Arc Model PDF
Arc Model PDF
Arc Model PDF
Niklas Gustavsson
Evaluation and Simulation of Black-
box Arc Models for High Voltage
Niklas Gustavsson
The task for this Master thesis was to evaluate different black-box arc models for circuit-breakers
with the purpose of finding criteria for the breaking ability. A black-box model is a model that
requires no knowledge from the user of the underlying physical processes. Black-box arc models
have been used in circuit-breaker development for many years. Arc voltages from tests made in the
High Power Laboratory in Ludvika were used for validation, along with the resistance calculated
at current zero, R0, and 500 ns before current zero, R500.
Three different arc models were evaluated: Cassie-Mayr, KEMA and an arc model based on power
calculations. The third model gave very good results and if the model is developed further, the
breaking ability could easily be estimated.
The arc model based on power calculations could be improved by using better approximations of
the quantities in the model, and by representing the current better. A further suggestion for the
following work is to combine the second arc model tested, the KEMA model, with the model based
on power calculations in order to estimate the KEMA model parameters.
The R0 and R500 values should also be calculated from more tests, in order to find a clear limit of
the breaking ability.
Arc model, ATP, Circuit-breaker, High voltage
The task for this Master thesis was to evaluate different black-box arc
models for circuit-breakers with the purpose of finding criteria for the
breaking ability. A black-box model is a model that requires no knowledge
from the user of the underlying physical processes. Black-box arc models
have been used in circuit-breaker development for many years. Arc
voltages from tests made in the High Power Laboratory in Ludvika were
used for validation, along with the resistance calculated at current zero, R0,
and 500 ns before current zero, R500.
Three different arc models were evaluated: Cassie-Mayr, KEMA and an arc
model based on power calculations. The third model gave very good results
and if the model is developed further, the breaking ability could easily be
The R0 and R500 values should also be calculated from more tests, in order
to find a clear limit of the breaking ability.
This thesis would have been impossible to accomplish without the help
from some people.
1 INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................11
1.1 THE ABB GROUP .................................................................................11
1.1.1 Power Technologies .......................................................................11
1.1.2 Automation Technologies ...............................................................11
1.1.3 Oil, Gas and Petrochemicals..........................................................11
1.1.4 High Voltage Products unit ............................................................11
1.2 CIRCUIT-BREAKERS..............................................................................12
1.3 TESTING IN THE LABORATORY .............................................................13
1.3.1 Test circuit and method ..................................................................13
1.3.2 Measurements.................................................................................13
1.4 BLACK-BOX MODELS............................................................................15
2 PROBLEM FORMULATION...................................................................16
2.1 TASK ....................................................................................................16
2.2 PREREQUISITES ....................................................................................16
3.1 VALIDATION DATA ...............................................................................17
3.2 BREAKING ABILITY ..............................................................................18
3.2.1 Calculations of the arc resistance ..................................................19
3.2.2 Arc resistance from the validation data..........................................20
4 SOFTWARE................................................................................................22
4.1 ATP AND ATPDRAW ...........................................................................22
4.2 POSTPROCESSORS.................................................................................23
4.3 IMPLEMENTATION OF THE CIRCUIT-BREAKER MODEL...........................23
4.3.1 Model of the circuit-breaker and the arc........................................23
4.3.2 The test circuit ................................................................................24
5 CASSIE-MAYR ARC MODEL.................................................................26
5.1 MODEL EQUATIONS ..............................................................................26
5.2 IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................28
5.2.1 Transformation into discrete form..................................................28
5.2.2 Calculation of the resistance in the arc model ...............................28
5.3 MODEL PARAMETERS ...........................................................................29
5.4 MODEL VALIDATION ............................................................................30
5.4.1 Arc voltage......................................................................................30
5.4.2 Resistance .......................................................................................31
5.5 CONCLUSIONS AND COMMENTS............................................................32
6 KEMA ARC MODEL ................................................................................33
6.1 BACKGROUND ......................................................................................33
6.2 IMPLEMENTATION ................................................................................34
6.3 MODEL PARAMETERS ...........................................................................34
6.3.1 Circuit-breaker parameters ............................................................35
6.3.2 Free parameters .............................................................................35
