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Comments:: Chapter One

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You need to completely rewrite your chapter 2. The chapter does not reflect the objectives of Formatted: Normal, Left, Line spacing: single
your project. It is mainly based on history and methods of irrigation system. Your literature
review should reflect previous works that are relevant to your project topic and its objectives.
You are basically combining four major concepts in your projects: irrigation, automation
(robotics), wireless communication and sensor technology. Your literature review chapter
must touch each of these concepts and shows how the literatures are relevant to the objectives
of your project.


In daily operations related to farming or gardening, watering is the most important cultural
practice and the most labor-intensive task. No matter whichever weather it is, either too hot
and dry or too cloudy and wet, you want to be able to control the amount of water that
reaches your plants. Modern watering systems could be effectively used to water plants when
they need it. But this manual process of watering requires two important aspects to be
considered: when and how much to water.

Unfortunately, many plants die each year due to insufficient watering. The watering
techniques used till date are either, stagnant and not portable or they are very costly. In this
case, the “Plant Irrigation Water Sprinkler Robot” developed will provide a cost-effective
solution to this problem.

It will reduce human intervention as the robot is partially autonomous and will prevent the
plants from dying by providing timely and adequate amount of water to them.

1.1 Background to the Study

Irrigation is the application of controlled amounts of water to plants at specific intervals. It
helps grow agricultural crops and revegetate soils in dry areas and during the dry season.
Irrigation also has other applications in crop production, including frost protection (Synder et
al, 2005) and suppressing growth of weeds (Williams et al, 2007). In contrast, agriculture that
relies only on direct rainfall is referred to as rain-fed or dry land farming.

Irrigation systems are grouped into two major categories namely pressure and gravitational.
Pressure systems involves the use of drip irrigation and sprinklers but in gravitational system
furrows and canals are utilized. It is observed that these methods when used in an irrigation
system consume a lot of water and therefore contributes to wastage of this precious resource
which mankind cannot survive without. Irrigation systems are also used for cooling livestock,
reducing dust, sewage disposal, and in mining. Irrigation is often studied together with
drainage, which is the removal of surface and sub-surface water from a given area.

Irrigation has been a central feature of agriculture for over 5,000 years and is the product of
many cultures. Historically, it was the basis for economies and societies across the globe,
from Asia to the Southwestern United States.

Food supply and demand is challenge to the government of Nigeria; this is due to ever
increasing population which is directly proportional to it’s food production, this implies that
water which is the main ingredient in crop production will continue to diminish according to
FAO to maintain food stability for the next three decades it is advisable to increase acreage of Commented [JD1]: What is the meaning of FAO?

irrigated lands by 34% in all developing countries and also channeling 14% water should be
extracted for farming.

According to Fereres and Connor (2004) globally food production obtained through irrigation
accounts for 40% of the total expected, whereby only about 17% of the land set aside is
specifically utilized for food production. The only biggest water problem globally is scarcity
as asserted by Jury and Vaux (2003). From the above statements, it is with no doubt that in
the future there will be a crisis of water supplies if proper utilization techniques are not
adhered to, water is life and it is inevitable in any society since without it agriculture will not
flourish .changes of climate globally will affect the ratio of quantity and quality of life
mankind will live, proper utilization of water is a matter of national importance to the
government of Kenya and to achieve this goal technology should be adopted to control water Commented [JD2]: Sign of copy work??

in any irrigation scheme.

This system is applicable in isolated areas with large farms whereby operators are required to
be in the fields most of the time to monitor the irrigation, it is with no doubt that this
technology will be of great help to farmers as it requires few operators in the field as well as
saves on water used for irrigation.

The commonly used automation systems are -:

Time based system

Open loop system

Computer based irrigation system

Real time feedback system

Volume based system

Closed loop system

Time based system makes use of controllers to gauge the amount of water to be applied in an
irrigation system. According to Cardenas Lailhacar (2006) timers and controllers can give
wrong information which may lead to over or under irrigation therefore requires proper
programming and testing .open loop system makes use of a schedule which Bomen et. al
(2006) described it as a timing of irrigation process for a period of time which either uses
volume of water or time for control function.

Computer based irrigation control system is interface of hardware and software section which
acts as the intelligent part of the system whose function is to monitor changes in the irrigation
system via a computer and can alert the user if there is a problem in the system. Real time
feedback system is determined by plant requirement and specific parameters set which
Rajakumar (2008) describes sensors as a means of providing feedback to the controller to
enable it to effect operation. Volume based system uses a predetermined volume of water
which can be applied to the field once, this obtained by using valves with meters which
enables control and lastly a closed loop system makes use of a feedback from either a single
sensor or several sensors which provides the irrigation decisions to be carried out based on
the data obtained.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Water is inarguably one of the most essential commodity of life, both of plants and animals.
Irrigation has been discovered to be a practice that helps improve the yield of plants and also
boost their survival chances. The ease and cost of using traditional irrigation methods when
compared to modern technologies show a marked difference.

1.3 Justification of the Study

As the world’s population is increasing rapidly every day and land resources are being
utilized, there is a huge need for productivity in agriculture. But there is still no autonomous
process where the farmer does not need to spend lot of energy in his farm and lands for
controlling the action of fertilizing, watering, sowing seeds and maintenance of plants.
This study tries to put a system in place to cater for the problem of plant irrigation while also
preventing wastage of water.

1.4 Aim and Objectives of study

The aim and objectives of this study are as follows

1.4.1 Aim of study

The aim of this work is to develop a portable robot that will solve the problem of watering
plants in a small area of land upon detecting soil moisture content.

1.4.2 Objectives of study

The objectives of study are to:

i. Design of mechanical structure of the robot chassis;

ii. Interface arduino Uno microcontroller with Xbee module and develop software for
iii. Assemble the robot with Arduino microcontroller and Zig-bee Xbee module to form the
iv. Assemble the moisture sensor with Arduino microcontroller and Zig-bee Xbee module to
form the sender;
v. Establish wireless communication between the sender module and receiver module using
the two Zig-bee Xbees.
vi. Carry out testing and performance evaluation.

