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NX Body Design

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NX Body Design

Streamlining the task of automotive Body in White design

Benefits Summary
• Significantly reduces NX™ Body Design software is a collection of integrated functions and wizards
design time tailored to the specialized task of automotive Body in White (BiW) design.
• Enables rapid evaluation Built upon the NX architecture, NX Body Design provides designers and
of design alternatives engineers with processes based on industry-leading best practices that allow
• Provides built-in design, quick and simple creation and validation of Body in White components.
criteria validation and
feedback through fast NX Body Design
analysis turnaround NX Body Design delivers advanced technologies for automotive Body in White
• Enhances the under- design. The robust features of these applications significantly improve
standing of manufacturing process automation and validation, promote best-practice design processes
criteria earlier in the and reduce design time. NX Body Design tools address a variety of tasks,
design process including:

Features B-pillar design The B-pillar wizard in NX Body Design produces a preliminary
• Automates B-pillar design design for the B-pillar area of a door. It enables designers to validate the
• Automates latch and hinge packaging that is dictated by the hinge, striker, check link and electrical
mounting on the vehicle conduit locations that are part of the door design. The B-pillar can also
door as well as analysis accommodate the seat belt retractor for the front seat.
of door swing
• Creates curves and Designers can use this function any time during the door design process to
surfaces used in validate that the B-pillar design meets the packaging requirements of the
construction of automotive front and rear door designs.
doors and door ring areas Through workflow automation,
of body side panels the B-pillar wizard significantly
• Automates modeling reduces design time, enables
of automotive body rapid evaluation of design
side panels alternatives and aids
• Provides automated design understanding of the feasibility
and study of glass drop of B-pillar designs earlier in the
within the door structure design process.
• Identifies potential impact
zones of stone impingement Glass drop The Glass Drop
• Evaluates formability wizard performs studies of how
characteristics for an window glass drops in a car
evolving part and provides door. Given a styling surface
recommendations for representing the glass, the The Glass Drop wizard in NX Body Design assists
resolving forming problems wizard produces a barrel in determining how window glass drops in the
vehicle door.
surface capable of dropping


NX Body Design

into the door cavity along a helical path. Body side door opening The door
The software determines the optimum opening function creates an automobile
angle of drop and creates two solid bodies body side panel that includes the hinge
representing the channels that support the pillar, the A-pillar, the roof, the B-pillar, the
glass, along with geometric models of the rocker, the C-pillar and the dogleg areas
channels. This assists in visualizing the of the vehicle.
glass motion and calculating whether the
glass collides with any other objects as it Designers can use this tool with two-door,
drops into the door cavity. two-door and hatch, four-door and four-
door and hatch style vehicles. Four-door
Egress curve This tool creates an egress styles are supported including frame into
curve and an egress surface derived roof, frame under glass, frameless and
from it for use in the construction of an full frame. The output is a sheet body
NX Body Design includes tools for creating a
automotive door. This function is used in representing the entire side of the vehicle. vehicle body side door opening.
conjunction with the Door Opening wizard
to model the door ring area of the body Hinge location The Hinge Location wizard
side panel. The egress curve (B-line) is a performs a hinge location study for the
closed string of curves that defines the automotive door design process. Designers
shape of the door aperture. The egress can use the wizard at any stage of door
curve is associative to the side glass design to add hinges and validate that the
surface, the door inner surface (J-surface) door swings freely.
and the belt line. The egress surface is an
untrimmed surface that covers the The wizard creates the necessary geometry
opening of the door aperture. The upper and expressions to calculate the door rise.
portion of the egress surface is an offset of Designers can add checking features to
the side glass surface. The lower portion is automatically check that the door rise
an offset of the door inner surface. The remains within the required criteria range.
upper and lower portions are connected The wizard also assists in adding standard
by a transition region that bridges hinge components to an assembly and the
between the two, or optionally blends features required for mounting hinges to NX Body design performs hinge location studies
between them. the inner door. for the automotive door design process.

All data generated by this wizard is

associative to the input geometry and
parameters, and can be updated without
data re-entry in response to design

Stone impingement The Stone Impinge- thinning. Designers should use other
ment function helps determine the analysis tools such as the DFM advisor
locations on the body panels that could in NX Die Engineering to identify potential
be struck by stones thrown from a tire. problem areas before using this tool.

This tool is most useful after completion The Sectional Formability advisor
of the layout of the side panels and again graphically highlights problem segments
when the vehicle’s styling surfaces have and offers advice on how to revise the
been finalized. When affected body panels shape of the section to improve formability
are likely to be damaged by stone-throw, which can be used with NX modeling tools
designers can avoid possible damage by to revise the shape. The analysis is invoked
relocating affected body faces or by continuously to determine the formability
creating blocking faces that prevent stones of the revised section.
from reaching the body.

Based on input of tire dimensions, body

faces and vehicle height, the software
calculates and displays paths on the body
faces from stones emanating from
horizontal paths across the tire.

Sectional formability The Sectional

Formability advisor gives sheet metal
designers a convenient method to evaluate
the formability characteristics of an
evolving product part, and offers
recommendations to correct problems.
The Stone Impingement function determines
It assists in analyzing potential forming
locations on the body panels that could be struck
problems, such as wrinkling, tearing or by stones thrown from a tire.

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