2020-21 B.com Syllabus
2020-21 B.com Syllabus
2020-21 B.com Syllabus
Scheme of Examination
Choice Based Credit System
Semester - I to VI
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Eligibility for admission in First Year of BCOM is 10+2 examination of any Board with at least 48%
marks. With regard to admission on reserved category seats government rules will be applicable.
The number of the paper and the maximum marks for each paper, together with the minimum marks
required for a pass are shown against each subject separately. It will be necessary for a candidate to pass
in the theory as well as the practical part of a subject/paper, wherever prescribed, separately.
For passing a candidate shall have to secure at least 40% marks in each course (Theory and Practical
No division shall be awarded in Semesters I to V.
Whenever a candidate appears for a due paper examination, she will do so according to the syllabus
in force.
A candidate not appearing in any examination/absent in any paper of term end examination shall be
considered as having DUE in those papers.
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Course Structure in Semester – I
Paper Total Marks Max. Min.
Nomenclature of the Paper Credits Marks Marks
GEN-101 General English 02 15 35 50 20 1 Hr
Contact Min.
Nomenclature Total Marks Max. Exam
Paper Code Hours Credits Marks
of the Paper Marks
Per Week CIA ESE
COM-101 Cost Accounting-I 04 04 30 70 100 40 2 ½ hrs
COM-102 Business Statistics-I 04 04 30 70 100 40 2 ½ hrs
COM-103 Principles of Management-I 04 04 30 70 100 40 2 ½ hrs
COM-104 Business Law-I 04 04 30 70 100 40 2 ½ hrs
COM-105 Economic Environment in India 04 04 30 70 100 40 2 ½ hrs
COM-106 Business Economics 04 04 30 70 100 40 2 ½ hrs
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Phrasal verbs
Break: Break away, Break down, Break off, Break up
Bring: Bring about, Bring in, Bring up, Bring down
Come: Come by, Come across, Come upon
Carry: Carry out, Carry on, Carry off, Carry over
Call: Call on, Call off, Call at
Get: Get Along, Get Away, Get By, Get Through, Get Over
Give: Give up, Give away, Give in
Hard: Hard up, Hard of hearing, Hard to please
Look: look after, look into, look forward to, look up to
Put: put out, put off, put up, put up with
Run: run after, run down, run over, run out of
Take: take after, take up, take to
Unit II
Comprehension, Précis writing
Unit III
Formal and Informal Letters- Job Application, Resume and Cover letter, Composition, Report Writing
Reference Books:
A Practical English Grammar (Oxford Paper Back) : A.J. Thomson
Intermediate English Practice Book ( Orient Longman ) : S.Pit Corder :
Strengthen Your English (OUP 1973) :Bhaskaran and Hordburgh
The English Errors Of Indian Students (OUP) :T.l.h. Smith – Pearce
A Practical Course of English ( Ramesh Book Depot, Jaipur) :I.K. Sharma and V.D. Singh
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Operating costing: Introduction, Transport Costing, Hotel Costing, Power house Costing, Hospital
Costing and Cinema Costing.
Reference Books:
Oswal, Maheshwari, Sharma, Mantri Sharma, Cost Accounting, Ramesh Books Depot Jaipur
Dr. D.C. Jain, Dr. M.C. Khandelwal and R. Govind Pareek, Cost Accounting, Ajmera Books Co.,
Dr. P.C. Tulsian, Cost Accounting, S. Chand & Co. Ltd, New Delhi.
Dr. B.K. Mehta, Cost Accounting, S.B.P.D Publishing House, Agra.
Arora M.N., Cost accounting- Principles and Practice, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
Jain S.P. and Narang K.L., Cost Accounting; Kalyani Publications, New Delhi.
Horgren, Charles, Foster and Datar, Cost Accounting – A Managerial Emphasis; prentice-Hall of
India, New Delhi.
Maheshwari S.N., Advanced Problems and Solutions in Cost Accounting, Sultan and Chand: New
Note:- Latest edition of the book to be referred.
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
COM – 102 Business Statistics - I
Max. Marks: 100 Min. Marks: 40
Credits: 4 Duration: 2 ½ Hrs
Learning Outcome: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to:
1. Analyze quantitative information for decision making.
2. Interpret the concept of Statistical tools and techniques.
3. Assess dispersion and methods of measurement of dispersion and skewness.
4. Develop an understanding of linear regression and correlation.
5. Develop the skills of data analysis.
Note: Please make a 60:40 distribution in practical: theory
Unit- I
Introduction: Statistics as a subject; Descriptive Statistics - compared to Inferential Statistics; Types of
data; Collection of data; Official Statistics. Simple Random Sample, Stratified random sample. Analysis of
Univariate Data: Construction of a frequency distribution, Concept of central tendency.
Unit- II
Dispersion – Meaning, importance, methods of measurement of dispersion and its coefficient. Skewness –
meaning, methods of measuring skewness and difference between dispersion and skewness.
Unit- III
Analysis of Bivariate Data: Linear regression. Correlation- meaning, types and different methods of
Reference Books:
Ranga, Gupta, Goyal, Bhatnagar, Soni, Business Statistics & Statistical Methods, Ajmera Book Co.,
Dr. Agarwal, Business Statistics, Vrinda Publications (P) Ltd, New Delhi.
Hooda, R.P.: Statistics for Business and Economics, Macmillan, New Delhi.
Ya-Lun Chou: Statistical Analysis with Business and Economic Applications, Holt, Rinehart &
Winster, New York.
Yadav, Jain & Mittal, Business Statistics, Malik & co., Jaipur
Note:- Latest edition of the book to be referred.
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
;kno] tSu] feÙky& O;kolkf;d lkf[;adh] efyd ,aM dEiuh] t;iqjA
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
Management: Meaning, Nature, Importance, Principles, Schools of Management Thought, Planning:
Meaning, Importance, Types and Process,
Decision Making: Process, techniques.
Organising: Importance, Types, Structure and Forms of organization,
Span of Control: Concept, Factors influencing span of control,
Delegation of Authority, Decentralisation & Centralisation of authority with respective advantages and
Directing: Meaning, Importance and Techniques.
Motivation: Concept, Nature, Importance, Theories-Maslow and Herzberg’s two factor theory, Types of
Management by objectives, Management by exception with respective meaning and importance.
Reference Books :
Naulakha R.L, Principles Of Management, RBD Publications
Sudha G.S ,Management, Ramesh Book Depot
Rajpurohit,Sharma,Sharma,Gupta;,Management, AjmeraBook Company,Jaipur.
Note: Latest Edition of the book to be referred
COM -103 : I
vf/kdre vad% 100 U;wure vad% 40
dszfMV% 4 vof/k% 2 ½ ?kaVs
v/;;u ds ifj.kke
bl ikB~;dze ds lQyrkiwoZd iw.kZ gksus ds i’pkr~ fo|kFkhZ ;ksX; gksxa&
1. çca/ku] fu;kstu vkSj fu.kZ;u dh O;k[;k djukA
2. laxBu lajpuk] vf/kdkj vkSj mÙkjnkf;Ro ds laca/k dk foÜys"k.k djukA
3. vfÒÁsj.kk] vfÒÁsj.kk ds rduhd¨a vkSj mÌs'; }kjk Áca/k dk ewY;kadu djukA
4. çca/k ds fofHkUu dk;ksaZ dk la{ksi esa fooj.k djukA
5. fofHkUu çcaèkdh; dkS'ky dk vuqdj.k djukA
bdkbZ &I
izca/ku& vFkZ] çÑfr] egRo] fl)kar] izca/k dh fopkjèkkjk,]
fu;kstu & vFkZ] egRo] çdkj vkSj çfØ;k]
fu.kZ;u & çfØ;k] rduhdsaA
bdkbZ &II
laxBu & egRo] çdkj] lajpuk vkSj laxBu ds izk:i]
fu;a=.k dk foLrkj & vo/kkj.kk] fu;a=.k ds foLrkj d¨ çHkkfor djus okys dkjd]
vfèkdkj HkkjkiZ.k] fodsaæhdj.k vkSj dsaæhdj.k ds lacaf/kr xq.k vkSj nks"kA
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
funZs'ku& vFkZ, egRo vkSj rduhdA
bdkbZ &III
vfHkçsj.kk: vo/kkj.kk] çÑfr] egRo] fopkjèkkjk,a &ekLy¨ vkSj gtZ+cxZ dh f}-?kVd fopkjèkkjk] vfHkçsj.kk ds ÁdkjA
mÌs';¨a }kjk çca/k] viokn }kjk çca/k lacaf/kr ds vFkZ vkSj egRo
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
uksy[kk vkj,y ( çca/ku ds fl)kar vkjchMh çdk'ku
lq/kk th,l çca/ku] jes'k cqd fMiks
jktiqjksfgr] 'kekZ] 'kekZ] xqIrk] (çca/ku vtesjk cqd daiuh] t;iqjA
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
The Indian Contract Act 1872: Introduction and Essentials of a valid Contract, Classification of Contracts,
Contractual Capacity, Free consent and Consideration.
The Indian Contract Act 1872: Void Agreement, Contingent Contract, Performance and Discharge of
Contract, Remedies for Breach of Contract, Quasi Contract.
The Indian Contract Act 1872: Contract of Indemnity and Guarantee, Contract of Pledge and Bailment,
Reference Books:
Kapoor N.D.:, Elements of Mercantile Law, Sultan Chand & sons, New Delhi.
Nolakha,R.L., Business Law, RBD Publications, Jaipur.
Note: Latest Edition of the book to be referred
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
O;kolkf;d vFkZ’kkL= dh ifjHkk"kk ,oa vFkZA O;kolkf;d fu.kZ; esa bldh HkwfedkA
LFkSfrd ,oa ÁkosSfxd vFkZ’kkL= O;f"V ,oa lef"V vFkZ’kkL=] vkfFkZd fu;eA
mi;ksfxrk&x.kukRed ,oa Øeokpd n`f"Vdks.k] lhekUr mi;¨fxrk {kh.krk fu;e] le lhekar mi;¨fxrk fu;e A
miHkksDrk dh cpr & vFkZ] vo/kkj.kk] ekius esa dfBukb] egRo ,oa vky¨puk,
bdkbZ II
rVLFkrk odz fo’ys"k.k & miHkksDrk larqyuA
ekax fo’ys"k.k & vo/kkj.kk ,oa ekax dk fu;eA
ekax dh yksp & vFkZ] Ádkj] ekius dh fof/k;kW vkSj bldk egRoA
ekax iwokZuqeku& vFkZ] mÌs'; ,oa lhek, ] fu/kkZfjr djus okys ?kVd] fof/k;k&a dky Js.kh] vk/kqfud vFkZferh;
fof/k] vkfFkZd ladsrkad fof/k
bdkbZ III
iwfrZ o iwfrZ dk fu;e] iwfrZ dh ykspA
oLrq ewY; fu/kkZj.k & ewY; dk lkekU; fl)kUr] ekax ,oa iwfrZ esa ifjorZu rFkk lkE; ewY; ij mlds ÁHkko] ewY;
fu/kkZj.k es le; rRoA
iwath fuekZ.k] Je dh dk;Z dq’kyrkA
ekYFkl ,oa vuqdwyre tula[;k fl)kUr
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
f=osnh ’kekZ ,oa ’kekZ & O;oklkf;d vFkZ’kkL= & vYdk ifCyds’kal vtesjA
ch- ,y- vks>k& O;oklkf;d vFkZ’kkL= &vkjchMh çdk'ku
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
GEN-102: सामा य हं द
पूणाक-50 U;wure vad % 20
ØsfMV % 02 vof/k % 1 ?kaVs
अ ययन के प रणाम :
पा य म पूण होने के बाद व ाथ यो य ह गे –
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
1. व ािथय म हं द याकर णक ान का वकास होना I
याकरण – भाग
इकाई-1 अंक योजना
सं ा,सवनाम, वशेषण, या, -10 अंक
या वशेषण ,संिध, समास, वलोम श द -10 अंक
शु करण [श द शु ,वा यशु ], पा रभा षक श दावली-[अं ेजी श द के हं द
समानाथक श द] (को वड -19 से भी स ब धत श दावली ) -5 अंक
श द यु म- अथ भेद , पयायवाची श द , उपसग , यय, -5 अंक
िनब ध लेखन (को वड -19 से भी स ब धत वषय) -10 अंक
प लेखन –आवेदन प , c/kkà i=, ÁkFkZuk i= (को वड -19 से भी स ब धत वषय) - 5 अंक
अप ठत ग ांश (को वड -19 से भी स ब धत वषय) - 5 अंक
सहायक पु तक-
हं द याकरण –डॉ. इं दरा अशोक
हं द याकरण कोश –डॉ. दनेशचं शमा, ीमती पु पा शमा
हं द याकरण –डॉ. ह रचरण शमा
हं द याकरण –डॉ. राजे र साद चतुवद
ह द याकरण - भोलानाथ ितवार
1. The paper will be objective type containing fifty questions of one mark each
2. Marks of this paper will not be included in Total
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Cost Records: Non-Integrated System, Meaning & Features; Ledgers & Accounts preparation;
General/Cost Ledger Adjustment Account; Meaning of Closing Balance in various accounts.