6.4 MODEL VALIDATION ............................................................................36
6.4.1 Arc voltage......................................................................................36
6.4.2 Resistance .......................................................................................38
6.4.3 Comments .......................................................................................39
6.5 NEW DERIVATIVE APPROXIMATION ......................................................39
6.6 MODEL VALIDATION ............................................................................40
6.6.1 Arc voltage......................................................................................40
6.6.2 Resistance .......................................................................................42
6.7 CONCLUSIONS AND COMMENTS............................................................42
7 ARC MODEL USING POWER CALCULATIONS ...............................43
7.1 BACKGROUND ......................................................................................43
7.2 SIMPLIFICATIONS AND IMPLEMENTATION ............................................44
7.2.1 Speed, length, volume and temperature..........................................44
7.2.2 Area and radius ..............................................................................44
7.2.3 Pressure..........................................................................................46
7.2.4 Density............................................................................................48
7.2.5 Specific enthalpy.............................................................................49
7.2.6 Mass flows ......................................................................................50
7.3 MODEL EQUATIONS ..............................................................................51
7.4 MODEL VALIDATION ............................................................................54
7.4.1 Arc voltage......................................................................................54
7.4.2 Resistance .......................................................................................56
7.5 CONCLUSIONS AND COMMENTS............................................................59
8.1 COMPARISON OF THE ARC MODELS ......................................................60
8.2 RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................60
9 REFERENCES............................................................................................62
10 APPENDIX..................................................................................................63
10.1 CASSIE-MAYR MODEL PARAMETERS ....................................................63
10.2 KEMA MODEL PARAMETERS ...............................................................63
1 Introduction
This Master thesis has been performed at ABB Power Technologies, High
Voltage Products, in Ludvika. The thesis concerns evaluation and
simulation of different arc models for high voltage circuit-breakers.
High Voltage Alternating Current
High Voltage Direct Current
capacitors and cooling systems, where the first four are located in Ludvika
and the last in Landskrona.
High Voltage Products also have one of the most modern high power
laboratories in the world for testing of the products, the High Power
Laboratory, located in Ludvika.
1.2 Circuit-breakers
Circuit-breakers are used in power networks to interrupt the current of the
network if a fault appears, e.g. short circuits. They are also used to connect
or disconnect parts of the network. Figure 1-1 shows an 80 kA HPL420
1.3.2 Measurements
The electrical quantities that are measured in the laboratory are the current
source voltage, the voltage across the test circuit-breaker, the current
through the test circuit-breaker and the injected current. The motion in the
breaker along with gas pressures in different parts of the circuit-breaker are
also measured.
The most interesting quantities are the voltage across the test circuit-
breaker, which is equal to the arc voltage, and the current through this
breaker. The injected current is useful for determining if a test is a success
or failure. For a successful test, the injected current is just a half-period
long, because it has the same current zero as the current from the current
circuit. For a failure the injected current is longer. See Figure 1-3 and
Figure 1-4 for examples of this.
It is very difficult to calculate the state of a contact gap under the influence
of an arc even when using the most advanced calculating tools. Different
arc models have been implemented and give good results, but a desire is to
simulate the circuit-breaker together with a model of the test circuit used in
the laboratory. Therefore, an arc model must be implemented together with
the test circuit in a suitable program.
Problem formulation
2 Problem formulation
This thesis is meant to give a detailed study of different black-box models
with the purpose to evaluate, combine, improve and apply to already
existing circuit-breakers. In this section, the task will be defined and the
prerequisites will be given.
2.1 Task
• Evaluating known black-box models
During what part of the breaking period are they applicable?
How are they constructed?
On which relations and assumptions are they based?
• Combining the most promising models for the large- and small current
phases to receive a model for the entire breaking period.
Can the degree of simplifications be decreased?
Can the energy and mass equations from the existing ”physical”
models be used?
• Applying one or more of the following cases
Choose a circuit-breaker and a breaking case and make criteria of
tests already made.
Estimate the effect of different test circuits for a test case.
Estimate the performance of the circuit-breaker in a real network
(same test case as above).
The work will be based on evaluating known arc models and comparing
them to validation data. The best model will be compared to criteria for the
breaking ability.
2.2 Prerequisites
The arc models are to be implemented using a software package called
ATP. An existing arc model implemented in ATP was available, see [4].
