Final Manuscript
Final Manuscript
Final Manuscript
2S-PHED07 Research 2
Presented to
Rolly R. Balbutin
Course Professor
The National Center for Teacher Education
The thesis/dissertation attached here to, titled LIVED EXPERIENCES OF PNU-
prepared and submitted by JHONAMIE ALMAR M. AQUINO, KRIZIA JOY J.
SAJOL, VIEL B. TINGCOY, MA.RIZA F. VALENCIA in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the course RESEARCH 02 in BACHELOR IN PHYSICAL AND
HEALTH EDUCATION, is hereby recommended for oral examination.
Chairman Course Professor
researchers’ endless efforts, this work is heartily and proudly dedicated to all the
people who have contributed any means of support and inspiration. From the parents
to guardians, to the classmates and circle of friends, thank you is not enough to
individuals were involved whom we would like to recognize and acknowledge for
without their helping hands, inspiration, enthusiasm, wisdom, assistance, and precious
helping researchers completing this study. His timely advice, meticulous scrutiny,
enthusiasm, dynamism, and scholarly advice have helped the researchers to a very
understanding, and wisdom that he have shared at every stage of this research. His
prompt inspiration, timely suggestions with kindness, passion, and support have
members of the oral examination committee, who gave insightful and for the
Madugi nu salamat!
The National Center for Teacher Education
TITLE PAGE…………………………………………………………………….. i
Approval Sheet…………………...…………….….……………………………… ii
Dedication…………………...…………….….…………………………………… iii
Acknowledgement…………………...…………….….…………………………... iv
Table of Contents…………………...…………….….…………………………… v
Abstract…………………...…………….….…………………………….………... vi
REFERENCES ……………………………………….………………………..
APPENDICES ……………………………………….…………………………
Conducting classes remotely in order to shift the teaching paradigm of learning due to
the ongoing pandemic has presented many challenges to the education sector. Despite
these efforts, several arguments are associated with remote learning, particularly with
online classes in the midst of the pandemic. This study employed a descriptive
Mindanao Bachelor in Physical and Health Education students towards the flexible
learning delivery of BPHED major courses amidst CoVid-19 pandemic. The focus is
majoring in Bachelor in Physical and Health Education through interview via online
identify meaningful information and organize it into themes. The result of this study
revealed the following main themes; Experiences of Bachelor, in Physical and Health
delivery. The researchers concluded that the lived experience of the participants in
in the flexible UNIVERSITY
learning – MINDANAO
delivery brought them challenges and
The National Center for Teacher Education
opportunities, along with coping mechanisms on dealing with their experiences. Based
on the result, cogent recommendations are discussed at the end of the study.
The National Center for Teacher Education
than the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) coronavirus, despite being the
initial stage of a global pandemic. It is thought that the index case occurred on
December 8, 2019, in Wuhan, China. Since then, cases have been exported to other
COVID-19 has upended societies and dramatically altered everyday life across the
globe. Our present circumstances, while unprecedented, have been profoundly shaped
apprehending the crisis and charting a path forward (Edrada, et. al., 2020).
points in their COVID-19 infection rates, worldwide there are currently more than 1.2
billion children in 186 countries affected by school closures due to the pandemic.
With this sudden shift away from the classroom in many parts of the globe, some are
wondering whether the adoption of online learning will continue to persist post-
pandemic, and how such a shift would impact the worldwide education market. Even
before COVID-19, there was already high growth and adoption in education
technology, with global EdTech investments reaching US$18.66 billion in 2019 and
the overall market for online education projected to reach $350 billion by 2025.
learning software, there has been a significant surge in usage since COVID-19.
Tria (2020), UNIVERSITY
the present COVID-19– MINDANAO
pandemic has brought
The National Center for Teacher Education
extraordinary challenges and has affected the educational sectors, and no one knows
when it will end. Every country is presently implementing plans and procedures on
how to contain the virus, and the infections are still continually rising. In the
educational context, to sustain and provide quality education despite lockdown and
community quarantine, the new normal should be taken into consideration in the
opportunities for responding to issues, problems and trends that are currently arising
and will arise in the future due to COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of education
countries have led students and teachers to study and work from home which led to
the delivery of online learning platforms (Crawford et. al., 2020). However, the
both the teachers and students, especially in the higher education institutions (Bao,
2020). In response to these situations, educational leaders decided to adopt the new
normal in education. At the basic education level, the Department of Education will be
implementing the Learning Continuity Plan, which will be in effect on School Year
2020-2021 (DepEd, 2020). In the higher education sector, the Commission on Higher
Education, HEIs were given academic freedom and should implement available
(CHED, 2020). Several universities have opted to implement their own policies
regarding instruction and opening of classes starting August 2020. It will be the new
normal in educationPHILIPPINE NORMAL
and strengthening UNIVERSITY
educational planning –and
health is a concern to
The National Center for Teacher Education
provide quality, inclusive and accessible education for every student.
safety, and their ability to use these to perform in a wide range of activities associated
with the development of an active and healthy lifestyle. It also develops students’
creativity, critical thinking and aesthetic appreciation. These, together with the
foundation for students’ lifelong and life-wide learning. Physical eduation is one of
the courses that had been taken during the pandemic, physical activities is the main
education is the Kaway-Aralan sa Bagong Kadawyan program (Tuga, et. al., 2021).
The PNU system ensured that the standard and quality of education will not be
both modalities are prepared in order to address the needs of the students.
Asynchronous means not keeping time together, which refers to students’ ability to
classmates and instructors on their own time. They don’t have to be in the same
classroom or even in the same time zone to participate while synchronous means
The researcher conducted this study to explore the lived experiences of the
Mindanao towards the flexible learning delivery of physical and health education
major courses to collect data that will aid educational institutions in improving their
teaching tactics and proving new learning ways to students in order to have an
Literature Review
According to Wanner and Palmer (2015), flexible teaching and learning and
the ‘flipped classroom’ are current buzzwords in higher education elsewhere in the
world. They are reflections of the progressive change in higher education over the last
few decades towards more student-and learning centred pedagogies and practices,
which are made possible through new technologies and more delivery of online and
provides the findings and conclusions of a study about a flipped classroom, which also
With flexible learning, students gain access and flexibility with regard to at
least one of the following dimensions: time, place, pace, learning style, content,
assessment or learning NORMAL
path. Zurich UNIVERSITY
University of Applied– MINDANAO
Sciences (ZHAW) has
The National Center for Teacher Education
launched a new flexible learning study format called FLEX, a blended learning design
allowing students to be more flexible as to when and where they study. It reduces
classroom learning time, replacing some of it with an e-learning environment for self-
study that includes instructional videos. In a pilot phase, they conducted a semi-
the new study format FLEX were found to be positive. (Müller, et. al., 2018)
The need to include e-learning to the curriculum has been made more
prominent with the onslaught of the COVID 2019. Government agencies, such as the
Thus, schools are now looking into the viability of implementing online classes or
flexible learning, including online and offline courses (Narmada & Somasundaram,
needs of twenty-first century school students, changes to teaching practices and the
built classroom environment. Typically rows of desks and chairs are replaced with a
range of furniture that can be configured in various ways to facilitate teaching and
learning. This article explores the perceived relationship between these flexible
Caraga shows that it is beneficial to survey its stakeholders, particularly teachers and
students’ readiness to embark on this learning platform and what found out that the
official online platforms NORMAL
or learning UNIVERSITY
management – MINDANAO
system first be established by the
The National Center for Teacher Education
institution. Also, the respondents use mobile data as their source of internet
connection, a flexible learning scheme that would have low usage of mobile data to
lessen the students' expenses, and offline class or use of modules or learning materials
should also be an option for those students who don’t have connectivity. Moreover,
teachers should undergo training and seminars on how to conduct online classes, and
Marshall & Kostka (2020) argued that meaningful learning, which anchors
new learning subjects in cognitive structures, not rote learning, is the center of
interest. Teaching is taken as making learning easier. This view of teaching and
learning is integrated with its individualization, given the current situation in the
education system amid the coronavirus pandemic and the need for flexible learning.
The main conclusion from the study was that the strategy of implementing the
perceptions than the individual background variables. Students did not regard access
of computers and students with positive attitudes to new technologies were all less
positive to e‐leaming on campus than other students (Keller and Cernerud, 2016).
have been implemented but numerous difficulties, challenges and problems are still
results show that most of the respondents from parents, teachers, and students pick out
“Unstable Internet Connection” as the most significant difficulty they face as the
result of remote learning. NORMAL
experiences – MINDANAO
include “Distractions from social
The National Center for Teacher Education
media and noise from community /neighbours, insufficient load/ data allowance. And
the majority of teachers and parents say that they experienced the same problem on
Based on the numbers, the problems with internet connectivity is one of the
main challenges this new education platform is facing. Internet connectivity plays a
very important role in online learning, in fact, according to Rajender Kumar (2014),
the internet has become a vital part of students' education as well as other aspects of
their lives. It serves as a link between students and data. However, the students
information especially that to keep up with the changes in the present educational
environment, Internet fluency is required. Though the study result gives the
conclusion that Internet literacy is increasing among those students who uses internet
on their own cell phones frequently, the internet usage for education purposes is
below the average with physical education students as also revealed by the study.
Another is that so much information on the internet and slow access speed are
common problems while using the internet which is why the study recommended that
search/semantic web technology so that students may share and search the vast
A study by Erwin Rotas and Michael Cahapay (2020) stated that the sudden
shift in education platform had brought great disadvantage to students especially that
for most universities the transition to a new educational paradigm has not been
network is a significant problem. The report also said that as a result of this, the
learning. In virtual classroom setups, power outages during online classes are an
unavoidable hazard.
and they attain the main goals of enhancing physical fitness, health, and sports literacy
through suitable PE and physical activity. The difference between PE and other
courses is that other courses teach primarily through thinking activities and the
master specific knowledge, and students learn about sports and master sports
among students with exercises that promote physical and mental health. It is expected
that the new method proposed in this study can provide new viewpoints and thinking
models for PE. During the COVID-19 pandemic period or the multimedia era of
digital network, PE can also make use of the media resources of the Internet to enrich
its course content as other subjects, and at the same time achieve the same teaching
quality as the Offline course. PE's main goal is to instill in kids healthy exercise and
living habits through exercises that enhance physical and mental well-being. The
innovative strategy provided in this study is likely to bring fresh perspectives and
internet connectivity were all prevalent concerns. A statement in that article says that
everyone was so used to doing Physical Education a specific way that when the need
well. Also, the existing assumptions that were instilled in everyone about how PE
classes should be done should be taken away. The fast communication cycle as
face to face learning as well as the immediate communication that the student can give
back as well is affected which is why there is really a need to curate PE courses given
online is one of the hardest classes to keep up with at home for some students.
Students are directed through the lesson by their teacher at school, but they do not
have that continual assistance at home. Students and teachers could call for support at
any time when they went to real-time school, and they could focus more on their
the internet. Because not all students have the necessary equipment, teachers have a
restricted number of activities and exercises to assign to students. Teachers could keep
a better check on their students and get updates on how they were doing in real-time.
All of this is much more difficult now, and students and teachers must work together
to figure it out.
According toPHILIPPINE
Physical education (PE), a topic that
The National Center for Teacher Education
has traditionally relied on hands-on learning, has been forced to switch to an online
learning style. When asked about the effectiveness of online PE instruction, the
majority of teachers said that it did not help students develop motor skills or increase
their physical activity levels. When PE sessions were switched to an online teaching
style during the pandemic, physical touch, group activities, and sports gear were all
missing. Students are less likely to participate in PE classes if they lack such qualities.
The majority of teachers said it was challenging to keep kids' desire and interest in
results, with children's lack of focus and interest being the most often mentioned
challenges during home-learning by parents. The authors came to the conclusion that
teachers may lack the necessary skills to keep children's enthusiasm in learning alive.
individuals, opportunities were also offered by the new learning modality. Setyabudi
the construct proposed, the concepts of character building, e-learning, and the course
of organizational behaviour are explained. This research first suggests that integrated
individual, group, and organizational level attitude and behaviour, as well as character
education, and thatPHILIPPINE
ELearning NORMAL
better achievement of organizational
The National Center for Teacher Education
behaviour courses, which in turn promotes character development.
These and other related literature reflects how Flexible Learning Delivery
brought various changes in the different aspects of the lived experiences of the
Research Problem
This study aims to explore the lived experiences of Bachelor in Physical and
BPHED major courses amidst COVID-19 pandemic. For this purpose, the researcher
2. What are the opportunities experienced by the BPHED students towards the
3. What are the challenges experienced by the BPHED students towards the
4. What are the coping mechanisms employed by the participants to address the
Changes of the environment reflect through the actions of the people involved
and covered within the certain changes. The COVID-19 pandemic has been the main
reason to the physical changes and the systematic transformation of education in the
lesson through distant learning. Flexible Learning Delivery was never new to the
the modality. From doing flexible learning exercises on an alternate day, it has come
to be a day-to day activity for the students to perform. Since then, students of the said
university deals with the new learning delivery more often, specifically the Physical
and Health Education students that’s been known to engaged more on physical
activities. Bachelor in Physical and Health Education activities are more on actual
instructors’ assistance and guidance are present, has been changed to new learning
delivery that requires BPHED students the use of technology and access on the
internet, and learning on their own. To explore the lived experiences of the PNU-
courses amidst COVID-19 pandemic is the main purpose of this research. Diffusion of
innovation is presented to further view the changes and adaptation of the students
towards the changes of the systematic approach of the new learning modality.
how a certain new idea, behaviour, or even product could be adapted by the society or
a group of people within a certain period of time. In this research, the students of
Bachelor and Physical and Health Education is considered to be the certain group of
people that undergoes a certain changes due to the changes of the educational system.
From “face-to-face” learning, students will now gradually adapt unto this new
learning modality, which is learning through online. Everything that was used to be
taught on actual learning was now taught through online discussion with the presence
of technology and internet access. From class discussions to take home assignments
and group reporting, everything is through online. These changes could result as
positive for others, but might be a negative to some. Different people or society adapts
that could either help or deprive the innovation from diffusing. BPHED students are
used to physical activities since their major courses are more on actual demonstration
rather than pure classroom discussions. The said students are used to learning dance
sports and athletic games on the field are what they’re exposed to. During final
examinations, their instructors usually test their ability on a certain skill through
practical examinations rather than written. However, the new systematic ways of
teaching through online brought changes to how BPHED students should be taught
and do their classes, activities and skill related majors. To how the BPHED students
are exposed duringPHILIPPINE
classes give a difference –toMINDANAO
how they could learn
The National Center for Teacher Education
during online classes.
Aside from the characteristics, Rogers also mention five main factors that
influence adoption of an innovation; (1) in the knowledge step they become aware of
a new idea and begin to develop their understanding of the function of this innovation.
(2) People are then persuaded to form either a favourable or unfavourable attitude
about this change. (3) They decided whether to adopt or reject the innovation. (4)
They implement the new idea. (5)They confirm their decision by evaluating the results
of the implementation.
Rogers’ cited the five influences that could possibly affect the adaption of innovation
better than the idea, program, or product it replaces. Compatibility – how consistent
the innovation is with the values, experiences, and needs of the potential adopters.
