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(Santos) : Tijam V. Sibonghanoy

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LACHES MAY BAR FILING OF PETITION FOR RELIEF OF JUDGMENT laches from invoking this plea after almost fifteen years before the Surety
ON GROUND OF LACK OF JURISDICTION filed its motion to dismiss raising the question of lack of jurisdiction for the
first time. A party may be estopped or barred from raising a question in
different ways and for different reasons. Furthermore, it has also been
TIJAM v. SIBONGHANOY (Santos) held that after voluntarily submitting a cause and encountering an adverse
decision on the merits, it is too late for the loser to question the jurisdiction
[GR. No. L-21450; April 15, 1968] or power of the court -"undesirable practice" of a party submitting his case
for decision and then accepting the judgment, only if favorable, and
“Surety already estopped: aside from failure to assert lack of jurisdiction for a attacking it for lack of jurisdiction, when adverse.
very long period of time, it also asked for affirmative reliefs during the
pendency of the case”

Recit-Ready: Facts:

Facts: In 1948, Tijam filed for recovery of P1,908 + legal interest from  In 1948, Spouses Tijam commenced a civil case in the CFI of Cebu
Sibongahanoy. Defendants filed a counter bond with Manila Surety and against the spouses Sibonghanoy to recover from them a sum of
Fidelity Co (Surety). Judgement was in favour of the plaintiffs, a writ of money. After being duly served with summons the spouses
execution was issued against the defendant. Defendants moved for writ of Sibonghanoy filed their answer and counterclaim.
execution against surety which was granted. Surety moved to quash the
 The CFI rendered judgment in favor of the spouses Tijam and, after the
writ but was denied, appealed to CA without raising the issue on lack of
same had become final and executory, upon motion of the latter, the
jurisdiction. CA affirmed the appealed decision. Surety then filed Motion to
Court issued a writ of execution against spouses Sibonghanoy. The writ
Dismiss on the ground of lack of jurisdiction against CFI Cebu in view of
having been returned unsatisfied, the plaintiffs moved for the issuance
the effectivity of Judiciary Act of 1948 a month before the filing of the
of a writ of execution against the Surety's bond against which the Surety
petition for recovery. Act placed original exclusive jurisdiction of inferior
filed a written opposition upon two grounds, namely, (1) Failure to
courts all civil actions for demands not exceeding 2,000 exclusive of
prosecute and (2) Absence of a demand upon the Surety for the
interest. CA set aside its earlier decision and referred the case to SC since
payment of the amount due under the judgment.
it has exclusive jurisdiction over "all cases in which the jurisdiction of any
inferior court is in issue.  Upon these grounds the Surety prayed the Court not only to deny the
motion for execution against its counter-bond but also to relieve the
bonding company of its liability. The CFI denied this motion on the
Issue/s: Whether or not the appellant's motion to dismiss on the ground solely that no previous demand had been made on the Surety
ground of lack of jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance during the for the satisfaction of the judgment. Thereafter the necessary demand
pendency of the appeal will prosper (NO) was made, and upon failure of the Surety to satisfy the judgment, the
plaintiffs filed a second motion for execution against the counterbond.
On the date set for the hearing thereon, the Court, upon motion of the
Held: The Supreme Court believes that that the Surety is now barred by Surety's counsel, granted the latter a period of five days within which to


