Design and Implementation of Real Time Irrigation System Using A Wireless Sensor Network
Design and Implementation of Real Time Irrigation System Using A Wireless Sensor Network
Design and Implementation of Real Time Irrigation System Using A Wireless Sensor Network
Pranjali K. Awachat2
Abstract: The motivation for this project came from the countries where economy is depends on agriculture and the climatic
conditions lead to lack of rains. The farmers working in the farm lands are dependent on the rains and bore wells. Even if
the farm land has a water-pump, manual involvement by farmers is required to turn the pump on/off when on earth needed.
The purpose 0f this paper to measuring the moisture of agricultural soils by real-time method and to minimize this manual
involvement by the farmer, which is why we are using a micro-controller (AVR ATMEGA-16L),RF module. The sensor
senses the amount of moisture present in the soil and presents an output in the form of analog voltage ranging between 1.7V
(fully saturated condition) to 4.5V (completely dried condition) respectively.
Keywords: water-saving irrigation, WIRELESS SENSOR NODE, WATER RESOURCES, ATMEGA 16L, Soil moisture
The micro-controller based automated real time Irrigation system will supply the following:
As there is no unexpected usage of water, a lot of water is saved from being wasted.
The irrigation system is use only when there is not sufficient moisture in the soil and the microcontroller decides when
should the pump be turned on/off, saves a lot time and water for the farmers.
As there is no unanticipated usage of water, a lot of water is saved from creature wasted. This also gives much wanted rest
to the farmers, as they dont have to go and revolve the pump on/off automatically. The constant increasing command of the
food provisions requires a rapid improvement in food production technology. In a lot of countries like India where agriculture
and the climatic conditions are isotropic, at a standstill we are not able to make full use of agricultural possessions. The main
reasons is the not have of rains & insufficiency of land lake water. The continuous removal of water at normal intervals from
earth is dropping the water level as a result of which the zones of un-irrigated land are frequently increasing. Also, the
unexpected use of water accidentally results in wastage of water.
In an Automated Irrigation System using (AVR ATMEGA-16L), the most significant advantage is that water is supplied
only when the moisture in soil goes below a determined threshold value. In current times, the farmers have been using irrigation
system through the labor-intensive control in which the farmers irrigate the land at regular intervals by turning the water-pump
on/off when essential. These procedures sometimes consume more water and sometimes the water supply to the land is delayed
due to which the crops dry off. Water shortage deteriorate plants enlargement before visible wilting occurs. In addition to this
slow development rate, lighter mass fruit follows water shortage. This problem can be absolutely rectified if we use Automated
Irrigation System in which the irrigation will take place only when there will be strong requirement of water, as optional by the
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Surface irrigation
Localized irrigation
Drip Irrigation
Sprinkler irrigation
The conformist irrigation methods like overhead sprinklers, flood type feeding systems usually wet the lower leaves and
stem of the plants. The entire soil surface is soaked and often stays wet long after irrigation is completed. Such condition
promotes infections by leaf mold fungi. On the different the drip or trickle irrigation is a type of modern irrigation method that
slowly applies less amount of water to part of plant root zone. Water is supplied regularly often daily to preserve constructive
soil moisture situation and avoid moisture stress in the plant with proper use of water resources.
Drip irrigation save water since only the plants root zone receives moisture. Little water is lost to deep percolation if the
proper amount is applied. Drip irrigation is popular because it can increase yields and decrease both water requirements and
manual labor
Drip irrigation requires about partially of the water needed by sprinkler or surface irrigation. Lower operating pressures and
flow rates result in reduced energy costs. A higher degree of water control is possible. Plants can be supplied with more specific
amounts of water. Disease and insect damage is reduced because plant undergrowth stays dry. Operating price is usually
reduced. Federations may carry on during the irrigation The automated irrigation system consists of soil moisture sensors,
analog to digital converter, microcontroller, RF CC2500 TX-RX pair, Relay driver, solenoid for control valves.
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The ATmega16 is a low-power CMOS 8-bit microcontroller based on the AVR. By executing superior instructions in a testing
clock cycle, the ATmega16 achieves throughputs future 1 MIPS per MHz allowing the system designed to optimize power
consumption against processing speed. The AVR central part combine a rich instruction put with 32 general purpose operational
registers. All the 32 registers are directly linked to the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU), allowing two self-governing registers to be
accessed in one single instruction executed in one clock cycle.
The device is artificial using Atmels high concentration non volatile memory technology. The On chip ISP Flash permit
the program memory to be reprogrammed in-system from side to side an SPI serial interface, by a conformist non volatile
memory programmer, or by an On-chip Boot program running on the AVR core. By combining an 8-bit RISC CPU with InSystem Self-Programmable Flash on a huge chip, the Atmel ATmega16 is a authoritative microcontroller that provides a highlyflexible and gainful solution to many embedded control applications. The ATmega1L AVR is supported with a full set of
program and system progress tools counting C compilers, macroassemblers,.program debugger/simulators, in-circuit emulators,
and estimate kits.
In the current work we have designed following hardware systems:
A soil moisture sensor are excited by giving suitable power supply of 5V each and is connected to lower four bits of Port A.
Port A pins are internally connected to ADC on chip which is of 10 bit resolution. The sensor senses the amount of moisture
present in the soil and presents an output in the form of analog voltage ranging between 1.7V (fully saturated condition) to 4.5V
(completely dried condition) respectively. The sensor values which are in analog form are converted to digital values and are
stored in the ADC data registers ADCL and ADCH respectively. The average of all the sensor values is computed and is used to
decide the condition of the relay which controls the valve and thus watering the field for predefined amount of time.
The Microcontroller and soil moisture sensor based irrigation system proves to be a real time response control system
which monitors and wheel all the activities of irrigation system. The present system is a model to modernize the agriculture
industries at a mass scale with optimum expenditure. In this paper, an automated irrigation model is proposed using different
circuits as demonstrated in different figures. We designed and implemented this model considering low cost, reliability,
alternate source of electric power and automatic control. As the proposed model is automatically controlled it will help the
farmers to properly irrigate their fields. The model always ensures the sufficient level of water in the paddy field avoiding the
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