TN TRB Polytechnic Lecturer CSE Answer Key
TN TRB Polytechnic Lecturer CSE Answer Key
TN TRB Polytechnic Lecturer CSE Answer Key
Question No.1
Evolutionary prototyping is generally preferred than throwaway prototyping, because it.
(A) is more easier to develop the end product
(B) allows reuse of the initial prototype
(C) is more reliable
(D) does not require customer involvement
Answer: (B) allows reuse of the initial prototype
Question No.2
Veera Pandya Kattabomman was hanged on ________.
(A) October 17, 1800
(B) October 1, 1799
(C) October 16, 1799
(D) October 10, 1799
Answer: (C) October 16, 1799
Question No.3
Let s be a set with 100 elements. Then the number of proper subsets of s with even number of
elements, is :
(A) 250–1
(B) 299–2
(C) 299–1
(D) 250–2
Answer: (C) 299–1
Question No.4
Cyclomatic complexity metric provides designer with information regarding the number of :
(A) Cycles in the program
(B) Independent logic paths in the program
(C) Errors in the program
(D) Statement in the program
Answer: (B) Independent logic paths in the program
Question No.5
In graph colouring where labels are colours, a k-colouring is proper if :
(A) all odd degree vertices have different labels
(B) adjacent vertices have same labels
(C) all even degree vertices have different labels
(D) adjacent vertices have different labels
Answer: (D) adjacent vertices have different labels
Question No.6
Which memory is used to increase the speed of processing by making current programs and data
available to the CPU at the rapid
rate ?
(A) Floppy disk
(B) Magnetic tape
(C) Cache memory
(D) Main memory
Answer: (C) Cache memory
Question No.7
During an FTP session, the data connection is opened __________.
(A) Exactly thrice
(B) As many times as necessary
(C) Exactly twice
(D) Exactly once
Answer: (B) or (D)
Question No.8
Answer: (C ) or (D)
Question No.9
In 3D viewing, the vector to refer the positive y-axis is called as :
(A) normal vector
(B) planar vector
(C) unit vector
(D) view up vector
Answer: (A) or (B)
Question No.10
Which of the following electron carrier carries two electrons and two H+
from PS II to PS I Quantosome ?
(A) Plastocyanin
(B) Cytochrome
(C) Plastoquinones
(D) Ferridoxin
Answer: (C) Plastoquinones
Question No.11
Which one of the following models is not suitable for accommodating any changes ?
(B) SPIRAL Model
(C) RAD Model
Answer: (A) WATERFALL Model
Question No.12
Answer: (C )
Question No.14
Javascript was created by :
(A) Apple
(B) Microsoft
(C) Netscape
Answer: (C) Netscape
Question No.15
Give the name of the table that indicates which blocks on secondary storage are free and available for
allocation to files :
(A) File allocation table
(B) Disk allocation table
(C) Data allocation table
(D) Index table
Answer: (A) File allocation table
Question No.16
Medical imaging and similar application that require display of object cross sections commonly use
__________ representation.
(A) Sweep
(B) Octree
(C) Fractals
(D) Planar
Answer: (D) Planar
Question No.17
Answer: (A)
Question No.18
Token ring allows each station to send __________ frame per turn.
(A) Zero
(B) Three
(C) Two
(D) One
Answer: (B) or (D)
Question No.19
Which printer uses a rotating photographic drum that is used to imprint the character images ?
(A) Dot matrix printer
(B) Dairy wheel printer
(C) Drum printer
(D) Lazer printer
Answer: (C) or (D)
Question No.20
What happens if the time allocated in a round-robin scheduling is very large ?
(A) Overhead occurs
(B) Goes to blocked state
(C) Results in FCFS scheduling
(D) Terminate scheduling
Answer: (C) Results in FCFS scheduling
Question No.21
The average time required to reach a storage location in memory and obtain its contents is called
(A) seek time
(B) access time
(C) transfer time
(D) average time
Answer: (B) access time
Question No.22
In a Boolean Algebra, the value of the expressions x + xy = __________ and x(x + y) =
(A)Y, Y’
(B) X, X
(C)X, Y’
(D)X’, Y
Answer: (B) X, X
Question No.23
What are the ranges for the port numbers in TCP/IP protocol suite ?