The arc model was the Cassie-Mayr model presented in section 5. Also
some test circuits without any arc models were implemented [5]. This
combination served as a starting point for the continuing work.
Validation and criteria for the breaking ability
The quantities measured in these tests are described in section 1.3.2. The
most useful for validation is the arc voltage. By comparing it to the
calculations made using the arc model, the calculated voltage could be
calibrated to fit the measured one, and be used as a measure of the quality
of the arc models.
The tests were made under Short Line Fault conditions. Short Line Fault is
a type of fault that appears for instance when a tree has fallen over the line
some kilometres from the circuit-breaker, and is one of the breaking cases
that the breaker must be able to handle.
The amplitude and phase of the current differs between the test shots, but
current zero occurs at the point t = 25 ms for all test shots. Because the arc
models will only be evaluated during the arc period, good agreement for the
calculations is only required up to this point.
Validation and criteria for the breaking ability
The arc models in this thesis calculate the resistance of the arc. If the
resistance exceeds a certain value, depending on the input parameters, the
arc is extinguished and the current is interrupted. Otherwise, re-ignition
Validation and criteria for the breaking ability
lim u arc (t )
u (t ) dt
t →CZ
R0 = Rarc (t CZ ) = arc CZ =
i (t CZ ) d
lim i (t )
t →CZ dt
where uarc is the arc voltage, and i is the current through the circuit-breaker.
CZ stands for current zero. The derivatives can be re-written in a shorter
d du arc
lim u arc (t ) =&
t →CZ dt dt
d di
lim i (t ) =&
t →CZ dt dt
where du arc dt is the voltage steepness at current zero and di dt is the
steepness of the current.
R500 is calculated as a division of the arc voltage and current steepness prior
to current zero by using the following formula:
(u arc (t CZ − 500ns) − u arc (t CZ ) ) 500ns
R500 =
(i(t CZ − 20µs) − i(t CZ ) ) 20µs
Validation and criteria for the breaking ability
The area around current zero of the arc voltage and current are plotted in
Figure 3-3. These plots show the reason for calculating the voltage
steepness in a very short time interval. It is also shown that the peak of the
arc voltage has a deep impact on the breaking ability. The current behaves
almost linearly around current zero, so a longer time interval can be used
for calculating the current steepness.
Validation and criteria for the breaking ability
4 Software
In this section, there is a short description of the software used. The
implementation of the arc models and the test circuit will also be described.
ATPDraw is very easy to work with, even for new users. Standard
components can be selected and connected together to form a circuit. The
circuits are easy to understand because the components have common
looks. The user can also create own components by using so called
MODELS-objects with its code written as a text file. [8], [9]
The major drawback with ATP is that it is not possible handling variable
timesteps. It can sometimes be useful having a longer timestep for static
parts of the simulation and a smaller timestep for more dynamic parts.
Instead, a small timestep must be used for the whole simulation resulting in
very large output files, or a longer timestep can be used with the risk of
simulating an incorrect behaviour. Mostly, a compromise must be made.
4.2 Postprocessors
A postprocessor is a software used to present the calculated data in a
suitable way, e.g. as a plot. Different programs were used as
postprocessors, depending on the purpose. PlotXY works well with the .pl4
output files from ATP. It is fast and has a good zoom function. To be able
to compare calculated data with measured, ADAMS Postprocessor was
used. It can import ascii-data from different files and plot in the same
window to make easy comparisons between calculations and
measurements. The program can also make rather advanced calculations
with the imported data.
Input signals can be the current through the circuit-breaker, the voltage
over the circuit-breaker and the positions of the circuit-breaker switch and
the one representing the spark gap. The calculated resistance of the arc,
placed parallel to the switch, is the output signal.
When the switch is closed, the current flows right through it, and the
MODELS-code is not used. The circuit-breaker is then symbolised by a
very small resistance, about 10-5 Ω. When the switch is opened, the current
flows through the MODELS-controlled resistance, which represents the
arc. The size of the resistance is calculated by the model equations and
gives rise to an arc voltage. The opening time is chosen so that the expected
arcing time is obtained. After successful interruption the resistance
becomes very large, which symbolises that the arc is extinguished.