Integrated System: Meaning, Features, Advantages and accounting entries.
Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Statements: Introduction, meaning, Reasons for difference in
profits disclosed by Financial Accounts and Cost Accounts, Objectives, Procedure, Format, Preparation of
Reconciliation Statement in various situations and Memorandum Reconciliation account.
Reference Books:
Oswal, Maheshwari, Sharma, Mantri Sharma, Cost Accounting, Ramesh Books Depot Jaipur
Dr. D.C. Jain, Dr. M.C. Khandelwal and R. Govind Pareek, Cost Accounting, Ajmera Books Co.,
Dr. P.C. Tulsian, Cost Accounting, S. Chand & Co. Ltd, New Delhi.
Dr. B.K Mehta, Cost Accounting, S.B.P.D Publishing House, Agra.
Arora M.N., Cost accounting- Principles and Practice, Vikas Publishing House, New Delhi
Jain S.P. and Narang K.L., Cost Accounting; Kalyani Publications, New Delhi.
Horgren, Charles, Foster and Datar, Cost Accounting – A Managerial Emphasis; prentice-Hall of
India, New Delhi.
Maheshwari S.N., Advanced Problems and Solutions in Cost Accounting, Sultan and Chand: New
Note:- Latest edition of the book to be referred.
uksV%& d`Ik;k izk;ksfxd rFkk lS)kfUrd iz’uksa dk forj.k 60%40 ds vuqlkj djsaA
bdkbZ I
midk;Z ykxr fu/kkZj.k%& ifjHkk"kk] fo’ks"krk,sa] dk;Z fof/k] midk;Z ykxr i=A
lewg ykxr% ifjHkk"kk] vkfFkZd lewg ek=k ,oa mldk fu/kkZj.k] lewg ykxr i=A
Bsdk ykxr% Hkqxrku izfdz;k] izfr/kkj.k /ku] o`f) okDa;k’k] Bsdk [kkrk] vuqekfur ykHk dk ys[kk] fpB~Bs esa v)ZfufeZr
eky dk izLrqrhdj.kA
izfdz;k ykxr% vFkZ] fo’ks"krk,sa] izfdz;k ,oa midk;Z esa vUrj] izfdz;k [kkrksa dk fuekZ.k] vlkekU; {k;] lkekU; {k;
,oa vlkekU; cpr dk lek;kstu] izkjfEHkd ,oa vfUre LVkWd dk lek;kstu] vUrZizfdz;k ykHk] lg&mRiknu]
miksRikn ykxr fu/kkZj.kA
‘bdkbZ II
izeki ys[kkadu%& vFkZ] {ks=] ykHk] rduhd rFkk izkjfEHkd fopj.k fo’ys"k.kA
lkexzh rFkk Je fopj.k fo’ys"k.kA
bdkbZ III
ykxr ys[ks% xSj lekdfyr i)fr& vFkZ ,oa fo’ks"krk,sa] [kkrsa ,ao ys[kksa dk fuekZ.k] lkekU; ykxr [kkrk cgh]
fofHkUu [kkrksa ds vUrZxr vfUre ’ks"k dk vFkZA
,dhd`r i)fr%& vFkZ ,oa fo’ks"krk,sa] ykHk ,oa ys[kkadu izfof"V;kWA
ykxr ys[kksa dk fofÙk; ys[kksa ls feyku% ifjp;] vFkZ ,oa foÙkh; [kkrs ,oa ykxr [kkrksa esa ykHk ds vUrj ds dkj.k]
mn~ns’;] izfdz;k] izk:i] fofHkUu ifjfLFkfr;ksa esa lek/kku fooj.k i= dh rS;kjh] ,oa Lej.kkFkZ lek/kku fooj.k i=A
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
tSu] [k.Msyoky] ikfjd%& ykxr ys[kkadu] vtesjk cqd dEiuh t;iqjA
,e- vkj- vxzoky%& ykxr ys[kkadu] xfjek ifCyds’ku] t;iqjA
vksloky] ekgs’ojh] ’kekZ] ea=h] ’kekZ% ykxr ys[kkadu] jes’k cqd fMiksV t;iqjA
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
uksV%& d`Ik;k izk;ksfxd rFkk lS)kfUrd iz’uksa dk forj.k 60%40 ds vuqlkj djsaA
bdkbZ I
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
lwpadkd% vFkZ] izdkj ,oa mi;ksx] ewY; ,oa ek=k lwpdkad Kkr djus dh fof/k;kW ¼lk/kkj.k ,oa Hkkfjr lwpdkad½]
i;kZIrrk dk ijh{k.k] Ja[kyk vk/kkj lwpdkad] vk/kkj cnyuk] lwpdakdksa dh viLQhfr ,oa f’kjkscU/ku] lwpadkdksa dh
jpuk esa leL;k,sa] miHkksDrk ewY; lwpdkad] O;kolkf;d iwokZuqekuA
bdkbZ II
dky Js.kh dk fo’ys"k.k% dky Js.kh leadksa es vUrj ds dkj.k] dky Js.kh ds la?kVd] dky Js.kh dk fo?kVu]
;ksxkRed izfr:i] xq.kkRed izfr:i] izo`fr dk fu/kkZj.k& py ek/; fof/k] U;wure oxZ fof/k ¼js[kh;] fo?kkrh; ,oa
odzh; jhfr½A ekSleh fopj.kksa dk eki%& lk/kkj.k ek/;] py ek/; jhfr] py ek/; vuqikr jhfr ,oa Ja[kyk
ewY;kuqikr jhfrA ifj?kkr ,oa i`Fkq’kh"kZRoA
foÙk dh vk/kkjHkwr xf.kr% ljy rFkk pdzo`f) C;kt] C;kt nj] ukeek=] izHkkoh rFkk lrr~ C;kt nj rFkk vkUrfjd
lEcU/kA fofHkUu njksa dk mi;ksx djrs gq, NwV rFkk pdzo`f) nj dh x.kukA
bdkbZ III
izkf;drk dk fl)kUr& izkf;drk ,d vo/kkj.kk] izkf;drk dks ifjHkkf"kr djus dh rhu i)fr;kW] izkf;drk izes;]
;ksx izes; ,oa xq.ku izes;A vUrjx.ku ,oa ckg;x.ku& ysxjsat fof/k] U;wVu dh izxkeh vUrj fof/k] f}in foLrkj
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
jaxk- xks;y- xqIrk] HkVukxj] lksuh % O;kolkf;d lkf[;adh ,oa lkf[;adh fof/k;kW% vtesjk cqd dEiuh]
;kno] tSu] feÙky& O;kolkf;d lkf[;adh] efyd ,aM dEiuh] t;iqjA
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
COM – 203 : izcU/k ds fl)kUr II
vf/kdre vad% 100 U;wure vad% 40
dszfMV% 4 vof/k% 2 ½ ?kaVs
v/;;u ds ifj.kke
bl ikB~;dze ds lQyrkiwoZd iw.kZ gksus ds i’pkr~ fo|kFkhZ ;ksX; gksxsa&
1. usr`Ro 'kSyh vkSj fu;a=.k dh egÙkk dk fo'ys"k.k djukA
2. lapkj dh voèkkj.kk vkSj j.kuhfrd çcaèku dh O;k[;k djukA
3. laxBukRed O;ogkj vkSj bZ&d‚elZ dh le> fodflr djukA
4. çcaèk vkSj laxBukRed igyqvksa dk ,dhdj.k djukA
5. fofHkUu çcaèkdh; dkS'ky dk vuqdj.k djukA
bdkbZ &I
leUo; & vFkZ] vko';drk vkSj rduhdsaA
usr`Ro& vo/kkj.kk] fo‘ks“krk,sa] egRo] 'kSfy;k¡( usr`Ro v / s çca/ku
fu;a=.k&ifjp;] çÑfr] mÌs';] egRo] çdkj] çfØ;k] rduhdsa
bdkbZ &II
lapkj& ifjp;] çfØ;k] çdkj] lapkj dh ck/kk,a] lapkj ck/kkvksa d¨ nwj djus ds lek/kku vkSj lapkj dh vk/kqfud
lkefjd çca/k&vo/kkj.kk] egRo] dk;Z ]{ks= vkSj rduhdsa
bdkbZ &III
laxBukRed O;ogkj& ifjp;] rRo vkSj {ks=] ykHk vkSj lhek,¡
ifjorZu dk çca/k& vFkZ] egRo] ifjorZu dh çfØ;k
ifjorZu dk çfrj¨/k& vFkZ] deZpkfj;¨a }kjk ifjorZu d¢ çfrj¨/k ds dkj.k] ifjorZu ds çfrj¨/k d¨ nwj djus ds
Ã&d‚elZ& ifjp;] ikjaifjd ç.kkyh dh rqyuk esa Ã&d‚elZ ds ykÒ A
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
uksy[kk vkj,y çca/ku ds fl)kar vkj ch Mh çdk'ku
lq/kk th,l çca/ku] jes'k cqd fMiks
jktiqjksfgr] 'kekZ] 'kekZ] xqIrk] çca/ku vtesjk cqd daiuh] t;iqjA
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
Unit –I
Sale of Goods Act 1930: Introduction of Act, Goods and their classification, conditions and warranties,
Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, Passing (transfer) of property (ownership) in goods, Performance of the
contract of sale, Rights of Unpaid Seller, Auction sale.
Unit –II
Consumer Protection Act 1986: Introduction of Act, Consumer Rights and Duties, Consumer Protection
Councils, Redressal Agencies, Nature and scope of remedies available to consumers.
The Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code , 2016: Concept, Need and Procedure.
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Unit –III
Partnership Act 1932: Introduction, Types of Partnership and types of Partners, Rights and duties of
Partners, Dissolution of partnership.
Limited Liability Partnership Act 2008: Meaning, Need, advantages and disadvantages. Incorporation of
LLP, Difference between Limited liability Partnership & Partnership.
Reference Books:
Kapoor N.D.:, Elements of Mercantile Law, Sultan Chand & sons, New Delhi.