1.5 Scope of the Study

This work covers the design and implementation of a farm robot. The robot is constructed to
carry out irrigation operation on the farmland. This saves money, time as well as reduce the
capacity of human labour needed.

The robot is to perform the activity of automatic irrigation only once it receives signal from
the moisture sensing circuit in the farmland. Other farming operations such as planting,
harvesting, etc. are left out as the main focus here is strictly irrigation.

1.6 Limitation of the Study

The project work is limited to just one potted plant. Being a prototype for an automatic plant
irrigation system, the irrigation had to be limited to one potted plant to facilitate speedy
completion and reduce complexity involved in the project.
1.7 Expected Contribution to Knowledge

The foundation of the project is based on irrigation. Understanding of farm irrigation methods
would be obtained as this is the basis on which the project is built upon. A new approach to
wireless communication different from the conversant methods are used, this method is
known as Zigbee Wireless communication. The mode of operation and knowledge on
configuration of the Xbee modules is going to be learnt. Also, working of moisture sensors as
well as expansion of knowledge of Arduino programming will be learnt.


2.1 Introduction

Nigeria is a densely populated country in West Africa, with a population of 180 million
although many people estimate it to be much more. It is also one of the largest countries in
West Africa and dominates the region in irrigated agriculture.

The climatic conditions in Nigeria range from Sudan-Savannah in the north to tropical in the
south. The rain-fall also varies from north to south. The Kano State of northern Nigeria has
recorded a declining rainfall trend over a period of time with an average annual rainfall of

The total irrigated area in the Humid Tropics Zone of 11 countries1 of West Africa is very
low compared with the irrigable land. A large portion of arable land depends on rain- fed
agriculture. In the Humid Tropics Zone, about 3 percent of the arable land is under irrigation
systems while 29 percent of the potential irrigable area has irrigation facilities.
Approximately 80 percent of this area is under traditional irrigation systems while the rest is
under modern irrigation systems. It was estimated in 1991 (based on World Bank Report
1979, FAO Reports and information obtained from the Federal Ministry of Water Resources,
1991) that Nigeria has about 1 million ha under irrigation which accounts for about 90
percent of the total irrigated area coming under the Humid Tropics Zone. About 90 percent of
the area under irrigation in Nigeria has traditional irrigation systems while only 10 percent
has modern irrigation systems defined as those with large dams or diversion weirs and
headworks with water control structures. They have an elaborate network of infrastructure to
deliver water and are managed independently by the irrigation agency or jointly by the
irrigation agency and beneficiary farmers.

2.2 Irrigation

Definition and Types of Irrigation

Irrigation refers to the artificial application of water to the soil for the purpose of supplying
moisture essential for plant growth. It is also undertaken to provide an insurance against
droughts, for cooling the soil and atmosphere thereby providing a more favourable
environment for plant growth; to wash out or dilute salts in the soil, to reduce the hazard of
soil piping, and to soften pillage pams (Israelsen and Hansen, 1962; Baba, 1993). It is
therefore, used to assist in the growing of agricultural crops, maintenance of landscapes, and
revegetation of disturbed soils in dry areas and during periods of inadequate rainfall.
Additionally, irrigation also has a few other uses in crop production, which include protecting
plants against frost, suppressing weed growing in grain fields and helping in preventing soil

Irrigation methods are of various types. Some of the more common types include surface
(gravity) irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, drip irrigation, sub-irrigation, manual irrigation and
pump irrigation. In surface irrigation systems, water moves over and across the land by
simple gravity flow in order to wet it and to infiltrate into the soil. Surface irrigation can be
subdivided into furrow, borderstrip or basin irrigation (Wikipedia, 2010). It is often called
flood irrigation when the irrigation results in flooding or near flooding of the cultivated land.
Historically, this has been the most common method of irrigating agricultural land. Drip
irrigation, also known as trickle irrigation, functions as its name suggests. Water is delivered
at or near the root zone of plants, drop by drop. This method can be the most water-efficient
method of irrigation, if managed properly, since evaporation and runoff are minimized. In
sprinkler or overhead irrigation, water is piped to one or more central locations within the
field and distributed by overhead high-pressure sprinklers or guns. A system utilizing
sprinklers, sprays, or guns mounted overhead on permanently installed risers is often referred
to as a solid-set irrigation system. Higher pressure sprinklers that rotate are called rotors and
are driven by a ball drive, gear drive, or impact mechanism. Rotors can be designed to rotate
in a full or partial circle. Guns are similar to rotors, except that they generally operate at very
high pressures (Wikipedia, 2010).

Sub-irrigation, also called seepage irrigation, has been used for many years in field crops in
areas with high water tables. It is a method of artificially raising the water table to allow the
soil to be moistened from below the plants' root zone. Often those systems are located on
permanent grasslands in lowlands or river valleys and combined with drainage infrastructure.
A system of pumping stations, canals, weirs and gates allows it to increase or decrease the
water level in a network of ditches and thereby control the water table (Wikipedia, 2010).
Manual irrigation as the name suggests is accomplished manually using buckets, calabashes,
or shadouf to lift water. In some places, manual irrigation is assisted with animal power. In
the case of pump irrigation, water is lifted from the source with the aid of a motorized pump
which may be driven with fuel or electric power.
Figure 2.1: Basin Irrigation. Source: Wikipedia (2010)

Figure 2.2: Surface Sprinkler. Source: Wikipedia(2010)

2.3 Why Irrigate in Nigeria?

Irrigation would not be necessary, if rainfall, the most important source of agricultural water,
were ideal for the growing of crops. Such perfection is, however, rarely attained as rainfail
varies from one place to another and from time to time. Annual rainfall in Nigeria for
instance, is less than 500mm in some parts of the north but greater than 2,300mm in some
parts of the south. Further, about three-fourths of the north receives less than five months of
rainfall in a year (Nwa, 1981, Nwuba and Onwuyi, 1982). Nwa etal. (1999) further divided
Nigeria into three agro-ecological zones, namely, dry sub-humid (covering 31 % of the total
land area of Nigeria), sub-humid and humid (53%) and very humid (16%). In the dry sub-
humid zone, rainfall lasts for less than five months in a year and in the sub- humid and humid
zone, it lasts for five to six months. Clearly, without irrigation, agricultural resources would
be idle for more than half of the year in these zones. In the third zone (very humid), rainfall
varies from 1,300mm in the north to about 4,000mm in the south. Even here, Nwa etal.
(1999) observed that potential evapotranspiration is greater than rainfall during five months
of the year, which is one of the reasons irrigation is still necessary in the zone. This suggests
that irrigation even if it is supplementary, is necessary in almost all parts of Nigeria, if
agricultural resources are to be fully exploited as a means of achieving self-sufficiency in
food and fibre production.