(A) 0 to 65,535
(B) 1 to 65535
(C) 65,536
(D) 0 to 65536
Answer: (A) 0 to 65,535
Question No.24
The set of Real Numbers is __________.
(A) finite
(B) uncountable
(C) countable
(D) infinite
Answer: (B) and (D)
Question No.25
A software process model is :
(A) a representation of the way in which s/w processes the data
(B) a representation of the way in which s/w is developed
(C) a representation of the way in which s/w is used
(D) a representation of the way in which s/w may fail
Answer: (A) and (B)
Question No.26
An array based stack implementation where N is the size of the array and n is the number of elements
in the stack, has a space
complexity of :
(A) 0 (n)
(B) 0 (N + n)
(C) 0 (N· n)
(D) 0 (N)
Answer: (D) 0 (N)
Question No.27
The following grammar is
(A) not LR(1)
(B) LR(1) but not LALR(1)
(C) LALR(1)
(D) not LALR(1)
Answer: (B) LR(1) but not LALR(1)
Question No.28
Which is the correct syntax for referring to an external script called "demo. is" ?
Answer: (C )
Question No.29
Dr. M.S. Subbulakshmi has been distinguished in the field of :
(A) Vocal Music
(B) Kathak
(C) Playing Violin
(D) Bharatha Natiyam
Answer: (A) Vocal Music
Question No.30
In which memory, the data can be stored as change on capacitors ?
Answer: (D) DRAM
Question No.31
(A) ac
(B) ca
(C) bc
(D) cb
Answer: (A) or (C)
Question No.32
The Negation of the statement "All students in this section are clever".
(A) No student in this section is clever
(B) All students in this section are not clever
(C) There exists a student in this section, is clever
(D) There exists a student in this section, is not clever
Answer: (D) There exists a student in this section, is not clever
Question No.33
Which command is used to change the column's definition in a table ?
(A) Modify table
(B) Drop table
(C) Alter table
(D) Create table
Answer: (C) Alter table
Question No.34
In a Syntax Directed Definition (SDD), an inherited attribute at Node N is defined only in terms of
attributes value at __________.
(A) N's Parent, N itself and N's Siblings
(B) The Node N itself
(C) N's Parent
(D) N's Siblings
Answer: (A) N's Parent, N itself and N's Siblings
Question No.35
Identify which is not a consumable resource :
(A) messages
(B) signals
(C) interrupts
(D) I/O
Answer: (D) I/O
Question No.36
A simple measure of reliability is Mean_Time_Between_Failure (MTBF) and is given by __________.
Where MTTF is MeanTime_To_Failure and MTTR is Mean_Time_To_Repair.
(B) (MTTF-MTTR)X100%
Answer: (A) or (D)
Question No.37
Which signal CPU activates to inform the external DMA that the buses are in high impedance state ?
(A) bus grant
(B) burst transfer
(C) interrupt signal
(D) bus request
Answer: (A) bus grant
Question No.38
A good data structure to use when there are unknown number of items to store is :
(A) linked list
(B) stacks implemented as arrays
(C) array
(D) queues implemented as arrays
Answer: (A) linked list
Question No.39
Which of these is not a characteristic of red-black trees ?
(A) paths from the root to any leaf have the same number of black nodes
(B) children of a red node are always black
(C) it is a binary search tree
(D) root node is always red
Answer: (D) root node is always red
Question No.40
The use of the cache is :
(A) to set a flag
(B) to provide temporary residence for instructions
(C) to enhance throughput
(D) to execute a sequence
Answer: (C) to enhance throughput
Question No.41
Mail services and delivery services are available to network users through the __________ layer.
(A) Data link
(B) Session
(C) Application
(D) Transport
Question No.42
A scaling transformation alters the size of an object. Scaling can be performed for polygons by
multiplying the coordinate values (x, y)
of each vertex by scaling factors sx
and sy
to produce the transformed coordinates (x1
, y1
= x. sx y1
= y. sy
Specifying a value of 1 for both sx
and sy
will :
(A) enlarge the size of the object
(B) moves the object close to the origin
(C) retains the size of the object
(D) reduce the size of the object
Answer: (C) retains the size of the object
Question No.43
Which technique can minimize the penalty incurred as a result of conditional branch instruction ?