Nolakha,R.L., Business Law, RBD Publications, Jaipur.
Note: Latest Edition of the Books to be referred.
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
eNAM Portal (e-National Agriculture Market)
Foreign exchange rate- fixed and flexible rate, Foreign Direct Investment- Meaning, advantages,
limitations, Foreign Indirect Investment: meaning and its role in economic development, Foreign Aid:
meaning, types: tied and untied aid, role of foreign aid in economic development, factors determining the
amount of foreign aid for economic development
FOREIGN TRADE IN INDIA- volume, composition & direction, export promotion, export and import
policy of government, investment of foreign capital in India, role of multi- national corporations in Indian
Reference Books:
Vashistha, Bhinda, Sharma, Lodha, Sharma – Economic Environment in India – Ajmera Book
Company .
Swami H.R. , Gupta B. P – Economic Environment in India – R.B.D Publications
Note: Latest edition of the book to be referred
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
2. Demonstrate price and output determination in perfect , imperfect, monopoly, oligopoly
3. interpret different theories of interest& profit & concept of national income
4. Summarize different types of market, theories of rent interest & profit
Production function- Cobb Douglas equation, laws of return, Iso product curve, least cost combination of
factors, returns to scale.
Cost analysis - classification &its determinants.
Revenue analysis- meaning &types.
Market- definition and classification, price and output determination under perfect, imperfect, monopoly,
discriminating monopoly and oligopoly competition.
Marginal productivity theory; Wages – concept, kinds and modern theory; Rent-concept; Ricardian and
modern theories; quasi rent.
Interest- concept, liquidity preference theory& modern theory of interest. Profit- concept, risk, innovation,
modern & uncertainty theories of profit.
National income-concept, measurement, distribution & economic welfare.
Reference Books:
Saraswat, Lodha, Sharma, Godha, Kiradoo,Tailor – Business Economics – Ajmera Book Company
Jhingan M.L. –- Micro Economic Theory, Vrinda Publications.
Agarwal M.D and Deo Som - Business economics – R.B.D. Publishing House.
Jhingan M.L. Advanced Economic Theory, Vrinda Publication P. Ltd.
Note: Latest Edition of the book to be referred
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Course Structure in Semester – III
Total Marks Max. Min.
Paper Code Nomenclature Of the Paper Credits Duration
CIA ESE Marks Marks
GEN-103 Environmental studies 02 15 35 50 20 1 Hr
Contact Total Marks Min.
Nomenclature Max. Exam
Paper Code Hours Credits Pass
of the Paper CIA ESE Marks Duration
Per Week Marks
COM-301 Corporate Accounting-I 04 04 30 70 100 40 2 ½ hrs
COM-302 Financial Accounting 04 04 30 70 100 40 2 ½ hrs
COM-303 Company Law-I 04 04 30 70 100 40 2 ½ hrs
Fundamentals of
COM-304 04 04 30 70 100 40 2 ½ hrs
COM-305 Financial Management 04 04 30 70 100 40 2 ½ hrs
COM-306 Banking law in India 04 04 30 70 100 40 2 ½ hrs
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Value of biodiversity : consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values
Hot spots of biodiversity
Threats to biodiversity: habitats loss, poaching of wildlife, man-wildlife conflicts
Endangered and endemic species of India
Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Ex-situ conservation of biodiversity
Environmental Pollution
Causes , effects and control measures of:
a. Air pollution
b. Water pollution
c. Soil pollution
d. Noise pollution
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
foj¨/kkHkkl |
Hkkjr dh foyqIrÁk; ,oa LFkkfud Átkfr;k¡ |
tSo fofo/krk dk laj{k.k % Lo LFkkuh; ,oa iwoZ LFkkuh laj{k.k |
ifjHkk“kk] dkj.k] ÁHkko ,oa fu;a=.k mik; |
o ok;q Ánw“k.k
o ty Ánw“k.k
o e`nk Ánw“k.k
o /ouh Ánw“k.k
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
2. O;olk; gsrq vk/kkkjHkwr ys[kkadu Kku iznku djukA
3. va’kksa rFkk _.ki=ksa ds fuxZeu] gj.k] dz; okilh rFkk va’kksa ,oa _.ki=ksa ds ’kks/ku gsrq ek=kRed tkudkjh
dk fo’ys"k.k djukA
4. dEifu;ksa ds vkarfjd iqufuZekZ.k vkSj lekesyu dh vo/kkj.kk dh O;k[;k djukA
5. ys[kkiky dh lgk;rk djus dh {kerk fodflr djukA
uksV%& d`Ik;k izk;ksfxd rFkk lS)kfUrd iz’uksa dk forj.k 60%40 ds vuqlkj djsaA
bdkbZ I
va’kksa dk fuxZeu] va’kksa dk gj.k] gfjr va’kksa dk iquZfuxZeu] cqd fcfYMax izfdz;k ,ao vo/kkj.kk] vf/kdkj ,oa cksul
va’kksa dk fuxZeu] va’kksa dks okil [kjhnuk] vf/keku va’kksa dk ’kks/ku] ’kks/ku dk ys[kkadu] ’kks/ku dh fof/k;kW]
O;olk; dk dz;] lekesyu ls iwoZ ds ykHk] vfHkxksiuA
bdkbZ II
_.ki=ksa dk fuxZeu] _.ki=ksa dk ’kks/ku] :ikUrj.k fof/k] ,deq’r Hkqxrku fof/k] flfdax Q.M ds lkFk rFkk fcuk
’kks/ku] [kqys cktkj esa dz; }kjk ’kks/kuA
bdkbZ III
vkarfjd iqufuekZ.k& va’k iwWth esa ifjorZu] va’k iwWth esa deh] iwWth deh ;kstuk] vkarfjd iqufuekZ.k ;kstuk dk
fuekZ.k] ys[kk ekud 14 ds vuqlkj dEifu;ksa dk lekesyu] lekesyu ds izdkj] lekesyu ys[kkadu dh fof/k]
izfrQy jkf’k dh x.kuk] ys[kkadu izfof"V;kW] vUrZdEiuh O;ogkjA
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
tSu] [k.Msyoky] ikfjd%& fuxe ys[kkadu] iqu% laLdj.k] vtesjk cqd dEiuh] t;iqjA
vxzoky] ’kkg] HkVukxj] ’kekZ] vxzoky%& fuxe ys[kkadu] iqu% laLdj.k] jes’k cqd fMiksV ifCyds’ku] t;iqjA
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
uksV%& d`Ik;k izk;ksfxd rFkk lS)kfUrd iz’uksa dk forj.k 60%40 ds vuqlkj djsaA
bdkbZ I
foHkkxh; [kkrs% vFkZ] foHkkxh; ys[kkadu esa leL;k ,oa lek/kkuA
’kk[kk [kkrsa ¼fons’kh ’kk[kk ds vfrfjDr½
bdkbZ II
fofu;ksx esa va’k cktkj ysu nsu ds fy, ys[kkaduA
fdjk;k dz; ys[kkadu ,oa fd’r i)frA
chek nkosA
bdkbZ III
dEI;wVªhd`r ys[kkadu A VSyh ij vk/kkfjr ys[kkaduA jk;YVh [kkrsaA
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
tSu] [k.Msyoky] ikjhd%& foRrh; ys[kkadu rFkk fu.kZ;u] iqu% laLdj.k] vtesjk cqd dEiuh t;iqjA
vxzoky] ’kkg] ’kekZ] vxzoky%& foRrh; ys[kkadu rFkk fu.kZ;u] iqu% laLdj.k] jes’k cqd fMiksV ifCyds’ku
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Dr. Nolakha R.L., Company Law, RBD Publishing
Note: Latest edition of book to be referred
dEiuh dh ifjHkk"kk vkSj fo'ks"krk,¡] daifu;ksa dk oxhZdj.k&lkoZtfud] futh] ,d O;fä daiuh] lw=/kkjh ,o
lgk;d dEiuh] dEiuh dk çorZu ,o lekesyu A dEiuh ds lekesyu ds laca/k esa bZ&QkbfyaxA fuxfe;
bdkbZ II
ik"kZn lhekfu;e] ik"kZn vUrfuZ;e] vf/kdkjksa ds cgkj dk vkSj vkUrfjd çcU/k ds fl)kUr
çfooj.k%lkafof/kd çko/kku vkSj çfooj.k esa feF;k dFku ds ifj.kke] çfooj.k ds leku gh le>k] 'kSYQ çfooj.k]
laf{kIr çfooj.k rFkk ek;koh çfooj.k A
bdkbZ III
va'k vkSj va'kiw¡th dk vFkZ vkSj muds çdkj] va'k tkjh djus dh vfxze ra=] va'k çek.ki= vkSj va'k okjaV
va'k dk vUrj.k rFkk ikjs"k.k A
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
M‚&uksy[kk vkj& ]y&] daiuh fo/kh] vkj ch Mh çdk'ku
vxzoky] dksBkjh] Hkkjrh; dEiuh vf/kfu;e ] lkfgR; Hkou çdk'ku ,aM fMLVªhC;wVlZ] vkxjk
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
Entrepreneurship – meaning, features, types, importance.
Entrepreneur – meaning, characteristics, types, significance, traits/qualities, risk tendencies and behaviour.
Identifying and evaluating Business Opportunities, Quick start methods.
Business planning – meaning, characteristics, need, importance and process of business plan.
Business Environment- meaning, types & Impact
External Environment Analysis- Concept, need & importance.
Legal requirements for establishment of a new unit – legal forms of organization, SSI registration,
objectives and benefits of registration, provisional and permanent registration, procedure of registration.
Financing the new enterprise : sources of short-term and long term finance.
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Venture capital financing– meaning, features, process, sources of supply of venture capital in India.
Developing a Marketing Plan.
Reference Books:
Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship : Dr. K.K. Patna, Himalaya Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management : Drevasant Desai, Himalaya
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship : G.S. Sudha, RBD, Jaipur.
Entrepreneurship Development : Bhansali, HPB.
Developing Entrepreneurship : Pareek and Rao.
Small Scale Industries and Entrepreneurship Development : C.S.V. Muunshy, Himalaya Publishing
House Pvt. Ltd.
Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship : Ramchandani, Sharma, Pareek and Saxena, Ajmera Book
Company, Jaipur.
m|ferk & vFkZ] fo'ks"krk,a] çdkj] egRoA
m|eh & vFkZ] fo'ks"krk,¡] çdkj] egRo] y{k.k @ xq.k] t¨f[ke dh ço`fÙk vkSj O;ogkjA
O;olk; ds volj¨a dh igpku vkSj ewY;kadu] Rofjr 'kq#vkr ds rjhdsA
O;olk; ;¨tuk & O;olk; ;¨tuk ds vFkZ] fo'ks"krk,a] vko';drk] egRo vkSj çfØ;kA
bdkbZ II
O;olkf;d i;kZoj.k& vFkZ] çdkj vkSj çHkko
ckgjh i;kZoj.k fo'ys"k.k& vo/kkj.kk] vko';drk vkSj egRoA
,d uà bdkà dh LFkkiuk ds fy, dkuwuh vko';drk,a & laxBu ds dkuwuh :i] ,l,lvkà iathdj.k] mÌs';
vkSj iathdj.k ds ykHk] vuafre vkSj LFkk;h iathdj.k] iathdj.k dh çfØ;kA
bdkbZ III
u, m|e d¨ foÙki¨f"kr djuk: vYidkyhu nhÄZdkyhu foÙk ds lz¨rA
m|e iwath Qkbusaflax& Hkkjr esa m|e iwath dh vkiwfrZ ds vFkZ] fo'ks"krk,a] çfØ;k] lz¨rA
foi.ku ;¨tuk dk fodkl djukA
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
vkj-,y- ukSy[kk] m|ferk ds ewy fl)kUr vkj- ch- Mh- çdk'ku A
jkepUnkuh] ’kekZ] ikjhd ,ao lDlsuk]m|ferk ds ewy fl)kUr vtesjk cqd dEiuhA
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
On the successful completion of course, student will be able to:
1. Develop the understanding of financial analysis techniques in order to determine profitability &
2. Review the conceptual framework of management of working capital & inventory
3. Calculate the cost of capital raised from different sources
4. Evaluate the different sources of finance
5. Develop the skill of analyzing financial statements.
Meaning, scope, importance & limitations of financial management, task & responsibilities of a modern
finance manager. Finance functions: investment, financing& dividend decision. Profit v/s wealth
maximisation. Ratio analysis: liquidity, activity, profitability & investment ratio
Management of working capital- Meaning, concept, policies, types and methods.
