Appendix - (R) University of Madras: Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) For Affiliated Non-Autonomous Colleges
Appendix - (R) University of Madras: Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) For Affiliated Non-Autonomous Colleges
Appendix - (R) University of Madras: Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) For Affiliated Non-Autonomous Colleges
University of Madras
1. General Objectives
A candidate shall be eligible for the award of the degree only if he/she
has undergone the prescribed courses on Soft Skills and internship in
addition to the courses prescribed by the respective Board of Studies for the
subject of the Masters Degree.
3. Examinations
Examinations for the courses on soft skills will be held along with the
semester examinations of the core and elective courses.
marks = 10 marks)
Total : 30 marks
Part C Comprehensive and 30 Either-or type 3
Expression (Synthesis questions from all
and evaluation of matter units (3 x 10
studies) marks=30 marks)
(i) Candidates shall register their name for the First Semester Examination
after the admission in the P.G. courses.
(iv) Provided in the case of candidate earning less than 50% of attendance in
any one of the semesters due to any extraordinary circumstance such as
medical grounds. Such candidates who shall produce Medical Certificate
issued by the Authorised Medical Attendant (AMA), duly certified by the
Principal of the College, shall be permitted to proceed to the next semester
and to complete the course of study. Such candidate shall have to repeat
(v) the missed semester by rejoining after completion of final semester of the
course, after paying the fee for the break of study as prescribed by the
University from time to time.
There will be separate grading, weighted grade point overage and classification
(First and Second Class) for the Courses on Soft Skills and internship combined together.
Candidates who secured not less than 60% of aggregate marks (CIA + External)
in the whole examination shall be declared to have passed the examination in the First
All other successful candidates shall be declared to have passed in Second Class.
Candidates who obtain 75% of the marks in the aggregate (CIA + External) shall be
deemed to have passed the examination in First Class with Distinction, provided they
pass all the examinations (theory papers, practicals, project and viva-voce) prescribed for
the course in the First appearance.
The term grading system indicates a Seven (7) Point Scale of evaluation of the
performances of students in terms of marks obtained in the CIA and External
Examination, grade points and letter grade.
SEVEN POINT SCALE (As per UGC notification 1998)
`O’ = Outstanding 5.50 – 6.00 75 – 100
`A’ = Very Good 4.50 – 5.49 65 – 74
`B’ = Good 3.50 – 4.49 55 – 64
`C’ = Average 3.00 – 3.49 50 – 54
`D’ = Below Average 1.50 – 2.99 35 – 49
`E’ = Poor 0.50 – 1.49 25 – 34
`F’ = Fail 0.00 – 0.49 0 - 24
Candidates who pass all the examinations of the courses on Soft skills &
internship in the FIRST APPEARANCE ITSELF ALONE are eligible for Ranking /
Distinction. Provided in the case of candidates who pass all the examinations
prescribed for the Soft skills courses with a break in the First Appearance due to the
reasons as furnished in the Regulations under “Requirements for Proceeding to
subsequent Semester” are only eligible for Classification.
counted for the award of Prizes / Medals, Rank and Distinction. If the candidate does not
show improvement in the marks, his previous marks will be taken into consideration.
No candidate will be allowed to improve marks in the Practicals, Project, Viva-
voce, Field work.