(A) static branch prediction
(B) branch prediction
(C) delayed branching
(D) prefetching
Answer: (C) delayed branching
Question No.44
(A) 3, 4
(B) 4, 1
(C) 1, 4
(D) 1, 3
Answer: None
Question No.45
Which attribute is used to provide an advisory text about an element or its contents ?
(A) tooltip
(B) dir
(C) head
(D) title
Answer: (A) tooltip
Question No.46
Admiral Nelson took Doraisamy the son of Maruthu Pandyan as a prisoner to :
(A) Singapore
(B) Penang
(C) Burma
(D) Andaman
Answer: (B) Penang
Question No.47
The approach of software testing is to design test cases to :
(A) understand the s/w
(B) break the s/w
(C) analyze the design of subprocesses in the s/w
(D) analyze the o/p of the s/w
Answer: (B) break the s/w
Question No.48
When two or more instructions that are already in the pipeline need the same resource :
(A) control hazard
(B) data hazard
(C) delayed branch
(D) structural hazard
Answer: (D) structural hazard
Question No.49
What is an inode in unix :
(A) user instruction
(B) IO directory
(C) physical mapping
(D) file information
Answer: (D) file information
Question No.50
The character class for the set of characters that can appear at the end of a legitimate English Sentence
(eg : exclamation point) will
be :
(A) [? . !]
(B) [. ? ?]
(C) [. ! ?]
(D) [. ? !]
Answer: (A) or (D)
Question No.51
In distance vector routing, each router receives vectors from __________.
(A) A table stored by the software
(B) Every router in the network
(C) Its neighbors only
(D) Every router less than two units away
Answer: (C) Its neighbors only
Question No.52
Which one of the following transaction property ensures the persistence of data ?
(A) Durability
(B) Atomicity
(C) Isolation
(D) Consistency
Answer: (A) Durability
Question No.53
(A) Numerals
(B) Text
(C) Password
(D) Special characters
Answer: (B) Text
Question No.54
The three address code (3Ac) for the expression a=b[i]+c[ j ] is given as :
Answer: (D)
Question No.55
The non-leaf nodes of a B+ Tree has (with fixed value of n) :
Question No.56
Question No.58
Answer:(C ) or (D)
Question No.59
Which of these is false with regard to adjacency matrix of a simple graph ?
(A) The degree of a vertex v is the sum of the entries in the row for v.
(B) Every adjacency matrix is a non - symmetric matrix.
(C) The diagonal elements of an adjacency matrix are zeroes.
(D) An adjacency matrix has entries 0 or 1.
Answer: (B) Every adjacency matrix is a non - symmetric matrix.
Question No.60
With regard to P/NP class of problems, find the odd man out in the list :
(A) 2 - Colourability
(B) Eulerian circuit
(C) Hamiltonian cycle
(D) Planarity
Answer: (A) or (D)
Question No.61
The E-R feature which allows relationships among relationships is called :
(A) Generalization
(B) Specialization
(C) Aggregation
(D) Abstraction
Answer: (C) Aggregation
Question No.62
In Object oriented design of software, objects have :
(A) attributes and operations only
(B) attributes and name only
(C) attributes, name and operations only
(D) operations and name only
Answer: (B) attributes and name only
Question No.63
The C function f is defined by :
int f(int x, *Py, **PPz){
**PPz +=1; *Py+=2;
x+=3; return x+y+z;
Variable a is a pointer to b; variable b is a pointer to c and c is an integer currently with value 4. If we
call f(c, b, a), what is returned ?
(A) 20
(B) 18
(C) 22
(D) 21
Answer: (A) or (B)
Question No.64
Agile s/w development is based on :
(A) Iterative approach
(B) Both incremental and iterative approaches
(C) Incremental approach
(D) Linear approach
Answer: (A) or (B)
Question No.65
To find the node with the smallest value (MIN) in a binary search tree.