Management of Inventories- Meaning, concept and methods.
Management of Receivables.
Sources of finance - long term & short term sources.
Cost of capital – Meaning, significance & its computation.
Reference Books:
Agarwal M.R. Financial Management, Garima Publications
Agarwal, Agarwal, Saraswat, Bhatnagar Financial Management,– R.B.D Publishing House.
Bose Chandra Fundamental of Financial Management,– PHI Leaning Pvt. Ltd.
Note: Latest Edition of the book to be referred
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
COM –306 Banking Law In India
Max. Marks : 100 Min. Marks: 40
Credits- 4 Duration: 2 ½ Hrs
Learning Outcome:
On the successful completion of course, student will be able to
1. Explain Banking Regulation Act 1949, RBI Act 1934
2. Point out relationship between banker &customer& to enumerate types of customer & and accounts
3. Differentiate between types of negotiable instrument
4. Summarize functions of paying & collecting bank
Banking Legistation In India
Reserve Banking of India Act,1934- Sec 1,3,6-13, 18-30, Banking(Regulation) Act 1949- Sec 5, 6, 8-18,
37-44; Banking Companies(Acquisition of undertaking& transfer) Act,1970- Sec 1-10
Banker Customer Relationship: Definition of the term banker& customer, general& special relationship,
termination of relationship, pass book, types of accounts and their operation, types of customer.
E- Banking- introduction, advantages, techniques, types, functions, dimensions& fund transfer, E-banking
risks and frauds
Negotiable Instrument: Concept and elements, types; cheque, bills, promissory notes, crossing, acceptance,
endorsement, presentation, Dishonour (with special reference to Section 138, Negotiable Instrument Act
1881), noting and protesting of negotiable instrument.
Paying And Collecting Bank : Rights, duties, protection.
Reference Books :
Varshney P.N.- Banking Law and Practice, Sultan Chand and Sons
Trivedi, Nagar, Bhatt – Banking law and Practice in India- Ramesh Book Depot.
Desai Vasant – Development Bank and Financial Intermediaries , Himalaya Publishing House.
Mathur S.K. , Banking Law and Practice in India, Shivam Book House P. Ltd. Jaipur
Trivedi, Dashora, Nagar, Bhatt, Banking Law and Practice in India,– R.B.D Publishing House.
Note: Latest Edition of the book to be referred
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
fofue; lk/; foys[k & vo/kkj.kk ,oa rRoA Ádkj & pSd] fofue; fcy] ÁfrKk&i=] lk/; foys[kks dk js[kkadu]
LohÑfr] i`"Bkadu] ÁLrqfrdj.kA fuLrkj.k ¼ /kkjk 138 fofu;e lk/; foys[k vf/kfu;e, 1881½ fofue; lk/;
foys[kksa dk vuknj.k] fVIi.k ,oa Áek.kuA
’kksf/k cSad ,oa laxzkgd cSad& vf/kdkj] nkf;Ro] laj{k.kA
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa
ch- ,y- vks>k] eukst dqekj vks>k & Hkkjr esa cSfdax fof/k ,oa O;ogkj] vkj- ch- Mh- ifCyf’kax gkml jes’k
cqd fMiks] t;iqjA
ukSy[kk vkj- ,y-& Hkkjr esa cSfdax fof/k ,oa O;ogkj vkjchMh çdk'ku
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
Course Structure in Semester – IV
Contact Total Marks Min.
Paper Nomenclature Max. Exam
Hours Credits Pass
Code of the Paper Marks Duration
Per Week CIA ESE Marks
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Monga J.R., Ahuja, Girish and Sahagal Ashok: Financial Accounting. Mayur Paper Backs, Noida.
Shukla M.C., Grewal R.S. and Gupta S.C., Advanced Accounts, Sultan chand & Co., New Delhi
P.C. Tulsian, Accounting for PE II –South Western Publishing Co., Cincinnati, Chio.
S.N. Maheshwari, S.K. Maheshwari, Advanced accountancy volume II Vikas Publication House, New
Jain, Khandelwal & Pareekh, Company Accounts. Ajmera Book Co., Revised Edition Jaipur
Agarwal, Shah, Sharma, Agarwal, Agarwal, Corporate Accounting. Revised Edition RBD Publication
Note:- Latest edition of the book to be referred.
uksV%& d`Ik;k izk;ksfxd rFkk lS)kfUrd iz’uksa dk forj.k 60%40 ds vuqlkj djsaA
bdkbZ I
dEifu;ksa ds vfUre [kkrs ,oa izca/kdh; ikfjJfed] ykHkksa dk caVokjkA
[;kfr dk ys[kkadu& vFkZ] ?kVd] izdkj] [;kfr ds ewY;kadu dh vko’;drk] [;kfr ds ewY;kadu dh fof/k;kWA
bdkbZ II
,dhd`r foÙkh; [kkrs] lw=/kkjh ,oa lgk;d dEiuh dh ifjHkk"kk] lw=/kkjh dEiuh ls ykHk rFkk gkfu] dz; ds iwoZ ,oa
ckn ds ykHkksa dh x.kuk] ykHkka’k dk ys[kkadu] lgk;d dEiuh ls cksul va’kksa dh izkfIr] lgk;d dEiuh dh gkfu
dk foÙkh; lek;kstu] ,dhd`r fpB~Bs ,oa fdlh ,d lgk;d dEiuh ds lkFk ,dhd`r ykHk gkfu [kkrs dk fuekZ.k]
ys[kk ekud 20 ds vuqlkj izfr va’k vtZu dh x.kukA
bdkbZ III
dEiuh ds lekiu ds ys[ks% ifjp;] lekiu ds izdkj] fLFkfr fooj.k fof/k] U;wurk [kkrk] fuLrkjd ds vfUre [kkrs]
lwph ch /kunkrk] iV~Vs dk ys[kkaduA
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
tSu] [k.Msyoky] ikfjd%& fuxe ys[kkadu] iqu% laLdj.k] vtesjk cqd dEiuh] t;iqjA
vxzoky] ’kkg] HkVukxj] ’kekZ] vxzoky%& fuxe ys[kkadu] iqu% laLdj.k] jes’k cqd fMiksV ifCyds’ku] t;iqjA
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Absorption and marginal costing : Marginal and differential costing as a tool for decision making – make
or buy, change of product mix, pricing, Target Costing - its Principles, Balanced Scorecard as performance
measure- Features- Purpose, Reasons for use of balanced scorecard.
Unit – II
Budget: An introduction, Types of budgets, fixed and flexible budget, cash budget, Master Budget, control
ratios. Zero Base Budgeting; Responsibility Accounting; Performance Budgeting.
Unit – III
Standard Costing & Variance analysis- Overhead and sales, Cost Reduction, and Cost Control.
Reference Books
Gupta R.L. and Radhaswamy M., Advanced Accountancy, Sultan Chand & Sons NewDelhi.
Jain, Khandelwal, Pareek, Financial Accounting and Decision Making, Revised Edition, Ajmera Book
Company, Jaipur
Agrawal, Shah, Sharma, Agrawal, Agrawal, Financial Accounting and Decision making - Revised
Edition (RBD) Publication, Jaipur
Chakraborty H., Advanced Accountancy, (Oxford University press)
Khan M.Y., Jain P.K., Management Accounting text, problems & cases, Mc. Graw Hill Publications,
New Delhi
Arora M. N., A Textbook of Cost and Management Accounting, S. Chand, New Delhi
Note:- Latest edition of the book to be referred.
uksV%& d`Ik;k izk;ksfxd rFkk lS)kfUrd iz’uksa dk forj.k 60%40 ds vuqlkj djsaA
bdkbZ I
vo’kks"k.k ,oa lhekUr ykxr % lhekUr ,oa vUrj ykxr fu.kZ;u ds midj.k ds :i esa& cukvksa vFkok [kjhnks]
mRikn feJ.k esa cnyko] ewY; fu/kkZj.k lEcU/kh fu.kZ;] iz;kstu ykxr fl)kUrA
larqfyr vad i=d& fu"iknu ifjek.k ds :i esa & fo’ks"krk,sa] iz;kstu] larqfyr vad i=d mi;ksfxrk ds dkj.kA
bdkbZ II
ctV% ,d ifjp;] ctV ds izdkj] fLFkj ,oa yksp’khy ctV] jksdM ctV] ekLVj ctV] fu;a=.k vuqikrA ’kwU;
vk/kkj ctVu] mRrjnkf;Ro ys[kkadu] fu"iknu ctVuA
bdkbZ III
fopj.k fo’ys"k.k% mifjO;; rFkk fodz; fopj.kA
ykxr deh rFkk ykxr fu;a=.kA
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
tSu] [k.Msyoky] ikjhd%& foÙkh; ys[kkadu rFkk fu.kZ;u] iqu% laLdj.k] vtesjk cqd dEiuh t;iqjA
vxzoky] ’kkg] ’kekZ] vxzoky%& foÙkh; ys[kkadu rFkk fu.kZ;u] iqu% laLdj.k] jes’k cqd fMiksV ifCyds’ku
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
1. Catogorize the various kinds of Debentures and Meetings
2. Compose the Management of Company.
3. Examine the modes of Winding Up
4. Simulate knowledge to work as Assistant to legal advisor.
Unit -I
Debentures: Meaning and types of debentures.
Company Meetings: Statutory meeting, Annual General meeting, Extraordinary General meeting. Quorum,
Notice, Agenda, Motion and Resolution, and Minutes of company meeting, Methods of voting.
Unit II
Company membership: Methods of acquiring membership and termination, Rights of members
Company Management: Director, Managing Director, Whole Time Director, Independent Director and
Women Director. Appointment & Retirement of Directors, Disqualifications for Appointment of Director,
Rights, Duties and Liabilities of Directors. Position and Powers of Director.
Unit III
Oppression and Mismanagement: Meaning and prevention.
Company Secretary: Role & Need, Appointment, Qualification, Power, Duties & Liabilities.
Winding-up of company: Meaning, modes of winding up and functions of Company Liquidator.
Reference Books:
Kapoor N.D.:, Elements of Company Law, Sultan Chand & sons, New Delhi.
Dr. Nolakha R.L., Company Law, RBD Publishing
Note: Latest edition of book to be referred
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
COM-404 Fundamentals Of Entrepreneurship-II
Max. Marks : 100 Min. Marks: 40
Credits- 4 Duration: 2 ½ Hrs
Learning Outcome:
On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to
1. Understand entrepreneurial behaviour & his social responsibilities.
2. Analyse the Role of Entrepreneur in socio economic growth.
3. Examine the functions of entrepreneurial development programme.
4. Articulate various entrepreneurial skills.
Theories of entrepreneurship – (a) phychological theories with reference to: innovation theory, theory of
need of achievement, theory of recover the withdrawal of status, behavioural theory (b) sociological theory:
entrepreneurial group theory, social change theory, cultural theory.