Furthermore, due to the climate change phenomenon, there is evidence of declining rainfall
which has also become more erratic and unreliable. Droughts are also becoming more
frequent while desertification and desert encroachment are advancing. These coupled with the
increasing population pressure on cultivable land, makes effective irrigation development in
Nigeria very mandatory. With regard to population pressure, it has to be understood that
meeting the rising food demand implies that cultivation will ultimately be extended to areas
hitherto considered unsuitable due to $oil moisture deficit. And the only feasible way of
doing this is through effective irrigation development.

2.4 Irrigation and Agricultural Development

Irrigation development contributes to agricultural development and food security in many

ways. First, irrigation permits multiple cropping within the year. This implies that the land
could be cultivated all year round, resulting in higher agricultural output. Second, irrigation
permits the introduction of new and high-value crops. This, in addition to increasing the
income of farmers, also increases the variety of products that are available, thereby increasing
food security.

Third, irrigation permits fuller employment of resources. In other words, such resources as
land, labour and material inputs which would have remained unemployed or underemployed
are put to use and they generate output and income for the farmers. In fact, the development
of irrigation usually creates a multiplier effect by impacting positively on the economic
activities of others, such as agricultural processors, marketers, improved inputs manufacturers
and suppliers, and the agro-allied industries which depend directly or indirectly on

Fourth, irrigation has been known to substantially increase crop yields over rainfed
production. For instance, it is on record that crop yields in irrigated agriculture in Africa are
2.2 times higher than under rainfed production (Sonou, 1999). Average rice yield under
irrigation in Nigeria has been estimated at 3t/ha, compared to just 1,8t/ha under rainfed
conditions. Similarly, averred irrigated rice yield of 7t/ha has been reported as against 3t/ha
for rainfed production in Senegal and Cote d'Ivoire (WARDA and NISER, 2001). This
implies that resources tend to be more productive in irrigated farming than rainfed
agriculture. This is attributable to two main factors. Irrigation allows the crops to receive
reliable moisture as against dependence on uncertain natural precipitation in rainfed
agriculture. The second reason is that irrigation makes it feasible to use yield increasing
inputs. Arising from the possibility of higher yields is the fact that areas under irrigation
compared to rainfed are usually small, but contribute significantly to overall output. For
instance, in 43 African countries, it is reported that only about 6.5% of the 124 million
hectares under cultivation is irrigated but that this accounts for up to 20% of the total
agricultural production (Sonou, 1999).

Fifth, irrigation lessens the danger of crop failure and the range of yield fluctuations, thereby
reducing uncertainty that generally characterizes agricultural production. Sixth, it increases
the size of the total farm business. That is, when the farmers add the rainfed production to the
irrigated production, the total area as well as gross returns, are higher than under rainfed
farming alone.

Seventh, irrigation permits stability in the supply of farm products. Without irrigation,
availability of some farm products tend to be seasonal. With irrigation, the consumer benefits
from availability of the products all the year round and the producer enjoys stability in
income. The consumer also benefits from the availability of a wide variety of products, the
production of which is made possible only by irrigation.

To further underscore the indispensability of irrigation to agricultural development, FAO

(Paper 42, 1987) and Kortenhorst et al. (1989) concluded that Nigeria is among the nations
where irrigation is the only way left to grow enough food for the population, the size of
which is believed to have surpassed (or will surpass) the limit of the carrying capacity of
traditional rainfed agriculture.

2.5 Irrigation Development in Nigeria

2.6 Historical Perspective of Irrigation Development in Nigeria

Farmers in Northern Nigeria have perhaps irrigated their crops using simple devices such as
the shadouf, calabashes and buckets for centuries. It is widely believed that irrigated
agriculture involving the use of shadouf was brought into Nigeria by the Arabs along the
trade routes at about 9th Century A.D. However, the first recorded government attempt at
irrigation development dates back to 1918 when flood waters were impounded from Sokoto
and Rima Rivers, following a study conducted by a military engineer (Erhabor, 1982; Nwa
and Martins, 1982). The colonial government thereafter constructed some small dams and
diversions in parts of the north in the 1920s. Some of these include the Daya, Abadan,
Gamboru, Kano, Wurno and Edozhigi projects. These projects, according to Enwerem
(1999), were poorly planned and failed within a relatively short period of time. A new start
was made in 1949 when an irrigation division was created in the then Northern Province's
Agricultural Department and an irrigation training school established in Sokoto. The division
initiated a village irrigation scheme and by 1960, a total of about 3,400ha was under formal
irrigation in Northern Nigeria, increasing to about 9,000 ha by the end of the 1960s. Irrigation
development took off much later in the South; the first irrigation engineer was appointed in
the Southeast in 1960.