Complexity - how difficult the innovation is to understand and/or use. Triability –the
BPHED Opportunities
BPHED Major Courses to find out their lived experiences to the sudden change of the
pandemic. This study was conducted through a video conferencing via Google Meet
platform during the 1st term of the academic year 2021-2022. The participants are
students taking up Bachelor in Physical and Health Education and who have already
completed two (2) terms in the said program. The researchers aim to explore the
The National Center for Teacher Education
Owing to the diversities of meaning attached to terms, the following words are
Bachelor in Physical and Health Education (BPHED). The term BPHED stands for
Bachelor in Physical and Health Education which is one of the accredited programs of
In this study, BPHED refers to the respondents of the interview to be conducted by the
researchers and /or the primary source of the data needed in order to provide
Challenges. These are the negative situations that take part in the lives of BPHED
BPHED students to surpass the challenges they encountered as they continue their
Flexible Learning Delivery. The term is defined as the mode of instruction used by
Lived Experience. The situation/s faced by the BPHED students amidst the flexible
services to learn and attend classes. It also depicts the mode of instruction used by
BPHED students in this time of distant learning which uses different online platforms.
Opportunities. ThisPHILIPPINE
study is described – MINDANAO
as a chance for students to learn
The National Center for Teacher Education
new skills, talents, and knowledge as well as to grow as an individual while studying
Pandemic. The term pandemic in this research demarcates it as the cause of the
sudden change of learning modalities around the world especially in the field of
Delivery of BPHED Major courses amidst CoVid-19 Pandemic as the new learning
delivery mode from the Traditional Face-to-Face Learning Delivery. This design
participants, which offers the definition of a phenomenon that impacts people both
internally and externally (Alvarez, 2020). Since these were the actual lived
experiences of the participants who have all experienced Flexible Learning Delivery
of BPHED Major courses within the CoVid-19 pandemic, it allows for a summary of
their experiences.For instance, it entails the real establishment of meanings from their
visualize the participants' circumstances based on their actual shared experiences with
the event they were experiencing (Creswell, 2014; Giorgi, 2012). In this case, the
Research Site
Normal University is the only higher institution that offers only-teacher education and
is considered as the country’s National Center for Teachers Education (NCTE). PNU-
of diverse cultures. It is also one of the campuses of the PNU system that implements
Flexible Learning Delivery. NORMAL
Flexible learningUNIVERSITY
is a method of– learning
MINDANAO where students
The National Center for Teacher Education
are given the freedom in how, what, when, and where they learn.
This study employs purposive sampling in selecting ten (10) participants for
this study. The participants are selected using the following criteria: (1) a bona fide
student of Philippine Normal University-Mindanao, (2) enrolled in the 1st Term of the
School Year 2021-2022, and (3) a BPHED major with at least two-term experience of
Data collection
In this study, the researchers intend to gather information regarding the Lived
Data gathering procedures began after the University gave its approval. A
letter requesting permission was emailed to Concepcion G. Belza, Associate Dean for
invitation letter was also sent to the twenty (20) prospective participants together with
a description of the study and out of twenty (20) prospective participants only twelve
platform. They were asked to choose a time for the interview that is comfortable,
convenient, and safe for them to give the information. The interviews were done
online with a permission to record the meeting for proof and easy transcribing;
pseudonyms were given to the participant and identifiable information was removed.
The participants were given a chance to ask for clarifications, and can refuse to
answer the questions that they found uncomfortable and stop the interview if they
decided to.
The collected data were stored in a safe directory where only two (2) among
the researchers have the authority to access. The data has been transcribed to its
Data Analysis
The data collected were analysed using the Colaizzi’s (1978) descriptive
phenomenological method which includes a seven-step process. Step one, reading and
rereading the transcript. Step two, extracting significant statements that pertain to the
fourth step is aggregating formulated meanings into theme clusters and themes. Step
essence. Sixth step is discovering the description of the fundamental structure of the
phenomenon. And Seventh step is the participant validation, the revision for the
understanding of the problem by reading and rereading the interviews after it was
transcribed. Second step was the extracting of the significant statements made by the
ensure that the context of each statement was preserved, care was taken in the
extraction of statements from the transcripts. Included in each statement were the
participant number (to maintain anonymity), transcript page number, and the
paragraph number in which the statement was made to give context to each statement.
The third step is known as “formulation of meanings” where the researchers attribute
meaning to the significant statements. Step four is the creation of theme clusters and
themes to explicate themes, significant statements with similar terms and their
establish themes, related theme clusters were then aggregated together to establish
themes. Themes that emerged for the phenomenon of the “Lived Experiences of
Delivery on the BPHED major courses amidst CoVid-19 Pandemic” are expected to
emphasized by Collaizi that to validate the themes against the original transcripts is
important and this was achieved by the researchers through rereading the transcripts
again which as well ensures the themes’ authenticity. The researchers reflected on the
themes and their meanings and assessed the process to ensure the authenticity of the
themes. It will take considerable time in rereading of the transcripts and outcome
themes along with consistent reflections, but this is required for the accuracy of the
findings. For the fifth step, they NORMAL UNIVERSITY
have the exhaustive – MINDANAO
description of the phenomenon
The National Center for Teacher Education
which was created by the integration of all the findings. The researchers re-checked
the transcripts, thematic clusters and themes numerous times to examine any
description is indeed exhaustive. After obtaining the merging themes, the researchers
along with the respondents validated the exhaustive description of the investigated
repeating or misused descriptions, the researchers take the sixth step which is
analysis and removal of irrelevant information. Lastly, for the seventh step which is
the participant validation, the revision for the exhaustive description and fundamental
structure is possible to confirm the accuracy of its depiction of the experiences of the
participants to the phenomenon. The findings were emailed to all the participants as
their validity. The researcher ensures that the participants consider the findings as an
Role of Researcher
On the other hand, to increase the credibility of this research as well as the
Education program and have experience in flexible learning delivery. The researchers
are qualified to conduct this study because they have been trained in various research
congresses during senior high school in their qualitative, quantitative, and inquiry,
several researches in the midst of their college years in their courses: Health Content
Filipino, and The Teacher and the Community, School Culture, and Organizational
throughout the research phase to ensure that the research is trustworthy and reliable.
The research adviser and validators have higher credentials and have a wide
interview. Before the actual interview, the researchers have done simulations and dry
perspective of the participants. After the simulation and dry run, revisions will be
confidentiality and privacy of the participants. The researchers make a careful and
Methods of Validation
methods to ensure sufficient depth and relevance of data collection and analysis.
clear decision trail and ensuring interpretations of data were consistent and
transparent. The researchers also established a comparison case to seek out similarities
the rich and verbatim descriptions of participants’ accounts were included to support
findings. Clarity in terms of thought processes during data analysis and successive
For the confirmability of the study, the researchers conducted Peer Debriefing
to validate among themselves whether they arrived at the same interpretation of the
accounts. Researchers’ validation were put into consideration, hence, the researchers
invited participants to comment on the interview transcript and asked for their
confirmation if the transcript that provided does not alter their response.
To ensure the NORMAL
dependability UNIVERSITY
of the study, – MINDANAO
analyst triangulation was utilized
The National Center for Teacher Education
which involves multiple observers and analysts to review the findings and illuminate
blind spots in the analysis process. The researchers tapped research advisers
specializing in Physical Education, Language and Research to check whether the final
themes and concepts contain substantial evidence and have adequately reflected the
research context and provided proof that the study's findings might be applied to
different contexts, circumstances, times, and people as a reference for future users.
Ethical considerations were observed to ensure that the study has been
conducted ethically and adequately. The study's purpose and objectives, as well as the
benefits and drawbacks of involvement in the study, was reviewed by the researchers.
an informed consent before the interview begins. Confidentiality of the identity of the
interviewed through a video conferencing via Google Meet platform with permission
to record the meeting for proof and easy transcribing. A semi-structured interview was
responses of the participants. The interviews were done at the time of the participants'
convenience. The data was stored in a secured Google Drive where only two (2)
among the researchers have the authority to access. The respondents’ consent form
was emailed and signed by them before proceeding to the interview. Participants were
informed about the PHILIPPINE
of the research – MINDANAO
and their information would remain
The National Center for Teacher Education
confidential, and the researchers’ commitments to safeguarding the anonymity of the
respondents were upheld to protect the privacy of the participants as well as to create
trust and rapport with the study's participants. After the research report is produced,
Results and Discussion
The National Center for Teacher Education
The findings from the data revealed four (4) general themes that are classified
according to the research problem. The themes are unified patterns that summarize the
essence and meaning of the lived experiences of the Bachelor in Physical and Health
resulted in this general theme which reflects the common and varying situations the
students encountered under Flexible Learning Delivery. The responses gathered from
the participants were able to show the different experiences of the participants in
learning through adjusting, adapting, coping and other actions and decisions taken to
respond with the situations they undertook. The experiences showed eight recurring
problem. The participants are distinctively located, which means they are
geographically located in areas where sudden power interruptions usually occur and
others even experience slow signals or don’t even have signals. Internet connection
problems hinder the participants’ ability to accomplish their tasks and attend online
classes. Due to thisPHILIPPINE
also experienced – MINDANAO
difficulties communicating with
The National Center for Teacher Education
their peers, classmates, and professors. Another effect of this is the lack of interest in
opening or accessing learning materials that also affects their learning performance.
“I must say that it has affected my level of learning because ahm if you try to look at
our ahm classroom meetings using google meet so there are interruptions, there are
considerations that are keep on intervening the teachers’ discussion like the
“…sa akong experiences ato at first is that… lisud siya kay… like sa internet
connection diria sa amoa labi na’g naa mi sa low lying area nga kuan… place.
“But eventually, naka adjust man pud dayon gud ko. Because that’s what we do
adjust. And also, throughout sa kaning… sa major courses nato… nako ohhh. Ahhmm
naka experience pud ko’g mga difficulties ahm…, problems, especially sa internet
so mawala gyud ang connection ug sometimes mag lag gyud siya.” (R004: p2- L46-
3.1.2 Financial problem. Financial problems being the number one reason
why the participants viewed flexible learning delivery as a more complex mode of
this unfortunate situation as their driving force to continue and finish their studies.
“tungod kay wala koy ahm, wala koy enough nga gadget, wala koy enough nga
resources nga magamit ani nga modality mas nagli…mas murag nag doble ang
kalisud nga niabot sa ako mas doble ang challenge para sa ako kay I’m dealing with
the kaning kalisud tungod sa resources and the at the same time I’m dealing sa kaning
adjustments like mentally, like mentally ani nga modality..tungod kay bag-o siya sa
“Dili kaayo ko ka cope up sa mga activities like kanang mag attend sa meeting sa
meet kay wala kaayo koy pang finance, para pang load bitaw so mao ra to”
learning delivery. The participants claimed that there is difficulty in learning by just
reading the given lesson without an actual demonstration that results in an uncertain
interpretation of the execution. Another reason why participants believe that the new
modality is less effective is that the supposed-to-be practical activities are omitted due
to the modified instructions. The participants’ attitude towards learning has changed
because they experienced difficulties adjusting given that the activities in BPHED
major courses need physical execution and in order for them to meet the learning
participants responded that the flexible learning delivery was somehow effective
because the participants were able to learn something with the effective delivery of
instruction from the professor, despite the adjustments. In general, some participants
claimed that flexible learning delivery is effective, and some claimed that it is less
environment I think it… it is kanang more effective jud siya” (R001: p7, L208-210)
“happy man gihapon ya is kanang na madeliver gihapon siya og tarong sa atong mga
professors ang mga lessons successful gihapon og effective ang kuan ang learning sa
“mas makaingun ko no nga tung sa traditional na set up kay, mas fruitful akung
learning kay,
naa man guy mga professor na na mapakita nila ang mga need baya natug perform so
diba , ipakita sa dance step unsay form unsaon ni pag execute kani ug kana before
nato ni I perform so, tama jud atung ma perform kay, teacher may mag tudlo sa pag
dili parihas sa isa gud nga mag search raka di ka sure kung mao bajud tung mga
naga need ug accuracy jud sa atung lihok kintahay I perfect ang dance, tapus
inaccurate naa baya tay gina sunud na literature, mao to. Need jud natug face to face
“…for me dili gyud siya effective nga mode of delivery ani nga major courses
especially nga example atong sa acquatics nato…we expected nga kaning makabalo
ta mulangoy, makabalo ta sa mga strokes ato nga, ato nga courses but tungod kay gi
online class siya like wala tay natun an.” (R005: p3, L138-141)
some even acquire new skills. This mode of learning also enhances their
accomplishing credible and quality outputs. The participants claimed that flexible
learning delivery allows them to control their time when doing both academic and
do their tasks with peers or classmates. Participants also have a hard time meeting the
lesson objectives because of independent learning, which does not suit their learning
“kanang I felt kanang NORMAL
not that energetic UNIVERSITY
because – MINDANAO
I was I was doing all the task by
The National Center for Teacher Education
myself and I don’t have any classmates to tap with because it is really.. the task is
“it is really ahm hard for me to meet tho the objectives of the task because it is all me
it is me alone who will who will discuss the instruction, who will interpret what like
for example the ahm the proper execution of the sports or like for example when we
“of course my favorite part is kanang gunit nimo ang imong time like…like for
example naa kay mga pending nga mga activities unlike sa traditional nga paghatag
with the opportunity to experience the attitude of utilizing and making use of available
resources within their vicinity. The participants claimed that their favorite part of their
experiences in flexible learning delivery was that they were able to innovate tools as
“Ahm.. favourite part nako is kadtong time na nag innovate ta og kuan mga tools sa
kanang wala tay sakto nga gamit –yeah murag nahimo ta nga creative didto na part
delivery had affected their level of learning in both positive and negative ways.
Flexible learning delivery brings these effects to the participants because of its
characteristics, which are different from traditional learning delivery. It has a distinct
impact on each participant given that they have different situations, learning
saw as a challenge, pushed them to learn more in their own ways.Meanwhile, some
participants claimed that flexible learning delivery decreased their level of learning
With regards to the expected outputs, some participants responded that they were
submitting their tasks just for compliance and without considering their quality.
“Naapektuhan gyud akoang level of learning. Sa akoang nakita tungod ato nga
of learning kay naningkamot man ko nga makabalo in my own way kay mag tan-aw
“maka apekto sa akong level of learning because I was not able to absorb because
that’s it kanang I’m not paying my 100% attention kasi nga while kanang walay nag
bantay sa imo so I’m free to do whatever I want to do just as long as you are present
in the room meeting so the teacher will not know if you are still there as long as you
I see myself nga wala wala juy haha wala jud koy natun an like ahm although
gisabot lang nako siya dihaa nga time, paghuman ana kay murag kanang murag ang
akong utok kay sabaw nasab wala nay sud.” (R005: p2, L76-78)
However, participants also have a hard time meeting their learning expectations due to
and non-academic duties. Participants also claimed that flexible learning delivery
makes them lazier and increases procrastination, which affects their academic
It gets us more ahm lazy or it builds a procrastination in my side specially that if there
are things that conflicted with my plan to do the tasks, I easily disregard those plans
of doing my tasks and do instead those mga activities nga which is which are not
gyud an gang pang acads mabahin nimo ang pag a pagsunod sa mga sugo sa imong
learning delivery, one of the most important factors for effective learning is the
responsible for mentoring, guiding, and evaluating the students’ learning, acquisition
because professors are trying to deliver adequate instructions and information along
with considerations.