(A) Keep traversing left terminating when a node with no left subtree is found. That node is MIN.
(B) Simply access the root node. That node is MIN.
(C) Undertake a post-order traversal of the binary search tree. The last node is MIN.
(D) Traverse right, terminating when a node with no right subtree is found that node is MIN.
Answer: (A) Keep traversing left terminating when a node with no left subtree is found. That node is MIN.
Question No.66
Answer: (D)
Question No.67
For a select query,
Select * from loan where amount > 2000 and branch = 'TPK'
the equivalent relational algebra expression is :
Answer: (A)
Question No.68
When all fragments of a message have not been received within the designated amount of time, which
error message will send by
(A) Parameter - problem
(B) Timestamp - request
(C) Time - exceeded
(D) Source - quench
Answer: (C) Time - exceeded
Question No.69
The output from a compiler may be :
(A) system file
(B) application file
(C) machine readable file
(D) object code file
Answer: (C ) or (D)
Question No.70
Computation in a circle drawing can be reduced by considering :
(A) 10 - symmetry
(B) 3 - symmetry
(C) 8 - symmetry
(D) 6 - symmetry
Answer: (C) 8 - symmetry
Question No.71
When did the design of National flag was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India ?
(A) 20 July 1947
(B) 21 July 1947
(C) 22 July 1947
(D) 23 July 1947
Answer: (C) 22 July 1947
Question No.72
Which of the following networking device forwards every packet and has no filtering capability ?
(A) Brouter
(B) Router
(C) Bridge
(D) Repeater
Answer: (A), (B), (D)
Question No.73
A group that causes deepening of the colour is known as :
(A) Hypsochromic
(B) Hyperchromic
(C) Hypochromic
(D) Bathochromic
Answer: (C)
Question No.74
The integrity of a file system is checked out by using __________ instruction.
(A) termcap
(B) fsck
(C) cshrc
(D) syplog
Answer: (B) fsck
Question No.75
Assume a page reference string for a process with 'm' frames (initially all empty). The page reference
string has length 'p' with 'n'
distinct page number occuring in it. For any page-replacement algorithms, what is a lower bound and
an upper bound on the number
of page faults ?
(A) n, p
(B) n, p/2
(C) n/2, p
(D) p, n
Answer: (A) n, p
Question No.76
________ established the Gandhi Ashram at Trichengodu.
(A) Rajaji
(B) Subramaniya Ayyar
(C) Sathyamurthi
(D) Kamaraj
Answer: (A) Rajaji
Question No.77
The SQL command used to delete the structure and contents of a table is :
(A) Truncate
(B) Drop
(C) Remove
(D) Delete
Answer: (B) Drop
Question No.78
In __________ ARQ, if a NAK is received, only the specific damaged or lost frame is retransmitted.
(A) Go-back-n
(B) Stop-and-wait
(D) Selective-reject
Answer: (D) Selective-reject
Question No.79
Which of the following statement is not true about view serializability ?
(A) Every view serializable schedule is also conflict serializable
(B) Every conflict serializable schedule is also view serializable
(C) View serializable schedule may contain blind writes
(D) View serializable schedule is view equivalent to a serial schedule
Answer: (A)
Question No.80
When the projection is not perpendicular to the view plane, we have __________ projection.
(A) orthographic
(B) isometric
(C) oblique
(D) perspective
Answer: (C) oblique
Question No.81
__________ transformation do not deform the object.
(A) Reflection
(B) Shear
(C) Scaling
(D) Translation
Answer: (D) Translation
Question No.82
The following grammar G is
(A) SLR(1) but not LL(1)
(B) SLR(1)
(C) Not SLR(1)
(D) LL(1)
Answer: (C)
Question No.83
Madras High Court was started in the year :
(A) 1865
(B) 1862
(C) 1864
(D) 1870
Answer: (B) 1862
Question No.84
Name the concept used in large computer system that permit the user to construct programs as though
large memory space were
available, equal to auxillary memory.
(A) Main memory
(B) Dynamic random access memory
(C) Virtual memory
(D) Cache memory
Answer: (C) Virtual memory
Question No.85
Which is the valid data type in SQL ?