However, as pointed out by Baba (1989), the year 1973 marked the beginning of organised
federal government involvement in irrigation development. This was when the

Chad-Basin and the Sokoto-Rima Basin Development Authorities were established. The year
1975 witnessed the establishment of the Ministry of Water Resources at the federal level.
And in 1976, nine additional River Basin Development Authorities (RBDAs) were created
and the existing two reconstituted. The idea of establishing RBDAs was motivated by the
1972-74 droughts which ravaged the northern parts of the country, but also by the available
abundant river systems which give the country an estimated annual surface water of 193 x
109 m3. The RBDAs increased to 18 in 1984 before they were again reduced to 11 in 1986.
Today, there are 12 RBDAs in existence and they include, the Chad, Hadejia-Jama'are,
Sokoto-Rima, Upper Niger, Lower Niger, Upper Benue, Lower Benue, Ogun-Oshun,
Anambra-lmo, Benin-Owena, Cross River, and Niger Delta Basin Development Authorities.
The RBDAs are charged with a range of responsibilities including the harnessing,
management, and exploitation of the country's water resources for agricultural production and
other purposes. They are at the center of the federal government strategy towards irrigation
development. The RBDAs have established various (mostly) large-scale irrigation projects
within their respective areas of jurisdiction.

In addition to the federal government efforts some state governments have also attempted to
establish some irrigation schemes, but these are not very significant compared to the schemes
established by the Federal Government. Beginning mainly in the early 1990s, efforts have
been made by both federal and some state governments to support small-scale fadama
irrigation under the World Bank-assisted National Fadama Development Programme.

2.7 Irrigation Policy in Nigeria

Irrigation Policy in Nigeria has been driven mainly by two factors. The first of these is the
Sahelian drought of the early seventies (1972-1974) which ravaged the country particularly
the semi-arid northern areas and precipitated food shortages in the country. Following this
drought, it seems to have dawned on the government that sustainable agricultural
development and the attainment of food security could not be achieved by sole reliance on
rainfall, which as the droughts showed had become the unreliable. Consequently, it was
declared in the Third National Development Plan that the agricultural potentials of Nigeria
could not be attained without the development of her water resources for irrigation and other
purposes. To back this up with action, huge financial allocations were made in the Plan for
water resources development. These led to the establishment of the River Basin Development
Authorities (RBDAs) in the country between 1973 and 1976.

The second factor is the oil boom and the huge revenue it generated for the government.

Encouraged by the availability of funds, the country opted for a policy of large-scale
irrigation which is necessarily capital intensive. Therefore, most of the irrigation projects
established by the RBDAs were large-scale schemes requiring the construction of dams and
impounding of large volumes of water in reservoirs. In such circumstances, it also seemed
alright for the government to do most of the things required for a successful irrigation for the
farmers at little or no cost to them. Therefore, as pointed out by Enwerem (1999), the
government built the schemes, funded their operation and maintenance and, in some cases,
virtually did most of the farming operations for the farmers. In some cases, farmers were
expected to pay minimal charges for such services as mechanized land preparation and
harvesting. Eventually, water charges were introduced but were fixed at levels which could
not support adequate scheme operation and maintenance. In fixing the water charges, there
was no consideration for the actual cost of delivering water to the farmers' fields (Enwerem,
1999). In fact, the RBDAs were conceived as both water resources and rural development
agencies and some therefore, provided extension services, agro-service and produce
marketing centres, potable water, telephone lines, road network, rural health centres and
connection to electricity all at subsidised cost to users.

But then came the oil glut of the eighties when oil revenue all but evaporated. The schemes
started to deteriorate due to poor funding which resulted in poor operation and maintenance.
The coffin on the large-scale irrigation schemes and the RBDAs which established them was
finally nailed when in the wake of the economic crisis and the Structural Adjustment
Programme, the schemes were partially commercialised in 1988. The policy of
commercialisation was accompanied by a directive for all the RBDAs to dispose of their
“non-water” and “non-land” assets, which they did. This implied that all the other services
provided which were not directly related to water delivery were discontinued. Even with the
commercialisation and disposal of the assets, however, the schemes have continued to

Apparently disappointed with the performance of large-scale schemes, policy interest shifted
in the 1990s, towards the development of small-scale irrigation based on ground water using
shallow tubewells and motorized petrol pumps. The small-scale irrigation development has
been spear-headed by the World Bank-assisted National Fadama Development Programme
(NFDP) which commenced in 1993. In supporting private irrigation development, the NFDP
at the beginning pursued the objectives of constructing 50,000 shallow tubewells in fadama
lands, simplifying drilling technology for shallow tubewells, constructing fadama
infrastructure, organising fadama farmers for irrigation management, cost recovery and easy
access to credit, marketing and other services,

carrying out of aquifer studies, monitoring and grading irrigation technologies and
completion of full environmental assessment of future fadama development (Ingawa, 1998).
The NFDP was to be implemented in phases and is presently in its third phase. During the
second phase (Fadama II), a bottom-up approach based on the concept of community driven
development (CDD) was adopted. The activities of the Project during this phase included
rural infrastructure development, acquisition of productive assets and provision of demand-
driven advisory services. In all of these, the beneficiaries were required to make certain
financial contributions to the projects to be executed. Reports on the Project suggest that it
has been quite successful in promoting small-scale irrigation (Ingawa, 1998) and rural
development. It has therefore, been scaled up in the current third phase to cover all the 36
States and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja compared to just five states in the first phase.

2.8 Small versus Large-Scale Irrigation in Nigeria

Large-scale irrigation in Nigeria focuses on the establishment of dams across major rivers.
The water impounded is then used to irrigate large expanses of land which are cleared,
levelled, cultivated and then rented out to farmers (Baba, 1993). The schemes are
characteristically capital-intensive and require the importation of complex foreign
technologies. They have been associated with other short-comings. For instance, high level of
non-participation by local farmers has been reported (Etuk and Abalu, 1982,; Kolawole,
1982). Wallace (1979) also noted that establishment of such schemes has forced developing
countries to be dependent on advanced countries which have the technology and expertise to
design, construct and manage them. Similarly, it has been observed that large-scale irrigation
schemes typically involve the use of heavy equipment for levelling, which seriously disturbs
the soil. Further, the establishment of such schemes has adverse effects on farming and
fishing downstream of the dams and often involves displacement of human settlements with
potential for social upheaval. Similarly, it has been observed that the change in the
microclimate usually occasioned by the damming of rivers for irrigation results in the
appearance of new diseases (affecting both man and animals) and weeds.

