

Over the course of the two years, students will study, listen to and perform a wide range of music from
various parts of the world and from different periods in history. This will include some more ‘in depth’
study of two prescribed set works, one from the Western tradition and one World music topic.
Part of the first year (Year 10) will focus of strengthening the musical grammar skills and techniques
required to be able to compose and read music fluently. Most students will take the ABRSM grade 5
theory exam at the end of Year 10, though this is not compulsory. This highly considered qualification is
recognised by UCAS and is often a requirement for university entrance later on.


Component Timing/dates Weighting
2 Performances (1 solo, 1 ensemble) Recorded during 30%
Grade 4/5 level difficulty can access an A* grade February/March of Year 11

Internally assessed with external moderation

2 contrasting Compositions (usually created on ‘finale’) Submitted by 30%
March / April of Year 11
Internally assessed with external moderation
Listening paper (1 hr 15 minutes) May of Year 11 40%

a) Answer questions based on extracts taken from the Baroque,

Classical, Romantic and 20th century
b) Answer questions on music with a ‘skeleton’ score.
c) Answer questions on a set prescribed area from World Music.
d) Answer questions on a prepared set work taken from Western
Classical Music.

Externally assessed

Students will also be able to participate in the school music groups, and IGCSE students also have an
automatic place in Chamber Choir. An integral part of music is performance, and all students are actively
encouraged to be in groups, ensembles and choirs.

Edexcel GCSE (code 2FA01)


Art and Design equips students with the skills to enjoy, produce and engage with the visual arts throughout their lives,
and it has immense value as a GCSE subject. GCSE Art and Design provides the opportunity for students to: explore
both contemporary and historical sources of art, craft and design first hand through, for example:

 visiting museums, galleries, art shows and fairs

 experiencing audio-visual productions, including still and moving imagery
 their surroundings and environments
 take an individual approach to their art, craft and design making
 develop the skill of selecting their best and most appropriate work for presentation.


The GCSE course is comprised of two units;

UNIT 1: Personal Portfolio in Art and Design (6 teacher set projects)

UNIT 2: Externally Set Assignment in Art and Design (1 project set by exam board with a 10 hour exam)


AO1 Develop their ideas through investigations informed by contextual and other sources,
demonstrating analytical and cultural understanding. 25%
AO2 Refine their ideas through experimenting and selecting appropriate resources, media,
materials, techniques and processes. 25%
AO3 Record ideas, observations and insights relevant to their intentions in visual and/or
other forms. 25%
AO4 Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating analytical and
critical understanding, realising intentions and, where appropriate, making connections 25%
between visual, written, oral or other elements.


UNIT Component Weighting Method of assessment Requirements

Internally set Must show evidence of all assessment

Internally marked objectives.
Externally moderated Must include work journal.
1 60%
Internally set Must show evidence of all assessment
Internally marked objectives.
Externally moderated Must include work journal.

Externally set
Externally set Internally marked Must show evidence of all assessment
2 ASSIGNMENT 40% Externally moderated objectives.
[ESA] Eight weeks preparation time Must include work journal.
10 hours timed set task

CIE IGCSE (code 0411AY)


GCSE Drama enables students to have a holistic experience of Drama. The study requirements and the
assessment criteria recognise and reflect that Drama is both a process through which students develop
understandings of themes/concepts and issues, and a product where those understandings are expressed
through the Drama medium. Within the course students will learn about different types of drama and styles
of performance.

The Programme of Study will introduce students to:

Explorative The elements

The drama medium Forms of stimuli
strategies of Drama

Still image The use of costume Forms Poetry
Thought-tracking The use of masks and/or make-up Climax/anti-climax
Narrating The use of sound and/or music Rhythm/pace/tempo Objet d’art
Hot-seating The use of lighting Contrasts Music
Role play The use of space and/or levels Characterisation Play scripts

Cross-cutting The use of set and/or props Conventions Live theatre performance
The use of movement, mime and Television, films, DVDs
Forum theatre Symbols
gesture and videos
Newspaper and magazine
Marking the moment The use of voice
Extracts from literary
The use of spoken language
fiction and non-fiction


Component Weighting Marks Timing

Written exam 40% Mark - 40 Controlled assessment:
2 ½ - hour exam based on previously studied
practical work

Practical course 60% Total - 60 Controlled assessment:

work 3 practical performance pieces assessed
2 group pieces and 1 monologue
either devised or scripted


After IGCSE students have the opportunity to take their studies further and study World Theatre IB in the
Sixth Form. This course focuses on the practical exploration of various world theatres and the use of that
exploration to complete assessed coursework elements. The focus of this is on individual development and
allows students to follow independent research in areas of personal interest.