Entrepreneurial behavior – meaning and types.
Creativity and Innovation – definition, need and role, process, skills required for innovation, sources and
opportunities for innovation.
Social responsibility of entrepreneurs – definition, scope.
Role of entrepreneur in socio-economic growth : as an innovator, in generation of employment
opportunities, bringing about social stability, balanced regional development of industries, export
promotion and import substitution, forex earnings.
Entrepreneurial Development Programmes – meaning, characteristics, importance, objectives, stages,
critical evaluation of EDPs in India, suggestions to make EDPs more effective. Role of government in
Entrepreneurial Development.
Indian Startups : Desruptive Innovations (Conceptual Framework), Women Entrepreneurship.
Reference books:
G.S.Sudha, Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship, R.B.D. Publications.
Ramchandani, Sharma, Pareek, Saxena, Fundamentals Of Entrepreneurship, Ajmera Book Company.
Dr. S.S.Khanka, Entrepreneurial Development, S.Chand & Company Pvt. Ltd.
Note: latest Edition of the book to be referred
m|e'khyrk ds fl)kar & ¼,½ lanHkZ ds lkFk eu¨oSKkfud fl)kar: uokpkj fl)kar] miyfC/k dh vko';drk dk
fl)kar] fLFkfr dh okilh dh fLFkfr dk fl)kar] O;ogkj fl)kar ¼ch½ lekt'kkL=h; fl)kar: m|e'khyrk lewg
fl)kar] lkekftd ifjorZu fl)kar] lkaLÑfrd fl)karA
m|e'khy O;ogkj & vFkZ vkSj çdkjA
jpukRedrk vkSj uokpkj & ifjHkk"kk] vko';drk vkSj Hkwfedk] çfØ;k] uokpkj ds fy, vko';d d©'ky] uokpkj
ds fy, lz¨r vkSj voljA
m|fe;¨a dh lkekftd ftEesnkjh & ifjHkk"kk] {ks=
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
lkekftd&vkfFkZd fodkl esa m|eh dh Hkwfedk: ,d vUos"kd ds :i esa] j¨txkj ds volj¨a dh ih<+h esa] lkekftd
fLFkjrk] m|¨x¨a ds larqfyr {ks=h; fodkl] fu;kZr lao/kZu vkSj vk;kr çfrLFkkiu] fons'kh eqæk dh dekà ds ckjs esa
m|eh fodkl dk;ZØe & vFkZ] fo'ks"krk,¡] egRo] mÌs';] pj.k] Hkkjr esa ÃMhih dk egRoiw.kZ ewY;kadu] ÃMhih d¨
vkSj vf/kd çHkkoh cukus ds fy, lq>koA m|ferk fodkl esa ljdkj dh Hkwfedk
Hkkjrh; LVkVZvi: fo?kVudkjh uokpkj ¼oSpkfjd <kapk½] efgyk m|ferkA
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
vkj-,y- ukSy[kk] m|ferk ds ewy fl)kUr vkj- ch- Mh- çdk'ku A
jkepUnkuh] ’kekZ] ikjhd ,ao lDlsuk]m|ferk ds ewy fl)kUr vtesjk cqd dEiuhA
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
Analysis of Financial statement- comparative and common size statements, trend analysis
Funds flow analysis- preparation of changes in working capital and sources and uses of funds.
Cash flow analysis, difference between fund flow and cash flow analysis.
Capital structure - theories and determinants, essentials of optimum capital structure.
Cost volume profit analysis.
Dividend policies- essentials of study of dividend policy, walter and gordon’s model.
Leverage - operating & financial leverage, trading on equity.
Reference Books:
Agarwal M.R- Financial Management, Garima Publications
Agarwal, Agarwal, Saraswat, Bhatnagar Financial Management,– R.B.D Publishing House.
Bose Chandra Fundamental of Financial Management, – PHI Leaning Pvt. Ltd.
Note: Latest edition of the book should be referred
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
foÙkh; fooj.k foÜys"k.k & rqyukRed ,oa lkekU; vkdkj fooj.k] ÁofrZ foÜys"k.k dks"k Áokg fo’ys"k.k & dk;Z’khy
iwath esa ifjorZu ,oa dks"k ds lk/ku ,oa muds mi;ksx dk fooj.k rS;kj djukA
jksdM+ Áokg fo’ys"k.kA
dks"k Áokg ,oa jksdM+ Áokg fo’ys"k.k esa vUrj A
iwath lajpuk & fl)kUr ,oa fu/kkZj.k] vuqdwyre iwath lajpuk ds vko’;d rRoA
ykxr ek=k ykHk fo’ys"k.kA
ykHkka’k uhfr & lqn`<+ ykHkka’k uhfr ds rRo] okYVj ,oa xkMZu ekWMyA
mRrksyd&ifjpkyu vkSj foÙkh; mRrksyd] lerk ij O;kikjA
lanfHkZr iqLrds&
vxzoky ,e- Mh-& foÙkh; Áca/k Jh egkohj cqd fMiks
,e- vkj- vxzoky& foÙkh; Áca/k ds fl}kUr xfjek çdk'ku
vxzoky ,oa vxzoky& foÙkh; Áca/k vkj chMh çdk'ku
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
foeqæhdj.k ] iwath i;kZIrrk] xSj fu"ikfnr ifjlEifr;k dh vo/kkj.kkvksa dh tkap djukA
cktkj ;ksX; çfrHkwfr;ksa ds fo:) ] cSad }kjk fofHkUu çdkj ds vfxze dk ewY;kadu djukA
lk[k ds çdkj vkSj lk[k i= [kksyus dh çfØ;k ds çdkj dk oxhZdj.k djukA
Hkkjr esa çpfyr cSafdax dh ç.kkyh dk la{ksi esa fooj.k djukA
fØIV¨djsalh - vFkZ] fo’ks"krk;sa ,oa dk;Z Á.kkyh
iwath i;kZIrrk vkSj csly ekunaM
xSj fu"dkflr lEifÙk;k¡ & vFkZ] çdkj] dkj.k] fu;a=.k ds mik;
cSafdax {ks= esa foy; vkSj vf/kxzg.k& vo/kkj.kk] vko';drk vkSj Qk;ns
cSad dks"kksa dk fofu;kstu ,oa _.k & fofu;kstu ds fl)kUr] dks"kksa dk ykHknk;d ,oa vykHknk;d fofu;ksx ¼udn
dks"k vkSj oS/kkfud dks"k½A
foi.ku ;ksX; ÁfrHkwfr;ksa ds fo:) cSad vfxzeA
lk[k&i= &vk’k;] fo’ks"krk;sa ,oa Ád`fr] lk[k i= ds Ádkj& O;fDrxr i= vkSj okf.kfT;d i= lk[k&i= [kksyus
dh fof/k] lk[k&i=ksa ds Hkqxrku esa lko/kkfu;k¡A
cSdksa esa diV] izdkj vkSj mldh jksdFkkeA
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa
ch- ,y- vks>k] eukst dqekj vks>k & Hkkjr esa cSfdax fof/k ,oa O;ogkj] vkj- ch- Mh- ifCyf’kax gkml
jes’k cqd fMiks] t;iqjA
ukSy[kk vkj- ,y-& Hkkjr esa cSfdax fof/k ,oa O;ogkj vkj chMh çdk'ku
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Course Structure in Semester – V
Contact Total Marks Min.
Nomenclature Max. Exam
Paper Code Hours Credits Pass
of the Paper CIA ESE Marks Duration
Per Week Marks
A. Investment Management
COM-502 OR 04 04 30 70 100 40 2 ½ hrs
B. Auditing
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
2. vk;dj vf/kfu;e 1961 rFkk vk;dj fu;e 1962 ds laca/k esa izR;{k dj ds izko/kkuksa ds ckjs esa tkudkjh
izkIr djukA
3. vk; dh izd`fr rFkk {ks= ds ckjs es ifjfpr gksukA
4. vk;dj vf/kfu;e 1961 ds vUrZxr fu/kkZfjr vk; ds fofHkUu ’kh"kZdksa ds rgr ldy dqy vk; dh x.kuk
djus ds izko/kkuksa rFkk izfdz;k dks le>ukA
5. vk;dj fooj.kh dks rS;kj djus ds dkS’ky dk fodkl djukA
uksV%& d`Ik;k izk;ksfxd rFkk lS)kfUrd iz’uksa dk forj.k 60%40 ds vuqlkj djsaA
bdkbZ I
ifjp; ,oa ifjHkk"kk,sa] fuokl LFkku ,oa dj nkf;Ro] dj eqDr vk;] osru ’kh"kZd ds vUrZxr vk; dh x.kukA
bdkbZ II
edku lEifÙk ’kh"kZd ds vUrZxr dj ;ksX; vk; dh x.kuk] O;olk; ,oa is’ks ’kh"kZd ds vUrZxr vk; dh x.kukA
bdkbZ III
iwath ykHk ls vk; dh x.kuk] vU; lk/kuksa ls ’kh"kZd ds vUrZxr vk;A ekuh xbZ vk;A
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
fla/kkfu;k- oh- ds & vk;dj dh fo/kkFkhZ iqLrd] iqu% laLdj.k] VsDlesu ifCyds’ku] ubZ fnYyhA
esgjks=k- ,p- lh & vk;dj ,oa ys[ks]] lkfgR; Hkou ifCyds’ku] vkxjkA
iVsy o pkS/kjh& vk;dj] iqu% laLdj.k] pkS/kjh izdk’ku] t;iqjA
eaxy] ’kkg] ’kekZ & vk;dj] vkj ch Mh ifCyds’ku] t;iqjA
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
New Issue Market: Concept, Participants, Collection Centers, Placement of the Issue, pricing of the Issue,
allotment of shares, Investor protection in the Primary market.
The Secondary Market: history of stock exchanges in India, functions, regulatory framework, Types of
orders, online Trading, Margins, Stock Market Indices: Utility, Computation of Stock Index, Difference
between the Indices.
Risk and Return: Concept, Investors Attitude towards Risk and Return, Types of Risk, Measurement of
Risk, Concept of Return, measurement of return, Impact of Taxes and Inflation, Computation of beta.
Unit – II
Fundamental Analysis of Security: Economic Analysis – significance and Interpretation of the Economic
Indicators, Industry Analysis – Industry Growth Cycle. Company analysis– Marketing – Accounting
policies – Profitability – Dividend Policy – Capital Structure –Financial Analysis – Operating Efficiency –
Management. Technical Analysis.
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Mutual Fund – Meaning, Fund Unit Vs. Shares, Classification of Funds, Importance of Mutual Funds,
Risks, Investors Rights, Selection of Fund, Concept of NAV and computation of NAV.
Investor Protection – Role of SEBI and stock exchanges in investor protection; Investor grievances and
their redressal system, insider trading, investors’ awareness and activism.
Unit –III
The Securities and Exchange Board of India: Objectives, Functions, organizations, Role in Primary
market, secondary market and SEBI.
Listing of securities: Concept, Merits and Demerits of Listing, Eligibility for listing, listing of Right
Shares, Recent Developments.
Fixed Income Securities Analysis and valuation: Bond features, types of bonds, estimating bond yields,
Bond Valuation, types of bond risks, default risk and credit rating.
Valuation of Equity Stock: Introduction, features, Valuation through accounting concept, Dividend
Concept, Earning’s concept and Capital Asset pricing Model ( CAPM Model)
Reference Books:
Preeti Singh – Investment Management, Himalaya Publication House, New Delhi.