“para ma learn gyud nato ang skill or ang proper execution. Self-studying or self-
learning is good but I believe that we still need the supervision of our professor”
(R004: p4-L116-117)
“Uhm for me ya yes ya kay ginahatag man gihapon sa ang best sa mga professors
para ma-deliver nila og ayo ang kuan ang mga... ang mga lessons tapos wala pod sila
and then musabot gyud pod sila ya if kanang kanang naay mga kuan mga internet
connection nga mgaPHILIPPINE NORMAL
errors ing-ana... UNIVERSITY
ing-ana ya (chuckles)– yes
ya”(R009: p3, L95-
The National Center for Teacher Education
students are represented by this general theme, which covers what the participants
have obtained during their Flexible Learning Delivery experience. The collected
responses from the participants were able to show the beneficial opportunities they
had acquired, which helped them through undertaking the shift in the educational
development will make students’ academic learning more profound and effective,
which leads them to have persistent characteristics, build their confidence, and make
them resourceful.
“Somehow, kay in everything man gud kay naa man gyud nay kuan positive impact
and negative impact nuh. So mao to ang positive impact is, nakatabang siya nag grow
(clear throats) sorry –nakatabang siya nag grow sa akoa in which naka acquire ko og
kadtong mga new – mga more na kanang kadtong sa attitude nako and nakatabang
pud siya in a way nga mas nahimo ko og resourceful –mas resourceful and –yeah.
experiencing a lot of challenges sa pagsugod ani nga pandemya but kaning nag grow
ka tungod kay kaning nag grow ka tungod kay wala ka nagpa…daog ato na mga
“…tong una is… kanang dili pa kaayo ko mag salig sa akong kaugalingon nga
mabuhat nako na. So, kato na mga opportunity is naka realize nga kanang… mas
na… na boost nako ang akoang… kanang confidence…” (R008: p7, L214-216)
delivery gives them the freedom to control their time in doing the task given and gives
them enough time to do the task. They also obtained a skill in managing their own time
since they learned to be organized and know how to categorize their schedules.
“Kining am kanang mas na kuan nako akong time mas na… mas na ma organize na
nako akong time, ma categorize nako akong schedules, mga set of schedule ing ana
“Kanang, dili me mag agad og kanang like gihatag ang task karun –karun gyud
dayun himoon which is ing ana gyud baya ang sa face to face na klase, and so mao to
kanang murag mahatagan og kuan enough na time ang students.” (R002: p5- L194-
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“Am di man kaayo maka say ug yes pero yes kay makakuan man kog mga resources
naa may mga resources pud nga ma search sa internet unya … Im in control of my
time, I have freedom to do the things that I want.” (R004: p-11 L313-315)
flexible learning modality set-up, the participants also have their part-time jobs and
generate income that can support them financially on their own. Also, by studying in
this online set-up, the participants get more quality time with their families than in the
“Kung mag bonding bonding sa imong family ahm makawala jud syag stress labi na
“kadto nga mga opportunities, of course nakahelp siya nako financially especially sa
kaning online class ta and then uhmm…naay, naay nagabayad saako to help them sa
ilang mga modules, nakatabang siya sa ako to kaning…para sa pang load nga
“makakwarta ko tungod kay nay gusto … nay magpatudlo ug kanang ahm folk dance
or naay mga like diba sa mga modules karun sa elem ay sa highschool and
elementary naa pud silay mga PE.. PE classes nga kaning nanginahanglan pud sila
ug mang naa pud silay mga ipasahay nga mga performances through video so
“Naa ya actually daghan ya labi na sa kanang kanang dili man siya connected sa
kuan kaning paglearn pero as a kuan man gyud pod ya kanang personally nga as a
unsa na oi as an kanang naa koy magkatime mas nidaghan akong time sa kanang
pag-accept og mga commission arts pero dili man gihapon nako mapabayaan ang
pagskwela though mabalance gihapon nako siya ya kay kanang syempre time
3.2.4 Skill Acquisition. The participants claimed that one of the advantages
brought by flexible learning delivery is the opportunity to enroll in some other classes
or engage in some other activities that enhance their respective skills in line with their
interests. Learning to adjust to the new learning delivery is also a skill, together with
discovering new learning strategies. Due to the boredom brought by the pandemic, the
participants were able to utilize things that surrounded them in forming new leisure
“nag take ko ug course sa TESDA NCII gihapon. So mao to ang mga opportunities na
“So regarding sa akung mga opportunities naa koy na learn more about sa computers
naa koy mga new skills na na learn, thank you.” (R003: p3 L 118 – 119)
“Ah sa new skills kay daghan kogNORMAL
kay na kuan sa– akong
courses karon sa
The National Center for Teacher Education
mga kuan sports activities bitaw kay dili man kaayo ko expert kaayo sa mga like
“…mas nakabalo ko unsa ang gamit sa mga like… unsaon pag…pag gamit sa… mga
online platform and then makatabang pud ko sa uban nga nag skwela sa lain school
nga naglisud kung unsaon pag gamit… pareha sa akong mga manghud naka tabang
ko sa ilaha nga ing-anion pag gamit ang kannag Gclass, ingon anion pag gamit ang
gani na mga applications ya sa social media like kanang canva ing-ana unlike sa
una is kanang more on pilit-pilit cut cut og papel ing-ana gani pero karon is mas na
maximize nato ang use gani sa technology ya so mas kanang daghan koy nahibaw-an
og unsaon na siya pag... pag-gamit piraha ato laging canva ing-ana pagmake pag
edit pa og more videos ing-ana mas naa koy nadiscover nako sila sa kaning Flexible
Learning Delivery”.(R009:p3,L131-136)
“naimprove bitaw ang akoang editing skills kay kay tungod aning mag video lang and
magvideo ivideo nalang ang mga.. ang mga activities physical activities and
especially sa eportfolio dapat kuan jud ka kanang ahm nindot kag ahm editing skills
so mao na akong ahm pinakanaimprove jud aning kuan during ah new normal.”
provides valuable learning opportunities. Online resources help students to widen their
google, and many more. Accessing online resources helps to unlock students’
uncertainty of a specific lesson focusing on their major courses that need an actual
engagement. They are also gaining additional knowledge beyond the lessons given by
environment with their peers. Group activities are much easier since there are
applications that allow everyone to have video meetings and a file or a document that
can be edited by anyone. It makes them resourceful and enriches their computer skills.
“Kuan pud kanang naa poy isa ka opportunity kanang –kana bitawng para sa ako is if
kanang –kana bitawng mas madugangan man gud imuhang knowledge if kaning mag
perform ka kaning ay eh –I perfrom nimo siya sa virtually lang kay makakuha kag
another idea –mag search ka through youtube, or google.” (R002: p5-6- L203-206)
“Yes, mas daghan kag resources dili lang ka mag rely sa (clear throats) ano
discussion sa teacher pero murag himoun to nimo siyang ano bitaw ang discussion sa
teacher murag himuon nimo siyag kaning source ba kanang murag basehan nimo
kung tama ba pud ang imuhang mga nanga –kita sa internet.” (R002: p6- L210-213)
“siguro sa exam, sa mga quizzes... Pag di ka.. kung makalimot ka sa answer pwede ra
This study revealed that flexible learning delivery has brought various challenges to
Bachelor in Physical and Health Education students, which is very visible at the
height of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The data from the responses of BPHED students
allowed us to deeply explore the struggles faced by students that greatly affect their
ability to acquire quality knowledge and skills in their major courses. These
experience of the participants highlights their difficulty in learning their major courses
due to the limited interaction between teachers and students during FLD. Non-
communication problems are some of the contributing factors that affect the way
students learn, which results in the uncertainty of their performances as well as the
quality of their outputs. Respondents also claimed that most of the time they were not
able to attend online synchronous classes and couldn’t even pass the offline activities
on time because of the problem they had regarding internet connectivity. Since most
flexible learning delivery became less effective for the students, especially in fulfilling
the given tasks compared to that of the traditional learning mode, where teachers
could physically interact NORMAL
and engage in theUNIVERSITY – MINDANAO
teaching-learning process. Participants
The National Center for Teacher Education
supported this theme:
“wala kaayo nato na absorb ang mga learnings ang mga instructions nga gihatag sa
atong professors kay mao gani to limited ra ang atoang kanang interaction sa course
then not biya dili biya everyday ta nagabasa sa module magbasa ratag module if
magklase na if ever naay oral recitation nga muabot.” (R001: p9, L278-281)
“So slower akoang pag gets –gets gane kanang dili ko dali maka gets ba sa routine,
sa steps, kay ang ako man gyung gi kuan is through watching. –kanang kuan –tapos
balik ta atong ingon na mas gusto ko na makita nako sa atubang –nawng sa nawng
nga ing ani iyang gi demonstrate nga dali makasabot. Mao na nga challenge gyud na
siya sa akoa –ang pag catch up sa mga kuan –sa mga ingon ana. Mao nay mas mag
“So slower akoang pag gets –gets gane kanang dili ko dali maka gets ba sa routine,
sa steps, kay ang ako man gyung gi kuan is through watching. –kanang kuan –tapos
balik ta atong ingon na mas gusto ko na makita nako sa atubang –nawng sa nawng
nga ing ani iyang gi demonstrate nga dali makasabot. Mao na nga challenge gyud na
siya sa akoa –ang pag catch up sa mga kuan –sa mga ingon ana. Mao nay mas mag
“one of the experience nga ay negative experience nga nakuan kay katong kuan gyud
katong gaina nga dili ma tudlo ug actual dili namo ma ingon sa professor kung tama
ba among gipangbuhat ug ing anaNORMAL
sa among classmate pud dili namo ma
The National Center for Teacher Education
share among idea, dili pud nila ma share ilang idea sa amoa.” (R010- p12-13, L371-
on the limited access to resources. In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, access to
learning resources is vital as it serves as a fundamental tool that makes learning easy
and possible. The absence of these learning resources, such as gadgets, internet
connectivity, facilities, equipment, and financial budget – for internet allowance and
this flexible learning delivery. Since students were distantly learning, they had a hard
time looking for the learning materials needed for their major courses that dealt with
performance-based tasks like traditional and international dances, athletic events, and
“dili jod siya dali like grabe jod ang struggle aning flexible learning delivery karon
kay limited kaayo ang access nimo sa mga gamit sa mga butang na need nimo labi na
sa atong field ya as a BPHED student nga naay mga sports na ipa demonstrate mga
equipments, ang environment, dili namo siya dali ma conduct dayon kay need man jod
namo mag seek ug approval sa uban unya ang time pod labi na sa situation karon na
dili dali-dali dayon so grabe siya nga challenge sa akong self.” (R009: p6, L251-256)
“Ay yeah, para sa akoa NORMAL
is, ano, uhmm lack ofUNIVERSITY – MINDANAO
gadget and kuan internet gyud kay there
The National Center for Teacher Education
are tasks man gud na kinahanglan nato ug kaning, kinahanglan na naa gyud kay
gadget ana like kanang cellphone kanang mag video sa mga performance task tapos
laptop para sa pag send sa mga kuan, sa mga task gihapon. Paghimo ug document.
Sa akoa ga struggle gyud ko it’s because wala gyud koy laptop and karun lang ko
naka laptop nga usa hapit nata mo graduate and akong ginagamit is tablet lang na
nga kadtong gihatag sa aselco which is lisod maghimo ug powerpoint, lisod maghimo
ug mga documents yeah so that is my biggest struggle gyud sa online class.” (R002:
p7- L269-275)
nako nga na-experienced is kadtong during pag-start sa flexible learning nga like
walang-wala jud ko, I have…I have only smartphone nga guba-guba na nga dili
napud siya magamit, and then niabot ko sa point nga I decided nga mo-stop nalang
tungod kay I know nga dili nako kaya ug dili pud kaya i-provide sa akong parents ang
“actually kato nga time gyud pinaka-kapoy gyud to nako nga term kay uhm akong
akong ginabuhat is naga-sulat ko sa papel like kadtong mga reflection and everything
gina…ginasulat gyud to nako daan sa papel tapos adiser nako siya ginadala
manghulam kog cellphone sa akong cousin tapos gina-type nako and then akong
ginabalik ug send sa akong cellphone para…para maka pag maka-connect kog Wi-Fi
ug sometimes… kanang… emotional challenges like kanang murag muabot ang time
nga daghay problema. Di raman gyud nga ang pamilya ray makuan apil pud ta.”
“Ahh naka-apekto siya in a way nga usahay makaabsent ko kay walay load like that
dili ko maka…maka…maka unsa na…maka kuan sa online class or usahay nga kana
walay load tapos di makapasa like that. mao to siya.” (R008: p9, L294-297)
procrastination, and disinterest in the subject area, all of which led to a disregard for
the credibility and quality of their output because some students were overly reliant on
online resources for answers and ready-made output to meet the requirements in their
and effective pud siya kay maningkamot man gyud ta nga maka-answer diba like…like
kanang one seat apart…like that. Pero kanang sa flexible man gyud… dili gyud nila
makaya nga dili gyud magcheat ang kanang mga student kay pwede raman makuan sa
sani…pwede ra ma…adto NORMAL
sa google UNIVERSITY
tas isearch – MINDANAO
so mao to siya ang murag…dili kaya
The National Center for Teacher Education
jud makuanan sa flexible nga delivery.” (R008: p11, L348-353)
“stressful man gyud pod siya so usahay naay mga times na kanang mag procrastinate
makaapekto gyud siya ya kay lahi ra bya kung kanang kung unsa na oy dili na siya
bag-o saimo ba makalihok-lihok gyud ka, makabuhat ka deretso unlike katong engon
nako na dili kaayo ko sa mga sports 192 so nakaapekto gyud siya sa akong char
pagkatao hehe nakaapekto siya ya sa part na kanang magsalig ko pero akoa gyud
bawion sa akong mind na no mali siya so maningkamot jod ko.” (R009: p4, L188-
“Ay yeah, I actually kuan na en na encounter nako ng both ang sa interest nga mag
learn it’s because para sa ako kay murag nawala ang interest na mag learn sa kuan
it’s because kana bitawng murag ang deadlines ang atoang gi deadlines nalang
atoang gihunahuna instead of learning the module diba. Mas unahon nato tan awon
ang mga task ug ang date sa submission kaysa sa pagbasa gyud sa whole na module
and kuan, mao to kaning ana ana no wala, nagkulang ang interes.” (R002: p8- L288-
“Akong wellbeing mao to sha dili ahmmm dili na kay dili kayko motivated mag learn
and kanang kuan, kanang mas nadungagan noon, mas dungagan noon ang burden sa
learning, which affected their drive to learn. They mentioned several reasons why this
supervision. Participants also added that they learn more when collaborating with
others who have a wider range of skills and knowledge than they currently have. Their
instructors, or peers, are the "scaffolding" who help the students expand their learning
boundaries and learn more than they would be able to do on their own. (Sarikas, C.