As shown in Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2 in the previous section, the current
from real tests is not always symmetrically sinus-shaped. Therefore an
exponential current source component was added to the circuit to represent
the DC-part of the current. In Figure 4-4, the calculated current is plotted
together with the measured for one of the test shots.
Cassie-Mayr arc model
P = u ⋅ i = Ploss +
where u is the arc voltage, i is the current through the breaker, Ploss is the
power loss of the arc and Q is the heat content. Further, the conductance G
is a function of Q:
G = G (Q ) = G (∫ (P − P loss )dt )
After differentiation the following expression is obtained:
dG dG (Q) dQ dG (Q) ′
= ⋅ = (P − Ploss ) ⇔ 1 dG = G (Q) (P − Ploss )
dt dQ dt dQ G dt G (Q)
To solve this equation, Ploss and G(Q) must be known. Cassie and Mayr
proposed models for solving the equation.
Some simple relations using Ohm’s law will be used in the derivation of
the models:
P =U ⋅I
U = R⋅I
P = U 2 ⋅G
Cassie-Mayr arc model
Cassie assumed that only convection3 causes the power losses, which
means that the temperature in the arc is constant. This implies that the
cross-section area of the arc, A, is proportional to the current and that the
voltage over the arc is constant. Using these assumptions, a linear relation
between G and Q is obtained. Further, Ploss = U c2 ⋅ G , where Uc is the arc
voltage. If these relations are inserted in the equation above, with
P = u 2 ⋅ G , the following equation is obtained:
1 dG U c2 ⋅ G u 2 1 u2
= 2 − 1 = 2 − 1
G dt Q Uc τc Uc
τc is the time-constant of the conductance because of change in cross-
section of the arc. By multiplying both sides of the equation with G, the
final expression is obtained, where index c stands for Cassie:
dGc 1 i ⋅u
= 2 − Gc
dt τc Uc
Mayr assumed power losses are caused by thermal conduction at small
currents. This means that the conductance is strongly temperature-
dependent but fairly independent of the cross-section area of the arc. The
area is therefore assumed constant. For constant specific heat capacity,
Q = const. ⋅ T , where T is the temperature. The electrical conductivity, σ,
can be expressed as σ = const. ⋅ e T , and G (Q ) = const. ⋅ e 0 . Mayr
further assumed that the relation between current and voltage is constant
and that Ploss = constant = P0. The following equation was then obtained:
1 dG P0 P 1 P
= − 1 = − 1
G dt Q0 P0 τm P0
τm is the time-constant because of change in temperature without power
input in the arc. Both sides of the equation are multiplied with G to obtain
the final expression below. Index m stands for Mayr.
dGm 1 i2
= − Gm
dt τ m P0
Cassie’s equation gives good results for large currents, while Mayr’s is
better for currents near zero. Therefore, a combination of the equations will
be used to obtain better result [10].
Heat transfer from motion of fluid or gas
Cassie-Mayr arc model
5.2 Implementation
Only Cassie’s equation can be used for large currents and only Mayr’s
around current zero, but that can cause problems at the transition between
the models. Hence it is better to use both equations at the same time and
series-connect the calculated conductances. For large currents almost all
voltage is at the Cassie part and just before current zero the Mayr part takes
over [10]. The total conductance is calculated as:
1 1 1
= +
G G m Gc
Gc ,n +1 − Gc ,n 1 in ⋅ u n ∆t in ⋅ u n ∆t
= − G ⇔ Gc ,n +1 = ⋅ + Gc ,n 1 −
τc Uc τc Uc τc
c , n
t n +1 − t n 2
These equations are the basis of the arc model. The resistance of the arc is
then calculated as the inverse of the conductance.
Cassie-Mayr arc model
Using the original values of the time-constants τm and τc gave rather good
results without any significant numerical errors. There were no problems
using a smaller timestep either. Hence, these values were used in all tests
with this model and no further work was made on determining other values
of these parameters.
Uc decides the size of the calculated arc voltage, which is constant when
using the Cassie-Mayr model. This is a major drawback, because the arc
voltage should be calculated by the model, and not set by an input
P0 represents the power loss of the arc, and controls the breaking ability.