CIE IGCSE (code 0478)


Computer Science is taught using the CIE IGCSE Computer Science curriculum. Computer Science is
ideal for students who enjoy solving problems and learning about the science behind computers.

It is an ideal subject for students with a genuine interest in computers and how they work and for students
thinking of working in the world of Computers. Students taking this option might have the opportunity to
take Computing at IB level.
The CIE IGCSE Computer Science enables students to:
 Develop computational thinking
 Develop an understanding of the main principles of solving problems by using computers
 Develop the understanding that every computer system is made up of sub systems and how they
interrelate, including hardware, software, data, hardware, communications and people
 Acquire the skills necessary to apply this understanding to develop computer-based solutions to
problems using a high level programming language.

It will cover all aspects of computing from developing knowledge of how computers are constructed to
using a variety of programming languages to help solve problems.

The course builds on work carried out by students at KS3 where they used a variety of programs to help
them solve problems and it would be an excellent choice for anyone considering a career in the burgeoning
IT industry or pursuing its academic study beyond GCSE level.

The syllabus aims to encourage students to develop computational thinking; that is thinking about what can
be computed and how, including consideration of the data needed. Learning computational thinking involves
learning how to program, that is to write computer code because this is the means by which computational
thinking is expressed.

While the assessment is by written paper, most of the teaching will be via practical tasks where students
will solve problems independently and in groups.


Components Weighting
Paper 1: Theory
This written paper contains short answer and structured questions.
No calculators are permitted in this paper.
75 marks & Externally assessed
Paper 2: Problem Solving and Programming
This written paper contains short answer and structured questions.
20 of the marks for this paper are from questions set on pre-release material.
50 marks & Externally Assessed

Edexcel IGCSE (code 4IT0)


ICT is taught using the Edexcel IGCSE ICT curriculum. It aims to encourage the exploration and study of
ICT in a variety of contexts: home, community, business, industry, recreation and education. In any given
situation, students will be given the opportunity to acquire competence, ability and critical skills through the
implementation, use and evaluation of a range of ICT systems.

The Edexcel IGCSE ICT enables students to:

 To acquire and apply ICT skills, knowledge and understanding in a range of contexts
 To develop ICT-based solutions to address challenges and solve problems
 To develop an understanding of ICT systems
 To develop an understanding and awareness of current and emerging technologies
 To develop an awareness of the legal, social, ethical and environmental consequences of the use of
ICT systems for individuals, organisations and society
 To recognise potential risks when using ICT and develop safe, secure and responsible practice.

Students can develop their interest in, enjoyment of and critical reflections about ICT as an integral part of
modern society. IGCSE ICT is an ideal subject for students wishing to develop an understanding of how
ICT can be used and developed to provide solutions in the modern world.

The course covers a study of the hardware, software and network components in Computer Systems; The
impact of ICT on society; Finding and selecting information for a variety of sources; Applications used in a
variety of industry and government sectors; How to use a variety of software tools for presenting
information and handling data.


Components Weighting
Paper 1: Theory (1 ½ hours)
Contains multiple choice, short answer and discursive questions 50%
100 marks & Externally assessed
Paper 2: Practical (3 hours)
Tests students’ ability to apply knowledge using Office products e.g. Word, Excel, Access and
100 marks & Externally Assessed

Students may choose Computer Science or ICT but not both. Unless numbers dictate otherwise, EITHER
Computer Science OR ICT will be offered. During the options process students wishing to choose either
Computer Science or ICT should express their preference on the options form.

CIE IGCSE (code 0413)


The IGCSE Physical Education course is an enjoyable, yet highly challenging and demanding course that will
provide students with the opportunity to study both the practical and theoretical aspects of physical
education. It is designed to encourage enjoyment in physical activity by providing students with the
opportunity to take part in a range of physical activities and develop an understanding of effective and safe
physical performance. This helps students to develop an appreciation of the necessity for sound
understanding of the principles, practices and training that underpin improved performance, better health
and well-being.


The IGCSE syllabus is comprised of two components:

Component 1: Paper 1 (40% of the total grade) Component 2

This component is split into three units:

• Unit 1: Factors affecting performance.

• Unit 2: Health, safety and training.
• Unit 3: Reasons and opportunities for participation in physical activity.

These units are externally assessed through a written examination, consisting of a combination of short
answer and long answer questions. The examination assesses students’ knowledge and understanding in
relation to the syllabus content. Students are required to demonstrate skills of description, interpretation
and evaluation, and thus they require a sound grasp of the English language.

Component 2: Coursework (60% of the total grade)

The Coursework component requires students to offer a minimum of four practical activities from two of
seven categories [please see the grid on the next page for details]. Each activity is marked out of 50 marks
and the combined total for the four activities contributes to 50% of the overall grade. Students provide
video evidence of their performances, which are then moderated by the exam board.

