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Appendix - (R) University of Madras: Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) For Affiliated Non-Autonomous Colleges

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Appendix – (R )

University of Madras

Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) for Affiliated Non-

autonomous Colleges
Regulations for Courses on Soft Skills and
Common to all PG Programmes of the Affiliated Non-autonomous
Colleges (w.e.f 2008-09)

1. General Objectives

Courses on Soft skills are intended to improve the communication

skills and personality development of the students. They will help for the
overall development of the students and will enhance the employability of
the graduates. The courses are intended to bridge the gap between the skill
requirements of the employer or industry and the competency of the
students. The internship will enable the students to acquire practical
knowledge or hands on training from a potential employer.

All PG students shall undergo courses on Soft Skills such as (1)

Language and Communication in English (2) Spoken and Presentation Skills
(3) Personality Enrichment (4) Computing Skills and (5) Foreign Language
Skills, in addition to subject core and elective courses.

All Master’s degree students shall undergo internship during the

summer vacation.

2. Eligibility for the Award of the Degree

A candidate shall be eligible for the award of the degree only if he/she
has undergone the prescribed courses on Soft Skills and internship in
addition to the courses prescribed by the respective Board of Studies for the
subject of the Masters Degree.

For two years Master’s Degree Programme, a candidate must undergo

a minimum of 4 courses (4 x 2=8 credits) and a three year Master’s Degree
programme, a candidate must undergo a minimum of 6 courses (6 x 2 = 12
credits) from the courses on Soft skills.

A two year Master’s Degree student shall undergo 4-6 weeks (2

credits internship during the summer vacation of the First year and submit a
report in the beginning of third semester. The report will be evaluated in
third semester and the marks forwarded to the University along with third
semester internal assessment (CIA) marks. A three years Master’s degree
student shall undergo 6-8 weeks (3 credits) during the summer vacation of
the First /Second year and submit a report after completion of the internship
in the beginning of fifth semester. The report will be evaluated and the
marks forwarded to the University along with fifth semester internal
assessment (CIA) marks.

3. Examinations

Examinations for the courses on soft skills will be held along with the
semester examinations of the core and elective courses.

There is no written examination for internship. A student must submit

a report after completing the summer internship. The report will be
evaluated by two examiners within the Department of the college/

4. Courses on Soft Skills and Internship and Scheme of Examination

The Courses on Soft Skills may be offered at the College/Institutional

level in a fixed time slot for all students. Students of all departments must be
allowed to choose any of the approved Soft Skill courses. All the courses
will be offered in all semesters. If the demand for a course is less than 20
(students) in a college/institution, the course need not be offered.

The teaching of the courses on Language and Communication skills

and Spoken English may be assigned to the English faculty/Department,
courses on personality development by the Psychology or Management or
English faculty/Department, Computer knowledge by the any competent
faculty member from any Department, and the courses in foreign languages
by the competent person with a degree or diploma in the concerned

language. However, the Principals/Directors of the Institutions are permitted

to assign competent faculty to teach the any of the soft skill courses.
A candidate shall not choose a course on Soft Skills closely related to his/her
Master’s degree programme. The Chairperson /Board of Studies will identify courses on
Soft Skills related to the major field of study (Example: A Computer Science student will
not be permitted to choose Soft Skill courses on computer).
S.N Semester Instruc Cre Examin Max Marks
o Name of the Course tion dits ation
Hours Duratio
per n CIA Externa
week (hours) l

Language and Communication

1 LANGUAGE AND All Semester 3 2 3 40 60
Spoken and Presentation Skills
2. SPOKEN AND PRESENTATION All Semester 3 2 3 40 60
Personality Enrichment
3 LIFE AND MANAGERIAL All Semester 3 2 3 40 60
Computing Skills
4 COMPUTING SKILLS All Semester 3 2 3 40 60
Foreign Language Skills
5 FRENCH FOR BEGINNERS II All Semester 3 2 3 20 80

6 GERMAN FOR BEGINNERS II All Semester 3 2 3 20 80

Note: Papers 1,2,3 and 4 are treated as practical papers and classes and
examinations are conducted accordingly

5. Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) – 20/40 marks

Seminar /
Written Oral Assignment /
S.No Courses Presentati Practical
Test Test Term paper
Language and
1 Communication 10 10 10 10
Spoken and
2 20 10 10
Presentation Skills
3 10 10 10 10
4 Computing skills 40
Foreign Language
5 10 10
6. Question Paper Pattern for External Examination

1. Courses on Language and Communication (Paper 1 ) -60 marks

Practical examination – 3 hours- Paper pattern as described below

Examination (60 marks) will be conducted by one external examiner
appointed by the University and one internal examiner:

Type of Question Marks

Part A Reading skills and 20

Part B Writing skills 20

Part C Speaking and Listening 20

2. Courses on Spoken and Presentation Skill (paper 2) - 60 marks

Practical Examination - 3 hours – paper pattern as described below will

be conducted by one external examiner appointed by the University and
one internal examiner