The breaking ability increases with larger power loss. By gradually
decreasing P0, a limit for the breaking ability can be found. In Figure 5-1,
the smallest possible integer value of P0 before failure is plotted versus
different arcing times. It shows that P0 is virtually independent of the arcing
time. The breaking ability should vary with the arcing time though, so it is
difficult to estimate P0 for different test shots. P0 is therefore not very
suitable as a parameter controlling the breaking ability
Cassie-Mayr arc model
The arc voltage from the Cassie-Mayr model is constant during the whole
arc period and the model parameter Uc was used to set its level. Because of
this, the same curves were obtained when using a smaller timestep. The
voltage was set as accurate as possible for the final half-period, in order to
obtain good values of the resistance at current zero.
Figure 5-2: Arc voltage for 670551 using the Cassie-Mayr arc model
Cassie-Mayr arc model
Figure 5-3: Arc voltage for 670559 using the Cassie-Mayr arc model
5.4.2 Resistance
The calculated arc resistance for the test shot 670553 is plotted in Figure
5-4. The resistance looks almost the same for all test shots. It is shown in
the plot that the resistance reaches a constant level, around 108 Ω, after
current zero as described in section 5.2.2. Prior to current zero, the
resistance is rather small, in the order 10-2 Ω. This is a good illustration of
the circuit-breakers transition from a good conductor to a good insulator.
The large peaks after current zero are probably caused by numerical errors.
Because a value of the model parameter P0 that matches the actual test
shots can not be found, it is impossible to make a fair comparison between
the R0 and R500 values from calculations and validation data.
Cassie-Mayr arc model
KEMA arc model
6.1 Background
The KEMA model is described in [7], and an outline of that description is
given in this section.
The KEMA arc model is based on the classical equations of Mayr and
Cassie described in section 5. It consists of three modified Mayr models in
series, representing three sections of the arc. The parameters of each
submodel are a time constant Ti [s], a quantity Πi [Aλ-1V3-λ] related to
power loss and a dimensionless model parameter λi.
KEMA arc model
T2 = T1 k1
T3 = T2 k 2
Π 3 = k3Π 2
The first submodel is chosen to be a Cassie-Mayr type arc, the second
almost a pure Mayr arc, and the third is a pure Mayr arc. The values of λi
remain the same for all tests, while the breaker parameters k1, k2 and k3
depend on the actual circuit-breaker design. They keep their values during
all tests on the same circuit-breaker. T1, Π1 and Π2 are considered as free
parameters, describing the state of the circuit-breaker. These parameters
have a wide range of values and depend on the actual test conditions.
6.2 Implementation
As for the combined Cassie-Mayr arc model, the KEMA model will be re-
written into discrete form using the Euler forward approximation. The arc
voltage for the different arc sections of the model will be calculated as:
Ui =
where ib is the current flowing through the breaker. Further, the
conductances are calculated for each arc section according to:
∆t ∆t
Gi , n = Giλ,ni −1U i2 + 1 − Gi ,n −1
Ti Π i Ti
where index n denotes the current time sample and i = 1, 2 and 3 depending
on the submodel used.
The total conductance is then calculated the same way as with the Cassie-
Mayr model:
1 1 1 1
= −8
+ −8
G G1 + 10 G2 + 10 G3 + 10 −8
The resistance of the arc is then calculated as the inverse of the
KEMA arc model
In [7], the breaker parameter values are given for three types of circuit-
breakers: 72 kV, 123 kV and 145 kV. For a 145 kV circuit-breaker, which
is studied in this thesis, the values were
k1 = 5.7
k2 = 10
k3 = 100
These values were used as a start and gave good results. To get different
time constants other values were also used, but there were no significant
improvements of the calculations. Because of the good results obtained
using the values above, these were used in all the following calculations.
The parameters Π1, Π2 and Π3 are related to power loss. Because submodel
1 is a Cassie-Mayr type model, which works well for large currents, the
parameter Π1 controls the size of the arc voltage. Submodels 2 and 3 are
Mayr type models and are better for small currents. Π2 and Π3 therefore
determine the breaking ability, which increases with larger power loss.
KEMA arc model
KEMA arc model
Figure 6-2: Arc voltage for 670551 using the KEMA arc model
Figure 6-3: Arc voltage for 670553 using the KEMA arc model
KEMA arc model
Figure 6-4: Arc voltage for 670559 using the KEMA arc model
As shown in the plots, the KEMA model gives accurate results for the final
half-period when Π1 is given a suitable value. For the earlier parts, the
calculated arc voltage is a bit too high, but it is the final part that
determines the resistance at current zero.