2020). Participants said that having the company of their classmates while learning
new skills in their major courses, such as performing team sports, athletic games, and
traditional and international dances during FLD, as well as professors’ guidance, made
the learning process simpler as they could freely exchange ideas, which provides
students with the needed support and a wide range of learning opportunities in
“Kuan ya mas need jud nako ya ang naay mag guide gyud labi na sa akoa ako
personally gyud kanang di gyud ko into sports nga kuan person kanang kadtong naa
toy time nga gipahimo mi ni ma’am og kadtong sa e-portfolio lagi namo kadtong
mag… iexecute namo ang kuan basic skills sa basketball, volleyball og badminton etc.
daghan pato kanang nagstruggle gyud ko ato sa tinood lang gyud ya kay kanang
murag bag-o jud pod siya sa akoa ba kay dili pod lagi kayko mahilig mag sports pero
thankful gyud gihapon ko kay naa man koy mga classmates nga diria taga Bayugan…
kana gitabangan gyud mi nila ya unsa kanang silay nag-execute og ing-anaon ang
kuan ing anaon angPHILIPPINE
spike ing-anaNORMAL
ing-ana pag kuan pag set so dili para sa
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ako dili gyud to pod nako ma accomplish ya kung wala ilahang tabang so mas maayo
gyud ya nga (giggles) naa gyud mo guide labi nag kanang dili ka ato nga field gyud
“Para sa ako sir is kanang, when we say kanang unsay tawag ani . kanang mga skills
bitaw, acquiring new skills nga kibali example is sa basketball, ikaw nalang isa
mudula unya tapos lisud para sa imoha nga mu task. Ma-attain na nga skills kay
tungod wala kay lain ka, ka pangutan an bitaw unlike sa kanang, sa kanang
traditional kay kuan maka, ah unsay tawag ani, kanang nay collaboration nga
mahitabo so there’s kanang maka learn bitaw ka by doing it with the help of others
tapos say tawag ani, okay lang ug kanang mga reading lang, mga ing ana mga
comprehension kay say tawag ani ahm pwede raman nimo nga ikaw ra isa ana pero
kanang pag acquire ug mga skills kailangan man gyud kanang naay collaboration
between sa kuan ba sa mga friends nimo or mga sa teachers para maka ma guide
“Mas mo lisod gyud sha kung ako lang ka kuan given the example na kanang mag
video video kanang kuan, kanang kung mag video video kay like kung lahi ni nga tao
dili nimo classmate ang magvideo sa imoha kana bitawng murag wala siyay
knowledge kung unsa imong buhaton like mag pataka ra siyag video nga dili dili mao
ang pagka video sa imong gusto kay para makita ang ang imong performance gyud
na gipangyo sa teacher dili niya mahatag sa pag video. So kuan, kung wala kay
kauban gyud like classmate murag mag struggle gyud ka.”(R002: p9-L362-367)
The National Center for Teacher Education
3.4: Coping Mechanism Employed in Addressing the Challenges
This general theme refers to the utilized coping mechanism of the Bachelor in
Physical and Health Education students in the challenges met during flexible learning
delivery in their major courses amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The data gathered
from the students’ responses were able to show the strategies and factors that helped
them cope with the different challenges brought by the unprecedented change in
participants that, up to this date, they are still continuing their studies despite the
challenges brought by flexible learning delivery. Some of the goals mentioned by the
participants include the will to finish their studies, finding a stable job, making their
parents proud, and helping the family lift their lives from unfavorable situations by
looking toward positive things and recognizing their struggles as their strength.
Focusing on their goals has helped them feel more purposeful and valuable in their
online learning experience, and it has given them greater incentive to persevere
“ako gyung inspiration maoy nakatabang sa ako nga kanang ma overcome to nako
nga mga challenges nga kanang…at that moment nga na-experience to nako I
realized nga kanang dili…like dili tungod lang ani murag ma-stop ang akong…ang
akong pangandoy like NORMAL
I have…I have kaningUNIVERSITY – MINDANAO
strong…mas strong pa nga inspiration
The National Center for Teacher Education
kaysa ato nga mga…nga mga challenges.” (R005: p9, 408-411)
akong parents…akong top two gyud nako is tagaan ug pride akong parents ug
mapakita sa tanan nga dili ko failure, ug dili…dili insakto ang ilang gipang-istorya
“Uhmm para ma cope up nako ang challenges akong driving force is ang ako jud
dream, ang akong goal which is para, which is ako man gyud kay ako ang
breadwinner sa among family so kanang mura bitawg ang motivation nako is akong
family nga kanang dapat dili sila ma dismay sa akoa, dapat naa koy ma achieve para
sa ilaha kay wala man to nahatag sa akoang older na brother so I need to fo, to kuan
gyud, I need to finish my studies maong so nahimo, nahimo siya na motivation to kuan
to, cope up with the challenges also, ang kuan sab support system sa akong family and
“Paghuna huna nako nga di ko gusto ma disappoint akong friends akong self ug gusto
pud ko makahuman so mao to akong gihimo nako siya nga motivation para ma
accomplish, ma achieve akong ang kato syang mga task sa katong major courses”
“so ang ako lang gyud maengon ya is i-enjoy lang gyud labi na kung naa ka sa field
nato sa mga BPHED sa puhon ug uban students na mu take ani nga course is kanang
enjoy lang gyud enjoy lang ang mga buluhaton bisag nagkamalisod na smile lang
“the thought nga kinahanglan mulampos, mahuman kay gamay nalang kana isa pod
strategies that helped them cope with the lessons in their major courses. Participants
mitigating, and being spiritually driven. Students who used the aforementioned
strategies were able to adapt to the situation and organize their work accordingly, such
performance tasks on time, innovating, improving their skills, and even working part-
time jobs while continuing their studies. The participants’ points support these
“Strategy nga akong NORMAL
online class…kanang…strategy nako para maka
The National Center for Teacher Education
co…macope up nako ang akong major subject is kuan lang pud kaning…uhmm doing
paghimo like example kanang sa skills kung unsa ang…kung unsaon paghimo kung
mao to siya akong isa sa akoang kuan coping mechanism para macope-up to na mga
“Kanang unsay tawag ani kanang kuan lagi sir kanang being positive ba tapos
magkanang pangitaon gyud nimo ang kanang best nga solution para sa mga
“di jud ko mo contradict sa kung unsay naa sa online learning karon so in that way
murag dira pod ko naka-adjust nga in the long run sa akong pag go with the flow
“Aahm, for all the students is kanang I advice that ay to all ah P.E majors kaning I
advice na kanang kato pinaka ahm…katong mga strategies like time management,
kanang mag set ug schedule ahead of time gyud na kanang let’s be organized and we
have to categorise our activities para dali ra nato siya ma kuan…tapos kato positive
mindset, never givePHILIPPINE NORMAL
up even despite of the UNIVERSITY
challenges that–we
encounter especially
The National Center for Teacher Education
during this pandemic kadto ug kaning dili pud kanang sarilihon lang ang problems
kundi mag seek jud siya ug advice or help to others if di na kaya then pray because
“Kanang kuan sir, sa kanang sa accessibility sa gadgets mga sa una sa karun maka…
naka.. unsay tawag ani ah ahh naka cope up ko tungod kay makahiram na tapos sa
internet connection kabalo nako asa dapita mangitag lugar aron makasulod sa klase
sa unlike sa una kabalo nako karun nga ma, kanang sa pisowifi maki
ahh mo connect didto uhm kung sa akoa pung courses is kanang kanang sa mga skills
kanang naga try pud kog communicate or reach sa uban para matabangan pud ko
nila with regards sa kanang mga equipments ug sa kanang needed nako nga para ma
“kailangan gud sa mga challenges diba kay dapat naa jud kay mga solutions, so…
kaning…ni come up ko ato nga solution kay…feel nako nga effective siya sa akoa
nga…na nagka anam-anam nakog disiplina akong kaugalingon tungod ana na siya na
mga…na strategy nga kanang mag set kog kanang kana nga time…ay kana nga time
p13, L434-438)
“gina maximize jodPHILIPPINE
sa technology – MINDANAO
so whenever jod kuan maglisod ko
The National Center for Teacher Education
ani na activity, sa internet jod ko muduol ya like mangita kag mga ubang videos
“during sa examinations ang una jud nako buhaton kay para masulod jud na sa
akong sa akoang hunahuna para madugay kay e print gyud nako ng mga kuan, ang
mga soft copies nga gipang kuan, gipang hatag sa mga professors” (R010- p16,
participants in coping with the challenges encountered in the new normal mode of
learning in the midst of a pandemic. The participants shared that some of the
foundations of their support system were their family, peers, and teachers. During the
pandemic, family is the closest and most immediate thing they have. They suggest
support from their families, such as comfort, guidance, motivation, and any kind of
support they can offer. Also, the importance of being able to provide enough financial
support and other things for learning is wanted. Communication and moral support
from peers are major factors in easing their minds as they share the same sentiments
about the situation right now. Lastly, teachers’ supervision plays an important part in
ensuring students can attain quality education amidst the sudden change in learning
“especially akong mga classmates ug family, ang mga words of encouragement kay
dijod bya lalim like ma stress ka pag ayo sa mga sunod-sunod na buhatunon unya kini
online class engon ana unya mag abot ang deadlines ya so dakong tabang jod imong
mga friends and classmates na mag help saimoha engon ana. (R009: p6, L278-281)”
“my message to them is that they should never kanang isolate themselves in a place
where they believe they can do all things with their own like you have your classmates
if ever you have difficulties in understanding the instruction you have your classmates
to tap I know your classmates will help because in my case my classmates really help
me so nothing goes wrong with asking for a help especially to the person who
understands your situation who has struggled the same struggles with you so learn to
experiences of the students and has impacted the educational system in the
educational systems throughout the world have shifted to flexible learning delivery.
pandemic. For this purpose, the researcher will be able to answer the following
the flexible learning delivery of BPHED major courses amidst COVID-19 pandemic,
b. What are the opportunities experienced by the BPHED students towards the flexible
learning delivery of BPHED major courses amidst COVID-19 pandemic, c. What are
the challenges experienced by the BPHED students towards the flexible learning
delivery of BPHED major courses amidst COVID-19 pandemic, and d. What are the
coping mechanisms employed by the participants to address the challenges met in the
flexible learning delivery of BPHED major courses amidst COVID-19 pandemic. This
interview was conducted through a video conferencing via Google Meet platform
during the 1st term of the academic year 2021-2022. The participants are students
taking up Bachelor in Physical and Health Education and who have already completed
two (2) terms in the said program. Colaizzi's Method is used in data analysis and
The result of this study revealed the following main themes; Experiences of Bachelor ,
Challenges. The researchers concluded that the lived experience of the participants in
in the flexible UNIVERSITY
learning – MINDANAO
delivery brought them challenges and
The National Center for Teacher Education
opportunities, along with coping mechanisms on dealing with their experiences.
Summary of Findings
the participants, which helps them through undertaking the shift in the education
the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The researchers were able to explore the
struggles faced by students that greatly affected their ability to acquire quality
knowledge and skills in their major courses. These challenges include the following
support system.
Finally, the BPHED NORMAL
developed strategies to–cope
with the challenges
The National Center for Teacher Education
they faced during FLD in their major courses. The following coping mechanisms are
goal-oriented, learning strategy and support systems that assist them to survive their
studies despite all the struggles, especially now that they learn according to their own
should dig deeper by looking at the lived experiences of students from different
degree programs to get a full picture of the problem and how different factors interact
or affect one another. Future research may also uncover certain teacher-related
This study aims to explore the lived experiences of Bachelor in Physical and
Flexible Learning Delivery has brought challenges and opportunities, along with
Based on the results, there are four general themes classified according to the
research problem together with its sub-themes these are: a) Experiences of Bachelor in
Physical and Health Education NORMAL
Flexible Learning Delivery– internet
The National Center for Teacher Education
connection problem, financial problem, less effective, self-paced learning,
support system.
19 have brought them varied experiences that give them positive and negative impact,
not just in their learning experiences but also in their everyday life. The abrupt change
in learning mode gives participants a new attitude toward learning and strategies for
dealing with the situation. Due to this, participants learned to be adaptive, self-
learning, resourceful, and innovative. Despite the difficulties they have faced, they are
The following recommendations were made based on the study's findings and
internet connectivity – MINDANAO
may be addressed to the Government
The National Center for Teacher Education
officials, for example, should advocate for technological advancements and
2. The University may broaden its system support for students by enlisting
4. During flexible learning delivery, the university may provide more training
5. Students majoring in Physical and Health Education may also be given the
6. For future researchers, a similar study can be conducted using the method
2021, from
Technology Publications.
Development Press.
Chan, W.K, Leaung, K.I, Ho, C.C, Wu, C.W, Lam, K.Y, Wong, N.L, Chan, C.Y.R,
Leung, K.M, Tse, A.C.Y. (2021, June 30). Effectiveness of online teaching in
Christina Keller and Lars Cernerud. (2016, July 7). Students' Perceptions of E-
David Tosh, Tracy Penny Light, Kele Fleming, Jeff Haywood. (2015, October).
Dr. Thomas Wanner and Dr. Edward Palmer. (2015, March 27). Personalising
2021, from
Elloumi, F. (2004). Theory and Practice of Online Learning. Retrieved June 12, 2021,
Hinman, H. (2020, Ocotber NORMAL
14). Online UNIVERSITY
P.E Challenges – MINDANAO
Students and Teachers.
The National Center for Teacher Education
Retrieved January 23, 2022, from
Kenneth Ian B. Barrera, Beverly D. Jaminal and Felix E. Arcilla Jr. (2020, June 17).
Khan, B. (1997). Web-based instruction: What is it and why is it? Englewood Cliffs,
Layers in Deep Learning Neural Networks. Retrieved June 15, 2021, from
The National Center for Teacher Education
Kumar, R. (2014, June 30). Internet Access and Use among Students of Physical
Madaran, C. R. (2021, June 3). New poll says unstable internet remains top challenge
Marlies Baeten, Filip Dochy, Katrien Struyven and Emmeline Parmentier. (2015,
Muller, Claude; Stahl, Michael; Alder Mark; Muller Maximilian. (2018, October 27).
Quota Samping: Definition, types, examples, steps and more. (n.d.). Retrieved July 4,
Rossett, A. (2002). Walking in the Night and thinking about e-learning. New York:
Sahi, P.K., Mishra, D., and Singh, T. (2020, May 14). Medical Education Amid the
Sanders M., Lewis P. and Thornhill A. (2012). Research Methonds for Business
Social Science Research Council. COVID-19 and the Social Sciences. (n.d.).
Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke. (2008, July 21). Using Thematic Analysis in
Lin. (2021, – MINDANAO
November 16). Research on Blended
The National Center for Teacher Education
Learning in Physical Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case
The National Center for Teacher Education
In this connection, we would like to ask for your permission to allow us to conduct
our research.
Sincerely yours,
Group Leader Research Adviser
We, the fourth year students of Bachelor in Physical and Health Education are currently
conducting research study entitled “Lived Experiences of PNU-Mindanao BPHED
Students Towards Flexible Learning Delivery in BPHED Major courses amidst
COVID-19 Pandemic” as a fulfillment of the course S-PHED07: Research 2.