Students must also show the ability to analyse and improve practical performance in one of their four
chosen activities. This is marked out of 10 marks and contributes to 10% of the overall grade.

An up-to-date list of the IGCSE Physical Education practical activities can be found at the following link


Due to the intensity and demands of the course, it is advised that students are able to perform their chosen
activities to a good standard, outside of their Physical Education lessons e.g. in a school team or local club.

CIE IGCSE (code 4050)


The Cambridge IGCSE in Business Studies is characterised by the principles of progression and active
investigation through an exciting and innovative syllabus. It encourages students through active learning to
be inspired, moved and challenged by following a broad, coherent, satisfying and worthwhile course of
study and gain an insight into the world of business.
 Develop an interest in, and enjoyment of, subjects that will be sustained in later life;
 Use relevant terminology, concepts and methods effectively and recognise the strengths and
limitations of ideas used;
 Develop and apply knowledge, understanding and skills to current issues in a wide range of
appropriate international and UK contexts;
 Use an enquiring, critical approach to distinguish between facts and opinion and evaluate
quantitative and qualitative data, to help build arguments and make informed judgements
 Appreciate the range of different individuals/groups (stakeholders) perspectives in relation to
business activity
 Have an understanding of the dynamics of business activity and the related considerations of
ethics and sustainability in business.
Although you will not have studied this subject before, do not let that hold you back from choosing
Business Studies. Business is happening all around you and this course will allow you to see how it all works
and how the world of business influences you. Furthermore, there are no typical lessons in Business;
learning happens in lots of ways through business games, role play, debates, presentations, case studies and

Business Studies is an ideal subject for developing a range of skills. You will learn how to research
information from a range of sources, analyse and present it in a variety of ways. You can get experience of
using data, statistics and ICT software such as word processing and spreadsheets. You will acquire skills,
knowledge and understanding that will be highly valued by employers and will be useful in the world of
Unit Area of Study Content Summary
1 Understanding business This section looks at how businesses are structured and grow in a competitive
activity market.
2 People in business Focuses on people in the organisation focusing on their roles, relationships and
management in business
3 Marketing Focuses on identifying and satisfying customer needs in a changing and competitive
international environment.
4 Operations Management Covers the way businesses organise and manage resources to produce quality
goods and services.
5 Financial information and Looks at the creation of accounting data and how it can be used to aid decision
decisions making.
6 External influences on Investigates how the external factors outside a business’ control create
business activity opportunities and constraints. It considers how businesses might react in order to
achieve their goals.


Unit Content Summary Weighting Duration
1 Written Paper (Single tier)
Written examination consisting of four questions requiring a mixture of 50% 90 mins
short answers and structured data responses.
2 Written Paper (Single tier)
Written examination consisting of four questions based on a case study, 50%
90 mins
provided as an Insert with the paper.
Edexcel IGCSE (code 4EC0)


The IGCSE Economics is an innovative two year course designed to give students a broad understanding of
economic ideas and concepts, and to develop in students the ability to use knowledge, skills and
understanding in the context of individual countries and the global economy. This course is both
stimulating and enjoyable.

The course will allow students to;

 Develop an understanding of economic concepts and apply these concepts to real life situations.
 Interpret and evaluate economic data in order to make reasoned arguments and informed
 Develop an awareness of economic change and its impact on developing and developed
 Understand economic issues, problems and possible solutions that affect mixed economies
 Participate effectively in society as citizens, producers and consumers.

It is unlikely that you will have studied economics before, but that does not matter. You will need to have
an enquiring mind and be interested in learning about the world around you. You need to be a logical
thinker, good at communicating and explaining your ideas, and not afraid of learning new things. This course
involves learning a wide variety of theories and students are expected to apply these theories to a range of
different situations.

The course is divided into four core areas.

Unit Area of Study Content Summary

A The Market System Deals with the topics of supply and demand, the role of the
market in resolving the economic problem and the labour
B Business Economics Covers the topics of production, competition and the public
and private sector.
C Government and the Economy Cover macroeconomic objectives, policies and the
relationship between objectives and policies.
D The Global Economy Covers globalisation, international trade and exchange rates.