Figure 2.3: Grinding mill belonging to a fadama user group in Lavun Local Government
Area of Niger State - its acquisition was supported by the Fadama II Project (Courtesy
ofNSFCO, Minna)
Figure 2.4: Borehole project supported by Fadama II in Lapai Local Government Area of
Niger State (Courtesy of NSFCO, Minna).

It is then argued that a switch in emphasis to small-scale irrigation would avoid these pitfalls.
Perhaps, it is felt that small-scale irrigation systems which are usually owned and managed
by the farmer would require less spending by government and would be more sustainable.
Furthermore, it has been argued that small-scale irrigation technologies are simple and easily
operated by the farmers as against complex technologies required for large-scale irrigation.
The small-scale technologies, it is further maintained, offer the farmer the better control over
the time and rate of water application.

In fact, it is generally believed that small-scale private irrigation schemes have so far
performed better than the large-scale schemes. Fadama (small-Scale) farmers are reported to
be self-sustaining, cost-effective, and require little assistance from government or aid
agencies (World Bank, 1998; Musa, 1999). Nevertheless, Musa (1999) has concluded that
their success may be short-lived as a result of growing signs of over exploitation of the
shallow aquifers and their attendant grievous environmental consequences. Baba and Singh
(1998) as well as Baba and Alassane (1997) have drawn attention to sustainability challenges
posed by continuous fadama land irrigation with ground water. These challenges have to do,
inter alia, with sustainability of soil fertility, environmental degradation, sustainability of the
ground water itself and sustainability of the technologies used in small-scale fadama
irrigation (see section 6.9 for more details on this).

It is evident from the above review therefore, that there are serious challenges, with both
small and large-scale irrigation. But given the advantages associated with irrigated
agriculture, efforts have to be made to overcome them. Irrigation has successfully worked in
many countries even in Africa (for example in Egypt, Sudan and Madagscar). Similarly, the
green revolution in Asia was achieved with the combination of three inputs: high-yield seeds,
fertilizers and irrigation water. If irrigation schemes, whether private or public are properly
managed in Nigeria, they could well be the solution to our quest for food security and self-

2.9 Extent of Irrigation Development in Nigeria

It is generally believed that given her land mass and population, the area under irrigation in
Nigeria is low. When compared with Asian countries and even some countries in Africa,
Nigeria lags far behind in terms of irrigation development. Table 1 shows a list of some
countries and the land areas under irrigation. It can be seen that Nigeria, with an irrigated area
of 2,820 km2 (282,000 ha), ranks 62nd in the world, behind African countries such as Egypt,
Sudan, South Africa, Morocco, Madagascar, Libya and Ethiopia. And she rank's far behind
Asian countries such as India (ranked 1sl in the world), China, Pakistan, Bangladesh,
Thailand, Indonesia and Nepal. No wonder most of these Asian countries are not just food
secure, but they are net exporters of food some of them to Nigeria.

Table 2.1: List of some Asian and African countries by irrigated area

Country Irrigated land (km 2) World ranking

India 558,080
China 545,960 2
Pakistan 182,300 4
Thailand 49,860 8
Bangladesh 47,250 9
Indonesia 45,000 11
Egypt 34,220 16
Sudan 18,630 27
South Africa 14,980 31
Morocco 14,450 35
Nepal 11,700 38
Madagascar 10,860 39
Libya 4,700 54
Ethiopia 2,900 60
Nigeria 2,820 62
Mali 2,360 65

Source: Wikipedia (2010)

Nigeria is said to have the physical potential for irrigation of about 3.14 million hectares. But
this is about 10 times more than land now under irrigation (Hundertmark and Abdourahmane,
1999). The areas under irrigation in Nigeria could be divided into two; the area under formal
and informal irrigation. The former consists of areas under public irrigation schemes
established by either the federal government through the RBDAs or the State governments
through their respective State Irrigation Departments (SIDs). The informal irrigation consists
of irrigated land developed and managed by the farmers with or without support from
government. This normally consists of fadama lands which are irrigated by the farmers with
the aid of buckets, calabashes, shadouf, or small motorised pumps. They are farmer-owned
and farmer-operated. These, are one or two hectare plots irrigated by farmers who locate,
deliver and apply their own water (Nwa et al., 1999). The area of land under this type of
irrigation system in Nigeria is not reliably known. One estimate suggests that there are
100,000ha equipped with 40,000 wells and gasoline pumps which are used by smallholders
(Hundertmark and Abdourahmane, 1999). In contrast, in spite of all the financial
commitments, only a combined area of about 50,000ha is actually irrigated by all the schemes
under the RBDAs (Musa, 1999). This is a far cry from the planned (commandable) area of
320,000ha. The irrigated area is even smaller than the area (70,000ha) which has been
developed and equipped for irrigation by the RBDAs. Musa's estimate of area irrigated is
however, smaller than the data provided by Nwa et al. (1999) as shown below.

In the Dry Sub-humid Zone where Hadejia-Jama'are, Sokoto-Rima and Chad RBDAs are
located, only about 43,550 ha are irrigated under the RBDAs. In this zone also, about 4,660
ha are irrigated under the state government irrigation schemes while the area irrigated under
the small-scale farmer owned irrigation schemes is about 126,350 ha (Nwa etal., 1999). In the
Sub-humid and Humid zone covering Upper Niger, Lower Niger, Upper Benue and Lower
Benue RBDAs, only about 24,000 ha are irrigated. The area irrigated in the last zone (Very
Humid zone) where Anambra-lmo, Benin-Owena, Cross River, Niger Delta, and Ogun-
Oshun RBDAs are located is not reliably documented. However, it appears that less than
2,000 ha were irrigated as at 1999 by the RBDAs.

2.10 Performance of Formal (Government) Irrigation Schemes in Nigeria

As noted earlier, most of the public irrigation schemes in Nigeria are large-scale and were
expected to transform agricultural production towards the achievement of food self-
sufficiency for the country and higher standard of living for those involved. But the
performance of the schemes has been disappointing. The most discouraging outcome of
large-scale irrigation strategy which has been adopted in the past four decades is low capacity
utilisation at the schemes. Not only are there wide discrepancies between irrigable areas
(planned areas) and irrigated areas, there are equally large differences between areas
developed for irrigation and areas actually irrigated. These differences cut across virtually all
the schemes.