Pandian P. – Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Vikash Publication, Noida.
Jones, C.P., Investments Analysis and Management, Wiley Publication.
Prasanna, Chandra, Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Revised Edition Tata Mc Graw
Hill, Noida.
Rustogi, R.P., Fundamentals of Investment Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
Vohra, N.D., and B.R. Bagri, Futures and Options, McGraw Hill publishing, Noida
Agarwal, M.R., Security Analysis & Portfolio Management, Garima publications, Jaipur.
Note:- Latest edition of the book to be referred.
uksV%& d`Ik;k izk;ksfxd rFkk lS)kfUrd iz’uksa dk forj.k 60%40 ds vuqlkj djsaA
bdkbZ I
fofu;ksx izcU/k dh izd~fr ,ao {ks=%& fofu;ksx D;k gS\ fofu;ksx vkSj lVV~k] fofu;ksx ,oa tqvk] fofu;ksx D;ksa
egRoiw.kZ gS \ fofu;ksx ds i{k es ?kVd] fofu;ksx ewY;kadu ds fy, fofu;ksx xq.k] tksf[ke ,oa izR;k;] foi.kurk]
lqfo/kk] dj cprA fofu;ksx ds lk/ku & xSj fcdzh ;ksX; foÙkh; lEifÙk & eqnzk cktkj ds lk/ku &ck.Ml@_.ki=
lerk va’k thou chek ;kstuk,sa] ikjLifjd dks"k] foÙkh; MsfjosfVo] vpy lEifr] dyk] izkphu oLrq,sa ,oa vU;A
uo fuxZeu cktkj& ladYiuk] izfrHkkxh] laxzg.k dsUnz] fuxZeu dk fu;qfDr] fuxZeu dk ewY; fu/kkZj.k] va’kksa dk
vkoaVu] izkFkfed cktkj esa fofu;ksxdrkZ dks lqj{kkA
f}rh; cktkj& Hkkjr esa LdU/k fofue; dsUnz dk bfrgkl] dk;Z] fu;ked <kWpk] vkns’k ds izdkj] vkWuykbu O;kikj]
ekftZu] va’k cktkj lwpdakd o mi;ksfxrk] va’k lwpdkad dh x.kuk] lwpdakdksa ds chp fofHkUurkA
tksf[ke ,oa izR;k;& ldaYiuk] tksf[ke ,oa izR;k; ds izfr fuos’kd dk n`f"Vdks.k] tksf[ke ds izdkj] tksf[ke dk
ekiu] izR;k; dh ladYiuk] izR;k; dh x.kuk] dj ,oa eqnzkLQhfr dk izHkko] chVk dh x.kukA
bdkbZ II
izfrHkwfr;ksa dk vk/kkjHkwr fo’ys"k.k% vkfFkZd fo’ys"k.k& egRo ,oa vkfFkZd lwpdksa dh O;k[;k] m|ksx fo’ys"k.k% m|ksx
fodkl pdz] dEiuh fo’ys"k.k& foi.ku] ys[kkadu uhfr;kW] ykHknk;drk] ykHkka’k uhfr] iwath lajpuk& foRrh;
fo’ys"k.k] ifjpkyu {kerk] izca/kA rduhdh fo’ys"k.kA
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
ikjLifjd dks"k & vFkZ] dks"k] ;qfuV o va’k] dks"k dk oxhZdj.k] ikjLifjd dks"k dk egRo] tksf[ke] fuos’kdksa ds
vf/kdkj] dks"k dk pquko] ’kq) lEifr ewY; dh ladYiuk ,ao x.kukA
fuos’kd laj{k.k& lsch ,oa LdU/k fofue; dsUnz dh fuos’kd lqj{kk esa Hkwfedk] fuos’kdksa dh f’kdk;rsa ,oa fuokj.k
iz.kkyh] bulkbMj VsªfMx] fuos’kd tkx:drk ,oa lfdz;rkA
bdkbZ III
Hkkjrh; izfrHkwfr vkSj fofue; ckWMZ& mn~ns’;] dk;Z] laxBu] izkFkfed cktkj esa Hkwfedk] f}rh; cktkj ,oa lschA
izfrHkwfr;ksa dk lwph;u& ladYiuk] lwph;u ds xq.k ,oa nks"k] lwph;u ds fy, ;ksX;rk] vf/kdkj va’k dk lwph;u]
vk/kqfud fodklA
fLFkj vk; izfrHkwfr;ksa dk fo’ys"k.k ,oa ewY;kadu& ck.M fo’ks"krk,sa] ck.M~l ds izdkj] ck.M izkfIr dk vuqeku] ck.M
dk ewY;kadu] ck.M tksf[ke ds izdkj] fMQkYV tksf[ke ,oa dszfMV jsfVaxA
lerk va’kksa dk ewY;kadu& ifjp;] fo’ks"krk,sa] ys[kkadu ladYiuk ds }kjk ewY;kadu] ykHkka’k ldaYiuk] vtZu
ladYiuk ,oa iwwWth lEifr ewY; fu/kkZj.k ekWMyA
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
oh- ds HkYyk] fofu;ksx ds fl}kUr] ,l pUn ifCyds’ku] ubZ fnYyhA
ikM;ku] ih- & izfrHkwfr v/;;u rFkk iksVZQksfy;ksa izcU/k] fodkl ifCds’kul~] uksbMkA
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
Unit - I
Meaning and objects of auditing, nature of Auditing, Types of Audit, Basic principles and process of
Auditing, Planning and procedure of an audit.
Unit - II
Internal Control Measure: Internal Check system: Routine Checking, Test Checking, Internal Audit.
Vouching, Verification of Assets and Liabilities.
Unit - III
Audit of Companies: Appointment of Auditors, Rights, duties and Liabilities of company auditor.
Divisible profits and Dividend, Auditor’s report: clean and qualified report. Special Audits: Club, Trust,
educational Institution, Cinema Hall, hotel, NGO.
Reference Books:
Kamal Gupta, Fundamentals of Auditing, Tata McGraw Hill Ltd, New Delhi.
Jain, Khandelwal & Pareekh, Auditing, Ajmera Book Company, Jaipur.
T.R. Sharma- Auditing, Sahitya Bhawan, Agra.
T.G. Rose- Auditing, Tata McGraw Hill Ltd, New Delhi.
Note:- Latest edition of the book to be referred.
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
4. dEifu;ksa rFkk ,u th vks ds vads{k.k dh le> fodflr djukA
5. vkUrfjd foRrh; fu;a=.k dkS’ky dk fodkl djukA
bdkbZ I
vads{k.k dk vaFkZ rFkk mnn~s’;] vads{k.k dh izd`fr] vads{k.k ds izdkj] vk/kkjHkwr fl)kUr rFkk vads{k.k dh izfdz;k]
vads{k.k fu;kstu rFkk lapkyuA
bdkbZ II
vkarfjd fu;a=.k ekiu% vkarfjd tk¡p iz.kkyh] fu;fer tk¡p] ijh{k.k tk¡p] vkarfjd vads{k.k] izek.ku] lEifÙk;ksa
rFkk nkf;Roksa dk lR;kiuA
bdkbZ III
dEifu;ksa dk vads{k.k% vads{kd dh fu;qfDr] dEiuh vads{kd ds vf/kdkj] drZO; rFkk nkf;Ro] foHkktu ;ksX; ykHk
rFkk ykHkak’k] vads{kd dk izfrosnu% lkQ izfrosnu rFkk lhfer izfrosnu] fo’ks"k vads{k.k% Dyc] VªLV] ’kS{kf.kd
laLFkku] flusek gkWy] gksVy rFkk ,uthvksA
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
dey xqIrk] vads{k.k ds ewy fl)kUr] VkVk eSdxzk fgy fyfeVsM] ubZ fnYyhA
tSu] [k.Msyoky] ikjhd%& vads{k.k] vtesjk cqd dEiuh t;iqjA
Vh vkj ’kekZ] vads{k.k] lkfgR; Hkou] vkxjkA
Vh th jkst] vads{k.k] VkVk eSdxzk fgy fyfeVsM] ubZ fnYyhA
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
Introduction: Nature and scope of marketing, importance as a business function and in the economy,
marketing concepts – traditional and modern, holistic marketing concept, selling Vs marketing, marketing
mix, marketing environment.
Product: Concept of product, consumer and industrial goods, product planning and development,
packaging – role and functions, brand name ,patent and trade mark, product life cycle concept.
Price : Importance of pricing in the marketing mix, pricing policies and strategies, factors affecting price of
a product, discounts and rebates.
Channels of Distribution – meaning, importance, modes(types): wholeselling and retailing, factors
affecting channel of distribution.
Reference Books:
1. Rajpurohit , Sharma, Khicha, Saxena, Principles of Marketing, Ajmera Book Company.
2. Kotler Philip and Armstrong Gary:,Principles of Marketing, Prentice-Hall of India, New Delhi.
3. Karunakaran,k.,Goyal K.C., Marketing Management,Himalaya Publishing House.
4. Kothari Milind, Principles of Marketing ,R.B.D Publications.
5. Sherlekar S.A.,Marketing Management, Himalaya Publishing House
Note:Latest edition of the book to be referred
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
COM – 503 foi.ku ds fl)kUr I
vf/kdre vad% 100 U;wure vad% 40
dszfMV% 4 vof/k% 2 ½ ?kaVs
v/;;u ds ifj.kke
bl ikB~;dze ds lQyrkiwoZd iw.kZ gksus ds i’pkr~ fo|kFkhZ ;ksX; gksxsa&
1. foi.ku feJ.k] foi.ku okrkoj.k dh vo/kkj.kk dh O;k[;k djukA
2. mRikn ;kstuk vkSj fodkl] mRikn thou pØ dk vkdyu djukA
3. ewY; fu/kkZj.k uhfr;ksa vkSj j.kuhfr;ksa] forj.k ek/;eks dh le> dk fodkl djukA
4. fofHkUu foi.ku dk;ksaZ vkSj fl)karksa dk ,dh—r djukA
5. foi.ku çcaèkd ds lgk;d ds :i esa dk;Z djus gsrq Kku dh O;k[;k djukA
bdkbZ & I
ifjp;% foi.ku dh izd`fr] {ks= ,oa egRo] foi.ku dk egRo O;kikj ,oa vFkZO;oLFkk esa] foi.ku vo/kkj.kk^ izkphu
,oa vk/kqfud leXkz foi.ku vo/kkj.kk] fodz; rFkk foi.ku esa vUrj] foi.ku feJ.k] foi.ku i;kZoj.k
bdkbZ & II
mRikn% mRikn vo/kkj.kk] miHkksDrk ,oa vkS|ksfxd mRikn] mRikn fu;kstu rFkk fodkl] iSdsftax& Hkwfedk ,oa dk;Z]
czk.M uke] isVsaV ,oa VªSM~ekdZ] mRikn thou pdz vo/kkj.kk
bdkbZ & III
ewY;% foi.ku feJ.k esa ewY; dk egRo ewY; fu/kkZj.k fufr;ka ,oa j.kuhfr;ka] mRikn lsok ds ewY; fu/kkZj.k dks
izHkkfor djus okys ?kVd] cV~Vk rFkk NwVA
forj.k Jka[kyk % vFkZ, egRo] izdkj% Fkksd vkSj [kqnjk fcdzh] forj.k dh Jka[kyk dks izHkkfor djus oky dkjdA
lanfHkZr iqLrds&a
'kekZ ,Q- lh-] foi.ku ds fl)kar] ,l- ch- ih- Mh- Ádk'ku
vxzoky vkj- lh-] d¨Bkjh ,u- ,l-] foi.ku Áca/k] ,l- ch- ih- Mh- Ádk'ku
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
COM – 504 (A) : chek ds ewyvk/kkj - I
vf/kdre vad% 100 U;wure vad% 40
dszfMV% 4 vof/k% 2 ½ ?kaVs
v/;;u ds ifj.kke
bl ikB~;dze ds lQyrkiwoZd iw.kZ gksus ds i’pkr~ fo|kFkhZ ;ksX; gksxa&
1. chek dh ewy vo/kkj.kkvksa dh O;k[;k djukA
2. chek dk fofHkUu Jsf.k;ksa esa oxhZdj.k djukA
3. chek fofu;ked vkSj fodkl çkf/kdj.k] Hkkjrh; thou chek fuxe] Hkkjrh; lk/kkj.k chek fuxe dh
lajpuk vkSj dk;ksZ dk ewY;kadu djukA
4. chek {ks= esa chek lykgdkj@,tsaV ds :i esa jkstxkj çkIr djukA
bdkbZ I
chek dk ifjp;&chek ds mn~sn’;] egRo o fl)kUr] chek lkekftd lqj{kk ds :i esa] chek vkSj vkfFkZd fodkl]
chek dh pqukSfr;kWA
bdkbZ II
thou chek@ lkeqfnzd@vfXu chek&vk’k;] egRo o fl)kUr] fofHkUu izdkj ds vuqcU/kA iqu± chek vkSj nksgjk chek
bdkbZ III
vkbZvkjMh ,&vkbZ vkj Mh , vf/kfu;e] y{;] mn~ns’;] dk;Z o lajpukA
Hkkjrh; thou chek fuxe&laxBukRed <kapk] mn~n’s ;] dk;Z o forj.k okfgdk,saA
Hkkjrh; lkekU; chek fuxe&mn~n’s ;] Hkwfedk o dk;ZA
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
ukSy[kk vkj-,y- &chek ds rRo] jes’k cqd fMiks çdk'ku t;iqjA
MkW eerk prqoZnh& vk/kqfud chek fof/k] lSUVªy ykW ifCyds’kUl] uà fnYyh
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Note: Latest edition of the books to be referred
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Unit III
Project organization Structure; Setting up of organization structure
Marginal costing technique for Project Decision;
Role of Development Financial Institutions
Development of financial institutions.