In addition, we, the researchers, respectfully request you to validate and critique our
research paper. You were recommended to be part of this study due to your experience
and expertise, a matter which the researchers acknowledge very much.
The researchers really appreciate your time and effort in providing feedback in the
development of this research.
Best regards and more power to you!
Respectfully yours,
Course Instructor
Appendix C – MINDANAO
The National
InformedCenter forForm
Consent Teacher Education
Before signing up to participate in the study, please read the following information.
You may ask the researcher any questions you have right away. If you are uncomfortable, you
have the right to withdraw at any time.
The data will be to find out how Bachelor of Physical and Health Education
students at Philippine Normal University – Mindanao experienced the Flexible
Learning Delivery of the BPHED courses provide us with better understanding of the
phenomenon under study. Research articles as an output of the study may be
presented to conferences so that information will be shared to wider audiences for
The participant will also be given the transcript of her own interview. The
participant may ask the researcher a copy of it. The summary of the data from the
interview will be sent to the participants who request a copy of it at the end of the
research process.
Participant’s signature:_______________________
Appendix D – MINDANAO
The National Center
I ________________ confirm that I have read and understood the information about the
COURSES AMIDST the COVID-19 PANDEMIC”. I confirm further that I had the
opportunity to ask questions, and the researchers have answered the questions about the
study to my satisfaction. I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free
to withdraw from the project at any time, without having to give a reason and without any
consequences. I understand that my personal information and my responses will be kept
Good day! We, the researchers who want to obtain relevant data from you as the key
Delivery in BPHED Major Courses Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic”. This study will
tackle your perceptions regarding the said research. Your name and any confidential
information will be withheld if you wish not to be featured in this study. Also, all of our
conversations are recorded for the correct transcription of the accounts or statements.
I (name of research participant) confirm that I have read and understood the information
about the study. I confirm further that I have the opportunity to ask questions, and the
I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw from the
project at any time, without having to give a reason and without any consequences. I
understand that I can withdraw my data from the study at any time. I understand that any
information recorded in the investigation will remain confidential, and no information that
Name(Optional) ______________________________________________________
Year/Section __________________________________
The National Center for Teacher Education
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this study named "Perceptions of PNU-
Learning Delivery in BPHED Major Courses Amidst COVID-19 Pandemic” and for
enabling us to speak with you about your experiences in the BPHED major courses.
This study aims to find out how BPHED students are dealing with their online major
courses practicum as a result of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic. This paper also
learning delivery.
I want you to feel comfortable talking about your responses to the questions. On the
other side, while there is no direct benefit to participating in this study, you may be
able to assist in providing a full description of your experiences, which will provide
information on how to improve the course, by sharing your experiences. We also want
to underline that your comments will be recorded so that we don't miss any
information you provide and can conduct a thorough and comprehensive analysis and
PHILIPPINE experienced
2. What are the opportunities NORMAL UNIVERSITY
students towards the
The National Center for Teacher Education
flexible learning delivery of BPHED major courses amidst COVID-19
3. What are the challenges experienced by the BPHED students towards the
4. What are the coping mechanisms employed by the participants to address the
challenges met in the flexible learning delivery of BPHED major courses amidst
COVID-19 pandemic?
QUESTIONS T The National Center for Teacher
CODE Education
1. What are SS1 “it is really “it is really Lack of There is a Changes
the hard for me to hard for me to diligence difficulty to do in
experienc be diligent with be diligent the task due to learning
es of the tasks with the tasks lack of attitude
BPHED because it is because it is diligence.
said that this said that this
mode of mode of
of PNU-
learning is self- learning is Participant has
Mindanao pace where you self-pace its own time
towards can control all where you can Time preference Self-
the the, all your control all preferen when to do all paced
flexible time and to ah your time as to ce the tasks given learning
learning you control all when you are by the
delivery your time as to going to instructors.
of when you are perform the
BPHED going to tasks that are
major perform the assigned to
courses tasks that are you in what
assigned to you time will you
in what time do all the
will you do all assessments”
19 the (R001: p2,
pandemic assessments” L36-39)
? (R001: p2, L36-
The National Center for Teacher Education
SS2 “it gets us “it gets us Procrasti There is a Changes
more ahm lazy more lazy or it nation difficulty in in
or it builds a builds doing the tasks learning
procrastination procrastination due to attitude
in my side in my side procrastination.
specially that if specially that
there are things if there are
that conflicted things that The participant
with my plan to conflicted with is unproductive
do the tasks, I my plan to do because their
easily disregard the tasks, I school plans
those plans of easily conflicted with Changes
doing my tasks disregard those Unprodu their personal in
and do instead plans of doing ctive plans. learning
those mga my tasks and attitude
activities nga do instead
which is which those activities Due to
are not related which are not laziness,
to the school related to the participants
activity” (R001: school build
p2, L42-45) activity” procrastination.
(R001: p2,
Laziness learning
SS3 “kanang I “I felt not that Unenerg The participant Changes
felt kanang not energetic etic feels in
that energetic because I was unenergetic learning
because I was I doing all the without the attitude
was doing all task by myself companion of
the task by and I don’t others to do the
myself and I have any task together.
don’t have any classmates to
classmates to tap with
tap with because the There is a
because it is task is really difficulty in
really.. the task fun and doing the task
is really fun and enjoyable if without the
enjoyable if NORMAL
help of others.
you do it The
by National
pair orCenter
by for Teacher Education
group, or you group” (R001:
do it by pair, or p3, L63-66) Lack of Commun
you do it by collabor ication
group or you do ation problem
it by kanang if
you do it with
your ahm
(R001: p3, L63-
SS4 “it is really “it is really Interpret The participant Difficult
ahm hard for hard for me to ation hardly meets y in
me to meet tho meet the difficult the objectives learning
the objectives objectives of y due to
of the task the task difficulty of
because it is all because it is interpreting the
me it is me just me who instruction.
alone who will will who will
who will discuss the
discuss the instruction, The participant
instruction, who will hardly meets
who will interpret what the objectives
interpret what is the proper due to
like for execution of difficulty of
example the the sports or executing the
ahm the proper like for activities.
execution of the example when
sports or like we had our
for example athletics”
Executio y in
when we had (R001: p3,
n learning
our athletics” L69-72)
(R001: p3, L69-
Intermitt connectio
ent n
connecti problem
Flexible Learning
learning adjustme
delivery nt
SS8 “but in the “but in the area Effective The participant Ineffectiv
area of major of major ness of finds eness of
courses like in courses like in tradition traditional flexible
our program our program, it al class class more learning
ahm it consist a consist a lot of effective in delivery
lot of kanang physical learning major
physical activities and courses rather
activities and the online than in flexible
the online platform learning
platform immediate modality.
immediate feedback is
feedback is only up to
only up to verbal like The participant
kanang verbal only up to hardly catches
like only up to words where up with the
words where in in face to face lesson due to
face to face is is more on difficulty
on action NORMAL
interpreting the
and in doing doingCenter
The National physicalfor Teacher Education
physical activity is we
activity is we learn more on Difficult
learn more on the The participant y in
the demonstration hardly catches learning
demonstration from the Interpret up with the
on the action of teacher than ation lesson due to
the teacher than the instruction difficult difficulty of
the instruction and the y executing the
than the literature. So I activities.
literature so I think I learned
think I learned best in a way
best in a way that the teacher There is a
the teacher showed me communication
showed me what is the barrier between
what the really proper the professor
what proper is execution, and students
proper proper action since students
execution or or proper and professors
proper action or formation” do not see each Difficult
proper (R001: p5-6, other y in
formation” L163-168) physically in learning
(R001: p5-6, school and the
L163-168) participant
could hardly
understand the
given by the
“when learning Unintere – MINDANAO
There is a Changes
learning itThe National
it online, I find
Center sted
for Teacher difficulty
Education in in
online I find it it not catching up learning
not interesting interesting. It when learning attitude
kanang murag is less it online.
less challenging challenging,
less enjoyable less enjoyable
na murag ma and the Due to the
ahm mundane approach is sudden change
ra gane siya ana mundane” of the
ing ana lang (R001: p6, educational
siya ang L180-182) system, the Difficult
approach niya” Challeng participant y in
(R001: p6, ing finds flexible learning
L180-182) learning
delivery not
interesting, less
and less
enjoyable and
the approach is
There is a
barrier between
the professor
and students
since students
and professors
do not see
physically in
Commu problem
SS10 “I must “I must say Effective Online learning Ineffectiv
that it is UNIVERSITY
ness of – MINDANAO
is effective but eness of
effective The National
effective tradition Education
Center for Teacher it is more flexible
because because al class engaging and learning
somehow I somehow, I effective if it is delivery
learned learned in a face to
something but something but face class
compared to compared to session than
physical kanang physical online
physical classes, learning.
classes, physical
The participant
physical environment,
environment, physical
something in
physical classroom
online learning
classroom environment, I
but still prefers Non-
environment I think it is more
traditional conduciv
think it… it is effective”
learning e
kanang more (R001: p7,
because it is learning
effective jud L208-210)
Learning more effective environm
siya” (R001:
environ in learning ent
p7, L208-210)
ment physical health
major courses.
SS11 “In those “Those are the Internet The Internet
times no kay times when we connecti importance of connectio
very kuan gyud truly need an vity having an n
ang need gyud internet internet problem
ang kining ano connection that connection in
internet is relevant to an online class.
connection our online
which is class, and it
kanang ang becomes Difficulty of
atoang klase is difficult when participating in
kuan siya it comes to physical
through online physical activities in
tapos sa mga activities major courses. Difficult
physical because our Challeng
y in
activities sa major courses es in
major courses require major The
kanang didtoa practical courses importance of
ko murag na engagement.” in practical
kanang mura (R002: p1- dealing engagement in
bitawg na L32-36) with physical
challenge kay physical activities.
practical baya activities
ang atong mga
dapat magThe
needNational Center for Teacher Education
siya og
y in
practical nga Need of
kanang practical
engagement.” engagem
(R002: p1- ent
SS23 “So kung “If we did not Problem The student Necessity
wala to siya gi gather that of needs to have of peer
buhat ug time together having peer support to support
kanang naay NORMAL
with my UNIVERSITY no one – MINDANAO
help the
someone TheI think classmates,
National CenterI for Teacher
to student in
dili na ma buhat think I can’t do perform accomplishing
no kay wa man it alone since and help the activities.
gud there is no one with
near me that activities
koy kauban na
time that can Afraid of being
dool sa akoa na
play with me unable to
pwede makig
like comply the
dula sa ako ug
badminton. tasks without
Also no one someone who
tapus wala poy Afraid Necessity
can videotape can help.
maka video sa of being of peer
that time so
ako so basin it’s possible unable support
dili ko maka that I can’t to
pasa pud sa comply with comply
activities mao the activity the task
pud ako ika requirements.”
ingun.” (R003: (R003: p2 L 83
p2 L 83 – 85) – 85)
SS24 “So maka “I can say that Ineffecti The student Ineffectiv
ingun jud ko online delivery veness observes the eness of
nga dili jud is not effective of online flexible flexible
effective ang in physical delivery learning learning
online delivery education for delivery in delivery
pag physical courses physical learning
education na because, in and Physical and
course physical health Health
education, on educatio Education
kay, in phy , in
my activities it n courses.
needs accuracy courses
education ang
in every step
akung mga
for example to There is a
activities kay
perfect a tendency that
naga need ug Inaccura the student will
specific dance.
accuracy jud sa cy of Performa
Sometimes it provide
atung personal inaccurate nce
is inaccurate
lihok kintahay I it’s because we interpret output or uncertain
perfect ang are following a ation information ty
dance, tapus dance regardin about the
inaccurate naa literature that’s g dance student’s own
baya tay gina why it really literature understanding
sunud na needs to done of the lesson
this in face-to- and given
to. Need The National
face class.” tasks.
Center for Teacher Education
(R003: p3 L 88
jud natug face
– 91)
to face onset.”
The student
(R003: p3 L 88
prefers face-to-
– 91)
face as mode
of learning
delivery for
Face-to- Physical and
face as Health
preferred Education
mode of major courses.
on of
Mode of
SS25 “My “My Experien The student Learning
experiences in experiences in ced experiences adjustme
flexible flexible difficult difficulty in the nt
learning learning y at first beginning of
delivery in my delivery in my the flexible
major courses major courses learning
during during delivery.
pandemic are pandemic are
ahhmm… is quite hard at
quiet hard at first but of The student
first, but, of course, I get encountered
course I get through it. At Not used difficulty
through it. At first, it is really to the because of the
first it is hard because new new mode of
ahhmmm… everything is mode of learning
really hard new to me and learning delivery.
because I’m not used to delivery
ahhhmmm… the online
everything is learning. I
new to me and think all of us
I’m not used to experience the
the online same?” (R004:
learning. I think p1-L39-40)
kita man guro
tanan?” (R004:
The National Center for Teacher Education
SS26 “Mura’g “It seems like I Culture The student Learning
na culture was culture shock- experienced adjustme
shock sa pinaka shocked at like shock due to nt
sugod, but, first, although experien sudden change
although during during face-to- ce in the mode of
ahhmmm face- face learning
to-face sometimes we delivery where
sometimes also submit the student
isubmit ang our output compared the
output virtually, virtually but experience to
but, kaning… it’s so different that of a
it’s so different from the new culture shock
from the new set up that is like feeling.
set up that… solely online
solely online learning.
lang gyud “(R004: p1- The student
tanan” (R004: L42-44) was having
p1-L42-44) difficulty in
Adjustm adjusting to the
ents flexible
difficult learning
y delivery
because the
student was
used to the
experiences. Learning
Level of
Having The student’s Self-
SS51 “of “Of course my control favorite part paced
course my favorite part of time about flexible learning
favorite part is about flexible learning
kanang gunit learning delivery is
nimo ang delivery is having a hold
imong time having a hold of their time in
like…like for of my time in answering their
example naa answering my pending
kay mga pending activities,
pending nga activities, unlike that of
mga activities unlike that of the traditional
unlike sa the traditional mode where
traditional nga that after being activities must
paghatag sa given the be completed
activities, activities it has as soon as they
buhaton to be done are assigned.
dayun...” right away.”
(R005: p2, L85- (R005: p2,
86) L85-86)
Sedentar In this flexible Sedentar
SS52 “during “In this y learning y
sa kani nga modality my lifestyle delivery, the lifestyle
modality sa… lifestyle has student’s
kanang become lifestyle
sedentary kayo sedentary becomes
akong lifestyle because all I sedentary.
tungod kay… do is
household household What student
chores, chill, chores, did in this
household relaxation, Doing modality was
chores, chill, then back to househol do some
although answering my d chores household
nagbantay ko sa pending and chores, relax,
akong pag activities and then get
umangkon, although
The National I for Teacher Education
Center back to
during this, have a niece to answering their Added
during this watch over I pending responsib
flexible still can say activities. ilities
learning that I am more
modality sa relaxed in this
klase pero more flexible
on chill ra gyud learning
tapos buhat modality.”
napud.. buhat (R005: p2,
napud ug L98-101)
kanang kung
nay mga
pending nga
(R005: p2, L98-
“I'm always Spirituall
SS53 “I’m praying for the Praying The student y driven
always praying face-to-face for the prays for the
nga kaning ma classes to face-to- return of face-
balik na ang come back face to-face classes.
face to face nga since we are classes
klase kay diba graduating to come Since the
graduating ta students and back student is
and then we are about to
paghumag expected to graduate, they
graduate nga have a bigger expect to have
mas naa tay e world to face. Expecte a much bigger te
face nga mas It is really d to have world to face, learning
dako nga world better for us to a bigger so it is really
diba so mas… have face-to- world to better for them
mas…mas face classes face as a to have face-
nindot kung because in this graduati to-face classes.
maka face to modality we ng
face nata kay The student
can learn student
more on believes that
more, it is
learnings the traditional
tapos…mas learning
productive and
kuan…mas modality is
kuan gyud siya more
unlike this
kay mas productive and
productive ug effective than
mas effective the flexible
nga learning (R005:
The National p3, for Teacher
Center modality.