For example, the projects under the Chad Basin Development Authority were jointly
expected to irrigate an area of 112, 500 ha out of which 49,500 ha were developed, but only
about 15,500 ha are irrigated (Nwa et al., 1999). Similarly, of the planned area of 80,500 ha
at the Hadejia-Jama'are RBDA, only 16,000 ha are irrigated. Projects under the Sokoto-Rima
RBDA had a total planned area of 52,500 ha, out of which 25,000 ha were equipped, but only
about 12,050 ha are irrigated (Nwa et al., 1999).

Coming to specific projects, the Kano River Irrigation Project (under the Hadejia- Jama'are
River Basin Development Authority) is described as the most successful large- scale
irrigation scheme in Nigeria. Nevertheless, there is still a wide gap between the planned area
of 62,000 ha (for the two phases of the Project) and the less than 15,000 ha that is actually
irrigated (Kazaure and Yusuf, 1999). This is just about 24% capacity utilization. When the
Project started, things appeared to have gone on satisfactorily. For instance, Okoh (1999), in a
review of the performance of the project, reported that through its extension services, the
Project had modernised agricultural production by promoting the introduction of new crops
and the use of improved inputs. She also noted that the Project had increased food production
by 60,252.38 metric tons yielding a total revenue of A27,159,949.5 to the farmers in 1985.
Furthermore, the Project improved transportation in the area by constructing a network of
rural roads and also established agro-service centres which also provided inputs and credit
facilities to farmers. Most of these gains, it must be pointed out, have been reversed since
1988 when the Project was partially commercialised and the non-water and land related
functions withdrawn.

The Tungan Kawo Irrigation Scheme in Niger State is under the Upper Niger River Basin
Development Authority and has a commandable (planned) irrigation area of 800 ha.
However, the area currently irrigated is less than 400 ha, which indicates less than 50%
capacity utilisation. This area is likely to decrease in the near future because the irrigation
infrastructure (canals, drop structures etc) are deteriorating, while the dam reservoir is getting
silted up. The situation is even less attractive in the case of the Swashi Dam and Irrigation
Project also in Niger State. Of the planned area of 2,900 ha, less than 200 ha (representing
less than 7% utilization) is actually irrigated even though most of the required irrigation
infrastructure are in place. In fact, here, local farmers have not shown much interest in
participating in the scheme. Therefore, the infrastructures which have been put in place at
considerable cost lie in waste. Here too, due to poor maintenance, the irrigation facilities are
in deplorable state.

The Bakolori Irrigation Project (under the Sokoto-Rima River Basin Development Authority)
is one of the best known public irrigation schemes in Nigeria. Its reputation in part derives
from the fact that its establishment triggered an uprising from the local communities resulting
in riots that caused the death of many people and destruction of properties. The project had a
planned net irrigable area of 23,000 ha which was fully equipped for irrigation. Of this, 8,000
ha was developed for gravity irrigation, while the remaining 15,000 ha was equipped for
sprinkler irrigation. According to Enwerem (1999), only the gravity section was able to
irrigate the full 8,000 ha even at the beginning. But due to poor maintenance, coupled with
damage to canals by floods, only about 3,900 ha was irrigated by gravity as at 1998. The
performance of the sprinkler section was worse. Due to irregular power supply and theft of
irrigation pipes, less than 400 ha was under sprinkler irrigation in 1998. Jointly, these figures
represent about 19% capacity utilization at the Bakolori Irrigation Project. It may be noted
that like many other large-scale irrigation projects in Nigeria, the dam at Bakolori Project was
supposed to be multipurpose. In addition to irrigation, fisheries and livestock development, it
was to be a source of domestic water supply and electric power generation. The pursuit of the
latter two purposes, from all indications, ended on paper.

At inception, it was anticipated that the irrigating of 23,000 ha would produce 30,000 tons

of wheat, 20,000 tons of paddy rice, 60,000 tons of tomatoes, 40,000 tons of sugar cane, and
30,000 tons of onions during one dry season. During the rainy season it was expected that the
cropping of the 23,000 ha would yield 50,000 tons of traditional crops such as millet,
sorghum, maize, groundnut and cowpea. With the dismal capacity utilisation at the Project,
these targets have remained a mirage. But they show the huge potentials of irrigated
agriculture in solving the problem of food insecurity, provided the right measures are taken.

At the Lower Anambra Irrigation Project (under the Anambra-lmo River Basin Development
Project), a net area of 3,850 ha was developed and equipped for irrigation. At a point in time,
3,000ha were actually irrigated. But due to deteriorated infrastructure, only 1,000 ha were
irrigated in the 1998/99 irrigation season (Nwa et al., 1999). At Optimal production level, the
Project has the potential to produce an average of 30,800 tons of paddy rice annually which
was valued in 1999 to be worth one billion naira (Anambra-lmo River Basin Development
Authority Management, 1999). But the achievement of even one-half of this target has been

The story of under-performance applies to state owned irrigation schemes as well. For
example, Uzo-Uwani and Adani irrigation schemes in Anambra State with a total planned
area of about 3,000 ha, only equipped and irrigate approximately 600 ha.

The low capacity utilisation of formal irrigation schemes is therefore, a national problem.
What is even more worrisome is that the capacity utilisation seems to be decreasing over
time. For instance, Table 2 shows the area developed, area irrigated and capacity utilisation at
the Bakolori Irrigation Project between 1978 and 1998. For the surface irrigation section, the
capacity utilisation which rose from 36% in 1978 to a peak of 89% in 1986, declined
continuously to 54% in 1998. In the case of sprinkler irrigation, the capacity utilisation
increased from 47% in 1979 to a peak of 65% in 1985, and then declined drastically to
slightly above 3% in 1998. The trend is quite similar for the Jibiya Irrigation Project
established under the Sokoto-Rima River Basin Development Authority in Katsina State. The
Project has a developed area of about 3,450 ha. The capacity utilisation rose to about 87% in
1992/93 and 1993/94 and declined to about 25% in 2004/2005 irrigation season.