6.4.2 Resistance
The arc resistance for the test shot 670551 is plotted in Figure 6-5. The plot
shows the same behaviour as for the Cassie-Mayr model, with a fast
transition from conductor to insulator at current zero.
The resistance oscillates heavy at current zero for some values of the time
constant T1. This is caused by numerical errors when the current reaches
KEMA arc model
zero, and could be solved using a smaller timestep. That requires even more
work on T1 though.
The advantage with the KEMA model over the combined Cassie-Mayr
model is that the model calculates the arc voltage itself, and is not
depending totally on an input parameter. That implies that the arc voltage is
determined more realistically and the result is a quantity that gives good
agreements with measured values from the laboratory. The arc resistance
also behaves realistically.
Quite a lot of work has to be done with determining proper values for T1,
and the arc resistance calculated by the model oscillates heavily at current
zero even for some otherwise proper values of T1. The oscillations occur
because of numerical errors when the current is approaching zero. A
smaller simulation timestep is therefore preferred. The present arc model
implementation requires even more work on determining the time constants
when using a smaller timestep though.
KEMA arc model
Figure 6-6: Arc voltage for 670551 using KEMA and Runge-Kutta
KEMA arc model
Figure 6-7: Arc voltage for 670553 using KEMA and Runge-Kutta
Figure 6-8: Arc voltage for 670559 using KEMA and Runge-Kutta
When using the Runge-Kutta method and a smaller timestep with the
KEMA model, the calculated arc voltage is a little less accurate compared
with the Euler forward method. This is illustrated for the shot 670559 in
Figure 6-9. The reason for this is unknown. The calculation time is also
longer when using Runge-Kutta but these disadvantages can be
compensated by the fact that it is easier finding well-functioning values of
T1 .
KEMA arc model
6.6.2 Resistance
The calculated resistance behaves in the same way as when using the Euler
forward method. As for the Cassie-Mayr model, it is very hard finding
values of the model parameter Π2 so the R0 and R500 values from the
calculations matches the values from the actual test shots.
Software for technical calculations developed by Mathworks
Arc model using power calculations
7.1 Background
The new model is based on equations from an arc model included in the
Breaker Simulation Toolkit in a software package called ADAMS5. This
model approximates the arc as a cylindrical volume, and takes different
flow areas, mass flow, power losses and gas states into consideration [11].
Only the power equations of that model, with some simplifications, will be
used here.
Arc model using power calculations
The goal is to find a model that is as simple as possible, but still gives
better results than the previous black-box models. Most of the numerical
constants used in the model are the same for all test shots. These constants
are found in Table 7 in the appendix. In all plots in this section with
comparison between ADAMS and ATP calculations, the solid curve is
ADAMS calculation and the dashed one is from ATP.
Arc model using power calculations
Arc model using power calculations
7.2.3 Pressure
The pressure of the arc is current-dependent, and also depends on the
relative length of the arc, . As a first approach, the pressure can
l max
therefore be calculated as p arc = p 0 + k p ⋅ i ⋅ .
l max
In Figure 7-4, the pressure is plotted against the product of current and
relative arc length for the ADAMS calculations. It is shown that there is not
a linear relation between these quantities. The last part of the pressure is
descending according to an exponential relation, e τ . There is, however,
not a big difference between calculating the pressure using the current-
dependent equation above all the way and using the exponential relation for
the last part. The model also becomes more complex with the exponential
relation, because it is difficult finding the point when the calculation of the
pressure should change. This point also differs between different test shots.
Arc model using power calculations
As for the area, the proportionality constant, kp, changes with the wear in
the circuit-breaker. Values of the constant for three of the test shots were
found by comparing to ADAMS-calculations and plotted against the
accumulated energy. The other values of the proportionality constant can be
obtained from Figure 7-5 by calculating the accumulated energy. The
values of kp for the test shots are found in Table 8 in the appendix.