(A) Number, Integer, and Varchar
(B) Number
(C) Integer
(D) Varchar
Answer: (A) Number, Integer, and Varchar
Question No.86
In a Parse or derivation tree the root node is always represented as :
(A) Terminal or Non-Terminal
(B) Start Symbol
(C) Non-Terminal
(D) Terminal
Answer: (B) Start Symbol
Question No.87
River Periyar rises near :
(A) Devarmalai
(B) Elamalai
(C) Pushpagiri
(D) Agastyamalai
Answer: (A) or (B)
Question No.88
The output of syntax Analysis phase of the compiler is :
(A) Syntax tree
(B) Abstract Syntax tree
(C) Intermediate code
(D) Tokens
Answer: (A) Syntax tree
Question No.89
The operations performed on a semaphore are :
(A) Initialize, Decrement, Increment
(B) Increment
(C) Initialize
(D) Decrement
Answer: (A) Initialize, Decrement, Increment
Question No.90
Bresenham line drawing algorithm scan converts lines using :
(A) incremental integer calculations
(B) non-linear calculations
(C) multiplicative calculations
(D) incremental decimal calculations
Answer: (A) incremental integer calculations
Question No.91
In Ethernet, the source address field in the MAC frame is __________ address.
(A) The original sender's service port
(B) The previous station's physical
(C) The next destination's physical
(D) The original sender's physical
Answer: (B) The previous station's physical
Question No.92
Which one of the following statements is false ?
(A) No polynomial time algorithm is known for any of the many NP - complete problems.
(B) If some NP complete problem belongs to P, then P ≠ NP.
(C) A problem is NP complete if it belongs to NP and is NP - Hard.
(D) Eulerian circuit is a problem in P.
Answer: (D) Eulerian circuit is a problem in P.
Question No.93
Which of the following is desirable property of a module ?
(A) Independency
(B) Low cohesiveness
(C) Multi-functional
(D) High coupling
Answer: (A) Independency
Question No.94
One of the following standards is not related to software configuration management.
(A) ISO 10007-2001
(B) ISO10007-1995
(C) IEEE 828
(D) IEEE 1042
Answer: (A) ISO 10007-2001
Question No.95
Which of the following incorporates all communication in a home or building into a single interface ?
Answer: (D) ISDN
Question No.96
(A) src
(B) alt
(C) text
(D) content
Answer: (B) alt
Question No.97
(A) Attribute A5 is multivalued attribute
(B) Attribute A2 is multivalued attribute
(C) Attribute A1 is primary key
(D) Attribute A3 is derived attribute
Answer: (A) Attribute A5 is multivalued attribute
Question No.98
Given an array A [1: n] of integers, the worst - case running time to compute the maximum element is :
(A) 0 (n2)
(B) 0 (log n)
(C) 0 (n)
(D) 0 (1)
Answer: (C) 0 (n)
Question No.99
Two states p and q of a deterministic finite state automata (dfa) are called indistinguishable if :
Answer: (A)
Question No.100
Question No.101
HTTP status code for 'success' category starts with :
(A) 5
(B) 2
(C) 1
(D) 3
Answer: (B) 2
Question No.102
Which memory is used for implementing main memory ?
(B) Static RAM
(C) Cache memory
(D) Dynamic RAM
Answer: (D) Dynamic RAM
Question No.103
In Cohen - Sutherland line clipping algorithm, a line segment with region codes 1001 and 0101 is :
(A) completely within the window
(B) on the window boundary
(C) completely outside the window
(D) partially within the window
Answer: (C) completely outside the window
Question No.104
The time complexity of undertaking insertion, deletion and look-up of a key, in a reasonably balanced
binary search tree is :
(A) 0 (log n), 0 (n), 0 (n)
(B) 0 (n), 0(n), 0(n)
(C) 0 (n), 0 (log n), 0 (n)
(D) 0 (log n), 0 (log n), 0 (log n)
Answer: (D) 0 (log n), 0 (log n), 0 (log n)
Question No.105
In a gambling game, a man is paid $5, if he gets all heads or all tails when three coins are tossed and he
will pay out $3 if either one
or two heads show. Then his expected value is :
(C) 1
(D) –1
Answer: (D) –1
Question No.106
The location of a file on the internet is called its :
(A) Uniform Resource Identity
(B) Universal Resource Locator
(C) Universal Resource Identity
(D) Uniform Resource Locator
Answer: (D) Uniform Resource Locator
Question No.107
Two curves are said to be connected at a point with first order continuity if :
(A) The tangents to both the curves at that point is equal.