Table 2.2: Developed area, irrigated area and capacity utilisation under surface and sprinkler
irrigation at Bakolori Irrigation Project

Surface irrigation Sprinkler irrigation

Year Area Area % Area Area %
1978 630 227 36.0 1,400 - -
1979 Developed
1,800 cultivated(
657 utilisation
36.5 Developed(
1,800 cultivated(
847 utilisati
1980 2,650
(ha) 1,190
ha) 44.9 3,150
ha) 957
ha) 26.2
1981 4,200 2,115 50.4 8,500 4,174 49.1
1982 5,500 3,669 56.4 11,000 4,863 44.2
1983 7,250 5,783 79.8 12,800 7,418 57.9
1984 8,000 6,264 78.3 15,000 7,765 51.8
1985 8,000 6,912 86.4 15,000 10,410 65.4
1986 8,000 7,126 89.0 15,000 7,302 48.0
1987 8,000 7,105 88.8 15,000 4,377 29.2
1988 8,000 6,090 76.1 15,000 2,597 17.3
1989 8,000 5,576 73.4 15,000 4,196 28.0
1990 8,000 5,940 74.3 15,000 2,820 18.8
1991 8,000 5,205 65.0 15,000 2,672 17.8
1992 8,000 5,474 68.4 15,000 1,423 9.5
1993 8,000 5,259 65.7 15,000 1,866 12.4
1994 8,000 5,082 63.5 15,000 2,078 13.8
1995 8,000 4,926 61.5 15,000 1,398 9.3
1996 8,000 7,754 59.4 15,000 1,149 7.0
1997 8,000 4,396 54.9 15,000 581 3.9
1998 8,000 4,339 54.2 15,000 517 3.4
Source: Adamu (1999)

Table 2.3: Trend in area cultivated and capacity utilisation at the Jibiya Irrigation Project

Irrigation season Area cultivated % utilization

1991/92 2,500 72.46
1992/93 3,000 86.96
1993/94 3,000 86.96
1994/95 2,000 57.97
1995/96 1,700 49.28
1996/97 206 5.97
1997/98 206 5.97
1998/99 206 5.97
1999/00 930 26.96
2000/01 890 25.80
2001/02 430 12.46
2002/03 206 5.97
2003/04 206 5.97
2004/05 868 25.16
Source: Musa (2008)

2.11 Problems of Large-Scale Irrigation Schemes in Nigeria

After investing huge sums of money in establishing them, the large-scale irrigation schemes
were expected to be the vehicle through which the country's desire for achieving food self-
sufficiency would be achieved. This hope has however been dashed, as not long after
establishing them, many unanticipated problems began to emerge. These problems accounted
for the rather dismal performance of the schemes. Some of these problems are highlighted as

1. Poor operation and maintenance of facilities: This is perhaps, the most critical
problem bedevilling the schemes. Irrigation infrastructure including the dams, canals, water
channels, pipes and even pumps were not regularly maintained resulting in problems such as
siltation of the canals and reservoirs, weed infestation of these infrastructures, as well as their
destruction by floods due to blockage. Siltation and weed infestation have reduced water flow
in the canals of most schemes by up to 30% of design capacity (Ogunwale and Maurya,
1991). Poor maintenance appears to be a universal problem of virtually all the schemes. The
problem has resulted in major deterioration of water conveyance and control structures, and
to frequent break-down of pumps and sprinkler lines. Due to these problems, most of the
schemes are unable to command even the relatively small areas already developed for

2. Inappropriate design: Some of the schemes have performed poorly because the
original design was faulty. According to Ayodeji (1999), a system designed to lift water by
diesel or electric power in a place notorious for frequent shortage of diesel or power failure is
doomed to perform poorly from the start. This is precisely the case of many schemes in
Nigeria. At the Bakolori Irrigation Project, a major proportion of the developed land was
designed for sprinkler irrigation. Twenty-six pumping stations were installed to serve the
15,000 ha earmarked for irrigation using sprinklers. However, rising electricity and fuel cost,
and their unreliable availability, coupled with high cost and non-availability of spare parts as
well as theft of pipes, resulted into almost total failure of this irrigation system at the Project.
It is on record that out of the 15,000 ha, only 517 ha were irrigated in 1998 (Adamu, 1999).

3. Non-involvement of beneficiaries: Most of the schemes were established in the oil

boom era when there were adequate funds. It was thought that government alone would
shoulder the responsibility of establishing, managing and maintaining the schemes without
recourse to the beneficiaries (farmers) who were expected to be passive receivers of
government's benevolent gesture. According to Ogunwale and Maurya (1991), government
did not only operate and maintain the schemes, but provided agrosupport services such as
land preparation, seeds, fertilizers and chemicals to farmers. Farmers virtually had no roles
to play except to divert water from the channels and operate their respective farm plots. In
other words, the approach was “top-down” all through the planning, establishment, operation
and management of the schemes. It was thought unnecessary to involve the beneficiaries even
in operation and maintenance of the projects. When the oil revenue later dwindled,
government was unable to pay for operation and maintenance or even to maintain qualified
staff to run the projects.

4. Withdrawal of complementary services: Despite its potentials, irrigation will make

little contribution to agricultural production in the absence of other inputs and services.
Paramount among these are improved inputs such as high-yield seeds, fertilizers and other
agro-chemicals. To ensure that farmers use these inputs and other improved technologies
correctly, strong extension services are required. Most of the farmers also require financial
assistance in the form of credit to purchase the technologies and at the end, they need an
efficient marketing system to ensure that they obtain remunerative prices for their products.
These services were all in place at most of the schemes at the beginning but were withdrawn
in 1988 following the partial commercialisation of the schemes. This has resulted in poor
yields and sometimes glut during the harvest season.