Face-to- Education
modality ang L104-108) face
traditional class as
unlike aning a
face to face.” producti
(R005: p3, ve and
L104-108) effective
eness of
SS54 “daghan “This online Stuck at The student y
gyud puy class also has home believes that lifestyle
disadvantages many online classes
kung kaning disadvantages have many
online class like being disadvantages,
lang ta like stuck at home like being
kaning…like and does not stuck at home
ma stuck ta sa motivate us to which leads
balay tapos dili be physically students to be
nata ka active. in a sedentary
ahm….dili ta Physical and lifestyle.
ma motivate to mental health
kaning mag are important Online classes
lihok lihok and to us and this do not
physical health flexible motivate the
is important sab learning student to
sa ato and modality can engage in
mental health lead us to Demotiv physical
tungod kay mas many ates to activity.
daghan tag mas possibilities be
daghay especially to physicall Flexible
possibility nga those with y active learning
kaning mas unstable modality can
daghan tag mental health have an impact
mahunahunaan to think of on student’s
Mental mental health, Lack of
especially sa things that interest
mga…sa mga may worsen effects especially
student nga dili our mental of the those with an
stable ang ilang health by new unstable
mental health being stuck in learning mental health.
mas our homes
The National Traditional
delivery Education
Center for Teacher
masobrahan or unlike the learning
mas ma yeah traditional modalities help
masobrahan modality the student to
ang ilang where we can socialize more
kanang suffer socialize with with a large Personal
sa mental a lot of number of issues
health if naa people.” people.
lang sila sa isa (R005: p3,
ka…kanang ma L114-120)
stuck lang sila Traditio
sa balay.. nal
unlike kung modality
traditional mas as a tool
maka socialize for
sila” (R005: p3, socializa
L114-120) tion
on of
Mode of
“For me,
SS55 “…for me flexible Ineffecti The student
dili gyud siya believes that Ineffectiv
learning ve
effective nga flexible eness of
delivery is learning
mode of learning flexible
really not an delivery
delivery ani nga delivery is learning
effective mode
major courses ineffective in delivery
of delivery in
especially nga my major their major
example atong courses. Like courses.
sa acquatics for example in
nato…we our Aquatics, Students’
expected nga we expected to learning
kaning learn how to Unmet expectations
makabaloTheta National
as to learn
Center were not met
thefor Teacher
mulangoy, because classes Comparis
different ons
makabalo ta sa swimming were done on of
mga strokes ato strokes but online. Mode of
nga, ato nga Instructio
because it was
courses but Because their n
done in an
tungod kay gi online class we course was
online class did not learn.” Lack of offered online,
siya like wala (R005: p3, learning the student did
tay natun an.” L138-141) not gain any
(R005: p3, knowledge
L138-141) from their
activities. Inadequa
“It’s just so Complet The student Ineffectiv
SS56 “…ma saddening to ing the was dismayed eness of
sad nalang ka think that you major because they flexible
maghunahuna will finish courses completed their learning
nga nahuman your major without major courses delivery
ang major…ang course without learning without
major course learning anything learning
nahuman something.” anything.
nalang siya (R005: p3,
kanang wala L142-144)
jud nga wala
jud kay natun
an o wala juy
walay na walay
na instill sa imo
nga learning.”
(R005: p3,
SS57 “Satisfied “Satisfied in Struggle Struggles Necessity
yes nga ah the major that s cannot be of peer
napili nako ni I've picked denied but can support
siya nga major because some be overcome
kay mmm am of my interests with the help
some of my are there and I of friends.
interests kay did not
naa diri nako struggle much
nakita and wala in the school
ko naglisud works
sa am mga NORMAL
buluhatonThelabi when Center
National it comesfor Teacher Education
na sa mga mm to performance
presenta…aw based activities
mga because I’m
performance into it. There
kuan na based are struggles I
nga mga have faced but
activities kaya I am able to
mm.. ing ana overcome it
ma hiyang ko with the help
ug ingun ani of my group of
nga nga mga friends.”
buhatonon. (R006: P1&2,
Naay mga… L37-42)
naay mga
kuan…nay mga
gyud, naa gyuy
mga kuan pero
nakaya ra, na
overcome ra
siya sa tabang
sa akong group
of friends.”
(R006: P1&2,
SS58 “Sige ako “The major Unintere There are Lack of
sang kuanon course sting certain major interest
ang iyang sa curriculum major courses that
kato assessment in course cause the
curriculum… physical and student to be
pareha anang health uninterested
curriculum education felt from the
assessment ba uninteresting beginning up
… mga ing ana from the until the lesson
gali for beginning up is presented on
physical and until the topic the screen.
health started to
education naa present on the
gyud…naa screen and
gyuy kuan na discussed.
murag start Unlike the
palang sa kuan subject that is
kanang e NORMAL
handled by UNIVERSITY
present palng
The sa of ourCenter for Teacher Education
screen ang professors it
topic nga e catches our
discuss is interest.”
murag di gyud (R006: P2,
siya makakuan L53-58)
sa interest nako
ug am lagi ana
tapos naa pud
toy… naa puy
mga uban
major ah
subjects nga
makapa e maka
pa engganyo
gyud sa amoa
nga maminaw
like kang Prof.
Darang ingun
ana nga mga
(R006: P2,
SS59 “Wala “I was not able Focus There is a Responsi
nako na to have a and problem with bility
namnam ug thorough attention concentration conflict
maayo tanan understanding problem and focus on
subjects and focus on learning
the courses because the
ay tanan and activities student’s
subjects or or FLAs given attention is
activities nga such as those diverted into
gipanghatag sa that require dealing with
akoa mga ah video house
FLAs mga ing recording responsibilities
ana mga video because of my .
ay mga responsibilities
recording video at home which
recording mga made me
ingun ana kay virtually but
tungod sa mentally
responsibilities absent
sa kaning balay therefore I
and usahay cannot
guarantee that
I haveCenter
klase am The National learnedfor Teacher Education
present ko nga a lot especially
naka in but in my major
huna huna is courses” .
wala gyud kayo (R006: P2,
nako na focus L68-74)
mao nang
murag am sa
ako gyud nga
…sa akoa gyud
nga kuan…sa
akoa nga side…
sa akoang kuan
gyud is murag
di gyud nako
siya ma…ma
ha ma…ma
kuan akoa wala
koy ika
garantiya ba
nga daghan kog
na learn sa
mga…labi na
sa mga major
subjects ing
(R006: P2,
SS60 “Isa sa “One of the Time There is a Responsi
mga diba isa sa main reasons manage problem in bility
mga maka that divides ment how will the conflict
apekto is and affects my conflict/ students be
kanang pareha time problem able to
atong akong management accomplish
ingun gaina am are my school
responsibilities responsibilities activities
nimo sa balay in school and given that their
kanang time the orders of time is
management my parents affected with
nimo nga which I need the divided
mabahin to follow and responsibilities
gyud an gang do.” (R006: .
pang acads P2, L77-79)
ang pag aThe National Center for Teacher Education
pagsunod sa
mga sugo sa
imong am
(R006: P2,
SS61 “As to what I Lack of There is a lack Disruptiv
have notice, I motivati of motivation e
“Kanang sa haven’t seen on and and inspiration learning
akoang myself inspirati for the student materials
nabantayan is motivated and on to do school
wala gyud nako inspired to do activities
nakita akong school because of the
self nga activities disruption
motivated because I tend brought by
and inspired to to get gadgets and
do am activities disrupted by social media
school activities my cell phone which are
kay isa ana because It is essential
usahay kay the only mediums for
malimtan gadget I used learning in
usahay malipat in attending Flexible
ka kay daghan online class Learning
ug kato daghan and I Delivery.
ug tentasyon sometimes lose
ang cellphone my focus
kay sa…sa whenever a The student’s
cellphone man distraction in focus is
gyud ako gamit my screen
diverted due to
sa online class, flashes which
the distractions
naa gyuy Out of
made me from the
usahay nga focus
believe that notifications
kaning am dili there is only seen on the cell
ko maka focus limited phone.
kay naa pay learnings a
lain ma…ma… student gains
mu…mu…mu from this new The learning
flash sa screen normal gained is only
nga maka lead setting.” limited because
napud ug Limited
(R006: P3, of the new
distractions ing L80- 86) learning
ana u goo normal setting.
mutuo jud ko Disruptiv
nga am limited NORMAL UNIVERSITY – MINDANAO learning
lang gyudTheangNational Center for Teacher Education materials
learnings nga
ma…ma gain
sa student, sa
learners sa kani
nga setting, sa
new normal nga
setting.” (R006:
P3, L80- 86)
Level of
SS62 “Ma… “I can really a Negative Flexible Ineffectiv
makita gyud see a big effects learning only eness of
nako ang big difference for of brings shallow flexible
difference labi as to what I flexible learning and learning
na ana galing have learning the student delivery
am ako lang remembered makes
ma…sa ako with the activities just
lang gyung na fundamental for
madumduman steps, the compliance.
katong mga information I
fundamental gained about it
steps gali or was only There is
fundamental shallow just Difficult difficulty in
positions for compliance y in retaining the
katong ingun which I find retaining lessons
adto like murag hard to retain the because the Difficult
am for and remain lessons information y in
compliance unlike in a face gained is learning
lang or murag to face setting, shallow and
taphaw lang aside from the learning
gyud among learning with will just pass
kuan nya big groups you by.
murag mulabay can enjoy the
lang gani siya experience
di gyud siya with your Face to face
murag mu classmates classes bring
retain gani or di while having Benefits
fun and
siya magpabilin fun.” (R006: of face-
enjoyment in
P3, L94-101) learning
huna unlike
The classes Education
National Center for Teacher together with
siguro kung the classmates.
face to face kay
am aside from
kuan nga…naa Being in an
kay na learn actual Comparis
daghan enjoy Enthusia classroom on of
pud ug naa sm setting brings Mode of
gyud poy fun enthusiasm to Instructio
gyud ang students n
imong ma…ma because they
ma experience can learn
kay am you’re together or by
learning group and
with kuan man cannot feel
with your loneliness
classmates while doing the
tapos makita activities.
nimo sila
kanang dili ka
am lonely nga
nagbuhat ana
kundi by kuan
gyud mo big
group or ingun
ana.” (R006:
P3, L94-101)
SS63 “Naay “There are Absence Due to the Commun
mga instances instances of absence of ication
nga am naa kay where we are personal personal problem
mga kalibgan not able to meeting meetings,
sa mga communicate students are
instructions our concerns hesitant to
given by the to the raise the
professors gyud professors concerns to the
isa nga…isa because we are teacher.
nga rason not familiar
nganung dili with them,
dayun namo ma with their likes Intermitt Sometimes, the
raise among and dislikes ent student cannot
concern is ang regarding the connecti answer the
kaning behaviour of vity questions Internet
pagkataha am the students. because of not connectio
mataha nimo NORMAL
focusing and n
mu approach
The sa sometimes
National loss of internet
Center for Teacher Education problem
ilaha kay wala when they connectivity.
namo sila have questions
nailhan, wala for us, we are
namo sila not able to
nakita ug unsa give answers
ang ilaha gyung because of less
am mga di focus and
ganahan or intermittent
ganahan sa connection.”
estudya…sa (R006: P3,
kanang mga ah L105-111)
behaviour sa
mga students
kaning kana
pong mag
online. Naa
silay mga
pangutana di
usahay kay di
mi makatubag
kay kaning
wala kayo mi
nag focus di mi
katubag kay
usahay mawala
ang signal.”
(R006: P3,
SS64 “Kay “It is because Internet The Internet
tungod sa of the internet connecti intermittent connectio
internet connection on connection n
connection inga which creates problem experiences by problem
ana gali naa hindrances that s the student
gyud na siya makes a big affects their
nga mga am difference in learning
mga hindrances giving specifically
kunohay as so instructions to with the
murag ing ana students.” instructions
dako gyud siya (R006: P3, they receive.
ug kuan naa L123-126)
gyud siya
difference gyud
sa paghatag
nga Theam
National Center for Teacher Education
instructions to
the kuan to be
given sa
(R006: P3,
(R006: P4,
SS76 “ahh at “At the Unexpec The unforeseen Learning
first lisud gyud beginning, it ted transition of Adjustme
siya kay diba was really hard changed the educational nt
kaning sudden due to the of system from
changed man to sudden change learning traditional
nga mag kuan from delivery class to
ta ug flexible traditional flexible
learning…” learning to learning
(R008: p2, L44- flexible delivery due to
The National Centerp2, pandemic
for Teacher Education
L44-45) shaken
participant to
adapt the
SS77 “…sa “In my Poor Flexible Internet
akong experience, It internet learning Connecti
experiences ato is so difficult connecti delivery was on
at first is that…
especially vity uneasy to the Problem
lisud siya when it comes participant
kay… like sa to our internet because of the
internet connection poor internet
connection diriagiven that we connectivity.
sa amoa labi are in a low
na’g naa mi sa lying area. I
low lying area also worry One of the
nga kuan… where to place factors that
place. Maglisud my gadget to affect poor
pa gyud ko ug adapt to a internet
panghanap ug strong connectivity is
connection – connection – a the Internet
kanang tarung really tough geographical Connecti
gyud kay connection as I Geograp location of the on
basi’g… am frightened hical participant. Problem
mahadlok ko to lose my location
nga ma out sa connection
klase like during
that…” classes.”