Type of Question Marks

Part A Any one type of presentation: extempore, 20
choosing a topic, formal presentation,
presenting a report etc.,
Part B Group Discussion: Self Introduction , 20
Asking Questions, Handling Questions,
Extending the discussion, Summing up etc.,
Part C Interview: Knowledge of subject, Thinking 20
on their feet,, Appropriate use of language,
Body language

3. Personality Enrichment (Papers 3) – 60 marks

Practical Examination - 3 hours – paper pattern as described below will

be conducted by one external examiner appointed by the University and
one internal examiner

Type of Question Marks


Part A Record writing 30

Part B Application /Analysis 30
Synthesis /Evaluation

4. Computing Skills (Papers 4) -60 Marks

Practical Examination - 3 hours – paper pattern as described below will

be conducted by one external examiner appointed by the University and
one internal examiner

Type of Question Marks

Part A Record writing 10
Part B Practicals covering all 50
the units of the syllabus

5. Courses on Foreign Languages skills (Papers 5-6) 80 marks

Written examination – 3 hours – 80 marks

Question paper pattern for the Written examination:

Type of Question Marks Choice

Part A Grammar (Definition 20 No choice
and practical application 5 questions (one from
of rules) each unit)
(5 x 4 marks = 20
Part B Culture and Civilisation, 30 No Choice –
and Vocabulary 10 questions covering
(understanding and all cultural
description of matter components
studies) presented in the units.
(10x2 marks = 20
2 questions
Vocabulary required
from all units (2 x 5

marks = 10 marks)
Total : 30 marks
Part C Comprehensive and 30 Either-or type 3
Expression (Synthesis questions from all
and evaluation of matter units (3 x 10
studies) marks=30 marks)


(i) Candidates shall register their name for the First Semester Examination
after the admission in the P.G. courses.

(ii) Candidates shall be permitted to proceed, from the First Semester up to

Final Semester irrespective of their failure in any of the Semester
examinations subject to the condition that the candidates should register
for all the arrear subjects of earlier semesters along with current
(subsequent) semester subjects.

(iii) Candidates shall be eligible to go to subsequent semester, only if they

earn, sufficient attendance as prescribed therefor by the Syndicate from
time to time.

(iv) Provided in the case of candidate earning less than 50% of attendance in
any one of the semesters due to any extraordinary circumstance such as
medical grounds. Such candidates who shall produce Medical Certificate
issued by the Authorised Medical Attendant (AMA), duly certified by the
Principal of the College, shall be permitted to proceed to the next semester
and to complete the course of study. Such candidate shall have to repeat

(v) the missed semester by rejoining after completion of final semester of the
course, after paying the fee for the break of study as prescribed by the
University from time to time.


a) There shall be no Passing Minimum for Interal.

b) For External Examination, Passing Minimum shall be of 50% (Fifty Percentage)
of the maximum marks prescribed for the paper for each Paper/Practical/Project
and Viva-voce.
c) In the aggregate (External+Internal) the passing minimum shall be of 50%.
d) Grading shall be based on overall marks obtained (Internal+External).


There will be separate grading, weighted grade point overage and classification
(First and Second Class) for the Courses on Soft Skills and internship combined together.

Candidates who secured not less than 60% of aggregate marks (CIA + External)
in the whole examination shall be declared to have passed the examination in the First
All other successful candidates shall be declared to have passed in Second Class.
Candidates who obtain 75% of the marks in the aggregate (CIA + External) shall be
deemed to have passed the examination in First Class with Distinction, provided they
pass all the examinations (theory papers, practicals, project and viva-voce) prescribed for
the course in the First appearance.


The term grading system indicates a Seven (7) Point Scale of evaluation of the
performances of students in terms of marks obtained in the CIA and External
Examination, grade points and letter grade.
SEVEN POINT SCALE (As per UGC notification 1998)
`O’ = Outstanding 5.50 – 6.00 75 – 100
`A’ = Very Good 4.50 – 5.49 65 – 74
`B’ = Good 3.50 – 4.49 55 – 64
`C’ = Average 3.00 – 3.49 50 – 54
`D’ = Below Average 1.50 – 2.99 35 – 49
`E’ = Poor 0.50 – 1.49 25 – 34
`F’ = Fail 0.00 – 0.49 0 - 24


Candidates who pass all the examinations of the courses on Soft skills &
internship in the FIRST APPEARANCE ITSELF ALONE are eligible for Ranking /
Distinction. Provided in the case of candidates who pass all the examinations
prescribed for the Soft skills courses with a break in the First Appearance due to the
reasons as furnished in the Regulations under “Requirements for Proceeding to
subsequent Semester” are only eligible for Classification.


Candidates who have passed in a theory paper / papers are allowed to appear
again for theory paper / papers only once in order to improve his/her marks, by paying
the fee prescribed from time to time. Such candidates are allowed to improve within a
maximum period of 10 semesters counting from his/her first semester of his/her
admission. If candidate improve his marks, then his improved marks will be taken into
consideration for the award of Classification only. Such improved marks will not be

counted for the award of Prizes / Medals, Rank and Distinction. If the candidate does not
show improvement in the marks, his previous marks will be taken into consideration.
No candidate will be allowed to improve marks in the Practicals, Project, Viva-
voce, Field work.

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