Adobe Scan 20-Aug-2024
Adobe Scan 20-Aug-2024
Adobe Scan 20-Aug-2024
and saf
povet its rights and when thc qucstion comes for
.rest of thc pctitioncr and lin my considercd opinion no
party should
be pcr
ircc to sct up ashamand illusory plcathatthe party hadcompliance or
no informns Ardingthe cN partc procccdings As allcgcd in this case. In my
the law helps the Vigilant and not the indolent as is so well scttled
7 The lcarmodcounscl for the petitioner has vehemently contended at the Ra.
that the learned Appellatee Court had rejectedthe appeal without considering tthe
of the case and that the delay doscrves to be condoncd by the Appellate Court merits
opinion, this contention of the learncd Counsel is not tenable since the In my
cxhaustod allthe remedics right upto the Apex Court and thereafer nothing surviehas
for onsideration of this Court in this revision petitionparticularly when the
had avaled yet another remedy of preferring an appeal before the learned District Judos
after loosing the Special Leave Petition before the Apex Court. I am further of the
opinion that it willbe wholly improper for this Court to sit over the judgment of the
Apex Court by extending the time as it will be beyond the purview and jurisdiction of
this Cout.
Petition disiissed.
Hari Nath Tilhari, J. -This is a plaintiff's second appeal from the judgment
and decree dated 11th September, 1984. passed by the Principal Civil Judge, Mandya.
in Civil Regular Appeal No.90/1978, Mari Hutchamma and another V.Hutchegowda,
arising,out of judgment and decree dated 30th September., 1978 passed by Munsifi,
Malavalli in 0.S.138/1975, decrecing the plaintirsclaim for partition and possession
of 1/2 share in the schedule suit property, allowing the defendant's appeal and seting
aside the judgment and decree of the trial Court on O.S.No. 138/1975 anddismissing
the plaintiff suit in entirety.
2. The facts of the case in brief are that the plaintiff-respondent filed this sut
giving rise to this appeal for partition and separate possession 1/2 share of the propeity