(B) There is discontinuity of both the curves at that point.
(C) The curvature to both the curves at that point is equal.
(D) Both curves simply meet at a point.
Answer: (D) Both curves simply meet at a point.
Question No.108
The system of equations
–2x + y + z = a
x – 2y + z = b
x + y – 2z = c
will have non-trivial solutions, if __________.
(A) a + b – c = 0
(B) a + b + c = 0
(C) –a + b + c = 0
(D) a – b + c = 0
Answer: (B) a + b + c = 0
Question No.109
The __________ operator returns the second operand if the first operand is true, otherwise, returns the
third operand.
(A) Conditional operator
(B) Logical operator
(C) Relational operator
(D) Assignment operator
Answer: (A) Conditional operator
Question No.110
Paging suffers from __________ and segmentation suffers from __________.
(A) fixed partitioning, dynamic partioning
(B) External fragmentation, Internal fragmentation
(C) Internal fragmentation, External fragmentation
(D) dynamic linking, dynamic loading
Answer: (C) Internal fragmentation, External fragmentation
Question No.1
Question No.2
Find the maximum or minimum value of f(x, y) = x3 + y3 – 3xy.
(A) – 2
(B) 2
(C) – 1
(D) 1
Answer: None
Question No.3
The difference between hard microprogramming and soft microprogramming is that :
(A) Hard microprograms are changeable and soft microprograms are fixed
(B) Hard microprogramming is really a hardwired control unit implementation
(C) There is little difference between them
(D) Hard microprograms are generally fixed and soft microprograms are changeable
Answer: (D) Hard microprograms are generally fixed and soft microprograms are changeable
Question No.4
In a file which contains 1 million records and the order of the tree is 100, then what is the maximum
number of nodes to be accessed
if B+ tree index is used ?
(A) 10
(B) 4
(C) 3
(D) 5
Answer: (B) 4
Question No.5
The expansion for NTSC is given as :
(A) National telephonic standards committee
(B) National telecommunication search committee
(C) National television search committee
(D) National television standards committee
Answer: (D) National television standards committee
Question No.6
Consider the following three statements about link state and distance vector routing protocols, for a
large network with 500 network nodes and 4000 links.
(S1) The computational overhead in linkstate protocols is higher than in distance vector protocols.
(S2) A distance vector protocol (with splithorizon) avoids persistent routing loops, but not a link state
(S3) After a topology change, a link stage protocol will coverage faster than adistance vector protocol.
Which one of the following is correct about S1,S2 and S3 ?
(A) S1and S3 are true, but S2 is false.
(B) S1 and S2 are true, but S3 is false.
(C) S1, S2 and S3 are all false.
(D) S1, S2and S3 are all true.
Answer: (A) S1and S3 are true, but S2 is false.
Question No.7
(A) 3
(B) 4
(C) 2
(D) 1
Answer: (C) 2
Question No.8
In solving the system of equations
4x + 3y – z = 6
3x + 5y + 3z = 4
by LU decomposition method the lower triangular matrix L is :
Answer: (D)
Question No.9
The command of Javascript window.set Interval ("update time( )", 100) performs :
(A) It calls update time function only once after 100 seconds delay.
(B) It calls update time function after 100 minutes of delay.
(C) It calls update time function for every 100 milliseconds.
(D) It calls update time function for every 100 seconds.
Answer: (D) It calls update time function for every 100 seconds.
Question No.10
Let L = {ank
|K > 0 and n is a positive integer constant} Which of the minimum number of states needed in a DFA
to recognize L ?