Unit Content Summary Weighting Duration

1 Written Paper
(Single tier paper, composed of a mixture of structured, data 100% 2 hrs 30 mins
response, short answer, multiple choice and open ended questions)


An on-going part of Key Stage 4 will be advice on the career choices that might be available to you.
One important aspect of this is the MorrisbyTest which will be taken during the Autumn term of Year 11.
It is a psychometric assessment that measures aptitudes, learning styles and personal working preferences.
It generates a personal guidance report which highlights students’ individual strengths, weaknesses,
personality, interests and ambitions.
The report, based on computer analysis of responses to a series of critical thinking aptitude tests, suggests
a range of potential suitable future careers; these are not definite predictions, but simply ideas for further
exploration. Students discuss their individual report with a member.
As part of the PSHE programme in Key Stage 4, each Year 10 group of students are given an opportunity to
broaden their knowledge and understanding of the nature and demands of a variety of careers.
If you do not already have a career in mind this is perfectly normal. The most important aspect when
selecting your IGCSE options is to make sure they leave you with future career choices. Even those of you
with a career in mind, you may not do this for the whole of your adult life. You are the generation that will
have not one but three careers!

Possible Careers Routes Essential and Recommended* IGCSE subjects

Doctor Sciences Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Dentist Sciences Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Veterinary Sciences Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Pharmacist Sciences Biology, Chemistry and Physics
Engineer Sciences Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics
Lawyer Humanities Geography*, History*, Economics*, Business Studies*
Accountant Humanities Business Studies*, Economics*, Geography*, History*
Architect Arts/Sciences Fine Art, Physics, Mathematics
Sustainability Management Humanities & Science Biology, Business, Economics*, Geography
Systems Analysist Sciences Computer Science, Mathematics, Physics
Nurse Sciences Biology, Chemistry
Entrepreneur Humanities Business*, Geography*
Marketing Manager Humanities Business Studies*
Government/NGO Humanities History*, Geography*, Business Studies*, Economics*

As part of this endeavour, students are required to attend a Careers Fair (Spring term) and go on Careers
Awareness visits to work places (Summer Term). Parents of BSM students are expected to find a two-day
placement for their children: traditionally they have been exceptionally supportive and helpful in this.
Start thinking about the type of work placement(s) that you might like.


‘The Library is not aside from, or a buttress to, the curriculum but its skills are the very foundation of the
School libraries: the foundation of the curriculum HMSO 1984
Our aim is to provide an effectively-managed central resource and a gateway to other resources in a
variety of media, for the whole school population, to support the curriculum and students’ learning,
personal and social development.
The Learning Resource Centre (LRC) is stocked with a wide range of up to date multi-media fiction, non-
fiction, reference books, publications, journals and archives. We also give direction in using online material
and access to subject-specific academic databases. Our resources support the educational objectives of the
school and provide material for both extension study and leisure reading.
The LRC is fundamental to the IB programme in particular and provides a quiet study area equipped with
six computers reserved for Diploma (DP) students. There are a further 15 computers available to all
students but with priority given to DP students.
The librarian is on hand to provide guidance in study and research skills to support independent work on
assignments. Advice is given in researching the internet and other resources safely, efficiently, honestly and
creatively, and in planning, selecting, evaluating, organizing, presenting and reviewing information.
Whole school involvement is important to the LRC. Teachers are encouraged to use the LRC facilities,
read extracts from books at registration and to participate in library events. Pupil involvement in the day to
day running of the LRC is welcomed and CAS students help take responsibility for displays, KS3-4 reading
group and the Debating Society.
Opening hours are from 8:30am until 3:30 pm. Students are encouraged to use the LRC after school for
quiet study and homework. Parents are welcome to visit with their children between 3:30 pm and 4.30 pm.
They must first sign in at reception.
The LRC is at the heart of the school; we aim to provide a welcoming environment which supports learning
and encourages the intellectual growth of the whole school community. Please do not hesitate to come
along and enjoy this valuable resource.



NAME OF STUDENT: __________________________ TUTOR GROUP: _______

Students should use the advice received during the option evening, from subject teachers and the
information within the Key Stage 4 Curriculum Booklet (available on the school website) in order to make
their preferred option choices for the IGCSE courses.

CORE IGCSE COURSES - 2 examination subjects (tick the appropriate box)

ENGLISH A: Language & Literature B: Second Language


MATHEMATICS Advanced Standard


Two COMPULSORY non-examination subjects PE PSHE

OPTIONAL IGCSE COURSES - 6 examination subjects

Please select a LANGUAGE option, a HUMANITY option, and a SCIENCE option

Enter your other 3 options in order of preference in the table provided.


LANGUAGE ACQUISITION: Italian (B) French* Spanish German

HUMANITY: Geography History Economics Business Studies

SCIENCE: Biology Chemistry Physics

ARTS: Art Drama Music

OTHER: ICT PE Computer Science

Note: * May be studied at advanced level provided it has previously been studied for a minimum of 3 years
Either Business Studies or Economics can be chosen, but not both







Please note that option choices are provisional and subjects will only be offered if there are viable numbers.

Signed (Student) : Signed (Parent) :__________________


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