Handout-13: Learning Objectives
Handout-13: Learning Objectives
Handout-13: Learning Objectives
Learning Objectives:
define income and output determination
Explain two sector model economy
differentiate consumption function and consumption equation
illustrate income determination of two sector model economy by formula
interpret income determination of two sector model economy by graph
This hypothetical economy provides a simple and very convenient starting point to
understanding the Keynesian theory of income determination.
1. there are only two sectors house hold and firm
2. there is no government sector
3. the total household income equals to disposable income either spend it or
save it
4. it is a closed economy no foreign sector
5. in the business sector, there is no corporate savings or retained earnings
6. all prices including factor prices remain constant.
7. the supply of capital and technology are given
Consumption Function
The consumption function refers to functional relationship between total consumption
and gross national income.
C = f (Y)
C: - consumption
Y: - income
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C = Ca + bYd
C: aggregate consumption
Ca: autonomous consumption
b: marginal propensity to consume
Yd: disposable income
Note: Keynes consumption function is the short run consumption function, which is
function of income. Here the factors other than income are assumed to be
constant in the short run.
Y = Ca + bY + IO
Y bY = Ca + IO
Y (1 b) = Ca + IO
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Ca Io
1 b
Y= (Ca I )
1 b
1. Io is autonomous because it doesnt depend on income.
2. Y = (Ca I )
1 b
C = Ca + bY (1)
Y= (Ca I ) (2)
1 b
C = Ca + b (Ca + Io)
(1 b)
C = Ca + (Ca + Io)
(1 b)
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1. Raj Kumar and Kuldip Gupta, Managerial Economics; Revised Edition, 2006;
UDH Publishers & Distributors (Pvt) Ltd, New Delhi.
2. H.L.Ahuja; Macro Economics: Theory & Practice., 10 Th Edition (2004).
S.Chand & Company, NewDelhi.
3. D.N.Dwivedi., Macro Economics: Theory & Practice.,3rd Edition (2012).,Tata
McGraw Hill, NewDelhi.
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