Reference Books:
Agarwal M.R. Project Planning and Budgetary Control , Garima Publications.
Agarwal N.P., Saraswat BP, Mishra, Bk- Project Planning and Budgetary Control, RBD Publishing
Note:-Latest edition of the book should be referred
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Money:- meaning, functions, role, type of money, Monetary Standard, Methods of note issue. High
powered money: meaning and uses; sources of change in high powered money, Alternative measures to
money supply in India- Their different components. Elementary study of demand for money.
Unit II
Financial Systems meaning, Significance, Components, Financial intermediaries, Markets and Instruments
and their functions. Money and capital market. Devaluation of money, Inflation, stagflation, Deflation and
its control and their Merits and Demerits.
Unit III
Credit Creation by Bank, Credit Creation process, Determination of money Supply and Total Bank Credit,
Monetary Policy and Techniques of Credit Control, Fiscal Policy.
Reference Books:
Saraswat, Sharma, Gupta, Godha, shrimali, Thathera., Banking and Financial System, RBD
Publishing House.
Saraswat, Sharma, Gupta, Godha, Banking and Financial System, RBD Publications.
Ojha B.L. , Banking and Financial System, Ajmera Book Company.
Note: Latest Edition of the book to be referred
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
2. Interpret the different methods of Protection
3. Justify the Different causes for disequilibrium in Balance of Payments
4. Extend the entire concept of International trade
International Trade : meaning & significance , international trade as distinguished from inter- regional trade
& internal trade & similarities . Theories of international trade- classical theory of comparative advantage ,
classical theory of comparative costs & UDCs, Heckscher –Ohlin theory
Free Trade VS Protection – arguments in favour & against , Role of protection in Underdeveloped
Methods of Protection – Tariff , Quotas , Subsidy
New tariff policy
Non Tariff Barrier – Meaning , classification , types
Import Quotas – Meaning , objectives , types , effects , Import quotas vs Tariffs
Balance of Payments –Concept , Importance , causes of disequilibrium , Measures for correction of
disequilibrium , difference between balance of Trade & balance of payment
Foreign Exchange rate – Meaning , determination of equilibrium exchange rate , Theories of foreign
exchange rate – Mint parity theory , Balance of payments theory
Devaluation – meaning , Reasons for devaluation effects of devaluation on economy.
Reference Books:
Jhingan M.L., International Economics, Vrinda Publication Pvt. Limited.
Salvatore D., International Economics: Trade & Finance , Wiley Publisher.
Rana K.C., Verma K. N., International Economics, Vishal Publishing Company.
Note: Latest edition of the book to be referred
A. Indirect Taxes
COM-602 OR 04 04 30 70 100 40 2 ½ hrs
B. Research Methodology
A. Fundamentals of Insurance-
COM-604 04 04 30 70 100 40 2 ½ hrs
B. E-Commerce
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Mangal, Shah & Sharma, Income Tax, RBD Publications, Jaipur.
Note:- Latest edition of the book to be referred.
uksV%& d`Ik;k izk;ksfxd rFkk lS)kfUrd iz’uksa dk forj.k 60%40 ds vuqlkj djsaA
20 vadksa dh vkarfjd O;kogkfjd ijh{kk gksxhA
bdkbZ I
gkfu;ksa dh iwfrZ ,oa vkxs ys tkuk] ldy dqy vk; esa ls dVkSfr;kWA djnkrk dh vk; esa lfEefyr dh tkus okyh
vU; O;fDr;ksa dh vk;A dqy vk; dh x.kukA
bdkbZ II
O;f"V;ksa dk dj fu/kkZj.k] fgUnw vfoHkkftr ifjokj dk dj fu/kkZj.k] lkÖksnkjh QeZ dk dj fu/kkZj.k] vk;dj fooj.kksa
dk fuekZ.kA d`f"k vk;A
bdkbZ III
dj fu/kkZj.k izfdz;k] L=ksr ij vk;dj dh dVkSrh ds izko/kku ,oa vfxze dj dk HkqxrkuA
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
fla/kkfu;k- oh- ds & vk;dj dh fo/kkFkhZ iqLrd] iqu% laLdj.k] VsDlesu ifCyds’ku] ubZ fnYyhA
esgjks=k- ,p- lh & vk;dj ,oa ys[ks]] lkfgR; Hkou ifCyds’ku] vkxjkA
iVsy o pkS/kjh& vk;dj] iqu% laLdj.k] pkS/kjh izdk’ku] t;iqjA
eaxy] ’kkg] ’kekZ & vk;dj] vkj ch Mh ifCyds’ku] t;iqjA
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
The Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017/The Rajasthan Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017:
Payment of Tax, Interest and Penalty, Filing of Returns and Assessment. Transitional provision: Migration
of existing tax Payer, Transitional Arrangement for Input Tax credit..
Custom Act: Basic Concepts, Important Definitions, Levy and exemptions from duty, types of duty
Classification of goods, valuation of goods, computation of Assessable Value and custom duty. Refund of
Reference Books:
CA. Anoop Manual, CA Mahesh Gupta, GST Practice Manual, Taxmann Publication, New Delhi.
V.S Datey, GST Law & Practice with customs & FTP, Taxmann Publication, New Delhi.
Vandana Bangar and Yogendra Bangar, Indirect Tax Laws ,GST Customs & FTP , Aadhyas academy
and publications.
Patel Chaudhary, Goods and Service Tax –Chaudhary Publication, Jaipur
Note:- Latest edition of the book to be referred.
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
5. Develop the skills of data analysis.
Note: Please make a 60:40 distribution in practical : theory
Unit- I
Introduction to Business Research: Nature and Scope of Business Research, Information Based Decision
Making and Source of Knowledge. The Research Process, Basic approaches and Terminologies used in
Research, Defining Research Problem and Framing Hypothesis, Preparing a Research Plan.
Research Designs: Understanding Research Designs, Qualitative and Quantitative Research, Primary and
Secondary Methods of Data Collection - Surveys, Observation and Experimentation.
Unit II
Measurement, Scaling, Instrument Designing and Sampling : Measurement and Scaling, commonly
used scales in business research, Reliability and Validity of scales. Designing Instrument for data
collection, testing the instrument. Sampling Concepts, methods, procedure and sample size decisions.
Unit III
Data Analysis and Presentation Introduction to Bivariate and Multivariate Analysis, Research Report
Writing, and Communication the research results. Ethics in Research.
Reference Books:
Lawrence B. Morse: Statistics for Business & Economics, Harper Collins, New Delhi.
Levin, Richard I and David S Rubin: Statistics for Management, Prentice Hall of India, Delhi.
Watsnam Terry J. and Keith Parramor: Quantitative Methods in Finance, International Thompson
Business Press, New Delhi.
Ackaff, R.L. and Sasieni, M.W., Fundamentals of Operations Research, John Wiley and sons Inc., New
Agee, M.H., Taylor, R.E. and Torgersen, P.E., Quantitative Analysis for Management Decisions,
Prentice Hall Inc, New Delhi.
S.P. Gupta, Statistical Methods, Atlantic Publication and Distributors (P) Ltd., New Delhi.
K R Sharma, Business Research Methods, National Publishing House, New Delhi
Note:- Latest edition of the book to be referred.