answer the motion. Upon its failure to file such answer, the Court
granted the motion for execution and the corresponding writ was issued.
 Subsequently, the Surety moved to quash the writ on the ground that
the same was issued without the required summary hearing. As the  It is an undisputed fact that the action commenced by appellees in the
Court denied the motion, the Surety appealed to the Court of Appeals Court of First Instance of Cebu against the Sibonghanoy spouses was
from such order of denial and from the one denying its motion for for the recovery of the sum of P1,908.00 only — an amount within the
reconsideration. Not one of the assignment of errors raises the question original exclusive jurisdiction of inferior courts in accordance with the
of lack of jurisdiction, neither directly nor indirectly. provisions of the Judiciary Act of 1948 which had taken effect about a
month prior to the date when the action was commenced.
 Although the appellees failed to file their brief, the Court of Appeals
decided the case affirming the orders appealed from.  True also is the rule that jurisdiction over the subject matter is conferred
upon the courts exclusively by law, and as the lack of it affects the very
 Five days after the Surety received notice of the decision, it filed a authority of the court to take cognizance of the case, the objection may
motion asking for extension of time within which to file a motion for be raised at any stage of the proceedings. However, considering the
reconsideration. The Court of Appeals granted the motion. Two days facts and circumstances of the present case — which shall
later the Surety filed a pleading entitled MOTION TO DISMISS, alleging forthwith be set forth — We are of the opinion that the Surety is
substantially that appellees action was filed in the Court of First now barred by laches from invoking this plea at this late hour for
Instance of Cebu for the recovery of the sum of P1,908.00 only; that a the purpose of annuling everything done heretofore in the case
month before that date Republic Act No. 296, otherwise known as the with its active participation.
Judiciary Act of 1948, had already become effective, Section 88 of
which placed within the original exclusive jurisdiction of inferior courts all  As already stated, the action was commenced in the Court of First
civil actions where the value of the subject-matter or the amount of the Instance of Cebu on July 19, 1948, that is, almost fifteen years
demand does not exceed P2,000.00, exclusive of interest and costs; before the Surety filed its motion to dismiss on January 12, 1963 raising
that the Court of First Instance therefore had no jurisdiction to try and the question of lack of jurisdiction for the first time. Although the action,
decide the case. Upon these premises the Surety's motion prayed the originally, was exclusively against the Sibonghanoy spouses, the Surety
Court of Appeals to set aside its decision and to dismiss the case. became a quasi-party therein since July 31, 1948 when it filed a
counter-bond for the dissolution of the writ of attachment issued by the
 The CA, without ruling on the Surety’s MTD, elevated the case to the court of origin. Since then, it acquired certain rights and assumed
Supreme Court. specific obligations in connection with the pending case.

 Upon the filing of the first motion for execution against the counter-bond
the Surety not only filed a written opposition thereto praying for its
Issue: denial but also asked for an additional affirmative relief — that it be
Whether or not the appellant's motion to dismiss on the ground of lack relieved of its liability under the counter-bond upon the grounds relied
of jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance during the pendency of the upon in support of its opposition — lack of jurisdiction of the court a
appeal will prosper (NO) quo not being one of them.


 Then, at the hearing on the second motion for execution against the affirmative relief and submitted its case for a final adjudication on the
counter-bond, the Surety appeared, through counsel, to ask for time merits. It was only after an adverse decision was rendered by the Court
within which to file an answer or opposition thereto. This motion of Appeals that it finally woke up to raise the question of jurisdiction.
was granted, but instead of such answer or opposition, the Surety filed Were we to sanction such conduct on its part, We would in effect be
the motion to dismiss mentioned heretofore. declaring as useless all the proceedings had in the present case since it
was commenced on July 19, 1948 and compel the judgment creditors to
 A party may be estopped or barred from raising a question in different go up their Calvary once more. The inequity and unfairness of this is not
ways and for different reasons. Thus we speak of estoppel in pais, or only patent but revolting.
estoppel by deed or by record, and of estoppel by laches.Laches, in a
general sense is failure or neglect, for an unreasonable and
unexplained length of time, to do that which, by exercising due
diligence, could or should have been done earlier; it is negligence or
omission to assert a right within a reasonable time, warranting a
presumption that the party entitled to assert it either has abandoned it or
declined to assert it.

 The doctrine of laches or of "stale demands" is based upon grounds of

public policy which requires, for the peace of society, the
discouragement of stale claims and, unlike the statute of limitations, is
not a mere question of time but is principally a question of the inequity
or unfairness of permitting a right or claim to be enforced or asserted.

 Aparty can not invoke the jurisdiction of a court to sure affirmative

relief against his opponent and, after obtaining or failing to obtain
such relief, repudiate or question that same jurisdiction.
Furthermore, it has also been held that after voluntarily submitting a
cause and encountering an adverse decision on the merits, it is too late
for the loser to question the jurisdiction or power of the court.

 The facts of this case show that from the time the Surety became a
quasi-party on July 31, 1948, it could have raised the question of the
lack of jurisdiction of the Court of First Instance of Cebu to take
cognizance of the present action by reason of the sum of money
involved which, according to the law then in force, was within the
original exclusive jurisdiction of inferior courts. It failed to do so. Instead,
at several stages of the proceedings in the court a quo as well as in the
Court of Appeals, it invoked the jurisdiction of said courts to obtain

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