(A) K + 1
(B) 2K+1
(C) n + 1
Answer: (C) n + 1
Question No.11
(A) {E}
(B) {E, F, H, K, L}
(C) {E, F}
(D) {E, F, H}
Answer: (D)
Question No.12
Memory required for IPV4 and IPV6 are :
(A) 32 and 64 bits
(B) 32 and 128 bits
(C) 64 and 128 bits
(D) 48 and 64 bits
Answer: (B) 32 and 128 bits
Question No.13
Answer: (B) or (D)
Question No.14
The primary purpose of configuration status reporting is to __________.
(A) Describe the defined risks
(B) Allow revision of project schedule and cost estimates by project managers
(C) Evaluate the performance of software development and organizations
(D) Make sure that change information is communicated to all affected parties
Answer: (D) Make sure that change information is communicated to all affected parties
Question No.15
A __________ software provides an integrated environment for binding together all multimedia objects
to create a full fledged
multimedia application.
(A) Authoring
(B) Image editing
(C) Video editing
(D) Audio editing
Answer: (A) Authoring
Question No.16
Answer: (C)
Question No.17
(A) 3, 2
(B) 5, 7
(C) 1, 5
(D) 6, 1
Answer: (D) 6, 1
Question No.18
Let G be a complete undirected graph on 4 vertices, having 6 edges with weights being 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and
6. The maximum possible
weight that a minimum weight spanning tree of G can have is :
(A) 6
(B) 8
(C) 7
(D) 9
Answer: (C) 7
Question No.19
A graphical HTML browser resident at a network client machine Q accesses a static HTML webpage
from a HTTP server S. The
static HTML page has exactly one static embedded image which is also at S. Assuming no coaching,
which one of the following is
correct about the HTML webpage leading (including the embedded image ?)
(A) A single HTTP request from Q to S is sufficient, and a single TCP connection between Q and S is
necessary for this.
(B) Q needs to send atleast 2 HTTP requests to S, each necessarily in a separate TCP connection to
server S.
(C) A single HTTP request from Q to S is sufficient, and this is possible without any TCP connection
between Q and S.
(D) Q needs to send atleast 2 HTTP requests to S, but a single TCP connection to server S is sufficient.
Answer: (B) Q needs to send atleast 2 HTTP requests to S, each necessarily in a separate TCP
connection to server S.
Question No.20
Let relations r1 (A, B, C) and r2 (C, D, E) have the following properties : r1 has 20,000 tuples, r2 has
45,000 tuples, 25 tuples of r1 fit
on one block, and 30 tuples of r2 fit on one block. Estimate the number of block accesses required,
using Nested loop join strategies
for r1 natural join r2. Consider the worst case where buffer can hold one block of each relation.
Consider r1 as outer relation.
(A) 36001500
(B) 2300
(C) 2800
(D) 30000800
Answer: (A) 36001500
Question No.21
In servlet, which one is a interface used to describe the results of an SQL statement that has
successfully been executed on a
database ?
(A) Java.sql.DAO
(B) Java.sql.RDO
(C) Java.sql.Result Set
(D) Java.sql.DDL
Answer: (C) Java.sql.Result Set
Question No.22
(A) (i)-(b), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(a)
(B) (i)-(a), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(b)
(C) (i)-(a), (ii)-(b), (iii)-(c)
(D) (i)-(c), (ii)-(a), (iii)-(b)
Answer: (A) (i)-(b), (ii)-(c), (iii)-(a)
Question No.23
If the set A has 6 elements and the set B has 3 elements, then the number of functions from A to B is
equal to :
(A) 18
(B) 216
(C) 2
(D) 729
Answer: (D) 729
Question No.24
Suppose a system has only three physical pages. Given the following sequence of virtual page
references, which of the following is
the number of page faults that are required using first-in-first out replacement policy. Initially, assume
that the physical pages are not
being used by any virtual page.