5. Low-pricing of irrigation services: When the schemes began, virtually all services
were provided to the farmers either free of charge or at extremely low prices. For instance,
farmers were not charged for water while costs of inputs and land preparation as well as rent
on land did not reflect the existing market conditions. Eventually, water rates were introduced
in some of the schemes, but these were set without regard to the actual cost of delivering
water to farmers' field. This was part of the benevolent posture of government. But with
declining budgets, this contributed to the inability of the projects to raise funds to maintain
their facilities.

6. Under-funding: The schemes have and still rely mainly on budgetary allocation from
government. Since the advent of the oil glut and the economic policies of adjustment later
adopted, there has been fiscal pressure in the Nigerian economy resulting in reduced
budgetary allocation to virtually all sectors. The irrigation projects were hard-hit in this era of
cut-back spending. The schemes are yet to devise means of generating adequate internal
revenue to supplement the subvention from government for effective management. The low
revenue generation is in part, attributable to the low pricing of their services. But more
importantly, it is a result of the highly reduced scope of services they could now render after
disposing of their 'non-water, non-land' assets in the wake of their commercialisation.

7. Apathy of local farmers toward participating in the schemes: For various reasons,
local farmers' participation in many irrigation schemes is low. For instance, most of the
farmers farming at the Swashi Irrigation scheme in Niger State are from outside the State. At
many other schemes, elite farmers dominate. Some of the reasons for the lukewarm
participation of the local farmers are the high cost of irrigation farming in Nigeria,
uncertainty (especially) with regard to water availability, low yields and returns resulting
from limited use of complementary inputs, lack of irrigation culture (i.e irrigation is alien to
some communities), non-involvement of farmers from the beginning to identify and prioritise
their needs and to benefit from their indigenous knowledge, lack of appropriate institutional
framework for local farmers' participation, as well as the advanced and unfamiliar nature of
technologies involved in large-scale irrigation. It is reported that large-scale irrigation
actually resulted in forced migration of local farmers away from their communities and
change of occupation (Omokore, 1998).

8. Poor water allocation efficiency: Ideally, only the water required for optimum
performance of the crop should be released to the field or applied by the farmer. But because
of the nature of the design of most of the schemes, water is usually released without making a
distinction as to the water requirements of the various crops. Furthermore, either because
water has been grossly under-priced or the fact that most farmers have little or no knowledge
of the exact water requirements of individual crops, there tends to be the problem of over-
application of water. This, coupled with poor drainage at most of the schemes, negatively
affects the performance of crops, raises the water table and precipitates environmental
degradation problems.

9. Environmental degradation: Environmental degradation in an'irrigation scheme could

arise from the impounding and distribution of the water and/or from the management (or
mismanagement) of the irrigation water (Muazu and Abdulmumin, 1991). From the view
point of the former, the impounding of water as a result of dam construction changes the
environment from one that is terrestrial and riverine to a locustrine one. This, as has been the
case in many schemes, resulted in health hazards to man and domestic animals, changes of
fish and wild life resources and emergence of plants (mainly aquatic weeds) that are harmful
to the environment (Muazu and Abdulmumin, 1991). The environmental effects of irrigation
water management arise from rising water table, water-logging and soil salinisation (or
alkalisation). At the Kano River Irrigation Project, for example, water table became a
problem within seven years of commencement of irrigation during the irrigation season
(Abdulmumin and Muazu, 1982; Nwa, 1982; Muazu and Abdulmumin, 1991).

10. Shortage of relevant manpower: Following the rationalisation and partial

commercialization of the RBDAs, many of their staff were retrenched leaving the irrigation
schemes with only few personnel, most of whom are not of the right caliber. At the Bakolori

Irrigation Project, the number of staff decreased from 1,300 in 1987 to just 216 as at 1999,
and many of the staff remaining were security guards. Engineering and technical staff
required to operate and monitor the system were lacking. In fact, it was reported that there
was no single engineer left at the Project (Adamu, 1999). The dearth of qualified staff
contributed to the deteriorating performance of the schemes.

2.12 Economics of Irrigated Agriculture

Although both food and cash crops are produced under irrigation in the country, the bulk of
the crops produced, whether they belong to what are conventionally known in Nigeria as food
crops, are marketed. In view of this, financial viability will determine to a great extent, the
decision of a farmer to continue to participate in irrigation farming. This underscores the
significance of evaluating the economics of crop production in irrigated agriculture.
Consequently, this topic has attracted some research attention of the author with a bias
toward small-scale irrigation. The aspects of the economics of irrigated agriculture that have
captured the research interest of the author include level of resource-use, nature of enterprises
produced, profitability, investment analysis, resource-use efficiency, optimum farm plans,
income distribution, and sustainability challenges in crop production mainly under small-
scale, farmer-owned and operated, irrigation systems. It is the conviction of the author that
research focus on these issues would highlight and draw attention to the potentials and
constraints associated with small- scale irrigation in the country. Most of the reminder of this
Lecture will therefore focus on these topics. Commented [JD3]: Which lecture?

2.13 Level of Resource Use in Small-scale Irrigation

The term “resources” in agriculture, refers to the means, factors or inputs that go into
agricultural production and are generally assumed to be scarce and have to be optimally
allocated to satisfy the many competing ends. Agricultural production itself, is the process by
which the resources are converted to goods and services called output through the farm unit.
The more the resources available to a country or any other political entity, the more the
potential the country has to generate output, provided the resources are wisely allocated.
Agricultural resources are conventionally classified into four: land, labour, capital and
management. While land is a natural resource, consisting of the solid part of the earth on
which plants grow and the associated water, minerals, vegetation and sometimes even air,
labour refers to the work done by human beings. Capital on the other hand, refers to the
produced means of production. In other words, it consists of items or materials which have
been produced by human efforts but instead of being consumed are rather used in the
production of other materials or services which are useful to man. Management is an
entrepreneurial input, which is used to organise and coordinate the other physical inputs in a
manner that contributes towards attaining the goals of the farm business which may be profit
maximisation, cost minimisation, revenue (or sales) maximisation, output maximisation, cost
minimisation, food security or some other 26 outcome or motive preferred by the farm
business owner or operator.
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