(R008: p2,
(R008: p2, L45-
SS78 “…so “It was really Adjustm Adjusting to Learning
lisud siya sa challenging to ent to the flexible Adjustme
akoa at first me at first, the learning nt
pero sa however, as situation delivery has
nagkadugay- the time went been tough for
nagkadugay by, I was able the participant.
mura’g na… to adapt to the
gud na anad na situation. And,
pud ko gud ko I also Along the way,
and then… discovered the participant
kaning… ways to deal was able to
mura’g naka with the discover
kita pud ko ug flexible strategies to
pamaagi… NORMAL
adjust in the Learning
mga kaning… delivery
The National up for Teacher Education
Center situation. Adjustme
mga strategy until these nt
nako para lang days.” (R008:
maka cope up p2, L50-53)
sa flexible
learning ahhh…
delivery hantud
karun. So, mao
to” (R008: p2,
SS79 “Honestly “Honestly Ineffecti The participant Ineffectiv
speaking is speaking, it’s veness said that eness of
that… dili gyud not really of flexible Flexible
siya effective effective to learning learning Learning
gani para sa me. Since delivery delivery is not Delivery
akoa. Kay… we’re taking effective
diba as ahh PE courses specifically in
PE… kaning… that are more physical
kaning course on education
nato performance- major courses
kinahanglan based activities which require
gyud siya ug which requires physical
kanang… unsa guidance from engagement to
ni? Kaning… our course the activities.
performance- professor.”
based baya (R008: p2,
gyud siya… L58-60 &61- Physical
with the 62) presence of the
guidance of course
our… kuan… professor is
subject teacher essential in
or course guiding and
professor…” teaching the
skills to the
(R008: p2, L58-
60 &61-62)
Importan on
ce of
The National Center for Teacher Education
SS80 “… “For me, what Ineffecti Participant felt Ineffectiv
because of this I have felt veness bad for the eness of
ahhh… kind from this kind of flexible Flexible
of… system of learning is learning learning Learning
mura’g… not that delivery delivery as this Delivery
effective. It’s participant is a
kanang dili
ineffective kind of learner
kaayo siya
because to me, that needs
effective para as a learner, guidance from
sa ako ha? Di the guidance the professor
kaayo siya of our course which is self-
effective kay professor is study is futile
ako man gyud significant for for her.
nga as a learner me to
is that… understand
kinahanglan efficiently. It’s Physical
nako ug hard for me to presence of the
guidance kay understand on course
my own.” professor is
dugay gyud ko
(R008: p2-3, essential in
L62-66) guiding and
(Laugh shyly)
teaching the
dugay ko skills to the
makasabot ug students.
kaning own Professor
lang gani nga… s’
ako lang… ako The participant Supervisi
lang gyud Importan cannot afford on
kaugalingon ce of to learn the
ang mag… Course lessons well
kanang… mag instructo through self-
tuon-tuon… ” r instruction.
(R008: p2-3,
The National Center for Teacher Education
SS81 “When “When we talk Compute Flexible Skills
we talk about about r skills learning Acquisiti
technological technology, I delivery is on
kuan… mas can say that I helpful in the
advance na ko am more development of
knowledgeable computer
karun kaysa sa
than before. In skills.
una. Kay sa una
the past, I
di pa didn't really
gyud ko kabalo know how to Through
unsaon ang use Google flexible
mga google Meet and learning
meet, kining Google delivery, the
mga online Classroom for participant was Technolo
online classes, gically-
class, mga Platform able to learn
but now, it’s Inclined
google s literacy how to use
classroom pero good.” (R008: various online
karun… okay p3, L71-73) platforms that
siya…” are good for
online classes.
(R008: p3, L71-
y of the
ty of the
SS83 “nahuman “I am not that Inferiorit Students are Quality
nako tanan satisfied after y of dissatisfied of
nako mga finishing all activities with their Outputs
my activities. activities as
activity, kanang I’ve seen
The National they are
Center for Teacher Education
mura’g dili myself too that uncertain about
kaayo ko I am still the accuracy of
satisfied. lacking on … the content.
Mura’g ang lacking on
akong pagtan- progress in
aw nako sa learning.” Students don’t
akong (R008: p4, see enough
kaugalingon is L106-109) development to
that kulang pa. their
Kulang pa sa knowledge
kaning… Lacks on towards their Level of
kanang… progress major courses. learning
kulang siya’g
ahhh sa pa?
Level of
learning ahh sa
ingon ana….”
(R008: p4,
SS84 “…sa pag “I felt like the Importan Physical Professor
kuan sa mga skills I have ce of presence of the s’
skills is feel ko acquired were Course course Supervisi
is ang ako na off beam instructo professor is on
learn kay basi’g because it’s r essential in
mali kay ako just me who guiding and
is… ako ra… taught me teaching the
ako ra without precise skills to the
kaugalingon bases.” (R008: students.
nag… nag p4, L109-110)
tudlo-tulo kung
mao ba to o dili
like that…”
(R008: p4,
SS85 “…dili “In the Lack of In flexible Changes
pareha’s di traditional way self- learning in
atong of learning, disciplin delivery, Learning
traditional… you can have e students are the Attitude
traditional way self-discipline ones who
of learning nga because every manage their
mura’g… night and day time without
traditional way NORMAL
an appropriate
of learning practice
The National and for Teacher Education
Center guidance of
nga… Makita learn. Unlike teachers which
gyud nimmo now, that we leads them to
ang disiplina sa are in a lose their self-
kaugalingon flexible discipline
kay everyday learning dissimilar to
and night ma delivery we face-to-face
praktisan nimo, have our own classes.
magtuon ka, time to
mga ingon ana. manage in
Ahh… unlike making our Due to longer
karun nga… task. Longer deadlines that
kuan… flexible deadlines are flexible
learning observed in learning
deliv… online class delivery has,
delivery is that compared to students
mura’g… ikaw traditional become lazy
ray bahala sa class.” (R008: and
imong time p4, L121-127) unenthusiastic
unsaon nimo to study and do
pag… pag the tasks on
manage kung time compared
gusto r aka mag to traditional Comparis
himo or kana learning on of
gusto ra ka… Traditio delivery. Mode of
kung kanus-a r nal class
aka maghimo over
dira ra pud ka flexible
maghimo. learning
Like… kay mas delivery
taas ang
deadline sa
online… ahh sa
online… ahh
class kaysa sa
nga… way of
(R008: p4,
SS86 “…mas “I became Impatien In flexible Personal
nagmubo ang short-tempered t and learning issues
akong kuan especially anxious delivery, the
when it comes participant
The National
patience kay… impatient and
Center for Teacher Education
kanang… To me it anxious
pag… labi nag seems… easy because of the
sa signal… to… what do I poor internet
call this one? connection the
kanang… labi
Let’s just say participant has.
nag kannang
like that. I
ma wala ang easily get
signal so dali ra stress
dayon ko especially that
malagot ingon the deadline is
ana gani. on or fast
Kanang mura’g approaching,
ma kuan na pud but you still
ko… dali ra ko not able to do
ma… ma… the task.”
unsa pa ni? (R008: p4-5,
Unsa pa tawag
ani?... Oo
kibali ingon ta
ana. Dali ra ma
stress labi na’g
kanang hapit na
ang deadline
wala pa ka…
wala pa ka…
kuan kahimo o
deadline na
gyud unya wala
pa kahimo…”
(R008: p4-5,
SS87 “O… “The best part Importan For students, Effective
kuan kanang… I like the most ce of online ness of
ahhh ako is having online synchronous is Flexible
ganahan nga online classes synchron significant learning
part is kanang (synchronous) ous because this is delivery
mag online because this is learning the time they
class, kay where I can can ask
mura’g dira ra understand and questions right
gud ko NORMAL
in the class and
makasabot… chance
The National to askfor Teacher Education
Center can gather vital
kay dira ra ko questions that information
ma… ma… are essential. I related to the
mahatagan ug also love the discussion or
time ba nga discussion part topic which the
ma… which can students cannot
maprovide provide be attained on
tanan ang information their own.
akoang mga that I really
questions and wanted to
kinahanglan know which I
cannot afford
So, ganahan ko
to learn on my
nga naay
own.” (R008:
p5, L146-151)
ana nga part or
mga report para
ma provide ang
mga… kaning..
information ga
gusto nako
ma… mahibal-
an nga wa nako
mahibal-an sa
pagbasa nako o
pag self- study
(R008: p5,
SS88 “Okay “We don’t Professo In this kind of Professor
man gyud ang need to worry r’s learning ’s
mga teach… if we cannot immedia delivery, the supervisi
ang mga understand te immediate on
professors easily because feedback feedback from
namo karun so, our professors the course
kaning… dili now are all professor plays
lang kaayo… great which an important
di… dili lang can provide part for the
kaayo mi… immediate participant as
kanang mura’g feedback.” this will help
mabalaka (R008: p5, them
nga… kaning L155-157) understand
dili kaayo mi better and
makasabot kay NORMAL UNIVERSITY – MINDANAOstraightaway.
ThemiNational Center for Teacher Education
kay immediate
gyud dayon mi If the
ma provide.” professors do
their job
(R008: p5,
which is to
provide quality
through quality
service then,
the students
have nothing to
worry as they
Effective can assure their Professor
ness of education. s’
professo supervisi
rs on
(R008: p5,
L159-161) In FLD,
and updates
The National Center for Teacher Education
will be put into
waste if the
attitude and
drive towards
learning and
doing their
tasks is
Student’ Changes
s factor in
Connect Importan
with ce of
neighbor communi
SS92 “ok “As the time Adjustm The student Learning
raman pod went by, I was ent to was able to adjustme
noon kay able to adjust the adjust the nts
kadugayan is the situation.” situation situation
kanang na (R009: p1, gradually.
adjust rapod L27-28)
nako akong
self.” (R009:
p1, L27-28)
SS93 “lisod jud “It’s difficult Demonst The major Professor
sa atoang part in our part as a ration of course of PE ’s
as a BPHED BPHED the skills requires actual supervisi
student nga student demonstration on
diba kasagaran because most for students to
gud sa atoang of our lessons acquire proper
kuan kanang sa are necessary execution of
atoang ipang to be the skills.
lec... lection demonstrated
kanang by the
necessary jud NORMAL
professors UNIVERSITY
The participant
siya The na the Center
National way of experienced
for Teacher Education
idemonstrate online class difficulty in
jud sa atoang right now is understanding
professors nga difficult to the lessons due
ang... ang kuan catch up unlike to the online
ron ang the other class.
pamaagi ron is courses they
sa online class are more on
lang so dili siya comprehension Not easy
dali ma kanang and ours is to
masabtan much better to understa Learning
diritso gali be adjustme
kuya unlike sa demonstrated nts
uban courses and executed
nga kanang by the
kanang more on professors.”
comprehension (R009: p1,
ang sa ato is L28-32)
kanang mas
better gud na
iexecute sa
(R009: p1, L28-
SS94 “happy “I also felt Effective Teachers were Effective
man gihapon ya great because teaching still able to ness of
is kanang na the lessons present and Flexible
madeliver were delivered deliver the Learning
gihapon siya og well by our lesson Delivery
tarong sa atong professors. effectively.
mga professors The learning is
ang mga still successful
lessons and effective In online
successful in this type of synchronous
gihapon og teaching on an lessons can be Effective
effective ang online delivered well, ness of
kuan ang platform.” Successf knowing that it Flexible
learning sa (R009:p1, ul is real-time Learning
karon nga ing- L32-34) delivery discussion. Delivery
ani nga of
pamaagi sa learning
34) The National Center for Teacher Education
SS95 “lahi ra “It is different Need for One of the Actual
biya tong when the demonst major subject engagem
iconduct gud professors ration areas in PE is ent
ipakita gud actually dancing which
mismo sa mga conducted the needs actual
professors ang steps with demonstration
kani na steps different time for the students
kana piraha signature, we to acquire the
atong naa mi struggled that accurate skills
isa ka course time because needed.
nga kadtong we did not
mga different observe the
steps gani kuya proper The participant
mga time execution of struggled to
signature nag such specific learn
struggle gud mi steps.” (R009: performance-
ato kay kanang p1, L41-44) based skills in
kanang wala online classes.
dili dili namo
makita ba og
unsaon to pag-
execute ana na
specific na Difficult
step.” (R009: y in
p1, L41-44) Difficult
y in
the skills
SS96 “videos “How can we Difficult Reading and Difficult
lang or kanang interpret those y in video resources y in
words lang ang specific dance interpret were not learning
among mabasa steps given by ation enough to fill
unsaon ni siya the professors the needs in
pag... pag... if we are only learning the
unsay tawag provided with steps.
aning unsaon videos and
siya pag- readings and
interpret ohh it’s never been
ing-ana gipa- easy for us.”
interpret mi nila (R009: p1,
ma’am og sir L44-47)
og kadtong
specific na
tapos kanang
The National Center for Teacher Education
dili gid to siya
wala gud to
siya nahimong
dali sa amoa
ya.” (R009: p1,
SS97 “amoang “It’s never Hesitant The participant Performa
pagprocess ato been easy for in is hesitant in nce
nga activity kay us to process processi processing the uncertain
kanang kaning that activity ng the activity ty
hesitant mi because activity because they
usahay ba kung sometimes we are unsure if
sakto ba ni ana are hesitant if they executed
di dayon mi it is correct or the activity
makapangutana wrong, we properly.
gani diritso sa cannot ask
ila ma’am kung questions right
ma’am ing- away to our
anion ba ma’am professors
lahi ra sa face unlike during In FLD
to face sa una face to face we professors
nga kanang can approach cannot give
maduolan sila them and they immediate
si ma’am tapos can show us feedback to the
ila dayon right away the students unlike
madiritso og specific dance face-to-face
kuan kanang steps.” (R009: classes there is Professor
ipakita sa amoa p1, L47-51) Professo real-time ’s
ang ilahang... r’s interaction. supervisi
ay ang kadtong immedia on
specific nga te
mga steps.” feedback
(R009: p1, L47-
SS98 “ma sad “In my Envious The participant Comparis
ko kay kanang thoughts it is about is sad and on of
macom... saddening physical envious about Mode Of
makahuna-huna because my engagem their situation Instructio
ko ba na seniors are ent right now n
swerteha ninyo lucky because because FLD
sa una ya oi kay they had hinders their
kanang naka- experienced at eagerness to
experience lang NORMAL
mo ba at The
1 academic year
Center physical
for Teacher Education
year ay 1 where they activities
academic year encountered unlike their
lang nga na playing games seniors’
kanang naka- and experience that
encounter gud performing is essential to
mo katong mga dances in their field of
dula kanang stage.” (R009: study.
makasayaw gud p2, L57-60)
mo sa stage.”
(R009: p2, L57-
SS99 “We cannot Less The participant Actual
“magrecord lag show and opportun was deprived engagem
video unya conduct it ity in of showing ent
mag-edit pa ana personally conducti their
dili gani namo because we ng capabilities
ma... mapakita were only performa through live
gud personally tasked to video nce- performance of
sa kanang or ourselves based their activities
dili namo where we can activity and was only
maconduct jud alter our limited to do it
personally ya sa performance virtually.
tinood jud and we are not
video-video sure because
lang mi usahay we cannot
kay naa pajuy clarify it
times nga immediately
kanang kanang which
unsa na oi saddened us.”
kanang dili siya (R009: p2,
fully nga... nga L60-64)
uhm sak... dili
mi sure kung
sakto ba to ana
kay di dayon
so mao to siya
kanang naay
gamay lang na
kanang ma-sad
(R009: p2,
National Center for Teacher Education
SS100 “happy “It still made Unsatisfi They felt a Performa
man gihapon us happy ed with sense of nce
kay kanang because we are the inferiority uncertain
malampusan able to finish performa about the ty
man gihapon the tasks, nce experiences
namo to na mga however we that their
activities pero are not 100% seniors had.
naa jud part nga sure if we are
kanang kanang satisfied with
dili siya dili our
mi.. dili mi performance as
100% sure we wanted to The participant
nga... nga have the same is envious
among experience because there
performance ba similar to our is a big Comparis
is kanang seniors where difference in on of
satisfied mi kay they can performing the Mode of
Envious task during
gusto namo perform it on Instructio
about FLD compared
tana is piraha stage and n
physical to face-to-face
gani sa inyo sa experience it engagem classes.
una ya nga primarily ent
maperform jud while
ninyo sa stage professors
unya ma- were able to
experience jud observe them.”
ninyo on- (R009: p2,
hand nga
kanang naa sila
ma’am tan-aw
jud sa inyoha
ana gani ya.”