In Figure 7-6, only the current-dependent equation is used and shows that
there is a fairly good correspondence between the quantities calculated in
ADAMS and ATP. Therefore, this relation will be used in the power
Arc model using power calculations
calculations as a start. If the results are bad, the more advanced exponential
relation will be used in the calculation.
7.2.4 Density
At temperatures over 2000 K, the mass density of the arc is independent of
the temperature. The density is, however, proportional to the magnitude of
the pressure, as shown in Figure 7-7 below where the density has been
plotted against pressure for the ADAMS calculations. The proportionality
constant can be found by comparison of plots. The density is calculated as
ρ arc = k ρ ⋅ p arc . Figure 7-8 shows that this relation gives rather good
agreement between the calculations, and no more work will be made on this
Arc model using power calculations
Arc model using power calculations
In Figure 7-10 below, the calculated harc from ADAMS and ATP are
compared. The agreement is not good, but because the total power depends
on many quantities, no more advanced approximations should be needed
for now. The agreement can be improved by, for instance, using a piece-
wise linear relation instead.
Arc model using power calculations
content in the arc. marc is then calculated as m arc = ρ arc ⋅ Varc , and the
derivation is performed numerically by ATP.
Arc model using power calculations
Arc model using power calculations
Arc model using power calculations
The arc model is rather easy to use. Only the proportionality constants for
the area and pressure must be estimated before simulation, and it is easily
done. Knowledge of previous test shots is required though, if the wear in
the circuit-breaker is to be taken into account.
Arc model using power calculations
Arc model using power calculations
7.4.2 Resistance
The calculated arc resistance for the test shot 670554 is plotted in Figure
7-20. It is showing a more oscillating behaviour after current zero than for
the other arc models. This is probably because the arc model is a stiff
system, which means all the quantities in the model equations are
calculated directly without any differential equations. If some of the
equations were differentiated, the oscillations could disappear. However,
the transition from a conductor to an insulator is clearly visible.
Because the model parameters can easily be calculated, the R0 and R500
values can be calculated and compared to the validation data. This
comparison is shown in Table 2 and Table 3. The values from the arc
Arc model using power calculations
model are larger than the ones from the measured data, but it means that
these values are on the right side of the breaking limit. The values for the
failed test shot are among the largest, though.
When plotted against arcing time, the values show almost the same pattern
as for the measurements, which means that the results are realistic. These
plots are found in Figure 7-21 and Figure 7-22.
Arc model using power calculations
The large values are probably caused by the peak of the arc voltage at
current zero being larger for the calculated data than for the measured. The
calculated current is also steeper than the measured at current zero, because
of a small difference in phase. This is illustrated in Figure 7-23, and could
be a reason for the large peak of the arc voltage.
Arc model using power calculations
The arc model could be developed further, with more advanced calculations
of the physical properties and more thorough investigations of model
constants. This could improve the results, so the model fails to interrupt the
current for the test shots when it is supposed to fail. The peak of the arc
voltage at current zero could become to fit the validation data better as
well, resulting in better calculations of R0 and R500. A better representation
of the current could also improve these calculations.
Overall conclusions and recommendations
The second arc model, KEMA, was also rather easy to implement, but it
requires an advanced derivative approximation to avoid numerical errors.
The arc voltage is calculated realistically, but R0 and R500 were impossible
to calculate and compare properly. Quite a lot of work has to be made on
the model parameters and requires knowledge of the test shots. Therefore,
this model is also difficult to use as a black-box model but could be useful
if the parameters were determined properly or calculated during the
The third arc model is a more physical model. The implementation was
rather hard, because different physical and geometrical properties had to be
approximated. However, the results are good and realistic values of R0 and
R500 are obtained. The model parameters are easy to calculate if the test
shots are simulated in order. A drawback was that the model considered the
test shot with a failed interruption as a successful. This could be improved
with more advanced approximations of the physical quantities.
The arc model based on power calculations is the best of the ones evaluated
in this thesis. It gives accurate results and can be used as a black-box
model. The KEMA arc model could also be useful but more work on
determining model parameters is needed.
8.2 Recommendations
Here is a list of recommendations and suggestions for following work.
• Investigate the effect of the test circuit on a breaking case and also the
arc models effect on the test circuit. This was one of the possible
problems to solve during the thesis, but there was not enough time for
Overall conclusions and recommendations
9 References
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10 Appendix
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