Course Exit Survey - DCS
Course Exit Survey - DCS
Course Exit Survey - DCS
Dear Students,
In order to improve the teaching and learning of the course, a questionnaire is given below to obtain feedback from you
on the achievement of the course outcome. For each question, please put tick mark in the appropriate box.
CO-2. Rate your ability to solve problems using counting techniques and combinatorics.
a) Very Strong b) Strong c) Weak d) Very Weak e) Unsure
CO-3. Are you able to verify the validity of an argument using propositional and predicate logic?
a) Very Good b) Good c) Fair d) Poor e) Very Poor
CO-4. Are you able to apply recurrence relations to solve problems in different domains?
a) Very Good b) Good c) Fair d) Poor e) Very Poor
Are you able to construct proofs using proof by contradiction, proof by contrapositive and by mathematical
a) Very Good b) Good c) Fair d) Poor e) Very Poor