uksV%& d`Ik;k izk;ksfxd rFkk lS)kfUrd iz’uksa dk forj.k 60%40 ds vuqlkj djsaA
bdkbZ I
O;kolkf;d ’kks/k dk ifjp;% O;kolkf;d ’kks/k dh izd`fr rFkk {ks=] lwpuk vk/kkfjr fu.kZ;u rFkk Kku dk L=ksrA
’kks/k izfdz;k] vk/kkjHkwr n`f"Vdks.k rFkk ’kks/k esa iz;qDr ’kCnkoyh] ’kks/k leL;k dks ifjHkkf"kr djuk rFkk ifjdYiuk
fuekZ.k] ’kks/k ;kstuk dk fuekZ.kA
’kks/k :ijs[kk% ’kks/k :ijs[kk dk Kku] xq.kkRed rFkk ek=kRed ’kks/k] laed ladyu dh izkFkfed rFkk f}rh;d
fof/k;kW] losZ{k.k] voyksdu rFkk lS)kfUrdA
bdkbZ II
ekiu] izoZ/ku] midj.k :ikdau rFk funZ’ku% ekiu rFkk izoZ/ku] O;kolkf;d ’kks/k es iz;qDr lkekU; ekid] ekidks
dh fo’oluh;rk rFk oS/krkA laed ladyu gsrq midj.kksa dk :ikadu] midj.kksa dk ijh{k.kA funZ’ku vo/kkj.kk]
fof/k;kW] izfdz;k rFkk uewuk vkdkj fu.kZ;A
bdkbZ III
laed fo’ys"k.k rFkk izLrqrhdj.k% f}pj rFk cgqpj fo’ys"k.k dk ifjp;] ’kks/k izfrosnu fy[kuk] ’kks/k ifj.kkeksa dk
lapkj] ’kks/k uhfr’kkL=A
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
lanfHkZr iqLrds&
,y ,u dksgyh] ’kks/k iz.kkyh] vkfnfojkt cqd fMLVªhC;qVj] ubZ fnYyhA
flnjke lyokMs] ’kks/k iz.kkyh] vkfnfojkt cqd fMLVªhC;qVj] ubZ fnYyhA
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
miHkksDrk O;ogkj % miHkksDrk O;ogkj dh izd`fr] {ks= vkSj egRo] cktkj foHkktu vo/kkj.kk vkSj egRo] cktkj
foHkktu dk vk/kkj] ,lVhih j.kuhfrA
bdkbZ II
lao/kZu feJ.k&izHkko] ?kVd] lao/kZu feJ.k dks izHkkfor djus okys dkjd
foKkiu % vFkZ] mn~ns';] xq.k ,oa n¨“k uSfrdrk vkSj foKkiu] ,d izHkkoh foKkiu dh fo'ks"krk,aa] foKkiu ek/;e%
vFkZ] izdkj] muds lkis{k xq.k vkSj nks"k] foKkiu ek/;e ds p;u djus ds fopkj.kh;s fcanq
oS;fDrd foØ; % vFkZ] izfØ;k] izdkj] egRo] lhek,a] izpkj] tulaidZ % vFkZ] fo'ks"krk,aa] egRo] midj.k] fcØh
la/kZu % vFkZ] izd`fr] egRo] rjhdsA
bdkbZ III
varjkZ"Vªh; foi.ku % ifjHkk"kk] izd`fr vkOk';drk vkSj egRo] lhek,s] ?kjsyw foi.ku cuke varjkZ"Vªh; foi.ku] fons'kh
cktkjksa dh igpku vkSj p;u
foi.ku ds vk/kqfud fodkl: Ã&foi.ku] ladYiukRed foi.ku] gfjr foi.ku] lkekftd foi.ku] laca/k foi.ku]
[kqnjk foi.ku] HkkoukRed foi.ku dk oSpkfjd <kapk
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
'kekZ ,Q- lh-] foi.ku ds fl)kar] ,l- ch- ih- Mh- Ádk'ku
vxzoky vkj- lh-] d¨Bkjh ,u- ,l-] foi.ku Áca/k] ,l- ch- ih- Mh- Ádk'ku
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
2. chek çfrfuf/k ds dk;ksaZ dk fo'ys"k.k djukA
3. chek ;kstukvksa ds çdkj dk ewY;kadu djukA
4. chek {ks= esa chek lykgdkj@,tsaV ds :i esa jkstxkj çkIr djukA
bdkbZ I
chek ,ts.V&ifjHkk"kk] izd`fr] drZO; ,oa vf/kdkj] ,ts.V ikfjJfed] ,ts.V cukus dh izfdz;k] ykblsUl izkIr djus
dh iwoZ vko’;drk,sa] ykblsUl dk sjn~n djuk] ,ts.V dh fu;qfDr dk [k.Mu ;k fuyEcu@lekfIr] vkpkj lafgrkA
bdkbZ II
,ts.V ds dk;Z] ukekadu ,oa gLrkadu & vk'k; o egRo] chekfodz; vkSj thou chek ikWfylh ,oa chek i=ksa dk
voys[ku chek nLrkost A
chek ;kstuk ds izdkj] ikWfylh tkjh djuk&eq[k i`"B] jlhn] tksf[ke dojst] mRikn ewY; &chekadu igyw] izhfe;e
dk vk/kkj o izdkj] cV~Vk o izhfe;e ;kstuk] chek nkos ds fuiVkjs laca/kh izfdz;k] ¼ifjiDork nkok rFkk e`R;q
lanfHkZr iqLrds&
ukSy[kk vkj-,y- &chek ds rRo] jes’k cqd fMiks çdk'ku t;iqjA
MkW eerk prqoZnh& vk/kqfud chek fof/k] lSUVªy ykW ifCyds’kUl] uà fnYyh
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
KK Bajaj and Debjani Nag, E-commerce, McGraw Hill Education
TN Chhabra, Hem Chand Jain, and Aruna Jain, An Introduction to HTML, Dhanpat Rai & Co.
Note: Latest edition of the books to be referred
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Unit II
Standard Costing-Material Variances & Labour variances ;
Project Manager ;- Qualifications, selection and training, role & responsibility of a project manager.
Unit III
Project financing-meaning, sources, merits & demerits;
Venture capital financing- meaning, process, venture capital financing in India
Use of networking techniques in project planning- PERT/CPM. Line of balance (LOB)
Reference Books:
Agarwal M.R.Project Planning and Budgetary Control, Garima Publications.
Agarwal N.P., Saraswat BP, Mishra, Bk- Project Planning and Budgetary Control, RBD Publishing
Note: Latest edition of the book to be referred
COM – 605 ctVjh fu;a=.k
vf/kdre vad% 100 U;wure vad% 40
dszfMV% 4 vof/k% 2 ½ ?kaVs
v/;;u ds ifj.kke
bl ikB~;dze ds lQyrkiwoZd iw.kZ gksus ds i’pkr~ fo|kFkhZ ;ksX; gksxsa&
1. ifj;kstuk ds thou pØ dk o.kZu djsa vkSj fofHkUu çdkj ds ctVksa dh O;k[;k djukA
2. çca/kd dh ftEesnkfj;ksa] Hkwfedk] ftEesnkfj;ksa dh x.kuk djukA
3. ifj;kstuk fu;a=.k esa ra= fo'ys"k.k rduhdksa dk ç;ksx & iVZ ,oa lh-ih-,e- fo'ys"k.k djukA
4. udn] fuf'pr] yphyk ctV rS;kj djus vkSj ifj;kstuk foÙkiks"k.k ds xq.kksa vkSj voxq.kksa dks bafxr djus
bdkbZ I
ifj;kstuk vfHkKku & ifj;kstuk thou pØ] ifj;kstuk foQyrk ds dkj.k
ifj;ktuk LFkku] foU;kl] LFky p;u] ifj;¨tuk foU;kl fof/k;ka
ctV fu;a=.k & vFkZ] fo’ks"krk,¡] mn~n’s ; rFkk ykHkA
ctV ds Ádkj & mRiknu] lkexzh] o`gÌ ctV] Åijh O;;] LFkkà ,oa yks p’khy] j¨dM+ ctV
bdkbZ &II
Áeki ykxr ys[kkadu & lkexzh fopj.k rFkk Je fopj.kA
ifj;kstuk Áca/kd & ;ksX;rk,¡] p;u ,oa Áf’k{k.k] ifj;kstuk Áca/kd dh Hkwfedk ¼dk;Z½ ,oa mÙkjnkf;RoA
bdkbZ &III
ifj;kstuk foÙk Áca/ku & vFkZ] L=¨r] xq.k ,oa nks"kA
lkglh iw¡th foÙk Áca/ku& vFkZ] ÁfØ;k] Òkjr esa lkglh iw¡th foÙk Áca/ku
ifj;kstuk fu;kstu esa rU=&fo’ys"k.k rduhdksa dk Á;ksx&iVZ @ lh-ih-,e] larqyu js[kkA
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa&
vxzoky flag feJk & ifj;kstuk fu;kstu] jes’k cqd fMiks] t;iqjA
vxzoky ,e- Mh- ,oa vxzoky ,e- oh& ifj;kstuk fu;kstu Jh egkohj cqd fMiks A
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
Administrated Rates and market Determined Rates, Sources of Difference in Rates of Interest, Behaviour
of Average Level of Interest Rates. Value of Money- Quantity Theory of Money, Fisher, Cambridge and
Keynes Approach.
Unit II
International Financial Institutions and its affiliates, International monetary fund (IMF), International Bank
for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), IDA, IFC and ADB-objectives, functions, organisations,
achievement and shortcomings.
Unit III
Problems and Policies of allocations of Institutional Credit, Problems between the Government and the
Banking Sector, Inter-Sectoral and Inter-Regional problems, problems between large and small borrowers,
Banking and Financial Reforms in India, R.B.I. functions, Present Credit Policy and its limitations.
NBFCs- Meaning, Types, Difference between NBFCs and Commercial Banks, RBI Regulations for
Reference Books:
Saraswat, Sharma, Gupta, Godha, shrimali, Thathera., Banking and Financial System, RBD Publishing
Saraswat, Sharma, Gupta, Godha, Banking and Financial System, , RBD Publications.
Ojha B.L., Banking and Financial System Ajmera Book Company.
Note: Latest edition of the book to be referred
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
COM– 606 (B) : International Economics - II
Max. Marks : 100 Min. Marks: 40
Credits- 4 Duration: 2 ½ Hrs
Learning Outcome
On the successful completion of course, student will be able to
1. Ascertain the effect the economic growth on International Trade
2. Elaborate Trade Liberalization in India
3. Extend the role of IMF in increasing international Liquidity
4. Summarize the Working of different International Trade Associations
Economic Growth & International Trade – introduction, effect of economic growth on trade, effect of
economic growth on terms of trade & effect of economic growth on production, terms of trade of small
The terms of trade–Determinant factors affecting trade.
The Gains from Trade– meaning, measurement & factors determining gains from trade, potential & actual
gain from international trade, gains from trade in case of large & small country.
Dumping – Meaning, types, objectives, effects, anti- dumping measures
Trade Liberalization – Meaning, benefits, Trade Liberalization in India & its impact
International Cartels– Meaning, objective, conditions for success, price & output determination by cartel.
ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) , NAFTA (North American Free Trade Area)
IMF – objectives , functions, Working of IMF, role of gold in IMF & special drawing rights
International liquidity – meaning , importance, main sources of international liquidity. Present scenario of
international liquidity, role of IMF in increasing international liquidity
WTO (World Trade Organization) – Formation of WTO, objectives, functions, administrative structure of
WTO, WTO agreement, difference between GATT & WTO.
UNCTAD (The UN Conference on Trade & Development) – origin, organization objectives, functions, &
Reference Books:
Jhingan M.L., International Economics, Vrinda Publication Pvt. Limited.
Salvatore D., International Economics: Trade & Finance , Wiley Publisher.
Rana K.C., Verma K. N., International Economics, Vishal Publishing Company.
Note: Latest edition of the book to be referred
SGCA/ BCOM /2020-21
nf{k.k iwoÊ ,f'k;kbZ jk"Vªksa dk laxBu] mÙkj vesfjdh eqä O;kikj le>kSrk
bdkbZ &III
varjkZ"Vªh; eqæk dks"k & mís';] dk;Z varjjk"Vªh; eqæk dks"k dh dk;Zdkjh ]varjjk"Vªh; eqæk dks"k esa lksus dh Hkwfedk
] fo'ks"k vkgj.k vfèkdkj
varjkZ"Vªh; rjyrk & vFkZ] egRo] L=ksr] varjkZ"Vªh; rjyrk dk orZeku ifj–';] varjkZ"Vªh; rjyrk esa
varjjk"Vªh; eqæk dks"k dh Hkwfedk
foÜo O;kikj laxBu & xBu] mís'; dk;Z] foÜo O;kikj laxBu dh ç'kklfud lajpuk] foÜo O;kikj laxBu
le>kSrk ] xSsV ¼VSfjQ vkSj O;kikj ij lkekU; le>kSrk½ ,oa foÜo O;kikj laxBu esa varj
la;qä jk"Vª O;kikj vkSj fodkl lEesyu& ewy laxBu] mís';] dk;Z miyfCèk;ka
lanfHkZr iqLrdsa
M‚ feJk ts ih] varjkZ"Vªh; vFkZ'kkL=] lkfgR; Òou ifCyds'kuA
jk.kk ds- lh] oekZ ds -,u] varjkZ"Vªh; vFkZ'kkL=] fo'kky ifCyf'kax daiuh A
uksV%& lanfHkZr iqLrdksa ds uohure laLdj.k dk mi;ksx fd;k tk;saA