(A) 10
(B) 12
(C) 11
(D) 9
Answer: (D) 9
Question No.25
Code motion moves :
(A) loop - invariant instructions in the loop into the pre-header of the loop
(B) All instructions in the loop outside the loop
(C) All instructions in the loop into the pre-header of the loop
(D) Loop - invariant instructions outside the loop
Answer: (A) loop - invariant instructions in the loop into the pre-header of the loop
Question No.26
The size of the congestion window of a TCP connection is 32 KB when a timeout occurs. The round
trip time of the connection 100
msec and the max. Segment size used is 2KB. The time taken (msec) by the TCP connection to get
back to 32KB congestion window
is :
(A) 1100 to 1300
(B) 1500 to 1700
(C) 800 to 1000
(D) 1400 to 1600
Answer: (A) 1100 to 1300
Question No.27
Question No.28
The window to viewport transformation equation for a point (xw, yw) in a window to a point (xv, yv)
in viewport co-ordinates is given as
Answer: (D)
Question No.29
(A) 5
(B) 4
(C) 2
(D) 3
Answer: (D) 3
Question No.30
Where is the prototyping model of software development well suited ?
(A) For projects with large development teams
(B) When a customer cannot define requirements clearly
(C) When requirements are well defined
(D) Change control task
Answer: (B) When a customer cannot define requirements clearly
Question No.31
In a write through technique of memory write operation,
(A) Only the main memory is updated with modified bit and cache updated later.
(B) Only the cache is updated and main memory is never updated.
(C) Only the cache location is updated and the modified block is sent to main memory later.
(D) Both the cache memory and main memory are updated simultaneously.
Answer: (D) Both the cache memory and main memory are updated simultaneously.
Question No.32
Consider R (A, B, C) with FDs { A → {B, C},
B → C, A → B, {A, B} → C}. The canonical cover for the given FD is :
(A) A → C, B → C, C →
{A, B}
(B) A → C, C → B, B → A
(C) Both A → C, C → B,
B → A and A → C,
B → C, C → {A, B}
(D) A → C, B → A, C → B
Answer: None
Question No.33
Which is a key e-CRM technique to tailor messages according to stated preferences or observed buying
behaviour ?
(A) Targetting
(B) Security
(C) Shopping cart
(D) Personalization
Answer: (D) Personalization
Question No.34
If the signed binary numbers 1000 and 1001 (in two's complement form) are added, the result will be :
(A) Obtained after taking complement of the sum
(B) Correct as a result of overflow
(C) Wrong as a result of overflow
(D) Correctly obtained with carry
Answer: (A) or (C)
Question No.35
A shared variable t, initialized to zero, is operated on by four concurrent processes W, X, Y, Z as
follows. Each of the processes W and X reads t from memory, increments by one, stores it to memory,
and then terminates. Each of the processes Y and Z reads t from memory, decrements by two, stores it
to memory, and then terminates. Each process before reading t invokes the P operation (i.e.,
wait) on a counting semaphore S and invokes the V operation (i.e., signal)on the semaphore S after
storing t to memory. Semaphore S is initialized to two. What is the maximum possible value of t after
all processes complete execution ?
(A) –1
(B) 1
(C) –2
(D) 2
Answer:(D) 2
Question No.36
A task set is a collection of :
(A) Milestones, deliverables, metrics
(B) Task assignments, cost estimates, metrics
(C) Engineering work tasks, milestones, deliverables
(D) Responsibilities, milestones, documents
Answer: (C) Engineering work tasks, milestones, deliverables
Question No.37
A relational expression of the form E1 < relational operator> E2 where E1 and E2
are arithmetic expression denotes __________.
(A) Validation testing
(B) Loop testing
(C) Conditional testing
(D) Data flow testing
Answer: (C) Conditional testing
Question No.38
The __________ representation is used to model water, trees, plants and mountains.
(A) voxel
(B) pixel
(C) fractal
(D) octal
Answer: (C) fractal
Question No.39
A major difference between CISC and RISC processors is that :
(A) CISC processors have only load and store instructions to access memory.
(B) CISC processors have complex instructions that can directly operate on memory operands.
(C) CISC processors have got an instruction set whereas RISC processors do not have any instructions
set at all.
(D) CISC processors are more suited to pipelined operation.
Answer: (B) CISC processors have complex instructions that can directly operate on memory operands.
Question No.40
Which of the following relational algebra operations do not require the participating tables to be union-
compatible ?
(A) Union
(B) Join
(C) Difference
(D) Intersection
Answer: (B) Join