(R009: p2, L64-
SS101 “labi na “Especially Adaptin The participant Adjustme
nga naa ko ani that I enrolled g was able to nt
nga kuan major in this major difficulti conquer the difficulti
though a bit though a bit es difficulties in es
struggle jud struggle to us adapting the
siya ya sa atoa in the part of situation
na part ato na learning through
part na ing-ani process, I have acceptance in
no choice UNIVERSITY
the new normal
pamaagi The sa to accept
National Centerand mode
for Teacher Education of
pag-learn pero enjoy because instruction.
wala man tay it’s our passion
choice but to to perform and
accept unya i- radiate Passion in
enjoy kay diba everyone to be learning drives
passion mani physically fit, the participant
nato jud ang so we have to to continue in
mag-perform be passionate spite of the
mag... mag in everything challenges
radiate og kuan to be experienced.
to be physically successful.”
fit ing-ana so (R009: p2,
we have to be L76-80)
Passiona Persisten
nalang gud ta in
te ce
everything para
kuan successful
ang kuan ang
tanan ing-ana
positive lang
ing-ana nalang
ya.” (R009: p2,
SS102 “At “I have lots of Passion Passion in Persisten
uhmm daghan favorite parts. in performing ce
kaykog Especially, performi drives the
favourite part when teachers ng participant to
gyud labi na tell us to continue in
kanang perform spite of the
muingon sila something or challenges
ma’am nga conduct experienced.
kanang kanang something
magperform mi even if we
ani kanang cannot perform FLD is not a
magconduct mo it live, unlike hindrance to
ana though seniors before students in
though dili they can making
namo siya ma perform it on memories and
kuan sa unlike stage hence, in Memorie bond with Personal
sa una ya ba this new classmates, Opportun
s and
kanang pariha learning ity
bond of specifically
lagi to akong modality we classmat students living
ingon pariha sa are happy es in the same
place even in
kanang The NationalBayuganons, these times of
Center for Teacher Education
makaconduct living in the pandemic.
gud mo naa sa same
stage pero municipality
karon sa kani we can still see
nga new each other and
learning get united in
modality is doing group
kanang ay new activities like
flexible unsa na making
oi (laughing) is memories as
kanang happy my most
mi kay labi na favorite part in
sa kami nga spite of the
daghan mig challenges
daghan mi nga faced in these
BPHE students times of
diria sa pandemic.”
Bayugan so (R009: p3,
magkita-kita L83-92)
lang gihapon
mi if naay
ang memories
ya ang kuan
nako na part sa
kani na kuan
diria nga field
kay makahappy
biya ya though
dili gud mi
tanan gud
nagkahiusa like
before pero naa
man gihapon
mi madoolan
gihapon mi
bisag kanang
pandemic pero
kanang still ya
magkahiusa naa
The National Center for Teacher Education
gihapon mi ohh
ing ana bisag
naay mga
(chuckles) yes
ya”.(R009: p3,
SS103 “Uhm “It's a yes for Adequat Despite the Professor
for me ya yes me, because e challenges ’s
ya kay the professors instructi faced, teachers supervisi
ginahatag man were still on were able to on
gihapon sa ang doing their deliver the
best sa mga best on lesson well and
professors para delivering the provide
ma-deliver nila lesson and adequate
og ayo ang they provided instruction to
kuan ang mga... enough students.
ang mga guidance and
lessons tapos directions on
wala pod sila the things that
nagkulang gyud we need to do.
pod sa pag- They also In the height of
guide og understand online
pagparemind sa those learning, a
amoa sa unsay (students) who professor's
saktong are not able to understanding
buhaton and sustain their plays an
then musabot internet important part
gyud pod sila connection in the teaching-
Professo learning Consider
ya if kanang during
r’s process. ate
kanang naay synchronous
understa professor
mga kuan mga class.” (R009:
nding s
internet p3, L95-98)
connection nga
mga errors ing-
ana... ing-ana
ya (chuckles)
yes ya”(R009:
p3, L95-98)
SS104 “Kuan “A common Unstable The student’s Internet
ahmm common problem is the Internet learning is Connecti
common NORMAL
Connecti – MINDANAO
affected due to on
problem is kuan
The connection,
National vity
Center for Teacher the
Education location Problem
gyud kanang because our which is far
internet area is not from the area
connection kay located in the that has strong
amoa baya sa center of internet
among area kay Tagbina, so the connection.
di man mi signal is poor.”
sentro sa kuan (R010- p2,
Tagbina so L31-L32)
kuan diba amoa The Geograp
kay hina hinay location hical
ang signal.” is not in Location
(R010- p2, Poblacio
L31-L32) n
There is a need
to execute the
rules and laws
of sports as
part of the
lesson content
of Physical and
major courses
in order to
them for a long
The National Center for Teacher Education
Necessit Actual
y of engagem
actual ent
SS106 “For example, Lack of There is a lack Professor
“example sa in the courses Guidanc of guidance of s’
course kato that I e from the professors Supervisi
akong mentioned professo to what the ons
gimention gaina earlier, like rs students should
nga katong mga sports and actually learn
sports tapos dances, the which makes it
katong mga professors hard for the
dances so ang gave us students to
professors kay activities that identify
naga nagavideo required video whether the
man sila or recording. students were
naga.. However, the doing the
nagapabuhat problem activities right
ana nga entailed that or wrong.
activities pero they were not
ginapavideo sa able to guide
amoa wala ay us as to
ang problema whether what
pud ana kay we were doing
wala dili sila was right or
makaguide sa wrong.”
amoa kung (R010- p3,
tama ba among L84-L88)
kuan among
(R010- p3,
SS107 “kanang “In Ask for The student Professor
mag interpret interpreting clarificat needs the s’
ug mga dances dances, what I ions assistance of Supervisi
ahmm ang am doing is from the the professors ons
akong asking the professo for
ginabuhat is professors if rs clarifications
that our steps are and learning
kanang ahmm right or if it confirmation
ahmm kanang.. concerns about the
kanang maga sports, we will lesson content
about of Physical and
unsa na Themaga sports.”
National Health
Center for Teacher Education
ask kog ahm sa (R010- p3, Education
mga ay maga L88-L91) major courses
ask ko sa mga
professors kung
kung tama ba
amoang sa by
group ay tama
ba among
nga steps
or kanang mga
kanang sa
sports about sa
sports.” (R010-
p3, L88-L91)
SS108 “through “Through Disappoi The student Inadequa
kaning online online, I felt ntment felt te
na na.. disappointed due to disappointed learning
nadismaya because there lack of because there
bitaw ko kay are courses actual is a lack of
sayang sayang that need demonst actual
ang mga actual demonst rations demonstration
subjects kay di ration, which in new in their
ra kaayo namo we failed to do normal activities
ma kuan.. ma due to this new mode of which is
unsay tawag normal.” (R01 learning necessary in
ana.. mabuhat 0- p4, L106- delivery learning the
ug ang ahm 108) lesson content
actual demo of Physical and
kay lage tungod Health
aning kuan new Education
normal.” major courses.
(R010- p4,
SS109 “gamay “I learned a Less The student Inadequa
rakog na learn little and only learning experiences te
or kanang short for a short time because less learning learning
term ra akong because the of lack because there
na kuan given activities of actual is a lack of
(inaudible) cannot be demonst actual
kay.. kay carried out ration demonstration
tungod dili with actual in their
demonstration activities
ma actual The or or face-to-face
National which
Center for Teacher Education is
mahimo ug interaction.” necessary in
face-to-face ang (R010- p5, learning the
ma.. ma.. I L135-L138) lesson content
mean, mahimo of Physical and
bitaw nga ah Health
actual Education
demonstration major courses.
ang gipang
kuan gipang..
nga mga
activity sa amo
sa professors.”
(R010- p5,
SS110 “based “Based on my Improve The student’s Effective
on my grades grades, it has d grades grades have ness of
bitaw pero increased. increased Flexible
nitaas sya However, I based on the learning
karon pero only learn a student’s
gamay ra little.” (R010- observation.
among na p5, L145-
learn.” (R010- L146)
p5, L145-L146) Although the
student’s Inadequa
Less grades have te
learning increased, the learning
student also
observed that
there is less
learning under
the flexible
SS111“I’m not NORMAL
not Dissatisf – MINDANAO
The student Quality
satisfy Thenga satisfyCenternga
National action inEducation
for Teacher felt of
nabuhat gyud to nabuhat gyud the dissatisfaction Outputs
nako kay.. kay to nako kay.. submitte in the
ako kay kanang kay ako kay d submitted
naa naabot mna kanang naa outputs outputs under
gud ko sa point naabot mna flexible
te nga basta kay gud ko sa point learning
makapasa lang, te nga basta delivery.
makabuhat lang kay makapasa
ani nga lang,
activities okay makabuhat The student
na” (R010- p6, lang ani nga accomplishes
L176-L177) activities okay tasks and
na” (R010- p6, submit outputs
L176-L177) without
considering the
quality of the Quality
output just to of
Submitti comply the Outputs
ng given
outputs activities.
just for
The student
performance is
because of the
flexible The
learning student
Declinin delivery. performa
g nce is
performa declining
nce because
of the
The student
few problems
with the
sudden change
The National Center for Teacher Education
of the learning
because the
student was
able to adjust
to the changes
brought by the
flexible Learning
learning Adjustme
Adjusted delivery.
to the
SS131 “Even “Even before Tries Their student Character
before the kuan flexible harder in exhibits a Develop
man pud learning Sports positive ment
kaning the… delivery, I was activities attitude in
flexible not really good learning and in
learning in sports, but doing the tasks
modality kay still I strive covered by the
dili na jud ko hard.” (R004: physical and
ah…dili jud ko p10-L306-307) health
abtik sa sports (R004: p10- education
pero karun nga L306-307) major courses
online under Flexible
naningkamot learning
man gihapon ko delivery.
ah” (R004:
There is a lack
of interest
while the
participant is
learning under
online classes.
The National Center for Teacher Education
Lack of
Lack of
Minimal Personal
accompli issues
on of
Mode of
flexible Education
The National Center for Teacher
SS207 “Kuan “Most of the Disappoi Failure to pass Personal
man gud time, I feel nted outputs on- Issues
usahay ma disappointed time.
disappoint man whenever I
gud kanang dili cannot pass
ka makapasa on on-time. It Feeling
time. Mawad- makes me Personal
incapable in
an kag pag-asa hopeless in Hopeless achieving Issues
ba, mawad-an finishing my desired
kag paglaom. studies.” objectives.
Ay dili na (R007:P9,L35
siguro ko 8-360)
ani, dili na
siguro ko
makahuman ug
location is one
of the factors
why the
connection the
participant has
is poor since
the strength of
depends on the
feels emotional
uncertainty in Geograp
the height of hical
FLD it is location
because of the
problems arises
like financial
instability and
poor internet
connection due
to the
The National Center for Teacher Education
(R008: p12,
Became Learning
more Attitude
nt to
The National Center for Teacher Education
to share
Limited Internet
mobile Connecti
data on
The student
importance and
is taking the
Praying – MINDANAO
The student’s Spirituall
coping The National
Centerisfor Teacher
as spiritual and
Education y driven
mechanism is prayer, coping religious acts
prayer. (Laugh because when mechani was seen by
shyly) Because I pray, I feel sm the student as a
when I pray it good and I feel coping
feels good and I more mechanism
feel good and I motivated and
feel more have a positive
motivated and mindset.” The student
also kanang (R004: p15- felt motivated
unsa pa may L445-447) and acquired a
coping positive mind Spirituall
mechanism… y driven
Motivati set through
having a on spiritual and
positive mind acquired religious acts.
set. “(R004: through
p15-L445-447) praying
The student’s
spiritual and
religious acts
was seen by
the student as a
Do not coping
keep mechanism.
s to Necessity
yourself of peer
as Spirituall
coping y driven
The National Center for Teacher Education
Last Name: AQUINO Given Name: JHONAMIE ALMAR Middle Name: MAPUTI
Sex: FEMALE Age: 21
Civil Status: SINGLE
Mobile number: 09079728182
Date of Birth: MAY 1, 2000
Place of Birth: BUTUAN CITY
Citizenship: FILIPINO
Butuan Central
Elementary 10th Honors 2011-2012
Elementary School
Agusan National
Junior High School With Honors 2015-2016
High School
Agusan National
Senior High School With High Honors 2017-2018
High School
The National Center for Teacher Education
Last Name: BACOLOD Given Name: JEVIE LOU Middle Name: LACERNA
Sex: MALE Age: 22
Civil Status: SINGLE
Mobile number: 09079728182
Date of Birth: FEBRUARY 13, 1999
Place of Birth: D.O.P Memorial Hospital Patin - ay
Citizenship: FILIPINO
Last Name: BRILLANTES Given Name: KRIZIA JOY Middle Name: JAGUINES
Sex: FEMALE Age: 22
Civil Status: SINGLE
Mobile number: 09054585862
Date of Birth: AUGUST 14, 1999
Citizenship: FILIPINO
Junior High School Agusan del Sur State With High honors 2015-2016
College of Agriculture
and Technology
Senior High School Agusan del Sur State With Honors 2017-2018
College of Agriculture
and Technology
The National Center for Teacher Education
Last Name: GANZO Given Name: DAISY ROSE Middle Name: LUMAPAS
Sex: FEMALE Age: 23
Civil Status: SINGLE
Mobile number: 09207851037
Date of Birth: NOVEMBER 15, 1998
Citizenship: FILIPINO
Last Name: LAGURA Given Name: STEPHANIE JANE Middle Name: LARA
Sex: FEMALE Age: 21
Civil Status: SINGLE
Mobile number: 09121790620
Date of Birth: JUNE 26, 2000
Citizenship: FILIPINO
Last Name: MAGSACAY Given Name: RONDEL NIEL Middle Name: CABRIADAS
Sex: MALE Age: 22
Civil Status: SINGLE
Mobile number: 09505477122
Date of Birth: AUGUST 30, 1999
Citizenship: FILIPINO
Elementary Maglambing
Integrated Salutatorian 2011-2012
Elementary School
Last Name: SAJOL Given Name: JOSEPH LEINARD Middle Name: CASINDAC
Sex: MALE Age: 21
Civil Status: SINGLE
Mobile number: 09455784943
Date of Birth: MARCH 18, 2000
Place of Birth: BUTUAN CITY
Citizenship: FILIPINO
Last Name: VALENCIA Given Name: MA. RIZA Middle Name: FAROL
Sex: FEMALE Age: 21
Civil Status: SINGLE
Mobile number: 09516832587
Date of Birth: AUGUST 10, 2000
Place of Birth: BUTUAN CITY
Citizenship: FILIPINO