Multinational Corporations
Multinational Corporations
Multinational Corporations
Learning Objectives
• define multinational corporations
• study the reasons for existence of multinational
• understand the advantages and disadvantages of
multinational corporations to host countries
Multinational Corporation – MNC
Multinational Corporation – MNC
Multinational Corporation – MNC
companies act locally but think globally
(Edwards, Marginson and Ferner 2013).
Discussions about MNCs……………….Con/…
MNCs have offices and/or factories in different
countries. (facilities and other assets)
head office where they coordinate global
Global profit maximization
Very large MNCs have budgets that exceed those of
many small countries.
According to UN data, some 35,000 companies have
direct investment in foreign countries, and the largest
100 of them control about 40 percent of world trade.
Nearly all major MNCs are either American, Japanese
or Western European.
Manufacturing MNCs
Export Stage
Market Seeking
Cost Minimization
Knowledge Seeking
• Employment Generation
MNCs create large scale employment opportunities in host countries. This
is a big advantage of MNCs for countries; where there is a lot of
• Technical Development
MNCs carry the advantages of technical development in host countries.
In fact, MNCs are a vehicle for transference of technical development
from one country to another. Because of MNCs, poor host countries also
begin to develop technically.
• Managerial Development
MNCs employ latest management techniques. People employed by
MNCs do a lot of research in management. In a way, they help to
professionalize management along latest lines of management theory
and practice. This leads to managerial development in host countries.
For market promotion and development multinational
companies have big budgets. They provide competition to
domestic countries and this makes them gain monopoly
Loss of Natural Resources
MNCs use natural resources of the home country in order to
make huge profit which results in the depletion of the
resources thus causing a loss of natural resources for the
Inappropriate Technology
The use of technology by the multinational company may
either be out of date or too advanced for the host country
to follow. The local people may not receive proper training
for this leading to unemployment
Economic exploitation
Multinational companies are guided by a motive of profit.
It may offer low pay wages to local people and they can
charge high price of their products to make use of their